mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 03:40:47 +00:00
OldMP wip
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 525 additions and 9 deletions
@ -45,6 +45,26 @@ int32_t g_networkMode = NET_CLIENT;
int32_t g_netIndex = 2;
newgame_t pendingnewgame;
uint8_t syncstat, syncval[MAXPLAYERS][MOVEFIFOSIZ];
int32_t syncvalhead[MAXPLAYERS], syncvaltail, syncvaltottail;
input_t dsync[MAXPLAYERS], loc;
int32_t avgfvel, avgsvel, avgavel, avghorz, avgbits;
int32_t movefifosendplc;
int32_t movefifoend[MAXPLAYERS];
vec3_t mypos, omypos, myvel;
fix16_t myhoriz, omyhoriz, myhorizoff, omyhorizoff, myang, omyang;
int16_t mycursectnum, myjumpingcounter;
uint8_t myjumpingtoggle, myonground, myhardlanding, myreturntocenter;
int32_t fakemovefifoplc, movefifoplc;
vec3_t myposbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ];
fix16_t myhorizbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ], myangbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ];
int32_t myminlag[MAXPLAYERS], mymaxlag, otherminlag, bufferjitter = 1;
void faketimerhandler(void) {}
@ -246,6 +266,503 @@ void Net_WaitForServer(void)
void Net_ResetPrediction(void)
mypos = omypos = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->pos;
myvel = { 0, 0, 0 };
myang = omyang = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->q16ang;
myhoriz = omyhoriz = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->q16horiz;
myhorizoff = omyhorizoff = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->q16horizoff;
mycursectnum = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->cursectnum;
myjumpingcounter = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->jumping_counter;
myjumpingtoggle = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->jumping_toggle;
myonground = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->on_ground;
myhardlanding = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->hard_landing;
myreturntocenter = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->return_to_center;
void Net_Predict(void)
// NUKE-TODO: Add RR code
DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer = g_player[myconnectindex].ps;
spritetype *const pSprite = &sprite[pPlayer->i];
input_t *const pInput = &inputfifo[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex];
int16_t backcstat = pSprite->cstat;
pSprite->cstat &= ~257;
uint32_t playerBits = pInput->bits;
int sectorLotag = sector[mycursectnum].lotag;
uint8_t spritebridge = 0;
int stepHeight, centerHoriz;
int16_t ceilingBunch, floorBunch;
if (ud.noclip == 0 && (mycursectnum < 0 || mycursectnum >= MAXSECTORS || sector[mycursectnum].floorpicnum == MIRROR))
mypos.x = omypos.x;
mypos.y = omypos.y;
omypos.x = mypos.x;
omypos.y = mypos.y;
omyhoriz = myhoriz;
omyhorizoff = myhorizoff;
omypos.z = mypos.z;
omyang = myang;
int32_t floorZ, ceilZ, highZhit, lowZhit;
getzrange(&mypos, mycursectnum, &ceilZ, &highZhit, &floorZ, &lowZhit, 163, CLIPMASK0);
int truecz, truefz;
getzsofslope_player(mycursectnum, mypos.x, mypos.y, &truecz, &truefz);
getzsofslope(psect, mypos.x, mypos.y, &truecz, &truefz);
int const trueFloorZ = truefz;
int const trueFloorDist = klabs(mypos.z - trueFloorZ);
if ((lowZhit & 49152) == 16384 && sectorLotag == 1 && trueFloorDist > PHEIGHT + ZOFFSET2)
sectorLotag = 0;
// calculates automatic view angle for playing without a mouse
if (pPlayer->aim_mode == 0 && myonground && sectorLotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER
&& (sector[mycursectnum].floorstat & 2))
vec2_t const adjustedPlayer = { mypos.x + (sintable[(fix16_to_int(myang) + 512) & 2047] >> 5),
mypos.y + (sintable[fix16_to_int(myang) & 2047] >> 5) };
int16_t curSectNum = mycursectnum;
updatesector(adjustedPlayer.x, adjustedPlayer.y, &curSectNum);
if (curSectNum >= 0)
int const slopeZ = getflorzofslope(mycursectnum, adjustedPlayer.x, adjustedPlayer.y);
if ((mycursectnum == curSectNum) ||
(klabs(getflorzofslope(curSectNum, adjustedPlayer.x, adjustedPlayer.y) - slopeZ) <= ZOFFSET6))
myhorizoff += fix16_from_int(mulscale16(trueFloorZ - slopeZ, 160));
if (myhorizoff > 0)
myhorizoff -= ((myhorizoff >> 3) + fix16_one);
myhorizoff = max(myhorizoff, 0);
else if (myhorizoff < 0)
myhorizoff += (((-myhorizoff) >> 3) + fix16_one);
myhorizoff = min(myhorizoff, 0);
if (highZhit >= 0 && (highZhit&49152) == 49152)
highZhit &= (MAXSPRITES-1);
if (sprite[highZhit].statnum == STAT_ACTOR && sprite[highZhit].extra >= 0)
highZhit = 0;
ceilZ = truecz;
if (lowZhit >= 0 && (lowZhit&49152) == 49152)
int spriteNum = lowZhit&(MAXSPRITES-1);
if ((sprite[spriteNum].cstat&33) == 33)
sectorLotag = 0;
spritebridge = 1;
//pPlayer->sbs = spriteNum;
else if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[spriteNum]) && sprite[spriteNum].xrepeat > 24
&& klabs(pSprite->z - sprite[spriteNum].z) < (84 << 8))
// TX: I think this is what makes the player slide off enemies... might
// be a good sprite flag to add later.
// Helix: there's also SLIDE_ABOVE_ENEMY.
int spriteAng = getangle(sprite[spriteNum].x - mypos.x,
sprite[spriteNum].y - mypos.y);
myvel.x -= sintable[(spriteAng + 512) & 2047] << 4;
myvel.y -= sintable[spriteAng & 2047] << 4;
int velocityModifier = TICSPERFRAME;
int floorZOffset = 40;
int const playerShrunk = (pSprite->yrepeat < 32);
if (pSprite->extra <= 0)
if (sectorLotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)
if (pPlayer->on_warping_sector == 0)
if (klabs(mypos.z - floorZ) >(PHEIGHT>>1))
mypos.z += 348;
clipmove(&mypos, &mycursectnum,
0, 0, 164, (4L<<8), (4L<<8), CLIPMASK0);
updatesector(mypos.x, mypos.y, &mycursectnum);
pushmove(&mypos, &mycursectnum, 128L, (4L<<8), (20L<<8), CLIPMASK0);
myhoriz = F16(100);
myhorizoff = 0;
if (pPlayer->on_crane >= 0)
if (pPlayer->one_eighty_count < 0)
myang += F16(128);
if (sectorLotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)
myjumpingcounter = 0;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP))
myvel.z = max(min(-348, myvel.z - 348), -(256 * 6));
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CROUCH))
myvel.z = min(max(348, myvel.z + 348), (256 * 6));
// normal view
if (myvel.z < 0)
myvel.z = min(0, myvel.z + 256);
if (myvel.z > 0)
myvel.z = max(0, myvel.z - 256);
if (myvel.z > 2048)
myvel.z >>= 1;
mypos.z += myvel.z;
if (mypos.z > (floorZ-(15<<8)))
mypos.z += ((floorZ-(15<<8))-mypos.z)>>1;
if (mypos.z < ceilZ+ZOFFSET6)
mypos.z = ceilZ+ZOFFSET6;
myvel.z = 0;
else if (pPlayer->jetpack_on)
myonground = 0;
myjumpingcounter = 0;
myhardlanding = 0;
if (pPlayer->jetpack_on < 11)
mypos.z -= (pPlayer->jetpack_on<<7); //Goin up
int const zAdjust = playerShrunk ? 512 : 2048;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP)) // jumping, flying up
mypos.z -= zAdjust;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CROUCH)) // crouching, flying down
mypos.z += zAdjust;
int const Zdiff = (playerShrunk == 0 && (sectorLotag == 0 || sectorLotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)) ? 32 : 16;
if (mypos.z > (floorZ - (Zdiff << 8)))
mypos.z += ((floorZ - (Zdiff << 8)) - mypos.z) >> 1;
if (mypos.z < (ceilZ + (18 << 8)))
mypos.z = ceilZ + (18 << 8);
if (sectorLotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && spritebridge == 0)
floorZOffset = playerShrunk ? 12 : 34;
if (mypos.z < (floorZ-(floorZOffset<<8))) //falling
if ((!TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP) && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CROUCH)) && myonground &&
(sector[mycursectnum].floorstat & 2) && mypos.z >= (floorZ - (floorZOffset << 8) - ZOFFSET2))
mypos.z = floorZ - (floorZOffset << 8);
myonground = 0;
myvel.z += (g_spriteGravity + 80);
if (myvel.z >= (4096 + 2048))
myvel.z = (4096 + 2048);
if ((sectorLotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && sectorLotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) &&
(myonground == 0 && myvel.z > (6144 >> 1)))
myhardlanding = myvel.z>>10;
myonground = 1;
if (floorZOffset == 40)
//Smooth on the ground
int Zdiff = ((floorZ - (floorZOffset << 8)) - mypos.z) >> 1;
if (klabs(Zdiff) < 256)
Zdiff = 0;
mypos.z += ((klabs(Zdiff) >= 256) ? (((floorZ - (floorZOffset << 8)) - mypos.z) >> 1) : 0);
//myz += k; // ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1;
myvel.z -= 768; // 412;
if (myvel.z < 0)
myvel.z = 0;
else if (myjumpingcounter == 0)
mypos.z += ((floorZ - (floorZOffset << 7)) - mypos.z) >> 1; // Smooth on the water
if (pPlayer->on_warping_sector == 0 && mypos.z > floorZ - ZOFFSET2)
mypos.z = floorZ - ZOFFSET2;
myvel.z >>= 1;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CROUCH))
mypos.z += (2048+768);
if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP) && myjumpingtoggle == 1)
myjumpingtoggle = 0;
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP) && myjumpingtoggle == 0)
if (myjumpingcounter == 0)
if ((floorZ-ceilZ) > (56<<8))
myjumpingcounter = 1;
myjumpingtoggle = 1;
if (myjumpingcounter && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP))
myjumpingcounter = 0;
if (myjumpingcounter)
if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JUMP) == 0 && myjumpingtoggle == 1)
myjumpingtoggle = 0;
if (myjumpingcounter < (1024+256))
if (sectorLotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && myjumpingcounter > 768)
myjumpingcounter = 0;
myvel.z = -512;
myvel.z -= (sintable[(2048-128+myjumpingcounter)&2047])/12;
myjumpingcounter += 180;
myonground = 0;
myjumpingcounter = 0;
myvel.z = 0;
mypos.z += myvel.z;
if (mypos.z < (ceilZ+ZOFFSET6))
myjumpingcounter = 0;
if (myvel.z < 0)
myvel.x = myvel.y = 0;
myvel.z = 128;
mypos.z = ceilZ+ZOFFSET6;
if (pPlayer->fist_incs || pPlayer->transporter_hold > 2 || myhardlanding || pPlayer->access_incs > 0 ||
pPlayer->knee_incs > 0 || (pPlayer->curr_weapon == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON &&
pPlayer->kickback_pic > 1 && pPlayer->kickback_pic < 4))
velocityModifier = 0;
myvel.x = 0;
myvel.y = 0;
else if (pInput->q16avel) //p->ang += syncangvel * constant
fix16_t const inputAng = pInput->q16avel;
myang += (sectorLotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) ? fix16_mul(inputAng - (inputAng >> 3), fix16_from_int(ksgn(velocityModifier)))
: fix16_mul(inputAng, fix16_from_int(ksgn(velocityModifier)));
myang &= 0x7FFFFFF;
if (myvel.x || myvel.y || pInput->fvel || pInput->svel)
if (pPlayer->jetpack_on == 0 && pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0 && pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400)
velocityModifier <<= 1;
myvel.x += ((pInput->fvel * velocityModifier) << 6);
myvel.y += ((pInput->svel * velocityModifier) << 6);
int playerSpeedReduction = 0;
if (myonground && (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CROUCH)
|| (pPlayer->kickback_pic > 10 && pPlayer->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON)))
playerSpeedReduction = 0x2000;
else if (sectorLotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)
playerSpeedReduction = 0x1400;
myvel.x = mulscale16(myvel.x, pPlayer->runspeed - playerSpeedReduction);
myvel.y = mulscale16(myvel.y, pPlayer->runspeed - playerSpeedReduction);
if (klabs(myvel.x) < 2048 && klabs(myvel.y) < 2048)
myvel.x = myvel.y = 0;
if (playerShrunk)
myvel.x = mulscale16(myvel.x, pPlayer->runspeed - (pPlayer->runspeed >> 1) + (pPlayer->runspeed >> 2));
myvel.y = mulscale16(myvel.y, pPlayer->runspeed - (pPlayer->runspeed >> 1) + (pPlayer->runspeed >> 2));
stepHeight = (sectorLotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || spritebridge == 1) ? pPlayer->autostep_sbw : pPlayer->autostep;
if (mycursectnum >= 0)
yax_getbunches(mycursectnum, &ceilingBunch, &floorBunch);
// This updatesectorz conflicts with Duke3D's way of teleporting through water,
// so make it a bit conditional... OTOH, this way we have an ugly z jump when
// changing from above water to underwater
if ((mycursectnum >= 0 && !(sector[mycursectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && myonground && floorBunch >= 0))
&& ((floorBunch >= 0 && !(sector[mycursectnum].floorstat & 512))
|| (ceilingBunch >= 0 && !(sector[mycursectnum].ceilingstat & 512))))
mycursectnum += MAXSECTORS; // skip initial z check, restored by updatesectorz
updatesectorz(mypos.x, mypos.y, mypos.z, &mycursectnum);
clipmove(&mypos, &mycursectnum, myvel.x, myvel.y, 164, (4L << 8), stepHeight, CLIPMASK0);
pushmove(&mypos, &mycursectnum, 164, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0);
// This makes the player view lower when shrunk. NOTE that it can get the
// view below the sector floor (and does, when on the ground).
if (pPlayer->jetpack_on == 0 && sectorLotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && sectorLotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && playerShrunk)
mypos.z += ZOFFSET5;
centerHoriz = 0;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_CENTER_VIEW) || myhardlanding)
myreturntocenter = 9;
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_UP))
myreturntocenter = 9;
myhoriz += fix16_from_int(12<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_DOWN))
myreturntocenter = 9;
myhoriz -= fix16_from_int(12<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_UP))
myhoriz += fix16_from_int(6<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_DOWN))
myhoriz -= fix16_from_int(6<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
if (myreturntocenter > 0 && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_UP) && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_DOWN))
myhoriz += F16(33)-fix16_div(myhoriz, F16(3));
if (myhardlanding > 0)
myhoriz -= fix16_from_int(myhardlanding<<4);
myhoriz = fix16_clamp(myhoriz + pInput->q16horz, F16(HORIZ_MIN), F16(HORIZ_MAX));
if (centerHoriz)
if (myhoriz > F16(95) && myhoriz < F16(105)) myhoriz = F16(100);
if (myhorizoff > F16(-5) && myhorizoff < F16(5)) myhorizoff = 0;
if (pPlayer->knee_incs > 0)
myhoriz -= F16(48);
myreturntocenter = 9;
myposbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = mypos;
myangbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myang;
myhorizbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myhoriz;
pSprite->cstat = backcstat;
void Net_PredictionCorrect(void)
if (numplayers < 2)
int i = ((movefifoplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1));
DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[myconnectindex].ps;
if (!Bmemcmp(&p->pos, &myposbak[i], sizeof(vec3_t))
&& p->q16horiz == myhorizbak[i] && p->q16ang == myangbak[i]) return;
mypos = p->pos; omypos = p->opos, myvel = p->vel;
myang = p->q16ang; omyang = p->oq16ang;
mycursectnum = p->cursectnum;
myhoriz = p->q16horiz; omyhoriz = p->oq16horiz;
myhorizoff = p->q16horizoff; omyhorizoff = p->oq16horizoff;
myjumpingcounter = p->jumping_counter;
myjumpingtoggle = p->jumping_toggle;
myonground = p->on_ground;
myhardlanding = p->hard_landing;
myreturntocenter = p->return_to_center;
fakemovefifoplc = movefifoplc;
while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex])
@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ static int P_DoFist(DukePlayer_t *pPlayer)
static void getzsofslope_player(int sectNum, int playerX, int playerY, int32_t *pCeilZ, int32_t *pFloorZ)
void getzsofslope_player(int sectNum, int playerX, int playerY, int32_t *pCeilZ, int32_t *pFloorZ)
int didCeiling = 0;
@ -7959,26 +7959,22 @@ HORIZONLY:;
pPlayer->q16horiz += fix16_from_int(12<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_DOWN))
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_LOOK_DOWN))
pPlayer->return_to_center = 9;
pPlayer->q16horiz -= fix16_from_int(12<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_UP) && (!RRRA || !pPlayer->on_motorcycle))
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_UP) && (!RRRA || !pPlayer->on_motorcycle))
pPlayer->q16horiz += fix16_from_int(6<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_DOWN) && (!RRRA || !pPlayer->on_motorcycle))
else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_AIM_DOWN) && (!RRRA || !pPlayer->on_motorcycle))
pPlayer->q16horiz -= fix16_from_int(6<<(int)(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_RUN)));
if (RR && pPlayer->recoil && *weaponFrame == 0)
int delta = pPlayer->recoil >> 1;
@ -8002,7 +7998,7 @@ HORIZONLY:;
pPlayer->q16horiz -= fix16_from_int(pPlayer->hard_landing<<4);
pPlayer->q16horiz = fix16_clamp(pPlayer->q16horiz + g_player[playerNum].inputBits->q16horz, F16(HORIZ_MIN), F16(HORIZ_MAX));
pPlayer->q16horiz = fix16_clamp(pPlayer->q16horiz + (ud.recstat == 2 && g_demo_legacy && !pPlayer->aim_mode) ? 0 : g_player[playerNum].inputBits->q16horz, F16(HORIZ_MIN), F16(HORIZ_MAX));
if (ud.recstat == 2 && g_demo_legacy) centerHoriz = !pPlayer->aim_mode;
@ -270,6 +270,9 @@ void P_DisplayWeapon(void);
void P_DropWeapon(int playerNum);
int P_FindOtherPlayer(int playerNum, int32_t *pDist);
void P_FragPlayer(int playerNum);
void getzsofslope_player(int sectNum, int playerX, int playerY, int32_t *pCeilZ, int32_t *pFloorZ);
void P_UpdatePosWhenViewingCam(DukePlayer_t *pPlayer);
void P_ProcessInput(int playerNum);
void P_QuickKill(DukePlayer_t *pPlayer);
Reference in a new issue