// Evil and Nasty Configuration File Reader for KenBuild // by Jonathon Fowler #include "compat.h" #include "build.h" #include "editor.h" #include "osd.h" #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN #include "winlayer.h" #endif #include "baselayer.h" static int32_t vesares[13][2] = {{320,200},{360,200},{320,240},{360,240},{320,400}, {360,400},{640,350},{640,400},{640,480},{800,600}, {1024,768},{1280,1024},{1600,1200} }; static int32_t readconfig(BFILE *fp, const char *key, char *value, uint32_t len) { char buf[1000], *k, *v, *eq; int32_t x=0; if (len < 1) return 0; Brewind(fp); while (1) { if (!Bfgets(buf, 1000, fp)) return 0; if (buf[0] == ';') continue; eq = Bstrchr(buf, '='); if (!eq) continue; k = buf; v = eq+1; while (*k == ' ' || *k == '\t') k++; *(eq--) = 0; while ((*eq == ' ' || *eq == '\t') && eq>=k) *(eq--) = 0; if (Bstrcasecmp(k, key)) continue; while (*v == ' ' || *k == '\t') v++; eq = v + Bstrlen(v)-1; while ((*eq == ' ' || *eq == '\t' || *eq == '\r' || *eq == '\n') && eq>=v) *(eq--) = 0; value[--len] = 0; do value[x] = v[x]; while (v[x++] != 0 && len-- > 0); return x-1; } } extern int16_t brightness; extern int32_t vsync; extern char game_executable[BMAX_PATH]; extern int32_t fullscreen; extern char option[9]; extern char keys[NUMBUILDKEYS]; extern char remap[256]; extern int32_t remapinit; extern double msens; extern int32_t editorgridextent, grid, autogrid; static int32_t default_grid=3; extern int32_t showheightindicators; extern int32_t graphicsmode; extern int32_t AmbienceToggle; extern int32_t ParentalLock; /* * SETUP.DAT * 0 = video mode (0:chained 1:vesa 2:screen buffered 3/4/5:tseng/paradise/s3 6:red-blue) * 1 = sound (0:none) * 2 = music (0:none) * 3 = input (0:keyboard 1:+mouse) * 4 = multiplayer (0:single 1-4:com 5-11:ipx) * 5&0xf0 = com speed * 5&0x0f = com irq * 6&0xf0 = chained y-res * 6&0x0f = chained x-res or vesa mode * 7&0xf0 = sound samplerate * 7&0x01 = sound quality * 7&0x02 = 8/16 bit * 7&0x04 = mono/stereo * * bytes 8 to 26 are key settings: * 0 = Forward (0xc8) * 1 = Backward (0xd0) * 2 = Turn left (0xcb) * 3 = Turn right (0xcd) * 4 = Run (0x2a) * 5 = Strafe (0x9d) * 6 = Fire (0x1d) * 7 = Use (0x39) * 8 = Stand high (0x1e) * 9 = Stand low (0x2c) * 10 = Look up (0xd1) * 11 = Look down (0xc9) * 12 = Strafe left (0x33) * 13 = Strafe right (0x34) * 14 = 2D/3D switch (0x9c) * 15 = View cycle (0x1c) * 16 = 2D Zoom in (0xd) * 17 = 2D Zoom out (0xc) * 18 = Chat (0xf) */ int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn) { BFILE *fp; #define VL 256 char val[VL]; int32_t i; if ((fp = Bfopen(fn, "rt")) == NULL) return -1; if (readconfig(fp, "forcesetup", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) forcesetup = 1; else forcesetup = 0; } if (readconfig(fp, "fullscreen", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) fullscreen = 1; else fullscreen = 0; } if (readconfig(fp, "resolution", val, VL) > 0) { i = Batoi(val) & 0x0f; if ((unsigned)i<13) { xdimgame = xdim2d = vesares[i][0]; ydimgame = ydim2d = vesares[i][1]; } } if (readconfig(fp, "2dresolution", val, VL) > 0) { i = Batoi(val) & 0x0f; if ((unsigned)i<13) { xdim2d = vesares[i][0]; ydim2d = vesares[i][1]; } } if (readconfig(fp, "xdim2d", val, VL) > 0) xdim2d = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "ydim2d", val, VL) > 0) ydim2d = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "xdim3d", val, VL) > 0) xdimgame = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "ydim3d", val, VL) > 0) ydimgame = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) option[7] = (Batoi(val) & 0x0f) << 4; if (readconfig(fp, "music", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[2] = 1; else option[2] = 0; } if (readconfig(fp, "mouse", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[3] = 1; else option[3] = 0; } if (readconfig(fp, "bpp", val, VL) > 0) bppgame = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "vsync", val, VL) > 0) vsync = Batoi(val)?1:0; if (readconfig(fp, "editorgridextent", val, VL) > 0) editorgridextent = max(min(262144,Batoi(val)),32768); if (readconfig(fp, "grid", val, VL) > 0) { grid = Batoi(val); default_grid = grid; autogrid = (grid==9); grid = min(max(0, grid), 8); } #ifdef POLYMER if (readconfig(fp, "rendmode", val, VL) > 0) { i = Batoi(val); glrendmode = i; } #endif if (readconfig(fp, "brightness", val, VL) > 0) { brightness = min(max(Batoi(val),0),15); vid_gamma = 1.0 + ((float)brightness / 10.0); } #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN if (readconfig(fp, "maxrefreshfreq", val, VL) > 0) maxrefreshfreq = Batoi(val); #endif #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (readconfig(fp, "usemodels", val, VL) > 0) usemodels = Batoi(val)?1:0; if (readconfig(fp, "usehightile", val, VL) > 0) usehightile = Batoi(val)?1:0; glusetexcache = -1; if (readconfig(fp, "glusetexcache", val, VL) > 0) { glusetexcache = clamp(Batoi(val), 0, 2); } if (readconfig(fp, "gltexfiltermode", val, VL) > 0) { gltexfiltermode = Batoi(val); } if (readconfig(fp, "glanisotropy", val, VL) > 0) { glanisotropy = Batoi(val); } #endif if (readconfig(fp, "gameexecutable", val, VL) > 0) Bstrcpy(game_executable, val); option[0] = 1; // vesa all the way... option[1] = 1; // sound all the way... option[4] = 0; // no multiplayer option[5] = 0; #if 1 if (readconfig(fp, "keyforward", val, VL) > 0) keys[0] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keybackward", val, VL) > 0) keys[1] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[2] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnright", val, VL) > 0) keys[3] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyrun", val, VL) > 0) keys[4] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafe", val, VL) > 0) keys[5] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyfire", val, VL) > 0) keys[6] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyuse", val, VL) > 0) keys[7] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keystandhigh", val, VL) > 0) keys[8] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keystandlow", val, VL) > 0) keys[9] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keylookup", val, VL) > 0) keys[10] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keylookdown", val, VL) > 0) keys[11] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafeleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[12] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keystraferight", val, VL) > 0) keys[13] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "key2dmode", val, VL) > 0) keys[14] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keyviewcycle", val, VL) > 0) keys[15] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomin", val, VL) > 0) keys[16] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomout", val, VL) > 0) keys[17] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); if (readconfig(fp, "keychat", val, VL) > 0) keys[18] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); #endif #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN if (readconfig(fp, "windowpositioning", val, VL) > 0) windowpos = Batoi(val); windowx = -1; if (readconfig(fp, "windowposx", val, VL) > 0) windowx = Batoi(val); windowy = -1; if (readconfig(fp, "windowposy", val, VL) > 0) windowy = Batoi(val); #endif if (readconfig(fp, "keyconsole", val, VL) > 0) { keys[19] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); OSD_CaptureKey(keys[19]); } if (readconfig(fp, "mousesensitivity", val, VL) > 0) msens = Bstrtod(val, NULL); if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigation", val, VL) > 0) unrealedlook = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigationaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_uedaccel = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "quickmapcycling", val, VL) > 0) quickmapcycling = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "revertCTRL", val, VL) > 0) revertCTRL = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "scrollamount", val, VL) > 0) scrollamount = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "turnaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turnaccel = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "turndecel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turndecel = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "autosave", val, VL) > 0) autosave = Batoi(val)*60; if (readconfig(fp, "autosavesec", val, VL) > 0) autosave = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "showheightindicators", val, VL) > 0) showheightindicators = min(max(Batoi(val),0),2); if (readconfig(fp, "graphicsmode", val, VL) > 0) graphicsmode = min(max(Batoi(val),0),2); if (readconfig(fp, "ambiencetoggle", val, VL) > 0) AmbienceToggle = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "parlock", val, VL) > 0) ParentalLock = Batoi(val); if (readconfig(fp, "osdtryscript", val, VL) > 0) m32_osd_tryscript = Batoi(val); for (i=0; i<256; i++) remap[i]=i; remapinit=1; if (readconfig(fp, "remap", val, VL) > 0) { char *p=val; int32_t v1,v2; while (*p) { if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v1))break; if ((p=strchr(p,'-'))==0)break; p++; if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v2))break; remap[v1]=v2; initprintf("Remap %X key to %X\n",v1,v2); if ((p=strchr(p,','))==0)break; p++; } } Bfclose(fp); return 0; } int32_t writesetup(const char *fn) { BFILE *fp; int32_t i,first=1; fp = Bfopen(fn,"wt"); if (!fp) return -1; Bfprintf(fp, "; Always show configuration options on startup\n" "; 0 - No\n" "; 1 - Yes\n" "forcesetup = %d\n" "\n" "; Video mode selection\n" "; 0 - Windowed\n" "; 1 - Fullscreen\n" "fullscreen = %d\n" "\n" "; Video resolution\n" "xdim2d = %d\n" "ydim2d = %d\n" "xdim3d = %d\n" "ydim3d = %d\n" "\n" "; 3D-mode colour depth\n" "bpp = %d\n" "\n" "vsync = %d\n" "\n" #ifdef POLYMER "; Rendering mode\n" "rendmode = %d\n" "\n" #endif "; Grid limits\n" "editorgridextent = %d\n" "; Startup grid size (0-8, 9 is automatic)\n" "grid = %d\n" "\n" #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) "; OpenGL mode options\n" "usemodels = %d\n" "usehightile = %d\n" "glusetexcache = %d\n" "gltexfiltermode = %d\n" "glanisotropy = %d\n" "\n" #endif #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN "; Maximum OpenGL mode refresh rate (Windows only, in Hertz)\n" "maxrefreshfreq = %d\n" "\n" "; Window positioning, 0 = center, 1 = memory\n" "windowpositioning = %d\n" "windowposx = %d\n" "windowposy = %d\n" "\n" #endif "; 3D mode brightness setting\n" "; 0 - lowest\n" "; 15 - highest\n" "brightness = %d\n" "\n" "; Game executable used for map testing\n" "gameexecutable = %s\n" "\n" #if 0 "; Sound sample frequency\n" "; 0 - 6 KHz\n" "; 1 - 8 KHz\n" "; 2 - 11.025 KHz\n" "; 3 - 16 KHz\n" "; 4 - 22.05 KHz\n" "; 5 - 32 KHz\n" "; 6 - 44.1 KHz\n" "samplerate = %d\n" "\n" "; Music playback\n" "; 0 - Off\n" "; 1 - On\n" "music = %d\n" "\n" #endif "; Enable mouse\n" "; 0 - No\n" "; 1 - Yes\n" "mouse = %d\n" "\n" "; Mouse sensitivity\n" "mousesensitivity = %g\n" "\n" "; Mouse navigation\n" "; 0 - No\n" "; 1 - Yes\n" "mousenavigation = %d\n" "\n" "; Mouse navigation acceleration\n" "mousenavigationaccel = %d\n" "\n" "; Quick map cycling (SHIFT)+CTRL+X\n" "; 0 - No\n" "; 1 - Yes\n" "quickmapcycling = %d\n" "\n" "; Revert CTRL for tile selction\n" "; 0 - WHEEL:scrolling, CTRL+WHEEL:zooming\n" "; 1 - CTRL+WHEEL:scrolling, WHEEL:zooming\n" "revertCTRL = %d\n" "\n" "; Scroll amount for WHEEL in the tile selcetion\n" "scrollamount = %d\n" "\n" "; Turning acceleration+declaration\n" "turnaccel = %d\n" "\n" "; Turning deceleration\n" "turndecel = %d\n" "\n" "; Autosave map interval (seconds)\n" "autosavesec = %d\n" "\n" "; Height indicators (0:none, 1:only 2-sided&different, 2:all)\n" "showheightindicators = %d\n" "\n" "; 2D mode display type (0:classic, 1:textured, 2:textured/animated)\n" "graphicsmode = %d\n\n" "; Ambient sounds in 3D mode (0:off, 1:on)\n" "ambiencetoggle = %d\n" "parlock = %d\n" "\n" "; Try executing m32script on invalid command in the OSD? This makes\n" "; typing m32script commands into the OSD directly possible.\n" "osdtryscript = %d\n" "\n" #if 1 "; Key Settings\n" "; Here's a map of all the keyboard scan codes: NOTE: values are listed in hex!\n" "; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "; | 01 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 57 58 46 |\n" "; |ESC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 SCROLL |\n" "; | |\n" "; |29 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E D2 C7 C9 45 B5 37 4A |\n" "; | ` '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '0' - = BACK INS HOME PGUP NUMLK KP/ KP* KP- |\n" "; | |\n" "; | 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 2B D3 CF D1 47 48 49 4E |\n" "; |TAB Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \\ DEL END PGDN KP7 KP8 KP9 KP+ |\n" "; | |\n" "; | 3A 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1C 4B 4C 4D |\n" "; |CAPS A S D F G H J K L ; ' ENTER KP4 KP5 KP6 9C |\n" "; | KPENTER|\n" "; | 2A 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 C8 4F 50 51 |\n" "; |LSHIFT Z X C V B N M , . / RSHIFT UP KP1 KP2 KP3 |\n" "; | |\n" "; | 1D 38 39 B8 9D CB D0 CD 52 53 |\n" "; |LCTRL LALT SPACE RALT RCTRL LEFT DOWN RIGHT KP0 KP. |\n" "; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "\n" "keyforward = %X\n" "keybackward = %X\n" "keyturnleft = %X\n" "keyturnright = %X\n" "keyrun = %X\n" "keystrafe = %X\n" "keyfire = %X\n" "keyuse = %X\n" "keystandhigh = %X\n" "keystandlow = %X\n" "keylookup = %X\n" "keylookdown = %X\n" "keystrafeleft = %X\n" "keystraferight = %X\n" "key2dmode = %X\n" "keyviewcycle = %X\n" "key2dzoomin = %X\n" "key2dzoomout = %X\n" "keychat = %X\n" #endif // "; Console key scancode, in hex\n" "keyconsole = %X\n" "; example: make 'Q' function as CapsLock, KP. as AltGr\n" "; and KP0 as KP5 (counters inability to pan using Shift-KP5-KP8/2\n" "; in 3D mode)\n" "; remap = 10-3A,52-4C,53-B8\n" "remap = ", forcesetup, fullscreen, xdim2d, ydim2d, xdimgame, ydimgame, bppgame, vsync, #ifdef POLYMER glrendmode, #endif editorgridextent, min(max(0, default_grid), 9), #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) usemodels, usehightile, glusetexcache, gltexfiltermode, glanisotropy, #endif #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN maxrefreshfreq, windowpos, windowx, windowy, #endif brightness, game_executable, #if 0 option[7]>>4, option[2], #endif option[3], msens, unrealedlook, pk_uedaccel, quickmapcycling, revertCTRL,scrollamount,pk_turnaccel,pk_turndecel,autosave, showheightindicators,graphicsmode,AmbienceToggle,ParentalLock, !!m32_osd_tryscript, #if 1 keys[0], keys[1], keys[2], keys[3], keys[4], keys[5], keys[6], keys[7], keys[8], keys[9], keys[10], keys[11], keys[12], keys[13], keys[14], keys[15], keys[16], keys[17], keys[18], #endif keys[19] ); for (i=0; i<256; i++) if (remap[i]!=i) { Bfprintf(fp,first?"%02X-%02X":",%02X-%02X",i,remap[i]); first=0; } Bfprintf(fp,"\n"); Bfclose(fp); return 0; }