//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2016 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "duke3d.h" #include "osdcmds.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS // KEEPINSYNC game.h: enum cheatindex_t char CheatStrings [NUMCHEATS][MAXCHEATLEN] = { "cornholio", // 0 "stuff", // 1 "scotty###", // 2 "coords", // 3 "view", // 4 "time", // 5 "unlock", // 6 "cashman", // 7 "items", // 8 "rate", // 9 "skill#", // 10 "beta", // 11 "hyper", // 12 "monsters", // 13 "", // 14 "", // 15 "todd", // 16 "showmap", // 17 "kroz", // 18 "allen", // 19 "clip", // 20 "weapons", // 21 "inventory", // 22 "keys", // 23 "debug", // 24 "", // 25 "", // 26 "", // 27 "", // 28 "", // 29 "", // 30 "", // 31 "", // 32 "", // 33 "", // 34 "", // 35 "", // 36 "", // 37 "", // 38 "", // 39 }; const uint32_t CheatFunctionFlags [NUMCHEATS] = { 1 << CHEATFUNC_GOD, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GIVEEVERYTHING, 1 << CHEATFUNC_WARP, 1 << CHEATFUNC_COORDS, 1 << CHEATFUNC_VIEW, 0, 1 << CHEATFUNC_UNLOCK, 1 << CHEATFUNC_CASHMAN, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GIVEALLITEMS, 1 << CHEATFUNC_FRAMERATE, 1 << CHEATFUNC_SKILL, 1 << CHEATFUNC_QUOTEBETA, 1 << CHEATFUNC_HYPER, 1 << CHEATFUNC_MONSTERS, 0, 0, 1 << CHEATFUNC_QUOTETODD, 1 << CHEATFUNC_SHOWMAP, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GOD, 1 << CHEATFUNC_QUOTEALLEN, 1 << CHEATFUNC_CLIP, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GIVEWEAPONS, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GIVEINVENTORY, 1 << CHEATFUNC_GIVEKEYS, 1 << CHEATFUNC_DEBUG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; // KEEPINSYNC game.h: enum CheatCodeFunctions // KEEPINSYNC menus.c: MenuEntry_t ME_CheatCodes[] const uint8_t CheatFunctionIDs[NUMCHEATS] = { CHEAT_CASHMAN, CHEAT_CORNHOLIO, CHEAT_STUFF, CHEAT_WEAPONS, CHEAT_ITEMS, CHEAT_INVENTORY, CHEAT_KEYS, CHEAT_HYPER, CHEAT_VIEW, CHEAT_SHOWMAP, CHEAT_UNLOCK, CHEAT_CLIP, CHEAT_SCOTTY, CHEAT_SKILL, CHEAT_MONSTERS, CHEAT_RATE, CHEAT_BETA, CHEAT_TODD, CHEAT_ALLEN, CHEAT_COORDS, CHEAT_DEBUG, }; char const * const g_NAMMattCheatQuote = "Matt Saettler. matts@seanet.com"; void G_SetupCheats(void) { if (RR) { CheatKeys[0] = sc_R; CheatKeys[1] = sc_D; Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[0], "hounddog"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[1], "all"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[2], "meadow###"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[3], "yerat"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[7], "cluck"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[11], "teachers"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[12], "moonshine"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[13], "critters"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[16], "rafael"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[18], "elvis"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[19], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[21], "guns"); if (RRRA) { Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[25], "joseph"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[26], "mrbill"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[27], "tony"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[28], "gary"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[29], "rhett"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[30], "aaron"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[31], "nocheat"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[32], "woleslagle"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[33], "mikael"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[34], "greg"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[35], "noah"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[36], "arijit"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[37], "donut"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[38], "kfc"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[39], "van"); } } if (WW2GI) { #if 0 // WWII GI's original cheat prefix temporarily disabled because W conflicts with WSAD movement CheatKeys[0] = CheatKeys[1] = sc_W; #else CheatKeys[0] = sc_G; CheatKeys[1] = sc_I; #endif Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[0], "2god"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[1], "2blood"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[2], "2level###"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[3], "2coords"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[4], "2view"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[5], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[7], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[8], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[9], "2rate"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[10], "2skill"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[11], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[12], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[13], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[16], "2matt"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[17], "2showmap"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[18], "2ryan"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[19], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[20], "2clip"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[21], "2weapons"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[22], "2inventory"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[23], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[24], "2debug"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[26], "2cgs"); Bstrcpy(g_gametypeNames[0], "GI Match (Spawn)"); Bstrcpy(g_gametypeNames[2], "GI Match (No Spawn)"); } else if (NAM) { CheatKeys[0] = sc_N; CheatKeys[1] = sc_V; Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[0], "acaleb"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[1], "ablood"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[2], "alevel###"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[3], "acoords"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[4], "aview"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[5], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[7], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[8], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[9], "arate"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[10], "askill"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[11], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[12], "ahyper"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[13], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[16], "amatt"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[17], "ashowmap"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[18], "agod"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[19], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[20], "aclip"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[21], "aweapons"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[22], "ainventory"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[23], ""); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[24], "adebug"); Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[26], "acgs"); } } static void doinvcheat(DukePlayer_t * const pPlayer, int32_t invidx, int32_t defaultnum, int event) { defaultnum = VM_OnEventWithReturn(event, pPlayer->i, myconnectindex, defaultnum); if (defaultnum >= 0) pPlayer->inv_amount[invidx] = defaultnum; } static void G_CheatGetInv(DukePlayer_t *pPlayer) { doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_STEROIDS, 400, EVENT_CHEATGETSTEROIDS); if (!RR) doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_HEATS, 1200, EVENT_CHEATGETHEAT); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_BOOTS, RR ? 2000 : 200, EVENT_CHEATGETBOOT); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_SHIELD, 100, EVENT_CHEATGETSHIELD); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_SCUBA, 6400, EVENT_CHEATGETSCUBA); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_HOLODUKE, 2400, EVENT_CHEATGETHOLODUKE); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_JETPACK, RR ? 600 : 1600, EVENT_CHEATGETJETPACK); doinvcheat(pPlayer, GET_FIRSTAID, pPlayer->max_player_health, EVENT_CHEATGETFIRSTAID); } static void end_cheat(DukePlayer_t * const pPlayer) { pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; inputState.keyFlushChars(); } static int32_t cheatbuflen; static int8_t cheatbuf[MAXCHEATLEN]; void G_DoCheats(void) { DukePlayer_t * const pPlayer = g_player[myconnectindex].ps; int consoleCheat = 0; int cheatNum; if (DEER) return; if (osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum != -1) { cheatNum = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum; if (ud.player_skill == 4 || (RR && ud.player_skill > 3) || (RRRA && pPlayer->nocheat)) { switch (cheatNum) { case CHEAT_DEBUG: case CHEAT_COORDS: case CHEAT_RATE: case CHEAT_RESERVED: case CHEAT_RESERVED2: //case CHEAT_RESERVED3: break; default: P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEATS_DISABLED, pPlayer); osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum = -1; return; } } // JBF 20030914 osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum = -1; consoleCheat = 1; } static int volumeOne = 0; if (VOLUMEONE && !volumeOne) { // change "scotty###" to "scotty##" uint32_t const warpend = Bstrlen(CheatStrings[2]); if (strcmp(&CheatStrings[2][warpend-3], "###") == 0) CheatStrings[2][warpend-1] = '\0'; Bstrcpy(CheatStrings[6], ""); volumeOne = 1; } if (consoleCheat && numplayers < 2 && ud.recstat == 0) goto FOUNDCHEAT; if ((RR && ud.player_skill > 3) || (RRRA && pPlayer->nocheat)) return; if (pPlayer->gm & (MODE_TYPE|MODE_MENU)) return; if (pPlayer->cheat_phase == 1) { int ch; while (inputState.keyBufferWaiting()) { ch = Btolower(inputState.keyGetChar()); if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) { pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_46,pPlayer); return; } cheatbuf[cheatbuflen++] = (int8_t) ch; // This assertion is not obvious, but it should hold because of the // cheat string matching logic below. Bassert(cheatbuflen < (signed)sizeof(cheatbuf)); cheatbuf[cheatbuflen] = 0; // inputState.ClearAllInput(); for (cheatNum=0; cheatNum < NUMCHEATCODES; cheatNum++) { for (bssize_t j = 0; j= '0' && ch <= '9')) { if (CheatStrings[cheatNum][j+1] == 0) goto FOUNDCHEAT; if (j == cheatbuflen-1) return; } else break; } } pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; return; FOUNDCHEAT:; if (cheatNum == CHEAT_SCOTTY) { size_t const i = Bstrlen(CheatStrings[cheatNum])-3+VOLUMEONE; if (!consoleCheat) { // JBF 20030914 int32_t volnume, levnume; if (VOLUMEALL) { volnume = cheatbuf[i] - '0'; levnume = (cheatbuf[i+1] - '0')*10+(cheatbuf[i+2]-'0'); } else { volnume = cheatbuf[i] - '0'; levnume = cheatbuf[i+1] - '0'; } volnume--; levnume--; ud.m_volume_number = volnume; m_level_number = levnume; } else { // JBF 20030914 ud.m_volume_number = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.volume; m_level_number = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.level; } } else if (cheatNum == CHEAT_SKILL) { if (!consoleCheat) { size_t const i = Bstrlen(CheatStrings[cheatNum])-1; ud.m_player_skill = cheatbuf[i] - '1'; } else { ud.m_player_skill = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.volume; } } { switch (cheatNum) { case CHEAT_WEAPONS: { int const weaponLimit = (VOLUMEONE) ? SHRINKER_WEAPON : MAX_WEAPONS; for (bssize_t weaponNum = PISTOL_WEAPON; weaponNum < weaponLimit; weaponNum++) { P_AddAmmo(pPlayer, weaponNum, pPlayer->max_ammo_amount[weaponNum]); pPlayer->gotweapon.Set(weaponNum); } if (RRRA) pPlayer->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_ALL_WEAPONS, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); } return; case CHEAT_INVENTORY: G_CheatGetInv(pPlayer); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_ALL_INV, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_KEYS: pPlayer->got_access = 7; if (RR) for (int key = 0; key < 5; key++) pPlayer->keys[key] = 1; inputState.keyFlushChars(); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_ALL_KEYS, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_DEBUG: g_Debug = 1-g_Debug; G_DumpDebugInfo(); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Gamevars dumped to log"); G_AddUserQuote(tempbuf); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Map dumped to debug.map"); G_AddUserQuote(tempbuf); end_cheat(pPlayer); break; case CHEAT_CLIP: ud.clipping = !ud.clipping; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_NOCLIP-!ud.clipping, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_RESERVED2: if (RR) { P_DoQuote(QUOTE_JETPACK_ON, pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); } else { pPlayer->player_par = 0; pPlayer->gm = MODE_EOL; } end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_ALLEN: P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_ALLEN, pPlayer); pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; inputState.ClearKeyStatus(sc_N); return; case CHEAT_CORNHOLIO: case CHEAT_KROZ: //case CHEAT_COMEGETSOME: { const int32_t pi = pPlayer->i; ud.god = 1-ud.god; if (ud.god) { if (RRRA) S_PlaySound(218); pus = 1; pub = 1; sprite[pi].cstat = 257; actor[pi].t_data[0] = 0; actor[pi].t_data[1] = 0; actor[pi].t_data[2] = 0; actor[pi].t_data[3] = 0; actor[pi].t_data[4] = 0; actor[pi].t_data[5] = 0; sprite[pi].hitag = 0; sprite[pi].lotag = 0; sprite[pi].pal = pPlayer->palookup; //if (cheatNum != CHEAT_COMEGETSOME) //{ P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_GODMODE_ON, pPlayer); //} //else //{ // Bstrcpy(pStrings[QUOTE_RESERVED4], "Come Get Some!"); // // S_PlaySound(DUKE_GETWEAPON2); // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED4, pPlayer); // G_CheatGetInv(pPlayer); // // for (bssize_t weaponNum = PISTOL_WEAPON; weaponNum < MAX_WEAPONS; weaponNum++) // pPlayer->gotweapon |= (1<max_ammo_amount[weaponNum]); // // pPlayer->got_access = 7; //} } else { sprite[pi].extra = pPlayer->max_player_health; actor[pi].extra = -1; pPlayer->last_extra = pPlayer->max_player_health; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_GODMODE_OFF, pPlayer); } sprite[pi].extra = pPlayer->max_player_health; actor[pi].extra = 0; //if (cheatNum != CHEAT_COMEGETSOME) pPlayer->dead_flag = 0; end_cheat(pPlayer); return; } case CHEAT_STUFF: { int const weaponLimit = (VOLUMEONE) ? SHRINKER_WEAPON : MAX_WEAPONS; for (bssize_t weaponNum = PISTOL_WEAPON; weaponNum < weaponLimit; weaponNum++) pPlayer->gotweapon.Set(weaponNum); for (bssize_t weaponNum = PISTOL_WEAPON; weaponNum < weaponLimit; weaponNum++) P_AddAmmo(pPlayer, weaponNum, pPlayer->max_ammo_amount[weaponNum]); if (RRRA) pPlayer->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 1; G_CheatGetInv(pPlayer); pPlayer->got_access = 7; if (RR) for (int key = 0; key < 5; key++) pPlayer->keys[key] = 1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_EVERYTHING, pPlayer); // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_21,pPlayer); pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_FIRSTAID; end_cheat(pPlayer); return; } case CHEAT_SCOTTY: { if (RR) g_lastLevel = 0; int32_t const volnume = ud.m_volume_number, levnume = m_level_number; if ((!VOLUMEONE || volnume == 0) && (unsigned)volnume < (unsigned)g_volumeCnt && (unsigned)levnume < MAXLEVELS && mapList[volnume*MAXLEVELS + levnume].fileName.IsNotEmpty()) { ud.volume_number = volnume; ud.level_number = levnume; #if 0 if (numplayers > 1 && g_netServer) Net_NewGame(volnume, levnume); else #endif pPlayer->gm |= MODE_RESTART; } end_cheat(pPlayer); return; } case CHEAT_SKILL: if (RR) g_lastLevel = 0; ud.player_skill = ud.m_player_skill; #if 0 if (numplayers > 1 && g_netServer) Net_NewGame(ud.m_volume_number, m_level_number); else #endif pPlayer->gm |= MODE_RESTART; end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_COORDS: C_DoCommand("stat coord"); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_VIEW: if (!RRRA || (!pPlayer->OnMotorcycle && !pPlayer->OnBoat)) { pPlayer->over_shoulder_on ^= 1; CAMERADIST = 0; CAMERACLOCK = (int32_t) totalclock; // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEATS_DISABLED,pPlayer); } end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_TIME: // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_21,pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_UNLOCK: if (VOLUMEONE) return; for (bssize_t i=numsectors-1; i>=0; i--) //Unlock { int const lotag = sector[i].lotag; if (lotag == -1 || lotag == 32767) continue; if ((lotag & 0x7fff) > 2) { if (lotag & (uint16_t)~16384u) sector[i].lotag &= (uint16_t)~16384u; G_OperateSectors(i, pPlayer->i); } } G_OperateForceFields(pPlayer->i, -1); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_UNLOCK, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_CASHMAN: ud.cashman = 1-ud.cashman; inputState.ClearKeyStatus(sc_N); pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; return; case CHEAT_ITEMS: G_CheatGetInv(pPlayer); pPlayer->got_access = 7; if (RR) for(int key = 0; key < 5; key++) pPlayer->keys[key] = 1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_EVERYTHING, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_SHOWMAP: // SHOW ALL OF THE MAP TOGGLE; gFullMap = !gFullMap; P_DoQuote(gFullMap ? QUOTE_SHOW_MAP_ON : QUOTE_SHOW_MAP_OFF, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_TODD: if (NAM_WW2GI) { quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED4, g_NAMMattCheatQuote); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED4, pPlayer); } else { P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_TODD, pPlayer); } end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_RATE: r_showfps = clamp(*r_showfps+1, 0, 3); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_BETA: P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_BETA, pPlayer); inputState.ClearKeyStatus(sc_H); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_HYPER: pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] = 399; if (!RR) pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] = 1200; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEAT_STEROIDS, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; case CHEAT_MONSTERS: { const char *s [] = { "OPTVAL_ON", "OPTVAL_OFF", "$TXT_ON2" }; if (++g_noEnemies == 3) g_noEnemies = 0; quoteMgr.FormatQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED4, "%s: %s", GStrings("NETMNU_MONSTERS"), s[g_noEnemies]); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED4, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); return; } case CHEAT_RESERVED: //case CHEAT_RESERVED3: if (RR) { P_DoQuote(51, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); } else { ud.eog = 1; pPlayer->player_par = 0; pPlayer->gm |= MODE_EOL; } inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAJOSEPH: G_OnMotorcycle(pPlayer, 0); pPlayer->ammo_amount[MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON] = pPlayer->max_ammo_amount[MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON]; P_DoQuote(126, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAMRBILL: P_QuickKill(pPlayer); P_DoQuote(127, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAGARY: S_PlayRRMusic(10); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RANOAH: end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RARHETT: ud.god = 0; pPlayer->gotweapon.Set(KNEE_WEAPON); pPlayer->curr_weapon = KNEE_WEAPON; pPlayer->nocheat = 1; sprite[pPlayer->i].extra = 1; P_DoQuote(128, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAAARON: pPlayer->drug_mode = pPlayer->drug_mode ? 0 : 5; pPlayer->drug_timer = (int32_t) totalclock; end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RANOCHEAT: pPlayer->nocheat = 1; P_DoQuote(130, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RATONY: g_changeEnemySize = 2; end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAVAN: g_changeEnemySize = 3; end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAKFC: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int const newSprite = A_Spawn(pPlayer->i, TILE_HEN); sprite[newSprite].pal = 1; sprite[newSprite].xrepeat <<= 2; sprite[newSprite].yrepeat <<= 2; } P_DoQuote(139, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAWOLESLAGLE: if (pPlayer->drink_amt) { pPlayer->drink_amt = 0; P_DoQuote(132, pPlayer); } else { pPlayer->drink_amt = 90; P_DoQuote(131, pPlayer); } end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAMIKAEL: for (bssize_t weaponNum = PISTOL_WEAPON; weaponNum < MAX_WEAPONS; weaponNum++) { pPlayer->gotweapon.Set(weaponNum); pPlayer->ammo_amount[weaponNum] = 66; } pPlayer->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 1; G_CheatGetInv(pPlayer); pPlayer->got_access = 7; for (int key = 0; key < 5; key++) pPlayer->keys[key] = 1; P_DoQuote(5, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAGREG: if (pPlayer->sea_sick_stat) { pPlayer->sea_sick_stat = 0; P_DoQuote(129, pPlayer); } else { pPlayer->sea_sick_stat = 1; P_DoQuote(137, pPlayer); } end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; case CHEAT_RAARIJIT: case CHEAT_RADONUT: G_OnBoat(pPlayer, 0); pPlayer->ammo_amount[BOAT_WEAPON] = pPlayer->max_ammo_amount[BOAT_WEAPON]; P_DoQuote(136, pPlayer); end_cheat(pPlayer); inputState.keyFlushChars(); return; default: end_cheat(pPlayer); return; } } } } else { if (inputState.GetKeyStatus((uint8_t) CheatKeys[0])) { if (pPlayer->cheat_phase >= 0 && numplayers < 2 && ud.recstat == 0) { if (CheatKeys[0] == CheatKeys[1]) inputState.ClearKeyStatus((uint8_t) CheatKeys[0]); pPlayer->cheat_phase = -1; } } if (inputState.GetKeyStatus((uint8_t) CheatKeys[1])) { if (pPlayer->cheat_phase == -1) { if (ud.player_skill == 4) { P_DoQuote(QUOTE_CHEATS_DISABLED, pPlayer); pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; } else { pPlayer->cheat_phase = 1; // P_DoQuote(QUOTE_25,pPlayer); cheatbuflen = 0; } inputState.keyFlushChars(); } else if (pPlayer->cheat_phase != 0) { pPlayer->cheat_phase = 0; inputState.ClearKeyStatus((uint8_t) CheatKeys[0]); inputState.ClearKeyStatus((uint8_t) CheatKeys[1]); } } } } END_DUKE_NS