#include "duke3d.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "namesdyn.h"
#include "osdfuncs.h"

int32_t osdhightile = 0;

void GAME_drawosdchar(int32_t x, int32_t y, char ch, int32_t shade, int32_t pal)
    int16_t ac;
#if !defined(POLYMOST) || !defined(USE_OPENGL)
    int32_t usehightile = 0;
    int32_t ht = usehightile;

    if (ch == 32) return;
    ac = ch-'!'+STARTALPHANUM;
    if (ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM) return;
    usehightile = (osdhightile && ht);
    rotatesprite(((x<<3)+x)<<16, (y<<3)<<16, 65536l, 0, ac, shade, pal, 8|16, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
    usehightile = ht;

void GAME_drawosdstr(int32_t x, int32_t y, char *ch, int32_t len, int32_t shade, int32_t pal)
    int16_t ac;
    char *ptr = OSD_GetTextPtr();
    char *fmt = OSD_GetFmtPtr();
#if !defined(POLYMOST) || !defined(USE_OPENGL)
    int32_t usehightile = 0;
    int32_t ht = usehightile;

    usehightile = (osdhightile && ht);
    x = (x<<3)+x;

    if (ch > ptr && ch < (ptr + TEXTSIZE))
            if (*ch == 32)
                x += OSDCHAR_WIDTH+1;
            ac = *ch-'!'+STARTALPHANUM;
            if (ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM) { usehightile = ht; return; }

            // use the format byte if the text falls within the bounds of the console buffer
            rotatesprite(x<<16, (y<<3)<<16, 65536, 0, ac, (*(ch-ptr+fmt)&~0x1F)>>4,
                         *(ch-ptr+fmt)&~0xE0, 8|16, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
            x += OSDCHAR_WIDTH+1;
        while (--len);

        usehightile = ht;

        if (*ch == 32)
            x += OSDCHAR_WIDTH+1;
        ac = *ch-'!'+STARTALPHANUM;
        if (ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM) { usehightile = ht; return; }

        rotatesprite(x<<16, (y<<3)<<16, 65536, 0, ac, shade, pal, 8|16, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
        x += OSDCHAR_WIDTH+1;
    while (--len);

    usehightile = ht;

void GAME_drawosdcursor(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t type, int32_t lastkeypress)
    int16_t ac;

    if (type) ac = SMALLFNTCURSOR;
    else ac = '_'-'!'+STARTALPHANUM;

    if (!((GetTime()-lastkeypress) & 0x40l))
        rotatesprite(((x<<3)+x)<<16, ((y<<3)+(type?-1:2))<<16, 65536l, 0, ac, 0, 8, 8|16, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);

int32_t GAME_getcolumnwidth(int32_t w)
    return w/9;

int32_t GAME_getrowheight(int32_t w)
    return w>>3;

//#define BGTILE 311
//#define BGTILE 1156
#define BGTILE 1141	// BIGHOLE
#define BGTILE_SIZEX 128
#define BGTILE_SIZEY 128
#define BITSTH 1+32+8+16	// high translucency
#define BITSTL 1+8+16	// low translucency
#define BITS 8+16+64		// solid
#define SHADE 0
#define PALETTE 4

void GAME_onshowosd(int32_t shown)
    // fix for TCs like Layre which don't have the BGTILE for some reason
    // most of this is copied from my dummytile stuff in defs.c
    if (!tilesizx[BGTILE] || !tilesizy[BGTILE])
        extern char faketile[MAXTILES];
        int32_t j;

        tilesizx[BGTILE] = BGTILE_SIZEX;
        tilesizy[BGTILE] = BGTILE_SIZEY;
        faketile[BGTILE] = 1;
        picanm[BGTILE] = 0;

        j = 15; while ((j > 1) && (pow2long[j] > BGTILE_SIZEX)) j--;
        picsiz[BGTILE] = ((uint8_t)j);
        j = 15; while ((j > 1) && (pow2long[j] > BGTILE_SIZEY)) j--;
        picsiz[BGTILE] += ((uint8_t)(j<<4));

    if (numplayers == 1)
        if ((shown && !ud.pause_on) || (!shown && ud.pause_on))
            KB_KeyDown[sc_Pause] = 1;

void GAME_clearbackground(int32_t c, int32_t r)
    int32_t x, y, xsiz, ysiz, tx2, ty2;
    int32_t daydim, bits;


    if (getrendermode() < 3) bits = BITS;
    else bits = BITSTL;

    daydim = r<<3;

    xsiz = tilesizx[BGTILE];
    tx2 = xdim/xsiz;
    ysiz = tilesizy[BGTILE];
//    ty2 = ydim/ysiz;
    ty2 = daydim/ysiz;

    for (x=tx2; x>=0; x--)
        for (y=ty2; y>=0; y--)
//        for (y=ty2+1;y>=1;y--)
//            rotatesprite(x*xsiz<<16,((daydim-ydim)+(y*ysiz))<<16,65536L,0,BGTILE,SHADE,PALETTE,bits,0,0,xdim,daydim);

    xsiz = tilesizy[BORDTILE];
    tx2 = xdim/xsiz;
    ysiz = tilesizx[BORDTILE];

    for (x=tx2; x>=0; x--)