//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "g_input.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include "superfasthash.h" #include "gamecvars.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "version.h" #include "names.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Menu_DrawBackground(const DVector2 &origin) { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_MENUSCREEN), origin.X + 160, origin.Y + 100, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Color, 0xff808080, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Menu_DrawCursor(double x, double y, double scale, bool right) { int mclock = I_GetBuildTime(); const int frames = isRR() ? 16 : 7; int picnum; if (!right) picnum = TILE_SPINNINGNUKEICON + ((mclock >> 3) % frames); else picnum = TILE_SPINNINGNUKEICON + frames - 1 - ((frames - 1 + (mclock >> 3)) % frames); int light = 231 + (calcSinTableValue(mclock<<5) / 768.); PalEntry pe(255, light, light, light); DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(picnum), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, DTA_Color, pe, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implements the native looking menu used for the main menu // and the episode/skill selection screens, i.e. the parts // that need to look authentic // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DukeListMenu : public DListMenu { using Super = DListMenu; protected: void Ticker() override { // Lay out the menu. int y_upper = mDesc->mYpos; int y_lower = y_upper + mDesc->mYbotton; int y = 0; int spacing = 0; const int height = 15; // cannot take value from the font because it would be inconsistent int totalheight = 0, numvalidentries = mDesc->mItems.Size(); for (unsigned e = 0; e < mDesc->mItems.Size(); ++e) { auto entry = mDesc->mItems[e]; entry->mHidden = false; entry->SetHeight(height); totalheight += height; } if (mDesc->mSpacing <= 0) spacing = std::max(0, (y_lower - y_upper - totalheight) / (numvalidentries > 1 ? numvalidentries - 1 : 1)); if (spacing <= 0) spacing = mDesc->mSpacing; int totalHeight; for (unsigned e = 0; e < mDesc->mItems.Size(); ++e) { auto entry = mDesc->mItems[e]; if (!entry->mHidden) { entry->SetY(y_upper + y); y += height; totalHeight = y; y += spacing; } } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DukeMainMenu : public DukeListMenu { virtual void Init(DMenu* parent = nullptr, FListMenuDescriptor* desc = nullptr) override { DukeListMenu::Init(parent, desc); } void PreDraw() override { DukeListMenu::PreDraw(); double x = origin.X + 160; if (isRRRA()) { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_THREEDEE), x-5, origin.Y+57, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_ScaleX, 0.253, DTA_ScaleY, 0.253, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE); } else if (isRR()) { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE), x+5, origin.Y + 24, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_ScaleX, 0.36, DTA_ScaleY, 0.36, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE); } else { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE), x, origin.Y + 29, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE); if (PLUTOPAK) { int mclock = I_GetBuildTime(); int light = 223 + (calcSinTableValue(mclock<<4) / 512.); PalEntry pe(255, light, light, light); DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_PLUTOPAKSPRITE + 2), x + 100, origin.Y + 36, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_Color, pe, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE); } } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Menu related game interface functions // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInterface::DrawNativeMenuText(int fontnum, int state, double oxpos, double ypos, float fontscale, const char* text, int flags) { double xpos = oxpos; int trans; PalEntry pe; double scale = isRR() ? 0.4 : 1.; if (flags & LMF_Centered) xpos -= BigFont->StringWidth(text) * scale * 0.5; if (state == NIT_InactiveState) { trans = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, 1); pe = 0xffffffff; } else if (state == NIT_SelectedState) { trans = 0; int mclock = I_GetBuildTime(); int light = 231 + (calcSinTableValue(mclock<<5) / 768.); pe = PalEntry(255, light, light, light); } else { trans = 0; pe = 0xffa0a0a0; } DrawText(twod, BigFont, CR_UNDEFINED, xpos, ypos, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, DTA_Color, pe, DTA_TranslationIndex, trans, TAG_DONE); if (state == NIT_SelectedState) { const int cursorOffset = 110; const double cursorScale = isRR() ? 0.2 : 1.0; const double ymid = ypos + 7; // half height must be hardcoded or layouts will break. if (flags & LMF_Centered) { Menu_DrawCursor(oxpos + cursorOffset, ymid, cursorScale, false); Menu_DrawCursor(oxpos - cursorOffset, ymid, cursorScale, true); } else Menu_DrawCursor(oxpos - cursorOffset, ymid, cursorScale, false); } } void GameInterface::MenuOpened() { StopCommentary(); if (ud.multimode < 2) { screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } void GameInterface::MenuSound(EMenuSounds snd) { switch (snd) { case ActivateSound: S_MenuSound(); break; case ChooseSound: case CursorSound: S_PlaySound(isRR() ? 335 : KICK_HIT, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); break; case AdvanceSound: S_PlaySound(isRR() ? 341 : PISTOL_BODYHIT, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); break; case CloseSound: case BackSound: S_PlaySound(EXITMENUSOUND, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); break; default: return; } } void GameInterface::MenuClosed() { } bool GameInterface::CanSave() { if (ud.recstat == 2 || gamestate != GS_LEVEL) return false; auto &myplayer = ps[myconnectindex]; return (sprite[myplayer.i].extra > 0); } bool GameInterface::StartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs) { if (gs.Episode >= 1) { if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE) { M_StartMessage(GStrings("BUYDUKE"), 1, -1); return false; } } int32_t skillsound = PISTOL_BODYHIT; soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); static const short sounds_d[] = { JIBBED_ACTOR6, BONUS_SPEECH1, DUKE_GETWEAPON2, JIBBED_ACTOR5, JIBBED_ACTOR5 }; static const short sounds_r[] = { 427, 428, 196, 195, 197 }; if (gs.Skill >=0 && gs.Skill <= 5) skillsound = isRR()? sounds_r[gs.Skill] : sounds_d[gs.Skill]; if (menu_sounds && skillsound >= 0 && SoundEnabled() && !netgame) { S_PlaySound(skillsound, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); while (S_CheckSoundPlaying(skillsound)) { gi->UpdateSounds(); soundEngine->UpdateSounds(I_GetTime()); I_GetEvent(); } Net_ClearFifo(); } auto map = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(gs.Episode, gs.Level)); if (map) { DeferedStartGame(map, gs.Skill); return true; } return false; } FSavegameInfo GameInterface::GetSaveSig() { return { SAVESIG_DN3D, MINSAVEVER_DN3D, SAVEVER_DN3D }; } void GameInterface::DrawMenuCaption(const DVector2& origin, const char* text) { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_MENUBAR), origin.X + 160, origin.Y + 19, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_Color, 0xff808080, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, 1, TAG_DONE); FString t = text; size_t newlen = t.Len(); if (t[t.Len() - 1] == ':') newlen--; if (newlen > 63) newlen = 63; t.Truncate(newlen); double scale = isRR() ? 0.4 : 1.0; double x = 160 + origin.X - BigFont->StringWidth(t) * scale * 0.5; DrawText(twod, BigFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, origin.Y + 12, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, TAG_DONE); } void GameInterface::DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2 &origin, const char *text, int position, bool bg) { if (bg) Menu_DrawBackground(origin); else if (!isRR()) { Menu_DrawCursor(160, 130, 1, false); } ::GameInterface::DrawCenteredTextScreen(origin, text, position, bg); } void GameInterface::DrawPlayerSprite(const DVector2& origin, bool onteam) { int mclock = I_GetBuildTime(); int color = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, playercolor2lookup(playercolor)); int tile = isRR() ? 3845 + 36 - ((((8 - (mclock >> 4))) & 7) * 5) : 1441 - ((((4 - (mclock >> 4))) & 3) * 5); auto tex = tileGetTexture(tile); if (!tex) return; double x = origin.X + 260, y = origin.Y + tex->GetDisplayHeight() * (isRR()? 0.25 : 0.5); double scale = isRR() ? 0.375 : 0.75; DrawTexture(twod, tex, x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TranslationIndex, color, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, TAG_DONE); } void GameInterface::QuitToTitle() { gameaction = ga_startup; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shadowminitext(int32_t xx, int32_t yy, const char* t, int32_t p) { double x = FixedToFloat(xx); double y = FixedToFloat(yy); DrawText(twod, SmallFont2, CR_UNDEFINED, x + 1, y + 1, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Color, 0xff000000, DTA_Alpha, 0.5, TAG_DONE); DrawText(twod, SmallFont2, CR_UNDEFINED, x, y, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TranslationIndex, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, p), TAG_DONE); } static void mgametextcenter(int32_t xx, int32_t yy, const char* t) { double x = FixedToFloat(xx) + 160. - SmallFont->StringWidth(t) * 0.5; double y = FixedToFloat(yy); DrawText(twod, SmallFont, CR_UNDEFINED, x, y + 2, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, TAG_DONE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // allows the front end to override certain fullscreen image menus // with custom implementations. // // This is needed because the credits screens in Duke Nukem // are either done by providing an image or by printing text, based on the version used. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GameInterface::DrawSpecialScreen(const DVector2& origin, int tilenum) { // Older versions of Duke Nukem create the credits screens manually. // On the latest version there's real graphics for this. bool haveCredits = !(g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_DUKE) || (VOLUMEALL && PLUTOPAK); int32_t m, l; if (!haveCredits) { if (tilenum == 2504) { Menu_DrawBackground(origin); DrawMenuCaption(origin, GStrings("MNU_CREDITS")); m = int(origin.X * 65536) + (20 << 16); l = int(origin.Y * 65536) + (33 << 16); shadowminitext(m, l, "Original Concept", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Todd Replogle and Allen H. Blum III", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Produced & Directed By", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Greg Malone", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Executive Producer", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "George Broussard", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "BUILD Engine", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Ken Silverman", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Game Programming", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Todd Replogle", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "3D Engine/Tools/Net", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Ken Silverman", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Network Layer/Setup Program", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Mark Dochtermann", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Map Design", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Allen H. Blum III", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Richard Gray", 12); l += 7 << 16; m = int(origin.X * 65536) + (180 << 16); l = int(origin.Y * 65536) + (33 << 16); shadowminitext(m, l, "3D Modeling", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Chuck Jones", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Sapphire Corporation", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Artwork", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Dirk Jones, Stephen Hornback", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "James Storey, David Demaret", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Douglas R. Wood", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Sound Engine", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Jim Dose", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Sound & Music Development", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Robert Prince", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Lee Jackson", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Voice Talent", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Lani Minella - Voice Producer", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Jon St. John as \"Duke Nukem\"", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Graphic Design", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Packaging, Manual, Ads", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Robert M. Atkins", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Michael Hadwin", 12); l += 7 << 16; return true; } else if (tilenum == 2505) { Menu_DrawBackground(origin); DrawMenuCaption(origin, GStrings("MNU_CREDITS")); m = int(origin.X * 65536) + (20 << 16); l = int(origin.Y * 65536) + (33 << 16); shadowminitext(m, l, "Special Thanks To", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Steven Blackburn, Tom Hall", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Scott Miller, Joe Siegler", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Terry Nagy, Colleen Compton", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "HASH, Inc., FormGen, Inc.", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "The 3D Realms Beta Testers", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Nathan Anderson, Wayne Benner", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Glenn Brensinger, Rob Brown", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Erik Harris, Ken Heckbert", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Terry Herrin, Greg Hively", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Hank Leukart, Eric Baker", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Jeff Rausch, Kelly Rogers", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Mike Duncan, Doug Howell", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Bill Blair", 12); l += 7 << 16; m = int(origin.X * 65536) + (160 << 16); l = int(origin.Y * 65536) + (33 << 16); shadowminitext(m, l, "Company Product Support", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "The following companies were cool", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "enough to give us lots of stuff", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "during the making of Duke Nukem 3D.", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Altec Lansing Multimedia", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "for tons of speakers and the", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "THX-licensed sound system.", 12); l += 7 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "For info call 1-800-548-0620", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Creative Labs, Inc.", 12); l += 7 << 16; l += 3 << 16; shadowminitext(m, l, "Thanks for the hardware, guys.", 12); l += 7 << 16; return true; } else if (tilenum == 2506) { Menu_DrawBackground(origin); DrawMenuCaption(origin, GStrings("MNU_CREDITS")); mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (50 << 16), "Duke Nukem 3D is a trademark of"); mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (59 << 16), "3D Realms Entertainment"); mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (77 << 16), "Duke Nukem 3D"); mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (86 << 16), "(C) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment"); if (VOLUMEONE) { mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (106 << 16), "Please read LICENSE.DOC for shareware"); mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (115 << 16), "distribution grants and restrictions."); } mgametextcenter(int(origin.X * 65536), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((VOLUMEONE ? 134 : 115) << 16), "Made in Dallas, Texas USA"); return true; } } return false; } END_DUKE_NS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class registration // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static TMenuClassDescriptor _mm("Duke.MainMenu"); static TMenuClassDescriptor _lm("Duke.ListMenu"); static TMenuClassDescriptor _ism("Duke.ImageScrollerMenu"); // does not implement a new class, we only need the descriptor. void RegisterDuke3dMenus() { menuClasses.Push(&_mm); menuClasses.Push(&_lm); menuClasses.Push(&_ism); }