//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Raze Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SW native { const MAX_INVENTORY = 7; const MAX_WEAPONS = 14; enum ESWSoundFlag { v3df_none = 0, // Default, take no action, use all defaults v3df_follow = 1, // 1 = Do coordinate updates on sound // Use this only if the sprite won't be deleted soon v3df_kill = 2, // 1 = Sound is to be deleted v3df_doppler = 4, // 1 = Don't use doppler pitch variance v3df_dontpan = 8, // 1 = Don't do panning of sound v3df_ambient = 16, // 1 = Sound is ambient, use ambient struct info. v3df_intermit = 32, // 1 = Intermittant sound v3df_init = 64, // 1 = First pass of sound, don't play it. // This is mainly used for intermittent sounds v3df_nolookup = 128, // don't use ambient table lookup } enum EWeaponAndDamage { WPN_FIST, WPN_STAR, WPN_SHOTGUN, WPN_UZI, WPN_MICRO, WPN_GRENADE, WPN_MINE, WPN_RAIL, WPN_HOTHEAD, WPN_HEART, WPN_NAPALM, WPN_RING, WPN_ROCKET, WPN_SWORD, // extra weapons connected to other // spell DMG_NAPALM, DMG_MIRV_METEOR, DMG_SERP_METEOR, // radius damage DMG_ELECTRO_SHARD, DMG_SECTOR_EXP, DMG_BOLT_EXP, DMG_TANK_SHELL_EXP, DMG_FIREBALL_EXP, DMG_NAPALM_EXP, DMG_SKULL_EXP, DMG_BASIC_EXP, DMG_GRENADE_EXP, DMG_MINE_EXP, DMG_MINE_SHRAP, DMG_MICRO_EXP, DMG_NUCLEAR_EXP, DMG_RADIATION_CLOUD, DMG_FLASHBOMB, DMG_FIREBALL_FLAMES, // actor DMG_RIPPER_SLASH, DMG_SKEL_SLASH, DMG_COOLG_BASH, DMG_COOLG_FIRE, DMG_GORO_CHOP, DMG_GORO_FIREBALL, DMG_SERP_SLASH, DMG_LAVA_BOULDER, DMG_LAVA_SHARD, DMG_HORNET_STING, DMG_EEL_ELECTRO, // misc DMG_SPEAR_TRAP, DMG_VOMIT, // inanimate objects DMG_BLADE, } enum EInvFlags { INVF_AUTO_USE = 1, INVF_TIMED = 2, INVF_COUNT = 4 } native static void PlaySound(int sound, int flags, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, int cflags = 0); native static void StopSound(); native static bool IsSoundPlaying(int channel); // soundEngine.IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_None, nullptr, CHAN_VOICE)) native static void PlaySong(int trackid); native static int WeaponMaxAmmo(int weap); native static int InventoryFlags(int inv); native static SWPlayer GetViewPlayer(); native static int RealWeapon(int wp); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DrawString(int x, int y, String text, int shade, int pal, int align = -1) { if (align != -1) x -= SmallFont.StringWidth(text) * (align == 0 ? 0.5 : 1); Screen.DrawText(SmallFont, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, x, y, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Color, Raze.shadeToLight(shade), DTA_TranslationIndex, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal)); } } struct SWPlayer native { // variable that fit in the sprite or user structure /* union { struct { int32_t posx, posy, posz; }; vec3_t pos; }; */ // holds last valid move position //int16 lv_sectnum; //int lv_x,lv_y,lv_z; // can't do the pointers yet. /* SPRITEp remote_sprite; REMOTE_CONTROL remote; SECTOR_OBJECTp sop_remote; SECTOR_OBJECTp sop; // will either be sop_remote or sop_control SECTORp hi_sectp, lo_sectp; SPRITEp hi_sp, lo_sp; SPRITEp last_camera_sp; PlayerHorizon horizon; PlayerAngle angle; double RevolveAng; // under vars are for wading and swimming //int16 PlayerSprite, PlayerUnderSprite; SPRITEp SpriteP, UnderSpriteP; PLAYER_ACTION_FUNCp DoPlayerAction; ESyncBits KeyPressBits; SECTOR_OBJECTp sop_control; // sector object pointer SECTOR_OBJECTp sop_riding; // sector object pointer struct { PANEL_SPRITEp Next, Prev; } PanelSpriteList; PANEL_SPRITEp CurWpn; PANEL_SPRITEp Wpn[SW.MAX_WEAPONS]; PANEL_SPRITEp Chops; */ native voidptr sop_remote; // the status bar needs to check this - remove once the underlying type can be supported. native int jump_count, jump_speed; // jumping native double z_speed; native int climb_ndx; native double hiz,loz; native double p_ceiling_dist,p_floor_dist; native int circle_camera_dist; native double siang; native int friction; native int16 slide_ang; native int slide_dec; native float drive_avel; native double circle_camera_ang; native int16 camera_check_time_delay; //native int /*cursectnum,*/lastcursectnum; // variables that do not fit into sprite structure native int16 recoil_amt; native int16 recoil_speed; native int16 recoil_ndx; native int recoil_horizoff; native double RevolveDeltaAng; native int16 pnum; // carry along the player number //native int16 LadderSector; native int16 JumpDuration; native int16 WadeDepth; native double pbob_amt; native int16 bob_ndx; native int16 bcnt; // bob count native double bob_z, obob_z; // must start out as 0 native int playerreadyflag; native int Flags, Flags2; // Key stuff native uint8 HasKey[8]; // Weapon stuff native int16 SwordAng; native int WpnGotOnceFlags; // for no respawn mode where weapons are allowed grabbed only once native int WpnFlags; native int16 WpnAmmo[SW.MAX_WEAPONS]; native int16 WpnNum; native uint8 WpnRocketType; // rocket type native uint8 WpnRocketHeat; // 5 to 0 range native uint8 WpnRocketNuke; // 1, you have it, or you don't native uint8 WpnFlameType; // Guardian weapons fire native uint8 WpnFirstType; // First weapon type - Sword/Shuriken native uint8 WeaponType; // for weapons with secondary functions native int16 FirePause; // for sector objects - limits rapid firing // // Inventory Vars // native int16 InventoryNum; native int16 InventoryBarTics; native int16 InventoryTics[SW.MAX_INVENTORY]; native int16 InventoryPercent[SW.MAX_INVENTORY]; native int8 InventoryAmount[SW.MAX_INVENTORY]; native bool InventoryActive[SW.MAX_INVENTORY]; native int16 DiveTics; native int16 DiveDamageTics; // Death stuff native uint16 DeathType; native int16 Kills; //native int16 Killer; //who killed me //native int16 KilledPlayer[MAX_SW_PLAYERS_REG]; native int16 SecretsFound; // Health native int16 Armor; native int16 MaxHealth; //char RocketBarrel; native uint8 UziShellLeftAlt; native uint8 UziShellRightAlt; native uint8 TeamColor; // used in team play and also used in regular mulit-play for show // palette fading up and down for player hit and get items native int16 FadeTics; // Tics between each fade cycle native int16 FadeAmt; // Current intensity of fade native bool NightVision; // Is player's night vision active? native uint8 StartColor; // Darkest color in color range being used //native int16 electro[64]; native bool IsAI; // Is this and AI character? native int16 fta,ftq; // First time active and first time quote, for talking in multiplayer games native int16 NumFootPrints; // Number of foot prints left to lay down native uint8 WpnUziType; // Toggle between single or double uzi's if you own 2. native uint8 WpnShotgunType; // Shotgun has normal or fully automatic fire native uint8 WpnShotgunAuto; // 50-0 automatic shotgun rounds native uint8 WpnShotgunLastShell; // Number of last shell fired native uint8 WpnRailType; // Normal Rail Gun or EMP Burst Mode native bool Bloody; // Is player gooey from the slaughter? native bool InitingNuke; native bool TestNukeInit; native bool NukeInitialized; // Nuke already has counted down native int16 FistAng; // KungFu attack angle native uint8 WpnKungFuMove; // KungFu special moves //native int16 HitBy; // SpriteNum of whatever player was last hit by native int16 Reverb; // Player's current reverb setting native int16 Heads; // Number of Accursed Heads orbiting player native int PlayerVersion; native uint8 WpnReloadState; native int WeaponNum(); native int GetBuildAngle(); native int Health(); native int MaxUserHealth(); } struct SWSnd native { enum ESounds { DIGI_NULL= 0, DIGI_SWORDSWOOSH= 1, DIGI_STAR= 2, DIGI_STARCLINK= 3, DIGI_STARWIZ= 4, DIGI_UZIFIRE= 5, DIGI_RICHOCHET1= 6, DIGI_RICHOCHET2= 7, DIGI_REMOVECLIP= 8, DIGI_REPLACECLIP= 9, DIGI_SHELL= 10, DIGI_RIOTFIRE= 11, DIGI_RIOTFIRE2= 12, DIGI_RIOTRELOAD= 13, DIGI_BOLTEXPLODE= 14, DIGI_BOLTWIZ= 15, DIGI_30MMFIRE= 16, DIGI_30MMRELOAD= 17, DIGI_30MMEXPLODE= 18, DIGI_30MMWIZ= 19, DIGI_HEADFIRE= 20, DIGI_HEADSHOTWIZ= 21, DIGI_HEADSHOTHIT= 22, DIGI_MINETHROW= 23, DIGI_MINEBOUNCE= 24, DIGI_MINEBLOW= 25, DIGI_MINEBEEP= 26, DIGI_HEARTBEAT= 27, DIGI_HEARTFIRE= 28, DIGI_HEARTWIZ= 29, DIGI_MISSLFIRE= 30, DIGI_MISSLEXP= 31, DIGI_RFWIZ= 32, DIGI_NAPFIRE= 33, DIGI_NAPWIZ= 34, DIGI_NAPPUFF= 35, DIGI_MIRVFIRE= 36, DIGI_MIRVWIZ= 37, DIGI_SPIRALFIRE= 38, DIGI_SPIRALWIZ= 39, DIGI_MAGIC1= 40, DIGI_MAGIC2= 41, DIGI_MAGIC3= 42, DIGI_MAGIC4= 43, DIGI_MAGIC5= 44, DIGI_MAGIC6= 45, DIGI_MAGIC7= 46, DIGI_SWCLOAKUNCLOAK= 47, DIGI_DHVOMIT= 48, DIGI_DHCLUNK= 49, DIGI_DHSQUISH= 50, DIGI_NULL_DHSQUISH= 50, DIGI_PROJECTILELAVAHIT=51, DIGI_PROJECTILEWATERHIT=52, DIGI_KEY= 53, DIGI_ITEM= 54, DIGI_BIGITEM= 55, DIGI_BODYFALL1= 56, DIGI_HITGROUND= 57, DIGI_BODYSQUISH1= 58, DIGI_BODYBURN= 59, DIGI_BODYBURNSCREAM= 60, DIGI_BODYCRUSHED1= 61, DIGI_BODYHACKED1= 62, DIGI_BODYSINGED= 63, DIGI_DROWN= 64, DIGI_SCREAM1= 65, DIGI_SCREAM2= 66, DIGI_SCREAM3= 67, DIGI_HIT1= 68, DIGI_ELECTRICUTE1= 69, DIGI_REMOVEME= 70, DIGI_IMPALED= 71, DIGI_OOF1= 72, DIGI_ACTORBODYFALL1= 73, IGI_ACTORHITGROUND= 74, DIGI_COOLIEEXPLODE= 75, DIGI_COOLIESCREAM= 76, DIGI_COOLIEALERT= 77, DIGI_COOLIEAMBIENT= 78, DIGI_COOLIEPAIN= 79, DIGI_CGMATERIALIZE= 80, DIGI_CGALERT= 81, DIGI_CGTHIGHBONE= 82, DIGI_CGAMBIENT= 83, DIGI_CGPAIN= 84, DIGI_CGMAGIC= 85, DIGI_CGMAGICHIT= 86, DIGI_CGSCREAM= 87, DIGI_NINJAAMBIENT= 88, DIGI_NINJASTAR= 89, DIGI_NINJAPAIN= 90, DIGI_NINJASCREAM= 91, DIGI_NINJAALERT= 92, DIGI_NINJAUZIATTACK= 93, DIGI_NINJARIOTATTACK= 94, DIGI_RIPPERAMBIENT= 95, DIGI_RIPPERALERT= 96, DIGI_RIPPERATTACK= 97, DIGI_RIPPERPAIN= 98, DIGI_RIPPERSCREAM= 99, DIGI_RIPPERHEARTOUT= 100, DIGI_GRDAMBIENT= 101, DIGI_GRDALERT= 102, DIGI_GRDPAIN= 103, DIGI_GRDSCREAM= 104, DIGI_GRDFIREBALL= 105, DIGI_GRDSWINGAXE= 106, DIGI_GRDAXEHIT= 107, DIGI_SPAMBIENT= 108, DIGI_SPALERT= 109, DIGI_SPPAIN= 110, DIGI_SPSCREAM= 111, DIGI_SPBLADE= 112, DIGI_SPELEC= 113, DIGI_SPTELEPORT= 114, DIGI_AHAMBIENT= 115, DIGI_AHSCREAM= 116, DIGI_AHEXPLODE= 117, DIGI_AHSWOOSH= 118, DIGI_HORNETBUZZ= 119, DIGI_HORNETSTING= 120, DIGI_HORNETPAIN= 121, DIGI_HORNETDEATH= 122, DIGI_SERPAMBIENT= 123, DIGI_SERPALERT= 124, DIGI_SERPPAIN= 125, DIGI_SERPSCREAM= 126, DIGI_SERPDEATHEXPLODE=127, DIGI_SERPSWORDATTACK= 128, DIGI_SERPMAGICLAUNCH= 129, DIGI_SERPSUMMONHEADS= 130, DIGI_SERPTAUNTYOU= 131, DIGI_LAVABOSSAMBIENT= 132, DIGI_LAVABOSSSWIM= 133, DIGI_LAVABOSSRISE= 134, DIGI_LAVABOSSALERT= 135, DIGI_LAVABOSSFLAME= 136, DIGI_LAVABOSSMETEOR= 137, DIGI_LAVABOSSMETEXP= 138, DIGI_LAVABOSSPAIN= 139, DIGI_LAVABOSSSIZZLE= 140, DIGI_LAVABOSSEXPLODE= 141, DIGI_BOATSTART= 142, DIGI_BOATRUN= 143, DIGI_BOATSTOP= 144, DIGI_BOATFIRE= 145, DIGI_TANKSTART= 146, DIGI_TANKRUN= 147, DIGI_TANKSTOP= 148, DIGI_TANKIDLE= 149, DIGI_TANKFIRE= 150, DIGI_TRUKRUN= 151, DIGI_TRUKIDLE= 152, DIGI_SUBRUN= 153, DIGI_SUBIDLE= 154, DIGI_SUBDOOR= 155, DIGI_BOMBRFLYING= 156, DIGI_BOMBRDROPBOMB= 157, DIGI_BUBBLES= 158, DIGI_CHAIN= 159, DIGI_CHAINDOOR= 160, DIGI_CRICKETS= 161, DIGI_WOODDOOROPEN= 162, DIGI_WOODDOORCLOSE= 163, DIGI_METALDOOROPEN= 164, DIGI_METALDOORCLOSE= 165, DIGI_SLIDEDOOROPEN= 166, DIGI_SLIDEDOORCLOSE= 167, DIGI_STONEDOOROPEN= 168, DIGI_STONEDOORCLOSE= 169, DIGI_SQUEAKYDOOROPEN= 170, DIGI_SQUEAKYDOORCLOSE=171, DIGI_DRILL= 172, DIGI_CAVEDRIP1= 173, DIGI_CAVEDRIP2= 174, DIGI_DRIP= 175, DIGI_WATERFALL1= 176, DIGI_WATERFALL2= 177, DIGI_WATERFLOW1= 178, DIGI_WATERFLOW2= 179, DIGI_ELEVATOR= 180, DIGI_SMALLEXP= 181, DIGI_MEDIUMEXP= 182, DIGI_LARGEEXP= 183, DIGI_HUGEEXP= 184, DIGI_NULL_HUGEEXP= 184, DIGI_FIRE1= 185, DIGI_FIRE2= 186, DIGI_FIREBALL1= 187, DIGI_FIREBALL2= 188, DIGI_GEAR1= 189, DIGI_GONG= 190, DIGI_LAVAFLOW1= 191, DIGI_MACHINE1= 192, DIGI_MUBBUBBLES1= 193, DIGI_EARTHQUAKE= 194, DIGI_SEWERFLOW1= 195, DIGI_SPLASH1= 196, DIGI_STEAM1= 197, DIGI_VOLCANOSTEAM1= 198, DIGI_STOMPER= 199, DIGI_SWAMP= 200, DIGI_REGULARSWITCH= 201, DIGI_BIGSWITCH= 202, DIGI_STONESWITCH= 203, DIGI_GLASSSWITCH= 204, DIGI_HUGESWITCH= 205, DIGI_THUNDER= 206, DIGI_TELEPORT= 207, DIGI_UNDERWATER= 208, DIGI_UNLOCK= 209, DIGI_SQUEAKYVALVE= 210, DIGI_VOID1= 211, DIGI_VOID2= 212, DIGI_VOID3= 213, DIGI_VOID4= 214, DIGI_VOID5= 215, DIGI_ERUPTION= 216, DIGI_VOLCANOPROJECTILE= 217, DIGI_LIGHTWIND= 218, DIGI_STRONGWIND= 219, DIGI_BREAKINGWOOD= 220, DIGI_BREAKSTONES= 221, DIGI_ENGROOM1= 222, DIGI_ENGROOM2= 223, DIGI_ENGROOM3= 224, DIGI_ENGROOM4= 225, DIGI_ENGROOM5= 226, DIGI_BREAKGLASS= 227, DIGI_MUSSTING= 228, DIGI_HELI= 229, DIGI_BIGHART= 230, DIGI_WIND4= 231, DIGI_SPOOKY1= 232, DIGI_DRILL1= 233, DIGI_JET= 234, DIGI_DRUMCHANT= 235, DIGI_BUZZZ= 236, DIGI_CHOP_CLICK= 237, DIGI_SWORD_UP= 238, DIGI_UZI_UP= 239, DIGI_SHOTGUN_UP= 240, DIGI_ROCKET_UP= 241, DIGI_GRENADE_UP= 242, DIGI_RAIL_UP= 243, DIGI_MINE_UP= 244, DIGI_TAUNTAI1= 246, DIGI_TAUNTAI2= 247, DIGI_TAUNTAI3= 248, DIGI_TAUNTAI4= 249, DIGI_TAUNTAI5= 250, DIGI_TAUNTAI6= 251, DIGI_TAUNTAI7= 252, DIGI_TAUNTAI8= 253, DIGI_TAUNTAI9= 254, DIGI_TAUNTAI10= 255, DIGI_PLAYERPAIN1= 256, DIGI_PLAYERPAIN2= 257, DIGI_PLAYERPAIN3= 258, DIGI_PLAYERPAIN4= 259, DIGI_PLAYERPAIN5= 260, DIGI_PLAYERYELL1= 261, DIGI_PLAYERYELL2= 262, DIGI_PLAYERYELL3= 263, DIGI_SEARCHWALL= 264, DIGI_NOURINAL= 265, DIGI_FALLSCREAM= 266, DIGI_GOTITEM1= 267, DIGI_LASTPLAYERVOICE= 268, DIGI_RAILFIRE= 269, DIGI_NULL_RAILFIRE= 269, DIGI_RAILREADY= 270, DIGI_RAILPWRUP= 271, DIGI_NUCLEAREXP= 272, DIGI_NUKESTDBY= 273, DIGI_NUKECDOWN= 274, DIGI_NUKEREADY= 275, DIGI_CHEMGAS= 276, DIGI_CHEMBOUNCE= 277, DIGI_THROW= 278, DIGI_PULL= 279, DIGI_MINEARM= 280, DIGI_HEARTDOWN= 281, DIGI_TOOLBOX= 282, DIGI_NULL_TOOLBOX= 282, DIGI_GASPOP= 283, DIGI_40MMBNCE= 284, DIGI_BURGLARALARM= 285, DIGI_CARALARM= 286, DIGI_CARALARMOFF= 287, DIGI_CALTROPS= 288, DIGI_NIGHTON= 289, DIGI_NIGHTOFF= 290, DIGI_SHOTSHELLSPENT= 291, DIGI_BUSSKID= 292, DIGI_BUSCRASH= 293, DIGI_BUSENGINE= 294, DIGI_ARMORHIT= 295, DIGI_ASIREN1= 296, DIGI_FIRETRK1= 297, DIGI_TRAFFIC1= 298, DIGI_TRAFFIC2= 299, DIGI_TRAFFIC3= 300, DIGI_TRAFFIC4= 301, DIGI_TRAFFIC5= 302, DIGI_TRAFFIC6= 303, DIGI_HELI1= 304, DIGI_JET1= 305, DIGI_MOTO1= 306, DIGI_MOTO2= 307, DIGI_NEON1= 308, DIGI_SUBWAY= 309, DIGI_TRAIN1= 310, DIGI_COINS= 311, DIGI_SWORDCLANK= 312, DIGI_RIPPER2AMBIENT= 313, DIGI_RIPPER2ALERT= 314, DIGI_RIPPER2ATTACK= 315, DIGI_RIPPER2PAIN= 316, DIGI_RIPPER2SCREAM= 317, DIGI_RIPPER2HEARTOUT=318, DIGI_M60= 319, DIGI_SUMOSCREAM= 320, DIGI_SUMOALERT= 321, DIGI_SUMOAMBIENT= 322, DIGI_SUMOPAIN= 323, DIGI_RAMUNLOCK= 324, DIGI_CARDUNLOCK= 325, DIGI_ANCIENTSECRET= 326, DIGI_AMERICANDRIVER= 327, DIGI_DRIVELIKEBABOON= 328, DIGI_BURNBABY= 329, DIGI_LIKEBIGWEAPONS= 330, DIGI_COWABUNGA= 331, DIGI_NOCHARADE= 332, DIGI_TIMETODIE= 333, DIGI_EATTHIS= 334, DIGI_FIRECRACKERUPASS=335, DIGI_HOLYCOW= 336, DIGI_HOLYPEICESOFCOW= 337, DIGI_HOLYSHIT= 338, DIGI_HOLYPEICESOFSHIT=339, DIGI_PAYINGATTENTION= 340, DIGI_EVERYBODYDEAD= 341, DIGI_KUNGFU= 342, DIGI_HOWYOULIKEMOVE= 343, DIGI_NOMESSWITHWANG= 344, DIGI_RAWREVENGE= 345, DIGI_YOULOOKSTUPID= 346, DIGI_TINYDICK= 347, DIGI_NOTOURNAMENT= 348, DIGI_WHOWANTSWANG= 349, DIGI_MOVELIKEYAK= 350, DIGI_ALLINREFLEXES= 351, DIGI_EVADEFOREVER= 352, DIGI_MRFLY= 353, DIGI_SHISEISI= 354, DIGI_LIKEFIREWORKS= 355, DIGI_LIKEHIROSHIMA= 356, DIGI_LIKENAGASAKI= 357, DIGI_LIKEPEARL= 358, DIGI_IAMSHADOW= 359, DIGI_ILIKENUKES= 360, DIGI_ILIKESWORD= 361, DIGI_ILIKESHURIKEN= 362, DIGI_BADLUCK= 363, DIGI_NOMOVIEMRCHAN= 364, DIGI_REALLIFEMRCHAN= 365, DIGI_NOLIKEMUSIC= 366, DIGI_NODIFFERENCE= 367, DIGI_NOFEAR= 368, DIGI_NOPAIN= 369, DIGI_NOREPAIRMAN= 370, DIGI_SONOFABITCH= 371, DIGI_PAINFORWEAK= 372, DIGI_GOSPEEDY= 373, DIGI_GETTINGSTIFF= 374, DIGI_TOMBRAIDER= 375, DIGI_STICKYGOTU1= 376, DIGI_STICKYGOTU2= 377, DIGI_STICKYGOTU3= 378, DIGI_STICKYGOTU4= 379, DIGI_SWORDGOTU1= 380, DIGI_SWORDGOTU2= 381, DIGI_SWORDGOTU3= 382, DIGI_HURTBAD1= 383, DIGI_HURTBAD2= 384, DIGI_HURTBAD3= 385, DIGI_HURTBAD4= 386, DIGI_HURTBAD5= 387, DIGI_TOILETGIRLSCREAM= 388, DIGI_TOILETGIRLALERT= 389, DIGI_TOILETGIRLAMBIENT=390, DIGI_TOILETGIRLPAIN= 391, DIGI_TOILETGIRLTAUNT1= 392, DIGI_TOILETGIRLTAUNT2= 393, DIGI_SUMOFART= 394, DIGI_GIBS1= 395, DIGI_GIBS2= 396, DIGI_BIRDS1= 397, DIGI_BIRDS2= 398, DIGI_TOILET= 399, DIGI_FORKLIFTIDLE= 400, DIGI_FORKLIFTRUN= 401, DIGI_TOYCAR= 402, DIGI_UZIMATIC= 403, DIGI_COMPUTERPOWER= 404, DIGI_GENERATORON= 405, DIGI_GENERATORRUN= 406, DIGI_BIGDRILL= 407, DIGI_FLUORLIGHT= 408, DIGI_AMOEBA= 409, DIGI_BODYFALL2= 410, DIGI_GIBS3= 411, DIGI_NINJACHOKE= 412, DIGI_TRAIN3= 413, DIGI_TRAINR02= 414, DIGI_TRAIN8= 415, DIGI_TRASHLID= 416, DIGI_GETMEDKIT= 417, DIGI_AHH= 418, DIGI_PALARM= 419, DIGI_PFLIP= 420, DIGI_PROLL1= 421, DIGI_PROLL2= 422, DIGI_PROLL3= 423, DIGI_BUNNYATTACK= 424, DIGI_BUNNYDIE1= 425, DIGI_BUNNYDIE2= 426, DIGI_BUNNYDIE3= 427, DIGI_BUNNYAMBIENT= 428, DIGI_STONESLIDE= 429, DIGI_NINJAINHALF= 430, DIGI_RIPPER2CHEST= 431, DIGI_WHIPME= 432, DIGI_ENDLEV= 433, DIGI_MDALARM= 434, DIGI_BREAKMETAL= 435, DIGI_BREAKDEBRIS= 436, DIGI_BREAKMARBELS= 437, DIGI_BANZAI= 438, DIGI_HAHA1= 439, DIGI_HAHA2= 440, DIGI_HAHA3= 441, DIGI_ITEM_SPAWN= 442, DIGI_NOREPAIRMAN2= 443, DIGI_NOPOWER= 444, DIGI_DOUBLEUZI= 445, DIGI_NOTORDBUNNY= 446, DIGI_CANBEONLYONE= 447, DIGI_MIRROR1= 448, DIGI_MIRROR2= 449, DIGI_HITTINGWALLS= 450, DIGI_GOTRAILGUN= 451, DIGI_RABBITHUMP1= 452, DIGI_RABBITHUMP2= 453, DIGI_RABBITHUMP3= 454, DIGI_RABBITHUMP4= 455, DIGI_FAGRABBIT1= 456, DIGI_FAGRABBIT2= 457, DIGI_FAGRABBIT3= 458, DIGI_STINKLIKEBABBOON= 459, DIGI_WHATYOUEATBABY= 460, DIGI_WHATDIEDUPTHERE= 461, DIGI_YOUGOPOOPOO= 462, DIGI_PULLMYFINGER= 463, DIGI_SOAPYOUGOOD= 464, DIGI_WASHWANG= 465, DIGI_DROPSOAP= 466, DIGI_REALTITS= 467, DIGI_MSTRLEEP= 468, DIGI_SEEKLEEPADVICE= 469, DIGI_AVENGELEEPDEATH= 470, DIGI_LEEPGHOST= 471, DIGI_DOOR1= 472, DIGI_DOOR2= 473, DIGI_DOOR3= 474, DIGI_FLAGWAVE= 475, DIGI_SURFACE= 476, DIGI_GASHURT= 477, DIGI_BONUS_GRAB= 478, DIGI_ANIMECRY= 479, DIGI_ANIMESING1= 480, DIGI_ANIMEMAD1= 481, DIGI_ANIMESING2= 482, DIGI_ANIMEMAD2= 483, DIGI_PLAYER_TELEPORT= 484, DIGI_INTRO_SLASH= 485, DIGI_WARNING= 486, DIGI_INTRO_WHIRL= 487, DIGI_TOILETGIRLFART1= 488, DIGI_TOILETGIRLFART2= 489, DIGI_TOILETGIRLFART3= 490, DIGI_WINDCHIMES= 491, DIGI_MADATCARPET= 492, DIGI_JUMPONCARPET= 493, DIGI_USEBROKENVEHICLE= 494, DIGI_STEPONCALTROPS= 495, DIGI_WANGSEESERP= 496, DIGI_SERPTAUNTWANG= 497, DIGI_WANGTAUNTSERP1= 498, DIGI_WANGTAUNTSERP2= 499, DIGI_WANGORDER1= 500, DIGI_WANGORDER2= 501, DIGI_WANGDROWNING= 502, DIGI_ZILLAREGARDS= 503, DIGI_PMESSAGE= 504, DIGI_SHAREND_UGLY1= 505, DIGI_SHAREND_UGLY2= 506, DIGI_SHAREND_TELEPORT= 507, DIGI_HOTHEADSWITCH= 508, DIGI_BOATCREAK= 509, DIGI_BOATRUN2= 510, DIGI_BOATIDLE= 511, DIGI_SHIPBELL= 512, DIGI_FOGHORN= 513, DIGI_CANNON= 514, DIGI_JG41001= 515, DIGI_JG41012= 516, DIGI_JG41018= 517, DIGI_JG41028= 518, DIGI_JG41048= 519, DIGI_JG41052= 520, DIGI_JG41058= 521, DIGI_JG41060= 522, DIGI_JG41075= 523, DIGI_JG42004= 524, DIGI_JG42019= 525, DIGI_JG42021= 526, DIGI_JG42028= 527, DIGI_JG42033= 528, DIGI_JG42034= 529, DIGI_JG42050= 530, DIGI_JG42056= 531, DIGI_JG42061= 532, DIGI_JG43004= 533, DIGI_JG43015= 534, DIGI_JG43019= 535, DIGI_JG43021= 536, DIGI_JG44011= 537, DIGI_JG44014= 538, DIGI_JG44027= 539, DIGI_JG44038= 540, DIGI_JG44039= 541, DIGI_JG44048= 542, DIGI_JG44052= 543, DIGI_JG45014= 544, DIGI_JG44068= 545, DIGI_JG45010= 546, DIGI_JG45018= 547, DIGI_JG45030= 548, DIGI_JG45033= 549, DIGI_JG45043= 550, DIGI_JG45053= 551, DIGI_JG45067= 552, DIGI_JG46005= 553, DIGI_JG46010= 554, DIGI_LANI049= 555, DIGI_LANI051= 556, DIGI_LANI052= 557, DIGI_LANI054= 558, DIGI_LANI060= 559, DIGI_LANI063= 560, DIGI_LANI065= 561, DIGI_LANI066= 562, DIGI_LANI073= 563, DIGI_LANI075= 564, DIGI_LANI077= 565, DIGI_LANI079= 566, DIGI_LANI089= 567, DIGI_LANI091= 568, DIGI_LANI093= 569, DIGI_LANI095= 570, DIGI_VENTWALK= 571, DIGI_CARWALK= 572, DIGI_JETSOAR= 573, DIGI_VACUUM= 574, DIGI_GIRLNINJAALERTT= 575, DIGI_GIRLNINJASCREAM= 576, DIGI_GIRLNINJAALERT= 577, DIGI_PRUNECACKLE= 578, DIGI_PRUNECACKLE2= 579, DIGI_PRUNECACKLE3= 580, DIGI_SUMOSTOMP= 581, DIGI_VATOR= 582, DIGI_JG9009= 583, DIGI_Z16004= 584, DIGI_Z16012= 585, DIGI_Z16022= 586, DIGI_Z16027= 587, DIGI_JG93030= 588, DIGI_JG94002= 589, DIGI_Z17010= 590, DIGI_Z17052= 591, DIGI_Z17025= 592, DIGI_ML25014= 593, DIGI_ML250101= 594, DIGI_JG9022= 595, DIGI_JG9032= 596, DIGI_JG9038= 597, DIGI_JG9055= 598, DIGI_JG9060= 599, DIGI_JG92055= 600, DIGI_ML25032= 601, DIGI_JG92036= 602, DIGI_JG92042= 603, DIGI_ML26001= 604, DIGI_JG93000= 605, DIGI_JG93011= 606, DIGI_JG93018= 607, DIGI_JG93023= 608, DIGI_ML26008= 609, DIGI_ML26011= 610, DIGI_JG94007= 611, DIGI_JG94024= 612, DIGI_JG94039= 613, DIGI_JG95012= 614, DIGI_ZILLASTOMP= 615, DIGI_ZC1= 616, DIGI_ZC2= 617, DIGI_ZC3= 618, DIGI_ZC4= 619, DIGI_ZC5= 620, DIGI_ZC6= 621, DIGI_ZC7= 622, DIGI_ZC8= 623, DIGI_ZC9= 624, DIGI_Z16043= 625, } }