//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: This source file IS NOT USED in EDuke source. It has been split into many sub-files. Modifications for JonoF's port by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include <string.h> #include "concmd.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "memarena.h" #include "printf.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "global.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "conlabel.h" #include "conlabeldef.h" #include "gi.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS enum { VERSIONCHECK = 41 }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // definitions needed by the parser. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum labeltypes { LABEL_ANY = -1, LABEL_DEFINE = 1, LABEL_STATE = 2, LABEL_ACTOR = 4, LABEL_ACTION = 8, LABEL_AI = 16, LABEL_MOVE = 32, }; class labelstring { char text[64]; public: char& operator[](size_t pos) { return text[pos]; } operator const char* () { return text; } const char* GetChars() { return text; } int compare(const char* c) const { return strcmp(text, c); } int comparei(const char* c) const { return stricmp(text, c); } labelstring& operator=(const char* c) { strncpy(text, c, 64); text[63] = 0; return *this; } }; struct TempMusic { int levnum; FString music; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the actual parser // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConCompiler { char* textptr = nullptr; int line_number = 0; int errorcount = 0, warningcount = 0; // was named 'error' and 'warning' which is too generic for public variables and may clash with other code. int currentsourcefile = -1; unsigned parsing_actor = 0, parsing_event = 0; int parsing_state = 0; int num_squigilly_brackets = 0; int checking_ifelse = 0; int checking_switch = 0; labelstring parselabel= {}; // This is for situations where the music gets defined before the map. Since the map records do not exist yet, we need a temporary buffer. TArray<TempMusic> tempMusic; char parsebuf[1024]; TArray<char> parsebuffer; // global so that the storage is persistent across calls. int casecount = 0; int casescriptptr; void ReportError(int error); int getkeyword(const char* text); FString translatelabeltype(int type); bool ispecial(char c); void skiptoendofline(); void skipwhitespace(); void skipblockcomment(); bool skipcomments(); int keyword(void); void getlabel(void); void appendlabelvalue(labeltypes type, int value); void appendlabeladdress(labeltypes type, int offset = 0); int transword(void); int transnum(int type); void checkforkeyword(); int parsecommand(); // EDuke 2.x additions int CountCaseStatements(); public: void compilecon(const char* filenam); void setmusic(); int getErrorCount() { return errorcount; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // label data // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* labeltypenames[] = { "define", "state", "actor", "action", "ai", "move" }; struct labeldef { labelstring name; labeltypes type; int value; int compare(const char* c) const { return name.compare(c); } const char* GetChars() { return name.GetChars(); } }; // These arrays contain the global output from the compiler. static TArray<labeldef> labels; TArray<int> ScriptCode; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // synthesize the instruction list // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define cmd(a) { #a, concmd_ ## a }, #define cmdx(a, b) { b, concmd_ ## a }, #define cmda(a,b) { #a, concmd_ ## b }, struct ConCommand { char cmd[20]; // the longest instruction name is 'ifactornotstayput' at 17 characters so if this changes this field must be enlarged. int instr; }; static ConCommand cmdList[] = { #include "condef.h" }; #undef cmd #undef cmdx #undef cmda static int cmdCmp(const void *a, const void *b) { auto A = (ConCommand*)a; auto B = (ConCommand*)b; return strcmp(A->cmd, B->cmd); } void SortCommands() { qsort(cmdList, countof(cmdList), sizeof(ConCommand), cmdCmp); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { ERROR_ISAKEYWORD = 1, ERROR_PARMUNDEFINED, WARNING_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, ERROR_COULDNOTFIND, ERROR_VARREADONLY, ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF, ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR, ERROR_OPENBRACKET, ERROR_CLOSEBRACKET, ERROR_NOENDSWITCH, ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED }; void ConCompiler::ReportError(int error) { const char* fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(currentsourcefile); switch (error) { case ERROR_ISAKEYWORD: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Symbol '%s' is a key word.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; case ERROR_PARMUNDEFINED: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Parameter '%s' is undefined.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; case WARNING_DUPLICATEDEFINITION: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Duplicate definition '%s' ignored.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; case ERROR_COULDNOTFIND: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Could not find '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; case ERROR_VARREADONLY: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Variable '%s' is read-only.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; case ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Symbol '%s' is not a Game Definition.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; case ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! (%s, line %d) Symbol '%s' is not a defined Game Variable.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; case ERROR_OPENBRACKET: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! (%s, line %d) Found more '{' than '}' before '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; case ERROR_CLOSEBRACKET: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! (%s, line %d) Found more '}' than '{' before '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; case ERROR_NOENDSWITCH: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! (%s, line %d) Did not find endswitch before '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; case ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED: Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! (%s, line %d) Symbol '%s' is not recognized.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // binary search for keyword // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::getkeyword(const char* text) { ptrdiff_t min = 0; ptrdiff_t max = countof(cmdList) - 1; while (min <= max) { int mid = (min + max) >> 1; const int comp = strcmp(text, cmdList[mid].cmd); if (comp == 0) { return cmdList[mid].instr; } else if (comp > 0) { min = mid + 1; } else { max = mid - 1; } } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // label management // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FString ConCompiler::translatelabeltype(int type) { FString buf; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!(type & (1 << i))) continue; if (buf.Len()) buf += " or "; buf += labeltypenames[i]; } return buf; } int findlabel(const char* text, bool ignorecase = false) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < labels.Size(); j++) { if (labels[j].compare(text) == 0) { return j; } } if (ignorecase) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < labels.Size(); j++) { if (labels[j].name.comparei(text) == 0) { return j; } } } return -1; } // This is for the 'spawn' CCMD. int getlabelvalue(const char* text) { int lnum = findlabel(text, true); if (lnum >= 0 && labels[lnum].type != LABEL_DEFINE) return -1; return lnum < 0 ? -1 : labels[lnum].value; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ConCompiler::ispecial(char c) { if (c == 0x0a) { line_number++; return true; } // oh joy - we need to skip some more characters here to allow running broken scripts. if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == 0x0d || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ';') return true; return false; } static bool isaltok(char c) { // isalnum pukes on negative input. return c > 0 && (isalnum(c) || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '/' || c == '*' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConCompiler::skiptoendofline() { while (*textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) textptr++; } void ConCompiler::skipwhitespace() { while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t' || *textptr == '\r' || *textptr == '\n') { if (*textptr == '\n') line_number++; textptr++; } } void ConCompiler::skipblockcomment() { while (*textptr != '*' || textptr[1] != '/') { if (*textptr == '\n') line_number++; if (*textptr == 0) return; // reached the end of the file textptr++; } textptr += 2; } bool ConCompiler::skipcomments() { while (true) { skipwhitespace(); if (*textptr == '/' && textptr[1] == '/') { skiptoendofline(); continue; } if (*textptr == '/' && textptr[1] == '*') { skipblockcomment(); continue; } // stop if we got something else // this line got added to skip over a stray semicolon in RR's COOT.CON. if (ispecial(*textptr)) textptr++; break; } return *textptr != 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::keyword(void) { int i; const char* temptextptr; skipcomments(); temptextptr = textptr; while (isaltok(*temptextptr) == 0) { temptextptr++; if (*temptextptr == 0) return 0; } i = 0; while (isaltok(*temptextptr)) { parsebuf[i] = *(temptextptr++); i++; } parsebuf[i] = 0; return getkeyword(parsebuf); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int getlabeloffset(LABELS* pLabel, const char* psz) { // find the label psz in the table pLabel. // returns the offset in the array for the label, or -1 int l = -1; int i; for (i = 0; pLabel[i].lId >= 0; i++) { if (!stricmp(pLabel[i].name, psz)) { // printf("Label has flags of %02X\n",pLabel[i].flags); return i; } } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConCompiler::getlabel(void) { int i; skipcomments(); while (isalnum(*textptr & 0xff) == 0) { if (*textptr == 0x0a) line_number++; textptr++; if (*textptr == 0) return; } i = 0; while (ispecial(*textptr) == 0 && *textptr != ']') parselabel[i++] = *(textptr++); parselabel[i] = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // script buffer access wrappers. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void setscriptvalue(int offset, int value) { ScriptCode[offset] = value; } static int scriptpos() { return ScriptCode.Size(); } static void appendscriptvalue(int value) { ScriptCode.Push(value); } static int popscriptvalue() { decltype(ScriptCode)::value_type p; ScriptCode.Pop(p); return p; } void reservescriptspace(int space) { for (int i = 0; i < space; i++) ScriptCode.Push(0); } /* void pushlabeladdress() { labelcode.Push(script.Size()); } */ void ConCompiler::appendlabelvalue(labeltypes type, int value) { labels.Reserve(1); labels.Last().type = type; labels.Last().name = parselabel; labels.Last().value = value; } void ConCompiler::appendlabeladdress(labeltypes type, int offset) { appendlabelvalue(type, ScriptCode.Size() + offset); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //Returns its code # // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::transword(void) { int i, l; skipcomments(); while (isaltok(*textptr) == 0) { if (*textptr == 0x0a) line_number++; if (*textptr == 0) return -1; textptr++; } l = 0; while (isaltok(*(textptr + l)) && !(*(textptr + l) == '.')) { if (l < 1023) { parsebuf[l] = textptr[l]; } l++; } parsebuf[l] = 0; i = getkeyword(parsebuf); if (i >= 0) { appendscriptvalue(i); textptr += l; return i; } textptr += l; const char* fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(currentsourcefile); if (parsebuf[0] == '{' && parsebuf[1] != 0) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Expecting a SPACE or CR between '{' and '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 1); else if (parsebuf[0] == '}' && parsebuf[1] != 0) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Expecting a SPACE or CR between '}' and '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 1); else if (parsebuf[0] == '/' && parsebuf[1] == '/' && parsebuf[2] != 0) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Expecting a SPACE between '//' and '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 2); else if (parsebuf[0] == '/' && parsebuf[1] == '*' && parsebuf[2] != 0) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Expecting a SPACE between '/*' and '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 2); else if (parsebuf[0] == '*' && parsebuf[1] == '/' && parsebuf[2] != 0) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Expecting a SPACE between '*/' and '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 2); else Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Keyword expected, got '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuf + 2); errorcount++; return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::transnum(int type) { int l; while (isaltok(*textptr) == 0) { if (*textptr == 0x0a) line_number++; textptr++; if (*textptr == 0) return 0; } l = 0; while (isaltok(*(textptr + l))) { if (l < 1023) { parsebuf[l] = textptr[l]; } l++; } parsebuf[l] = 0; if (getkeyword(parsebuf) >= 0) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_ISAKEYWORD); textptr += l; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < labels.Size(); i++) { if (labels[i].compare(parsebuf) == 0) { // Non-values can be compared with 0. if (labels[i].type & type || (labels[i].value == 0)) { appendscriptvalue(labels[i].value); textptr += l; return labels[i].value; } appendscriptvalue(0); textptr += l; auto el = translatelabeltype(type); auto gl = translatelabeltype(labels[i].type); const char* fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(currentsourcefile); Printf(TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) %s: Expected a '%s' label but found a '%s' label instead.\n", fn, line_number, labels[i].GetChars(), el.GetChars(), gl.GetChars()); return -1; // valid label name, but wrong type } } if (isdigit(*textptr) == 0 && *textptr != '-') { ReportError(ERROR_PARMUNDEFINED); errorcount++; textptr += l; #ifdef FOR_LATER if (GetDefID(parsebuf) >= 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE " Game Variable not expected\n"); } #endif return 0; } // Now it's getting nasty... With all of C's integer conversion functions we have to look for undefined behavior and truncation problems. This one's the least problematic approach // that ignores octal conversion. int64_t value; char *outp; bool ishex = (textptr[0] == '0' && tolower(textptr[1]) == 'x') || (textptr[0] == '-' && textptr[1] == '0' && tolower(textptr[2]) == 'x'); if (*textptr == '-') value = strtoll(textptr, &outp, ishex? 0 : 10); else value = strtoull(textptr, &outp, ishex ? 0 : 10); if (*outp != 0) { // conversion was not successful. } appendscriptvalue(int(value)); // truncate the parsed value to 32 bit. if (type != LABEL_DEFINE && value != 0) { const char* fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(currentsourcefile); Printf(TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Expected an identifier, got a numeric literal %d.\n", fn, line_number, (int)value); } textptr += l; return int(value); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // just to reduce some excessive boilerplate. This block reappeared // endlessly in parsecommand // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConCompiler::checkforkeyword() { if (getkeyword(parselabel) >= 0) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_ISAKEYWORD); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::CountCaseStatements() { int lCount; char* temptextptr; int savescript; int savecase; int temp_line_number; temp_line_number = line_number; casecount = 0; temptextptr = textptr; savescript = scriptpos(); savecase = casescriptptr; casescriptptr = 0; while (parsecommand() == 0) { ; } // since we processed the endswitch, we need to re-increment checking_switch checking_switch++; textptr = temptextptr; ScriptCode.Resize(savescript); line_number = temp_line_number; lCount = casecount; casecount = 0; casescriptptr = savecase; return lCount; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ConCompiler::parsecommand() { const char* fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(currentsourcefile); int i, j, k; int tempscrptr; uint8_t done, temp_ifelse_check;// , tw; int temp_line_number; int temp_current_file; int lnum; // Do not count warnings here and allow more errors before bailing out. if ((errorcount) > 64 || (*textptr == '\0') || (*(textptr + 1) == '\0')) return 1; int tw = transword(); switch (tw) { default: case -1: return 0; //End case concmd_state: if (parsing_actor == 0 && parsing_state == 0) { getlabel(); popscriptvalue(); appendlabeladdress(LABEL_STATE); parsing_state = 1; return 0; } getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); lnum = findlabel(parselabel); if (lnum < 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) State '%s' not found.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); errorcount++; return 0; } appendscriptvalue(labels[lnum].value); return 0; case concmd_ends: if (parsing_state == 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'ends' with no 'state'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } // else { if (num_squigilly_brackets > 0) { ReportError(ERROR_OPENBRACKET); errorcount++; } if (num_squigilly_brackets < 0) { ReportError(ERROR_CLOSEBRACKET); errorcount++; } parsing_state = 0; } return 0; case concmd_gamevar: { // syntax: gamevar <var1> <initial value> <flags> // defines var1 and sets initial value. // flags are used to define usage // (see top of this files for flags) getlabel(); // Check to see it's already defined popscriptvalue(); if (getkeyword(parselabel) >= 0) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_ISAKEYWORD); return 0; } transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // get initial value j = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // get flags lnum = popscriptvalue(); if (strlen(parselabel) > (MAXVARLABEL - 1)) { warningcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Variable Name '%s' too int (max is %d)\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars(), MAXVARLABEL - 1); return 0; } int res = AddGameVar(parselabel, j, lnum & (~(GAMEVAR_FLAG_DEFAULT | GAMEVAR_FLAG_SECRET))); if (res < 0) { errorcount++; if (res == -1) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR.(%s, line %d) Duplicate game variable definition '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); else if (res == -2) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR.(%s, line %d) '%s' maximum number of game variables exceeded.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); return 0; } return 0; } case concmd_define: getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); lnum = findlabel(parselabel); if (lnum >= 0) { warningcount++; ReportError(WARNING_DUPLICATEDEFINITION); break; } transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); i = popscriptvalue(); if (lnum < 0) { appendlabelvalue(LABEL_DEFINE, i); } popscriptvalue(); return 0; case concmd_palfrom: for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (keyword() == -1) transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); else break; } while (j < 4) { appendscriptvalue(0); j++; } return 0; case concmd_move: if (parsing_actor || parsing_state) { transnum(LABEL_MOVE); j = 0; while (keyword() == -1) { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j |= popscriptvalue(); } appendscriptvalue(j); } else { popscriptvalue(); getlabel(); // Check to see it's already defined checkforkeyword(); for (i = 0; i < (int)labels.Size(); i++) if (labels[i].compare(parselabel) == 0) { warningcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Duplicate move '%s' ignored.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); break; } if (i == labels.Size()) appendlabeladdress(LABEL_MOVE); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (keyword() >= 0) break; transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); } for (k = j; k < 2; k++) { appendscriptvalue(0); } } return 0; case concmd_music: { popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // Volume Number (0/4) k = popscriptvalue() - 1; if (k < 0) specialmusic.Clear(); i = 0; // get the file name... while (keyword() == -1) { while (isaltok(*textptr) == 0) { if (*textptr == 0x0a) line_number++; textptr++; if (*textptr == 0) break; } j = 0; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (isaltok(*(textptr + j))) { parsebuffer.Push(textptr[j]); j++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); if (k >= 0) { tempMusic.Reserve(1); tempMusic.Last().levnum = levelnum(k, i); tempMusic.Last().music = parsebuffer.Data(); } else { specialmusic.Push(parsebuffer.Data()); } textptr += j; i++; } return 0; } case concmd_include: { popscriptvalue(); skipcomments(); parsebuffer.Clear(); while (isaltok(*textptr) == 0) { if (*textptr == 0x0a) line_number++; textptr++; if (*textptr == 0) break; } j = 0; while (isaltok(*textptr)) { parsebuffer.Push(*(textptr++)); j++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); auto fni = fileSystem.FindFile(parsebuffer.Data()); if (fni < 0) { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Could not find '%s'.\n", fn, line_number, parsebuffer.Data()); ReportError(ERROR_COULDNOTFIND); return 0; } auto data = fileSystem.GetFileData(fni, 1); temp_current_file = currentsourcefile; currentsourcefile = fni; temp_line_number = line_number; line_number = 1; temp_ifelse_check = checking_ifelse; checking_ifelse = 0; auto origtptr = textptr; textptr = (char*)data.Data(); do done = parsecommand(); while (done == 0); textptr = origtptr; line_number = temp_line_number; checking_ifelse = temp_ifelse_check; currentsourcefile = temp_current_file; if (*textptr == '"') textptr++; // needed for RR. return 0; } case concmd_ai: if (parsing_actor || parsing_state) transnum(LABEL_AI); else { popscriptvalue(); getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); lnum = findlabel(parselabel); if (lnum >= 0) { warningcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Duplicate ai '%s' ignored.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); } else appendlabeladdress(LABEL_AI); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (keyword() >= 0) break; if (j == 2) { k = 0; while (keyword() == -1) { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); k |= popscriptvalue(); } appendscriptvalue(k); return 0; } else transnum(j==0? LABEL_ACTION : LABEL_MOVE); } for (k = j; k < 3; k++) { appendscriptvalue(0); } } return 0; case concmd_action: if (parsing_actor || parsing_state) transnum(LABEL_ACTION); else { popscriptvalue(); getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); lnum = findlabel(parselabel); if (lnum >= 0) { warningcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Duplicate event '%s' ignored.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); } else appendlabeladdress(LABEL_ACTION); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (keyword() >= 0) break; transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); } for (k = j; k < 5; k++) { appendscriptvalue(0); } } return 0; case concmd_actor: case concmd_useractor: // merged with 'actor' because the code is identical except for the added type parameter. { if (parsing_state) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'actor' within 'state'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } if (parsing_actor) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'actor' within 'actor'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } num_squigilly_brackets = 0; popscriptvalue(); parsing_actor = scriptpos(); if (tw == concmd_useractor) { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); } transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); lnum = popscriptvalue(); gs.actorinfo[lnum].scriptaddress = parsing_actor; // TRANSITIONAL should only store an index if (tw == concmd_useractor) { if (j & 1) gs.actorinfo[lnum].flags |= SFLAG_BADGUY; if (j & 2) gs.actorinfo[lnum].flags |= (SFLAG_BADGUY | SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT); } for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (j == 3) { j = 0; while (keyword() == -1) { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j |= popscriptvalue(); } appendscriptvalue(j); break; } else { if (keyword() >= 0) { reservescriptspace(4 - j); break; } switch (j) { case 0: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); break; case 1: transnum(LABEL_ACTION); break; case 2: transnum(LABEL_MOVE | LABEL_DEFINE); break; } // This code was originally here but is a no-op, because both source and destination are the same here. //*(parsing_actor + j) = *(scriptaddress - 1); } } checking_ifelse = 0; return 0; } case concmd_onevent: if (parsing_state) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'onevent' within 'state'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } if (parsing_actor) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'onevent' within 'actor'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } num_squigilly_brackets = 0; popscriptvalue(); parsing_event = parsing_actor = scriptpos(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); if (j< 0 || j> EVENT_MAXEVENT) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Invalid Event ID.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; return 0; } apScriptGameEvent[j] = parsing_event; checking_ifelse = 0; return 0; case concmd_cstat: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); #if 0 // the following checks are being performed by EDuke32 and RedNukem - not sure if this really should be done. // DukeGDX and RedneckGDX do not perform these checks. Code pasted here for making a decision later. i = popscriptvalue(); if (i == 32767) { i = 32768; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING!(%s, line %d) tried to set cstat 32767, using 32768 instead.\n", fn, line_number); warningcount++; } else if ((i & 48) == 48) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * WARNING!(%s, line %d) tried to set cstat %d, using %d instead.\n", fn, line_number, i, i ^ 48); i ^= 48; warningcount++; } appendscriptvalue(i); #endif return 0; case concmd_sound: case concmd_globalsound: case concmd_soundonce: case concmd_stopsound: case concmd_lotsofglass: case concmd_strength: case concmd_shoot: case concmd_addphealth: case concmd_spawn: case concmd_count: case concmd_endofgame: case concmd_spritepal: case concmd_cactor: case concmd_quote: case concmd_money: case concmd_addkills: case concmd_debug: case concmd_addstrength: case concmd_cstator: case concmd_mail: case concmd_paper: case concmd_sleeptime: case concmd_clipdist: case concmd_isdrunk: case concmd_iseat: case concmd_newpic: case concmd_espawn: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); return 0; case concmd_addammo: case concmd_addweapon: case concmd_sizeto: case concmd_sizeat: case concmd_debris: case concmd_addinventory: case concmd_guts: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); return 0; case concmd_hitradius: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); break; case concmd_else: if (checking_ifelse) { checking_ifelse--; tempscrptr = scriptpos(); reservescriptspace(1); //Leave a spot for the fail location parsecommand(); setscriptvalue(tempscrptr, scriptpos()); } else { popscriptvalue(); warningcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW " * WARNING.(%s, line %d) Found 'else' with no 'if', ignored.\n", fn, line_number); } return 0; case concmd_setvar: case concmd_addvar: case concmd_subvar: case concmd_randvar: case concmd_mulvar: case concmd_divvar: case concmd_modvar: case concmd_andvar: case concmd_orvar: case concmd_xorvar: // syntax: [rand|add|set]var <var1> <const1> // sets var1 to const1 // adds const1 to var1 (const1 can be negative...) // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); // Check to see if it's a keyword checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // the number to check against... return 0; case concmd_setvarvar: case concmd_addvarvar: case concmd_subvarvar: case concmd_mulvarvar: case concmd_divvarvar: case concmd_modvarvar: case concmd_andvarvar: case concmd_orvarvar: case concmd_xorvarvar: case concmd_randvarvar: case concmd_sin: case concmd_gmaxammo: case concmd_smaxammo: // syntax: [add|set]varvar <var1> <var2> // sets var1 = var2 // adds var1 and var2 with result in var1 // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) return 0; case concmd_ifvarvarg: case concmd_ifvarvarl: case concmd_ifvarvare: case concmd_ifvarvarn: case concmd_ifvarvarand: // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) goto if_common; case concmd_ifvarl: case concmd_ifvarg: case concmd_ifvare: case concmd_ifvarn: case concmd_ifvarand: // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // the number to check against... goto if_common; case concmd_addlogvar: // syntax: addlogvar <var> appendscriptvalue(currentsourcefile); appendscriptvalue(line_number); // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); return 0; case concmd_addlog: // syntax: addlog // source file. appendscriptvalue(currentsourcefile); // prints the line number in the log file. appendscriptvalue(line_number); return 0; case concmd_ifp: j = 0; do { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j |= popscriptvalue(); } while (keyword() == -1); appendscriptvalue(j); goto if_common; case concmd_ifsound: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); goto if_common; case concmd_ifpinventory: transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); case concmd_ifrnd: case concmd_ifpdistl: case concmd_ifpdistg: case concmd_ifai: case concmd_ifwasweapon: case concmd_ifaction: case concmd_ifactioncount: case concmd_ifmove: case concmd_ifcount: case concmd_ifactor: case concmd_ifstrength: case concmd_ifspawnedby: case concmd_ifgapzl: case concmd_iffloordistl: case concmd_ifceilingdistl: // case 74: case concmd_ifphealthl: case concmd_ifspritepal: case concmd_ifgotweaponce: case concmd_ifangdiffl: case concmd_ifactorhealthg: case concmd_ifactorhealthl: case concmd_ifsoundid: case concmd_ifsounddist: transnum(tw == concmd_ifai? LABEL_AI : tw == concmd_ifaction? LABEL_ACTION : tw == concmd_ifmove? LABEL_MOVE : LABEL_DEFINE); case concmd_ifonwater: case concmd_ifinwater: case concmd_ifactornotstayput: case concmd_ifcansee: case concmd_ifhitweapon: case concmd_ifsquished: case concmd_ifdead: case concmd_ifcanshoottarget: case concmd_ifhitspace: case concmd_ifoutside: case concmd_ifmultiplayer: case concmd_ifinspace: case concmd_ifbulletnear: case concmd_ifrespawn: case concmd_ifinouterspace: case concmd_ifnotmoving: case concmd_ifawayfromwall: case concmd_ifcanseetarget: case concmd_ifnosounds: case concmd_ifnocover: case concmd_ifhittruck: case concmd_iftipcow: case concmd_ifonmud: case concmd_ifcoop: case concmd_ifmotofast: case concmd_ifwind: case concmd_ifonmoto: case concmd_ifonboat: case concmd_ifsizedown: case concmd_ifplaybackon: // case concmd_iffindnewspot: // RRDH // case concmd_ifpupwind: if_common: // this code is identical for all 'if...'instructions. { tempscrptr = scriptpos(); reservescriptspace(1); //Leave a spot for the fail location skipcomments(); parsecommand(); setscriptvalue(tempscrptr, scriptpos()); auto k = keyword(); // Cannot be done - the code starts misbehaving with this check, it is especially noticeable on the soldiers in NAM. // Unfortunately this means one less error check, but ultimately CON is too broken to begin with anyway #if 0 if (k == concmd_else) / only increment checking_ifelse if there actually is an else. Otherwise this would break the entire checking logic and render it non-functional #endif checking_ifelse++; return 0; } case concmd_leftbrace: num_squigilly_brackets++; do done = parsecommand(); while (done == 0); return 0; case concmd_rightbrace: num_squigilly_brackets--; if (num_squigilly_brackets < 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found more '}' than '{'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } return 1; case concmd_betaname: popscriptvalue(); // not used anywhere, just parse over it. skiptoendofline(); return 0; case concmd_definevolumename: popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; i = 0; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); volumeList[j].name = FStringTable::MakeMacro(parsebuffer.Data(), i); return 0; case concmd_defineskillname: popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; i = 0; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); gSkillNames[j] = FStringTable::MakeMacro(parsebuffer.Data(), i); return 0; case concmd_definelevelname: { popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); k = popscriptvalue(); while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; i = 0; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != ' ' && *textptr != '\t' && *textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); auto levnum = levelnum(j, k); auto map = FindMapByLevelNum(levnum); if (!map) map = AllocateMap(); map->SetFileName(parsebuffer.Data()); while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; map->parTime = (((*(textptr + 0) - '0') * 10 + (*(textptr + 1) - '0')) * 26 * 60) + (((*(textptr + 3) - '0') * 10 + (*(textptr + 4) - '0')) * 26); textptr += 5; while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; map->designerTime = (((*(textptr + 0) - '0') * 10 + (*(textptr + 1) - '0')) * 26 * 60) + (((*(textptr + 3) - '0') * 10 + (*(textptr + 4) - '0')) * 26); map->levelNumber = levnum; map->cluster = j + 1; textptr += 5; while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; i = 0; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); map->name = FStringTable::MakeMacro(parsebuffer.Data()); return 0; } case concmd_definequote: popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); k = popscriptvalue(); if (k >= MAXQUOTES) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Quote number exceeds limit of %d.\n", fn, line_number, MAXQUOTES); errorcount++; } i = 0; while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != 0x0a && *textptr != 0x0d && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(k, parsebuffer.Data(), true); return 0; case concmd_definesound: { popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); k = popscriptvalue(); i = 0; while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; parsebuffer.Clear(); while (*textptr != ' ' && *textptr != '\t' && *textptr != 0) // JBF 20040127: end of file checked { parsebuffer.Push(*textptr); textptr++, i++; } parsebuffer.Push(0); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int ps = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int pe = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int pr = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int m = popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int vo = popscriptvalue(); S_DefineSound(k, parsebuffer.Data(), ps, pe, pr, m, vo, 1.f); return 0; } case concmd_endevent: if (parsing_event == 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'endevent' without defining 'onevent'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } // else { if (num_squigilly_brackets > 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found more '{' than '}' before 'endevent'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } parsing_event = 0; parsing_actor = 0; } return 0; case concmd_enda: if (parsing_actor == 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'enda' without defining 'actor'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } // else { if (num_squigilly_brackets > 0) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found more '{' than '}' before 'enda'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } parsing_actor = 0; } return 0; case concmd_break: if (checking_switch) { return 1; } case concmd_fall: case concmd_tip: // case 21: case concmd_killit: //KILLIT case concmd_resetactioncount: case concmd_pstomp: case concmd_resetplayer: case concmd_resetcount: case concmd_wackplayer: case concmd_operate: case concmd_respawnhitag: case concmd_getlastpal: case concmd_pkick: case concmd_mikesnd: case concmd_tossweapon: case concmd_nullop: case concmd_destroyit: case concmd_larrybird: case concmd_strafeleft: case concmd_straferight: case concmd_slapplayer: //case 122: case concmd_tearitup: case concmd_smackbubba: case concmd_soundtagonce: case concmd_soundtag: case concmd_smacksprite: case concmd_fakebubba: case concmd_mamatrigger: case concmd_mamaspawn: case concmd_mamaquake: case concmd_mamaend: case concmd_garybanjo: case concmd_motoloopsnd: case concmd_rndmove: //case concmd_leavetrax: // RRDH //case concmd_leavedroppings: //case concmd_deploybias: return 0; case concmd_gamestartup: { // What a mess. The only way to detect which game version we are running is to count the parsed values here. int params[34]; // 34 is the maximum for RRRA. int pcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) { transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); params[pcount++] = popscriptvalue(); if (keyword() != -1) break; } int pget = 0; if (!isRR()) { if (pcount == 30) g_gameType |= GAMEFLAG_PLUTOPAK; else if (pcount == 31) g_gameType |= GAMEFLAG_PLUTOPAK | GAMEFLAG_WORLDTOUR; else if (pcount != 26) I_FatalError("Invalid CONs. Cannot detect version. gamestartup has %d entries", pcount); } gameinfo.gametype = g_gameType; popscriptvalue(); auto parseone = [&]() { return params[pget++]; }; ud.const_visibility = parseone(); gs.impact_damage = parseone(); gs.max_player_health = parseone(); gs.max_armour_amount = parseone(); gs.respawnactortime = parseone(); gs.respawnitemtime = parseone(); gs.playerfriction = parseone(); if (isPlutoPak() || isRR()) gs.gravity = parseone(); gs.rpgblastradius = parseone(); gs.pipebombblastradius = parseone(); gs.shrinkerblastradius = parseone(); gs.tripbombblastradius = parseone(); gs.morterblastradius = parseone(); gs.bouncemineblastradius = parseone(); gs.seenineblastradius = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[1] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[2] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[3] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[4] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[5] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[6] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[7] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[8] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[9] = parseone(); if (isPlutoPak() || isRR()) gs.max_ammo_amount[11] = parseone(); if (isRR()) gs.max_ammo_amount[12] = parseone(); gs.camerashitable = parseone(); gs.numfreezebounces = parseone(); gs.freezerhurtowner = parseone(); if (isPlutoPak() || isRR()) { spriteqamount = clamp(parseone(), 0, 1024); gs.lasermode = parseone(); } if (isWorldTour()) gs.max_ammo_amount[12] = parseone(); if (isRRRA()) { gs.max_ammo_amount[13] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[14] = parseone(); gs.max_ammo_amount[16] = parseone(); } return 0; } case concmd_eventloadactor: { if (parsing_state) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'eventloadactor' within 'state'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } if (parsing_actor) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Found 'eventloadactor' within 'actor'.\n", fn, line_number); errorcount++; } num_squigilly_brackets = 0; popscriptvalue(); parsing_actor = scriptpos(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int n = popscriptvalue(); gs.tileinfo[n].loadeventscriptptr = parsing_actor; checking_ifelse = 0; return 0; } case concmd_setsector: case concmd_getsector: { int lLabelID; // syntax getsector[<var>].x <VAR> // gets the value of sector[<var>].xxx into <VAR> // now get name of .xxx while ((*textptr != '[')) { textptr++; } if (*textptr == '[') textptr++; // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // now get name of .xxx while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); lLabelID = getlabeloffset(sectorlabels, parselabel); if (lLabelID == -1) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(sectorlabels[lLabelID].lId); if (sectorlabels[lLabelID].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2) { getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); } else appendscriptvalue(0); // now at target VAR... // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getsector && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_findnearactor: { // syntax findnearactor <type> <maxdist> <getvar> // gets the sprite ID of the nearest actor within max dist // that is of <type> into <getvar> // -1 for none found transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // get <type> transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // get maxdist getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_findnearactorvar: { // syntax findnearactorvar <type> <maxdistvar> <getvar> // gets the sprite ID of the nearest actor within max dist // that is of <type> into <getvar> // -1 for none found transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); // get <type> getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } // target var getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_sqrt: { // syntax sqrt <invar> <outvar> // gets the sqrt of invar into outvar getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // target var getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_setwall: case concmd_getwall: { int lLabelID; // syntax getwall[<var>].x <VAR> // gets the value of wall[<var>].xxx into <VAR> // now get name of .xxx while ((*textptr != '[')) { textptr++; } if (*textptr == '[') textptr++; // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // now get name of .xxx while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); lLabelID = getlabeloffset(walllabels, parselabel); if (lLabelID == -1) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(walllabels[lLabelID].lId); if (walllabels[lLabelID].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2) { // get parm2 // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) } else appendscriptvalue(0); // now at target VAR... // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getwall && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_setplayer: case concmd_getplayer: { int lLabelID; // syntax getwall[<var>].x <VAR> // gets the value of wall[<var>].xxx into <VAR> // now get name of .xxx while ((*textptr != '[')) { textptr++; } if (*textptr == '[') textptr++; // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // now get name of .xxx while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); lLabelID = getlabeloffset(playerlabels, parselabel); if (lLabelID == -1) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(playerlabels[lLabelID].lId); if (playerlabels[lLabelID].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2) { getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) } else appendscriptvalue(0); // now at target VAR... getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getplayer && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_setuserdef: case concmd_getuserdef: { int lLabelID; // syntax [gs]etuserdef.x <VAR> // gets the value of ud.xxx into <VAR> // now get name of .xxx while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); lLabelID = getlabeloffset(userdefslabels, parselabel); if (lLabelID == -1) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(userdefslabels[lLabelID].lId); if (userdefslabels[lLabelID].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2) { // get parm2 // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) } else appendscriptvalue(0); // now at target VAR... // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getplayer && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_setactorvar: case concmd_getactorvar: { // syntax [gs]etactorvar[<var>].<varx> <VAR> // gets the value of the per-actor variable varx into VAR // now get name of <var> while ((*textptr != '[')) { textptr++; } if (*textptr == '[') textptr++; // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // now get name of .<varx> while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_setactorvar && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_setactorvar && !(aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_PERACTOR)) { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Variable '%s' is not per-actor.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getactorvar && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_setactor: case concmd_getactor: { int lLabelID; // syntax getsector[<var>].x <VAR> // gets the value of sector[<var>].xxx into <VAR> // now get name of .xxx while ((*textptr != '[')) { textptr++; } if (*textptr == '[') textptr++; // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // now get name of .xxx while (*textptr != '.') { if (*textptr == 0xa) break; if (!*textptr) break; textptr++; } if (*textptr != '.') { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Syntax error.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; } textptr++; /// now pointing at 'xxx' getlabel(); lLabelID = getlabeloffset(actorlabels, parselabel); if (lLabelID == -1) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_SYMBOLNOTRECOGNIZED); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(actorlabels[lLabelID].lId); if (actorlabels[lLabelID].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2) { // get parm2 // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Symbol '%s' is not a Game Definition.\n", fn, line_number, parselabel.GetChars()); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) } else appendscriptvalue(0); // now at target VAR... // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (tw == concmd_getactor && aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; } case concmd_espawnvar: // syntax: espawnvar <Var1> // spawns the sprite of type ID and sets RETURN to spawned sprite ID // FALL THROUGH: case concmd_lockplayer: // syntax: lockplayer <var1> // sets locks the player controls for <var1> ticks getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } if (aGameVars[i].dwFlags & GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY) { errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_VARREADONLY); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) return 0; case concmd_enhanced: { popscriptvalue(); transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); int k = popscriptvalue(); if (k > VERSIONCHECK) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR: This CON Code requires at least Build %d, but we are only Build %d\n", k, (int)VERSIONCHECK); errorcount++; } break; } case concmd_spgetlotag: case concmd_spgethitag: case concmd_sectgetlotag: case concmd_sectgethitag: case concmd_gettexturefloor: case concmd_gettextureceiling: // no paramaters... return 0; case concmd_starttrack: // one parameter (track#) transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); return 0; case concmd_gettexturewall: errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) Command 'gettexturewall' is not yet implemented.\n", fn, line_number); return 0; case concmd_displayrand: // syntax: displayrand <var> // gets rand (not game rand) into <var> // Get The ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // the ID of the DEF (offset into array...) break; case concmd_switch: checking_switch++; // allow nesting (if other things work) getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); tempscrptr = scriptpos(); appendscriptvalue(0); // leave spot for end location (for after processing) appendscriptvalue(0); // count of case statements casescriptptr = scriptpos(); // the first case's pointer. appendscriptvalue(0); // leave spot for 'default' location (null if none) j = keyword(); while (j == 20) // '//' { while (*textptr != 0x0a) textptr++; j = keyword(); } // probably does not allow nesting... j = CountCaseStatements(); if (checking_switch > 1) { // sprintf(g_szBuf,"ERROR::%s %d: Checking_switch=",__FILE__,__LINE__, checking_switch); // AddLog(g_szBuf); } if (j < 0) { return 1; } if (tempscrptr) { setscriptvalue(tempscrptr + 1, j); // save count of cases } while (j--) { // leave room for statements appendscriptvalue(0); // value check appendscriptvalue(0); // code offset } casecount = 0; while (parsecommand() == 0); casecount = 0; if (tempscrptr) { setscriptvalue(tempscrptr, scriptpos()); // save 'end' location } casescriptptr = NULL; // decremented in endswitch. Don't decrement here... // checking_switch--; // allow nesting (maybe if other things work) tempscrptr = NULL; break; case concmd_case: //AddLog("Found Case"); repeatcase: popscriptvalue(); // don't save in code if (checking_switch < 1) { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) case statement when not in switch\n", fn, line_number); return 1; } casecount++; transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); if (casescriptptr) { setscriptvalue(casescriptptr + (casecount++), j); setscriptvalue(casescriptptr + casecount, scriptpos()); } j = keyword(); while (j == 20) // '//' { while (*textptr != 0x0a) textptr++; j = keyword(); } if (j == concmd_case) { transword(); // eat 'case' goto repeatcase; } while (parsecommand() == 0); return 0; case concmd_default: popscriptvalue(); // don't save if (casescriptptr != 0 && ScriptCode[casescriptptr] != 0) { // duplicate default statement errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) multiple default statements found in switch\n", fn, line_number); } if (casescriptptr) { setscriptvalue(casescriptptr, scriptpos()); } while (parsecommand() == 0); break; case concmd_endswitch: checking_switch--; if (checking_switch < 0) { errorcount++; Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR!(%s, line %d) endswitch without matching switch\n", fn, line_number); } return 1; // end of block break; case concmd_startlevel: // start at specified level // startlevel <episode> <level> #if 0 if (!g_bEnhanced) { errorcount++; printf(" * ERROR!(L%ld) Command '%s' is enhanced only. Define enhance with the version number your code needs before using this commands.\n", line_number, tempbuf); return 0; } #endif // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); break; case concmd_mapvoxel: // map a tilenum to a voxel. // syntax: mapvoxel <tilenum> <filename (8.3)> #if 0 if (!g_bEnhanced) { errorcount++; printf(" * ERROR!(L%ld) Command '%s' is enhanced only. Define enhance with the version number your code needs before using this commands.\n", line_number, tempbuf); return 0; } #endif popscriptvalue(); // don't save in compiled code transnum(LABEL_DEFINE); j = popscriptvalue(); while (*textptr == ' ' || *textptr == '\t') textptr++; i = 0; #if 0 voxel_map[j].name[i] = 0; voxel_map[j].voxnum = -2; // flag to load later while ((i < 12) && (isalnum(*textptr) || *textptr == '.')) { voxel_map[j].name[i++] = *textptr++; } voxel_map[j].name[i] = 0; #endif break; case concmd_myos: case concmd_myospal: case concmd_myosx: case concmd_myospalx: #if 0 if (!g_bEnhanced) { errorcount++; printf(" * ERROR!(L%ld) Command '%s' is enhanced only. Define enhance with the version number your code needs before using this commands.\n", line_number, tempbuf); return 0; } #endif // syntax: // int x, int y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation // myospal adds char pal // Parse: x // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // Parse: Y // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // Parse: tilenum // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // Parse: shade // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); // Parse: orientation // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); if (tw == concmd_myospal || tw == concmd_myospalx) { // Parse: pal // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEVAR); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); } break; case concmd_getangletotarget: case concmd_getactorangle: case concmd_setactorangle: case concmd_getplayerangle: case concmd_setplayerangle: // Syntax: <command> <var> // get the ID of the DEF getlabel(); checkforkeyword(); i = GetDefID(parselabel); //printf("Label '%s' ID is %d\n",label+(labelcnt<<6), i); if (i < 0) { // not a defined DEF errorcount++; ReportError(ERROR_NOTAGAMEDEF); return 0; } appendscriptvalue(i); return 0; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // split in two to allow multiple CON files. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConCompiler::compilecon(const char *filenam) { currentsourcefile = fileSystem.FindFile(filenam); if (currentsourcefile < 0) { I_FatalError("%s: Missing con file(s).", filenam); } Printf("Compiling: '%s'.\n", filenam); auto data = fileSystem.GetFileData(currentsourcefile, 1); textptr = (char*)data.Data(); line_number = 1; errorcount = warningcount = 0; while (parsecommand() == 0); if ((errorcount) > 64) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " * ERROR! Too many errors."); else if (warningcount || errorcount) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE "Found %d warning(s), %d error(s).\n", warningcount, errorcount); if (errorcount > 0) I_FatalError("Failed to compile %s", filenam); // Install the crosshair toggle messages in the CVAR. cl_crosshair.SetToggleMessages(quoteMgr.GetRawQuote(QUOTE_CROSSHAIR_OFF), quoteMgr.GetRawQuote(QUOTE_CROSSHAIR_OFF-1)); } //========================================================================== // // Fallback in case nothing got defined. // //========================================================================== static const char* ConFile(void) { if (userConfig.DefaultCon.IsNotEmpty()) return userConfig.DefaultCon.GetChars(); // WW2GI anf NAM special con names got introduced by EDuke32. // Do we really need these? if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_WW2GI) { if (fileSystem.FindFile("ww2gi.con") >= 0) return "ww2gi.con"; } if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_NAM) { if (fileSystem.FindFile("nam.con") >= 0) return "nam.con"; if (fileSystem.FindFile("napalm.con") >= 0) return "napalm.con"; } if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_NAPALM) { if (fileSystem.FindFile("napalm.con") >= 0) return "napalm.con"; if (fileSystem.FindFile("nam.con") >= 0) return "nam.con"; } // This got introduced by EDuke 2.0. if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_DUKE) { if (fileSystem.FindFile("eduke.con") >= 0) return "eduke.con"; } // the other games only use game.con. return "game.con"; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // process the music definitions after all map records are set up. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConCompiler::setmusic() { for (auto& tm : tempMusic) { auto map = FindMapByLevelNum(tm.levnum); if (map) map->music = tm.music; } tempMusic.Clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // why was this called loadefs? // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loadcons() { gs = {}; gs.respawnactortime = 768; gs.bouncemineblastradius = 2500; gs.respawnitemtime = 768; gs.morterblastradius = 2500; gs.numfreezebounces = 3; gs.pipebombblastradius = 2500; gs.playerfriction = 0xCFD0; gs.rpgblastradius = 1780; gs.seenineblastradius = 2048; gs.shrinkerblastradius = 650; gs.gravity = 176; gs.tripbombblastradius = 3880; gs.playerheight = PHEIGHT_DUKE; gs.displayflags = DUKE3D_NO_WIDESCREEN_PINNING; ScriptCode.Clear(); labels.Clear(); SortCommands(); ClearGameEvents(); ClearGameVars(); AddSystemVars(); auto before = I_nsTime(); ScriptCode.Push(0); ConCompiler comp; comp.compilecon(ConFile()); //Tokenize if (userConfig.AddCons) for (FString& m : *userConfig.AddCons.get()) { comp.compilecon(m); } ScriptCode.ShrinkToFit(); labels.ShrinkToFit(); userConfig.AddCons.reset(); setscriptvalue(0, scriptpos()); if (comp.getErrorCount()) { I_FatalError("Failed to compile CONs."); } else { auto after = I_nsTime(); Printf("Compilation time:%.2f ms, Code Size:%u bytes. %u labels. %d/%d Variables.\n", (after-before) / 1000000., (ScriptCode.Size() << 2) - 4, labels.Size(), 0,//iGameVarCount, MAXGAMEVARS ); } // These can only be retrieved AFTER loading the scripts. InitGameVarPointers(); ResetSystemDefaults(); S_WorldTourMappingsForOldSounds(); // create a sound mapping for World Tour. S_CacheAllSounds(); comp.setmusic(); } void FixMapinfo() { // todo: export this to proper map definition features. if (isWorldTour()) { // fix broken secret exit in WT's super secret map. int num = fileSystem.CheckNumForName("e1l7.map"); int file = fileSystem.GetFileContainer(num); if (file <= fileSystem.GetMaxIwadNum()) { auto maprec = FindMapByName("e1l7"); if (maprec) maprec->nextLevel = levelnum(0, 4); } } else if (isRR()) { if (volumeList[0].flags & EF_GOTONEXTVOLUME) { // RR goes directly to the second episode after E1L7 to continue the game. auto maprec1 = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(0, 6)); // E1L7 must exist auto maprec2 = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(0, 7)); // E1L8 must not exist if (maprec1 && !maprec2) { maprec1->nextLevel = levelnum(1, 0); } } if (!isRRRA()) { // RR does not define its final level and crudely hacked it into the progression. This puts it into the E2L8 slot so that the game can naturally progress there. auto maprec1 = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(1, 6)); // E2L7 must exist auto maprec2 = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(1, 7)); // E2L8 must not exist auto maprec3 = FindMapByName("endgame"); // endgame must not have a map record already int num3 = fileSystem.FindFile("endgame.map"); // endgame.map must exist. if (maprec1 && !maprec2 && !maprec3 && num3 >= 0) { auto maprec = AllocateMap(); maprec->designerTime = 0; maprec->parTime = 0; maprec->SetFileName("endgame.map"); maprec->SetName("$TXT_CLOSEENCOUNTERS"); maprec->levelNumber = levelnum(1, 7); maprec->cluster = 2; } } } } END_DUKE_NS