-- Display information about problematic wall ypannings, -- foreachmap module. local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local bit = require "bit" local print = print local pairs = pairs local rawget = rawget local setmetatable = setmetatable local B = require "build" module(...) local function printf(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, ...)) end local tile function init(arg) local artargend = nil for i=2,#arg do if (arg[i]=="--") then artargend = i break end end if (artargend==nil or artargend==0) then printf("Usage: luajit ./foreachmap.lua <tilesXXX.ART> [, ...] -- <filename1.map> ...\n") return 1 end local artfns = {} for i=2,artargend-1 do artfns[#artfns+1] = arg[i] end local i = 2 local j = artargend+1 while (arg[j]) do arg[i] = arg[j] arg[j] = nil i = i+1 j = j+1 end local tile_, errmsg = B.loadarts(artfns) if (tile_ == nil) then printf("%s", errmsg) return 2 end tile = tile_ -- set 'tile' file-scope var end local table_default0_mt = { __index = function(tab, idx) if (rawget(tab, idx)==nil) then return 0 end return rawget(tab, idx) end } local sector, wall, sprite function success(map, fn) -- set file-scope vars for convenience sector = map.sector wall = map.wall sprite = map.sprite -- counts of non-pow2 tiles, per tilenum local np2tile = setmetatable({}, table_default0_mt) -- walls/overwall indices with non-pow2 tiles, [walidx]=true local np2wall = {} -- [i]=wallidx local np2walls = {} local badoverpicnum = false for i=0,map.numsectors-1 do local startwall = sector[i].wallptr local endwall = startwall+sector[i].wallnum-1 for w=startwall,endwall do for n=1,2 do local pic, ysiz if (wall[w].nextwall < 0) then -- We don't care for white walls elseif (n==1) then pic = wall[w].picnum ysiz = tile.sizy[pic] else pic = wall[w].overpicnum if (pic < 0 or pic > 30720) then -- MAXTILES badoverpicnum = true else ysiz = tile.sizy[pic] if (bit.band(wall[w].cstat, 16+32)==0) then -- we don't care about non-masked/1-way walls ysiz = 0 end end end if (ysiz~=nil and ysiz > 0 and bit.band(ysiz, bit.bnot(ysiz-1))~=ysiz) then -- non-pow2 ysize np2tile[pic] = np2tile[pic]+1 if (not np2wall[w]) then np2wall[w] = true np2walls[#np2walls+1] = w end end end end end -- report our findings -- sort in wall index order table.sort(np2walls) printf("--- %s:", fn) --[[ printf(" Walls:") for i=1,#np2walls do printf(" %d", np2walls[i]) end printf("") --]] printf(" %d red walls with non-pow2 ysize tiles", #np2walls) if (badoverpicnum) then printf(" (some red walls have out-of-bounds overpicnums)") end local np2tiles = {} for tilenum,_ in pairs(np2tile) do np2tiles[#np2tiles+1] = tilenum end table.sort(np2tiles) printf(" Tiles:") for i=1,#np2tiles do printf(" %d", np2tiles[i]) end printf("") end