//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Raze. Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License aint with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms ( not much left of the original code, though... ;) ) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // contains all global Duke definitions struct Duke native { enum ESpecialMusic { MUS_INTRO = 0, MUS_BRIEFING = 1, MUS_LOADING = 2, }; enum EPalette { BASEPAL = 0, WATERPAL, SLIMEPAL, TITLEPAL, DREALMSPAL, ENDINGPAL, // 5 ANIMPAL, // not used anymore. The anim code now generates true color textures. DRUGPAL, BASEPALCOUNT }; enum dukeinvicon_t { ICON_NONE, // 0 ICON_FIRSTAID, ICON_STEROIDS, ICON_HOLODUKE, ICON_JETPACK, ICON_HEATS, // 5 ICON_SCUBA, ICON_BOOTS, ICON_MAX }; native static void PlaySpecialMusic(int which); native static int PlaySound(int num, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, int flags = 0, float vol =0.8f); native static void StopSound(int num); native static bool CheckSoundPlaying(int num); native static DukePlayer GetViewPlayer(); native static int MaxPlayerHealth(); native static int MaxAmmoAmount(int weap); static void PlayBonusMusic() { if (System.MusicEnabled()) PlaySound(DukeSnd.BONUSMUSIC, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); } //========================================================================== // // wrappers around DrawText to allow easier reuse of the old code. // The vertical displacements are to have the same positioning as with the original code. // //========================================================================== static void BigText(double x, double y, String text, int align = -1, double alpha = 1.) { let myfont = Raze.PickBigFont(); if (!Raze.isRR()) { if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(text) * (align == 0 ? 0.5 : 1); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y - 12, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Alpha, alpha); } else { if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(text) * (align == 0 ? 0.2 : 0.4); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y - 12, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_ScaleX, 0.4, DTA_ScaleY, 0.4, DTA_Alpha, alpha); } } static void GameText(double x, double y, String t, int shade, int align = -1, int trans = 0) { let myfont = Raze.PickSmallFont(); int fsmode = FSMode_Fit320x200; if (Raze.isRR()) { x *= 2; y *= 2; fsmode = FSMode_Fit640x400; } if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(t) * (align == 0 ? 0.5 : 1); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, x, y + 2, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, fsmode, DTA_TranslationIndex, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, trans), DTA_Color, Raze.shadeToLight(shade)); } } struct DukePlayer { // The sound code wants to read a vector out of this so we need to define one for the main coordinate. /* union { vec3_t pos; struct { int32_t posx, posy, posz; }; }; // player's horizon and angle structs. PlayerHorizon horizon; PlayerAngle angle; uint16_t frags[MAXPLAYERS]; */ native bool gotweapon[DukeWpn.MAX_WEAPONS]; // Palette management uses indices into the engine's palette table now. native color pals; // this was a global variable originally. //vec2_t fric; // weapon drawer variables and their interpolation counterparts. native int weapon_sway; native int oweapon_sway; native int16 weapon_pos, kickback_pic, random_club_frame; native int16 oweapon_pos, okickback_pic, orandom_club_frame; native uint8 hard_landing; native uint8 ohard_landing; // Store current psectlotag as determined in processinput() for use with scaling angle aiming. native int16 psectlotag; // From here on it is unaltered from JFDuke with the exception of a few fields that are no longer needed and were removed. native int exitx, exity, loogiex[64], loogiey[64], numloogs, loogcnt; native int invdisptime; native int bobposx, bobposy, pyoff, opyoff; native int posxv, posyv, poszv, last_pissed_time, truefz, truecz; native int player_par, visibility; native int bobcounter; native int randomflamex, crack_time; native int aim_mode, ftt; //native int cursectnum;// , one_parallax_sectnum //native walltype access_wall; // can't do yet. native int16 last_extra, subweapon; native int16 ammo_amount[DukeWpn.MAX_WEAPONS], frag, fraggedself; native int16 curr_weapon, last_weapon, tipincs, wantweaponfire; native int16 holoduke_amount, hurt_delay, hbomb_hold_delay; native int16 jumping_counter, airleft, knee_incs, access_incs; native int16 ftq; native int16 got_access, weapon_ang, firstaid_amount; native int16 over_shoulder_on, fist_incs; native int16 cheat_phase; native int16 extra_extra8, quick_kick, last_quick_kick; native int16 heat_amount, timebeforeexit, customexitsound; //DDukeActor* actor, actorsqu, *wackedbyactor, *on_crane, *holoduke_on, *somethingonplayer, *access_spritenum, *dummyplayersprite, *newOwner; // later native voidptr holoduke_on; // cannot do it as a proper actor pointer yet - but the status bar needs it. native int16 weaprecs[256], weapreccnt; native uint interface_toggle_flag; native int16 dead_flag, show_empty_weapon; // JBF 20031220: added orotscrnang native int16 scuba_amount, jetpack_amount, steroids_amount, shield_amount; native int16 pycount, frag_ps; native int16 transporter_hold, last_full_weapon, footprintshade, boot_amount; native uint8 on_warping_sector, footprintcount; native uint8 hbomb_on, jumping_toggle, rapid_fire_hold, on_ground; //char name[32]; native uint8 inven_icon, buttonpalette; native uint8 jetpack_on, spritebridge, lastrandomspot; native uint8 scuba_on, footprintpal, heat_on; native uint8 holster_weapon; native uint8 falling_counter; native uint8 refresh_inventory; native uint8 toggle_key_flag, knuckle_incs; // ,select_dir; native uint8 walking_snd_toggle, palookup; native bool quick_kick_msg; native int max_secret_rooms, secret_rooms, max_actors_killed, actors_killed; native bool resurrected; // Redneck Rampage additions. Those which did not have names in the reconstructed source got one from either RedneckGDX or RedNukem. // Items were reordered by size. native int stairs; native int detonate_count; // at57e native int noise_x, noise_y, noise_radius; // at286, at28a, at290 native int drink_timer; // at58e native int eat_timer; // at592 native int SlotWin; native int16 recoil; native int16 detonate_time; // at57c native int16 yehaa_timer; native int16 drink_amt, eat, drunkang, eatang; native uint8 shotgun_state[2]; native uint8 donoise; // at28e native uint8 keys[5]; // RRRA. The same as for the RR block applies. native int drug_aspect; native int drug_timer; native int SeaSick; native int16 MamaEnd; // raat609 native int16 moto_drink; native float TiltStatus, oTiltStatus; native double VBumpNow, VBumpTarget; native int16 TurbCount; native int16 drug_stat[3]; // raat5f1..5 native uint8 DrugMode, lotag800kill; native uint8 sea_sick_stat; // raat5dd native uint8 hurt_delay2, nocheat; native uint8 OnMotorcycle, OnBoat, moto_underwater, NotOnWater, MotoOnGround; native uint8 moto_do_bump, moto_bump_fast, moto_on_oil, moto_on_mud; native double vehForwardScale, vehReverseScale, MotoSpeed; native bool vehTurnLeft, vehTurnRight, vehBraking; // input stuff. //InputPacket sync; /* DDukeActor* GetActor(); int GetPlayerNum(); void apply_seasick(double factor); void backuppos(bool noclipping = false); void backupweapon(); void checkhardlanding(); void playerweaponsway(int xvel); float adjustavel(float avel) { return (psectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)? avel * 0.875f : avel; } */ native bool IsFrozen(); native int GetGameVar(String varname, int defval); } struct DukeWpn { enum dukeweapon_t { KNEE_WEAPON, // 0 PISTOL_WEAPON, SHOTGUN_WEAPON, CHAINGUN_WEAPON, RPG_WEAPON, HANDBOMB_WEAPON, // 5 SHRINKER_WEAPON, DEVISTATOR_WEAPON, TRIPBOMB_WEAPON, FREEZE_WEAPON, HANDREMOTE_WEAPON, // 10 GROW_WEAPON, FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON, // World Tour MIN_WEAPON = 0, MAX_WEAPON = 9, MAX_WEAPONS = 17 } } struct RRWpn { enum redneck_weapon_t { // These names have been pieced together from RedneckGDX and RedNukem because the reconstructed source recycled Duke's names for the first 11 weapons. // Names for 0-2 are the same KNEE_WEAPON, // 0 PISTOL_WEAPON, SHOTGUN_WEAPON, RIFLEGUN_WEAPON, DYNAMITE_WEAPON, CROSSBOW_WEAPON, // 5 THROWSAW_WEAPON, ALIENBLASTER_WEAPON, POWDERKEG_WEAPON, TIT_WEAPON, THROWINGDYNAMITE_WEAPON, // 10 BUZZSAW_WEAPON, BOWLING_WEAPON, MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON, BOAT_WEAPON, SLINGBLADE_WEAPON, // 15 CHICKEN_WEAPON, MAX_WEAPONS } } struct DukeSnd native { // This really needs to be done better... enum EDukeSounds { KICK_HIT = 0, PISTOL_RICOCHET = 1, PISTOL_BODYHIT = 2, PISTOL_FIRE = 3, EJECT_CLIP = 4, INSERT_CLIP = 5, CHAINGUN_FIRE = 6, RPG_SHOOT = 7, POOLBALLHIT = 8, RPG_EXPLODE = 9, CAT_FIRE = 10, SHRINKER_FIRE = 11, ACTOR_SHRINKING = 12, PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE = 13, PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE = 14, LASERTRIP_ONWALL = 15, LASERTRIP_ARMING = 16, LASERTRIP_EXPLODE = 17, VENT_BUST = 18, GLASS_BREAKING = 19, GLASS_HEAVYBREAK = 20, SHORT_CIRCUIT = 21, ITEM_SPLASH = 22, DUKE_BREATHING = 23, DUKE_EXHALING = 24, DUKE_GASP = 25, SLIM_RECOG = 26, DUKE_URINATE = 28, ENDSEQVOL3SND2 = 29, ENDSEQVOL3SND3 = 30, DUKE_PASSWIND = 32, DUKE_CRACK = 33, SLIM_ATTACK = 34, SOMETHINGHITFORCE = 35, DUKE_DRINKING = 36, DUKE_KILLED1 = 37, DUKE_GRUNT = 38, DUKE_HARTBEAT = 39, DUKE_ONWATER = 40, DUKE_DEAD = 41, DUKE_LAND = 42, DUKE_WALKINDUCTS = 43, DUKE_GLAD = 44, DUKE_YES = 45, DUKE_HEHE = 46, DUKE_SHUCKS = 47, DUKE_UNDERWATER = 48, DUKE_JETPACK_ON = 49, DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE = 50, DUKE_JETPACK_OFF = 51, LIZTROOP_GROWL = 52, LIZTROOP_TALK1 = 53, LIZTROOP_TALK2 = 54, LIZTROOP_TALK3 = 55, DUKETALKTOBOSS = 56, LIZCAPT_GROWL = 57, LIZCAPT_TALK1 = 58, LIZCAPT_TALK2 = 59, LIZCAPT_TALK3 = 60, LIZARD_BEG = 61, LIZARD_PAIN = 62, LIZARD_DEATH = 63, LIZARD_SPIT = 64, DRONE1_HISSRATTLE = 65, DRONE1_HISSSCREECH = 66, DUKE_TIP2 = 67, FLESH_BURNING = 68, SQUISHED = 69, TELEPORTER = 70, ELEVATOR_ON = 71, DUKE_KILLED3 = 72, ELEVATOR_OFF = 73, DOOR_OPERATE1 = 74, SUBWAY = 75, SWITCH_ON = 76, FAN = 77, DUKE_GETWEAPON3 = 78, FLUSH_TOILET = 79, HOVER_CRAFT = 80, EARTHQUAKE = 81, INTRUDER_ALERT = 82, END_OF_LEVEL_WARN = 83, ENGINE_OPERATING = 84, REACTOR_ON = 85, COMPUTER_AMBIENCE = 86, GEARS_GRINDING = 87, BUBBLE_AMBIENCE = 88, MACHINE_AMBIENCE = 89, SEWER_AMBIENCE = 90, WIND_AMBIENCE = 91, SOMETHING_DRIPPING = 92, STEAM_HISSING = 93, THEATER_BREATH = 94, BAR_MUSIC = 95, BOS1_ROAM = 96, BOS1_RECOG = 97, BOS1_ATTACK1 = 98, BOS1_PAIN = 99, BOS1_DYING =100, BOS2_ROAM =101, BOS2_RECOG =102, BOS2_ATTACK =103, BOS2_PAIN =104, BOS2_DYING =105, GETATOMICHEALTH =106, DUKE_GETWEAPON2 =107, BOS3_DYING =108, SHOTGUN_FIRE =109, PRED_ROAM =110, PRED_RECOG =111, PRED_ATTACK =112, PRED_PAIN =113, PRED_DYING =114, CAPT_ROAM =115, CAPT_ATTACK =116, CAPT_RECOG =117, CAPT_PAIN =118, CAPT_DYING =119, PIG_ROAM =120, PIG_RECOG =121, PIG_ATTACK =122, PIG_PAIN =123, PIG_DYING =124, RECO_ROAM =125, RECO_RECOG =126, RECO_ATTACK =127, RECO_PAIN =128, RECO_DYING =129, DRON_ROAM =130, DRON_RECOG =131, DRON_ATTACK1 =132, DRON_PAIN =133, DRON_DYING =134, COMM_ROAM =135, COMM_RECOG =136, COMM_ATTACK =137, COMM_PAIN =138, COMM_DYING =139, OCTA_ROAM =140, OCTA_RECOG =141, OCTA_ATTACK1 =142, OCTA_PAIN =143, OCTA_DYING =144, TURR_ROAM =145, TURR_RECOG =146, TURR_ATTACK =147, DUMPSTER_MOVE =148, SLIM_DYING =149, BOS3_ROAM =150, BOS3_RECOG =151, BOS3_ATTACK1 =152, BOS3_PAIN =153, BOS1_ATTACK2 =154, COMM_SPIN =155, BOS1_WALK =156, DRON_ATTACK2 =157, THUD =158, OCTA_ATTACK2 =159, WIERDSHOT_FLY =160, TURR_PAIN =161, TURR_DYING =162, SLIM_ROAM =163, LADY_SCREAM =164, DOOR_OPERATE2 =165, DOOR_OPERATE3 =166, DOOR_OPERATE4 =167, BORNTOBEWILDSND =168, SHOTGUN_COCK =169, GENERIC_AMBIENCE1 =170, GENERIC_AMBIENCE2 =171, GENERIC_AMBIENCE3 =172, GENERIC_AMBIENCE4 =173, GENERIC_AMBIENCE5 =174, GENERIC_AMBIENCE6 =175, BOS3_ATTACK2 =176, GENERIC_AMBIENCE17 =177, GENERIC_AMBIENCE18 =178, GENERIC_AMBIENCE19 =179, GENERIC_AMBIENCE20 =180, GENERIC_AMBIENCE21 =181, GENERIC_AMBIENCE22 =182, SECRETLEVELSND =183, GENERIC_AMBIENCE8 =184, GENERIC_AMBIENCE9 =185, GENERIC_AMBIENCE10 =186, GENERIC_AMBIENCE11 =187, GENERIC_AMBIENCE12 =188, GENERIC_AMBIENCE13 =189, GENERIC_AMBIENCE14 =190, GENERIC_AMBIENCE15 =192, GENERIC_AMBIENCE16 =193, FIRE_CRACKLE =194, BONUS_SPEECH1 =195, BONUS_SPEECH2 =196, BONUS_SPEECH3 =197, PIG_CAPTURE_DUKE =198, BONUS_SPEECH4 =199, DUKE_LAND_HURT =200, DUKE_HIT_STRIPPER1 =201, DUKE_TIP1 =202, DUKE_KILLED2 =203, PRED_ROAM2 =204, PIG_ROAM2 =205, DUKE_GETWEAPON1 =206, DUKE_SEARCH2 =207, DUKE_CRACK2 =208, DUKE_SEARCH =209, DUKE_GET =210, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN =211, MONITOR_ACTIVE =212, NITEVISION_ONOFF =213, DUKE_HIT_STRIPPER2 =214, DUKE_CRACK_FIRST =215, DUKE_USEMEDKIT =216, DUKE_TAKEPILLS =217, DUKE_PISSRELIEF =218, SELECT_WEAPON =219, WATER_GURGLE =220, DUKE_GETWEAPON4 =221, JIBBED_ACTOR1 =222, JIBBED_ACTOR2 =223, JIBBED_ACTOR3 =224, JIBBED_ACTOR4 =225, JIBBED_ACTOR5 =226, JIBBED_ACTOR6 =227, JIBBED_ACTOR7 =228, DUKE_GOTHEALTHATLOW =229, BOSSTALKTODUKE =230, WAR_AMBIENCE1 =231, WAR_AMBIENCE2 =232, WAR_AMBIENCE3 =233, WAR_AMBIENCE4 =234, WAR_AMBIENCE5 =235, WAR_AMBIENCE6 =236, WAR_AMBIENCE7 =237, WAR_AMBIENCE8 =238, WAR_AMBIENCE9 =239, WAR_AMBIENCE10 =240, ALIEN_TALK1 =241, ALIEN_TALK2 =242, EXITMENUSOUND =243, FLY_BY =244, DUKE_SCREAM =245, SHRINKER_HIT =246, RATTY =247, INTO_MENU =248, BONUSMUSIC =249, DUKE_BOOBY =250, DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL =251, DUKE_LOOKINTOMIRROR =252, PIG_ROAM3 =253, KILLME =254, DRON_JETSND =255, SPACE_DOOR1 =256, SPACE_DOOR2 =257, SPACE_DOOR3 =258, SPACE_DOOR4 =259, SPACE_DOOR5 =260, ALIEN_ELEVATOR1 =261, VAULT_DOOR =262, JIBBED_ACTOR13 =263, DUKE_GETWEAPON6 =264, JIBBED_ACTOR8 =265, JIBBED_ACTOR9 =266, JIBBED_ACTOR10 =267, JIBBED_ACTOR11 =268, JIBBED_ACTOR12 =269, DUKE_KILLED4 =270, DUKE_KILLED5 =271, ALIEN_SWITCH1 =272, DUKE_STEPONFECES =273, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN2 =274, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN3 =275, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN4 =276, COMPANB2 =277, KTIT =278, HELICOP_IDLE =279, STEPNIT =280, SPACE_AMBIENCE1 =281, SPACE_AMBIENCE2 =282, SLIM_HATCH =283, RIPHEADNECK =284, FOUNDJONES =285, ALIEN_DOOR1 =286, ALIEN_DOOR2 =287, ENDSEQVOL3SND4 =288, ENDSEQVOL3SND5 =289, ENDSEQVOL3SND6 =290, ENDSEQVOL3SND7 =291, ENDSEQVOL3SND8 =292, ENDSEQVOL3SND9 =293, WHIPYOURASS =294, ENDSEQVOL2SND1 =295, ENDSEQVOL2SND2 =296, ENDSEQVOL2SND3 =297, ENDSEQVOL2SND4 =298, ENDSEQVOL2SND5 =299, ENDSEQVOL2SND6 =300, ENDSEQVOL2SND7 =301, GENERIC_AMBIENCE23 =302, SOMETHINGFROZE =303, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN5 =304, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN6 =305, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN7 =306, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN8 =307, WIND_REPEAT =308, MYENEMY_ROAM =309, MYENEMY_HURT =310, MYENEMY_DEAD =311, MYENEMY_SHOOT =312, STORE_MUSIC =313, STORE_MUSIC_BROKE =314, ACTOR_GROWING =315, NEWBEAST_ROAM =316, NEWBEAST_RECOG =317, NEWBEAST_ATTACK =318, NEWBEAST_PAIN =319, NEWBEAST_DYING =320, NEWBEAST_SPIT =321, VOL4_1 =322, SUPERMARKET =323, MOUSEANNOY =324, BOOKEM =325, SUPERMARKETCRY =326, DESTRUCT =327, EATFOOD =328, MAKEMYDAY =329, WITNESSSTAND =330, VACATIONSPEECH =331, YIPPEE1 =332, YOHOO1 =333, YOHOO2 =334, DOLPHINSND =335, TOUGHGALSND1 =336, TOUGHGALSND2 =337, TOUGHGALSND3 =338, TOUGHGALSND4 =339, TANK_ROAM =340, BOS4_ROAM =341, BOS4_RECOG =342, BOS4_ATTACK =343, BOS4_PAIN =344, BOS4_DYING =345, NEWBEAST_ATTACKMISS =346, VOL4_2 =347, COOKINGDEEPFRIER =348, WHINING_DOG =349, DEAD_DOG =350, LIGHTNING_SLAP =351, THUNDER =352, HAPPYMOUSESND1 =353, HAPPYMOUSESND2 =354, HAPPYMOUSESND3 =355, HAPPYMOUSESND4 =356, ALARM =357, RAIN =358, DTAG_GREENRUN =359, DTAG_BROWNRUN =360, DTAG_GREENSCORE =361, DTAG_BROWNSCORE =362, INTRO4_1 =363, INTRO4_2 =364, INTRO4_3 =365, INTRO4_4 =366, INTRO4_5 =367, INTRO4_6 =368, SCREECH =369, BOSS4_DEADSPEECH =370, BOSS4_FIRSTSEE =371, PARTY_SPEECH =372, POSTAL_SPEECH =373, TGSPEECH =374, DOGROOMSPEECH =375, SMACKED =376, MDEVSPEECH =377, AREA51SPEECH =378, JEEPSOUND =379, BIGDOORSLAM =380, BOS4_LAY =381, WAVESOUND =382, ILLBEBACK =383, VOL4ENDSND1 =384, VOL4ENDSND2 =385, EXPANDERHIT =386, SNAKESPEECH =387, EXPANDERSHOOT =388, GETBACKTOWORK =389, JIBBED_ACTOR14 =390, JIBBED_ACTOR15 =391, INTRO4_B =392, BIGBANG =393, SMACKIT =394, BELLSND =395, GOAWAY =396, JOKE =397, FLAMETHROWER_INTRO =398, FLAMETHROWER_LOOP =399, FLAMETHROWER_END =400, E5L7_DUKE_QUIT_YOU =401, } } struct RRSnd native { enum ESnd { KICK_HIT = 0 , RICOCHET = 1 , BULITHIT = 2 , CASUL_FIRE = 3 , PISCOCK = 4 , PISLOAD = 5 , AK3 = 6 , XBOWFIRE = 7 , BUB_HRT1 = 8 , XBOWEXPL = 9 , LASERA = 10 , SHRINKER = 11 , CRAPFLOW = 12 , DYNOCLMP = 13 , DYNEW = 14 , CRAPSTIR = 15 , BRICDOOR = 16 , BOMBEXPL = 17 , VENTBUST = 18 , GLASSSND = 19 , GLASSHVY = 20 , BUBBLES = 21 , SPLASH = 22 , BUB_HRT2 = 23 , BUB_HRT3 = 24 , GASP = 25 , BUB_HRT4 = 26 , ONECART = 27 , // RR MINEWIND = 28 , URANUS = 29 , MIRROR1 = 27 , // RRRA MIRROR2 = 28 , MIRROR3 = 29 , COMPUTER = 30 , NEON = 31 , VX_FINAL = 32 , LN_WAIT = 33 , BUB_LN1 = 34 , LN_FINAL = 35 , CLOCKTK = 36 , LN_STANK = 37 , LNRD_GRUNT = 38 , CLOCKCHM = 39 , WETFEET = 40 , LNRD_DEAD = 41 , LAND = 42 , END_PIPE = 43 , ICARUMBA = 44 , BUB_LN2 = 45 , LN_CRAP = 46 , WOODBREK = 47 , SCUBA = 48 , TRUCK_LP2 = 49 , COW1 = 50 , COW2 = 51 , COW3 = 52 , COW4 = 53 , COW5 = 54 , BUB_LN3 = 55 , LATCH = 56 , BUB_LN5 = 57 , BUB_LN6 = 58 , BUB_LN7 = 59 , BUB_PIK1 = 60 , BUB_PIK2 = 61 , BUB_PISS = 62 , E1L1 = 63 , E1L2 = 64 , UFOINSID = 65 , LN_RODE = 66 , CURTAIN = 67 , FIRE09 = 68 , SQUISHED = 69 , TELEPORT = 70 , GBELEV01 = 71 , LN_BNCH = 72 , GBELEV02 = 73 , FROG1 = 74 , TRUCK_LP = 75 , SWITCH1 = 76 , E1L3 = 77 , LN_HOTDM = 78 , FLUSH = 79 , E1L4 = 80 , QUAKE = 81 , CHKAMMO = 82 , MONITORA = 83 , FROG2 = 84 , AS_AMB2 = 85 , AS_AMB1 = 86 , FBOATIDL = 87 , FBOATRUN = 88 , FBOATUP = 89 , FBOATDN = 90 , FBOATTRN = 91 , DRIP3 = 92 , SWAMPAMB = 93 , MORTAR = 94 , JUKEBOX = 95 , AS_DROPN = 96 , AS_CRYPT = 97 , AS_DRCLS = 98 , LOKGATE = 99 , METLGAT2 = 100, METLGAT1 = 101, E1L5 = 102, E1L6 = 103, E1L7 = 104, E2L1 = 105, PADDLE = 106, LN_HOLD = 107, VX_TAKIT = 108, SHOT6 = 109, CT_LAF2 = 110, CT_GET = 111, CT_LAF = 112, CT_PAIN = 113, CT_DIE = 114, PIGSOUND1 = 115, PIGSOUND2 = 116, PIGSOUND3 = 117, PIGSOUND4 = 118, PIGSOUND5 = 119, BR_ROAM1 = 120, BR_RECOG = 121, WHISTLE = 122, BR_PAIN = 123, BR_DTH = 124, VX_ISTHT = 125, LASERH = 126, PIGSOUND6 = 127, PIGSOUND7 = 128, VX_DIE1 = 129, MJ_JIB1 = 130, VX_DIE4 = 131, VX_DIE5 = 132, VX_DIE6 = 133, VX_DIE7 = 134, VX_OOH = 135, VX_PAIN1 = 136, VX_SEX1 = 137, VX_SEX2 = 138, VX_SEX3 = 139, VX_GRNT = 140, RENO = 141, BK_MAKE1 = 142, BK_MAKE2 = 143, VX_BRNG3 = 144, VX_CLSR1 = 145, VX_CLSR2 = 146, VX_2FAR = 147, KINGHUH = 148, VX_BRING = 149, VX_BITE = 150, MJ_FART = 151, VX_LAFF2 = 152, VX_LAFF3 = 153, VX_HMMM2 = 154, VX_HURT2 = 155, VX_BABY2 = 156, VX_MHMM = 157, THUD = 158, VX_ITSOK = 159, MJ_RECO2 = 160, // VX_TPOT1 = 161, VX_TPOT4 = 162, // VX_TPIN1 = 163, ROPECRK = 164, DR_CRK8 = 165, DR_ROLL = 166, STEELAMB = 167, ROULETTE = 168, GUNCHANG = 169, FLIES = 170, AMB_1 = 171, GRAVAMB = 172, HOOTOWL = 173, WOODS2 = 174, CATAMB = 175, E2L2 = 176, E2L3 = 177, FBOATX_1 = 178, FBOATX_2 = 179, FBOATX_3 = 180, FBOATX_4 = 181, FBOATSLW = 182, PLANE = 183, CNTAMB = 184, JUNKAMB2 = 185, BIKESTRT = 186, BIKEIDLE = 187, BIKELOOP = 188, BIKEJMPS = 189, BIKEJMPL = 190, BIKELAND = 191, JACKJMP1 = 192, JACKJMP2 = 193, FIRE_CRACKLE = 194, BNS_SPCH1 = 195, BNS_SPCH2 = 196, BNS_SPCH3 = 197, E2L4 = 198, BNS_SPCH4 = 199, LN_LNDHT = 200, JACKATK2 = 201, JACKPAIN = 202, LN_BITCH = 203, CT_LAND = 204, BR_ROAM2 = 205, LN_HUSH = 206, LN_PAIN4 = 207, LN_SLOW = 208, LN_PAIN4A = 209, JUG = 210, LN_PAIN8 = 211, MONITOR = 212, JACKATK1 = 213, BIKEUP = 214, PLANEXP = 215, JUGALUG7 = 216, DIDDLP = 217, ELVISMOD = 218, // PISCOCK = 219, BIKESKID = 220, LN_STINK = 221, JIBBED1 = 222, JIBBED2 = 223, JIBBED3 = 224, JIBBED4 = 225, JIBBED5 = 226, JIBBED6 = 227, JIBBED7 = 228, LN_BACON = 229, E2L5 = 230, REGISTER = 231, BBQGRILL = 232, CRSSBELL = 233, TRAIN = 234, SLOTS = 235, INDIANS = 236, RADIO = 237, BIKEX_1 = 238, BIKEX_2 = 239, BIKEX_3 = 240, TVSNOW = 241, WINDLITE = 242, EXITMENU = 243, CHKBOWFR = 244, DSCREM04 = 245, SHRNK_HIT = 246, CHKBOWEX = 247, INTOMENU = 248, LAVAFLOW = 249, LAVA_RK = 250, BIKELOO2 = 251, SLINGBL = 252, BR_ROAM3 = 253, KILLME = 254, E2L6 = 255, RINTRO = 256, MIRROR4 = 257, MIRROR5 = 258, GAMBELEV = 259, SLINGHIT = 260, PIANO_P1 = 261, BANJO1 = 262, JIBBED13 = 263, LN_BBQ = 264, JIBBED8 = 265, JIBBED9 = 266, JIBBED10 = 267, JIBBED11 = 268, JIBBED12 = 269, LNRD_KILLED4 = 270, LNRD_KILLED5 = 271, BANJO2 = 272, BANJO3 = 273, LN_PAIN2 = 274, LN_PAIN3 = 275, BK_ALIVE = 276, BK_BOURB = 277, BK_CHEER = 278, BK_DIENB = 279, BK_DNTLK = 280, BK_FUN = 281, BK_HEY = 282, E2L7 = 283, BK_HEYNB = 284, BK_JOYRD = 285, BK_KEEPA = 286, BK_PLEAS = 287, BK_RIDE = 288, BK_ROAD = 289, BK_SCRAT = 290, BK_SHTUP = 291, BK_SNORT = 292, BK_TOHEL = 293, WHIPYOU = 294, BK_TRYIN = 295, BK_PAIN1 = 296, BK_PAIN2 = 297, BK_PAIN3 = 298, CH_BALD = 299, CH_TEAS1 = 300, CH_TEAS2 = 301, CH_TEAS3 = 302, CH_SANDP = 303, LN_PAIN5 = 304, LN_PAIN6 = 305, LN_PAIN7 = 306, CH_DONIT = 307, CH_WHOOP = 308, CH_NIPPL = 309, CH_BARN = 310, CH_GTEAM = 311, CH_GOGOG = 312, CH_REDOK = 313, CH_2468 = 314, CH_BIGON = 315, HULK_ROAM = 316, HULK_RECOG = 317, HULK_ATTACK = 318, HULK_PAIN = 319, HULK_DYING = 320, HULK_SPIT = 321, CH_PAIN1 = 322, CH_PAIN2 = 323, CH_PAIN3 = 324, CH_HURT = 325, AK4 = 326, CHKSCR1 = 327, SHIPWREK = 328, HYDROGLY = 329, PIANO_P2 = 330, FROGTOSS = 331, TRAIN2 = 332, CRICKET1 = 333, CRICKET2 = 334, PIGRUNT = 335, GOCATGO = 336, ANNOUNC1 = 337, ANNOUNC2 = 338, TRACTOR = 339, PIANO_P3 = 340, RESIZE = 341, VX_TPIN2 = 342, VX_TPIN4 = 343, VX_HLPME = 344, ATFSPEAK = 345, WINDCAVE = 346, ALARM = 347, SF_THLAW = 348, SF_TLAW2 = 349, LN_SCREW = 350, THUNDER1 = 351, THUNDER2 = 352, THUNDER3 = 353, BOWLSTRT = 354, BOWLPIN = 355, BOWLLOOP = 356, MJ_JIB2 = 357, VX_KICK2 = 358, VX_KICK3 = 359, MJ_RECO1 = 360, VX_HIYA = 361, VX_HIYA2 = 362, SF_ATTN = 363, SF_DETH1 = 364, SF_DETH2 = 365, SF_DETH3 = 366, TEDOUT = 367, SF_FREZ2 = 368, SF_GETYA = 369, SF_HANDS = 370, STEELAM2 = 371, STEELAM3 = 372, SF_HEY = 373, SF_HOLD = 374, SF_LAFF1 = 375, LN_FLYOP = 376, LN_SHTHD = 377, SF_NAME = 378, SF_OVER = 379, SF_PAIN1 = 380, SF_PAIN2 = 381, SF_PAIN3 = 382, SF_RLOAD = 383, SF_RLOD2 = 384, SF_SHOOT = 385, JAWHARP = 386, LN_TIGHT = 387, DR_CLS = 388, SCRAPE_1 = 389, YEHAA16 = 390, LN_WHUP = 391, CHKNFLAP = 392, CHKN_1 = 393, CHKN_2 = 394, CHIKDETH = 395, AMB_ROOM = 396, BR_ITCH = 397, BR_SCRTH = 398, BR_SNIFF = 399, TRUKDIE = 400, ZIPOPEN = 401, ZIPPSTRK = 402, MOSQUI4 = 403, FART1 = 404, SWITCH2 = 405, SQUEAKY = 406, CATDOOR = 407, JUNKSWCH = 408, CONVEYR = 409, SWITCH3 = 410, BIKEENEM = 411, BIGDOOR = 412, FLOODGAT = 413, JACK_RM1 = 414, MN_FREAK = 415, MN_PN = 416, MN_REC = 417, MN_AMB = 418, LOKDOOR = 419, VOMIT = 420, TOSS = 421, FART2 = 422, FART3 = 423, FART4 = 424, CHUG = 425, CROWUSH = 426, WUSSLAF = 427, LN_CITY = 428, MUNCH2 = 429, TESLARC = 430, BUZSAWSND = 431, ELEVLOOP = 432, PISSEND = 433, PISSLOOP = 434, PISSSTRT = 435, CRAP = 436, PEE = 437, JACK_RM2 = 438, BELL = 439, TRAINWRK = 440, DOOR_PKT = 441, GAMBDOOR = 442, OVEN = 443, CREMATOR = 444, JOE9000A = 445, JOE9000B = 446, JOE9000C = 447, CHINESE = 448, SIGNROT = 449, XBOWCOCK = 450, PWDERKEG = 451, DG_BARK1 = 452, DG_GRWL1 = 453, DG_YELP = 454, DG_DIE = 455, UFO = 456, UFOLET = 457, JACKJIB1 = 458, JACKJIB2 = 459, JACKJIB3 = 460, JACKJIB4 = 461, JACKJIB5 = 462, WTRFALL = 463, BK_JIB1 = 464, FRIDGEOP = 465, FRIDGECL = 466, DG_LUNGE = 467, DRIVTHRU = 468, FAN = 469, CRUSHER = 470, BALLOON = 471, POOLBUD = 472, STAMPER = 473, BK_JIB2 = 474, MORNING = 475, DG_BARK2 = 476, DG_GRWL2 = 477, REDNECK2 = 478, XATRIX = 479, MJ_ATTK1 = 480, MJ_JUMP = 485, MJ_PAIN1 = 481, MJ_PAIN2 = 482, MJ_ROAM1 = 483, MJ_ROAM2 = 484, MJ_ROLL = 486, DISHES = 487, BUB_ELV1 = 488, BUB_ELV2 = 489, BUB_ELV3 = 490, BK_JIB3 = 491, CH_JIB1 = 492, CH_JIB2 = 493, CH_JIB3 = 494, SIGNHIT = 495, UMHUM = 496, COYOTE = 497, BUB_HEY1 = 498, BUB_HEY2 = 499, } }