//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2016 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2020 Nuke.YKT This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "compat.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "files.h" #include "i_specialpaths.h" // Shut up the compiler. #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4101) #endif BEGIN_RR_NS inline bool KB_KeyPressed(int code) { return inputState.GetKeyStatus(code); } inline void KB_ClearKeyDown(int key) { inputState.ClearKeyStatus(key); } int rrdh_randseed = 1; int rrdh_random(void) { static int seedinit = 0; if (!seedinit) { rrdh_randseed = (int)I_nsTime(); seedinit = 1; } rrdh_randseed = (rrdh_randseed*1103515245)+12345; return (rrdh_randseed>>16)&0x7fff; } int sub_5151C(short a1) { switch (a1) { case 26: case 27: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 73: case 74: case 92: case 93: case 96: case 97: case 98: case 103: case 141: case 142: case 143: case 144: case 145: case 146: case 147: case 148: case 149: case 150: case 151: case 152: case 153: case 154: case 155: case 156: case 157: case 158: case 159: case 160: case 161: case 162: case 163: case 164: case 165: return 1; } return 0; } int rrgh_isatree(short s) { switch (sprite[s].picnum) { case 984: case 985: case 986: case 988: case 989: case 990: case 991: case 1028: case 1029: case 1030: case 1040: case 1041: case 1050: case 1051: case 1052: case 1053: case 1054: case 1055: case 1056: case 1057: case 1058: case 1059: case 1093: case 1094: case 1095: case 1096: case 1097: case 1098: case 1099: case 1100: case 1113: case 1114: case 1115: case 1116: case 1117: return 1; } return 0; } void sub_51678(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { } int ghcons_isanimalescapewall(short w) { walltype *wl = &wall[w]; switch (wall[w].picnum) { case 1182: case 1183: case 1184: case 1185: case 2347: case 3802: case 3803: case 7870: case 7871: case 7872: return 1; } return 0; } int ghcons_isanimalescapesect(short s) { sectortype *sc = §or[s]; return sector[s].hitag == 2001; } int sub_517AC(int *a1, int *a2, short *a3) { int i, x, y; short j; if (numsectors < 0 || numsectors >= MAXSECTORS) return 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { x = (((rrdh_random() & 2047) + 1) - 1024) * 100; y = (((rrdh_random() & 2047) + 1) - 1024) * 100; for (j = 0; j < numsectors; j++) { if (inside(x, y, j)) { *a1 = x; *a2 = y; *a3 = j; return 1; } } } return 0; } int ghcons_findnewspot(short a1) { int v20 = 0, v24 = 0; short v18 = 0; spritetype *spr; sectortype *sec; spr = &sprite[a1]; if (sub_517AC(&v20, &v24, &v18)) { sec = §or[v18]; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(spr->picnum)) { case PIG__STATICRR: case VIXEN__STATICRR: case CHEER__STATICRR: if (sec->hitag) return 0; break; case DOGRUN__STATICRR: if (sec->hitag) return 0; break; } vec3_t pos = { v20, v24, v18 }; setsprite(a1, &pos); changespritesect(a1, v18); if (spr->picnum == DOGRUN) spr->z = -307200; else spr->z = sec->floorz; return 1; } return 0; } void sub_519E8(int a1) { int vbx; if ((rrdh_random() & 63) == 32) { if (sub_57A60(20)) { vbx = rrdh_random() % 5; switch (a1) { case 0: case 4: vbx += 60; break; case 1: case 5: vbx += 65; break; case 2: vbx += 70; break; case 3: vbx += 75; break; } S_PlaySound(vbx); } } } int dword_AA25C; void ghsound_ambientlooppoll(void) { if (dword_AA25C) { if (dword_AA25C < 0 || dword_AA25C >= MAXSOUNDS) { Printf("ghsound_ambientlooppoll bad index\n"); return; } if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, dword_AA25C)) { A_PlaySound(dword_AA25C, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i); } } } void ghsound_ambientloop(int a1) { switch (a1) { case 0: A_PlaySound(83, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i); dword_AA25C = 83; break; case 1: S_PlaySound(84); dword_AA25C = 84; break; case 2: S_PlaySound(85); dword_AA25C = 85; break; default: dword_AA25C = 0; break; } } int dword_AA260; int sub_51B68(void) { int r; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA260 < 200) return 0; if ((rrdh_random() & 127) != 64) return 0; dword_AA260 = (int)totalclock; r = 60 + (rrdh_random() % 15); S_PlaySound(r); return r; } int ghsound_pmadecall(spritetype *a1, short a2) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(a1->picnum)) { case DOGRUN__STATICRR: if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 41)) return 1; case VIXEN__STATICRR: if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 40)) return 1; case PIG__STATICRR: if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 42)) return 1; case CHEER__STATICRR: if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 43)) return 1; } return 0; } int ghsound_pmadesound(spritetype *a1, short a2) { int d = klabs(g_player[a2].ps->pos.x - a1->x) + klabs(g_player[a2].ps->pos.y - a1->y); if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 1) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 2)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 3) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 4)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 5) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 6)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 7) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 8) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 56) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 57) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 58) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 59) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 25) && d < 21504) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 11) && d < 10752) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 9) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 10) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 12) && d < 19968) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 15) && d < 10752) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 13) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 14) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 16) && d < 19968) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 19) && d < 10752) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 17) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 18) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 20) && d < 19968) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 23) && d < 10752) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 21) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 22) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 24) && d < 19968) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 81) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 80) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 41) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 40) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 42) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 43) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 88) && d < 10752) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 89) && d < 15360) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 90) && d < 23040) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 27) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 36) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 30) && d < 30720) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 33) && d < 30720) return 1; return 0; } int ghsound_pfiredgunnear(spritetype *a1, short a2) { if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 2)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 4)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 6)) return 1; if (A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 8) && klabs(g_player[a2].ps->pos.x - a1->x) + klabs(g_player[a2].ps->pos.y - a1->y) < 23040) return 1; return 0; } int sub_5228C(short a1) { switch (a1) { case 998: case 999: case 1007: case 1008: return 1; } return 0; } int sub_522B8(short a1) { switch (a1) { case 981: case 982: return 1; } return 0; } int dword_AA264; void ghsound_footstepsound(short a1, int a2) { DukePlayer_t *p; int i, nexti, d; spritetype *s; if (sub_535EC()) return; p = g_player[a1].ps; if (sector[p->cursectnum].hitag == 2003) { if (a2 == 0) { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) A_PlaySound(81, p->i); } else if (a2 == 1) { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) A_PlaySound(80, p->i); } else { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) A_PlaySound(82, p->i); } } else { if (a2 == 0) { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) { switch (ud.level_number) { case 0: A_PlaySound(9, p->i); break; case 1: A_PlaySound(13, p->i); break; case 2: A_PlaySound(17, p->i); break; case 3: A_PlaySound(21, p->i); break; } } } else if (a2 == 1) { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) { switch (ud.level_number) { case 0: A_PlaySound(10, p->i); break; case 1: A_PlaySound(14, p->i); break; case 2: A_PlaySound(18, p->i); break; case 3: A_PlaySound(22, p->i); break; } } } else { if (sub_57A40(5) == 1) { switch (ud.level_number) { case 0: A_PlaySound(11, p->i); break; case 1: A_PlaySound(15, p->i); break; case 2: A_PlaySound(19, p->i); break; case 3: A_PlaySound(23, p->i); break; } } } } i = headspritesect[p->cursectnum]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritesect[i]; s = &sprite[i]; if (sub_5228C(s->picnum) && klabs(p->pos.x - s->x) + klabs(p->pos.y - s->y) < s->clipdist) { if (i != dword_AA264) { A_PlaySound(25, p->i); sub_5A250(4096); dword_AA264 = i; } return; } else if (sub_522B8(s->picnum) && klabs(p->pos.x - s->x) + klabs(p->pos.y - s->y) < 124) { sub_5A250(2048); } i = nexti; } } void ghsound_plrtouchedsprite(short a1, short a2) { DukePlayer_t *p; spritetype *s; p = g_player[a2].ps; s = &sprite[a1]; if (rrgh_isatree(a1)) { switch (ud.level_number) { case 0: if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 12)) A_PlaySound(12, p->i); break; case 1: if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 16)) A_PlaySound(16, p->i); break; case 2: if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 20)) A_PlaySound(20, p->i); break; case 3: if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, 24)) A_PlaySound(24, p->i); break; } } } unsigned short word_AA268[] = { 9, 10, 11, 12, 25, 35, 36, 37, 41, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 80, 81, 82 }; unsigned short word_AA28A[] = { 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 40, 43, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 }; unsigned short word_AA2AE[] = { 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 42, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 }; unsigned short word_AA2D2[] = { 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 40, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 }; void ghsound_preload(int a1) { #if 0 unsigned short *vsi = NULL, snd; int i, c; switch (a1) { case 0: vsi = word_AA268; c = 17; break; case 1: vsi = word_AA28A; c = 18; break; case 2: vsi = word_AA2AE; c = 18; break; case 3: vsi = word_AA2D2; c = 14; break; } if (vsi) { for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { snd = vsi[i]; if (snd >= MAXSOUNDS) { Printf("ERROR: ghsound_preload: sndnum out of range\n"); continue; } if (snd > 0 && g_sounds[snd].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(snd); } } } switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: if (g_sounds[1].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(1); } if (g_sounds[2].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(2); } break; case 1: case 2: if (g_sounds[5].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(5); } if (g_sounds[6].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(6); } break; case 3: if (g_sounds[3].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(3); } if (g_sounds[4].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(4); } break; case 4: if (g_sounds[7].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(7); } if (g_sounds[8].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(8); } break; } if (g_sounds[98].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(98); } if (g_sounds[99].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(99); } if (g_sounds[100].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(100); } if (g_sounds[101].ptr == NULL) { S_LoadSound(101); } #endif } void ghprelvl_randkeep(short a1, unsigned int a2) { short vbx; int v18 = 0; unsigned int i, vcx; while (1) { vcx = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].picnum == a1) vcx++; } if (vcx <= a2) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (!v18) vbx = MAXSPRITES - 1 - i; else vbx = i; if (a1 == sprite[vbx].picnum) { if ((rrdh_random() % 256) < 32) { sprite[vbx].picnum = 0; deletesprite(vbx); vcx--; if (vcx <= a2) return; } } } if (!v18) v18 = 1; else v18 = 0; } } char sub_52AB8(int a1, int a2) { int vbx = (a1 * a2) / 100; return (rrdh_random() % vbx) % 256; } int sub_52AF0(short a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= MAXSPRITES) return 0; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[a1].picnum)) { case PIG__STATICRR: case DOGRUN__STATICRR: case VIXEN__STATICRR: case CHEER__STATICRR: case RRTILE1076__STATICRR: return 1; } return 0; } int sub_52B58(short a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= MAXSPRITES) return 0; switch (sprite[a1].picnum) { case 976: case 977: case 2603: case 2990: return 1; } return 0; } void sub_52BA8(void) { int v1c, tl, tc; int i; short sect; v1c = 0; sub_59C20(); sub_54A2C(); for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { sprite[i].cstat = 0; sprite[i].pal = 0; changespritestat(i, 0); sect = sprite[i].sectnum; if (sub_52AF0(i)) { if (sect >= 0 && sect < numsectors) { if (sector[sect].ceilingheinum == 0 && sector[sect].floorheinum == 0) { if (klabs(sprite[i].z - sector[sect].floorz) > 1024 && sprite[i].z < sector[sect].floorz) { Printf("NOTICE: deleting floating sprite %i: x=%i, y=%i, z=%i, sect=%i\n", i, sprite[i].pos.x, sprite[i].pos.y, sprite[i].pos.z, sect); deletesprite(i); sprite[i].picnum = 0; sprite[i].cstat = 0; } } } } if (sub_52B58(i)) { sprite[i].cstat = 1; sprite[i].clipdist = 8; } if (rrgh_isatree(i)) { sprite[i].cstat = 1; sprite[i].xoffset = 0; sprite[i].yoffset = 0; sprite[i].clipdist = 8; } if (sprite[i].picnum == 998 || sprite[i].picnum == 999 || sprite[i].picnum == 1007 || sprite[i].picnum == 1008) { sprite[i].cstat = 32; sprite[i].clipdist = 127; } if (sprite[i].picnum) { v1c++; } } ghprelvl_randkeep(PIG, 4); ghprelvl_randkeep(VIXEN, 4); ghprelvl_randkeep(DOGRUN, 4); ghprelvl_randkeep(CHEER, 4); ghprelvl_randkeep(7065, 64); for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].picnum == PIG) { sprite[i].cstat = 257; changespritestat(i, 1); sprite[i].xrepeat = 10 + sub_52AB8(5, 125); sprite[i].yrepeat = 10 + sub_52AB8(5, 125); sprite[i].clipdist = mulscale7(sprite[i].xrepeat, tilesiz[sprite[i].picnum].x); } if (sprite[i].picnum == VIXEN) { sprite[i].cstat = 257; changespritestat(i, 1); sprite[i].xrepeat = 14 + sub_52AB8(7, 100); sprite[i].yrepeat = 14 + sub_52AB8(7, 100); sprite[i].clipdist = mulscale7(sprite[i].xrepeat, tilesiz[sprite[i].picnum].x); } if (sprite[i].picnum == DOGRUN) { sprite[i].cstat = 257; changespritestat(i, 1); sprite[i].xrepeat = 8 + sub_52AB8(4, 100); sprite[i].yrepeat = 8 + sub_52AB8(4, 100); sprite[i].clipdist = mulscale7(sprite[i].xrepeat, tilesiz[sprite[i].picnum].x); } if (sprite[i].picnum == CHEER) { sprite[i].cstat = 257; changespritestat(i, 1); sprite[i].xrepeat = 8 + sub_52AB8(4, 100); sprite[i].yrepeat = 8 + sub_52AB8(4, 100); sprite[i].clipdist = mulscale7(sprite[i].xrepeat, tilesiz[sprite[i].picnum].x); } if (sprite[i].picnum == 7065) { sprite[i].cstat = 0; sprite[i].z -= rrdh_random() << 3; changespritestat(i, 801); } } for (i = 0; i < numwalls; i++) { if (wall[i].nextsector != -1) { wall[i].cstat &= ~64; } } sub_55F8C(); sub_566F0(); sub_558F4(); sub_56AB8(); sub_573C0(); sub_59314(); ghsound_preload(ud.level_number); sub_55184(); sub_57B24(); sub_58388(); sub_59B50(); sub_59F80(ud.level_number); sub_299C0(); } void sub_53154(int a1) { ghsound_ambientloop(a1); } int dword_AA2F0, dword_AA2F4, dword_AA2F8, dword_AA2FC; void sub_53160(int a1) { dword_AA2FC = a1; dword_AA2F8 = 1; } void sub_53194(void) { switch (dword_AA2F0) { case 0: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_S)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_S); dword_AA2F0++; } break; case 1: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_P)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_P); dword_AA2F0++; } break; case 2: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_O)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_O); dword_AA2F0++; } break; case 3: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_R)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_R); dword_AA2F0++; } break; case 4: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_K)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_K); dword_AA2F0++; } break; case 5: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_1)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_1); dword_AA2F0 = 0; sub_535DC(); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_2)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_2); dword_AA2F0 = 0; sub_57AC0(); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_3)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_3); dword_AA2F0 = 0; //sub_15224(); } break; } } void sub_53304(void) { //ControlInfo info; //CONTROL_GetInput(&info); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightAlt) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftAlt) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightShift) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftShift)) return; sub_53194(); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F1)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1); switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: sub_566E8(); break; case 1: case 2: sub_55F68(); break; case 3: sub_558D0(); break; case 4: sub_56AB0(); break; } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F2)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F2); switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: sub_56780(); break; case 1: case 2: sub_56020(); break; case 3: sub_55988(); break; case 4: sub_56B3C(); break; } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F3)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F3); switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: sub_56724(); break; case 1: case 2: sub_55FCC(); break; case 3: sub_55934(); break; case 4: sub_56AE4(); break; } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F4)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F4); ghdeploy_drop(myconnectindex, ud.level_number); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F5)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F5); A_PlaySound(40, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F6)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F6); A_PlaySound(42, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F7)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F7); A_PlaySound(41, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F8)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F8); A_PlaySound(43, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); } //if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_S)) //{ // KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_S); //} } void sub_535DC(void) { dword_AA2F4 ^= 1; } int sub_535EC(void) { return dword_AA2F4; } int dword_AA300; int dword_AA304 = 1731; int dword_AA308, dword_AA30C; struct struct2B80E0 { short f_0; short f_2; int f_4; int f_8; int f_c; int f_10; }; struct2B80E0 f2B80E0[20]; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct _scoretype2 { int f_0; char f_4; char f_5; char f_6; int f_7; int f_b; } scoretype2; typedef struct _scoretype { int f_0; int f_4; int f_8; int f_c; scoretype2 f_10[5]; } scoretype; #pragma pack(pop) scoretype bestscore = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, }; unsigned int dword_AA36C, dword_AA370, dword_AA374, dword_AA378, dword_AA37C, dword_AA380; int dword_AA384; char byte_AA388 = 65, byte_AA389 = 65, byte_AA38A = 65; unsigned int dword_AA38C; char dword_AA390[43] = " "; void ghtrophy_savebestscores(void) { FileWriter *handle; FString filename = M_GetDocumentsPath() + "scores"; handle = FileWriter::Open(filename); if (!handle) { Printf("ghtrophy_savebestscores: cannot open scores\n"); // this is not an error! return; } if (dword_AA36C > bestscore.f_0) bestscore.f_0 = dword_AA36C; if (dword_AA370 > bestscore.f_4) bestscore.f_4 = dword_AA370; if (dword_AA374 > bestscore.f_8) bestscore.f_8 = dword_AA374; if (dword_AA378 > bestscore.f_c) bestscore.f_c = dword_AA378; if (handle->Write(&bestscore, sizeof(bestscore)) != sizeof(bestscore)) { Printf("ghtrophy_savebestscores: error writing scores\n"); delete handle; return; } delete handle; dword_AA380 = 0; } void ghtrophy_loadbestscores(void) { FileReader handle; FString filename = M_GetDocumentsPath() + "scores"; if (!handle.OpenFile(filename)) { // This is not an error. return; } if (handle.Read(&bestscore, sizeof(bestscore)) != sizeof(bestscore)) { Printf("ghtrophy_loadbestscores err read scores\n"); memset(&bestscore, 0, sizeof(bestscore)); } } int ghtrophy_isakill(short a1) { spritetype *spr = &sprite[a1]; for (int i = 0; i < dword_AA300; i++) { if (f2B80E0[i].f_0 == a1) return 1; } return 0; } int sub_537A8(short a1, int a2) { char va = rrdh_random() & 255; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(a1)) { case PIG__STATICRR: if (a2 == 0 && va > 64) break; if (a2 == 6 && va > 80) break; if (a2 == 2 && va > 128) break; return 1; case VIXEN__STATICRR: if (a2 == 6 && va > 128) break; return 1; case CHEER__STATICRR: return 1; case DOGRUN__STATICRR: return 1; } return 0; } int sub_5381C(int a1, int a2) { int vbx = (a1 * a2) / 100; return rrdh_random() % vbx; } void sub_53848(int a1) { dword_AA37C = a1; } void ghtrophy_addkill(int a1) { int v18 = 0, vdi = 0; spritetype *spr = &sprite[a1]; if (ud.level_number > 3) return; if (sprite[a1].cstat & 32768) return; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[a1].picnum)) { default: sub_5A250(4); break; case PIG__STATICRR: case DOGRUN__STATICRR: case VIXEN__STATICRR: case CHEER__STATICRR: if (!ghtrophy_isakill(a1) && sub_537A8(sprite[a1].picnum, v18)) { if (dword_AA300 < 20) { f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_0 = a1; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_2 = sprite[a1].picnum; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[a1].picnum)) { case VIXEN__STATICRR: f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = (sprite[a1].xrepeat * sprite[a1].yrepeat) / 40; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 -= 2; if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 < 2) f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = 2; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 += 2; if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 > dword_AA36C) dword_AA36C = f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4; dword_AA308++; vdi = dword_AA308; break; case PIG__STATICRR: f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = sprite[a1].xrepeat * sprite[a1].yrepeat; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 += sub_5381C(30, 125); f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 += sub_5381C(10, 100); if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 > 350) f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = 350; if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 > dword_AA370) dword_AA370 = f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4; dword_AA30C++; vdi = dword_AA30C; break; case DOGRUN__STATICRR: f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = (sprite[a1].xrepeat * sprite[a1].yrepeat) / 40; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 += sub_5381C(4, 125); f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 -= 3; if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 < 2) f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = 2; dword_AA378++; vdi = dword_AA378; break; case CHEER__STATICRR: f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = (sprite[a1].xrepeat * sprite[a1].yrepeat) / 16; f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 += sub_5381C(10, 125); if (f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 < 8) f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4 = 8; dword_AA374++; vdi = dword_AA374; break; } ghstatbr_registerkillinfo(f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_2, f2B80E0[dword_AA300].f_4, vdi); dword_AA300++; } sub_5A250(8); } break; } } void ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(scoretype2 *a1, scoretype2 *a2) { if (!a1 || !a2) { Printf("ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest null ptr\n"); return; } a2->f_0 = a1->f_0; a2->f_4 = a1->f_4; a2->f_5 = a1->f_5; a2->f_6 = a1->f_6; } void sub_53C04(void) { scoretype2 v60, v50, v40, v30, v20; dword_AA380 = 0; dword_AA384 = 0; dword_AA38C = (int)totalclock; if (dword_AA37C > bestscore.f_10[0].f_0) { v20.f_0 = dword_AA37C; ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[0], &v50); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[1], &v30); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[2], &v40); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[3], &v60); dword_AA380 = 1; } else if (dword_AA37C > bestscore.f_10[1].f_0) { ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[0], &v20); v50.f_0 = dword_AA37C; ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[1], &v30); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[2], &v40); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[3], &v60); dword_AA380 = 2; } else if (dword_AA37C > bestscore.f_10[2].f_0) { ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[0], &v20); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[1], &v50); v30.f_0 = dword_AA37C; ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[2], &v40); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[3], &v60); dword_AA380 = 3; } else if (dword_AA37C > bestscore.f_10[3].f_0) { ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[0], &v20); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[1], &v50); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[2], &v30); v40.f_0 = dword_AA37C; ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[3], &v60); dword_AA380 = 4; } else if (dword_AA37C > bestscore.f_10[4].f_0) { ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[0], &v20); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[1], &v50); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[2], &v30); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&bestscore.f_10[3], &v40); v60.f_0 = dword_AA37C; dword_AA380 = 5; } if (dword_AA380) { ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&v20, &bestscore.f_10[0]); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&v50, &bestscore.f_10[1]); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&v30, &bestscore.f_10[2]); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&v40, &bestscore.f_10[3]); ghtrophy_rscopysrcdest(&v60, &bestscore.f_10[4]); } } void sub_53E18(void) { sub_53C04(); if (dword_AA380) { sub_53160(300); } } void sub_53E4C(vec2_t const origin) { int v20 = 0, v1c, v18, vsi, vdi; char val; val = sub_54B80(); if (val & 32) { v20 = 1; switch (dword_AA384) { case 0: byte_AA388 = val; break; case 1: byte_AA389 = val; break; case 2: byte_AA38A = val; break; } } v1c = 0; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA38C > 30) { v1c = 1; dword_AA38C = (int)totalclock; } v18 = 18; vsi = 100; vdi = 44; menutext_(origin.x+(160<<16), origin.y+(22<<16), 0, "TOP FIVE", 10|16, TEXT_XCENTER); if (dword_AA380) { if (!v1c || dword_AA384 != 0) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", byte_AA388); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*(dword_AA380-1))<<16), dword_AA390); } if (!v1c || dword_AA384 != 1) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", byte_AA389); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*(dword_AA380-1))<<16), dword_AA390); } if (!v1c || dword_AA384 != 2) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", byte_AA38A); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*(dword_AA380-1))<<16), dword_AA390); } switch (dword_AA380) { case 1: bestscore.f_10[0].f_4 = byte_AA388; bestscore.f_10[0].f_5 = byte_AA389; bestscore.f_10[0].f_6 = byte_AA38A; break; case 2: bestscore.f_10[1].f_4 = byte_AA388; bestscore.f_10[1].f_5 = byte_AA389; bestscore.f_10[1].f_6 = byte_AA38A; break; case 3: bestscore.f_10[2].f_4 = byte_AA388; bestscore.f_10[2].f_5 = byte_AA389; bestscore.f_10[2].f_6 = byte_AA38A; break; case 4: bestscore.f_10[3].f_4 = byte_AA388; bestscore.f_10[3].f_5 = byte_AA389; bestscore.f_10[3].f_6 = byte_AA38A; break; case 5: bestscore.f_10[4].f_4 = byte_AA388; bestscore.f_10[4].f_5 = byte_AA389; bestscore.f_10[4].f_6 = byte_AA38A; break; } } if (dword_AA380 != 1) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[0].f_4); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+(vdi<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[0].f_5); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+(vdi<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[0].f_6); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+(vdi<<16), dword_AA390); } sprintf(dword_AA390, "%5d", bestscore.f_10[0].f_0); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+74)<<16), origin.y+(vdi<<16), dword_AA390); if (dword_AA380 != 2) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[1].f_4); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[1].f_5); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[1].f_6); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18)<<16), dword_AA390); } sprintf(dword_AA390, "%5d", bestscore.f_10[1].f_0); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+74)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18)<<16), dword_AA390); if (dword_AA380 != 3) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[2].f_4); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*2)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[2].f_5); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*2)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[2].f_6); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*2)<<16), dword_AA390); } sprintf(dword_AA390, "%5d", bestscore.f_10[2].f_0); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+74)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*2)<<16), dword_AA390); if (dword_AA380 != 4) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[3].f_4); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*3)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[3].f_5); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*3)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[3].f_6); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*3)<<16), dword_AA390); } sprintf(dword_AA390, "%5d", bestscore.f_10[3].f_0); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+74)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*3)<<16), dword_AA390); if (dword_AA380 != 5) { sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[4].f_4); gametext_simple(origin.x+(vsi<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*4)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[4].f_5); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+14)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*4)<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "%c", bestscore.f_10[4].f_6); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+28)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*4)<<16), dword_AA390); } sprintf(dword_AA390, "%5d", bestscore.f_10[4].f_0); gametext_simple(origin.x+((vsi+74)<<16), origin.y+((vdi+v18*4)<<16), dword_AA390); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); dword_AA384--; } else if (v20 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); dword_AA384++; } if (dword_AA384 < 0) dword_AA384 = 0; if (dword_AA384 > 2) dword_AA384 = 0; if (dword_AA380) { gametext_simple(origin.x+(86<<16), origin.y+(146<<16), "PRESS ESC WHEN DONE"); } } void sub_5469C(vec2_t const origin, int a1) { unsigned int v20, v1c, v18, v24, vdi, t; if (a1 == 2) { sub_53E4C(origin); return; } rotatesprite_fs(origin.x+(160<<16), origin.y, 65536, 0, dword_AA304, 0, 0, 64+16+10); if (a1 == 1) { v20 = bestscore.f_0; v1c = bestscore.f_4; v18 = bestscore.f_c; v24 = bestscore.f_10[0].f_0; vdi = bestscore.f_8; } else { v20 = dword_AA36C; v1c = dword_AA370; v18 = dword_AA378; v24 = dword_AA37C; vdi = dword_AA374; } if (v20 > 0) { rotatesprite_fs(origin.x+(4<<16), origin.y, 36864, 0, 1741, 0, 0, 16+10); } if (v1c > 0) { rotatesprite_fs(origin.x+(98<<16), origin.y+(6<<16), 36864, 0, 1740, 0, 0, 16+10); } if (vdi > 0) { rotatesprite_fs(origin.x+(172<<16), origin.y+(128<<16), 28576, 0, 1743, 0, 0, 16+10); } if (v18 > 0) { rotatesprite_fs(origin.x+(232<<16), origin.y+(128<<16), 28576, 0, 1742, 0, 0, 16+10); } if (a1 == 0) gametext_simple(origin.x+(4<<16), origin.y+(104<<16), "SO FAR IN THIS HUNTIN' TRIP..."); else gametext_simple(origin.x+(4<<16), origin.y+(104<<16), "YOUR BEST TOTALS TO DATE..."); sprintf(dword_AA390, "BEST DEER: %2d PTS", v20); gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(122<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "BEST BOAR: %3d LB", v1c); gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(136<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "MOST TURKEYS: %2d ", vdi); gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(150<<16), dword_AA390); sprintf(dword_AA390, "MOST DUCKS: %2d ", v18); gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(164<<16), dword_AA390); if (a1 == 0) { t = dword_AA308 + dword_AA30C + v18; if (t > 6) gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(182<<16), "YEAH BABY !"); else if (t > 4) gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(182<<16), "NICE WORK !"); else if (t > 1) gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(182<<16), "GOOD JOB !"); else gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(182<<16), "KEEP TRYIN' !"); } else { sprintf(dword_AA390, "BEST RANGE SCORE: %5d", v24); gametext_simple(origin.x+(8<<16), origin.y+(182<<16), dword_AA390); } } void sub_54A2C(void) { int i; dword_AA300 = 0; dword_AA304 = 1731+(rrdh_random()%6); dword_AA308 = 0; dword_AA30C = 0; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { f2B80E0[i].f_0 = -1; f2B80E0[i].f_2 = 0; f2B80E0[i].f_4 = 0; f2B80E0[i].f_8 = 0; f2B80E0[i].f_c = 0; f2B80E0[i].f_10 = 0; } dword_AA36C = 0; dword_AA370 = 0; dword_AA374 = 0; dword_AA378 = 0; dword_AA37C = 0; dword_AA380 = 0; dword_AA384 = 0; byte_AA388 = 65; byte_AA389 = 65; byte_AA38A = 65; dword_AA38C = 0; ghtrophy_loadbestscores(); } char sub_54B80(void) { #if 0 switch (KB_GetLastScanCode()) { case sc_A: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'A'; case sc_B: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'B'; case sc_C: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'C'; case sc_D: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'D'; case sc_E: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'E'; case sc_F: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'F'; case sc_G: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'G'; case sc_H: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'H'; case sc_I: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'I'; case sc_J: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'J'; case sc_K: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'K'; case sc_L: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'L'; case sc_M: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'M'; case sc_N: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'N'; case sc_O: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'O'; case sc_P: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'P'; case sc_Q: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'Q'; case sc_R: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'R'; case sc_S: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'S'; case sc_T: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'T'; case sc_U: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'U'; case sc_V: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'V'; case sc_W: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'W'; case sc_X: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'X'; case sc_Y: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'Y'; case sc_Z: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return 'Z'; default: KB_SetLastScanCode(sc_None); return ' '; } #endif return 0; } char byte_AA394[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 }; int dword_AA39C, dword_AA3A0, dword_AA3A4, dword_AA3A8, dword_AA3AC, dword_AA3B0, dword_AA3B4, dword_AA3B8, dword_AA3BC, dword_AA3C0, dword_AA3C4; void sub_54D90(void) { rotatesprite(160<<16, 100<<16, 32768, 0, 7063, -24, 0, 32+2+1, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y); } void sub_54DE0(void) { dword_AA3A8 = tilesiz[7050].x; dword_AA3AC = tilesiz[7050].y; #if 0 tileCreate(7050, dword_AA3A8, dword_AA3AC); #endif } void ghrender_preparescope(void) { #if 0 int delta, i, j; char *ptr; dword_AA3A4 = 0; if (!waloff[7050]) return; dword_AA3B4 = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x + 1; dword_AA3B8 = windowxy2.y - windowxy1.y + 1; if (dword_AA3B4 <= dword_AA3A8 || dword_AA3B8 <= dword_AA3AC) return; delta = bytesperline - dword_AA3B4; if (delta < 0) G_GameExit("ghrender_preparescope: delta < 0"); delta /= 2; dword_AA3B0 = (dword_AA3B8 * bytesperline) / 2; dword_AA3B0 -= (bytesperline >> 1); dword_AA3B0 -= delta; dword_AA3B0 -= (dword_AA3AC >> 1) * bytesperline; dword_AA3B0 -= (dword_AA3A8 >> 1); tileCopySection(7051, 0, 0, tilesiz[7051].x, tilesiz[7051].y, 7050, 0, 0); ptr = (char*)waloff[7050]; if (ptr) { for (i = 0; i < dword_AA3A8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < dword_AA3AC; j++) { if (*ptr == 0) *ptr = 255; ptr++; } } dword_AA3A4 = 1; } #endif } void sub_54FA4(int a1, int a2) { int i, j; char *ptr1, *ptr2; if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST) return; #if 0 if (!dword_AA3A4) ghrender_preparescope(); ptr1 = (char*)waloff[7050]; if (!ptr1) return; ptr2 = (char*)frameplace; if (!ptr2) return; for (i = 0; i < dword_AA3A8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < dword_AA3AC; j++) { if (*ptr1 != TRANSPARENT_INDEX) { *ptr1 = ptr2[i*bytesperline+dword_AA3B0+j]; } ptr1++; } } rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 57344, 512, 7050, 0, 0, 4+2, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y); rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 57344, 512, 7050, -8, 0, 4+2+1, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y); rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 32768, 0, 7063, -24, 0, 32+2+1, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y); #endif } typedef struct _struct2B8280 { short f_0; char f_2; } struct2B8280; struct2B8280 f2B8280[MAXSPRITES]; void sub_550F0(void) { int i, sect; dword_AA3A0 = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { f2B8280[i].f_0 = -1; sect = sprite[i].sectnum; if (sect >= 0 && sect < numsectors) { if (sprite[i].cstat & 2) { if (sector[sect].floorstat & 1) { f2B8280[dword_AA3A0].f_2 = sprite[i].xrepeat; f2B8280[dword_AA3A0].f_0 = i; dword_AA3A0++; } } } } dword_AA39C = 0; } void ghrender_movewatersprites(void) { int i, spr; if (!sub_57AA0(2)) return; for (i = 0; i < dword_AA3A0; i++) { spr = f2B8280[i].f_0; if (spr < 0 || spr >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghrender_movewatersprites: bad watersprite sprnum\n"); continue; } if (dword_AA39C < 0 || dword_AA39C >= 6) { Printf("ghrender_movewatersprites: currepeat out of range\n"); continue; } sprite[spr].xrepeat = f2B8280[i].f_2 + byte_AA394[dword_AA39C]; } dword_AA39C++; if (dword_AA39C >= 6) dword_AA39C = 0; } typedef struct _structAA3D0 { unsigned int f_0; int f_4; int f_8; int f_c; int f_10; } structAA3D0; void sub_55244(void) { } void sub_5524C(void) { } void sub_55184(void) { sub_550F0(); } structAA3D0 fAA3D0[15] = { 1, 2860, 136, 152, 0, 10, 2861, 136, 142, 2, 10, 2862, 136, 142, 5, 10, 2862, 136, 142, 4, 10, 2861, 136, 142, 0, 4, 2863, 144, 162, 5, 16, 2864, 204, 160, 5, 22, 2865, 136, 142, 8, 22, 2869, 136, 142, 9, 22, 2868, 136, 142, 10, 18, 2865, 136, 142, 5, 22, 2865, 136, 142, 12, 22, 2866, 136, 142, 13, 22, 2867, 136, 142, 14, 18, 2865, 136, 142, 5 }; int ghshtgn_setmode(int a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= 15) return -1; if (dword_AA3BC != a1) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA3C4 > fAA3D0[dword_AA3BC].f_0) { switch (dword_AA3BC) { case 7: case 11: A_PlaySound(3, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); break; case 10: case 14: dword_AA3C0 = 1; break; case 6: dword_AA3C0 = 0; break; } dword_AA3C4 = (int)totalclock; dword_AA3BC = a1; } } return dword_AA3BC; } int dword_2BB290[MAXSECTORS]; int dword_AA3C8, dword_AA3CC; int hitscan_old(int xs, int ys, int zs, int16_t sectnum, int xv, int yv, int zv, int16_t *hitsect, int16_t *hitwall, int16_t *hitsprite, int *xh, int *yh, int *zh, int cm) { vec3_t s = { xs, ys, zs }; hitdata_t h = { *xh, *yh, *zh, *hitsprite, *hitwall, *hitsect }; int ret = hitscan(&s, sectnum, xv, yv, zv, &h, cm); *xh = h.pos.x; *yh = h.pos.y; *zh = h.pos.z; *hitsprite = h.sprite; *hitwall = h.wall; *hitsect = h.sect; return ret; } void ghshtgn_fire(short snum) { DukePlayer_t *p; short v20 = 0; short v1c = 0; short v18 = 0; int v44 = 0; int v48 = 0; int v4c = 0; int v34, v28, v40, v2c, v24, v38, vdx, vax, vbx, vdi, v3c, v30, i; short sect; if (!dword_AA3C0 && dword_AA3BC == 5) sub_5A250(0x10); if (dword_AA3BC == 5 && dword_AA3C0 && ghshtgn_setmode(6) == 6) { p = g_player[snum].ps; A_PlaySound(4, p->i); v34 = 9; while (v34 > 0) { v28 = p->pos.x; v40 = p->pos.y; v2c = p->pos.z + p->pyoff; if (dword_AA3C8 == 7) { vax = 2; vbx = 4; v24 = 8; vdx = 2048; v38 = 4096; } else { vax = 2; vbx = 2; v24 = 4; vdx = 512; v38 = 1024; } vdi = (100 - fix16_to_int(p->q16horiz)) * 2048; switch (v34) { default: return; case 9: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - vbx + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - vbx) & 2047]; vdi += vdx; break; case 8: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + vbx + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + vbx) & 2047]; vdi += vdx; break; case 7: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - vbx + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - vbx) & 2047]; vdi -= vdx; break; case 6: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + vbx + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + vbx) & 2047]; vdi -= vdx; break; case 5: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax) & 2047]; vdi -= v38; break; case 4: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax) & 2047]; vdi += v38; break; case 3: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - v24 + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax - v24) & 2047]; break; case 2: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + v24 + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + v24) & 2047]; break; case 1: v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vax) & 2047]; break; } for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { dword_2BB290[i] = sector[i].ceilingz; sector[i].ceilingz = -0x64000; } hitscan_old(v28, v40, v2c, p->cursectnum, v3c, v30, vdi, &v20, &v18, &v1c, &v44, &v48, &v4c, CLIPMASK1); for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { sector[i].ceilingz = dword_2BB290[i]; } v34--; if (v20 < 0) { Printf("WARNING: ghshtgn_fire hitsect < 0\n"); return; } sub_51678(v18, v1c, v20, v44, v48, v4c); if (v1c >= 0) { if (sprite[v1c].cstat == 32768) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr with cstat 32768\n"); return; } sect = sprite[v1c].sectnum; if (sector[sect].hitag == 2000) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr in REST_AREA sector\n"); return; } ghtrophy_addkill(v1c); ghtarget_hit(v1c, dword_AA3C8); } else sub_5A250(4); } } } void sub_558D0(void) { if (!dword_AA3BC) ghshtgn_setmode(1); else ghshtgn_setmode(3); } void sub_558F4(void) { dword_AA3CC = 1; ghshtgn_setmode(0); dword_AA3C8 = 6; dword_AA3C0 = 0; } int sub_55928(void) { return dword_AA3C8; } void sub_55934(void) { if (dword_AA3BC == 0 || dword_AA3BC == 5) { sub_5A250(0x4000); dword_AA3C0 = 0; sub_55988(); dword_AA3C8 = 6 + (dword_AA3C8 == 6); } } void sub_55988(void) { int pframe; if (dword_AA3BC == 0 || dword_AA3BC == 5) { pframe = dword_AA3BC; if (dword_AA3CC) { if (ghshtgn_setmode(7) == 7) fAA3D0[10].f_10 = pframe; dword_AA3CC = 0; } else { if (ghshtgn_setmode(11) == 11) fAA3D0[14].f_10 = pframe; } } } unsigned int dword_AA53C; int dword_AA540; int dword_AA4FC[] = { 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; int dword_AA51C[] = { 0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1 }; void ghshtgn_render(short snum) { int vdx; if (dword_AA3BC < 0 || dword_AA3BC >= 15) { Printf("ERROR: ghshtgn_draw bad index\n"); return; } if (snum < 0 || snum >= numplayers) { Printf("ERROR: ghshtgn_render bad index\n"); return; } DukePlayer_t* p = g_player[snum].ps; if (p->dhat613 || p->dhat617) { vdx = 10; if (p->dhat617) vdx = 5; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA53C > vdx) { dword_AA540++; if (dword_AA540 >= 8) dword_AA540 = 0; dword_AA53C = (int)totalclock; } } else { if (dword_AA540) dword_AA540++; if (dword_AA540 >= 8) dword_AA540 = 0; } if (dword_AA540 >= 8) { Printf("ERROR: ghshtgn_render bobcnt out of bounds\n"); return; } sub_54D90(); rotatesprite_win((fAA3D0[dword_AA3BC].f_8+dword_AA4FC[dword_AA540])<<16, (fAA3D0[dword_AA3BC].f_c+dword_AA51C[dword_AA540]+17)<<16, 40960, 0, fAA3D0[dword_AA3BC].f_4, 0, 0, 2); if (dword_AA3BC == 5 && p->dhat617) ghshtgn_setmode(3); else ghshtgn_setmode(fAA3D0[dword_AA3BC].f_10); } int dword_AA544, dword_AA548; unsigned int dword_AA54C; structAA3D0 fAA558[17] = { 1, 2816, 135, 152, 0, 10, 2822, 135, 132, 2, 10, 2817, 135, 132, 5, 10, 2817, 135, 132, 4, 10, 2822, 135, 132, 0, 4, 2818, 144, 130, 5, 16, 2819, 144, 130, 5, 28, 2817, 135, 132, 8, 28, 2823, 135, 132, 9, 28, 2824, 135, 132, 10, 28, 2823, 135, 132, 11, 28, 2817, 135, 132, 5, 28, 2817, 135, 132, 13, 28, 2820, 135, 132, 14, 28, 2821, 135, 132, 15, 28, 2823, 135, 132, 16, 28, 2817, 135, 132, 5 }; structAA3D0 fAA6AC[17] = { 1, 2830, 135, 152, 0, 10, 2831, 135, 132, 2, 10, 2832, 135, 132, 5, 10, 2832, 135, 132, 4, 10, 2831, 135, 132, 0, 4, 2833, 146, 136, 5, 16, 2834, 146, 136, 5, 28, 2832, 135, 132, 8, 28, 2837, 135, 132, 9, 28, 2838, 135, 132, 10, 28, 2837, 135, 132, 11, 28, 2832, 135, 132, 5, 28, 2832, 135, 132, 13, 28, 2836, 135, 132, 14, 28, 2835, 135, 132, 15, 28, 2837, 135, 132, 16, 28, 2832, 135, 132, 5 }; int ghrifle_setmode(int a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= 17) return -1; if (dword_AA544 != a1) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA54C > fAA558[dword_AA544].f_0) { switch (dword_AA544) { case 7: case 12: A_PlaySound(5, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); break; case 11: case 16: dword_AA548 = 1; break; case 6: dword_AA548 = 0; break; } dword_AA54C = (int)totalclock; dword_AA544 = a1; } } return dword_AA544; } int dword_2BC2A0[MAXSECTORS]; int dword_AA550, dword_AA554; void ghrifle_fire(short snum) { DukePlayer_t *p; short v20 = 0; short v1c = 0; short v18 = 0; int v44 = 0; int v48 = 0; int v4c = 0; int v28, v40, v2c, vdi, v3c, v30, i; short sect; if (!dword_AA548 && dword_AA544 == 5) sub_5A250(0x10); if (dword_AA548 && dword_AA544 == 5 && ghrifle_setmode(6) == 6) { p = g_player[snum].ps; A_PlaySound(6, p->i); v28 = p->pos.x; v40 = p->pos.y; v2c = p->pos.z + p->pyoff; v3c = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + 512) & 2047]; v30 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang)) & 2047]; vdi = (100 - fix16_to_int(p->q16horiz)) * 2048; for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { dword_2BC2A0[i] = sector[i].ceilingz; sector[i].ceilingz = -0x64000; } hitscan_old(v28, v40, v2c, p->cursectnum, v3c, v30, vdi, &v20, &v18, &v1c, &v44, &v48, &v4c, CLIPMASK1); for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { sector[i].ceilingz = dword_2BC2A0[i]; } if (v20 < 0) { Printf("WARNING: ghrifle_fire hitsect < 0\n"); return; } sub_51678(v18, v1c, v20, v44, v48, v4c); if (v1c >= 0) { if (sprite[v1c].cstat == 32768) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr with cstat 32768\n"); return; } sect = sprite[v1c].sectnum; if (sector[sect].hitag == 2000) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr in REST_AREA sector\n"); return; } ghtrophy_addkill(v1c); ghtarget_hit(v1c, dword_AA550); } else sub_5A250(4); } } void sub_55F68(void) { if (dword_AA544 == 0) ghrifle_setmode(1); else ghrifle_setmode(3); } void sub_55F8C(void) { dword_AA554 = 1; ghrifle_setmode(0); dword_AA550 = 4; dword_AA548 = 0; } int sub_55FC0(void) { return dword_AA550; } void sub_55FCC(void) { if (dword_AA544 == 0 || dword_AA544 == 5) { sub_5A250(0x4000); dword_AA548 = 0; sub_56020(); dword_AA550 = 4 + (dword_AA550 == 4); } } void sub_56020(void) { int pframe; if (dword_AA544 == 0 || dword_AA544 == 5) { pframe = dword_AA544; if (dword_AA554) { if (ghrifle_setmode(7) == 7) fAA558[11].f_10 = pframe; dword_AA554 = 0; } else { if (ghrifle_setmode(12) == 12) fAA558[16].f_10 = pframe; } } } unsigned int dword_AA840; int dword_AA844; int dword_AA800[] = { 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; int dword_AA820[] = { 0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1 }; void ghrifle_render(short snum, int a2) { int vdx, tile, x, y; if (dword_AA544 < 0 || dword_AA544 >= 17) { Printf("ERROR: ghrifle_draw bad index\n"); return; } if (snum < 0 || snum >= numplayers) { Printf("ERROR: ghrifle_render bad index\n"); return; } DukePlayer_t* p = g_player[snum].ps; if (p->dhat613 || p->dhat617) { vdx = 10; if (p->dhat617) vdx = 5; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA840 > vdx) { dword_AA844++; if (dword_AA844 >= 8) dword_AA844 = 0; dword_AA840 = (int)totalclock; } } else { if (dword_AA844) dword_AA844++; if (dword_AA844 >= 8) dword_AA844 = 0; } if (dword_AA844 >= 8) { Printf("ERROR: ghrifle_render bobcnt out of bounds\n"); return; } if (a2 == 1) { x = fAA558[dword_AA544].f_8 + dword_AA800[dword_AA844]; y = fAA558[dword_AA544].f_c + dword_AA820[dword_AA844] + 17; tile = fAA558[dword_AA544].f_4; } else { x = fAA6AC[dword_AA544].f_8 + dword_AA800[dword_AA844]; y = fAA6AC[dword_AA544].f_c + dword_AA820[dword_AA844] + 17; tile = fAA6AC[dword_AA544].f_4; } if (dword_AA544 == 5 && a2 == 1) sub_54FA4(160+dword_AA800[dword_AA844], 100+dword_AA820[dword_AA844]); else sub_54D90(); rotatesprite_win(x<<16, y<<16, 32768, 0, tile, 0, 0, 2); if (a2 == 1 && dword_AA544 == 5 && (p->dhat613 || p->dhat617)) { ghrifle_setmode(3); } else { if (dword_AA544 == 5 && p->dhat617) ghrifle_setmode(3); else ghrifle_setmode(fAA558[dword_AA544].f_10); } } int dword_AA848; int dword_AA84C; unsigned int dword_AA850; int dword_AA854; structAA3D0 fAA858[15] = { 1, 3328, 198, 152, 0, 4, 3329, 198, 132, 2, 4, 3330, 198, 132, 3, 4, 3331, 198, 136, 4, 4, 3332, 198, 136, 5, 4, 3333, 198, 132, 6, 4, 3334, 198, 132, 7, 4, 3333, 198, 132, 8, 4, 3332, 198, 132, 9, 4, 3331, 198, 132, 0, 12, 3336, 198, 132, 11, 12, 3337, 198, 132, 12, 12, 3338, 198, 132, 13, 12, 3337, 198, 132, 14, 12, 3336, 198, 132, 0 }; int dword_AA984[] = { 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; int dword_AA9A4[] = { 0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1 }; int ghpistol_setmode(int a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= 15) return 0; if (a1 != dword_AA848) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA850 > fAA858[dword_AA848].f_0) { switch (dword_AA848) { case 10: A_PlaySound(1, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); break; case 14: dword_AA84C = 6; break; case 2: if (!dword_AA84C) { Printf("ghpistol_setmode: pistolloaded at 0\n"); } else dword_AA84C--; break; } dword_AA850 = (int)totalclock; dword_AA848 = a1; } } return dword_AA848; } int dword_2BD2B0[MAXSECTORS]; void ghpistol_fire(short snum) { DukePlayer_t *p; short v18 = 0; short v1c = 0; short v20 = 0; int v38 = 0; int v3c = 0; int v40 = 0; int v30, v34, v2c, vdx, vbx, v28, v24, vsi, i; if (dword_AA84C == 0 && dword_AA848 == 0) sub_5A250(16); if (dword_AA84C && dword_AA848 == 0 && ghpistol_setmode(1) == 1) { p = g_player[snum].ps; A_PlaySound(2, p->i); v30 = p->pos.x; v34 = p->pos.y; v2c = p->pos.z + p->pyoff; if (dword_AA854 == 3) { vdx = 4 - (rrdh_random() & 7); vbx = 2047 - (rrdh_random() & 2047); } else { vdx = 8 - (rrdh_random() & 15); vbx = 2048 - (rrdh_random() & 2048); } vdx += 2; v24 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vdx + 512) & 2047]; v28 = sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + vdx) & 2047]; vsi = ((100 - fix16_to_int(p->q16horiz)) << 11) + vbx; for (i = 0; i < MAXSECTORS; i++) { dword_2BD2B0[i] = sector[i].ceilingz; sector[i].ceilingz = -0x64000; } hitscan_old(v30, v34, v2c, p->cursectnum, v24, v28, vsi, &v18, &v20, &v1c, &v38, &v3c, &v40, CLIPMASK1); for (i = 0; i < MAXSECTORS; i++) { sector[i].ceilingz = dword_2BD2B0[i]; } if (v18 < 0) { Printf("WARNING: ghpistol_fire hitsect < 0\n"); return; } sub_51678(v28, v1c, v18, v38, v3c, v40); if (v1c >= 0) { if (sprite[v1c].cstat == 32768) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr with cstat 32768\n"); return; } if (sector[sprite[v1c].sectnum].hitag == 2000) { Printf("ERROR: hit spr in REST_AREA sector\n"); return; } ghtrophy_addkill(v1c); ghtarget_hit(v1c, dword_AA854); } else sub_5A250(4); } } void sub_566E8(void) { } void sub_566F0(void) { ghpistol_setmode(0); dword_AA854 = 2; dword_AA84C = 0; } int sub_56718(void) { return dword_AA854; } void sub_56724(void) { if (dword_AA848 == 0) { sub_5A250(0x4000); dword_AA84C = 0; if (dword_AA848 == 0) ghpistol_setmode(10); dword_AA854 = 2 + (dword_AA854 == 2); } } void sub_56780(void) { if (dword_AA848 == 0 && dword_AA84C != 6) ghpistol_setmode(10); } unsigned int dword_AA9C4; int dword_AA9C8; void ghpistol_render(short snum) { int vdx; if (dword_AA848 < 0 || dword_AA848 >= 15) { Printf("ERROR: ghpistol_draw bad index\n"); return; } if (snum < 0 || snum >= numplayers) { Printf("ERROR: ghpistol_render bad index\n"); return; } DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; if (p->dhat613 || p->dhat617) { vdx = 10; if (p->dhat617) vdx = 5; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA9C4 > vdx) { dword_AA9C8++; if (dword_AA9C8 >= 8) dword_AA9C8 = 0; dword_AA9C4 = (int)totalclock; } } else { if (dword_AA9C8) dword_AA9C8++; if (dword_AA9C8 >= 8) dword_AA9C8 = 0; } if (dword_AA9C8 >= 8) { Printf("ERROR: ghpistol_render bobcnt out of bounds\n"); return; } sub_54D90(); rotatesprite_win((fAA858[dword_AA848].f_8+dword_AA984[dword_AA9C8])<<16, (fAA858[dword_AA848].f_c+dword_AA9A4[dword_AA9C8]+17)<<16, 40960, 0, fAA858[dword_AA848].f_4, 0, 0, 2); ghpistol_setmode(fAA858[dword_AA848].f_10); } int dword_AA9CC; unsigned int dword_AA9D4; structAA3D0 fAA9DC[7] = { 1, 3454, 216, 158, 0, 4, 3452, 216, 162, 1, 4, 3453, 216, 158, 3, 12, 3455, 216, 158, 0, 12, 3456, 216, 132, 5, 12, 3457, 216, 132, 6, 12, 3458, 216, 132, 1 }; int dword_AAA68[] = { 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; int dword_AAA88[] = { 0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1 }; int dword_AA9D0; int ghbow_setmode(int a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= 7) { Printf("ERROR: ghbow_setmode %i\n", a1); return 0; } if (dword_AA9CC != a1) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AA9D4 > fAA9DC[dword_AA9CC].f_0) { switch (dword_AA9CC) { case 4: A_PlaySound(7, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); break; case 6: dword_AA9D0 = 1; break; case 2: dword_AA9D0 = 0; break; } dword_AA9D4 = (int)totalclock; dword_AA9CC = a1; } } return dword_AA9CC; } void ghbow_fire(short snum) { struct player_struct *p; if (!dword_AA9D0) { if (dword_AA9CC == 1 || dword_AA9CC == 0) sub_5A250(0x10); } if (dword_AA9D0 && dword_AA9CC == 1 && ghbow_setmode(2) == 2) { A_PlaySound(8, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); gharrow_spawnarrow(snum); } } void sub_56AB0(void) { } int dword_AA9D8; void sub_56AB8(void) { ghbow_setmode(0); dword_AA9D8 = 0; dword_AA9D0 = 0; } int sub_56AD8(void) { return dword_AA9D8; } void sub_56AE4(void) { if (dword_AA9CC == 0) { sub_5A250(0x4000); dword_AA9D0 = 0; if (dword_AA9CC == 0) ghbow_setmode(4); dword_AA9D8 = (dword_AA9D8 == 0); } } void sub_56B3C(void) { if (dword_AA9CC == 0 && dword_AA9D0 != 1) ghbow_setmode(4); } unsigned int dword_AAAA8; int dword_AAAAC; void ghbow_render(short snum) { int vdx; if (dword_AA9CC < 0 || dword_AA9CC >= 7) { Printf("ERROR: ghbow_draw bad index\n"); return; } if (snum < 0 || snum >= numplayers) { Printf("ERROR: ghbow_render bad index\n"); return; } DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; if (p->dhat613 || p->dhat617) { vdx = 10; if (p->dhat617) vdx = 5; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AAAA8 > vdx) { dword_AAAAC++; if (dword_AAAAC >= 8) dword_AAAAC = 0; dword_AAAA8 = (int)totalclock; } } else { if (dword_AAAAC) dword_AAAAC++; if (dword_AAAAC >= 8) dword_AAAAC = 0; } if (dword_AAAAC >= 8) { Printf("ERROR: ghbow_render bobcnt out of bounds\n"); return; } sub_54D90(); rotatesprite_win((fAA9DC[dword_AA9CC].f_8+dword_AAA68[dword_AAAAC])<<16, (fAA9DC[dword_AA9CC].f_c+dword_AAA88[dword_AAAAC]+17)<<16, 40960, 0, fAA9DC[dword_AA9CC].f_4, 0, 0, 2); ghbow_setmode(fAA9DC[dword_AA9CC].f_10); } int sub_56CF0(int a1) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= numsectors) return 0; return 1; } void ghprecip_snowfall(void) { DukePlayer_t *p; int i, nexti, j; spritetype *s; short sect, v18; int vdi, vsi, v28; p = g_player[screenpeek].ps; i = headspritestat[801]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; s->z += 0x300; sect = s->sectnum; if (sect < 0 || sect >= numsectors) { Printf("ghprecip_snowfall: bad sectnum\n"); goto BOLT; } if (s->z > sector[sect].floorz) { vdi = p->pos.x + (rrdh_random() & 0x3fff) - 0x2000; vsi = p->pos.y + (rrdh_random() & 0x3fff) - 0x2000; v28 = -0x19000; v18 = -1; for (j = 0; j < numsectors; j++) { if (inside(vdi, vsi, j)) { if (sub_56CF0(j)) { v18 = j; break; } } } if (v18 >= 0 && v18 < numsectors) { s->x = vdi; s->y = vsi; s->z = v28; changespritestat(i, v18); if (v18 != s->sectnum) { Printf("changespritesect failed\n"); } } } BOLT: i = nexti; } } void sub_56EA8(void) { ghprecip_snowfall(); } void sub_56EC0(void) { short i; i = headspritestat[802]; while (i >= 0) { sprite[i].extra++; i = nextspritestat[i]; } } int dword_AAAB8 = 0x180; int dword_AAAB0; short ghtrax_getoldestdeertrax(void) { short i, nexti, vcx, vsi; vcx = -1; vsi = 0; i = headspritestat[802]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; if (vcx < sprite[i].extra) { vcx = sprite[i].extra; vsi = i; } if (sprite[i].extra > dword_AAAB8) { Printf("ghtrax_getoldestdeertrax: oldest trax at %i\n", sprite[i].extra.cast()); } i = nexti; } return vsi; } void ghtrax_deertrax(short a1) { spritetype *s, *s2; int v24 = 0; int v28 = 0; int v2c = 0; int v30 = 0; short v18, i, nexti; s = &sprite[a1]; if (dword_AAAB8 > dword_AAAB0) { v18 = insertsprite(s->sectnum, 0); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_deertrax: insertsprite failed\n"); dword_AAAB8 = dword_AAAB0; Printf(" set maxtraxdeer to %i\n", dword_AAAB8); } else dword_AAAB0++; } else { v18 = ghtrax_getoldestdeertrax(); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_deertrax: invalid oldest trax sprite\n"); return; } } sub_56EC0(); s2 = &sprite[v18]; getzrange_old(s->x, s->y, s->z, s->sectnum, &v24, &v28, &v2c, &v30, 128, CLIPMASK0); if (v2c < sector[s->sectnum].floorz) v2c = sector[s->sectnum].floorz - 8; vec3_t pos = { s->x, s->y, v2c }; setsprite(a1, &pos); changespritestat(a1, 802); s2->cstat = 0x20; s2->extra = 0; s2->ang = s->ang; s2->owner = a1; s2->pal = 0; s2->xoffset = 0; s2->yoffset = 0; s2->xvel = 0; s2->yvel = 0; s2->zvel = 0; s2->shade = -28; s2->xrepeat = 14; s2->yrepeat = 18; s2->clipdist = 32; s2->picnum = 7080 + (ud.level_number != 3); } void sub_57140(void) { short i, nexti; i = headspritestat[804]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; sprite[i].extra++; i = nexti; } } int dword_AAAC4 = 0x100; short ghtrax_getoldestboartrax(void) { short i, nexti, vcx, vsi; vcx = -1; vsi = 0; i = headspritestat[804]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; if (vcx < sprite[i].extra) { vcx = sprite[i].extra; vsi = i; } if (sprite[i].extra > dword_AAAC4) { Printf("ghtrax_getoldestdeertrax: oldest trax at %i\n", sprite[i].extra.cast()); } i = nexti; } return vsi; } int dword_AAABC; void ghtrax_boartrax(short a1) { spritetype* s, * s2; int v24 = 0; int v28 = 0; int v2c = 0; int v30 = 0; short v18, i, nexti; s = &sprite[a1]; if (dword_AAAC4 > dword_AAABC) { v18 = insertsprite(s->sectnum, 0); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_boartrax: insertsprite failed\n"); dword_AAAC4 = dword_AAABC; Printf(" set maxtraxboar to %d\n", dword_AAAC4); } else dword_AAABC++; } else { v18 = ghtrax_getoldestboartrax(); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_boartrax: invalid oldest trax sprite\n"); return; } } sub_57140(); s2 = &sprite[v18]; getzrange_old(s->x, s->y, s->z, s->sectnum, &v24, &v28, &v2c, &v30, 128, CLIPMASK0); if (v2c < sector[s->sectnum].floorz) v2c = sector[s->sectnum].floorz - 8; vec3_t pos = { s->x, s->y, v2c }; setsprite(a1, &pos); changespritestat(a1, 804); s2->cstat = 0x20; s2->extra = 0; s2->ang = s->ang; s2->owner = a1; s2->pal = 0; s2->xoffset = 0; s2->yoffset = 0; s2->xvel = 0; s2->yvel = 0; s2->zvel = 0; s2->shade = -28; s2->xrepeat = 14; s2->yrepeat = 18; s2->clipdist = 32; s2->picnum = 7084 + (ud.level_number != 3); } int dword_AAAB4, dword_AAAC0; short word_AAAC8; void sub_573C0(void) { int vdx = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) if (sprite[i].picnum) vdx++; vdx = MAXSPRITES - vdx; if (vdx <= 640) Printf("not enuff sprites left for deer and boar trax\n"); dword_AAAB0 = 0; dword_AAAB4 = 0; dword_AAAB8 = 0x180; dword_AAABC = 0; dword_AAAC0 = 0; dword_AAAC4 = 0x100; word_AAAC8 = (rrdh_random() & 2047); } short sub_5743C(void) { return word_AAAC8; } int ghtrax_isplrupwind(short a1, short a2) { spritetype *s; DukePlayer_t *p; s = &sprite[a1]; p = g_player[a2].ps; return klabs(word_AAAC8 - (getangle(s->x -p->pos.x, s->y - p->pos.y) & 2047)) < 256; } void ghtrax_leavetrax(short a1) { spritetype *s; sectortype *sc; short sect; s = &sprite[a1]; sect = s->sectnum; sc = §or[sect]; if (klabs(sector[sect].ceilingheinum - sector[sect].floorheinum) <= 576) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[a1].picnum)) { case VIXEN__STATICRR: if (sector[sect].hitag == 0) ghtrax_deertrax(a1); break; case PIG__STATICRR: if (sector[sect].hitag == 0) ghtrax_boartrax(a1); break; } } } void ghtrax_deerdroppings(short a1) { spritetype* s, * s2; int v24 = 0; int v28 = 0; int v2c = 0; int v30 = 0; short v18, i, nexti; s = &sprite[a1]; if (dword_AAAB4 >= 24) return; v18 = insertsprite(s->sectnum, 0); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_deerdroppings: insertsprite failed\n"); return; } s2 = &sprite[v18]; getzrange_old(s->x, s->y, s->z, s->sectnum, &v24, &v28, &v2c, &v30, 128, CLIPMASK0); if (v2c < sector[s->sectnum].floorz) v2c = sector[s->sectnum].floorz - 8; vec3_t pos = { s->x, s->y, v2c }; setsprite(a1, &pos); changespritestat(a1, 803); s2->cstat = 0; s2->ang = s->ang; s2->owner = a1; s2->pal = 0; s2->xoffset = 0; s2->yoffset = 0; s2->xvel = 0; s2->yvel = 0; s2->zvel = 0; s2->shade = 8; s2->xrepeat = 8; s2->yrepeat = 5; s2->clipdist = 32; s2->extra = 0; s2->picnum = 981 + (ud.level_number != 3); dword_AAAB4++; } void ghtrax_boardroppings(short a1) { spritetype* s, * s2; int v24 = 0; int v28 = 0; int v2c = 0; int v30 = 0; short v18, i, nexti; s = &sprite[a1]; if (dword_AAAC0 >= 24) return; v18 = insertsprite(s->sectnum, 0); if (v18 < 0 || v18 >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghtrax_boardroppings: insertsprite failed\n"); return; } s2 = &sprite[v18]; getzrange_old(s->x, s->y, s->z, s->sectnum, &v24, &v28, &v2c, &v30, 128, CLIPMASK0); if (v2c < sector[s->sectnum].floorz) v2c = sector[s->sectnum].floorz - 8; vec3_t pos = { s->x, s->y, v2c }; setsprite(a1, &pos); changespritestat(a1, 805); s2->cstat = 0; s2->ang = s->ang; s2->owner = a1; s2->picnum = 983; s2->pal = 0; s2->xoffset = 0; s2->yoffset = 0; s2->xvel = 0; s2->yvel = 0; s2->zvel = 0; s2->shade = 8; s2->xrepeat = 8; s2->yrepeat = 5; s2->clipdist = 32; s2->extra = 0; dword_AAAC0++; } void ghtrax_leavedroppings(short a1) { spritetype *s; sectortype *sc; short sect; s = &sprite[a1]; sect = s->sectnum; sc = §or[sect]; if (klabs(sector[sect].ceilingheinum - sector[sect].floorheinum) <= 576) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[a1].picnum)) { case VIXEN__STATICRR: if (sector[sect].hitag == 0) ghtrax_deerdroppings(a1); break; case PIG__STATICRR: if (sector[sect].hitag == 0) ghtrax_boardroppings(a1); break; } } } int dword_AAAD0, dword_AAAD4, dword_AAAD8, dword_AAACC; unsigned int dword_AAADC, dword_AAAE0, dword_AAAE4, dword_AAAE8; void sub_579A0(void) { dword_AAAD0++; dword_AAACC++; if (dword_AAAD0 == 4) { if (dword_AAADC > 0) dword_AAADC--; if (dword_AAAE0 > 0) dword_AAAE0--; if (dword_AAAE4 > 0) dword_AAAE4--; if (dword_AAAE8 > 0) dword_AAAE8--; dword_AAAD0 = 0; dword_AAAD4++; if (dword_AAAD4 == 10) { dword_AAAD8++; dword_AAAD4 = 0; } } } int sub_57A40(int a1) { if (dword_AAADC) return 0; dword_AAADC = a1; return 1; } int sub_57A60(int a2) { if (dword_AAAE0) return 0; dword_AAAE0 = a2; return 1; } int sub_57A80(int a2) { if (dword_AAAE4) return 0; dword_AAAE4 = a2; return 1; } int sub_57AA0(int a2) { if (dword_AAAE8) return 0; dword_AAAE8 = a2; return 1; } int dword_AAAEC; void sub_57AC0(void) { int i; show2dsector.SetAll(1); for (i = 0; i < MAXWALLS; i++) show2dwall[i>>3] |= 1<<(i&7); dword_AAAEC ^= 1; } void sub_57B24(void) { dword_AAAEC = 0; } void sub_57B38(long cposx, long cposy, long czoom, short cang) { long i, j, k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff; long dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry; long xrepeat, yrepeat, z1, z2, startwall, endwall, tilenum, daang; long xvect, yvect, xvect2, yvect2, xc, yc, xc2, yc2; short p; char col; walltype *wal, *wal2; spritetype *spr; if (!dword_AAAEC) return; xvect = sintable[(-cang)&2047] * czoom; yvect = sintable[(1536-cang)&2047] * czoom; xvect2 = mulscale16(xvect,yxaspect); yvect2 = mulscale16(yvect,yxaspect); xc = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x; yc = windowxy2.y - windowxy1.y; xc2 = 0; yc2 = 0; //Draw white lines for(i=0;inextwall >= 0) continue; if ((show2dwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) == 0) continue; if (tilesiz[wal->picnum].x == 0) continue; if (tilesiz[wal->picnum].y == 0) continue; if (j == k) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } else { ox = wal->x; oy = wal->y; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xc<<11); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(yc<<11); } k = wal->point2; wal2 = &wall[k]; ox = wal2->x; oy = wal2->y; x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xc<<11); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(yc<<11); renderDrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,74); } } for(k=0;kq16ang)+512)&2047, 7060, 0, 0, 0); } int sub_57FB0(void) { return 64 + (rrdh_random() % 224); } unsigned int dword_AAAF0; unsigned int dword_AAAF4, dword_AAAF8; int dword_AAAFC, dword_AAB00, dword_AAB04; void ghtarget_runningclock(void) { if (dword_AAAFC != 2) { if (dword_AAAFC == 1) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AAB04 >= 240) { sub_53E18(); dword_AAAFC = 2; } } else { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AAAF8 >= 120) { if (dword_AAAF4 > 0) dword_AAAF4--; else if (dword_AAAF0 > 0) { dword_AAAF4 = 50; dword_AAAF0--; } else { dword_AAAFC = 1; dword_AAB04 = (int)totalclock; P_DoQuote(145, g_player[myconnectindex].ps); } dword_AAAF8 = (int)totalclock; } } } } void sub_580C8(void) { int vsi = dword_AAAF0 % 10; int vd = dword_AAAF0 / 10; rotatesprite(292<<16, 184<<16, 17408, 0, DIGITALNUM+vd, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(296<<16, 184<<16, 17408, 0, DIGITALNUM+vsi, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); vsi = dword_AAAF4 % 10; vd = dword_AAAF4 / 10; rotatesprite(302<<16, 184<<16, 17408, 0, DIGITALNUM+vd, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(306<<16, 184<<16, 17408, 0, DIGITALNUM+vsi, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } void ghtarget_move(void) { int v2c = 0; int v28 = 0; int v24 = 0; short v18 = 0; int i, nexti; short mv; spritetype *s; i = headspritestat[808]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; if (dword_AAAFC) mv = 0; else { v2c = s->x; v28 = s->y; v24 = s->z; v18 = s->sectnum; vec3_t vect = { (sintable[1536]*s->xvel)>>14, 0, 0 }; mv = A_MoveSprite(i, &vect, CLIPMASK1); } if (mv || v18 != s->sectnum) { s->x = v2c; s->y = v28; s->z = v24; changespritesect(i, v18); s->yvel = -s->yvel; s->xvel = sub_57FB0(); if (s->yvel == -1) s->xvel = -s->xvel; s->cstat ^= 4; ghtarget_setanimal(i); if (s->extra) { s->cstat |= 256; s->cstat &= ~32768; s->extra = 0; s->xvel = sub_57FB0(); if (s->yvel == -1) s->xvel = -s->xvel; } } i = nexti; } if (ud.level_number > 3) ghtarget_runningclock(); } void sub_58364(int a1) { dword_AAAF0 = a1; dword_AAAF8 = 0; dword_AAAF4 = 0; dword_AAAFC = 0; } void sub_58388(void) { int i, vdx; sub_58364(0); dword_AAB00 = 0; if (ud.level_number < 4) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXSPRITES; i++) { vdx = 0; switch (sprite[i].picnum) { case 7110: sprite[i].xrepeat = 18; sprite[i].yrepeat = 24; vdx = 1; break; case 7111: sprite[i].xrepeat = 13; sprite[i].yrepeat = 14; vdx = 1; break; case 7112: sprite[i].xrepeat = 22; sprite[i].yrepeat = 16; vdx = 1; break; case 1076: sprite[i].cstat = 257; break; } if (vdx) { changespritestat(i, 808); sprite[i].cstat = 273; sprite[i].xvel = sub_57FB0(); sprite[i].yvel = 1; sprite[i].extra = 0; } } sub_58364(3); } void ghtarget_setanimal(short a1) { int vdx; vdx = rrdh_random() % 5; switch (vdx) { case 0: sprite[a1].picnum = 7110; sprite[a1].xrepeat = 18; sprite[a1].yrepeat = 24; break; case 1: sprite[a1].picnum = 7111; sprite[a1].xrepeat = 13; sprite[a1].yrepeat = 14; break; case 2: sprite[a1].picnum = 7112; sprite[a1].xrepeat = 22; sprite[a1].yrepeat = 16; break; } } void ghtarget_hit(short a1, int a2) { unsigned short vc; if (dword_AAAFC) return; if (sprite[a1].picnum == 1076) { dword_AAB00++; sub_58A30(1); sub_53848(dword_AAB00); } else if (sprite[a1].statnum == 808) { vc = sprite[a1].picnum; switch (sprite[a1].picnum) { case 7110: case 7111: vc = 1; break; case 7112: vc = 4; break; } ghstatbr_registerkillinfo(sprite[a1].picnum, 0, 0); vc += klabs(sprite[a1].xvel) / 32; switch (sector[sprite[a1].sectnum].hitag) { case 2004: vc++; break; case 2005: vc += 2; break; case 2006: vc += 4; break; case 2007: vc += 8; break; case 2008: vc += 16; break; default: Printf("WARNING: ghtarget_hit: spr not in track\n"); break; } switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: vc++; break; case 1: vc += 2; break; case 3: vc += 2; break; case 4: vc += 3; break; } sprite[a1].cstat |= 32768; sprite[a1].cstat &= ~256; A_PlaySound(87, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); ghtarget_setanimal(a1); sprite[a1].extra = 1; if (vc > 18) sub_5A250(0x200); dword_AAB00 += vc; sub_58A30(vc); sub_53848(dword_AAB00); } } void gharrow_move(void) { int i, nexti; short mv; int v24, v28, v20, vdx; short v18; spritetype *s; i = headspritestat[809]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; if (s->sectnum < 0 || s->sectnum >= numsectors) { deletesprite(i); } else { A_GetZLimits(i); v24 = s->x; v28 = s->y; v20 = s->y; v18 = s->sectnum; vec3_t vec = { s->xvel, s->yvel, s->zvel }; mv = A_MoveSprite(i, &vec, CLIPMASK1); if (mv) { s->x = v24; s->y = v28; s->z = v20; changespritesect(i, v18); if ((mv & 49152) == 49152) { mv &= MAXSPRITES - 1; A_PlaySound(59, mv); vdx = sub_56AD8(); ghtrophy_addkill(mv); ghtarget_hit(mv, vdx); } else { if ((mv & 49152) == 32768 && ud.level_number > 3) A_PlaySound(59, i); sub_5A250(4); } deletesprite(i); } } i = nexti; } } void gharrow_spawnarrow(short snum) { short s; spritetype *spr; DukePlayer_t *p; p = g_player[snum].ps; s = insertsprite(p->cursectnum, 809); if (s < 0 || s >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("gharrow_spawnarrow: insertsprite failed\n"); return; } spr = &sprite[s]; if (!spr) { Printf("gharrow_spawnarrow: null sprptr\n"); return; } spr->x = p->pos.x; spr->y = p->pos.y; spr->z = p->pos.z; spr->ang = (fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + 3) & 2047; spr->xvel = sintable[(spr->ang + 512) & 2047]; spr->yvel = sintable[(spr->ang) & 2047]; spr->picnum = 3450; spr->cstat = 1; spr->owner = 0; spr->xrepeat = 14; spr->yrepeat = 14; spr->pal = 0; spr->xoffset = 0; spr->yoffset = 0; spr->lotag = 0; spr->hitag = 0; spr->extra = 0; spr->shade = 0; spr->zvel = (100 - fix16_to_int(p->q16horiz) + 1) << 9; spr->cstat |= 0x8001; } int dword_AAB08 = 1; unsigned int dword_AAB0C; void sub_58A30(int a1) { dword_AAB0C += a1; if (dword_AAB0C > 99999) dword_AAB0C = 0; dword_AAB08 = 128; } void sub_58A5C(unsigned int a1) { int t1 = a1 % 10; int t2 = (a1 % 100) / 10; int t3 = (a1 % 1000) / 100; int t4 = (a1 % 10000) / 1000; int t5 = (a1 % 100000) / 10000; rotatesprite(243<<16, 185<<16, 22528, 0, DIGITALNUM+t1, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(235<<16, 185<<16, 22528, 0, DIGITALNUM+t2, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(227<<16, 185<<16, 22528, 0, DIGITALNUM+t3, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(219<<16, 185<<16, 22528, 0, DIGITALNUM+t4, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); rotatesprite(211<<16, 185<<16, 22528, 0, DIGITALNUM+t5, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } short word_AAB10; int dword_AAB14, dword_AAB18; void ghstatbr_registerkillinfo(short a1, int a2, int a3) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= MAXTILES) { Printf("ERROR: ghstatbr_registerkillinfo bad pic range\n"); return; } if (a2 < 0) { Printf("ERROR: ghstatbr_registerkillinfo neg points\n"); return; } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(a1)) { case VIXEN__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 1720; break; case RRTILE7110__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 7114; break; case PIG__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 1719; break; case RRTILE7111__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 7115; break; case DOGRUN__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 1721; break; case RRTILE7113__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 7116; break; case CHEER__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 1722; break; case RRTILE7112__STATICRR: word_AAB10 = 7117; break; default: word_AAB10 = 0; dword_AAB14 = 0; return; } dword_AAB14 = a2; dword_AAB18 = a3; dword_AAB08 |= 8; } void sub_58D14(void) { if (word_AAB10 > 0 && dword_AAB14 >= 0 && dword_AAB18 >= 0) { rotatesprite(39<<16, 185<<16, 32768, 0, word_AAB10, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); if (ud.level_number < 4) { unsigned int t1 = dword_AAB14 % 10; unsigned int t2 = (dword_AAB14 % 100) / 10; unsigned int t3 = (dword_AAB14 % 1000) / 100; rotatesprite(64<<16, 180<<16, 18432, 0, DIGITALNUM+t1, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); if (t3 || t2 > 0) { rotatesprite(58<<16, 180<<16, 18432, 0, DIGITALNUM+t2, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } if (t3 > 0) { rotatesprite(52<<16, 180<<16, 18432, 0, DIGITALNUM+t3, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } t1 = dword_AAB18 % 10; t2 = (dword_AAB18 % 100) / 10; rotatesprite(64<<16, 190<<16, 18432, 0, DIGITALNUM+t1, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); if (t2 > 0) { rotatesprite(58<<16, 190<<16, 18432, 0, DIGITALNUM+t2, 0, 0, 128+64+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } } } } void sub_58F40(int a1) { int v18 = sub_59B44(); int v1c, v20, i; switch (a1) { case 0: v20 = 1723; v1c = 24576; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: v20 = 1724; v1c = 24576; break; default: return; } for (i = 0; i < v18; i++) { rotatesprite((216+13*i)<<16, 184<<16, v1c, 0, v20, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } } void ghstatbr_drawammotype(void) { int vbx = 0; switch (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f) { case 0: vbx = sub_56718(); break; case 1: case 2: vbx = sub_55FC0(); break; case 3: vbx = sub_55928(); break; case 4: vbx = sub_56AD8(); break; } rotatesprite(97<<16, 187<<16, 32768, 0, 1711+vbx, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } int dword_AAB1C; void ghstatbr_render(void) { int r; short v18; if (klabs(fix16_to_int(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->q16ang) - fix16_to_int(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->oq16ang)) > 16) dword_AAB08 = 2; v18 = sub_5743C(); r = rrdh_random() & 1023; if (r < 64) { v18 += r - 32; dword_AAB08 = 4; v18 &= 2047; } if (dword_AAB08) { //sub_51028(3, dword_AAB1C++); if (ud.level_number < 4) { rotatesprite(0<<16, 166<<16, 32768, 0, 1647, 4, 0, 128+64+16+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } else { rotatesprite(0<<16, 166<<16, 32768, 0, 1710, 4, 0, 128+64+16+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } sub_58D14(); if (ud.level_number > 0 && ud.level_number < 4) { rotatesprite(216<<16, 166<<16, 32768, 0, 1725, 4, 0, 128+64+16+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); } ghstatbr_drawammotype(); rotatesprite(155<<16, 185<<16, 32768, v18, 1637, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); if (ud.level_number < 4) rotatesprite(301<<16, 183<<16, 32768, fix16_to_int(g_player[screenpeek].ps->q16ang), 1638, 0, 0, 128+10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); if (ud.level_number > 3) sub_580C8(); sub_58F40(ud.level_number); if (ud.level_number > 3) sub_58A5C(dword_AAB0C); dword_AAB08 = 0; } } //void sub_592F0(void) //{ // dword_AAB08 = 1; //} // //void sub_59304(int a1) //{ // dword_AAB08 |= a1; //} void sub_59314(void) { dword_AAB0C = 0; dword_AAB14 = 0; dword_AAB08 = 1; word_AAB10 = 0; } int ghdeploy_isdownwind(short a1, short a2) { short ang; ang = getangle(sprite[a1].x - sprite[a2].x, sprite[a1].y - sprite[a2].y) & 2047; return klabs(sub_5743C() - ang) < 512; } void ghdeploy_bias(short a1) { spritetype *s; int i, nexti, vcx, d; short v1c; s = &sprite[a1]; vcx = 76800; v1c = -1; i = headspritestat[811]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; if (sprite[i].extra > 0) { if (sprite[i].picnum == 7073 && ghdeploy_isdownwind(a1, i)) { d = klabs(sprite[a1].x-sprite[i].x) + klabs(sprite[a1].y-sprite[i].y); if (d < vcx) { vcx = d; v1c = i; } } else if (sprite[i].picnum == 7072) { if ((rrdh_random() & 255) > 32) { d = klabs(sprite[a1].x-sprite[i].x) + klabs(sprite[a1].y-sprite[i].y); if (d < vcx) { vcx = d; v1c = i; } } } else { d = klabs(sprite[a1].x-sprite[i].x) + klabs(sprite[a1].y-sprite[i].y); if (d < vcx) { vcx = d; v1c = i; } } } i = nexti; } if (vcx < 76800 && v1c != -1) { sprite[a1].ang = getangle(sprite[v1c].x-sprite[a1].x,sprite[v1c].y-sprite[a1].y) & 2047; } else { sprite[a1].ang = rrdh_random() & 2047; } } int dword_AAB24[] = { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240, 256, 240, 224, 208, 192, 176, 160, 144, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 48, 32, 16 }; void ghdeploy_move(void) { int v1c = 0; int v20 = 0; int v24 = 0; int v28 = 0; int i, nexti; spritetype *s; i = headspritestat[811]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; if (s->sectnum < 0 || s->sectnum >= numsectors) { Printf("ghdeploy_move DEPLOYED bad sect %i\n", s->sectnum.cast()); deletesprite(i); } else if (sector[s->sectnum].hitag == 2003) { if (s->zvel < 0 || s->zvel >= 32) s->zvel = 0; else { s->z = sector[s->sectnum].floorz + 256 + dword_AAB24[s->zvel]; s->zvel++; } } if (s->picnum == 7073 && s->extra > 0) { s->extra--; } i = nexti; } i = headspritestat[810]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; if (s->sectnum < 0 || s->sectnum >= numsectors) { Printf("ghdeploy_move TOSS bad sect %i\n", s->sectnum.cast()); deletesprite(i); } vec3_t vec = { s->xvel, s->yvel, 0 }; A_MoveSprite(i, &vec, CLIPMASK1); getzrange_old(s->x, s->y, s->z, s->sectnum, &v1c, &v20, &v24, &v28, 32, CLIPMASK0); if (v24 - 2048 < sprite[i].z) { changespritestat(i, 811); s->extra = 9600; s->z = v24; s->zvel = 0; if (s->picnum == 7072) { s->cstat = 1; if (sector[s->sectnum].hitag == 2003) A_PlaySound(90, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); if (sector[s->sectnum].hitag == 2003) A_PlaySound(89, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i); } } else { sprite[i].z += sprite[i].zvel; sprite[i].zvel += 0x200; } i = nexti; } } unsigned int dword_AAB20; int dword_AABA4 = 4; void ghdeploy_drop(int a1, int a2) { DukePlayer_t *p; short va; spritetype *s; if ((int)totalclock - dword_AAB20 < 120) return; if (!dword_AABA4) { P_DoQuote(149, g_player[a1].ps); return; } if (a2 > 3) return; p = g_player[a1].ps; if (p->cursectnum < 0 || p->cursectnum >= numsectors) { Printf("ERROR: ghdeploy_drop bad plrsectr %i\n", p->cursectnum); return; } va = insertsprite(p->cursectnum, 810); if (va < 0 || va >= MAXSPRITES) { Printf("ghdeploy_drop: insertsprite failed\n"); return; } s = &sprite[va]; if (!s) { Printf("ghdeploy_drop: null sprptr\n"); return; } s->x = p->pos.x + (sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + 512) & 2047] >> 7); s->y = p->pos.y + (sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang)) & 2047] >> 7); s->z = p->pos.z + 0x1000; s->ang = fix16_to_int(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang)) & 2047; s->xvel = (sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang) + 512) & 2047] * 5) >> 8; s->yvel = (sintable[(fix16_to_int(p->q16ang)) & 2047] * 5) >> 8; s->zvel = (80 - fix16_to_int(p->q16horiz)) << 6; if (a2 == 0) { s->picnum = 7072; s->cstat = 0; P_DoQuote(146, p); } else { s->cstat = 0; s->cstat |= 32768; s->picnum = 7073; P_DoQuote(148, p); A_PlaySound(88, p->i); } s->owner = 0; s->clipdist = 4; s->xrepeat = 10; s->yrepeat = 10; s->pal = 0; s->xoffset = 0; s->yoffset = 0; s->lotag = 0; s->hitag = 0; s->extra = 0; s->shade = 0; dword_AABA4--; //sub_592F0(); dword_AAB20 = (int)totalclock; } int sub_59B44(void) { return dword_AABA4; } void sub_59B50(void) { dword_AABA4 = 4; dword_AAB20 = 0; } void ghdeploy_plrtouchedsprite(short a1, short a2) { DukePlayer_t *p; spritetype *s; p = g_player[a2].ps; s = &sprite[a1]; if (sprite[a1].statnum == 811 && sprite[a1].picnum != 7073) { deletesprite(a1); dword_AABA4++; P_DoQuote(147, p); } } short word_2BE990[68]; short word_2BEA18; char byte_2BE350[256]; void sub_59C20(void) { int i; word_2BEA18 = 0; tileDelete(7059); for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { sector[i].extra = 256; if (sector[i].floorpicnum == 7059) word_2BE990[word_2BEA18++] = i; } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) byte_2BE350[i] = i; paletteMakeLookupTable(2, byte_2BE350, 10*4, 10*4, 24*4, 0); } int dword_2BEA20, dword_2BEA24; int dword_AABA8, dword_AABAC, dword_AABB0; void sub_59F80(int a1) { dword_2BEA20 = 0; dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; dword_2BEA24 = a1; dword_AABB0 = 0; } void ghmumble_randomsayit(int a1, int a2) { if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= MAXSOUNDS) { Printf("ghmumble_randomsayit bad sndnum\n"); return; } if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm == MODE_GAME) { if ((rrdh_random() & 255) <= a2) { S_PlaySound(a1); dword_AABB0 = (int)totalclock; } } } void sub_5A02C(void) { int t; if (dword_2BEA24 > 3) { if (dword_2BEA20 == 512) { ghmumble_randomsayit(105+(rrdh_random()%2), 164); } dword_2BEA20 = 0; return; } if ((int)totalclock - dword_AABB0 < 480) { dword_2BEA20 = 0; return; } if (dword_2BEA20 == 0) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AABA8 > 2400) { ghmumble_randomsayit(91 + (rrdh_random() % 4), 200); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; } } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 8) { ghmumble_randomsayit(100 + (rrdh_random() % 2), 200); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 4) { if (dword_2BEA20 & 32) ghmumble_randomsayit(98 + (rrdh_random() % 2), 216); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 16) { if (dword_2BEA20 & 32) ghmumble_randomsayit(102, 216); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 2048) { ghmumble_randomsayit(108, 250); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 4096) { ghmumble_randomsayit(109, 80); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 16384) { ghmumble_randomsayit(107, 255); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; } else if (dword_2BEA20 & 256) { if ((dword_2BEA20 & 64) == 0) { if ((int)totalclock - dword_AABAC > 7200) { Printf("nosightings mumble\n"); t = rrdh_random() % 3; if (t == 2 && dword_2BEA24 != 3) t = 1; ghmumble_randomsayit(95+t, 200); dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; } } } dword_2BEA20 = 0; } void sub_5A250(int a1) { if (a1 >= 0x10000) return; switch (a1) { case 1: dword_2BEA20 = 0; return; case 2: dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; dword_2BEA20 = 0; return; case 0x100: dword_AABA8 = (int)totalclock; break; case 0x10: break; case 0x20: case 0x40: dword_AABAC = (int)totalclock; break; } dword_2BEA20 |= a1; } END_RR_NS