-- INTERNAL -- definitions of BUILD and game types for the Lunatic Interpreter local ffi = require("ffi") local ffiC = ffi.C --== First, load the definitions common to the game's and editor's Lua interface. decl = ffi.cdef local defs_c = require("defs_common") -- structs sector = defs_c.sector; wall = defs_c.wall; sprite = defs_c.sprite spriteext = defs_c.spriteext headspritesect = defs_c.headspritesect headspritestat = defs_c.headspritestat nextspritesect = defs_c.nextspritesect nextspritestat = defs_c.nextspritestat prevspritesect = defs_c.prevspritesect prevspritestat = defs_c.prevspritestat -- functions spritesofsect = defs_c.spritesofsect spritesofstat = defs_c.spritesofstat sectorsofbunch = defs_c.sectorsofbunch getbunch = defs_c.getbunch hitscan = defs_c.hitscan