//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Raze Raze is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "build.h" #include "blood.h" #include "files.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS static void (*seqClientCallback[])(int, DBloodActor*) = { FireballSeqCallback, Fx33Callback, NapalmSeqCallback, Fx32Callback, TreeToGibCallback, DudeToGibCallback1, DudeToGibCallback2, batBiteSeqCallback, SlashSeqCallback, StompSeqCallback, eelBiteSeqCallback, BurnSeqCallback, SeqAttackCallback, cerberusBiteSeqCallback, cerberusBurnSeqCallback, cerberusBurnSeqCallback2, TommySeqCallback, TeslaSeqCallback, ShotSeqCallback, cultThrowSeqCallback, sub_68170, sub_68230, SlashFSeqCallback, ThrowFSeqCallback, ThrowSSeqCallback, BlastSSeqCallback, ghostSlashSeqCallback, ghostThrowSeqCallback, ghostBlastSeqCallback, GillBiteSeqCallback, HandJumpSeqCallback, houndBiteSeqCallback, houndBurnSeqCallback, podAttack, sub_70284, sub_6FF08, sub_6FF54, ratBiteSeqCallback, SpidBiteSeqCallback, SpidJumpSeqCallback, SpidBirthSeqCallback, sub_71BD4, sub_720AC, sub_71A90, genDudeAttack1, punchCallback, ThrowCallback1, ThrowCallback2, HackSeqCallback, StandSeqCallback, zombfHackSeqCallback, PukeSeqCallback, ThrowSeqCallback, PlayerSurvive, PlayerKneelsOver, FireballTrapSeqCallback, MGunFireSeqCallback, MGunOpenSeqCallback, }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Seq::Precache(int palette) { if (memcmp(signature, "SEQ\x1a", 4) != 0) I_Error("Invalid sequence"); if ((version & 0xff00) != 0x300) I_Error("Obsolete sequence version"); for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; i++) tilePrecacheTile(seqGetTile(&frames[i]), -1, palette); } void seqPrecacheId(int id, int palette) { auto pSeq = getSequence(id); if (pSeq) pSeq->Precache(palette); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateCeiling(int nXSector, SEQFRAME* pFrame) { assert(nXSector > 0 && nXSector < kMaxXSectors); int nSector = xsector[nXSector].reference; assert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors); sectortype* pSector = §or[nSector]; assert(pSector->extra == nXSector); pSector->ceilingpicnum = seqGetTile(pFrame); pSector->ceilingshade = pFrame->shade; if (pFrame->palette) pSector->ceilingpal = pFrame->palette; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateFloor(int nXSector, SEQFRAME* pFrame) { assert(nXSector > 0 && nXSector < kMaxXSectors); int nSector = xsector[nXSector].reference; assert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors); sectortype* pSector = §or[nSector]; assert(pSector->extra == nXSector); pSector->floorpicnum = seqGetTile(pFrame); pSector->floorshade = pFrame->shade; if (pFrame->palette) pSector->floorpal = pFrame->palette; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateWall(int nXWall, SEQFRAME* pFrame) { assert(nXWall > 0 && nXWall < kMaxXWalls); int nWall = xwall[nXWall].reference; assert(nWall >= 0 && nWall < kMaxWalls); walltype* pWall = &wall[nWall]; assert(pWall->extra == nXWall); pWall->picnum = seqGetTile(pFrame); if (pFrame->palette) pWall->pal = pFrame->palette; if (pFrame->transparent) pWall->cstat |= 128; else pWall->cstat &= ~128; if (pFrame->transparent2) pWall->cstat |= 512; else pWall->cstat &= ~512; if (pFrame->blockable) pWall->cstat |= 1; else pWall->cstat &= ~1; if (pFrame->hittable) pWall->cstat |= 64; else pWall->cstat &= ~64; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateMasked(int nXWall, SEQFRAME* pFrame) { assert(nXWall > 0 && nXWall < kMaxXWalls); int nWall = xwall[nXWall].reference; assert(nWall >= 0 && nWall < kMaxWalls); walltype* pWall = &wall[nWall]; assert(pWall->extra == nXWall); assert(pWall->nextwall >= 0); walltype* pWallNext = &wall[pWall->nextwall]; pWall->overpicnum = pWallNext->overpicnum = seqGetTile(pFrame); if (pFrame->palette) pWall->pal = pWallNext->pal = pFrame->palette; if (pFrame->transparent) { pWall->cstat |= 128; pWallNext->cstat |= 128; } else { pWall->cstat &= ~128; pWallNext->cstat &= ~128; } if (pFrame->transparent2) { pWall->cstat |= 512; pWallNext->cstat |= 512; } else { pWall->cstat &= ~512; pWallNext->cstat &= ~512; } if (pFrame->blockable) { pWall->cstat |= 1; pWallNext->cstat |= 1; } else { pWall->cstat &= ~1; pWallNext->cstat &= ~1; } if (pFrame->hittable) { pWall->cstat |= 64; pWallNext->cstat |= 64; } else { pWall->cstat &= ~64; pWallNext->cstat &= ~64; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateSprite(int nXSprite, SEQFRAME* pFrame) { assert(nXSprite > 0 && nXSprite < kMaxXSprites); int nSprite = xsprite[nXSprite].reference; assert(nSprite >= 0 && nSprite < kMaxSprites); spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[nSprite]; assert(pSprite->extra == nXSprite); if (pSprite->flags & 2) { if (tileHeight(pSprite->picnum) != tileHeight(seqGetTile(pFrame)) || tileTopOffset(pSprite->picnum) != tileTopOffset(seqGetTile(pFrame)) || (pFrame->yrepeat && pFrame->yrepeat != pSprite->yrepeat)) pSprite->flags |= 4; } pSprite->picnum = seqGetTile(pFrame); if (pFrame->palette) pSprite->pal = pFrame->palette; pSprite->shade = pFrame->shade; int scale = xsprite[nXSprite].scale; // SEQ size scaling if (pFrame->xrepeat) { if (scale) pSprite->xrepeat = ClipRange(MulScale(pFrame->xrepeat, scale, 8), 0, 255); else pSprite->xrepeat = pFrame->xrepeat; } if (pFrame->yrepeat) { if (scale) pSprite->yrepeat = ClipRange(MulScale(pFrame->yrepeat, scale, 8), 0, 255); else pSprite->yrepeat = pFrame->yrepeat; } if (pFrame->transparent) pSprite->cstat |= 2; else pSprite->cstat &= ~2; if (pFrame->transparent2) pSprite->cstat |= 512; else pSprite->cstat &= ~512; if (pFrame->blockable) pSprite->cstat |= 1; else pSprite->cstat &= ~1; if (pFrame->hittable) pSprite->cstat |= 256; else pSprite->cstat &= ~256; if (pFrame->invisible) pSprite->cstat |= 32768; else pSprite->cstat &= (unsigned short)~32768; if (pFrame->pushable) pSprite->cstat |= 4096; else pSprite->cstat &= ~4096; if (pFrame->smoke) pSprite->flags |= 256; else pSprite->flags &= ~256; if (pFrame->aiming) pSprite->flags |= 8; else pSprite->flags &= ~8; if (pFrame->flipx) pSprite->flags |= 1024; else pSprite->flags &= ~1024; if (pFrame->flipy) pSprite->flags |= 2048; else pSprite->flags &= ~2048; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SEQINST::Update() { assert(frameIndex < pSequence->nFrames); switch (type) { case 0: UpdateWall(index, &pSequence->frames[frameIndex]); break; case 1: UpdateCeiling(index, &pSequence->frames[frameIndex]); break; case 2: UpdateFloor(index, &pSequence->frames[frameIndex]); break; case 3: { UpdateSprite(index, &pSequence->frames[frameIndex]); if (pSequence->frames[frameIndex].playsound) { int sound = pSequence->soundId; // by NoOne: add random sound range feature if (!VanillaMode() && pSequence->frames[frameIndex].soundRange > 0) sound += Random(((pSequence->frames[frameIndex].soundRange == 1) ? 2 : pSequence->frames[frameIndex].soundRange)); sfxPlay3DSound(&sprite[xsprite[index].reference], sound, -1, 0); } // by NoOne: add surfaceSound trigger feature spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[xsprite[index].reference]; if (!VanillaMode() && pSequence->frames[frameIndex].surfaceSound && zvel[pSprite->index] == 0 && xvel[pSprite->index] != 0) { if (gUpperLink[pSprite->sectnum] >= 0) break; // don't play surface sound for stacked sectors int surf = tileGetSurfType(pSprite->sectnum + 0x4000); if (!surf) break; static int surfSfxMove[15][4] = { /* {snd1, snd2, gameVolume, myVolume} */ {800,801,80,25}, {802,803,80,25}, {804,805,80,25}, {806,807,80,25}, {808,809,80,25}, {810,811,80,25}, {812,813,80,25}, {814,815,80,25}, {816,817,80,25}, {818,819,80,25}, {820,821,80,25}, {822,823,80,25}, {824,825,80,25}, {826,827,80,25}, {828,829,80,25}, }; int sndId = surfSfxMove[surf][Random(2)]; auto snd = soundEngine->FindSoundByResID(sndId); if (snd > 0) { auto udata = soundEngine->GetUserData(snd); int relVol = udata ? udata[2] : 255; sfxPlay3DSoundCP(pSprite, sndId, -1, 0, 0, (surfSfxMove[surf][2] != relVol) ? relVol : surfSfxMove[surf][3]); } } break; } case 4: UpdateMasked(index, &pSequence->frames[frameIndex]); break; } // all seq callbacks are for sprites, but there's no sanity checks here that what gets passed is meant to be for a sprite... if (pSequence->frames[frameIndex].trigger && callback != -1) { assert(type == 3); seqClientCallback[callback](type, &bloodActors[xsprite[index].reference]); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ActiveList { TArray list; void clear() { list.Clear(); } int getSize() { return list.Size(); } SEQINST* getInst(int num) { return &list[num]; } int getIndex(int num) { return list[num].index; } int getType(int num) { return list[num].type; } void remove(int num) { list[num] = list.Last(); list.Pop(); } SEQINST* getNew() { list.Reserve(1); return &list.Last(); } SEQINST* get(int type, int index) { for (auto& n : list) { if (n.type == type && n.index == index) return &n; } return nullptr; } void remove(int type, int index) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.Size(); i++) { auto& n = list[i]; if (n.type == type && n.index == index) { remove(i); return; } } } }; static ActiveList activeList; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEQINST* GetInstance(int type, int nXIndex) { return activeList.get(type, nXIndex); } SEQINST* GetInstance(DBloodActor* actor) { return activeList.get(SS_SPRITE, actor->s().extra); } int seqGetStatus(DBloodActor* actor) { return seqGetStatus(SS_SPRITE, actor->s().extra); } void seqKill(int type, int nXIndex) { activeList.remove(type, nXIndex); } void seqKillAll() { activeList.clear(); } void seqKill(DBloodActor* actor) { activeList.remove(SS_SPRITE, actor->s().extra); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ByteSwapSEQ(Seq* pSeq) { #if 1//B_BIG_ENDIAN == 1 pSeq->version = LittleShort(pSeq->version); pSeq->nFrames = LittleShort(pSeq->nFrames); pSeq->ticksPerFrame = LittleShort(pSeq->ticksPerFrame); pSeq->soundId = LittleShort(pSeq->soundId); pSeq->flags = LittleLong(pSeq->flags); for (int i = 0; i < pSeq->nFrames; i++) { SEQFRAME* pFrame = &pSeq->frames[i]; BitReader bitReader((char*)pFrame, sizeof(SEQFRAME)); SEQFRAME swapFrame; swapFrame.tile = bitReader.readUnsigned(12); swapFrame.transparent = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.transparent2 = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.blockable = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.hittable = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.xrepeat = bitReader.readUnsigned(8); swapFrame.yrepeat = bitReader.readUnsigned(8); swapFrame.shade = bitReader.readSigned(8); swapFrame.palette = bitReader.readUnsigned(5); swapFrame.trigger = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.smoke = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.aiming = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.pushable = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.playsound = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.invisible = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.flipx = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.flipy = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.tile2 = bitReader.readUnsigned(4); swapFrame.soundRange = bitReader.readUnsigned(4); swapFrame.surfaceSound = bitReader.readBit(); swapFrame.reserved = bitReader.readUnsigned(2); *pFrame = swapFrame; } #endif } FMemArena seqcache; static TMap sequences; Seq* getSequence(int res_id) { auto p = sequences.CheckKey(res_id); if (p != nullptr) return *p; int index = fileSystem.FindResource(res_id, "SEQ"); if (index < 0) { return nullptr; } auto fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(index); auto seqdata = (Seq*)seqcache.Alloc(fr.GetLength()); fr.Read(seqdata, fr.GetLength()); sequences.Insert(res_id, seqdata); ByteSwapSEQ(seqdata); return seqdata; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void seqSpawn(int nSeqID, int type, int nXIndex, int callback) { Seq* pSequence = getSequence(nSeqID); if (pSequence == nullptr) return; SEQINST* pInst = activeList.get(type, nXIndex); if (!pInst) { pInst = activeList.getNew(); } else { // already playing this sequence? if (pInst->nSeqID == nSeqID) return; } pInst->pSequence = pSequence; pInst->nSeqID = nSeqID; pInst->callback = callback; pInst->timeCounter = (short)pSequence->ticksPerFrame; pInst->frameIndex = 0; pInst->type = type; pInst->index = nXIndex; pInst->Update(); } void seqSpawn(int a1, DBloodActor* actor, int a4) { seqSpawn(a1, 3, actor->s().extra, a4); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int seqGetStatus(int type, int nXIndex) { SEQINST* pInst = activeList.get(type, nXIndex); if (pInst) return pInst->frameIndex; return -1; } int seqGetID(int type, int nXIndex) { SEQINST* pInst = activeList.get(type, nXIndex); if (pInst) return pInst->nSeqID; return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void seqProcess(int nTicks) { for (int i = 0; i < activeList.getSize(); i++) { SEQINST* pInst = activeList.getInst(i); Seq* pSeq = pInst->pSequence; int index = pInst->index; assert(pInst->frameIndex < pSeq->nFrames); pInst->timeCounter -= nTicks; while (pInst->timeCounter < 0) { pInst->timeCounter += pSeq->ticksPerFrame; ++pInst->frameIndex; if (pInst->frameIndex == pSeq->nFrames) { if (!pSeq->isLooping()) { if (pSeq->isRemovable()) { if (pInst->type == SS_SPRITE) { short nSprite = (short)xsprite[index].reference; assert(nSprite >= 0 && nSprite < kMaxSprites); evKill(nSprite, SS_SPRITE); if ((sprite[nSprite].hitag & kAttrRespawn) != 0 && (sprite[nSprite].inittype >= kDudeBase && sprite[nSprite].inittype < kDudeMax)) evPost(nSprite, 3, gGameOptions.nMonsterRespawnTime, kCallbackRespawn); else deletesprite(nSprite); // safe to not use actPostSprite here } if (pInst->type == SS_MASKED) { int nWall = xwall[index].reference; assert(nWall >= 0 && nWall < kMaxWalls); wall[nWall].cstat &= ~(8 + 16 + 32); if (wall[nWall].nextwall != -1) wall[wall[nWall].nextwall].cstat &= ~(8 + 16 + 32); } } // remove it from the active list activeList.remove(i--); break; } else pInst->frameIndex = 0; } pInst->Update(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, SEQINST& w, SEQINST* def) { if (arc.BeginObject(keyname)) { arc("index", w.index) ("type", w.type) ("callback", w.callback) ("seqid", w.nSeqID) ("timecounter", w.timeCounter) ("frameindex", w.frameIndex) .EndObject(); } return arc; } void SerializeSequences(FSerializer& arc) { arc("sequences", activeList.list); if (arc.isReading()) for (unsigned i = 0; i < activeList.list.Size(); i++) { activeList.list[i].pSequence = getSequence(activeList.list[i].nSeqID); } } END_BLD_NS