Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph Oelckers
Copyright (C) 2020 Mitchell Richters

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "gameinput.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "build.h"

CVARD(Bool, invertmousex, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "invert horizontal mouse movement")
CVARD(Bool, invertmouse, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "invert vertical mouse movement")

// code fron gameexec/conrun

int getincangle(int a, int na)
	a &= 2047;
	na &= 2047;

	if(abs(a-na) >= 1024)
		if(na > 1024) na -= 2048;
		if(a > 1024) a -= 2048;

	return na-a;

binangle getincanglebam(binangle a, binangle na)
	int64_t cura = a.asbam();
	int64_t newa = na.asbam();

	if(abs(cura-newa) > INT32_MAX)
		if(newa > INT32_MAX) newa -= UINT32_MAX;
		if(cura > INT32_MAX) cura -= UINT32_MAX;

	return bamang(uint32_t(newa-cura));

// Functions for determining whether its turbo turn time (turn key held for a number of tics).

// Turbo turn time.
Blood:     24 * 30 = 720;
Duke: 120 / 8 * 30 = 450;
SW:   120 / 8 * 40 = 600;
Exhumed: N/A;
Average: 590.;


static double turnheldtime;

void updateTurnHeldAmt(double const scaleAdjust)
	turnheldtime += getTicrateScale(BUILDTICRATE, scaleAdjust);

bool isTurboTurnTime()
	return turnheldtime >= getTicrateScale(TURBOTURNBASE);

void resetTurnHeldAmt()
	turnheldtime = 0;

// Player's movement function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.

// Running speed.
Blood: 92 / 4 * 2 * 30 = 1380;
Duke:  15 * 2 * 2 * 30 = 1800;
SW:  28 * 1.40625 * 40 = 1575;   // Precisely, ((((28 * 12) + ((28 * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Exhumed:   12 * 4 * 30 = 1440;
Average: 1548.75;

// Normal speed.
Blood:     92 / 4 * 30 = 690;
Duke:      15 * 2 * 30 = 900;
SW:  18 * 1.40625 * 40 = 1012.5; // Precisely, (((((12 + 6) * 12) + (((12 + 6) * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Exhumed:    8 * 4 * 30 = 960;
Average: 890.625;

// Preamble.
Blood:   N/A;
Exhumed: N/A;
Duke:       5 * 2 * 30 = 300;
SW:   3 * 1.40625 * 40 = 168.75; // Precisely, ((((3 * 12) + ((3 * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Average: 234.375;


void processMovement(InputPacket* const currInput, InputPacket* const inputBuffer, ControlInfo* const hidInput, double const scaleAdjust, int const drink_amt, bool const allowstrafe, double const turnscale)
	// set up variables
	int const running = !!(inputBuffer->actions & SB_RUN);
	int const keymove = gi->playerKeyMove() << running;
	float const mousevelscale = keymove * (1.f / 160.f);
	double const hidprescale = g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED ? 5. : 1.;
	double const hidspeed = getTicrateScale(running ? RUNNINGTURNBASE : NORMALTURNBASE) * BAngToDegree;

	// process mouse and initial controller input.
	if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
		currInput->svel -= xs_CRoundToInt(((hidInput->mousemovex * mousevelscale) + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw * keymove)) * hidprescale);
		currInput->avel += float(hidInput->mouseturnx + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw * hidspeed * turnscale));

	if (!(inputBuffer->actions & SB_AIMMODE))
		currInput->horz -= hidInput->mouseturny;
		currInput->fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousemovey * mousevelscale * hidprescale);

	if (invertmouse)
		currInput->horz = -currInput->horz;

	if (invertmousex)
		currInput->avel = -currInput->avel;

	// process remaining controller input.
	currInput->horz -= float(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch * hidspeed);
	currInput->svel += xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dx * keymove * hidprescale);
	currInput->fvel += xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dz * keymove * hidprescale);

	// process keyboard turning keys.
	if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
		if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
				currInput->svel += keymove;

			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
				currInput->svel -= keymove;
		bool const turnleft = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && !allowstrafe);
		bool const turnright = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && !allowstrafe);

		if (turnleft || turnright)
			float const turnamount = float(scaleAdjust * hidspeed * turnscale * (isTurboTurnTime() ? 1. : double(PREAMBLEBASE) / double(NORMALTURNBASE)));

			if (turnleft)
				currInput->avel -= turnamount;

			if (turnright)
				currInput->avel += turnamount;

	// process keyboard forward/side velocity keys.
	if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
		if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && allowstrafe)
			currInput->svel += keymove;

		if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && allowstrafe)
			currInput->svel -= keymove;
	if (abs(inputBuffer->fvel) < keymove)
		if (isRR() && drink_amt >= 66 && drink_amt <= 87)
			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
				currInput->fvel += keymove;
				currInput->svel += drink_amt & 1 ? keymove : -keymove;

			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
				currInput->fvel -= keymove;
				currInput->svel -= drink_amt & 1 ? keymove : -keymove;
			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
				currInput->fvel += keymove;

			if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
				currInput->fvel -= keymove;

	// add collected input to game's local input accumulation packet.
	inputBuffer->fvel = clamp(inputBuffer->fvel + currInput->fvel, -keymove, keymove);
	inputBuffer->svel = clamp(inputBuffer->svel + currInput->svel, -keymove, keymove);
	inputBuffer->avel += currInput->avel;
	inputBuffer->horz += currInput->horz;

// Player's horizon function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.

// Aim speed.
Duke:      6 * 30 = 180;
SW: (16 / 2) * 40 = 320;
Average: 250.;

// Look speed.
Duke:     12 * 30 = 360;
SW:       16 * 40 = 640;
Average: 500.;

// Return to centre speed.
Duke: (1 / 3) * 30 = 10;
SW:   (1 / 4) * 40 = 10;
Average: 10.;

	AIMSPEED = 250,

void PlayerHorizon::applyinput(float const horz, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust)
	// Process only if movewment isn't locked.
	if (!movementlocked())
		// Test if we have input to process.
		if (horz || *actions & (SB_AIM_UP | SB_AIM_DOWN | SB_LOOK_UP | SB_LOOK_DOWN))
			// Store current horizon as true pitch.
			double pitch = horiz.aspitch();

			// Process mouse input.
			if (horz)
				*actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;
				pitch += horz;

			// Process keyboard input.
			auto doKbdInput = [&](ESyncBits_ const up, ESyncBits_ const down, double const rate, bool const lock)
				if (*actions & (up | down))
					if (lock) *actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; else *actions |= SB_CENTERVIEW;
					double const amount = scaleAdjust * HorizToPitch(getTicrateScale(rate));

					if (*actions & down)
						pitch -= amount;

					if (*actions & up)
						pitch += amount;
			doKbdInput(SB_AIM_UP, SB_AIM_DOWN, AIMSPEED, true);
			doKbdInput(SB_LOOK_UP, SB_LOOK_DOWN, LOOKSPEED, false);

			// clamp before converting back to horizon
			horiz = q16horiz(clamp(PitchToHoriz(pitch), gi->playerHorizMin(), gi->playerHorizMax()));

		// return to center if conditions met.
		if ((*actions & SB_CENTERVIEW) && !(*actions & (SB_LOOK_UP|SB_LOOK_DOWN)))
			scaletozero(horiz, CNTRSPEED, scaleAdjust);
			if (!horiz.asq16()) *actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;
		*actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;

// Player's angle function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.

// Rotate return speed.
Duke: (1 / 2) * 30 = 15;

// Look return speed.
Duke: (1 / 4) * 30 = 7.5;

// Rotating speed.
Duke:      24 * 30 = 720;

// Looking speed.
Duke:     152 * 30 = 4560;

// Spin standing speed.
Duke:     128 * 30 = 3840;
Blood:    128 * 30 = 3840;

// Looking speed.
Blood:     64 * 30 = 1920;

	SPINSTAND = 3840,

void PlayerAngle::applyinput(float const avel, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust)
	// Process angle return to zeros.
	scaletozero(rotscrnang, LOOKROTRETBASE, scaleAdjust);
	scaletozero(look_ang, +LOOKROTRETBASE * 0.5, scaleAdjust);

	// Process keyboard input.
	auto doLookKeys = [&](ESyncBits_ const key, double const direction)
		if (*actions & key)
			look_ang += getscaledangle(LOOKINGSPEED, scaleAdjust * direction);
			rotscrnang -= getscaledangle(ROTATESPEED, scaleAdjust * direction);
	doLookKeys(SB_LOOK_LEFT, -1);
	doLookKeys(SB_LOOK_RIGHT, 1);

	if (!movementlocked())
		if (*actions & SB_TURNAROUND)
			if (spin == 0)
				// currently not spinning, so start a spin
				spin = -1024.;
			*actions &= ~SB_TURNAROUND;

		if (avel)
			// add player's input
			ang += degang(avel);

		if (spin < 0)
			// return spin to 0
			double add = getTicrateScale(!(*actions & SB_CROUCH) ? SPINSTAND : SPINCROUCH, scaleAdjust);
			spin += add;
			if (spin > 0)
				// Don't overshoot our target. With variable factor this is possible.
				add -= spin;
				spin = 0;
			ang += buildfang(add);
		spin = 0;

// Player's slope tilt when playing without a mouse and on a slope.

// Horizoff centre speed.
Duke: (1 / 8) * 30 = 3.75;
SW:   (1 / 8) * 40 = 5;
Average: 4.375;

	// Values used by Duke/SW, where this function originated from.

	// Values used by Blood since it calculates differently to Duke/SW.

void PlayerHorizon::calcviewpitch(vec2_t const pos, binangle const ang, bool const aimmode, bool const canslopetilt, sectortype* const cursectnum, double const scaleAdjust, bool const climbing)
	if (cl_slopetilting && cursectnum != nullptr)
		if (aimmode && canslopetilt) // If the floor is sloped
			// Get a point, 512 (64 for Blood) units ahead of player's position
			int const shift = -(isBlood() ? BLOODSINSHIFT : DEFSINSHIFT);
			int const x = pos.x + ang.bcos(shift);
			int const y = pos.y + ang.bsin(shift);
			auto tempsect = cursectnum;
			updatesector(x, y, &tempsect);

			if (tempsect != nullptr) // If the new point is inside a valid sector...
				// Get the floorz as if the new (x,y) point was still in
				// your sector
				int const j = getflorzofslopeptr(cursectnum, pos.x, pos.y);
				int const k = getflorzofslopeptr(tempsect, x, y);

				// If extended point is in same sector as you or the slopes
				// of the sector of the extended point and your sector match
				// closely (to avoid accidently looking straight out when
				// you're at the edge of a sector line) then adjust horizon
				// accordingly
				if (cursectnum == tempsect || (!isBlood() && abs(getflorzofslopeptr(tempsect, x, y) - k) <= (4 << 8)))
					horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * ((j - k) * (!isBlood() ? DEFVIEWPITCH : BLOODVIEWPITCH))));

		if (climbing)
			// tilt when climbing but you can't even really tell it.
			if (horizoff.asq16() < IntToFixed(100))
				auto temphorizoff = buildhoriz(100) - horizoff;
				horizoff += getscaledhoriz(4.375, scaleAdjust, &temphorizoff, 1.);
			// Make horizoff grow towards 0 since horizoff is not modified when you're not on a slope.
			scaletozero(horizoff, 4.375, scaleAdjust, Sgn(horizoff.asq16()));

FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerAngle& w, PlayerAngle* def)
	if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
		arc("ang", w.ang)
			("lookang", w.look_ang)
			("rotscrnang", w.rotscrnang)
			("spin", w.spin)
			("inputdisabled", w.inputdisabled)

		if (arc.isReading())
			w.oang = w.ang;
			w.olook_ang = w.look_ang;
			w.orotscrnang = w.rotscrnang;
			w.inputdisabled = w.inputdisabled;
	return arc;

FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerHorizon& w, PlayerHorizon* def)
	if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
		arc("horiz", w.horiz)
			("horizoff", w.horizoff)
			("inputdisabled", w.inputdisabled)

		if (arc.isReading())
			w.ohoriz = w.horiz;
			w.ohorizoff = w.horizoff;
			w.inputdisabled = w.inputdisabled;
	return arc;

FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerPosition& w, PlayerPosition* def)
	if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
		arc("pos", w.pos).EndObject();

		if (arc.isReading())
			w.opos = w.pos;
	return arc;