//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "build.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "compat.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "blood.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS extern void (*qavClientCallback[])(int, void *); void DrawFrame(double x, double y, double z, double a, TILE_FRAME *pTile, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview) { stat |= pTile->stat; if (palnum <= 0) palnum = pTile->palnum; if (!to3dview) { auto tex = tileGetTexture(pTile->picnum); double scale = z * (1. / 65536.); double angle = a * BAngToDegree; int renderstyle = (stat & RS_NOMASK)? STYLE_Normal : STYLE_Translucent; double alpha = (stat & RS_TRANS1)? glblend[0].def[!!(stat & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.; int pin = (stat & kQavOrientationLeft)? -1 : (stat & RS_ALIGN_R)? 1:0; auto translation = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, palnum); bool topleft = !!(stat & RS_TOPLEFT); bool xflip = !!(stat & 0x100); // repurposed flag bool yflip = !!(stat & RS_YFLIP); auto color = shadeToLight(pTile->shade + shade); DrawTexture(twod, tex, x, y, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, DTA_Rotate, angle, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, renderstyle, DTA_Alpha, alpha, DTA_Pin, pin, DTA_TranslationIndex, translation, DTA_TopLeft, topleft, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, !topleft, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_FlipOffsets, true, DTA_Color, color, DTA_FlipX, xflip, DTA_FlipY, yflip, TAG_DONE); } else { // there's some disagreements about flag values between QAV and the drawer. Shuffle these around. if (stat & RS_YFLIP) stat |= RS_YFLIPHUD; stat &= ~RS_YFLIP; if (stat & 0x100) stat |= RS_XFLIPHUD; stat &= ~0x100; if ((stat & kQavOrientationLeft)) stat |= RS_ALIGN_L; stat &= ~kQavOrientationLeft; hud_drawsprite(x, y, z, a, pTile->picnum, pTile->shade + shade, palnum, stat); } } void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview, double const smoothratio, bool const menudrip) { assert(ticksPerFrame > 0); int nFrame = ticks / ticksPerFrame; assert(nFrame >= 0 && nFrame < nFrames); FRAMEINFO *thisFrame = &frames[nFrame]; if ((nFrame == (nFrames - 1)) && !lastframetic) { lastframetic = ticks; } else if (lastframetic > ticks) { lastframetic = 0; } int oFrame = nFrame == 0 || (lastframetic && ticks > lastframetic) ? nFrame : nFrame - 1; assert(oFrame >= 0 && oFrame < nFrames); FRAMEINFO *prevFrame = &frames[oFrame]; auto drawTile = [&](TILE_FRAME *thisTile, TILE_FRAME *prevTile, bool const interpolate = true) { double tileX = x; double tileY = y; double tileZ; double tileA; if (cl_bloodhudinterp && prevTile && cl_hudinterpolation && (nFrames > 1) && (nFrame != oFrame) && (smoothratio != MaxSmoothRatio) && interpolate) { tileX += interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->x, thisTile->x, smoothratio); tileY += interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->y, thisTile->y, smoothratio); tileZ = interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->z, thisTile->z, smoothratio); tileA = interpolatedangle(buildang(prevTile->angle), buildang(thisTile->angle), smoothratio).asbuildf(); } else { tileX += thisTile->x; tileY += thisTile->y; tileZ = thisTile->z; tileA = thisTile->angle; } DrawFrame(tileX, tileY, tileZ, tileA, thisTile, stat, shade, palnum, to3dview); }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { TILE_FRAME *thisTile = &thisFrame->tiles[i]; TILE_FRAME *prevTile = nullptr; if (thisTile->picnum > 0) { // Menu's blood drip requires special treatment. if (menudrip) { if (i != 0) { // Find previous frame by iterating all previous frame's tiles and match on the consistent x coordinate. // Tile indices can change between frames for no reason, we need to accomodate that. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) if (thisTile->x == prevFrame->tiles[j].x) { prevTile = &prevFrame->tiles[j]; break; } drawTile(thisTile, prevTile, true); } else { // First index is always the dripping bar at the top. drawTile(thisTile, prevTile, false); } } else { prevTile = &prevFrame->tiles[i]; drawTile(thisTile, prevTile, thisTile->picnum == prevTile->picnum); } } } } void QAV::Play(int start, int end, int nCallback, void *pData) { assert(ticksPerFrame > 0); int frame; int ticks; if (start < 0) frame = (start + 1) / ticksPerFrame; else frame = start / ticksPerFrame + 1; for (ticks = ticksPerFrame * frame; ticks <= end; frame++, ticks += ticksPerFrame) { if (frame >= 0 && frame < nFrames) { FRAMEINFO *pFrame = &frames[frame]; SOUNDINFO *pSound = &pFrame->sound; // by NoOne: handle Sound kill flags if (!VanillaMode() && pSound->sndFlags > 0 && pSound->sndFlags <= kFlagSoundKillAll) { for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; i++) { FRAMEINFO* pFrame2 = &frames[i]; SOUNDINFO* pSound2 = &pFrame2->sound; if (pSound2->sound != 0) { if (pSound->sndFlags != kFlagSoundKillAll && pSound2->priority != pSound->priority) continue; else if (nSprite >= 0) { // We need stop all sounds in a range for (int a = 0; a <= pSound2->sndRange; a++) sfxKill3DSound(&sprite[nSprite], -1, pSound2->sound + a); } else { sndKillAllSounds(); } } } } if (pSound->sound > 0) { int sound = pSound->sound; // by NoOne: add random rage sound feature if (pSound->sndRange > 0 && !VanillaMode()) sound += Random((pSound->sndRange == 1) ? 2 : pSound->sndRange); if (nSprite == -1) sndStartSample(sound, -1, -1, 0); else sfxPlay3DSound(&sprite[nSprite], sound, 16+pSound->priority, 6); } if (pFrame->nCallbackId > 0 && nCallback != -1) { qavClientCallback[nCallback](pFrame->nCallbackId, pData); } } } } void QAV::Precache(int palette) { for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (frames[i].tiles[j].picnum >= 0) tilePrecacheTile(frames[i].tiles[j].picnum, 0, palette); } } } void ByteSwapQAV(void* p) { #if B_BIG_ENDIAN == 1 QAV* qav = (QAV*)p; qav->nFrames = LittleLong(qav->nFrames); qav->ticksPerFrame = LittleLong(qav->ticksPerFrame); qav->version = LittleLong(qav->version); qav->x = LittleLong(qav->x); qav->y = LittleLong(qav->y); qav->nSprite = LittleLong(qav->nSprite); for (int i = 0; i < qav->nFrames; i++) { FRAMEINFO* pFrame = &qav->frames[i]; SOUNDINFO* pSound = &pFrame->sound; pFrame->nCallbackId = LittleLong(pFrame->nCallbackId); pSound->sound = LittleLong(pSound->sound); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { TILE_FRAME* pTile = &pFrame->tiles[j]; pTile->picnum = LittleLong(pTile->picnum); pTile->x = LittleLong(pTile->x); pTile->y = LittleLong(pTile->y); pTile->z = LittleLong(pTile->z); pTile->stat = LittleLong(pTile->stat); pTile->angle = LittleShort(pTile->angle); } } #endif } // This is to eliminate a huge design issue in NBlood that was apparently copied verbatim from the DOS-Version. // Sequences were cached in the resource and directly returned from there in writable form, with byte swapping directly performed in the cache on Big Endian systems. // To avoid such unsafe operations this caches the read data separately. extern FMemArena seqcache; // Use the same storage as the SEQs. static TMap qavcache; QAV* getQAV(int res_id) { auto p = qavcache.CheckKey(res_id); if (p != nullptr) return *p; int index = fileSystem.FindResource(res_id, "QAV"); if (index < 0) { return nullptr; } auto fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(index); auto qavdata = (QAV*)seqcache.Alloc(fr.GetLength()); fr.Read(qavdata, fr.GetLength()); qavcache.Insert(res_id, qavdata); ByteSwapQAV(qavdata); return qavdata; } END_BLD_NS