//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License aint with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "names_d.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS inline static double getavel(int snum) { return PlayerInputAngVel(snum) * (2048. / 360.); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void hud_drawpal(double x, double y, int tilenum, int shade, int orientation, int p) { hud_drawsprite(x, y, 65536, 0, tilenum, shade, p, 2 | orientation); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void displayloogie(player_struct* p, double const smoothratio) { if (p->loogcnt == 0) return; const double loogi = interpolatedvaluef(p->oloogcnt, p->loogcnt, smoothratio); const double y = loogi * 4.; for (int i = 0; i < p->numloogs; i++) { const double a = fabs(bsinf((loogi + i) * 32., -5)); const double z = 4096. + ((loogi + i) * 512.); const double x = -getavel(p->GetPlayerNum()) + bsinf((loogi + i) * 64., -10); hud_drawsprite((p->loogie[i].X + x), (200 + p->loogie[i].Y - y), z - (i << 8), 256 - a, LOOGIE, 0, 0, 2); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool animatefist(int gs, player_struct* p, double look_anghalf, double looking_arc, double plravel, int fistpal, double const smoothratio) { const double fisti = min(interpolatedvaluef(p->ofist_incs, p->fist_incs, smoothratio), 32.); if (fisti <= 0) return false; hud_drawsprite( (-fisti + 222 + plravel), (looking_arc + 194 + bsinf((6 + fisti) * 128., -9)), clamp(65536. - bcosf(fisti * 64., 2), 40920., 90612.), 0, FIST, gs, fistpal, 2); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool animateknee(int gs, player_struct* p, double look_anghalf, double looking_arc, double horiz16th, double plravel, int pal, double const smoothratio) { if (p->knee_incs > 11 || p->knee_incs == 0 || p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) return false; static const int8_t knee_y[] = { 0,-8,-16,-32,-64,-84,-108,-108,-108,-72,-32,-8 }; const double kneei = interpolatedvaluef(knee_y[p->oknee_incs], knee_y[p->knee_incs], smoothratio); looking_arc += kneei; hud_drawpal(105 + plravel - look_anghalf + (kneei * 0.25), looking_arc + 280 - horiz16th, KNEE, gs, 4, pal); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool animateknuckles(int gs, player_struct* p, double look_anghalf, double looking_arc, double horiz16th, double plravel, int pal) { if (isWW2GI() || p->over_shoulder_on != 0 || p->knuckle_incs == 0 || p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) return false; static const uint8_t knuckle_frames[] = { 0,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,0 }; hud_drawpal(160 + plravel - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 180 - horiz16th, CRACKKNUCKLES + knuckle_frames[p->knuckle_incs >> 1], gs, 4, pal); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void displaymasks_d(int snum, int p, double) { if (ps[snum].scuba_on) { int y = 200 - tileHeight(SCUBAMASK); hud_drawsprite(44, y, 65536, 0, SCUBAMASK, 0, p, 2 + 16); hud_drawsprite((320 - 43), y, 65536, 0, SCUBAMASK, 0, p, 2 + 4 + 16); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool animatetip(int gs, player_struct* p, double look_anghalf, double looking_arc, double horiz16th, double plravel, int pal, double const smoothratio) { if (p->tipincs == 0) return false; static const int8_t tip_y[] = { 0,-8,-16,-32,-64,-84,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-96,-72,-64,-32,-16 }; const double tipi = interpolatedvaluef(tip_y[p->otipincs], tip_y[p->tipincs], smoothratio) * 0.5; hud_drawpal(170 + plravel - look_anghalf, tipi + looking_arc + 240 - horiz16th, TIP + ((26 - p->tipincs) >> 4), gs, 0, pal); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool animateaccess(int gs, player_struct* p, double look_anghalf, double looking_arc, double horiz16th, double plravel, double const smoothratio) { if (p->access_incs == 0 || p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) return false; static const int8_t access_y[] = {0,-8,-16,-32,-64,-84,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-108,-96,-72,-64,-32,-16}; const double accessi = interpolatedvaluef(access_y[p->oaccess_incs], access_y[p->access_incs], smoothratio); looking_arc += accessi; const int pal = p->access_spritenum != nullptr ? p->access_spritenum->spr.pal : 0; if ((p->access_incs-3) > 0 && (p->access_incs-3)>>3) hud_drawpal(170 + plravel - look_anghalf + (accessi * 0.25), looking_arc + 266 - horiz16th, HANDHOLDINGLASER + (p->access_incs >> 3), gs, 0, pal); else hud_drawpal(170 + plravel - look_anghalf + (accessi * 0.25), looking_arc + 266 - horiz16th, HANDHOLDINGACCESS, gs, 4, pal); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void displayweapon_d(int snum, double smoothratio) { int cw; int i, j; int o, pal; double weapon_sway, weapon_xoffset, gun_pos, looking_arc, kickback_pic, random_club_frame, hard_landing, look_anghalf, horiz16th, plravel; int8_t shade; struct player_struct *p; p = &ps[snum]; auto kb = &p->kickback_pic; int pin = 0; o = 0; if (cl_hudinterpolation) { weapon_sway = interpolatedvaluef(p->oweapon_sway, p->weapon_sway, smoothratio); kickback_pic = interpolatedvaluef(p->okickback_pic, p->kickback_pic, smoothratio); random_club_frame = interpolatedvaluef(p->orandom_club_frame, p->random_club_frame, smoothratio); hard_landing = interpolatedvaluef(p->ohard_landing, p->hard_landing, smoothratio); gun_pos = 80 - interpolatedvaluef(p->oweapon_pos * p->oweapon_pos, p->weapon_pos * p->weapon_pos, smoothratio); } else { weapon_sway = p->weapon_sway; kickback_pic = p->kickback_pic; random_club_frame = p->random_club_frame; hard_landing = p->hard_landing; gun_pos = 80 - (p->weapon_pos * p->weapon_pos); } plravel = getavel(snum) * (1. / 16.); horiz16th = p->horizon.horizsumfrac(smoothratio); look_anghalf = p->angle.look_anghalf(smoothratio); looking_arc = p->angle.looking_arc(smoothratio); hard_landing *= 8.; gun_pos -= fabs(p->GetActor()->spr.xrepeat < 32 ? bsinf(weapon_sway * 4., -9) : bsinf(weapon_sway * 0.5, -10)); gun_pos -= hard_landing; weapon_xoffset = (160)-90; weapon_xoffset -= bcosf(weapon_sway * 0.5) * (1. / 1536.); weapon_xoffset -= 58 + p->weapon_ang; shade = p->GetActor()->spr.shade; if(shade > 24) shade = 24; pal = !p->insector() ? 0 : p->GetActor()->spr.pal == 1 ? 1 : p->cursector->floorpal; if (pal == 0) pal = p->palookup; auto adjusted_arc = looking_arc - hard_landing; bool playerVars = p->newOwner != nullptr || ud.cameraactor != nullptr || p->over_shoulder_on > 0 || (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1 && p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0); bool playerAnims = animatefist(shade, p, look_anghalf, looking_arc, plravel, pal, smoothratio) || animateknuckles(shade, p, look_anghalf, adjusted_arc, horiz16th, plravel, pal) || animatetip(shade, p, look_anghalf, adjusted_arc, horiz16th, plravel, pal, smoothratio) || animateaccess(shade, p, look_anghalf, adjusted_arc, horiz16th, plravel, smoothratio); if(playerVars || playerAnims) return; animateknee(shade, p, look_anghalf, adjusted_arc, horiz16th, plravel, pal, smoothratio); if (isWW2GI()) { if (p->last_weapon >= 0) { cw = aplWeaponWorksLike(p->last_weapon, snum); } else { cw = aplWeaponWorksLike(p->curr_weapon, snum); } } else { if (p->last_weapon >= 0) cw = p->last_weapon; else cw = p->curr_weapon; } // onevent should go here.. // rest of code should be moved to CON.. j = 14-p->quick_kick; if (j != 14 || p->last_quick_kick) { if (j < 5 || j > 9) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 80 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 250 - gun_pos, KNEE, shade, o | 4, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 160 - 16 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 214 - gun_pos, KNEE + 1, shade, o | 4, pal); } } if (p->GetActor()->spr.xrepeat < 40) { //shrunken.. animateshrunken(p, weapon_xoffset, looking_arc, look_anghalf, FIST, shade, o, smoothratio); } else { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayknee = [&]() { if (*kb > 0) { if (*kb < 5 || *kb > 9) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 220 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 250 - gun_pos, KNEE, shade, o, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 160 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 214 - gun_pos, KNEE + 1, shade, o, pal); } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaytripbomb = [&]() { weapon_xoffset += 8; gun_pos -= 10; if (*kb > 6) looking_arc += kickback_pic * 8.; else if (*kb < 4) hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 142 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 234 - gun_pos, HANDHOLDINGLASER + 3, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 130 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 249 - gun_pos, HANDHOLDINGLASER + (*kb >> 2), shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 152 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 249 - gun_pos, HANDHOLDINGLASER + (*kb >> 2), shade, o | 4, pal); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayrpg = [&]() { pin = ((gs.displayflags & DUKE3D_NO_WIDESCREEN_PINNING)) ? 0 : RS_ALIGN_R; auto rpgpic = RPGGUN; weapon_xoffset -= bsinf(768 + (kickback_pic * 128.), -11); gun_pos += bsinf(768 + (kickback_pic * 128.), -11); if (*kb > 0) { if (*kb < (isWW2GI() ? aplWeaponTotalTime(RPG_WEAPON, snum) : 8)) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 164, (looking_arc * 2.) + 176 - gun_pos, RPGGUN + (*kb >> 1), shade, o | pin, pal); } else if (isWW2GI()) { // else we are in 'reload time' if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // down gun_pos -= 10 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D } else { // move back down // up and left gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); //U } } } hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 164, (looking_arc * 2.) + 176 - gun_pos, rpgpic, shade, o | pin, pal); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayshotgun_ww = [&]() { if (*kb > 0) { gun_pos -= bsinf(kickback_pic * 128., -12); } if (*kb > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += 1 - (rand() & 3); } weapon_xoffset -= 8; if (*kb == 0) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 146 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 202 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN, shade, o, pal); } else if (*kb <= aplWeaponTotalTime(SHOTGUN_WEAPON, snum)) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 146 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 202 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 1, shade, o, pal); } // else we are in 'reload time' else if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // down gun_pos -= 10 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 146 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 202 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN, shade, o, pal); } else { // move back down // up and left gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); //U hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 146 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 202 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN, shade, o, pal); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayshotgun = [&]() { weapon_xoffset -= 8; switch(*kb) { case 1: case 2: hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 201 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 2,-128,o,pal); [[fallthrough]]; case 0: case 6: case 7: case 8: hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 146 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 202 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN,shade,o,pal); break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: if (*kb > 1 && *kb < 5) { gun_pos -= 40; weapon_xoffset += 20; hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 178 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 194 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 1 + ((*(kb)-1) >> 1),-128,o,pal); } hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 158 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 220 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 3,shade,o,pal); break; case 13: case 14: case 15: hud_drawpal(32 + weapon_xoffset + 166 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 210 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 4,shade,o,pal); break; case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: hud_drawpal(64 + weapon_xoffset + 170 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 196 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 5,shade,o,pal); break; case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: hud_drawpal(64 + weapon_xoffset + 176 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 196 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 6,shade,o,pal); break; case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: hud_drawpal(64 + weapon_xoffset + 170 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 196 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 5,shade,o,pal); break; case 28: case 29: case 30: hud_drawpal(32 + weapon_xoffset + 156 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 206 - gun_pos, SHOTGUN + 4,shade,o,pal); break; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaychaingun_ww = [&]() { if (*kb > 0) gun_pos -= bsinf(kickback_pic * 128., -12); if (*kb > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) weapon_xoffset += 1 - (rand() & 3); if (*kb == 0) { // hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset+168-look_anghalf,looking_arc+260-gun_pos, // CHAINGUN,gs,o,pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 178 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 233 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 1, shade, o, pal); } else if (*kb <= aplWeaponTotalTime(CHAINGUN_WEAPON, snum)) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 243 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 2, shade, o, pal); } // else we are in 'reload time' // divide reload time into fifths. // 1) move weapon up/right, hand on clip (2519) // 2) move weapon up/right, hand removing clip (2518) // 3) hold weapon up/right, hand removed clip (2517) // 4) hold weapon up/right, hand inserting clip (2518) // 5) move weapon down/left, clip inserted (2519) else { int iFifths = (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 5; if (iFifths < 1) { iFifths = 1; } if (*kb < (iFifths + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // first segment // gun_pos += 80 - (10 * (aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) + iFifths - kickback_pic)); weapon_xoffset += 80 - (10 * (aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) + iFifths - kickback_pic)); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, 2519, shade, o, pal); } else if (*kb < (iFifths * 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // second segment // down gun_pos += 80; //5*(iFifthsp->kickback_pic-aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D weapon_xoffset += 80; //80*(*kb-aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, 2518, shade, o, pal); } else if (*kb < (iFifths * 3 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // third segment // up gun_pos += 80;//5*(iFifths*2); weapon_xoffset += 80; //80*(*kb-aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, 2517, shade, o, pal); } else if (*kb < (iFifths * 4 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // fourth segment // down gun_pos += 80; //5*(aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)- p->kickback_pic); //D weapon_xoffset += 80; //80*(*kb-aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, 2518, shade, o, pal); } else { // move back down // up and left gun_pos += 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); weapon_xoffset += 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, 2519, shade, o, pal); } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaychaingun = [&] { if (*kb > 0) gun_pos -= bsinf(kickback_pic * 128., -12); if (*kb > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) weapon_xoffset += 1 - (rand() & 3); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 168 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN, shade, o, pal); switch(*kb) { case 0: hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 178 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 233 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 1,shade,o,pal); break; default: if (*kb > 4 && *kb < 12) { i = 0; if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) i = rand() & 7; hud_drawpal(i + weapon_xoffset - 4 + 140 - look_anghalf,i + looking_arc - (kickback_pic / 2.) + 208 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 5 + ((*kb - 4) / 5),shade,o,pal); if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) i = rand() & 7; hud_drawpal(i + weapon_xoffset - 4 + 184 - look_anghalf,i + looking_arc - (kickback_pic / 2.) + 208 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 5 + ((*kb - 4) / 5),shade,o,pal); } if (*kb < 8) { i = rand() & 7; hud_drawpal(i + weapon_xoffset - 4 + 162 - look_anghalf,i + looking_arc - (kickback_pic / 2.) + 208 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 5 + ((*kb - 2) / 5),shade,o,pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 178 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 233 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 1 + (*kb >> 1),shade,o,pal); } else hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 178 - look_anghalf,looking_arc + 233 - gun_pos, CHAINGUN + 1,shade,o,pal); break; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaypistol = [&]() { if (*kb < 5) { static const uint8_t kb_frames[] = { 0,1,2,0,0 }; double l = 195 - 12 + weapon_xoffset; if (*kb == 2) l -= 3; { hud_drawpal( (l - look_anghalf), (looking_arc + 244 - gun_pos), FIRSTGUN + kb_frames[*kb], shade, 2, pal); } } else { pin = (isWW2GI() || (gs.displayflags & DUKE3D_NO_WIDESCREEN_PINNING)) ? 0 : RS_ALIGN_R; auto pic_5 = FIRSTGUN+5; const int WEAPON2_RELOAD_TIME = 50; auto reload_time = isWW2GI() ? aplWeaponReload(PISTOL_WEAPON, snum) : WEAPON2_RELOAD_TIME; if (*kb < 10) hud_drawpal(194 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 230 - gun_pos, FIRSTGUN + 4, shade, o|pin, pal); else if (*kb < 15) { hud_drawpal(244 - (kickback_pic * 8.) - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 130 - gun_pos + (kickback_pic * 16.), FIRSTGUN + 6, shade, o | pin, pal); hud_drawpal(224 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 220 - gun_pos, pic_5, shade, o | pin, pal); } else if (*kb < 20) { hud_drawpal(124 + (kickback_pic * 2.) - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 430 - gun_pos - (kickback_pic * 8.), FIRSTGUN + 6, shade, o | pin, pal); hud_drawpal(224 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 220 - gun_pos, pic_5, shade, o | pin, pal); } else if (*kb < (isNamWW2GI()? (reload_time - 12) : 23)) { hud_drawpal(184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 235 - gun_pos, FIRSTGUN + 8, shade, o | pin, pal); hud_drawpal(224 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 210 - gun_pos, pic_5, shade, o | pin, pal); } else if (*kb < (isNamWW2GI()? (reload_time - 6) : 25)) { hud_drawpal(164 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 245 - gun_pos, FIRSTGUN + 8, shade, o | pin, pal); hud_drawpal(224 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 220 - gun_pos, pic_5, shade, o | pin, pal); } else if (*kb < (isNamWW2GI()? reload_time : 27)) hud_drawpal(194 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 235 - gun_pos, pic_5, shade, o, pal); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayhandbomb = [&]() { if (*kb) { static const uint8_t throw_frames[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 }; if (isWW2GI()) { if (*kb <= aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)) { // it holds here gun_pos -= 5 * kickback_pic; //D } else if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponTotalTime(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum) - aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum) ) ) { // up and left gun_pos += 10 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)); //U weapon_xoffset += 80 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)); } else if (*kb < aplWeaponTotalTime(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)) { gun_pos += 240; // start high gun_pos -= 12 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponFireDelay(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum)); //D // move left weapon_xoffset += 90 - (5 * (aplWeaponTotalTime(HANDBOMB_WEAPON, snum) - kickback_pic)); } } else { if (*kb < 7) gun_pos -= 10 * kickback_pic; //D else if (*kb < 12) gun_pos += 20 * (kickback_pic - 10); //U else if (*kb < 20) gun_pos -= 9 * (kickback_pic - 14); //D } hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 190 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 250 - gun_pos, HANDTHROW + throw_frames[*kb], shade, o, pal); } else hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 190 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 260 - gun_pos, HANDTHROW, shade, o, pal); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayhandremote = [&]() { int8_t remote_frames[] = { 0,1,1,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 }; weapon_xoffset = -48; if (*kb) hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 150 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 258 - gun_pos, HANDREMOTE + remote_frames[*kb], shade, o, pal); else hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 150 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 258 - gun_pos, HANDREMOTE, shade, o, pal); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaydevastator_ww = [&] { if (*kb) { if (*kb < aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) { i = Sgn(*kb >> 2); if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] & 1) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR + i, -32, o, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR + i, -32, o | 4, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); } } // else we are in 'reload time' else if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // down gun_pos -= 10 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D // weapon_xoffset+=80*(*kb-aplWeaponTotalTime[cw][snum]); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); } else { // move back down // up and left gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); //U // weapon_xoffset+=80*(*kb-aplWeaponTotalTime[cw][snum]); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); } } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaydevastator = [&] { if (*kb) { static const uint8_t cycloidy[] = { 0,4,12,24,12,4,0 }; i = Sgn(*kb >> 2); if (p->hbomb_hold_delay) { hud_drawpal((cycloidy[*kb] >> 1) + weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, cycloidy[*kb] + looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR + i, -32, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(-(cycloidy[*kb] >> 1) + weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, cycloidy[*kb] + looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR + i, -32, o | 4, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); } } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 268 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 238 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 30 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, DEVISTATOR, shade, o | 4, pal); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayfreezer = [&] { pin = (isWW2GI() || (gs.displayflags & DUKE3D_NO_WIDESCREEN_PINNING)) ? 0 : RS_ALIGN_R; auto pic = FREEZE; if (*kb) { static const uint8_t cat_frames[] = { 0,0,1,1,2,2 }; if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand() & 3; looking_arc += rand() & 3; } gun_pos -= 16; hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 261 - gun_pos, pic + 2, -32, o|pin, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 235 - gun_pos, pic + 3 + cat_frames[*kb % 6], -32, o | pin, pal); } else hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 261 - gun_pos, pic, shade, o | pin, pal); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayshrinker_ww = [&] { weapon_xoffset += 28; looking_arc += 18; if (*kb == 0) { // the 'at rest' display if (p->ammo_amount[cw] <= 0) //p->last_weapon >= 0) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 3 + (*kb & 3), -32, o, 0); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 1, shade, o, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 2, 16 - int(bsinf(random_club_frame, -10)), o, 0); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER, shade, o, pal); } } else { // the 'active' display. if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand() & 3; gun_pos += (rand() & 3); } if (*kb < aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) { if (*kb < aplWeaponFireDelay(p->curr_weapon, snum)) { // before fire time. // nothing to modify } else { // after fire time. // lower weapon to reload cartridge (not clip) gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); } } // else we are in 'reload time' else if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // down gun_pos -= 10 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D } else { // up gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); //U } // draw weapon { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 3 + (*kb & 3), -32, o, 0); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 1, shade, o, pal); } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displaygrower_ww = [&] { weapon_xoffset += 28; looking_arc += 18; if (*kb == 0) { { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER - 2, shade, o, pal); } } else { if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand() & 3; gun_pos += (rand() & 3); } if (*kb < aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) { if (*kb < aplWeaponFireDelay(p->curr_weapon, snum)) { // before fire time. // nothing to modify } else { // after fire time. // lower weapon to reload cartridge (not clip) gun_pos -= 15 * (aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); } } // else we are in 'reload time' else if (*kb < ( (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)) / 2 + aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) ) ) { // down gun_pos -= 5 * (kickback_pic - aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum)); //D } else { // up gun_pos -= 10 * (aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum) - kickback_pic); //U } // display weapon { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 3 + (*kb & 3), -32, o, 2); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER - 1, shade, o, pal); } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayshrinker = [&] { auto shrinker = /*isWorldTour() ? SHRINKERWIDE :*/ SHRINKER; weapon_xoffset += 28; looking_arc += 18; if (*kb == 0) { if (cw == GROW_WEAPON) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 2, 16 - int(bsinf(random_club_frame, -10)), o, 2); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, shrinker - 2, shade, o, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 2, 16 - int(bsinf(random_club_frame, -10)), o, 0); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, shrinker, shade, o, pal); } } else { if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand() & 3; gun_pos += (rand() & 3); } if (cw == GROW_WEAPON) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 3 + (*kb & 3), -32, o, 2); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, shrinker - 1, shade, o, pal); } else { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 184 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, SHRINKER + 3 + (*kb & 3), -32, o, 0); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 188 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 240 - gun_pos, shrinker + 1, shade, o, pal); } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto displayflamethrower = [&]() { if (*kb < 1 || p->cursector->lotag == 2) { hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 261 - gun_pos, FLAMETHROWER, shade, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 261 - gun_pos, FLAMETHROWERPILOT, shade, o, pal); } else { static const uint8_t cat_frames[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 }; if (p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += krand() & 1; looking_arc += krand() & 1; } gun_pos -= 16; hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 261 - gun_pos, FLAMETHROWER + 1, -32, o, pal); hud_drawpal(weapon_xoffset + 210 - look_anghalf, looking_arc + 235 - gun_pos, FLAMETHROWER + 2 + cat_frames[*kb % 6], -32, o, pal); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (cw) { case KNEE_WEAPON: displayknee(); break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: displaytripbomb(); break; case RPG_WEAPON: displayrpg(); break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: if (isWW2GI()) displayshotgun_ww(); else displayshotgun(); break; case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: if (isWW2GI()) displaychaingun_ww(); else displaychaingun(); break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: displaypistol(); break; case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: displayhandbomb(); break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: displayhandremote(); break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if (isWW2GI()) displaydevastator_ww(); else displaydevastator(); break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: displayfreezer(); break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if (isWW2GI()) displayshrinker_ww(); else displayshrinker(); break; case GROW_WEAPON: if (isWW2GI()) displaygrower_ww(); else displayshrinker(); break; case FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON: displayflamethrower(); break; } } displayloogie(p, smoothratio); } END_DUKE_NS