/* ** symbols.cpp ** Implements the symbol types and symbol table ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2016 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2006-2017 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include <float.h> #include "dobject.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "types.h" #include "vm.h" #include "printf.h" // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- FNamespaceManager Namespaces; // Symbol tables ------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbol, true, false); IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbolConst, false, false); IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbolConstNumeric, false, false); IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbolConstString, false, false); IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbolTreeNode, false, false) IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PSymbolType, false, false) IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PFunction, false, false) //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PSymbolConstString::PSymbolConstString(FName name, const FString &str) : PSymbolConst(name, TypeString), Str(str) { } //========================================================================== // // PFunction :: AddVariant // // Adds a new variant for this function. Does not check if a matching // variant already exists. // //========================================================================== unsigned PFunction::AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<uint32_t> &argflags, TArray<FName> &argnames, VMFunction *impl, int flags, int useflags) { Variant variant; // I do not think we really want to deal with overloading here... assert(Variants.Size() == 0); variant.Flags = flags; variant.UseFlags = useflags; variant.Proto = proto; variant.ArgFlags = std::move(argflags); variant.ArgNames = std::move(argnames); variant.Implementation = impl; if (impl != nullptr) impl->Proto = proto; // SelfClass can differ from OwningClass, but this is variant-dependent. // Unlike the owner there can be cases where different variants can have different SelfClasses. // (Of course only if this ever gets enabled...) if (flags & VARF_Method) { assert(proto->ArgumentTypes.Size() > 0); auto selftypeptr = proto->ArgumentTypes[0]->toPointer(); assert(selftypeptr != nullptr); variant.SelfClass = selftypeptr->PointedType->toContainer(); assert(variant.SelfClass != nullptr); } else { variant.SelfClass = nullptr; } return Variants.Push(variant); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int PFunction::GetImplicitArgs() { if (Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Action) return 3; else if (Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method) return 1; return 0; } /* PField *****************************************************************/ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PField, false, false) //========================================================================== // // PField - Default Constructor // //========================================================================== PField::PField() : PSymbol(NAME_None), Offset(0), Type(nullptr), Flags(0) { } PField::PField(FName name, PType *type, uint32_t flags, size_t offset, int bitvalue) : PSymbol(name), Offset(offset), Type(type), Flags(flags) { if (bitvalue != 0) { BitValue = 0; unsigned val = bitvalue; while ((val >>= 1)) BitValue++; if (type->isInt() && unsigned(BitValue) < 8u * type->Size) { // map to the single bytes in the actual variable. The internal bit instructions operate on 8 bit values. #ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__ Offset += BitValue / 8; #else Offset += type->Size - 1 - BitValue / 8; #endif BitValue &= 7; Type = TypeBool; } else { // Just abort. Bit fields should only be defined internally. I_Error("Trying to create an invalid bit field element: %s", name.GetChars()); } } else BitValue = -1; } VersionInfo PField::GetVersion() { VersionInfo Highest = { 0,0,0 }; if (!(Flags & VARF_Deprecated)) Highest = mVersion; if (Type->mVersion > Highest) Highest = Type->mVersion; return Highest; } /* PProperty *****************************************************************/ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PProperty, false, false) //========================================================================== // // PField - Default Constructor // //========================================================================== PProperty::PProperty() : PSymbol(NAME_None) { } PProperty::PProperty(FName name, TArray<PField *> &fields) : PSymbol(name) { Variables = std::move(fields); } /* PProperty *****************************************************************/ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PPropFlag, false, false) //========================================================================== // // PField - Default Constructor // //========================================================================== PPropFlag::PPropFlag() : PSymbol(NAME_None) { } PPropFlag::PPropFlag(FName name, PField * field, int bitValue, bool forDecorate) : PSymbol(name) { Offset = field; bitval = bitValue; decorateOnly = forDecorate; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PSymbolTable::PSymbolTable() : ParentSymbolTable(nullptr) { } PSymbolTable::PSymbolTable(PSymbolTable *parent) : ParentSymbolTable(parent) { } PSymbolTable::~PSymbolTable () { ReleaseSymbols(); } //========================================================================== // // this must explicitly delete all content because the symbols have // been released from the GC. // //========================================================================== void PSymbolTable::ReleaseSymbols() { auto it = GetIterator(); MapType::Pair *pair; while (it.NextPair(pair)) { delete pair->Value; } Symbols.Clear(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void PSymbolTable::SetParentTable (PSymbolTable *parent) { ParentSymbolTable = parent; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PSymbol *PSymbolTable::FindSymbol (FName symname, bool searchparents) const { PSymbol * const *value = Symbols.CheckKey(symname); if (value == nullptr && searchparents && ParentSymbolTable != nullptr) { return ParentSymbolTable->FindSymbol(symname, searchparents); } return value != nullptr ? *value : nullptr; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PSymbol *PSymbolTable::FindSymbolInTable(FName symname, PSymbolTable *&symtable) { PSymbol * const *value = Symbols.CheckKey(symname); if (value == nullptr) { if (ParentSymbolTable != nullptr) { return ParentSymbolTable->FindSymbolInTable(symname, symtable); } symtable = nullptr; return nullptr; } symtable = this; return *value; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PSymbol *PSymbolTable::AddSymbol (PSymbol *sym) { // Symbols that already exist are not inserted. if (Symbols.CheckKey(sym->SymbolName) != nullptr) { return nullptr; } Symbols.Insert(sym->SymbolName, sym); sym->Release(); // no more GC, please! return sym; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PField *PSymbolTable::AddField(FName name, PType *type, uint32_t flags, unsigned &Size, unsigned *Align) { PField *field = Create<PField>(name, type, flags); // The new field is added to the end of this struct, alignment permitting. field->Offset = (Size + (type->Align - 1)) & ~(type->Align - 1); // Enlarge this struct to enclose the new field. Size = unsigned(field->Offset + type->Size); // This struct's alignment is the same as the largest alignment of any of // its fields. if (Align != nullptr) { *Align = max(*Align, type->Align); } if (AddSymbol(field) == nullptr) { // name is already in use field->Destroy(); return nullptr; } return field; } //========================================================================== // // PStruct :: AddField // // Appends a new native field to the struct. Returns either the new field // or nullptr if a symbol by that name already exists. // //========================================================================== PField *PSymbolTable::AddNativeField(FName name, PType *type, size_t address, uint32_t flags, int bitvalue) { PField *field = Create<PField>(name, type, flags | VARF_Native | VARF_Transient, address, bitvalue); if (AddSymbol(field) == nullptr) { // name is already in use field->Destroy(); return nullptr; } return field; } //========================================================================== // // PClass :: WriteFields // //========================================================================== void PSymbolTable::WriteFields(FSerializer &ar, const void *addr, const void *def) const { auto it = MapType::ConstIterator(Symbols); MapType::ConstPair *pair; while (it.NextPair(pair)) { const PField *field = dyn_cast<PField>(pair->Value); // Skip fields without or with native serialization if (field && !(field->Flags & (VARF_Transient | VARF_Meta | VARF_Static))) { // todo: handle defaults in WriteValue //auto defp = def == nullptr ? nullptr : (const uint8_t *)def + field->Offset; field->Type->WriteValue(ar, field->SymbolName.GetChars(), (const uint8_t *)addr + field->Offset); } } } //========================================================================== // // PClass :: ReadFields // //========================================================================== bool PSymbolTable::ReadFields(FSerializer &ar, void *addr, const char *TypeName) const { bool readsomething = false; bool foundsomething = false; const char *label; while ((label = ar.GetKey())) { foundsomething = true; const PSymbol *sym = FindSymbol(FName(label, true), false); if (sym == nullptr) { DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "Cannot find field %s in %s\n", label, TypeName); } else if (!sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField))) { DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "Symbol %s in %s is not a field\n", label, TypeName); } else if ((static_cast<const PField *>(sym)->Flags & (VARF_Transient | VARF_Meta))) { DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "Symbol %s in %s is not a serializable field\n", label, TypeName); } else { readsomething |= static_cast<const PField *>(sym)->Type->ReadValue(ar, nullptr, (uint8_t *)addr + static_cast<const PField *>(sym)->Offset); } } return readsomething || !foundsomething; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void PSymbolTable::RemoveSymbol(PSymbol *sym) { auto mysym = Symbols.CheckKey(sym->SymbolName); if (mysym == nullptr || *mysym != sym) return; Symbols.Remove(sym->SymbolName); delete sym; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void PSymbolTable::ReplaceSymbol(PSymbol *newsym) { // If a symbol with a matching name exists, take its place and return it. PSymbol **symslot = Symbols.CheckKey(newsym->SymbolName); if (symslot != nullptr) { PSymbol *oldsym = *symslot; delete oldsym; *symslot = newsym; } // Else, just insert normally and return nullptr since there was no // symbol to replace. newsym->Release(); // no more GC, please! Symbols.Insert(newsym->SymbolName, newsym); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PNamespace::PNamespace(int filenum, PNamespace *parent) { Parent = parent; if (parent) Symbols.SetParentTable(&parent->Symbols); FileNum = filenum; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FNamespaceManager::FNamespaceManager() { GlobalNamespace = nullptr; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== PNamespace *FNamespaceManager::NewNamespace(int filenum) { PNamespace *parent = nullptr; // The parent will be the last namespace with this or a lower filenum. // This ensures that DECORATE won't see the symbols of later files. for (int i = AllNamespaces.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (AllNamespaces[i]->FileNum <= filenum) { parent = AllNamespaces[i]; break; } } auto newns = new PNamespace(filenum, parent); AllNamespaces.Push(newns); return newns; } //========================================================================== // // Deallocate the entire namespace manager. // //========================================================================== void FNamespaceManager::ReleaseSymbols() { for (auto ns : AllNamespaces) { delete ns; } GlobalNamespace = nullptr; AllNamespaces.Clear(); } //========================================================================== // // removes all symbols from the symbol tables. // After running the compiler these are not needed anymore. // Only the namespaces themselves are kept because the type table references them. // //========================================================================== int FNamespaceManager::RemoveSymbols() { int count = 0; for (auto ns : AllNamespaces) { count += ns->Symbols.Symbols.CountUsed(); ns->Symbols.ReleaseSymbols(); } return count; } //========================================================================== // // Clean out all compiler-only data from the symbol tables // //========================================================================== void RemoveUnusedSymbols() { int count = Namespaces.RemoveSymbols(); // We do not need any non-field and non-function symbols in structs and classes anymore. // struct/class fields and functions are still needed so that the game can access the script data, // but all the rest serves no purpose anymore and can be entirely removed. for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(TypeTable.TypeHash); ++i) { for (PType *ty = TypeTable.TypeHash[i]; ty != nullptr; ty = ty->HashNext) { if (ty->isContainer()) { auto it = ty->Symbols.GetIterator(); PSymbolTable::MapType::Pair *pair; while (it.NextPair(pair)) { if ( !pair->Value->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)) && !pair->Value->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFunction)) && !pair->Value->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPropFlag)) ) { ty->Symbols.RemoveSymbol(pair->Value); count++; } } } } } DPrintf(DMSG_SPAMMY, "%d symbols removed after compilation\n", count); }