Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors

This file is part of EDuke32.

EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef __gamevars_h__
#define __gamevars_h__

// store global game definitions
enum GamevarFlags_t {
    MAXGAMEVARS        = 2048,       // must be a power of two
    MAXVARLABEL        = 26,
    GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER  = 0x00000001, // per-player variable
    GAMEVAR_PERACTOR   = 0x00000002, // per-actor variable
    GAMEVAR_USER_MASK  = (0x00000001|0x00000002),
    GAMEVAR_RESET      = 0x00000008, // marks var for to default
    GAMEVAR_DEFAULT    = 0x00000100, // allow override
    GAMEVAR_SECRET     = 0x00000200, // don't dump...
    GAMEVAR_NODEFAULT  = 0x00000400, // don't reset on actor spawn
    GAMEVAR_SYSTEM     = 0x00000800, // cannot change mode flags...(only default value)
    GAMEVAR_READONLY   = 0x00001000, // values are read-only (no setvar allowed)
    GAMEVAR_INTPTR     = 0x00002000, // plValues is a pointer to an int32_t
    GAMEVAR_SYNCCHECK  = 0x00004000, // throw warnings during compile if used in local event
    GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR   = 0x00008000, // plValues is a pointer to a short
    GAMEVAR_CHARPTR    = 0x00010000, // plValues is a pointer to a char
    GAMEVAR_NORESET    = 0x00020000, // var values are not reset when restoring map state
    GAMEVAR_SPECIAL    = 0x00040000, // flag for structure member shortcut vars
    GAMEVAR_NOMULTI    = 0x00080000, // don't attach to multiplayer packets

enum GamearrayFlags_t {
    MAXGAMEARRAYS      = (MAXGAMEVARS>>2), // must be lower than MAXGAMEVARS
    GAMEARRAY_NORESET  = 0x00000001,

#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct {
    union {
        intptr_t lValue;
        intptr_t *plValues;     // array of values when 'per-player', or 'per-actor'
    } val;
    intptr_t lDefault;
    uintptr_t dwFlags;
    char *szLabel;
} gamevar_t;

typedef struct {
    char *szLabel;
    int32_t *plValues;     // array of values
    intptr_t size;
    intptr_t bReset;
} gamearray_t;
#pragma pack(pop)

extern gamevar_t aGameVars[MAXGAMEVARS];
extern gamearray_t aGameArrays[MAXGAMEARRAYS];
extern int32_t g_gameVarCount;
extern int32_t g_gameArrayCount;

int32_t __fastcall Gv_GetVar(register int32_t id,register int32_t iActor,register int32_t iPlayer);
int32_t __fastcall Gv_GetVarX(register int32_t id);
int32_t Gv_GetVarByLabel(const char *szGameLabel,int32_t lDefault,int32_t iActor,int32_t iPlayer);
int32_t Gv_NewArray(const char *pszLabel,int32_t asize);
int32_t Gv_NewVar(const char *pszLabel,int32_t lValue,uint32_t dwFlags);
int32_t Gv_ReadSave(int32_t fil,int32_t newbehav);
void __fastcall A_ResetVars(register int32_t iActor);
void __fastcall Gv_SetVar(register int32_t id,register int32_t lValue,register int32_t iActor,register int32_t iPlayer);
void __fastcall Gv_SetVarX(register int32_t id,register int32_t lValue);
void G_FreeMapState(int32_t mapnum);
void Gv_DumpValues(void);
void Gv_Init(void);
void Gv_InitWeaponPointers(void);
void Gv_RefreshPointers(void);
void Gv_RefreshPointers(void);
void Gv_ResetSystemDefaults(void);
void Gv_ResetVars(void);
void Gv_WriteSave(FILE *fil,int32_t newbehav);