//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "names_r.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS DDukeActor* spawninit_r(DDukeActor* actj, DDukeActor* act, TArray* actors) { auto sectp = act->sector(); switch (act->spr.picnum) { default: default_case: spawninitdefault(actj, act); break; case BOWLINGPINSPOT: case RRTILE281: case BOWLINGBALLSPOT: case RRTILE283: case RRTILE2025: case RRTILE2026: case RRTILE2027: case RRTILE2028: act->spr.cstat = 0; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; act->set_const_clipdist(0); act->spr.extra = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_BOWLING); break; case RRTILE3410: act->spr.extra = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 107); break; case RRTILE8450: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 64; act->spr.yrepeat = 64; act->spr.extra = act->spr.lotag; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; ChangeActorStat(act, 116); break; case PIG + 11: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; act->set_const_clipdist(0); act->spr.extra = 0; act->spr.cstat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 121); break; case RRTILE8487: case RRTILE8489: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->spr.extra = 0; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.hitag = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 117); break; case RRTILE7424: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.extra = 0; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 11); break; case RRTILE7936: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; fogactive = 1; break; case RRTILE6144: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ps[screenpeek].sea_sick_stat = 1; break; case RRTILE8448: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.lotag = 1; act->set_const_clipdist(0); break; case RRTILE8099: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.lotag = 5; act->set_const_clipdist(0); ChangeActorStat(act, 123); break; case RRTILE8704: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.lotag = 1; act->set_const_clipdist(0); break; case RRTILE8192: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ufospawnsminion = 1; break; case RRTILE8193: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; pistonsound = 1; break; case RRTILE8165: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.lotag = 1; act->set_const_clipdist(0); act->SetOwner(act); act->spr.extra = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 115); break; case RRTILE8593: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.lotag = 1; act->set_const_clipdist(0); act->SetOwner(act); act->spr.extra = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 122); break; case RRTILE285: case RRTILE286: case RRTILE287: case RRTILE288: case RRTILE289: case RRTILE290: case RRTILE291: case RRTILE292: case RRTILE293: act->spr.cstat = 0; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; act->spr.xrepeat = 0; act->spr.yrepeat = 0; act->set_const_clipdist(0); act->spr.lotag = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 106); break; case RRTILE2460: case RRTILE2465: case BIKEJIBA: case BIKEJIBB: case BIKEJIBC: case BIKERJIBA: case BIKERJIBB: case BIKERJIBC: case BIKERJIBD: case CHEERJIBA: case CHEERJIBB: case CHEERJIBC: case CHEERJIBD: case FBOATJIBA: case FBOATJIBB: case RABBITJIBA: case RABBITJIBB: case RABBITJIBC: case MAMAJIBA: case MAMAJIBB: // impossible to do with better methods outside of redoing the entire switch/case block if (isRRRA()) goto rrra_badguy; else goto default_case; case WATERSPLASH2: case MUD: if (actj) { SetActor(act, actj->spr.pos); act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 8 + (krand() & 7); } else act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 16 + (krand() & 15); act->spr.shade = -16; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; if (actj) { if (actj->sector()->lotag == 2) { act->spr.pos.Z = getceilzofslopeptr(act->sector(), act->spr.pos) + 16; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP; } else if (actj->sector()->lotag == 1) act->spr.pos.Z = getceilzofslopeptr(act->sector(), act->spr.pos); } if (sectp->floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME || sectp->ceilingpicnum == FLOORSLIME) act->spr.pal = 7; [[fallthrough]]; case NEON1: case NEON2: case NEON3: case NEON4: case NEON5: case NEON6: case DOMELITE: if (act->spr.picnum != WATERSPLASH2) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (act->spr.picnum == DOMELITE) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; [[fallthrough]]; case JIBS1: case JIBS2: case JIBS3: case JIBS4: case JIBS5: case JIBS6: case DUKETORSO: case DUKEGUN: case DUKELEG: case BILLYJIBA: case BILLYJIBB: case HULKJIBA: case HULKJIBB: case HULKJIBC: case MINJIBA: case MINJIBB: case MINJIBC: case COOTJIBA: case COOTJIBB: case COOTJIBC: rrra_badguy: if (act->spr.picnum == JIBS6) { act->spr.xrepeat >>= 1; act->spr.yrepeat >>= 1; } else if (isRRRA()) { if (act->spr.picnum == RABBITJIBA) { act->spr.xrepeat = 18; act->spr.yrepeat = 18; } else if (act->spr.picnum == RABBITJIBB) { act->spr.xrepeat = 36; act->spr.yrepeat = 36; } else if (act->spr.picnum == RABBITJIBC) { act->spr.xrepeat = 54; act->spr.yrepeat = 54; } } ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case TONGUE: if (actj) act->spr.angle = actj->spr.angle; act->spr.pos.Z -= gs.playerheight; act->vel.Z = 1 - krandf(2); act->vel.X = 4 - krandf(8); ChangeActorStat(act, 4); break; case TRANSPORTERSTAR: case TRANSPORTERBEAM: spawntransporter(actj, act, act->spr.picnum == TRANSPORTERBEAM); break; case FRAMEEFFECT1: if (actj) { act->spr.xrepeat = actj->spr.xrepeat; act->spr.yrepeat = actj->spr.yrepeat; if (actj->spr.picnum == APLAYER) act->temp_data[1] = SMALLSMOKE; else act->temp_data[1] = actj->spr.picnum; } else act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case FORCESPHERE: if (!actj) { act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, 2); } else { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); } break; case BLOOD: act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 4; act->spr.pos.Z -= 26; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case BLOODPOOL: if (spawnbloodpoolpart1(act)) break; if (actj) { if (actj->spr.pal == 1) act->spr.pal = 1; else if (actj->spr.pal != 6 && actj->spr.picnum != NUKEBARREL && actj->spr.picnum != TIRE) { act->spr.pal = 2; // Red } else act->spr.pal = 0; // green if (actj->spr.picnum == TIRE) act->spr.shade = 127; } act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR; [[fallthrough]]; case BLOODSPLAT1: case BLOODSPLAT2: case BLOODSPLAT3: case BLOODSPLAT4: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL; act->spr.xrepeat = 7 + (krand() & 7); act->spr.yrepeat = 7 + (krand() & 7); act->spr.pos.Z -= 16; if (actj && actj->spr.pal == 6) act->spr.pal = 6; insertspriteq(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case HYDRENT: case SATELITE: case FUELPOD: case SOLARPANNEL: case ANTENNA: case GRATE1: case CHAIR1: case CHAIR2: case CHAIR3: case BOTTLE1: case BOTTLE2: case BOTTLE3: case BOTTLE4: case BOTTLE5: case BOTTLE6: case BOTTLE7: case BOTTLE8: case BOTTLE10: case BOTTLE11: case BOTTLE12: case BOTTLE13: case BOTTLE14: case BOTTLE15: case BOTTLE16: case BOTTLE17: case BOTTLE18: case BOTTLE19: case SCALE: case VACUUM: case FANSPRITE: case CACTUS: case CACTUSBROKE: case CAMERALIGHT: case MOVIECAMERA: case IVUNIT: case POT1: case POT2: case POT3: case SUSHIPLATE1: case SUSHIPLATE2: case SUSHIPLATE3: case SUSHIPLATE4: case SUSHIPLATE5: case WAITTOBESEATED: case VASE: case PIPE1: case PIPE2: case PIPE3: case PIPE4: case PIPE5: case PIPE6: act->set_const_clipdist(32); act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; ChangeActorStat(act, 0); break; case FEMMAG1: case FEMMAG2: act->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; ChangeActorStat(act, 0); break; case MASKWALL7: { auto j = act->spr.cstat & (CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK | CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP | CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP); act->spr.cstat = j | CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK; ChangeActorStat(act, 0); break; } case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: initfootprint(actj, act); break; case FEM10: case NAKED1: case STATUE: case TOUGHGAL: act->spr.yint = act->spr.hitag; act->spr.hitag = -1; [[fallthrough]]; case QUEBALL: case STRIPEBALL: if (act->spr.picnum == QUEBALL || act->spr.picnum == STRIPEBALL) { act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_HITSCAN; act->set_const_clipdist(8); } else { act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(32); } ChangeActorStat(act, 2); break; case BOWLINGBALL: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_HITSCAN; act->set_const_clipdist(64); act->spr.xrepeat = 11; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; ChangeActorStat(act, 2); break; case HENSTAND: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(48); act->spr.xrepeat = 21; act->spr.yrepeat = 15; ChangeActorStat(act, 2); break; case RRTILE295: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, 107); break; case RRTILE296: case RRTILE297: act->spr.xrepeat = 64; act->spr.yrepeat = 64; act->set_const_clipdist(64); ChangeActorStat(act, 108); break; case RRTILE3190: case RRTILE3191: case RRTILE3192: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 26; act->vel.X = 2; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case RRTILE3120: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->spr.xrepeat = 12; act->spr.yrepeat = 10; act->vel.X = 2; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case RRTILE3122: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(2); act->spr.xrepeat = 8; act->spr.yrepeat = 6; act->vel.X = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case RRTILE3123: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->spr.xrepeat = 13; act->spr.yrepeat = 13; act->vel.X = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case RRTILE3124: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->spr.xrepeat = 17; act->spr.yrepeat = 12; act->vel.X = 2; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case RRTILE3132: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->spr.xrepeat = 13; act->spr.yrepeat = 10; act->vel.X = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case BOWLINGPIN: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(48); act->spr.xrepeat = 23; act->spr.yrepeat = 23; ChangeActorStat(act, 2); break; case DUKELYINGDEAD: if (actj && actj->spr.picnum == APLAYER) { act->spr.xrepeat = actj->spr.xrepeat; act->spr.yrepeat = actj->spr.yrepeat; act->spr.shade = actj->spr.shade; act->spr.pal = ps[actj->PlayerIndex()].palookup; } act->spr.cstat = 0; act->spr.extra = 1; act->vel.X = 292 / 16.; act->vel.Z = 360 / 256.; [[fallthrough]]; case RESPAWNMARKERRED: if (act->spr.picnum == RESPAWNMARKERRED) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 8; if (actj) act->spr.pos.Z = actj->floorz; } else { act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(128); } [[fallthrough]]; case MIKE: if (act->spr.picnum == MIKE) act->spr.yint = act->spr.hitag; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case SPOTLITE: break; case BULLETHOLE: act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 3; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL | randomFlip(); insertspriteq(act); [[fallthrough]]; case MONEY: if (act->spr.picnum == MONEY) { act->temp_data[0] = krand() & 2047; act->spr.cstat = randomFlip(); act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 8; act->spr.angle = randomAngle(); } ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case SHELL: //From the player case SHOTGUNSHELL: initshell(actj, act, act->spr.picnum == SHELL); break; case RESPAWN: act->spr.extra = 66 - 13; [[fallthrough]]; case MUSICANDSFX: if (ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal == 1) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_FX); break; case SOUNDFX: { act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); } break; case EXPLOSION2: case EXPLOSION3: case BURNING: case SMALLSMOKE: if (actj) { act->spr.angle = actj->spr.angle; act->spr.shade = -64; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER | randomXFlip(); } if (act->spr.picnum == EXPLOSION2) { act->spr.xrepeat = 48; act->spr.yrepeat = 48; act->spr.shade = -127; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; } else if (act->spr.picnum == EXPLOSION3) { act->spr.xrepeat = 128; act->spr.yrepeat = 128; act->spr.shade = -127; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; } else if (act->spr.picnum == SMALLSMOKE) { act->spr.xrepeat = 12; act->spr.yrepeat = 12; } else if (act->spr.picnum == BURNING) { act->spr.xrepeat = 4; act->spr.yrepeat = 4; } if (actj) { double x = getflorzofslopeptr(act->sector(), act->spr.pos); if (act->spr.pos.Z > x - 12) act->spr.pos.Z = x - 12; } ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case PLAYERONWATER: if (actj) { act->spr.xrepeat = actj->spr.xrepeat; act->spr.yrepeat = actj->spr.yrepeat; act->vel.Z = 0.5; if (act->sector()->lotag != 2) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; } ChangeActorStat(act, 13); break; case APLAYER: { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; int j = ud.coop; if (j == 2) j = 0; if (ud.multimode < 2 || (ud.multimode > 1 && j != act->spr.lotag)) ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); else ChangeActorStat(act, 10); break; } case WATERBUBBLE: if (actj && actj->spr.picnum == APLAYER) act->spr.pos.Z -= 16; if (act->spr.picnum == WATERBUBBLE) { if (actj) act->spr.angle = actj->spr.angle; act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 1 + (krand() & 7); } else act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 32; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; case CRANE: initcrane(actj, act, CRANEPOLE); break; case WATERDRIP: initwaterdrip(actj, act); break; case TRASH: if (act->spr.picnum != WATERDRIP) act->spr.angle = randomAngle(); act->spr.xrepeat = 24; act->spr.yrepeat = 24; ChangeActorStat(act, 6); break; case PLUG: act->spr.lotag = 9999; ChangeActorStat(act, 6); break; case TOUCHPLATE: act->temp_pos.Z = sectp->floorz; if (sectp->lotag != 1 && sectp->lotag != 2) sectp->setfloorz(act->spr.pos.Z); if (act->spr.pal && ud.multimode > 1) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } [[fallthrough]]; case WATERBUBBLEMAKER: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case BOLT1: case BOLT1 + 1: case BOLT1 + 2: case BOLT1 + 3: act->temp_data[0] = act->spr.xrepeat; act->temp_data[1] = act->spr.yrepeat; [[fallthrough]]; case MASTERSWITCH: if (act->spr.picnum == MASTERSWITCH) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; act->spr.yint = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, 6); break; // this is not really nice... case BIKERB: case BIKERBV2: case BIKER: case MAKEOUT: case CHEERB: case CHEER: case COOTPLAY: case BILLYPLAY: case MINIONBOAT: case HULKBOAT: case CHEERBOAT: case RABBIT: case ROCK: case ROCK2: case MAMACLOUD: case MAMA: case UFO1_RRRA: if (isRRRA()) goto rrra_badguy2; else goto default_case; case UFO1_RR: if (!isRRRA()) goto rrra_badguy2; else goto default_case; case SBSWIPE: case CHEERSTAYPUT: if (isRRRA()) goto rrra_stayput; else goto default_case; case SBMOVE: if (isRRRA()) goto default_case; [[fallthrough]]; case BILLYRAYSTAYPUT: case BRAYSNIPER: case BUBBASTAND: case HULKSTAYPUT: case HENSTAYPUT: case PIGSTAYPUT: case MINIONSTAYPUT: case COOTSTAYPUT: rrra_stayput: act->actorstayput = act->sector(); [[fallthrough]]; case BOULDER: case BOULDER1: case RAT: case TORNADO: case BILLYCOCK: case BILLYRAY: case DOGRUN: case LTH: case HULK: case HEN: case DRONE: case PIG: case MINION: case UFO2: case UFO3: case UFO4: case UFO5: case COW: case COOT: case SHARK: case VIXEN: rrra_badguy2: act->spr.xrepeat = 40; act->spr.yrepeat = 40; // Note: All inappropriate tiles have already been weeded out by the outer switch block so this does not need game type checks anymore. switch (act->spr.picnum) { case VIXEN: if (act->spr.pal == 34) { act->spr.xrepeat = 22; act->spr.yrepeat = 21; } else { act->spr.xrepeat = 22; act->spr.yrepeat = 20; } act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case HULKHANG: case HULKHANGDEAD: case HULKJUMP: case HULK: case HULKSTAYPUT: act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case COOTPLAY: case COOT: case COOTSTAYPUT: act->spr.xrepeat = 24; act->spr.yrepeat = 18; act->setClipDistFromTile(); act->spr.clipdist <<= 2; break; case DRONE: act->spr.xrepeat = 14; act->spr.yrepeat = 7; act->set_const_clipdist(128); break; case SBSWIPE: case BILLYPLAY: case BILLYCOCK: case BILLYRAY: case BILLYRAYSTAYPUT: case BRAYSNIPER: case BUBBASTAND: act->spr.xrepeat = 25; act->spr.yrepeat = 21; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case COW: act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case HEN: case HENSTAYPUT: case HENSTAND: if (act->spr.pal == 35) { act->spr.xrepeat = 42; act->spr.yrepeat = 30; act->setClipDistFromTile(); } else { act->spr.xrepeat = 21; act->spr.yrepeat = 15; act->set_const_clipdist(64); } break; case MINION: case MINIONSTAYPUT: act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; act->setClipDistFromTile(); if (isRRRA() && ufospawnsminion) act->spr.pal = 8; break; case DOGRUN: case PIG: act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case RABBIT: act->spr.xrepeat = 18; act->spr.yrepeat = 18; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case MAMACLOUD: act->spr.xrepeat = 64; act->spr.yrepeat = 64; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANS_FLIP; act->spr.pos.X += krandf(128) - 64; act->spr.pos.Y += krandf(128) - 64; act->spr.pos.Z += krandf(8) - 4; break; case MAMA: if (act->spr.pal == 30) { act->spr.xrepeat = 26; act->spr.yrepeat = 26; act->set_const_clipdist(75); } else if (act->spr.pal == 31) { act->spr.xrepeat = 36; act->spr.yrepeat = 36; act->set_const_clipdist(100); } else if (act->spr.pal == 32) { act->spr.xrepeat = 50; act->spr.yrepeat = 50; act->set_const_clipdist(100); } else { act->spr.xrepeat = 50; act->spr.yrepeat = 50; act->set_const_clipdist(100); } break; case BIKERB: act->spr.xrepeat = 28; act->spr.yrepeat = 22; act->set_const_clipdist(72); break; case BIKERBV2: act->spr.xrepeat = 28; act->spr.yrepeat = 22; act->set_const_clipdist(72); break; case BIKER: act->spr.xrepeat = 28; act->spr.yrepeat = 22; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case CHEERB: act->spr.xrepeat = 28; act->spr.yrepeat = 22; act->set_const_clipdist(72); break; case CHEER: case CHEERSTAYPUT: act->spr.xrepeat = 20; act->spr.yrepeat = 20; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case MAKEOUT: act->spr.xrepeat = 26; act->spr.yrepeat = 26; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case MINIONBOAT: act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case HULKBOAT: act->spr.xrepeat = 48; act->spr.yrepeat = 48; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case CHEERBOAT: act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case TORNADO: act->spr.xrepeat = 64; act->spr.yrepeat = 128; act->setClipDistFromTile(); act->spr.clipdist >>= 2; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; break; case LTH: act->spr.xrepeat = 24; act->spr.yrepeat = 22; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case ROCK: case ROCK2: act->spr.xrepeat = 64; act->spr.yrepeat = 64; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; case UFO1_RRRA: case UFO1_RR: case UFO2: case UFO3: case UFO4: case UFO5: act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->setClipDistFromTile(); act->spr.extra = 50; break; case SBMOVE: act->spr.xrepeat = 48; act->spr.yrepeat = 48; act->setClipDistFromTile(); break; default: break; } if (actj) act->spr.lotag = 0; if ((act->spr.lotag > ud.player_skill) || ud.monsters_off == 1) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } else { makeitfall(act); if (act->spr.picnum == RAT) { act->spr.angle = randomAngle(); act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 48; act->spr.cstat = 0; } else { act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (act->spr.picnum != 5501) if (actorfella(act)) ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; } if (actj) { act->timetosleep = 0; check_fta_sounds_r(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTOR); act->spr.shade = actj->spr.shade; } else ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); } break; case LOCATORS: // act->spr.xrepeat=act->spr.yrepeat=0; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_LOCATOR); break; case ACTIVATORLOCKED: case ACTIVATOR: // act->spr.xrepeat=act->spr.yrepeat=0; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; if (act->spr.picnum == ACTIVATORLOCKED) sectp->lotag ^= 16384; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTIVATOR); break; case DOORSHOCK: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.shade = -12; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case OOZ: { act->spr.shade = -12; if (actj) if (actj->spr.picnum == NUKEBARREL) act->spr.pal = 8; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); getglobalz(act); int j = int((act->floorz - act->ceilingz) * 0.5); act->spr.yrepeat = j; act->spr.xrepeat = 25 - (j >> 1); if(krand() & 4) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; break; } case HEAVYHBOMB: act->SetOwner(act); act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 9; act->spr.yint = 4; [[fallthrough]]; case REACTOR2: case REACTOR: case RECON: if (initreactor(actj, act, act->spr.picnum == RECON)) return act; break; case RPG2SPRITE: case MOTOAMMO: case BOATAMMO: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; [[fallthrough]]; case ATOMICHEALTH: case STEROIDS: case HEATSENSOR: case SHIELD: case AIRTANK: case POWDERKEG: case COWPIE: case HOLODUKE: case FIRSTGUNSPRITE: case CHAINGUNSPRITE: case SHOTGUNSPRITE: case RPGSPRITE: case SHRINKERSPRITE: case FREEZESPRITE: case DEVISTATORSPRITE: case SHOTGUNAMMO: case FREEZEAMMO: case HBOMBAMMO: case CRYSTALAMMO: case GROWAMMO: case BATTERYAMMO: case DEVISTATORAMMO: case RPGAMMO: case BOOTS: case AMMO: case AMMOLOTS: case BEER: case FIRSTAID: case SIXPAK: case SAWAMMO: case BOWLINGBALLSPRITE: if (actj) { act->spr.lotag = 0; if (act->spr.picnum != BOWLINGBALLSPRITE) { act->spr.pos.Z -= 32; act->vel.Z = -4; } else { act->vel.Z = 0; } ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); act->spr.cstat = randomXFlip(); } else { act->SetOwner(act); act->spr.cstat = 0; } if ((ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal != 0) || (act->spr.lotag > ud.player_skill)) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } act->spr.pal = 0; [[fallthrough]]; case ACCESSCARD: if (act->spr.picnum == ATOMICHEALTH) act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1 && act->spr.picnum == ACCESSCARD) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } else { if (act->spr.picnum == AMMO) act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 16; else act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 32; } act->spr.shade = -17; if (actj) ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTOR); else { ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); makeitfall(act); } switch (act->spr.picnum) { case FIRSTGUNSPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; break; case SHOTGUNAMMO: act->spr.xrepeat = 18; act->spr.yrepeat = 17; if (isRRRA()) act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_HITSCAN; break; case SIXPAK: act->spr.xrepeat = 13; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; if (isRRRA()) act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_HITSCAN; break; case FIRSTAID: act->spr.xrepeat = 8; act->spr.yrepeat = 8; break; case BEER: act->spr.xrepeat = 5; act->spr.yrepeat = 4; break; case AMMO: act->spr.xrepeat = 9; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; break; case MOTOAMMO: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 23; act->spr.yrepeat = 23; break; case BOATAMMO: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; break; case COWPIE: act->spr.xrepeat = 8; act->spr.yrepeat = 6; break; case STEROIDS: act->spr.xrepeat = 13; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; break; case ACCESSCARD: act->spr.xrepeat = 11; act->spr.yrepeat = 12; break; case HEATSENSOR: act->spr.xrepeat = 6; act->spr.yrepeat = 4; break; case AIRTANK: act->spr.xrepeat = 19; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; break; case BATTERYAMMO: act->spr.xrepeat = 15; act->spr.yrepeat = 15; break; case BOWLINGBALLSPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 11; act->spr.yrepeat = 11; break; case POWDERKEG: act->spr.xrepeat = 11; act->spr.yrepeat = 11; act->spr.yint = 4; act->vel.X = 2; break; case RPGSPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 16; act->spr.yrepeat = 14; break; case RPG2SPRITE: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; act->spr.xrepeat = 20; act->spr.yrepeat = 20; break; case SHRINKERSPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 22; act->spr.yrepeat = 13; break; case DEVISTATORSPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 18; act->spr.yrepeat = 17; break; case SAWAMMO: act->spr.xrepeat = 12; act->spr.yrepeat = 7; break; case GROWSPRITEICON: act->spr.xrepeat = 10; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; break; case DEVISTATORAMMO: act->spr.xrepeat = 10; act->spr.yrepeat = 9; break; case ATOMICHEALTH: act->spr.xrepeat = 8; act->spr.yrepeat = 8; break; case FREEZESPRITE: act->spr.xrepeat = 17; act->spr.yrepeat = 16; break; } act->spr.shade = act->sector()->floorshade; break; case WATERFOUNTAIN: act->spr.lotag = 1; [[fallthrough]]; case TREE1: case TREE2: case TIRE: act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; // Make it hitable act->spr.extra = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, 6); break; case CAMERA1: case CAMERA1 + 1: case CAMERA1 + 2: case CAMERA1 + 3: case CAMERA1 + 4: case CAMERAPOLE: act->spr.extra = 1; if (gs.camerashitable) act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; else act->spr.cstat = 0; if (ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal != 0) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } else act->spr.pal = 0; if (act->spr.picnum == CAMERAPOLE) break; act->spr.picnum = CAMERA1; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case STEAM: if (actj) { act->spr.angle = actj->spr.angle; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL | CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER | CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 1; act->vel.X = -0.5; ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); } [[fallthrough]]; case CEILINGSTEAM: ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case SECTOREFFECTOR: spawneffector(act, actors); break; case SEENINE: case OOZFILTER: act->spr.shade = -16; if (act->spr.xrepeat <= 8) { act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; } else act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.extra = gs.impact_damage << 2; act->SetOwner(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case CRACK1: case CRACK2: case CRACK3: case CRACK4: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK | CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL; act->spr.extra = 1; if (ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal != 0) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); break; } act->spr.pal = 0; act->SetOwner(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); act->vel.X = 0.5; ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); break; case EMPTYBIKE: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; if (ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal == 1) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; break; } act->spr.pal = 0; act->spr.xrepeat = 18; act->spr.yrepeat = 18; act->setClipDistFromTile(); act->saved_ammo = 100; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.lotag = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTOR); break; case EMPTYBOAT: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; if (ud.multimode < 2 && act->spr.pal == 1) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; break; } act->spr.pal = 0; act->spr.xrepeat = 32; act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->setClipDistFromTile(); act->saved_ammo = 20; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.lotag = 1; ChangeActorStat(act, 1); break; case TOILET: case STALL: case RRTILE2121: case RRTILE2122: act->spr.lotag = 1; act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->set_const_clipdist(8); act->SetOwner(act); break; case CANWITHSOMETHING: case RUBBERCAN: act->spr.extra = 0; [[fallthrough]]; case EXPLODINGBARREL: case HORSEONSIDE: case FIREBARREL: case NUKEBARREL: case FIREVASE: case NUKEBARRELDENTED: case NUKEBARRELLEAKED: case WOODENHORSE: if (actj) act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 32; act->set_const_clipdist(72); makeitfall(act); if (actj) act->SetOwner(actj); else act->SetOwner(act); [[fallthrough]]; case EGG: if (ud.monsters_off == 1 && act->spr.picnum == EGG) { act->spr.xrepeat = act->spr.yrepeat = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_MISC); } else { if (act->spr.picnum == EGG) act->set_const_clipdist(24); act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL | randomXFlip(); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); } break; case TOILETWATER: act->spr.shade = -16; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case RRTILE63: act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; act->spr.xrepeat = 1; act->spr.yrepeat = 1; act->set_const_clipdist(1); ChangeActorStat(act, 100); break; } return act; } END_DUKE_NS