// On-screen Display (ie. console) // for the Build Engine // by Jonathon Fowler (jonof@edgenetwk.com) #include "build.h" #include "osd.h" #include "compat.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "pragmas.h" symbol_t *symbols = NULL; static symbol_t *addnewsymbol(const char *name); static symbol_t *findsymbol(const char *name, symbol_t *startingat); static symbol_t *findexactsymbol(const char *name); // static int _validate_osdlines(void *); static int _internal_osdfunc_listsymbols(const osdfuncparm_t *); static int _internal_osdfunc_help(const osdfuncparm_t *); static int _internal_osdfunc_alias(const osdfuncparm_t *); // static int _internal_osdfunc_dumpbuildinfo(const osdfuncparm_t *); // static int _internal_osdfunc_setrendermode(const osdfuncparm_t *); static int white=-1; // colour of white (used by default display routines) static void _internal_drawosdchar(int, int, char, int, int); static void _internal_drawosdstr(int, int, char*, int, int, int); static void _internal_drawosdcursor(int,int,int,int); static int _internal_getcolumnwidth(int); static int _internal_getrowheight(int); static void _internal_clearbackground(int,int); static int _internal_gettime(void); static void _internal_onshowosd(int); // history display static char osdtext[TEXTSIZE]; static char osdfmt[TEXTSIZE]; static char osdversionstring[32]; static int osdversionstringlen; static int osdversionstringshade; static int osdversionstringpal; static int osdpos=0; // position next character will be written at static int osdlines=1; // # lines of text in the buffer static int osdrows=20; // # lines of the buffer that are visible static int osdrowscur=-1; static int osdscroll=0; static int osdcols=60; // width of onscreen display in text columns static int osdmaxrows=20; // maximum number of lines which can fit on the screen static int osdmaxlines=TEXTSIZE/60; // maximum lines which can fit in the buffer static char osdvisible=0; // onscreen display visible? static char osdinput=0; // capture input? static int osdhead=0; // topmost visible line number static BFILE *osdlog=NULL; // log filehandle static char osdinited=0; // text buffer initialized? static int osdkey=0x29; // tilde shows the osd static int keytime=0; static int osdscrtime = 0; // command prompt editing #define EDITLENGTH 511 static int osdovertype=0; // insert (0) or overtype (1) static char osdeditbuf[EDITLENGTH+1]; // editing buffer static char osdedittmp[EDITLENGTH+1]; // editing buffer temporary workspace static int osdeditlen=0; // length of characters in edit buffer static int osdeditcursor=0; // position of cursor in edit buffer static int osdeditshift=0; // shift state static int osdeditcontrol=0; // control state static int osdeditcaps=0; // capslock static int osdeditwinstart=0; static int osdeditwinend=60-1-3; #define editlinewidth (osdcols-1-3) // command processing #define HISTORYDEPTH 32 static int osdhistorypos=-1; // position we are at in the history buffer static char osdhistorybuf[HISTORYDEPTH][EDITLENGTH+1]; // history strings static int osdhistorysize=0; // number of entries in history static int osdhistorytotal=0; // number of total history entries // execution buffer // the execution buffer works from the command history static int osdexeccount=0; // number of lines from the head of the history buffer to execute // maximal log line count static int logcutoff=120000; int OSD_errors=0; static int linecnt; static int osdexecscript=0; #ifdef _WIN32 static int osdtextmode=0; #else static int osdtextmode=1; #endif // presentation parameters static int osdpromptshade=0; static int osdpromptpal=0; static int osdeditshade=0; static int osdeditpal=0; static int osdtextshade=0; static int osdtextpal=0; /* static int osdcursorshade=0; static int osdcursorpal=0; */ // application callbacks static void (*drawosdchar)(int, int, char, int, int) = _internal_drawosdchar; static void (*drawosdstr)(int, int, char*, int, int, int) = _internal_drawosdstr; static void (*drawosdcursor)(int, int, int, int) = _internal_drawosdcursor; static int (*getcolumnwidth)(int) = _internal_getcolumnwidth; static int (*getrowheight)(int) = _internal_getrowheight; static void (*clearbackground)(int,int) = _internal_clearbackground; static int (*gettime)(void) = _internal_gettime; static void (*onshowosd)(int) = _internal_onshowosd; static void (*_drawosdchar)(int, int, char, int, int) = _internal_drawosdchar; static void (*_drawosdstr)(int, int, char*, int, int, int) = _internal_drawosdstr; static void (*_drawosdcursor)(int, int, int, int) = _internal_drawosdcursor; static int (*_getcolumnwidth)(int) = _internal_getcolumnwidth; static int (*_getrowheight)(int) = _internal_getrowheight; // color code format is as follows: // ^## sets a color, where ## is the palette number // ^S# sets a shade, range is 0-7 equiv to shades 0-14 // ^O resets formatting to defaults const char *stripcolorcodes(const char *in, char *out) { char *ptr = out; do { if (*in == '^' && isdigit(*(in+1))) { in += 2; if (isdigit(*in)) in++; continue; } if (*in == '^' && (Btoupper(*(in+1)) == 'S') && isdigit(*(in+2))) { in += 3; continue; } if (*in == '^' && (Btoupper(*(in+1)) == 'O')) { in += 2; continue; } *(out++) = *(in++); } while (*in); *out = '\0'; return(ptr); } int OSD_Exec(const char *szScript) { FILE* fp = fopenfrompath(szScript, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { char line[255]; OSD_Printf("Executing \"%s\"\n", szScript); osdexecscript++; while (fgets(line ,sizeof(line)-1, fp) != NULL) OSD_Dispatch(strtok(line,"\r\n")); osdexecscript--; fclose(fp); return 0; } return 1; } int OSD_ParsingScript(void) { return osdexecscript; } int OSD_OSDKey(void) { return osdkey; } char *OSD_GetTextPtr(void) { return (&osdtext[0]); } char *OSD_GetFmtPtr(void) { return (&osdfmt[0]); } char *OSD_GetFmt(char *ptr) { return (ptr - &osdtext[0] + &osdfmt[0]); } int OSD_GetCols(void) { return osdcols; } int OSD_GetTextMode(void) { return osdtextmode; } void OSD_SetTextMode(int mode) { osdtextmode = (mode != 0); if (osdtextmode) { if (drawosdchar != _internal_drawosdchar) { swaplong(&_drawosdchar,&drawosdchar); swaplong(&_drawosdstr,&drawosdstr); swaplong(&_drawosdcursor,&drawosdcursor); swaplong(&_getcolumnwidth,&getcolumnwidth); swaplong(&_getrowheight,&getrowheight); } } else if (drawosdchar == _internal_drawosdchar) { swaplong(&_drawosdchar,&drawosdchar); swaplong(&_drawosdstr,&drawosdstr); swaplong(&_drawosdcursor,&drawosdcursor); swaplong(&_getcolumnwidth,&getcolumnwidth); swaplong(&_getrowheight,&getrowheight); } if (qsetmode == 200) OSD_ResizeDisplay(xdim, ydim); } static int _internal_osdfunc_exec(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { char fn[BMAX_PATH]; if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; Bstrcpy(fn,parm->parms[0]); if (OSD_Exec(fn)) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "exec: file \"%s\" not found.\n", fn); return OSDCMD_OK; } return OSDCMD_OK; } static void _internal_drawosdchar(int x, int y, char ch, int shade, int pal) { int i,j,k; char st[2] = { 0,0 }; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(shade); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pal); st[0] = ch; if (white<0) { // find the palette index closest to white k=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j = ((int)curpalette[i].r)+((int)curpalette[i].g)+((int)curpalette[i].b); if (j > k) { k = j; white = i; } } } printext256(4+(x<<3),4+(y<<3), white, -1, st, 0); } static void _internal_drawosdstr(int x, int y, char *ch, int len, int shade, int pal) { int i,j,k; char st[1024]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(shade); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pal); if (len>1023) len=1023; memcpy(st,ch,len); st[len]=0; if (white<0) { // find the palette index closest to white k=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j = ((int)curpalette[i].r)+((int)curpalette[i].g)+((int)curpalette[i].b); if (j > k) { k = j; white = i; } } } printext256(4+(x<<3),4+(y<<3), white, -1, st, 0); } static void _internal_drawosdcursor(int x, int y, int type, int lastkeypress) { int i,j,k; char st[2] = { '_',0 }; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lastkeypress); if (type) st[0] = '#'; if (white<0) { // find the palette index closest to white k=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j = ((int)palette[i*3])+((int)palette[i*3+1])+((int)palette[i*3+2]); if (j > k) { k = j; white = i; } } } printext256(4+(x<<3),4+(y<<3)+2, white, -1, st, 0); } static int _internal_getcolumnwidth(int w) { return w/8 - 1; } static int _internal_getrowheight(int w) { return w/8; } static void _internal_clearbackground(int cols, int rows) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cols); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(rows); } static int _internal_gettime(void) { return 0; } static void _internal_onshowosd(int a) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(a); } //////////////////////////// static int _internal_osdfunc_alias(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { symbol_t *i; if (parm->numparms < 1) { int j = 0; OSD_Printf("Alias listing:\n"); for (i=symbols; i!=NULL; i=i->next) if (i->func == (void *)OSD_ALIAS) { j++; OSD_Printf(" %s \"%s\"\n", i->name, i->help); } if (j == 0) OSD_Printf("No aliases found.\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } for (i=symbols; i!=NULL; i=i->next) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0],i->name)) { if (parm->numparms < 2) { if (i->func == (void *)OSD_ALIAS) OSD_Printf("alias %s \"%s\"\n", i->name, i->help); else OSD_Printf("%s is a function, not an alias\n",i->name); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (i->func != (void *)OSD_ALIAS && i->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED) { OSD_Printf("Cannot override function \"%s\" with alias\n",i->name); return OSDCMD_OK; } } } OSD_RegisterFunction(Bstrdup(parm->parms[0]),Bstrdup(parm->parms[1]),(void *)OSD_ALIAS); if (!osdexecscript) OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int _internal_osdfunc_unalias(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { symbol_t *i; if (parm->numparms < 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; for (i=symbols; i!=NULL; i=i->next) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0],i->name)) { if (parm->numparms < 2) { if (i->func == (void *)OSD_ALIAS) { OSD_Printf("Removed alias %s (\"%s\")\n", i->name, i->help); i->func = (void *)OSD_UNALIASED; } else OSD_Printf("Invalid alias %s\n",i->name); return OSDCMD_OK; } } } OSD_Printf("Invalid alias %s\n",parm->parms[0]); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int _internal_osdfunc_vars(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int showval = (parm->numparms < 1); if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdrows")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdrows is %d\n", osdrows); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdrows = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdrows < 1) osdrows = 1; else if (osdrows > osdmaxrows) osdrows = osdmaxrows; if (osdrowscur!=-1)osdrowscur = osdrows; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdpromptshade")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdpromptshade is %d\n", osdpromptshade); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdpromptshade = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdpromptshade < -128) osdpromptshade = -128; else if (osdpromptshade > 127) osdpromptshade = 127; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdeditshade")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdeditshade is %d\n", osdeditshade); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdeditshade = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdeditshade < 0) osdeditshade = 0; else if (osdeditshade > 7) osdeditshade = 7; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdtextshade")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdtextshade is %d\n", osdtextshade); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdtextshade = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdtextshade < 0) osdtextshade = 0; else if (osdtextshade > 7) osdtextshade = 7; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdpromptpal")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdpromptpal is %d\n", osdpromptpal); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdpromptpal = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdpromptpal < 0) osdpromptpal = 0; else if (osdpromptpal > MAXPALOOKUPS-1) osdpromptpal = MAXPALOOKUPS; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdeditpal")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdeditpal is %d\n", osdeditpal); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdeditpal = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdeditpal < 0) osdeditpal = 0; else if (osdeditpal > MAXPALOOKUPS-1) osdeditpal = MAXPALOOKUPS; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdtextpal")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdtextpal is %d\n", osdtextpal); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { osdtextpal = atoi(parm->parms[0]); if (osdtextpal < 0) osdtextpal = 0; else if (osdtextpal > MAXPALOOKUPS-1) osdtextpal = MAXPALOOKUPS; OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osdtextmode")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("osdtextmode is %d\n", osdtextmode); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { OSD_SetTextMode(atoi(parm->parms[0]) != 0); OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "logcutoff")) { if (showval) { OSD_Printf("logcutoff is %d\n", logcutoff); return OSDCMD_OK; } else { logcutoff = atoi(parm->parms[0]); OSD_Printf("%s\n",parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } } return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } static int _internal_osdfunc_listsymbols(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { symbol_t *i; int maxwidth = 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); for (i=symbols; i!=NULL; i=i->next) if (i->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED) maxwidth = max((unsigned)maxwidth,Bstrlen(i->name)); if (maxwidth > 0) { int x = 0, count = 0; maxwidth += 3; OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Symbol listing:\n"); for (i=symbols; i!=NULL; i=i->next) { if (i->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED) { OSD_Printf("%-*s",maxwidth,i->name); x += maxwidth; count++; } if (x > osdcols - maxwidth) { x = 0; OSD_Printf("\n"); } } if (x) OSD_Printf("\n"); OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Found %d symbols\n",count); } return OSDCMD_OK; } static int _internal_osdfunc_help(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { symbol_t *symb; if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; symb = findexactsymbol(parm->parms[0]); if (!symb) { OSD_Printf("Help Error: \"%s\" is not a defined variable or function\n", parm->parms[0]); } else { OSD_Printf("%s\n", symb->help); } return OSDCMD_OK; } static int _internal_osdfunc_clear(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); Bmemset(osdtext,0,sizeof(osdtext)); Bmemset(osdfmt,osdtextpal+(osdtextshade<<5),sizeof(osdfmt)); osdlines = 1; return OSDCMD_OK; } static int _internal_osdfunc_history(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int i, j = 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Command history:\n"); for (i=HISTORYDEPTH-1; i>=0;i--) if (osdhistorybuf[i][0]) OSD_Printf("%4d \"%s\"\n",osdhistorytotal-osdhistorysize+(++j),osdhistorybuf[i]); return OSDCMD_OK; } //////////////////////////// // // OSD_Cleanup() -- Cleans up the on-screen display // void OSD_Cleanup(void) { symbol_t *s; for (; symbols; symbols=s) { s=symbols->next; Bfree(symbols); } if (osdlog) Bfclose(osdlog); osdlog = NULL; osdinited=0; } // // OSD_Init() -- Initializes the on-screen display // void OSD_Init(void) { Bmemset(osdtext, 32, TEXTSIZE); Bmemset(osdfmt, osdtextpal+(osdtextshade<<5), TEXTSIZE); osdlines=1; osdinited=1; OSD_RegisterFunction("alias","alias: creates an alias for calling multiple commands",_internal_osdfunc_alias); OSD_RegisterFunction("clear","clear: clears the console text buffer",_internal_osdfunc_clear); OSD_RegisterFunction("exec","exec : executes a script", _internal_osdfunc_exec); OSD_RegisterFunction("help","help: displays help for the specified cvar or command; \"listsymbols\" to show all commands",_internal_osdfunc_help); OSD_RegisterFunction("history","history: displays the console command history",_internal_osdfunc_history); OSD_RegisterFunction("listsymbols","listsymbols: lists all the recognized symbols",_internal_osdfunc_listsymbols); OSD_RegisterFunction("logcutoff","logcutoff: sets the maximal line count of the log file",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdeditpal","osdeditpal: sets the palette of the OSD input text",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdeditshade","osdeditshade: sets the shade of the OSD input text",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdpromptpal","osdpromptpal: sets the palette of the OSD prompt",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdpromptshade","osdpromptshade: sets the shade of the OSD prompt",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdrows","osdrows: sets the number of visible lines of the OSD",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdtextmode","osdtextmode: set OSD text mode (0:graphical, 1:fast)",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdtextpal","osdtextpal: sets the palette of the OSD text",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("osdtextshade","osdtextshade: sets the shade of the OSD text",_internal_osdfunc_vars); OSD_RegisterFunction("unalias","unalias: removes an alias created with \"alias\"",_internal_osdfunc_unalias); atexit(OSD_Cleanup); } // // OSD_SetLogFile() -- Sets the text file where printed text should be echoed // void OSD_SetLogFile(char *fn) { if (osdlog) Bfclose(osdlog); osdlog = NULL; if (fn) osdlog = Bfopen(fn,"w"); if (osdlog) setvbuf(osdlog, (char*)NULL, _IONBF, 0); } // // OSD_SetFunctions() -- Sets some callbacks which the OSD uses to understand its world // void OSD_SetFunctions( void (*drawchar)(int,int,char,int,int), void (*drawstr)(int,int,char*,int,int,int), void (*drawcursor)(int,int,int,int), int (*colwidth)(int), int (*rowheight)(int), void (*clearbg)(int,int), int (*gtime)(void), void (*showosd)(int) ) { drawosdchar = drawchar; drawosdstr = drawstr; drawosdcursor = drawcursor; getcolumnwidth = colwidth; getrowheight = rowheight; clearbackground = clearbg; gettime = gtime; onshowosd = showosd; if (!drawosdchar) drawosdchar = _internal_drawosdchar; if (!drawosdstr) drawosdstr = _internal_drawosdstr; if (!drawosdcursor) drawosdcursor = _internal_drawosdcursor; if (!getcolumnwidth) getcolumnwidth = _internal_getcolumnwidth; if (!getrowheight) getrowheight = _internal_getrowheight; if (!clearbackground) clearbackground = _internal_clearbackground; if (!gettime) gettime = _internal_gettime; if (!onshowosd) onshowosd = _internal_onshowosd; } // // OSD_SetParameters() -- Sets the parameters for presenting the text // void OSD_SetParameters( int promptshade, int promptpal, int editshade, int editpal, int textshade, int textpal ) { osdpromptshade = promptshade; osdpromptpal = promptpal; osdeditshade = editshade; osdeditpal = editpal; osdtextshade = textshade; osdtextpal = textpal; } // // OSD_CaptureKey() -- Sets the scancode for the key which activates the onscreen display // void OSD_CaptureKey(int sc) { osdkey = sc; } // // OSD_FindDiffPoint() -- Finds the length of the longest common prefix of 2 strings, stolen from ZDoom // static int OSD_FindDiffPoint(const char *str1, const char *str2) { int i; for (i = 0; Btolower(str1[i]) == Btolower(str2[i]); i++) if (str1[i] == 0 || str2[i] == 0) break; return i; } // // OSD_HandleKey() -- Handles keyboard input when capturing input. // Returns 0 if the key was handled internally, or the scancode if it should // be passed on to the game. // static void OSD_HistoryPrev(void) { if (osdhistorypos >= osdhistorysize-1) return; osdhistorypos++; memcpy(osdeditbuf, osdhistorybuf[osdhistorypos], EDITLENGTH+1); osdeditlen = osdeditcursor = 0; while (osdeditbuf[osdeditcursor]) osdeditlen++, osdeditcursor++; if (osdeditcursor=osdeditwinend) osdeditwinstart+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend), osdeditwinend+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend); } static void OSD_HistoryNext(void) { if (osdhistorypos < 0) return; if (osdhistorypos == 0) { osdeditlen=0; osdeditcursor=0; osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend=editlinewidth; osdhistorypos = -1; return; } osdhistorypos--; memcpy(osdeditbuf, osdhistorybuf[osdhistorypos], EDITLENGTH+1); osdeditlen = osdeditcursor = 0; while (osdeditbuf[osdeditcursor]) osdeditlen++, osdeditcursor++; if (osdeditcursor=osdeditwinend) osdeditwinstart+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend), osdeditwinend+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend); } int OSD_HandleChar(char ch) { int i,j; symbol_t *tabc = NULL; static symbol_t *lastmatch = NULL; if (!osdinited || !osdinput) return ch; if (ch != 9) lastmatch = NULL; // tab if (ch == 1) // control a. jump to beginning of line { osdeditcursor=0; osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend=editlinewidth; } else if (ch == 2) // control b, move one character left { if (osdeditcursor > 0) osdeditcursor--; } else if (ch == 3) // control c { osdeditbuf[osdeditlen] = 0; OSD_Printf("%s\n",osdeditbuf); osdeditlen=0; osdeditcursor=0; osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend=editlinewidth; osdeditbuf[0] = 0; } else if (ch == 5) // control e, jump to end of line { osdeditcursor = osdeditlen; osdeditwinend = osdeditcursor; osdeditwinstart = osdeditwinend-editlinewidth; if (osdeditwinstart<0) { osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend = editlinewidth; } } else if (ch == 6) // control f, move one character right { if (osdeditcursor < osdeditlen) osdeditcursor++; } else if (ch == 8 || ch == 127) // control h, backspace { if (!osdeditcursor || !osdeditlen) return 0; if (!osdovertype) { if (osdeditcursor < osdeditlen) Bmemmove(osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor-1, osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor, osdeditlen-osdeditcursor); osdeditlen--; } osdeditcursor--; if (osdeditcursor0;i--) if (osdeditbuf[i-1] == ' ') break; for (j=0;osdeditbuf[i] != ' ' && i < osdeditlen;j++,i++) osdedittmp[j] = osdeditbuf[i]; osdedittmp[j] = 0; if (j > 0) { tabc = findsymbol(osdedittmp, NULL); if (tabc && tabc->next && findsymbol(osdedittmp, tabc->next)) { symbol_t *symb=tabc; int maxwidth = 0, x = 0, num = 0, diffpt; while (symb && symb != lastmatch) { num++; if (lastmatch) { diffpt = OSD_FindDiffPoint(symb->name,lastmatch->name); if (diffpt < commonsize) commonsize = diffpt; } maxwidth = max((unsigned)maxwidth,Bstrlen(symb->name)); lastmatch = symb; if (!lastmatch->next) break; symb=findsymbol(osdedittmp, lastmatch->next); } OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Found %d possible completions for '%s':\n",num,osdedittmp); maxwidth += 3; symb = tabc; OSD_Printf(" "); while (symb && (symb != lastmatch)) { tabc = lastmatch = symb; OSD_Printf("%-*s",maxwidth,symb->name); if (!lastmatch->next) break; symb=findsymbol(osdedittmp, lastmatch->next); x += maxwidth; if (x > (osdcols - maxwidth)) { x = 0; OSD_Printf("\n"); if (symb && (symb != lastmatch)) OSD_Printf(" "); } } if (x) OSD_Printf("\n"); OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Press TAB again to cycle through matches\n"); } } } else { tabc = findsymbol(osdedittmp, lastmatch->next); if (!tabc && lastmatch) tabc = findsymbol(osdedittmp, NULL); // wrap */ } if (tabc) { for (i=osdeditcursor;i>0;i--) if (osdeditbuf[i-1] == ' ') break; osdeditlen = i; for (j=0;tabc->name[j] && osdeditlen <= EDITLENGTH && (osdeditlen < commonsize);i++,j++,osdeditlen++) osdeditbuf[i] = tabc->name[j]; osdeditcursor = osdeditlen; osdeditwinend = osdeditcursor; osdeditwinstart = osdeditwinend-editlinewidth; if (osdeditwinstart<0) { osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend = editlinewidth; } lastmatch = tabc; } } else if (ch == 11) // control k, delete all to end of line { Bmemset(osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor,0,sizeof(osdeditbuf)-osdeditcursor); } else if (ch == 12) // control l, clear screen { Bmemset(osdtext,0,sizeof(osdtext)); Bmemset(osdfmt,osdtextpal+(osdtextshade<<5),sizeof(osdfmt)); osdlines = 1; } else if (ch == 13) // control m, enter { if (osdeditlen>0) { osdeditbuf[osdeditlen] = 0; if (Bstrcmp(osdhistorybuf[0], osdeditbuf)) { Bmemmove(osdhistorybuf[1], osdhistorybuf[0], (HISTORYDEPTH-1)*(EDITLENGTH+1)); Bmemmove(osdhistorybuf[0], osdeditbuf, EDITLENGTH+1); if (osdhistorysize < HISTORYDEPTH) osdhistorysize++; osdhistorytotal++; if (osdexeccount == HISTORYDEPTH) OSD_Printf("Command Buffer Warning: Failed queueing command " "for execution. Buffer full.\n"); else osdexeccount++; } else { if (osdexeccount == HISTORYDEPTH) OSD_Printf("Command Buffer Warning: Failed queueing command " "for execution. Buffer full.\n"); else osdexeccount++; } osdhistorypos=-1; } osdeditlen=0; osdeditcursor=0; osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend=editlinewidth; } else if (ch == 14) // control n, next (ie. down arrow) { OSD_HistoryNext(); } else if (ch == 16) // control p, previous (ie. up arrow) { OSD_HistoryPrev(); } else if (ch == 20) // control t, swap previous two chars { } else if (ch == 21) // control u, delete all to beginning { if (osdeditcursor>0 && osdeditlen) { if (osdeditcursor0 && osdeditlen>0) { i=osdeditcursor; while (i>0 && osdeditbuf[i-1]==32) i--; while (i>0 && osdeditbuf[i-1]!=32) i--; if (osdeditcursor= 32) // text char { if (!osdovertype && osdeditlen == EDITLENGTH) // buffer full, can't insert another char return 0; if (!osdovertype) { if (osdeditcursor < osdeditlen) Bmemmove(osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor+1, osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor, osdeditlen-osdeditcursor); osdeditlen++; } else { if (osdeditcursor == osdeditlen) osdeditlen++; } osdeditbuf[osdeditcursor] = ch; osdeditcursor++; if (osdeditcursor>osdeditwinend) osdeditwinstart++,osdeditwinend++; } return 0; } int OSD_HandleScanCode(int sc, int press) { if (!osdinited) return sc; if (sc == osdkey) { if (press) { osdscroll = -osdscroll; if (osdrowscur == -1) osdscroll = 1; else if (osdrowscur == osdrows) osdscroll = -1; osdrowscur += osdscroll; OSD_CaptureInput(osdscroll == 1); osdscrtime = getticks(); } return 0;//sc; } else if (!osdinput) { return sc; } if (!press) { if (sc == 42 || sc == 54) // shift osdeditshift = 0; if (sc == 29 || sc == 157) // control osdeditcontrol = 0; return 0;//sc; } keytime = gettime(); if (sc == 15) // tab { } else if (sc == 1) // escape { // OSD_ShowDisplay(0); osdscroll = -1; osdrowscur += osdscroll; OSD_CaptureInput(0); osdscrtime = getticks(); } else if (sc == 201) // page up { if (osdhead < osdlines-1) osdhead++; } else if (sc == 209) // page down { if (osdhead > 0) osdhead--; } else if (sc == 199) // home { if (osdeditcontrol) { osdhead = osdlines-1; } else { osdeditcursor = 0; osdeditwinstart = osdeditcursor; osdeditwinend = osdeditwinstart+editlinewidth; } } else if (sc == 207) // end { if (osdeditcontrol) { osdhead = 0; } else { osdeditcursor = osdeditlen; osdeditwinend = osdeditcursor; osdeditwinstart = osdeditwinend-editlinewidth; if (osdeditwinstart<0) { osdeditwinstart=0; osdeditwinend = editlinewidth; } } } else if (sc == 210) // insert { osdovertype ^= 1; } else if (sc == 203) // left { if (osdeditcursor>0) { if (osdeditcontrol) { while (osdeditcursor>0) { if (osdeditbuf[osdeditcursor-1] != 32) break; osdeditcursor--; } while (osdeditcursor>0) { if (osdeditbuf[osdeditcursor-1] == 32) break; osdeditcursor--; } } else osdeditcursor--; } if (osdeditcursor=osdeditwinend) osdeditwinstart+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend), osdeditwinend+=(osdeditcursor-osdeditwinend); } else if (sc == 200) // up { OSD_HistoryPrev(); } else if (sc == 208) // down { OSD_HistoryNext(); } else if (sc == 42 || sc == 54) // shift { osdeditshift = 1; } else if (sc == 29 || sc == 157) // control { osdeditcontrol = 1; } else if (sc == 58) // capslock { osdeditcaps ^= 1; } else if (sc == 28 || sc == 156) // enter { } else if (sc == 14) // backspace { } else if (sc == 211) // delete { if (osdeditcursor == osdeditlen || !osdeditlen) return 0; if (osdeditcursor <= osdeditlen-1) Bmemmove(osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor, osdeditbuf+osdeditcursor+1, osdeditlen-osdeditcursor-1); osdeditlen--; } return 0; } // // OSD_ResizeDisplay() -- Handles readjustment of the display when the screen resolution // changes on us. // void OSD_ResizeDisplay(int w, int h) { int newcols; int newmaxlines; char newtext[TEXTSIZE]; char newfmt[TEXTSIZE]; int i,j,k; newcols = getcolumnwidth(w); newmaxlines = TEXTSIZE / newcols; j = min(newmaxlines, osdmaxlines); k = min(newcols, osdcols); memset(newtext, 32, TEXTSIZE); for (i=j-1;i>=0;i--) { memcpy(newtext+newcols*i, osdtext+osdcols*i, k); memcpy(newfmt+newcols*i, osdfmt+osdcols*i, k); } memcpy(osdtext, newtext, TEXTSIZE); memcpy(osdfmt, newfmt, TEXTSIZE); osdcols = newcols; osdmaxlines = newmaxlines; osdmaxrows = getrowheight(h)-2; if (osdrows > osdmaxrows) osdrows = osdmaxrows; osdpos = 0; osdhead = 0; osdeditwinstart = 0; osdeditwinend = editlinewidth; white = -1; } // // OSD_CaptureInput() // void OSD_CaptureInput(int cap) { osdinput = (cap != 0); osdeditcontrol = 0; osdeditshift = 0; grabmouse(osdinput == 0); onshowosd(osdinput); if (osdinput) releaseallbuttons(); bflushchars(); } // // OSD_ShowDisplay() -- Shows or hides the onscreen display // void OSD_ShowDisplay(int onf) { osdvisible = (onf != 0); OSD_CaptureInput(osdvisible); } // // OSD_Draw() -- Draw the onscreen display // void OSD_Draw(void) { unsigned topoffs; int row, lines, x, len; if (!osdinited) return; if (osdrowscur == 0) OSD_ShowDisplay(osdvisible ^ 1); if (osdrowscur == osdrows) osdscroll = 0; else { int j; if ((osdrowscur < osdrows && osdscroll == 1) || osdrowscur < -1) { j = (getticks()-osdscrtime); while (j > -1) { osdrowscur++; j -= 200/osdrows; if (osdrowscur > osdrows-1) break; } } if ((osdrowscur > -1 && osdscroll == -1) || osdrowscur > osdrows) { j = (getticks()-osdscrtime); while (j > -1) { osdrowscur--; j -= 200/osdrows; if (osdrowscur < 1) break; } } osdscrtime = getticks(); } if (!osdvisible || !osdrowscur) return; topoffs = osdhead * osdcols; row = osdrowscur-1; lines = min(osdlines-osdhead, osdrowscur); begindrawing(); clearbackground(osdcols,osdrowscur+1); if (osdversionstring[0]) drawosdstr(osdcols-osdversionstringlen,osdrowscur,osdversionstring,osdversionstringlen,osdversionstringshade,osdversionstringpal); for (; lines>0; lines--, row--) { drawosdstr(0,row,osdtext+topoffs,osdcols,osdtextshade,osdtextpal); topoffs+=osdcols; } drawosdchar(2,osdrowscur,'>',osdpromptshade,osdpromptpal); if (osdeditcaps) drawosdchar(0,osdrowscur,'C',osdpromptshade,osdpromptpal); if (osdeditshift) drawosdchar(1,osdrowscur,'H',osdpromptshade,osdpromptpal); len = min(osdcols-1-3, osdeditlen-osdeditwinstart); for (x=len-1; x>=0; x--) drawosdchar(3+x,osdrowscur,osdeditbuf[osdeditwinstart+x],osdeditshade<<1,osdeditpal); drawosdcursor(3+osdeditcursor-osdeditwinstart,osdrowscur,osdovertype,keytime); enddrawing(); } // // OSD_Printf() -- Print a string to the onscreen display // and write it to the log file // static inline void linefeed(void) { Bmemmove(osdtext+osdcols, osdtext, TEXTSIZE-osdcols); Bmemset(osdtext, 32, osdcols); Bmemmove(osdfmt+osdcols, osdfmt, TEXTSIZE-osdcols); Bmemset(osdfmt, osdtextpal, osdcols); if (osdlines < osdmaxlines) osdlines++; } #define MAX_ERRORS 4096 void OSD_Printf(const char *fmt, ...) { static char tmpstr[1024]; char *chp, p=osdtextpal, s=osdtextshade; va_list va; if (!osdinited) OSD_Init(); va_start(va, fmt); Bvsnprintf(tmpstr, 1024, fmt, va); va_end(va); if (tmpstr[0]=='^' && tmpstr[1]=='1' && tmpstr[2]=='0' && ++OSD_errors > MAX_ERRORS) { if(OSD_errors == MAX_ERRORS+1) Bstrcpy(tmpstr,OSD_ERROR "\nToo many errors. Logging errors stopped.\n"); else { OSD_errors=MAX_ERRORS+2; return; } } if (linecnt=0; cmd--) { OSD_Dispatch((const char *)osdhistorybuf[cmd]); } } // // OSD_Dispatch() -- Executes a command string // static char *strtoken(char *s, char **ptrptr, int *restart) { char *p, *p2, *start; *restart = 0; if (!ptrptr) return NULL; // if s != NULL, we process from the start of s, otherwise // we just continue with where ptrptr points to if (s) p = s; else p = *ptrptr; if (!p) return NULL; // eat up any leading whitespace while (*p != 0 && *p != ';' && *p == ' ') p++; // a semicolon is an end of statement delimiter like a \0 is, so we signal // the caller to 'restart' for the rest of the string pointed at by *ptrptr if (*p == ';') { *restart = 1; *ptrptr = p+1; return NULL; } // or if we hit the end of the input, signal all done by nulling *ptrptr else if (*p == 0) { *ptrptr = NULL; return NULL; } if (*p == '\"') { // quoted string start = ++p; p2 = p; while (*p != 0) { if (*p == '\"') { p++; break; } else if (*p == '\\') { switch (*(++p)) { case 'n': *p2 = '\n'; break; case 'r': *p2 = '\r'; break; default: *p2 = *p; break; } } else { *p2 = *p; } p2++, p++; } *p2 = 0; } else { start = p; while (*p != 0 && *p != ';' && *p != ' ') p++; } // if we hit the end of input, signal all done by nulling *ptrptr if (*p == 0) { *ptrptr = NULL; } // or if we came upon a semicolon, signal caller to restart with the // string at *ptrptr else if (*p == ';') { *p = 0; *ptrptr = p+1; *restart = 1; } // otherwise, clip off the token and carry on else { *(p++) = 0; *ptrptr = p; } return start; } #define MAXPARMS 512 int OSD_Dispatch(const char *cmd) { char *workbuf, *wp, *wtp, *state; char *parms[MAXPARMS]; int numparms, restart = 0; osdfuncparm_t ofp; symbol_t *symb; //int i; workbuf = state = Bstrdup(cmd); if (!workbuf) return -1; do { numparms = 0; Bmemset(parms, 0, sizeof(parms)); wp = strtoken(state, &wtp, &restart); if (!wp) { state = wtp; continue; } if (wp[0] == '/' && wp[1] == '/') // cheap hack { free(workbuf); return -1; } symb = findexactsymbol(wp); if (!symb) { OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Error: \"%s\" is not a valid command or cvar\n", wp); free(workbuf); return -1; } ofp.name = wp; while (wtp && !restart) { wp = strtoken(NULL, &wtp, &restart); if (wp && numparms < MAXPARMS) parms[numparms++] = wp; } ofp.numparms = numparms; ofp.parms = (const char **)parms; ofp.raw = cmd; if (symb->func == (void *)OSD_ALIAS) OSD_Dispatch(symb->help); else if (symb->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED) { switch (symb->func(&ofp)) { case OSDCMD_OK: break; case OSDCMD_SHOWHELP: OSD_Printf("%s\n", symb->help); break; } } state = wtp; } while (wtp && restart); free(workbuf); return 0; } // // OSD_RegisterFunction() -- Registers a new function // int OSD_RegisterFunction(const char *name, const char *help, int (*func)(const osdfuncparm_t*)) { symbol_t *symb; const char *cp; if (!osdinited) OSD_Init(); if (!name) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): may not register a function with a null name\n"); return -1; } if (!name[0]) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): may not register a function with no name\n"); return -1; } // check for illegal characters in name for (cp = name; *cp; cp++) { if ((cp == name) && (*cp >= '0') && (*cp <= '9')) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): first character of function name \"%s\" must not be a numeral\n", name); return -1; } if ((*cp < '0') || (*cp > '9' && *cp < 'A') || (*cp > 'Z' && *cp < 'a' && *cp != '_') || (*cp > 'z')) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): illegal character in function name \"%s\"\n", name); return -1; } } if (!help) help = "(no description for this function)"; if (!func) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): may not register a null function\n"); return -1; } symb = findexactsymbol(name); if (symb) // allow this now for reusing an alias name { if (symb->func != (void *)OSD_ALIAS && symb->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): \"%s\" is already defined\n", name); return -1; } Bfree((char *)symb->help); symb->help = help; symb->func = func; return 0; } symb = addnewsymbol(name); if (!symb) { OSD_Printf("OSD_RegisterFunction(): Failed registering function \"%s\"\n", name); return -1; } symb->name = name; symb->help = help; symb->func = func; return 0; } // // OSD_SetVersionString() // void OSD_SetVersionString(const char *version, int shade, int pal) { // if (!osdinited) OSD_Init(); Bstrcpy(osdversionstring,version); osdversionstringlen = Bstrlen(osdversionstring); osdversionstringshade = shade; osdversionstringpal = pal; } // // addnewsymbol() -- Allocates space for a new symbol and attaches it // appropriately to the lists, sorted. // static symbol_t *addnewsymbol(const char *name) { symbol_t *newsymb, *s, *t; newsymb = (symbol_t *)Bmalloc(sizeof(symbol_t)); if (!newsymb) { return NULL; } Bmemset(newsymb, 0, sizeof(symbol_t)); // link it to the main chain if (!symbols) { symbols = newsymb; } else { if (Bstrcasecmp(name, symbols->name) <= 0) { t = symbols; symbols = newsymb; symbols->next = t; } else { s = symbols; while (s->next) { if (Bstrcasecmp(s->next->name, name) > 0) break; s=s->next; } t = s->next; s->next = newsymb; newsymb->next = t; } } return newsymb; } // // findsymbol() -- Finds a symbol, possibly partially named // static symbol_t *findsymbol(const char *name, symbol_t *startingat) { if (!startingat) startingat = symbols; if (!startingat) return NULL; for (; startingat; startingat=startingat->next) if (startingat->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED && !Bstrncasecmp(name, startingat->name, Bstrlen(name))) return startingat; return NULL; } // // findexactsymbol() -- Finds a symbol, complete named // static symbol_t *findexactsymbol(const char *name) { symbol_t *startingat; if (!symbols) return NULL; startingat = symbols; for (; startingat; startingat=startingat->next) if (startingat->func != (void *)OSD_UNALIASED && !Bstrcasecmp(name, startingat->name)) return startingat; return NULL; }