//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "build.h" #include "mmulti.h" #include "compat.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "common.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "asound.h" #include "db.h" #include "blood.h" #include "choke.h" #include "config.h" #include "controls.h" #include "credits.h" #include "demo.h" #include "dude.h" #include "endgame.h" #include "eventq.h" #include "fire.h" #include "fx.h" #include "gib.h" #include "getopt.h" #include "globals.h" #include "levels.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "gamemenu.h" #include "mirrors.h" #include "network.h" #include "osdcmds.h" #include "replace.h" #include "resource.h" #include "qheap.h" #include "screen.h" #include "sectorfx.h" #include "seq.h" #include "sfx.h" #include "sound.h" #include "tile.h" #include "trig.h" #include "triggers.h" #include "view.h" #include "warp.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "sound/s_soundinternal.h" #include "nnexts.h" #include"secrets.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS INPUT_MODE gInputMode; #ifdef USE_QHEAP unsigned int nMaxAlloc = 0x4000000; #endif char bAddUserMap = false; bool bNoDemo = false; bool bQuickStart = true; char gUserMapFilename[BMAX_PATH]; short BloodVersion = 0x115; int gNetPlayers; char *pUserTiles = NULL; int gChokeCounter = 0; double g_gameUpdateTime, g_gameUpdateAndDrawTime; double g_gameUpdateAvgTime = 0.001; bool gQuitGame; int gQuitRequest; bool gPaused; enum gametokens { T_INCLUDE = 0, T_INTERFACE = 0, T_LOADGRP = 1, T_MODE = 1, T_CACHESIZE = 2, T_ALLOW = 2, T_NOAUTOLOAD, T_INCLUDEDEFAULT, T_MUSIC, T_SOUND, T_FILE, //T_CUTSCENE, //T_ANIMSOUNDS, //T_NOFLOORPALRANGE, T_ID, T_MINPITCH, T_MAXPITCH, T_PRIORITY, T_TYPE, T_DISTANCE, T_VOLUME, T_DELAY, T_RENAMEFILE, T_GLOBALGAMEFLAGS, T_ASPECT, T_FORCEFILTER, T_FORCENOFILTER, T_TEXTUREFILTER, T_RFFDEFINEID, T_TILEFROMTEXTURE, T_IFCRC, T_IFMATCH, T_CRC32, T_SIZE, T_SURFACE, T_VOXEL, T_VIEW, T_SHADE, }; int blood_globalflags; void ShutDown(void) { if (!in3dmode()) return; netDeinitialize(); //sndTerm(); sfxTerm(); scrUnInit(); // PORT_TODO: Check argument DO_FREE_AND_NULL(pUserTiles); } void QuitGame(void) { ShutDown(); Bexit(0); } void PrecacheDude(spritetype *pSprite) { DUDEINFO *pDudeInfo = getDudeInfo(pSprite->type); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+5); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+1); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+2); switch (pSprite->type) { case kDudeCultistTommy: case kDudeCultistShotgun: case kDudeCultistTesla: case kDudeCultistTNT: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+8); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+9); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+13); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+14); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+15); break; case kDudeZombieButcher: case kDudeGillBeast: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+8); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+9); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+10); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+11); break; case kDudeGargoyleStatueFlesh: case kDudeGargoyleStatueStone: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); fallthrough__; case kDudeGargoyleFlesh: case kDudeGargoyleStone: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+8); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+9); break; case kDudePhantasm: case kDudeHellHound: case kDudeSpiderBrown: case kDudeSpiderRed: case kDudeSpiderBlack: case kDudeSpiderMother: case kDudeTchernobog: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+8); break; case kDudeCerberusTwoHead: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); fallthrough__; case kDudeHand: case kDudeBoneEel: case kDudeBat: case kDudeRat: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); break; case kDudeCultistBeast: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); break; case kDudeZombieAxeBuried: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+12); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+9); fallthrough__; case kDudeZombieAxeLaying: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+10); fallthrough__; case kDudeZombieAxeNormal: seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+8); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+11); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+13); seqPrecacheId(pDudeInfo->seqStartID+14); break; } } void PrecacheThing(spritetype *pSprite) { switch (pSprite->type) { case kThingGlassWindow: // worthless... case kThingFluorescent: seqPrecacheId(12); break; case kThingSpiderWeb: seqPrecacheId(15); break; case kThingMetalGrate: seqPrecacheId(21); break; case kThingFlammableTree: seqPrecacheId(25); seqPrecacheId(26); break; case kTrapMachinegun: seqPrecacheId(38); seqPrecacheId(40); seqPrecacheId(28); break; case kThingObjectGib: //case kThingObjectExplode: weird that only gib object is precached and this one is not break; } tilePrecacheTile(pSprite->picnum); } void PreloadTiles(void) { int skyTile = -1; memset(gotpic,0,sizeof(gotpic)); // Fonts for (int i = 0; i < kFontNum; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 96; j++) { tilePrecacheTile(gFont[i].tile + j, 0); } } for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { tilePrecacheTile(sector[i].floorpicnum, 0); tilePrecacheTile(sector[i].ceilingpicnum, 0); if ((sector[i].ceilingstat&1) != 0 && skyTile == -1) skyTile = sector[i].ceilingpicnum; } for (int i = 0; i < numwalls; i++) { tilePrecacheTile(wall[i].picnum, 0); if (wall[i].overpicnum >= 0) tilePrecacheTile(wall[i].overpicnum, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSprites; i++) { if (sprite[i].statnum < kMaxStatus) { spritetype *pSprite = &sprite[i]; switch (pSprite->statnum) { case kStatDude: PrecacheDude(pSprite); break; case kStatThing: PrecacheThing(pSprite); break; default: tilePrecacheTile(pSprite->picnum); break; } } } // Precache common SEQs for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { seqPrecacheId(i); } tilePrecacheTile(1147); // water drip tilePrecacheTile(1160); // blood drip // Player SEQs seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+6); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+7); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+8); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+9); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+10); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+14); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+15); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+12); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+16); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+17); seqPrecacheId(dudeInfo[31].seqStartID+18); if (skyTile > -1 && skyTile < kMaxTiles) { for (int i = 1; i < gSkyCount; i++) tilePrecacheTile(skyTile+i, 0); } WeaponPrecache(); viewPrecacheTiles(); fxPrecache(); gibPrecache(); gameHandleEvents(); } static void PrecacheSounds(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fileSystem.GetNumEntries(); i++) { DICTNODE* pNode = fileSystem.GetFileAt(i); if (pNode->ResType() == NAME_RAW || pNode->ResType() == NAME_SFX) { pNode->Get(); //if ((i&15) == 15) gameHandleEvents(); // don't do this too often. That made sense in 1996 but not in 2019 } } } void PreloadCache(void) { if (gDemo.at1) return; PrecacheSounds(); PreloadTiles(); ClockTicks clock = totalclock; int cnt = 0; int percentDisplayed = -1; for (int i=0; i<kMaxTiles && !inputState.GetKeyStatus(sc_Space); i++) { if (TestBitString(gotpic, i)) { // For the hardware renderer precaching the raw pixel data is pointless. if (videoGetRenderMode() < REND_POLYMOST) tileLoad(i); #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (r_precache) PrecacheHardwareTextures(i); #endif if ((++cnt & 7) == 0) gameHandleEvents(); #if 0 if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_CLASSIC && totalclock - clock > (kTicRate>>2)) { int const percentComplete = min(100, tabledivide32_noinline(100 * cnt, nPrecacheCount)); // this just prevents the loading screen percentage bar from making large jumps while (percentDisplayed < percentComplete) { gameHandleEvents(); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Loaded %d%% (%d/%d textures)\n", percentDisplayed, cnt, nPrecacheCount); viewLoadingScreenUpdate(tempbuf, percentDisplayed); videoNextPage(); if (totalclock - clock >= 1) { clock = totalclock; percentDisplayed++; } } clock = totalclock; } #endif } } memset(gotpic,0,sizeof(gotpic)); } void EndLevel(void) { gViewPos = VIEWPOS_0; gGameMessageMgr.Clear(); sndKillAllSounds(); sfxKillAllSounds(); ambKillAll(); seqKillAll(); } int G_TryMapHack(const char* mhkfile) { int const failure = engineLoadMHK(mhkfile); if (!failure) initprintf("Loaded map hack file \"%s\"\n", mhkfile); return failure; } void G_LoadMapHack(char* outbuf, const char* filename) { if (filename != NULL) Bstrcpy(outbuf, filename); append_ext_UNSAFE(outbuf, ".mhk"); if (G_TryMapHack(outbuf) && usermaphacks != NULL) { auto pMapInfo = (usermaphack_t*)bsearch(&g_loadedMapHack, usermaphacks, num_usermaphacks, sizeof(usermaphack_t), compare_usermaphacks); if (pMapInfo) G_TryMapHack(pMapInfo->mhkfile); } } #ifdef POLYMER void G_RefreshLights(void) { if (Numsprites && videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMER) { int statNum = 0; do { int spriteNum = headspritestat[statNum++]; while (spriteNum >= 0) { actDoLight(spriteNum); spriteNum = nextspritestat[spriteNum]; } } while (statNum < MAXSTATUS); } } #endif // POLYMER PLAYER gPlayerTemp[kMaxPlayers]; int gHealthTemp[kMaxPlayers]; vec3_t startpos; int16_t startang, startsectnum; void StartLevel(GAMEOPTIONS *gameOptions) { STAT_Update(0); EndLevel(); gStartNewGame = 0; ready2send = 0; if (gDemo.at0 && gGameStarted) gDemo.Close(); netWaitForEveryone(0); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) { if (!(gGameOptions.uGameFlags&1)) levelSetupOptions(gGameOptions.nEpisode, gGameOptions.nLevel); if (gEpisodeInfo[gGameOptions.nEpisode].cutALevel == gGameOptions.nLevel && gEpisodeInfo[gGameOptions.nEpisode].at8f08) gGameOptions.uGameFlags |= 4; if ((gGameOptions.uGameFlags&4) && gDemo.at1 == 0) levelPlayIntroScene(gGameOptions.nEpisode); /////// gGameOptions.weaponsV10x = gWeaponsV10x; /////// } else if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && !(gGameOptions.uGameFlags&1)) { gGameOptions.nEpisode = gPacketStartGame.episodeId; gGameOptions.nLevel = gPacketStartGame.levelId; gGameOptions.nGameType = gPacketStartGame.gameType; gGameOptions.nDifficulty = gPacketStartGame.difficulty; gGameOptions.nMonsterSettings = gPacketStartGame.monsterSettings; gGameOptions.nWeaponSettings = gPacketStartGame.weaponSettings; gGameOptions.nItemSettings = gPacketStartGame.itemSettings; gGameOptions.nRespawnSettings = gPacketStartGame.respawnSettings; gGameOptions.bFriendlyFire = gPacketStartGame.bFriendlyFire; gGameOptions.bKeepKeysOnRespawn = gPacketStartGame.bKeepKeysOnRespawn; if (gPacketStartGame.userMap) levelAddUserMap(gPacketStartGame.userMapName); else levelSetupOptions(gGameOptions.nEpisode, gGameOptions.nLevel); /////// gGameOptions.weaponsV10x = gPacketStartGame.weaponsV10x; /////// gBlueFlagDropped = false; gRedFlagDropped = false; } if (gameOptions->uGameFlags&1) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { memcpy(&gPlayerTemp[i],&gPlayer[i],sizeof(PLAYER)); gHealthTemp[i] = xsprite[gPlayer[i].pSprite->extra].health; } } bVanilla = gDemo.at1 && gDemo.m_bLegacy; enginecompatibility_mode = ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19960925;//bVanilla; memset(xsprite,0,sizeof(xsprite)); memset(sprite,0,kMaxSprites*sizeof(spritetype)); drawLoadingScreen(); if (dbLoadMap(gameOptions->zLevelName,(int*)&startpos.x,(int*)&startpos.y,(int*)&startpos.z,&startang,&startsectnum,(unsigned int*)&gameOptions->uMapCRC)) { gQuitGame = true; return; } char levelName[BMAX_PATH]; currentLevel = &mapList[gGameOptions.nEpisode * kMaxLevels + gGameOptions.nLevel]; SECRET_SetMapName(currentLevel->DisplayName(), currentLevel->name); STAT_NewLevel(gameOptions->zLevelName); G_LoadMapHack(levelName, gameOptions->zLevelName); wsrand(gameOptions->uMapCRC); gKillMgr.Clear(); gSecretMgr.Clear(); gLevelTime = 0; automapping = 1; int modernTypesErased = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSprites; i++) { spritetype *pSprite = &sprite[i]; if (pSprite->statnum < kMaxStatus && pSprite->extra > 0) { XSPRITE *pXSprite = &xsprite[pSprite->extra]; if ((pXSprite->lSkill & (1 << gameOptions->nDifficulty)) || (pXSprite->lS && gameOptions->nGameType == 0) || (pXSprite->lB && gameOptions->nGameType == 2) || (pXSprite->lT && gameOptions->nGameType == 3) || (pXSprite->lC && gameOptions->nGameType == 1)) { DeleteSprite(i); continue; } #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS if (!gModernMap && nnExtEraseModernStuff(pSprite, pXSprite)) modernTypesErased++; #endif } } #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS if (!gModernMap) OSD_Printf("> Modern types erased: %d.\n", modernTypesErased); #endif scrLoadPLUs(); startpos.z = getflorzofslope(startsectnum,startpos.x,startpos.y); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxPlayers; i++) { gStartZone[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZone[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZone[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZone[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZone[i].ang = startang; #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS // Create spawn zones for players in teams mode. if (gModernMap && i <= kMaxPlayers / 2) { gStartZoneTeam1[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZoneTeam1[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZoneTeam1[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZoneTeam1[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZoneTeam1[i].ang = startang; gStartZoneTeam2[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZoneTeam2[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZoneTeam2[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZoneTeam2[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZoneTeam2[i].ang = startang; } #endif } InitSectorFX(); warpInit(); actInit(false); evInit(); for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (!(gameOptions->uGameFlags&1)) { if (numplayers == 1) { gProfile[i].skill = gSkill; gProfile[i].nAutoAim = cl_autoaim; gProfile[i].nWeaponSwitch = cl_weaponswitch; } playerInit(i,0); } playerStart(i, 1); } if (gameOptions->uGameFlags&1) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[i]; pPlayer->pXSprite->health &= 0xf000; pPlayer->pXSprite->health |= gHealthTemp[i]; pPlayer->weaponQav = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponQav; pPlayer->curWeapon = gPlayerTemp[i].curWeapon; pPlayer->weaponState = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponState; pPlayer->weaponAmmo = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponAmmo; pPlayer->qavCallback = gPlayerTemp[i].qavCallback; pPlayer->qavLoop = gPlayerTemp[i].qavLoop; pPlayer->weaponTimer = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponTimer; pPlayer->nextWeapon = gPlayerTemp[i].nextWeapon; } } gameOptions->uGameFlags &= ~3; scrSetDac(); PreloadCache(); InitMirrors(); gFrameClock = 0; trInit(); if (!bVanilla && !gMe->packSlots[1].isActive) // if diving suit is not active, turn off reverb sound effect sfxSetReverb(0); ambInit(); sub_79760(); gFrame = 0; gChokeCounter = 0; if (!gDemo.at1) M_ClearMenus(); levelTryPlayMusicOrNothing(gGameOptions.nEpisode, gGameOptions.nLevel); // viewSetMessage(""); viewSetErrorMessage(""); viewResizeView(gViewSize); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) gGameMessageMgr.SetCoordinates(gViewX0S+1,gViewY0S+15); netWaitForEveryone(0); totalclock = 0; gPaused = 0; gGameStarted = 1; ready2send = 1; } void StartNetworkLevel(void) { if (gDemo.at0) gDemo.Close(); if (!(gGameOptions.uGameFlags&1)) { gGameOptions.nEpisode = gPacketStartGame.episodeId; gGameOptions.nLevel = gPacketStartGame.levelId; gGameOptions.nGameType = gPacketStartGame.gameType; gGameOptions.nDifficulty = gPacketStartGame.difficulty; gGameOptions.nMonsterSettings = gPacketStartGame.monsterSettings; gGameOptions.nWeaponSettings = gPacketStartGame.weaponSettings; gGameOptions.nItemSettings = gPacketStartGame.itemSettings; gGameOptions.nRespawnSettings = gPacketStartGame.respawnSettings; gGameOptions.bFriendlyFire = gPacketStartGame.bFriendlyFire; gGameOptions.bKeepKeysOnRespawn = gPacketStartGame.bKeepKeysOnRespawn; /////// gGameOptions.weaponsV10x = gPacketStartGame.weaponsV10x; /////// gBlueFlagDropped = false; gRedFlagDropped = false; if (gPacketStartGame.userMap) levelAddUserMap(gPacketStartGame.userMapName); else levelSetupOptions(gGameOptions.nEpisode, gGameOptions.nLevel); } StartLevel(&gGameOptions); } void LocalKeys(void) { bool alt = inputState.AltPressed(); bool ctrl = inputState.CtrlPressed(); bool shift = inputState.ShiftPressed(); if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_See_Chase_View) && !alt && !shift) { buttonMap.ClearButton(gamefunc_See_Chase_View); if (gViewPos > VIEWPOS_0) gViewPos = VIEWPOS_0; else gViewPos = VIEWPOS_1; } if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_See_Coop_View)) { buttonMap.ClearButton(gamefunc_See_Coop_View); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 1) { gViewIndex = connectpoint2[gViewIndex]; if (gViewIndex == -1) gViewIndex = connecthead; gView = &gPlayer[gViewIndex]; } else if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) { int oldViewIndex = gViewIndex; do { gViewIndex = connectpoint2[gViewIndex]; if (gViewIndex == -1) gViewIndex = connecthead; if (oldViewIndex == gViewIndex || gMe->teamId == gPlayer[gViewIndex].teamId) break; } while (oldViewIndex != gViewIndex); gView = &gPlayer[gViewIndex]; } } char key; if ((key = inputState.keyGetScan()) != 0) { if ((alt || shift) && gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && key >= sc_F1 && key <= sc_F10) { char fk = key - sc_F1; if (alt) { netBroadcastTaunt(myconnectindex, fk); } else { gPlayerMsg.Set(*CombatMacros[fk]); gPlayerMsg.Send(); } buttonMap.ClearButton(gamefunc_See_Chase_View); return; } #if 0 switch (key) { case sc_kpad_Period: case sc_Delete: if (ctrl && alt) { gQuitGame = 1; // uh, what? return; } break; case default: break; } #endif } } bool gRestartGame = false; void ProcessFrame(void) { char buffer[128]; for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { gPlayer[i].input.buttonFlags = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].buttonFlags; gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.word |= gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].keyFlags.word; gPlayer[i].input.useFlags.byte |= gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].useFlags.byte; if (gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].newWeapon) gPlayer[i].input.newWeapon = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].newWeapon; gPlayer[i].input.forward = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].forward; gPlayer[i].input.q16turn = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].q16turn; gPlayer[i].input.strafe = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].strafe; gPlayer[i].input.q16mlook = gFifoInput[gNetFifoTail&255][i].q16mlook; } gNetFifoTail++; if (!(gFrame&((gSyncRate<<3)-1))) { CalcGameChecksum(); memcpy(gCheckFifo[gCheckHead[myconnectindex]&255][myconnectindex], gChecksum, sizeof(gChecksum)); gCheckHead[myconnectindex]++; } for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.quit) { gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.quit = 0; netBroadcastPlayerLogoff(i); if (i == myconnectindex) { // netBroadcastMyLogoff(gQuitRequest == 2); gQuitGame = true; gRestartGame = gQuitRequest == 2; netDeinitialize(); netResetToSinglePlayer(); return; } } if (gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.restart) { gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.restart = 0; levelRestart(); return; } if (gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.pause) { gPlayer[i].input.keyFlags.pause = 0; gPaused = !gPaused; if (gPaused && gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && numplayers > 1) { sprintf(buffer,"%s paused the game",gProfile[i].name); viewSetMessage(buffer); } } } viewClearInterpolations(); if (!gDemo.at1) { if (gPaused || gEndGameMgr.at0 || (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0 && M_Active())) return; if (gDemo.at0) gDemo.Write(gFifoInput[(gNetFifoTail-1)&255]); } for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { viewBackupView(i); playerProcess(&gPlayer[i]); } trProcessBusy(); evProcess((int)gFrameClock); seqProcess(4); DoSectorPanning(); actProcessSprites(); actPostProcess(); #ifdef POLYMER G_RefreshLights(); #endif viewCorrectPrediction(); ambProcess(); viewUpdateDelirium(); viewUpdateShake(); sfxUpdate3DSounds(); if (gMe->hand == 1) { #define CHOKERATE 8 #define TICRATE 30 gChokeCounter += CHOKERATE; while (gChokeCounter >= TICRATE) { gChoke.at1c(gMe); gChokeCounter -= TICRATE; } } gLevelTime++; gFrame++; gFrameClock += 4; if ((gGameOptions.uGameFlags&1) != 0 && !gStartNewGame) { ready2send = 0; if (gNetPlayers > 1 && gNetMode == NETWORK_SERVER && gPacketMode == PACKETMODE_1 && myconnectindex == connecthead) { while (gNetFifoMasterTail < gNetFifoTail) { gameHandleEvents(); netMasterUpdate(); } } if (gDemo.at0) gDemo.Close(); Mus_Fade(4000); seqKillAll(); if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags&2) { STAT_Update(true); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) { if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags&8) levelPlayEndScene(gGameOptions.nEpisode); M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_CreditsMenu); } gGameOptions.uGameFlags &= ~3; gRestartGame = 1; gQuitGame = 1; } else { gEndGameMgr.Setup(); viewResizeView(gViewSize); } } } #if 0 SWITCH switches[] = { { "broadcast", 1, 0 }, { "masterslave", 3, 0 }, { "record", 7, 1 }, { "robust", 8, 0 }, { "skill", 10, 1 }, { "ini", 13, 1 }, { "f", 15, 1 }, { "control", 16, 1 }, { "vector", 17, 1 }, { "noresend", 22, 0 }, { "silentaim", 23, 0 }, { "art", 26, 1 }, { "client", 31, 1 }, { "noautoload", 32, 0 }, { NULL, 0, 0 } }; #endif void ParseOptions(void) { // Stuff for later. #if 0 int option; while ((option = GetOptions(switches)) != -1) { switch (option) { case 18: bQuickStart = 1; break; //case 12: // EightyTwoFifty = 1; // break; case 1: gPacketMode = PACKETMODE_2; break; case 21: break; case 2: if (OptArgc < 1) ThrowError("Missing argument"); strcpy(gUserMapFilename, OptArgv[0]); bAddUserMap = 1; bNoDemo = 1; break; case 3: if (gSyncRate == 1) gPacketMode = PACKETMODE_2; else gPacketMode = PACKETMODE_1; break; case 30: if (OptArgc < 1) ThrowError("Missing argument"); gNetPlayers = ClipRange(atoi(OptArgv[0]), 1, kMaxPlayers); gNetMode = NETWORK_SERVER; break; case 31: if (OptArgc < 1) ThrowError("Missing argument"); gNetMode = NETWORK_CLIENT; strncpy(gNetAddress, OptArgv[0], sizeof(gNetAddress)-1); break; case 22: bNoResend = 0; break; case 23: bSilentAim = 1; break; case 5: gGameOptions.nMonsterSettings = 0; break; case 6: if (OptArgc < 1) gDemo.SetupPlayback(NULL); else gDemo.SetupPlayback(OptArgv[0]); break; case 7: if (OptArgc < 1) gDemo.Create(NULL); else gDemo.Create(OptArgv[0]); break; case 8: gRobust = 1; break; case 10: if (OptArgc < 1) ThrowError("Missing argument"); gSkill = strtoul(OptArgv[0], NULL, 0); if (gSkill < 0) gSkill = 0; else if (gSkill > 4) gSkill = 4; break; case 15: if (OptArgc < 1) ThrowError("Missing argument"); gSyncRate = ClipRange(strtoul(OptArgv[0], NULL, 0), 1, 4); if (gPacketMode == PACKETMODE_1) gSyncRate = 1; else if (gPacketMode == PACKETMODE_3) gSyncRate = 1; break; } } #endif #if 0 if (bAddUserMap) { char zNode[BMAX_PATH]; char zDir[BMAX_PATH]; char zFName[BMAX_PATH]; _splitpath(gUserMapFilename, zNode, zDir, zFName, NULL); strcpy(g_modDir, zNode); strcat(g_modDir, zDir); strcpy(gUserMapFilename, zFName); } #endif } void ClockStrobe() { //gGameClock++; } void ReadAllRFS(); int GameInterface::app_main() { memcpy(&gGameOptions, &gSingleGameOptions, sizeof(GAMEOPTIONS)); gGameOptions.nMonsterSettings = !userConfig.nomonsters; bQuickStart = userConfig.nologo; ReadAllRFS(); #ifdef USE_QHEAP Resource::heap = new QHeap(nMaxAlloc); #endif HookReplaceFunctions(); initprintf("Initializing Build 3D engine\n"); scrInit(); initprintf("Loading tiles\n"); if (pUserTiles) { FStringf buffer("%s%%03i.ART", pUserTiles); if (!tileInit(0,buffer)) ThrowError("User specified ART files not found"); } else { if (!tileInit(0,NULL)) ThrowError("TILES###.ART files not found"); } levelLoadDefaults(); loaddefinitionsfile(BLOODWIDESCREENDEF); loaddefinitions_game(BLOODWIDESCREENDEF, FALSE); const char *defsfile = G_DefFile(); uint32_t stime = timerGetTicks(); if (!loaddefinitionsfile(defsfile)) { uint32_t etime = timerGetTicks(); initprintf("Definitions file \"%s\" loaded in %d ms.\n", defsfile, etime-stime); } loaddefinitions_game(defsfile, FALSE); powerupInit(); initprintf("Loading cosine table\n"); trigInit(gSysRes); initprintf("Initializing view subsystem\n"); viewInit(); initprintf("Initializing dynamic fire\n"); FireInit(); initprintf("Initializing weapon animations\n"); WeaponInit(); LoadSaveSetup(); LoadSavedInfo(); gDemo.LoadDemoInfo(); initprintf("There are %d demo(s) in the loop\n", gDemo.at59ef); initprintf("Loading control setup\n"); ctrlInit(); timerInit(120); timerSetCallback(ClockStrobe); // PORT-TODO: CD audio init initprintf("Initializing network users\n"); netInitialize(true); scrSetGameMode(0, 0, 0, 0); hud_size.Callback(); initprintf("Initializing sound system\n"); sndInit(); gChoke.sub_83ff0(518, sub_84230); if (bAddUserMap) { levelAddUserMap(gUserMapFilename); gStartNewGame = 1; } videoSetViewableArea(0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); if (!bQuickStart) credLogosDos(); scrSetDac(); registerosdcommands(); RESTART: sub_79760(); gViewIndex = myconnectindex; gMe = gView = &gPlayer[myconnectindex]; netBroadcastPlayerInfo(myconnectindex); initprintf("Waiting for network players!\n"); netWaitForEveryone(0); if (gRestartGame) { // Network error gQuitGame = false; gRestartGame = false; netDeinitialize(); netResetToSinglePlayer(); goto RESTART; } UpdateNetworkMenus(); if (!gDemo.at0 && gDemo.at59ef > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 0 && !bNoDemo && demo_playloop) gDemo.SetupPlayback(NULL); gQuitGame = 0; gRestartGame = 0; if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0) { inputState.ClearAllInput(); } else if (gDemo.at1 && !bAddUserMap && !bNoDemo && demo_playloop) gDemo.Playback(); if (gDemo.at59ef > 0) M_ClearMenus(); if (!bAddUserMap && !gGameStarted) { M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_MainMenu); } ready2send = 1; while (!gQuitGame) { handleevents(); netUpdate(); inputState.SetBindsEnabled(gInputMode == kInputGame); switch (gInputMode) { case kInputGame: LocalKeys(); break; default: break; } if (gQuitGame) continue; OSD_DispatchQueued(); bool bDraw; if (gGameStarted) { char gameUpdate = false; double const gameUpdateStartTime = timerGetHiTicks(); gameHandleEvents(); while (gPredictTail < gNetFifoHead[myconnectindex] && !gPaused) { viewUpdatePrediction(&gFifoInput[gPredictTail&255][myconnectindex]); } if (numplayers == 1) gBufferJitter = 0; while (totalclock >= gNetFifoClock && ready2send) { netGetInput(); gNetFifoClock += 4; while (gNetFifoHead[myconnectindex]-gNetFifoTail > gBufferJitter && !gStartNewGame && !gQuitGame) { int i; for (i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) if (gNetFifoHead[i] == gNetFifoTail) break; if (i >= 0) break; faketimerhandler(); ProcessFrame(); gameUpdate = true; } } if (gameUpdate) { g_gameUpdateTime = timerGetHiTicks() - gameUpdateStartTime; if (g_gameUpdateAvgTime < 0.f) g_gameUpdateAvgTime = g_gameUpdateTime; g_gameUpdateAvgTime = ((GAMEUPDATEAVGTIMENUMSAMPLES-1.f)*g_gameUpdateAvgTime+g_gameUpdateTime)/((float) GAMEUPDATEAVGTIMENUMSAMPLES); } bDraw = G_FPSLimit() != 0; if (gQuitRequest && gQuitGame) videoClearScreen(0); else { netCheckSync(); if (bDraw) { viewDrawScreen(); g_gameUpdateAndDrawTime = g_beforeSwapTime/* timerGetHiTicks()*/ - gameUpdateStartTime; } } } else { bDraw = G_FPSLimit() != 0; if (bDraw) { videoClearScreen(0); rotatesprite(160<<16,100<<16,65536,0,2518,0,0,0x4a,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } gameHandleEvents(); if (gQuitRequest && !gQuitGame) netBroadcastMyLogoff(gQuitRequest == 2); } if (bDraw) { switch (gInputMode) { case kInputMessage: gPlayerMsg.ProcessKeys(); gPlayerMsg.Draw(); break; case kInputEndGame: gEndGameMgr.ProcessKeys(); gEndGameMgr.Draw(); break; default: break; } videoNextPage(); } //scrNextPage(); if (TestBitString(gotpic, 2342)) { FireProcess(); ClearBitString(gotpic, 2342); } //if (byte_148e29 && gStartNewGame) //{ // gStartNewGame = 0; // gQuitGame = 1; //} if (gStartNewGame) { StartLevel(&gGameOptions); } } ready2send = 0; if (gDemo.at0) gDemo.Close(); if (gRestartGame) { UpdateDacs(0, true); Mus_Stop(); soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); gQuitGame = 0; gQuitRequest = 0; gRestartGame = 0; gGameStarted = 0; levelSetupOptions(0,0); #if 0 // What's this loop for? Needs checking while (gGameMenuMgr.m_bActive) { gGameMenuMgr.Process(); gameHandleEvents(); if (G_FPSLimit()) { videoClearScreen(0); gGameMenuMgr.Draw(); videoNextPage(); } } #endif if (gGameOptions.nGameType != 0) { if (!gDemo.at0 && gDemo.at59ef > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 0 && !bNoDemo && demo_playloop) gDemo.NextDemo(); videoSetViewableArea(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (!bQuickStart) credLogosDos(); scrSetDac(); } goto RESTART; } ShutDown(); return 0; } // Returns: // 0: all OK // -1: ID declaration was invalid: static int32_t S_DefineMusic(const char *ID, const char *name) { int32_t sel = MUS_FIRST_SPECIAL; Bassert(ID != NULL); if (!Bstrcmp(ID,"intro")) { sel = MUS_INTRO; } else if (!Bstrcmp(ID,"loading")) { sel = MUS_LOADING; } else { sel = levelGetMusicIdx(ID); if (sel < 0) return -1; } quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(sel, name); return 0; } static int parsedefinitions_game(scriptfile *, int); static void parsedefinitions_game_include(const char *fileName, scriptfile *pScript, const char *cmdtokptr, int const firstPass) { scriptfile *included = scriptfile_fromfile(fileName); if (!included) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(cmdtokptr,"null") || pScript == NULL) // this is a bit overboard to prevent unused parameter warnings { // initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s as module\n", fn); } /* else { initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s on line %s:%d\n", fn, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); } */ } else { parsedefinitions_game(included, firstPass); scriptfile_close(included); } } static int parsedefinitions_game(scriptfile *pScript, int firstPass) { int token; char *pToken; static const tokenlist tokens[] = { { "include", T_INCLUDE }, { "#include", T_INCLUDE }, { "includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "#includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "loadgrp", T_LOADGRP }, { "cachesize", T_CACHESIZE }, { "noautoload", T_NOAUTOLOAD }, { "music", T_MUSIC }, { "sound", T_SOUND }, //{ "cutscene", T_CUTSCENE }, //{ "animsounds", T_ANIMSOUNDS }, { "renamefile", T_RENAMEFILE }, { "globalgameflags", T_GLOBALGAMEFLAGS }, { "rffdefineid", T_RFFDEFINEID }, { "tilefromtexture", T_TILEFROMTEXTURE }, }; static const tokenlist soundTokens[] = { { "id", T_ID }, { "file", T_FILE }, { "minpitch", T_MINPITCH }, { "maxpitch", T_MAXPITCH }, { "priority", T_PRIORITY }, { "type", T_TYPE }, { "distance", T_DISTANCE }, { "volume", T_VOLUME }, }; #if 0 static const tokenlist animTokens [] = { { "delay", T_DELAY }, { "aspect", T_ASPECT }, { "sounds", T_SOUND }, { "forcefilter", T_FORCEFILTER }, { "forcenofilter", T_FORCENOFILTER }, { "texturefilter", T_TEXTUREFILTER }, }; #endif do { token = getatoken(pScript, tokens, ARRAY_SIZE(tokens)); pToken = pScript->ltextptr; switch (token) { case T_LOADGRP: { char *fileName; if (!scriptfile_getstring(pScript,&fileName) && firstPass) { fileSystem.AddAdditionalFile(fileName); } } break; case T_CACHESIZE: { int32_t cacheSize; if (scriptfile_getnumber(pScript, &cacheSize) || !firstPass) break; } break; case T_INCLUDE: { char *fileName; if (!scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &fileName)) parsedefinitions_game_include(fileName, pScript, pToken, firstPass); break; } case T_INCLUDEDEFAULT: { parsedefinitions_game_include(G_DefaultDefFile(), pScript, pToken, firstPass); break; } case T_NOAUTOLOAD: if (firstPass) gNoAutoLoad = true; break; case T_MUSIC: { char *tokenPtr = pScript->ltextptr; char *musicID = NULL; char *fileName = NULL; char *musicEnd; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript, &musicEnd)) break; while (pScript->textptr < musicEnd) { switch (getatoken(pScript, soundTokens, ARRAY_SIZE(soundTokens))) { case T_ID: scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &musicID); break; case T_FILE: scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &fileName); break; } } if (!firstPass) { if (musicID==NULL) { initprintf("Error: missing ID for music definition near line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript,tokenPtr)); break; } if (fileName == NULL || fileSystem.FileExists(fileName)) break; if (S_DefineMusic(musicID, fileName) == -1) initprintf("Error: invalid music ID on line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript, tokenPtr)); } } break; case T_RFFDEFINEID: { char *resName = NULL; char *resType = NULL; char *rffName = NULL; int resID; if (scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &resName)) break; if (scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &resType)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(pScript, &resID)) break; if (scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &rffName)) break; if (!firstPass) { FStringf name("%s.%s", resName, resType); fileSystem.CreatePathlessCopy(resName, resID, 0); } } break; case T_TILEFROMTEXTURE: { char *texturetokptr = pScript->ltextptr, *textureend; int32_t tile = -1; int32_t havesurface = 0, havevox = 0, haveview = 0, haveshade = 0; int32_t surface = 0, vox = 0, view = 0, shade = 0; int32_t tile_crc32 = 0; vec2_t tile_size{}; uint8_t have_crc32 = 0; uint8_t have_size = 0; static const tokenlist tilefromtexturetokens[] = { { "surface", T_SURFACE }, { "voxel", T_VOXEL }, { "ifcrc", T_IFCRC }, { "view", T_VIEW }, { "shade", T_SHADE }, }; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript,&tile)) break; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript,&textureend)) break; while (pScript->textptr < textureend) { int32_t token = getatoken(pScript,tilefromtexturetokens,ARRAY_SIZE(tilefromtexturetokens)); switch (token) { case T_IFCRC: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &tile_crc32); have_crc32 = 1; break; case T_IFMATCH: { char *ifmatchend; static const tokenlist ifmatchtokens[] = { { "crc32", T_CRC32 }, { "size", T_SIZE }, }; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript,&ifmatchend)) break; while (pScript->textptr < ifmatchend) { int32_t token = getatoken(pScript,ifmatchtokens,ARRAY_SIZE(ifmatchtokens)); switch (token) { case T_CRC32: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &tile_crc32); have_crc32 = 1; break; case T_SIZE: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &tile_size.x); scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &tile_size.y); have_size = 1; break; default: break; } } break; } case T_SURFACE: havesurface = 1; scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &surface); break; case T_VOXEL: havevox = 1; scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &vox); break; case T_VIEW: haveview = 1; scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &view); break; case T_SHADE: haveshade = 1; scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &shade); break; } } if (!firstPass) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)tile >= MAXUSERTILES)) { initprintf("Error: missing or invalid 'tile number' for texture definition near line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript,texturetokptr)); break; } if (have_crc32) { int32_t const orig_crc32 = tileGetCRC32(tile); if (orig_crc32 != tile_crc32) { // initprintf("CRC32 of tile %d doesn't match! CRC32: %d, Expected: %d\n", tile, orig_crc32, tile_crc32); break; } } if (have_size) { vec2_16_t const orig_size = tilesiz[tile]; if (orig_size.x != tile_size.x && orig_size.y != tile_size.y) { // initprintf("Size of tile %d doesn't match! Size: (%d, %d), Expected: (%d, %d)\n", tile, orig_size.x, orig_size.y, tile_size.x, tile_size.y); break; } } if (havesurface) surfType[tile] = surface; if (havevox) voxelIndex[tile] = vox; if (haveshade) tileShade[tile] = shade; if (haveview) picanm[tile].extra = view&7; } } break; #if 0 case T_CUTSCENE: { char *fileName = NULL; scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &fileName); char *animEnd; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript, &animEnd)) break; if (!firstPass) { dukeanim_t *animPtr = Anim_Find(fileName); if (!animPtr) { animPtr = Anim_Create(fileName); animPtr->framedelay = 10; animPtr->frameflags = 0; } int32_t temp; while (pScript->textptr < animEnd) { switch (getatoken(pScript, animTokens, ARRAY_SIZE(animTokens))) { case T_DELAY: scriptfile_getnumber(pScript, &temp); animPtr->framedelay = temp; break; case T_ASPECT: { double dtemp, dtemp2; scriptfile_getdouble(pScript, &dtemp); scriptfile_getdouble(pScript, &dtemp2); animPtr->frameaspect1 = dtemp; animPtr->frameaspect2 = dtemp2; break; } case T_SOUND: { char *animSoundsEnd = NULL; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript, &animSoundsEnd)) break; parsedefinitions_game_animsounds(pScript, animSoundsEnd, fileName, animPtr); break; } case T_FORCEFILTER: animPtr->frameflags |= CUTSCENE_FORCEFILTER; break; case T_FORCENOFILTER: animPtr->frameflags |= CUTSCENE_FORCENOFILTER; break; case T_TEXTUREFILTER: animPtr->frameflags |= CUTSCENE_TEXTUREFILTER; break; } } } else pScript->textptr = animEnd; } break; case T_ANIMSOUNDS: { char *tokenPtr = pScript->ltextptr; char *fileName = NULL; scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &fileName); if (!fileName) break; char *animSoundsEnd = NULL; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript, &animSoundsEnd)) break; if (firstPass) { pScript->textptr = animSoundsEnd; break; } dukeanim_t *animPtr = Anim_Find(fileName); if (!animPtr) { initprintf("Error: expected animation filename on line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript, tokenPtr)); break; } parsedefinitions_game_animsounds(pScript, animSoundsEnd, fileName, animPtr); } break; case T_SOUND: { char *tokenPtr = pScript->ltextptr; char *fileName = NULL; char *musicEnd; double volume = 1.0; int32_t soundNum = -1; int32_t maxpitch = 0; int32_t minpitch = 0; int32_t priority = 0; int32_t type = 0; int32_t distance = 0; if (scriptfile_getbraces(pScript, &musicEnd)) break; while (pScript->textptr < musicEnd) { switch (getatoken(pScript, soundTokens, ARRAY_SIZE(soundTokens))) { case T_ID: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &soundNum); break; case T_FILE: scriptfile_getstring(pScript, &fileName); break; case T_MINPITCH: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &minpitch); break; case T_MAXPITCH: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &maxpitch); break; case T_PRIORITY: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &priority); break; case T_TYPE: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &type); break; case T_DISTANCE: scriptfile_getsymbol(pScript, &distance); break; case T_VOLUME: scriptfile_getdouble(pScript, &volume); break; } } if (!firstPass) { if (soundNum==-1) { initprintf("Error: missing ID for sound definition near line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript,tokenPtr)); break; } if (fileName == NULL || fileSystem.FileExists(fileName)) break; // maybe I should have just packed this into a sound_t and passed a reference... if (S_DefineSound(soundNum, fileName, minpitch, maxpitch, priority, type, distance, volume) == -1) initprintf("Error: invalid sound ID on line %s:%d\n", pScript->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(pScript,tokenPtr)); } } break; #endif case T_GLOBALGAMEFLAGS: scriptfile_getnumber(pScript, &blood_globalflags); break; case T_EOF: return 0; default: break; } } while (1); return 0; } int loaddefinitions_game(const char *fileName, int32_t firstPass) { scriptfile *pScript = scriptfile_fromfile(fileName); if (pScript) parsedefinitions_game(pScript, firstPass); if (userConfig.AddDefs) for (auto & m : *userConfig.AddDefs) parsedefinitions_game_include(m, NULL, "null", firstPass); if (pScript) scriptfile_close(pScript); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); return 0; } bool DemoRecordStatus(void) { return gDemo.at0; } bool VanillaMode() { return gDemo.m_bLegacy && gDemo.at1; } bool fileExistsRFF(int id, const char *ext) { return gSysRes.Lookup(id, ext); } int sndTryPlaySpecialMusic(int nMusic) { if (Mus_Play(nullptr, quoteMgr.GetQuote(nMusic), true)) { return 0; } return 1; } void sndPlaySpecialMusicOrNothing(int nMusic) { if (sndTryPlaySpecialMusic(nMusic)) { Mus_Stop(); } } extern IniFile* BloodINI; void GameInterface::FreeGameData() { if (BloodINI) delete BloodINI; ShutDown(); } void GameInterface::UpdateScreenSize() { viewResizeView(gViewSize); } ::GameInterface* CreateInterface() { return new GameInterface; } END_BLD_NS