//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "build.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "mmulti.h" #include "keys.h" #include "game.h" #include "tags.h" #include "names2.h" #include "net.h" #include "pal.h" #include "demo.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "text.h" #include "menus.h" /* SYNC BUG NOTES: 1. Look at Prediction code first when player movement is involved. If the prediction code changes any variable not in the Player or Players Sprite/User structure that effects movement then there will be a Out Of Sync problem. EXAMPLE: Prediction player was updating a sop->drive_oangvel making it invalid for movement. Look at DoPlayerBoatTurn for comment. 2. Changing movement variables in the draw code. Because the draw code is called at a variable rate this don't work. This includes using RANDOM_RANGE or RANDOM_P2 in the draw code. This updates the random seed variable and is only for movement code. Use STD_RANDOM_RANGE for draw code. 3. Plain old bugs such as using uninitialized local variables. */ //#undef MAXSYNCBYTES //#define MAXSYNCBYTES 16 uint8_t tempbuf[576], packbuf[576]; int PlayClock; extern SWBOOL PauseKeySet; extern char CommPlayerName[32]; gNET gNet; extern short PlayerQuitMenuLevel; #define TIMERUPDATESIZ 32 //SW_PACKET fsync; //Local multiplayer variables // should move this to a local scope of faketimerhandler - do it when able to test SW_PACKET loc; //SW_PACKET oloc; SWBOOL ready2send = 0; SWBOOL CommEnabled = FALSE; uint8_t CommPlayers = 0; int movefifoplc, movefifosendplc; //, movefifoend[MAX_SW_PLAYERS]; unsigned int MoveThingsCount; //int myminlag[MAX_SW_PLAYERS]; int mymaxlag, otherminlag, bufferjitter = 1; extern char sync_first[MAXSYNCBYTES][60]; extern int sync_found; // // Tic Duplication - so you can move multiple times per packet // typedef struct { int32_t vel; int32_t svel; int32_t angvel; int32_t aimvel; int32_t bits; } SW_AVERAGE_PACKET; int MovesPerPacket = 1; SW_AVERAGE_PACKET AveragePacket; // GAME.C sync state variables uint8_t syncstat[MAXSYNCBYTES]; //int syncvalhead[MAX_SW_PLAYERS]; int syncvaltail, syncvaltottail; void GetSyncInfoFromPacket(uint8_t* packbuf, int packbufleng, int *j, int otherconnectindex); // when you set totalclock to 0 also set this one int ototalclock; int smoothratio; int save_totalclock; // must start out as 0 SWBOOL GamePaused = FALSE; SWBOOL NetBroadcastMode = TRUE; SWBOOL NetModeOverride = FALSE; void netsendpacket(int ind, uint8_t* buf, int len) { uint8_t bbuf[sizeof(packbuf) + sizeof(PACKET_PROXY)]; PACKET_PROXYp prx = (PACKET_PROXYp)bbuf; int i; // send via master if in M/S mode and we are not the master, and the recipient is not the master and not ourselves if (!NetBroadcastMode && myconnectindex != connecthead && ind != myconnectindex && ind != connecthead) { if ((unsigned)len > sizeof(packbuf)) { buildprintf("netsendpacket(): packet length > %d!\n",(int)sizeof(packbuf)); len = sizeof(packbuf); } buildprintf("netsendpacket() sends proxy to %d\nPlayerIndex=%d Contents:",connecthead,ind); for (i=0; i<len; i++) buildprintf(" %02x", buf[i]); buildputs("\n"); prx->PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_PROXY; prx->PlayerIndex = (uint8_t)ind; memcpy(&prx[1], buf, len); // &prx[1] == (char*)prx + sizeof(PACKET_PROXY) len += sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); sendpacket(connecthead, bbuf, len); return; } sendpacket(ind, buf, len); buildprintf("netsendpacket() sends normal to %d\nContents:",ind); for (i=0; i<len; i++) buildprintf(" %02x", buf[i]); buildputs("\n"); } void netbroadcastpacket(uint8_t* buf, int len) { int i; uint8_t bbuf[sizeof(packbuf) + sizeof(PACKET_PROXY)]; PACKET_PROXYp prx = (PACKET_PROXYp)bbuf; // broadcast via master if in M/S mode and we are not the master if (!NetBroadcastMode && myconnectindex != connecthead) { if ((unsigned)len > sizeof(packbuf)) { buildprintf("netbroadcastpacket(): packet length > %d!\n",(int)sizeof(packbuf)); len = sizeof(packbuf); } buildprintf("netbroadcastpacket() sends proxy to %d\nPlayerIndex=255 Contents:",connecthead); for (i=0; i<len; i++) buildprintf(" %02x", buf[i]); buildputs("\n"); prx->PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_PROXY; prx->PlayerIndex = (uint8_t)(-1); memcpy(&prx[1], buf, len); len += sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); sendpacket(connecthead, bbuf, len); return; } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex) continue; sendpacket(i, buf, len); buildprintf("netsendpacket() sends normal to %d\n",i); } buildputs("Contents:"); for (i=0; i<len; i++) buildprintf(" %02x", buf[i]); buildputs("\n"); } int netgetpacket(int *ind, uint8_t* buf) { int i; int len; PACKET_PROXYp prx; len = getpacket(ind, buf); if ((unsigned)len < sizeof(PACKET_PROXY) || buf[0] != PACKET_TYPE_PROXY) { if (len > 0) { buildprintf("netgetpacket() gets normal from %d\nContents:",*ind); for (i=0; i<len; i++) buildprintf(" %02x", buf[i]); buildputs("\n"); } return len; } prx = (PACKET_PROXYp)buf; buildprintf("netgetpacket() got proxy from %d\nPlayerIndex=%d Contents:",*ind,prx->PlayerIndex); for (i=0; i<len-(int)sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); i++) buildprintf(" %02x", *(((char *)&prx[1])+i)); buildputs("\n"); if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { // I am the master if (prx->PlayerIndex == (uint8_t)(-1)) { // broadcast // Rewrite the player index to be the sender's connection number prx->PlayerIndex = (uint8_t)*ind; // Transmit to all the other players except ourselves and the sender for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex || i == *ind) continue; buildprintf("netgetpacket(): distributing to %d\n", i); sendpacket(i, buf, len); } // Return the packet payload to the caller len -= sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); memmove(buf, &prx[1], len); return len; } else { // proxy send to a specific player i = prx->PlayerIndex; // Rewrite the player index to be the sender's connection number prx->PlayerIndex = (uint8_t)*ind; // Transmit to the intended recipient if (i == myconnectindex) { len -= sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); memmove(buf, &prx[1], len); return len; } buildprintf("netgetpacket(): forwarding to %d\n", i); sendpacket(i, buf, len); return 0; // nothing for us to do } } else if (*ind == connecthead) { // I am a slave, and the proxy message came from the master *ind = prx->PlayerIndex; len -= sizeof(PACKET_PROXY); memmove(buf, &prx[1], len); return len; } else { buildprintf("netgetpacket(): Got a proxy message from %d instead of %d\n",*ind,connecthead); } return 0; } int EncodeBits(SW_PACKET *pak, SW_PACKET *old_pak, uint8_t* buf) { uint8_t* base_ptr = buf; unsigned i; // skipping the bits field sync test fake byte (Ed. Ken) *buf = 0; buf++; if (pak->vel != old_pak->vel) { *((short *)buf) = pak->vel; buf += sizeof(pak->vel); SET(*base_ptr, BIT(0)); } if (pak->svel != old_pak->svel) { *((short *)buf) = pak->svel; buf += sizeof(pak->svel); SET(*base_ptr, BIT(1)); } if (pak->angvel != old_pak->angvel) { *((char *)buf) = pak->angvel; buf += sizeof(pak->angvel); SET(*base_ptr, BIT(2)); } if (pak->aimvel != old_pak->aimvel) { *((char *)buf) = pak->aimvel; buf += sizeof(pak->aimvel); SET(*base_ptr, BIT(3)); } //won't work if > 4 bytes for (i = 0; i < sizeof(pak->bits); i++) { if (TEST(pak->bits ^ old_pak->bits, 0xff<<(i<<3))) { *buf = (pak->bits>>(i<<3)); buf++; SET(*base_ptr, BIT(i+4)); } } return buf - base_ptr; } int DecodeBits(SW_PACKET *pak, SW_PACKET *old_pak, uint8_t* buf) { uint8_t* base_ptr = buf; unsigned i; // skipping the bits field sync test fake byte (Ed. Ken) buf++; *pak = *old_pak; if (TEST(*base_ptr, BIT(0))) { pak->vel = *(short *)buf; buf += sizeof(pak->vel); } if (TEST(*base_ptr, BIT(1))) { pak->svel = *(short *)buf; buf += sizeof(pak->svel); } if (TEST(*base_ptr, BIT(2))) { pak->angvel = *(char *)buf; buf += sizeof(pak->angvel); } if (TEST(*base_ptr, BIT(3))) { pak->aimvel = *(char *)buf; buf += sizeof(pak->aimvel); } //won't work if > 4 bytes for (i = 0; i < sizeof(pak->bits); i++) { if (TEST(*base_ptr, BIT(i+4))) { RESET(pak->bits, 0xff<<(i<<3)); SET(pak->bits, ((int)(*buf))<<(i<<3)); buf++; } } return buf - base_ptr; } void PauseGame(void) { if (PauseKeySet) return; if (DemoPlaying || DemoRecording) return; if (GamePaused) return; if (numplayers < 2) GamePaused = TRUE; } void ResumeGame(void) { if (PauseKeySet) return; if (DemoPlaying || DemoRecording) return; if (numplayers < 2) GamePaused = FALSE; } void PauseAction(void) { ready2send = 0; save_totalclock = totalclock; } void ResumeAction(void) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = save_totalclock; } void SW_SendMessage(short pnum, char *text) { if (!CommEnabled) return; tempbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE; strcpy((char *)&tempbuf[1], text); netsendpacket(pnum, tempbuf, strlen(text) + 2); } void InitNetPlayerOptions(void) { short pnum; PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PACKET_OPTIONS p; // if you don't have a name :( if (!CommPlayerName[0]) sprintf(CommPlayerName, "PLAYER %d", myconnectindex + 1); Bstrupr(CommPlayerName); strcpy(pp->PlayerName, CommPlayerName); // myconnectindex palette pp->TeamColor = gs.NetColor; pp->SpriteP->pal = PALETTE_PLAYER0 + pp->TeamColor; User[pp->SpriteP - sprite]->spal = pp->SpriteP->pal; if (CommEnabled) { p.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_PLAYER_OPTIONS; p.AutoRun = gs.AutoRun; p.Color = gs.NetColor; strcpy(p.PlayerName, CommPlayerName); //TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { //if (pnum != myconnectindex) { //netsendpacket(pnum, (char *)(&p), sizeof(p)); netbroadcastpacket((uint8_t*)(&p), sizeof(p)); } } } } void SendMulitNameChange(char *new_name) { short pnum; PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PACKET_NAME_CHANGE p; if (!CommEnabled) return; Bstrupr(new_name); strcpy(pp->PlayerName, new_name); strcpy(CommPlayerName, new_name); SetRedrawScreen(pp); //TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { //if (pnum != myconnectindex) { p.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_NAME_CHANGE; strcpy(p.PlayerName, pp->PlayerName); //netsendpacket(pnum, (char *)(&p), sizeof(p)); netbroadcastpacket((uint8_t*)(&p), sizeof(p)); } } } void SendVersion(int version) { short pnum; PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PACKET_VERSION p; if (!CommEnabled) return; pp->PlayerVersion = version; //TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { //if (pnum != myconnectindex) { p.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_VERSION; p.Version = version; //netsendpacket(pnum, (char *)(&p), sizeof(p)); netbroadcastpacket((uint8_t*)(&p), sizeof(p)); } } } void CheckVersion(int GameVersion) { short pnum; PACKET_VERSION p; #define VERSION_MSG "You cannot play with different versions!" if (!CommEnabled) return; TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { if (pnum != myconnectindex) { if (GameVersion != Player[pnum].PlayerVersion) { buildprintf("CheckVersion(): player %d has version %d, expecting %d\n", pnum, Player[pnum].PlayerVersion, GameVersion); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); adduserquote(VERSION_MSG); if (!Player[pnum].PlayerVersion) { SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); SW_SendMessage(pnum, VERSION_MSG); } } } } } void Connect(void) { int players_found, i, yline; short other; if (CommEnabled) { #if 0 int x1, x2, y1, y2; int screensize = xdim; extern short BorderTest[]; // put up a tile x1 = (xdim >> 1) - (screensize >> 1); x2 = x1 + screensize - 1; y1 = ((ydim) >> 1) - (((screensize * (ydim)) / xdim) >> 1); y2 = y1 + ((screensize * (ydim)) / xdim) - 1; rotatespritetile(0L, 0L, BorderTest[gs.BorderTile], 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0); nextpage(); #endif screenpeek = myconnectindex; } //InitTimingVars(); // resettiming(); } int wfe_Clock; SWBOOL (*wfe_ExitCallback)(void); void waitforeverybody(void) { int i, size = 1; short other; if (!CommEnabled) return; buildprintf("waitforeverybody() #%d\n", Player[myconnectindex].playerreadyflag + 1); //tenDbLprintf(gTenLog, 3, "in w4e"); //tenDbFlushLog(gTenLog); tempbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_PLAYER_READY; #ifdef DEBUG tempbuf[1] = Player[myconnectindex].playerreadyflag + 1; size++; #endif if (!NetBroadcastMode && myconnectindex != connecthead) netsendpacket(connecthead, tempbuf, size); else netbroadcastpacket(tempbuf, size); #if 0 for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) { DSPRINTF(ds,"Ready packet sent to %d", i); DebugWriteString(ds); } } #endif //KEY_PRESSED(KEYSC_ESC) = FALSE; Player[myconnectindex].playerreadyflag++; while (TRUE) { if (PlayerQuitMenuLevel >= 0) { //DSPRINTF(ds,"%d, Player Quit Menu Level %d", myconnectindex, PlayerQuitMenuLevel); //DebugWriteString(ds); MenuCommPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitMenuLevel); PlayerQuitMenuLevel = -1; } handleevents(); getpackets(); if (quitevent || (wfe_ExitCallback && wfe_ExitCallback())) { // allow exit //if (KEY_PRESSED(KEYSC_ESC)) { short pnum; //TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { //if (pnum != myconnectindex) { tempbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_MENU_LEVEL_QUIT; //netsendpacket(pnum, tempbuf, 1); netbroadcastpacket(tempbuf, 1); } } TerminateGame(); exit(0); } } #if 0 for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { DSPRINTF(ds,"myindex %d, myready %d, Player %d, Ready %d", myconnectindex, Player[myconnectindex].playerreadyflag, i, Player[i].playerreadyflag); DebugWriteString(ds); } #endif for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (Player[i].playerreadyflag < Player[myconnectindex].playerreadyflag) break; if ((!NetBroadcastMode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) { i = -1; break; } //slaves in M/S mode only wait for master } if (i < 0) { return; } } } SWBOOL MyCommPlayerQuit(void) { PLAYERp pp; short i; short prev_player = 0; extern SWBOOL QuitFlag; short found = FALSE; short quit_player_index = 0; TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(Player + i, SK_QUIT_GAME)) { short pnum; found = TRUE; quit_player_index = i; if (i != myconnectindex) { sprintf(ds,"%s has quit the game.",Player[i].PlayerName); adduserquote(ds); } } } if (found) { TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i) { pp = Player + i; if (i == quit_player_index) { PLAYERp qpp = Player + quit_player_index; SET(qpp->SpriteP->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE); RESET(qpp->SpriteP->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK|CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_HITSCAN|CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_MISSILE); InitBloodSpray(qpp->PlayerSprite,TRUE,-2); InitBloodSpray(qpp->PlayerSprite,FALSE,-2); qpp->SpriteP->ang = NORM_ANGLE(qpp->SpriteP->ang + 1024); InitBloodSpray(qpp->PlayerSprite,FALSE,-1); InitBloodSpray(qpp->PlayerSprite,TRUE,-1); } // have to reorder the connect list if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(pp, SK_QUIT_GAME)) { prev_player = i; continue; } // if I get my own messages get out to DOS QUICKLY!!! if (i == myconnectindex) { QuitFlag = TRUE; ready2send = 0; return TRUE; } // for COOP mode if (screenpeek == i) { screenpeek = connectpoint2[i]; if (screenpeek < 0) screenpeek = connecthead; } DSPRINTF(ds,"MyCommPlayerQuit %d", quit_player_index); DebugWriteString(ds); if (i == connecthead) connecthead = connectpoint2[connecthead]; else connectpoint2[prev_player] = connectpoint2[i]; numplayers--; CommPlayers--; } } return FALSE; } SWBOOL MenuCommPlayerQuit(short quit_player) { PLAYERp pp; short i; short prev_player = 0; short pnum; // tell everyone else you left the game TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { if (pnum != quit_player) { sprintf(ds,"%s has quit the game.",Player[myconnectindex].PlayerName); SW_SendMessage(pnum, ds); } } TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i) { pp = Player + i; // have to reorder the connect list if (i != quit_player) { prev_player = i; continue; } // for COOP mode if (screenpeek == i) { screenpeek = connectpoint2[i]; if (screenpeek < 0) screenpeek = connecthead; } DSPRINTF(ds,"MenuPlayerQuit %d", quit_player); DebugWriteString(ds); if (i == connecthead) connecthead = connectpoint2[connecthead]; else connectpoint2[prev_player] = connectpoint2[i]; numplayers--; CommPlayers--; } return FALSE; } void ErrorCorrectionQuit(void) { int oldtotalclock; short i,j; if (CommPlayers > 1) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_SW_PLAYERS; j++) { oldtotalclock = totalclock; while (totalclock < oldtotalclock + synctics) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } tempbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_NULL_PACKET; netbroadcastpacket(tempbuf, 1); } } } void InitNetVars(void) { short pnum; PLAYERp pp; memset(&loc, 0, sizeof(loc)); TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { pp = Player + pnum; pp->movefifoend = 0; Player[pnum].syncvalhead = 0; memset(pp->inputfifo,0,sizeof(pp->inputfifo)); } movefifoplc = 0; movefifosendplc = 0; syncvaltail = 0; syncvaltottail = 0; predictmovefifoplc = 0; memset(&syncstat, 0, sizeof(syncstat)); syncstate = 0; memset(sync_first, 0, sizeof(sync_first)); sync_found = FALSE; TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { Player[pnum].myminlag = 0; } otherminlag = mymaxlag = 0; } void InitTimingVars(void) { PlayClock = 0; // resettiming(); totalsynctics = 0; totalclock = 0; ototalclock = 0; randomseed = 17L; MoveSkip8 = 2; MoveSkip2 = 0; MoveSkip4 = 1; // start slightly offset so these // don't move the same // as the Skip2's MoveThingsCount = 0; // CTW REMOVED //if (gTenActivated) // tenResetClock(); // CTW REMOVED END } void AddSyncInfoToPacket(int *j) { int sb; int count = 0; // sync testing while (Player[myconnectindex].syncvalhead != syncvaltail && count++ < 4) { for (sb = 0; sb < NumSyncBytes; sb++) packbuf[(*j)++] = Player[myconnectindex].syncval[syncvaltail & (SYNCFIFOSIZ - 1)][sb]; syncvaltail++; } } void faketimerhandler(void) { short other, packbufleng; int i, j, k, l; PLAYERp pp; short pnum; void getinput(SW_PACKET *); extern SWBOOL BotMode; #if 0 if (KEY_PRESSED(KEYSC_PERIOD)) { extern unsigned int MoveThingsCount; MoveThingsCount++; MoveThingsCount--; return; } #endif sampletimer(); if ((totalclock < ototalclock + synctics)) return; if (!ready2send) return; ototalclock += synctics; getpackets(); // TENSW: this way we are guaranteed that the most advanced player is no more // than 200 frames ahead of the most laggy. We're more healthy if the queue // doesn't overflow, that's for sure. if (Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - movefifoplc >= 100) return; getinput(&loc); AveragePacket.vel += loc.vel; AveragePacket.svel += loc.svel; AveragePacket.angvel += loc.angvel; AveragePacket.aimvel += loc.aimvel; SET(AveragePacket.bits, loc.bits); pp = Player + myconnectindex; if (pp->movefifoend & (MovesPerPacket-1)) { memcpy(&pp->inputfifo[pp->movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend-1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); pp->movefifoend++; return; } loc.vel = AveragePacket.vel / MovesPerPacket; loc.svel = AveragePacket.svel / MovesPerPacket; loc.angvel = AveragePacket.angvel / MovesPerPacket; loc.aimvel = AveragePacket.aimvel / MovesPerPacket; loc.bits = AveragePacket.bits; memset(&AveragePacket, 0, sizeof(AveragePacket)); pp->inputfifo[Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)] = loc; pp->movefifoend++; #if 0 // AI Bot stuff if (numplayers > 1) { if (gNet.MultiGameType == MULTI_GAME_AI_BOTS) { for (i=connecthead; i>=0; i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) { if (BotMode && Player[i].IsAI == 1) // Skip it if this player is not computer controlled! { computergetinput(i,&Player[i].inputfifo[Player[i].movefifoend&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]); Player[i].movefifoend++; } } } } } // AI Bot stuff #endif if (!CommEnabled) { TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i) { if (i != myconnectindex) { if (BotMode && Player[i].IsAI == 1) { computergetinput(i,&Player[i].inputfifo[Player[i].movefifoend&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]); } else memset(&Player[i].inputfifo[Player[i].movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], 0, sizeof(Player[i].inputfifo[0])); Player[i].movefifoend++; } } return; } TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i) { if (i != myconnectindex) { k = (Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) - Player[i].movefifoend; Player[i].myminlag = min(Player[i].myminlag, k); mymaxlag = max(mymaxlag, k); } } if (((Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0) { i = mymaxlag - bufferjitter; mymaxlag = 0; if (i > 0) bufferjitter += ((2 + i) >> 2); else if (i < 0) bufferjitter -= ((2 - i) >> 2); } if (NetBroadcastMode) { packbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST; j = 1; if (((Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0 /* CTW REMOVED && !gTenActivated */) { if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) packbuf[j++] = min(max(Player[i].myminlag, -128), 127); } else { i = Player[connecthead].myminlag - otherminlag; if (labs(i) > 2) { ////DSPRINTF(ds,"lag correction: %d,%d,%d",i,Player[connecthead].myminlag,otherminlag); //MONO_PRINT(ds); if (labs(i) > 8) { if (i < 0) i++; i >>= 1; } else { if (i < 0) i = -1; if (i > 0) i = 1; } totalclock -= synctics * i; otherminlag += i; } } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) Player[i].myminlag = 0x7fffffff; } pp = Player + myconnectindex; #if !BIT_CODEC memcpy(&packbuf[j], &pp->inputfifo[(Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else j += EncodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 2) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); #endif #if SYNC_TEST AddSyncInfoToPacket(&j); #endif netbroadcastpacket(packbuf, j); return; } // NetBroadcastMode // SLAVE CODE if (myconnectindex != connecthead) // I am the Slave { if (((Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0) { i = Player[connecthead].myminlag - otherminlag; if (labs(i) > 2) { if (labs(i) > 8) { if (i < 0) i++; i >>= 1; } else { if (i < 0) i = -1; if (i > 0) i = 1; } totalclock -= synctics * i; otherminlag += i; } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { Player[i].myminlag = 0x7fffffff; } } packbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_SLAVE_TO_MASTER; j = 1; pp = Player + myconnectindex; #if !BIT_CODEC memcpy(&packbuf[j], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else j += EncodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 2) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); #endif #if SYNC_TEST AddSyncInfoToPacket(&j); #endif netsendpacket(connecthead, packbuf, j); return; } // This allows packet-resends //for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) // { // if ( /* (!playerquitflag[i]) && */ (Player[i].movefifoend <= movefifosendplc)) // { // packbuf[0] = 127; // for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) // { // /* if (!playerquitflag[i]) */ sendpacket(i, packbuf, 1); // } // return; // } // } // I am MASTER... while (1) { for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (/* (!playerquitflag[i]) && */ (Player[i].movefifoend <= movefifosendplc)) return; } packbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_MASTER_TO_SLAVE; j = 1; // Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if ((movefifosendplc & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0) { for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { /* if (!playerquitflag[i]) */ packbuf[j++] = min(max(Player[i].myminlag, -128), 127); } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) Player[i].myminlag = 0x7fffffff; } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { /* if (playerquitflag[i]) continue; */ pp = Player + i; #if !BIT_CODEC memcpy(&packbuf[j], &pp->inputfifo[movefifosendplc & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else j += EncodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(movefifosendplc) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(movefifosendplc - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); #endif //pp->movefifoend++; } #if SYNC_TEST AddSyncInfoToPacket(&j); #endif for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) /* if (!playerquitflag[i])*/ { netsendpacket(i, packbuf, j); /* pp = Player + i; if (TEST(pp->inputfifo[movefifosendplc & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)].bits,QUITBIT) playerquitflag[i] = 1; */ } movefifosendplc += MovesPerPacket; } } void checkmasterslaveswitch(void) { } void getpackets(void) { int otherconnectindex, packbufleng; int i, j, k, l, fifoCheck, sb; PLAYERp pp; SW_PACKET tempinput; sampletimer(); if (!CommEnabled) return; while ((packbufleng = netgetpacket(&otherconnectindex, packbuf)) > 0) { switch (packbuf[0]) { case PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST: case SERVER_GENERATED_BROADCAST: ////DSPRINTF(ds,"Receive Broadcast %d, ready2send %d",otherconnectindex, ready2send); //MONO_PRINT(ds); //ASSERT(ready2send); //if (!ready2send) // break; j = 1; if ((Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0) { if (otherconnectindex == connecthead) { for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (int)((signed char) packbuf[j]); j++; } } } pp = Player + otherconnectindex; #if !BIT_CODEC memcpy(&pp->inputfifo[pp->movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else j += DecodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); #endif pp->movefifoend++; // Packet Duplication for (i = 1; i < MovesPerPacket; i++) { memcpy( &pp->inputfifo[pp->movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend-1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); pp->movefifoend++; } #if SYNC_TEST GetSyncInfoFromPacket(packbuf, packbufleng, &j, otherconnectindex); #endif //DSPRINTF(ds,"Receive packet size %d",j); //MONO_PRINT(ds); break; case PACKET_TYPE_MASTER_TO_SLAVE: // Here slave is receiving j = 1; if ((Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend & (TIMERUPDATESIZ - 1)) == 0) { for (i = connectpoint2[connecthead]; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { // if (playerquitflag[i]) continue; if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (int)((signed char) packbuf[j]); j++; } } for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { /* if (playerquitflag[i]) continue;) */ pp = Player + i; #if !BIT_CODEC if (i != myconnectindex) memcpy(&pp->inputfifo[pp->movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else if (i == myconnectindex) { j += DecodeBits(&tempinput, &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); } else { j += DecodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); } #endif pp->movefifoend++; } while (j != packbufleng) { for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) { for (sb = 0; sb < NumSyncBytes; sb++) { Player[i].syncval[Player[i].syncvalhead & (SYNCFIFOSIZ - 1)][sb] = packbuf[j + sb]; } Player[i].syncvalhead++; } } j += NumSyncBytes; } // #if SYNC_TEST //This doesn't work right in this case // GetSyncInfoFromPacket(packbufleng, &j, otherconnectindex); // #endif for (i=connecthead; i>=0; i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) for (j=1; j<MovesPerPacket; j++) { pp = Player + i; memcpy( &pp->inputfifo[pp->movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(pp->movefifoend-1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); pp->movefifoend++; } break; case PACKET_TYPE_SLAVE_TO_MASTER: // Here master is receiving pp = Player + otherconnectindex; j = 1; #if !BIT_CODEC memcpy(&pp->inputfifo[Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); j += sizeof(SW_PACKET); #else j += DecodeBits(&pp->inputfifo[(Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &packbuf[j]); #endif Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend++; #if SYNC_TEST GetSyncInfoFromPacket(packbuf, packbufleng, &j, otherconnectindex); #endif // Tic duping for (i = 1; i < MovesPerPacket; i++) { memcpy(&pp->inputfifo[(Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], &pp->inputfifo[(Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend - 1) & (MOVEFIFOSIZ - 1)], sizeof(SW_PACKET)); Player[otherconnectindex].movefifoend++; } break; case PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE: { PLAYERp tp = Player + myconnectindex; pp = Player + otherconnectindex; // retransmit if master and the message is not addressed to us if (!NetBroadcastMode && myconnectindex == connecthead && packbuf[1] != myconnectindex) { netsendpacket(packbuf[1], packbuf, packbufleng); break; } PlaySound(DIGI_PMESSAGE,&tp->posx,&tp->posy,&tp->posz,v3df_dontpan); memcpy(ds,&packbuf[3],packbufleng-3); ds[packbufleng-3] = 0; //sprintf(ds, "%s",&packbuf[3]); adduserquote(ds); break; } case PACKET_TYPE_RTS: { PACKET_RTSp p; p = (void *)&packbuf[0]; PlaySoundRTS(p->RTSnum); break; } case PACKET_TYPE_NEW_GAME: { extern SWBOOL NewGame, ShortGameMode, DemoInitOnce; PACKET_NEW_GAMEp p; extern short TimeLimitTable[]; pp = Player + otherconnectindex; // Dukes New Game Packet //level_number //volume_number //player_skill //monsters_off //respawn_monsters //respawn_items //respawn_inventory //coop //marker //friendlyfire //boardname p = (void *)&packbuf[0]; ready2send = 0; Level = p->Level; Skill = p->Skill; gNet.HurtTeammate = p->HurtTeammate; gNet.SpawnMarkers = p->SpawnMarkers; gNet.TeamPlay = p->TeamPlay; gNet.AutoAim = p->AutoAim; gNet.Nuke = p->Nuke; gNet.KillLimit = p->KillLimit*10; gNet.TimeLimit = TimeLimitTable[p->TimeLimit]*60*120; if (ShortGameMode) { gNet.KillLimit /= 10; gNet.TimeLimit /= 2; } gNet.TimeLimitClock = gNet.TimeLimit; gNet.MultiGameType = p->GameType+1; // settings for No Respawn Commbat mode if (gNet.MultiGameType == MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT_NO_RESPAWN) { gNet.MultiGameType = MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT; gNet.NoRespawn = TRUE; } else { gNet.NoRespawn = FALSE; } ExitLevel = TRUE; NewGame = TRUE; // restart demo for multi-play mode DemoInitOnce = FALSE; ResetMenuInput(); // send a dummy packet to see when it arrives //tempbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_DUMMY; //sendpacket(otherconnectindex, tempbuf, 1); ////DSPRINTF(ds,"Level %d, Skill %d, AutoAim %d",Level, Skill, gs.AutoAim); //MONO_PRINT(ds); break; } case PACKET_TYPE_DUMMY: ////DSPRINTF(ds,"Got Dummy Packet!!!"); //MONO_PRINT(ds); break; case PACKET_TYPE_VERSION: { PACKET_VERSIONp p; pp = Player + otherconnectindex; p = (void *)&packbuf[0]; //tenDbLprintf(gTenLog, 3, "rcv pid %d version %lx", (int) otherconnectindex, (int) p->Version); pp->PlayerVersion = p->Version; break; } case PACKET_TYPE_PLAYER_OPTIONS: { PACKET_OPTIONSp p; pp = Player + otherconnectindex; p = (void *)&packbuf[0]; // auto run if (p->AutoRun) SET(pp->Flags, PF_LOCK_RUN); else RESET(pp->Flags, PF_LOCK_RUN); // palette pp->TeamColor = p->Color; pp->SpriteP->pal = PALETTE_PLAYER0 + pp->TeamColor; User[pp->SpriteP - sprite]->spal = pp->SpriteP->pal; // names strcpy(pp->PlayerName, p->PlayerName); break; } case PACKET_TYPE_NAME_CHANGE: { PACKET_NAME_CHANGEp p; pp = Player + otherconnectindex; p = (void *)&packbuf[0]; // someone else has changed their name DSPRINTF(ds,"Recieved name: %s",p->PlayerName); MONO_PRINT(ds); strcpy(pp->PlayerName, p->PlayerName); //strcpy(CommPlayerName, p->PlayerName); SetRedrawScreen(Player+myconnectindex); break; } case PACKET_TYPE_MENU_LEVEL_QUIT: { PlayerQuitMenuLevel = otherconnectindex; break; } case PACKET_TYPE_PLAYER_READY: Player[otherconnectindex].playerreadyflag++; // It's important to return from getpackets() when a ready packet comes in and // you are inside waitforeverybody(). Otherwise multiple ready packets can come // in inside one waitforeverybody() which causes havoc if that w4e is protecting // an initialization step which (heh) for example resets the playerreadyflag count. return; //break; case PACKET_TYPE_DONT_USE: break; case PACKET_TYPE_NULL_PACKET: break; case PACKET_TYPE_PROXY: buildputs("getpackets(): nested proxy packets!?\n"); break; default: DSPRINTF(ds,"Packet type unknown %d",packbuf[0]); MONO_PRINT(ds); } } }