mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 03:40:47 +00:00
- actNapalmMove - another previously unnamed function.
# Conflicts: # source/games/blood/src/aiunicult.cpp
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 78 additions and 46 deletions
@ -2718,42 +2718,54 @@ void actRadiusDamage(DBloodActor* source, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int
void sub_2AA94(DBloodActor* actor)
auto pXSprite = &actor->x();
auto pSprite = &actor->s();
int nOwner = pSprite->owner;
actPostSprite(pSprite->index, kStatDecoration);
seqSpawn(9, 3, pSprite->extra);
if (Chance(0x8000))
pSprite->cstat |= 4;
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 303, 24+(pSprite->flags&3), 1);
actRadiusDamage(actor->GetOwner(), pSprite->x, pSprite->y, pSprite->z, pSprite->sectnum, 128, 0, 60, DAMAGE_TYPE_3, 15, 120);
if (pXSprite->data4 > 1)
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_5, NULL, NULL);
int v14[2];
v14[0] = pXSprite->data4>>1;
v14[1] = pXSprite->data4-v14[0];
int v4 = pSprite->ang;
xvel[pSprite->index] = 0;
yvel[pSprite->index] = 0;
zvel[pSprite->index] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
int t1 = Random(0x33333)+0x33333;
int t2 = Random2(0x71);
pSprite->ang = (t2+v4+2048)&2047;
spritetype *pSprite2 = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, 0, -0x93d0, kThingNapalmBall, t1);
XSPRITE *pXSprite2 = &xsprite[pSprite2->extra];
pSprite2->owner = pSprite->owner;
seqSpawn(61, 3, pSprite2->extra, nNapalmClient);
pXSprite2->data4 = v14[i];
static void actNapalmMove(DBloodActor* actor)
auto pXSprite = &actor->x();
auto pSprite = &actor->s();
auto pOwner = actor->GetOwner();
actPostSprite(actor, kStatDecoration);
seqSpawn(9, actor);
if (Chance(0x8000)) pSprite->cstat |= 4;
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 303, 24 + (pSprite->flags & 3), 1);
actRadiusDamage(pOwner, pSprite->x, pSprite->y, pSprite->z, pSprite->sectnum, 128, 0, 60, DAMAGE_TYPE_3, 15, 120);
if (pXSprite->data4 > 1)
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_5, NULL, NULL);
int spawnparam[2];
spawnparam[0] = pXSprite->data4 >> 1;
spawnparam[1] = pXSprite->data4 - spawnparam[0];
int ang = pSprite->ang;
actor->xvel() = 0;
actor->yvel() = 0;
actor->zvel() = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
int t1 = Random(0x33333) + 0x33333;
int rndang = Random2(0x71);
pSprite->ang = (rndang + ang + 2048) & 2047;
auto spawned = actFireThing(actor, 0, 0, -0x93d0, kThingNapalmBall, t1);
seqSpawn(61, spawned, nNapalmClient);
spawned->x().data4 = spawnparam[i];
spritetype *actSpawnFloor(spritetype *pSprite)
short nSector = pSprite->sectnum;
@ -4431,7 +4443,7 @@ int MoveThing(spritetype *pSprite)
switch (pSprite->type) {
case kThingNapalmBall:
if (zvel[nSprite] == 0 || Chance(0xA000)) sub_2AA94(&bloodActors[pXSprite->reference]);
if (zvel[nSprite] == 0 || Chance(0xA000)) actNapalmMove(&bloodActors[pXSprite->reference]);
case kThingZombieHead:
if (abs(zvel[nSprite]) > 0x80000) {
@ -6258,7 +6270,7 @@ spritetype * actSpawnThing(int nSector, int x, int y, int z, int nThingType)
return pSprite;
spritetype * actFireThing(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6)
spritetype * actFireThing_(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6)
assert(thingType >= kThingBase && thingType < kThingMax);
int x = pSprite->x+MulScale(a2, Cos(pSprite->ang+512), 30);
@ -6283,6 +6295,12 @@ spritetype * actFireThing(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thing
return pThing;
DBloodActor* actFireThing(DBloodActor* pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6)
auto spr = actFireThing_(&pSprite->s(), a2, a3, a4, thingType, a6);
return &bloodActors[spr->index];
spritetype* actFireMissile(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int nType)
@ -6872,6 +6890,11 @@ void actPostSprite(int nSprite, int nStatus)
gPost[n].status = nStatus;
void actPostSprite(DBloodActor* actor, int status)
actPostSprite(actor->s().index, status);
void actPostProcess(void)
for (int i = 0; i < gPostCount; i++)
@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ void actInit(bool bSaveLoad);
int actWallBounceVector(int *x, int *y, int nWall, int a4);
int actFloorBounceVector(int *x, int *y, int *z, int nSector, int a5);
void actRadiusDamage(DBloodActor* source, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nDist, int a7, int a8, DAMAGE_TYPE a9, int a10, int a11);
void sub_2AA94(DBloodActor *actor);
spritetype *actSpawnFloor(spritetype *pSprite);
spritetype *actDropAmmo(spritetype *pSprite, int nType);
spritetype *actDropWeapon(spritetype *pSprite, int nType);
@ -243,13 +242,16 @@ spritetype * actSpawnSprite(int nSector, int x, int y, int z, int nStat, char a6
spritetype *actSpawnDude(spritetype *pSource, short nType, int a3, int a4);
spritetype * actSpawnSprite(spritetype *pSource, int nStat);
spritetype * actSpawnThing(int nSector, int x, int y, int z, int nThingType);
spritetype * actFireThing(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6);
spritetype * actFireThing_(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6);
DBloodActor* actFireThing(DBloodActor* pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int thingType, int a6);
spritetype* actFireMissile(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int nType);
int actGetRespawnTime(spritetype *pSprite);
bool actCheckRespawn(spritetype *pSprite);
bool actCanSplatWall(int nWall);
void actFireVector(spritetype *pShooter, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType);
void actPostSprite(int nSprite, int nStatus);
void actPostSprite(DBloodActor* actor, int status);
void actPostProcess(void);
void MakeSplash(DBloodActor *actor);
void actBuildMissile(spritetype* pMissile, int nXSprite, int nSprite);
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void cultThrowSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
int nDist2 = nDist / 540;
if (nDist > 0x1e00)
v4 = 0;
spritetype *pMissile = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, 0, dz/128-14500, nMissile, (nDist2<<23)/120);
spritetype *pMissile = actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, 0, dz/128-14500, nMissile, (nDist2<<23)/120);
if (v4)
xsprite[pMissile->extra].Impact = 1;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void sub_68170(int, DBloodActor* actor)
if (gGameOptions.nDifficulty > 2)
nMissile = kThingArmedTNTBundle;
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 455, -1, 0);
spritetype* pMissile = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 9460, nMissile, 0x133333);
spritetype* pMissile = actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 9460, nMissile, 0x133333);
evPost(pMissile->index, 3, 120*(2+Random(2)), kCmdOn);
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void sub_68230(int, DBloodActor* actor)
int dz = pTarget->z - pSprite->z;
int nDist = approxDist(dx, dy);
int nDist2 = nDist / 540;
spritetype *pMissile = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, 0, dz/128-14500, nMissile, (nDist2<<17)/120);
spritetype *pMissile = actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, 0, dz/128-14500, nMissile, (nDist2<<17)/120);
xsprite[pMissile->extra].Impact = 1;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void ThrowFSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
XSPRITE* pXSprite = &actor->x();
spritetype* pSprite = &actor->s();
actFireThing(&actor->s(), 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope-7500, kThingBone, 0xeeeee);
actFireThing_(&actor->s(), 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope-7500, kThingBone, 0xeeeee);
void BlastSSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void BlastSSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
void ThrowSSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
spritetype* pSprite = &actor->s();
actFireThing(pSprite, 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 7500, kThingBone, Chance(0x6000) ? 0x133333 : 0x111111);
actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 7500, kThingBone, Chance(0x6000) ? 0x133333 : 0x111111);
static void gargThinkTarget(DBloodActor* actor)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void ghostSlashSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
void ghostThrowSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
actFireThing(&actor->s(), 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 7500, kThingBone, 0xeeeee);
actFireThing_(&actor->s(), 0, 0, actor->dudeSlope - 7500, kThingBone, 0xeeeee);
void ghostBlastSeqCallback(int, DBloodActor* actor)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void podAttack(int, DBloodActor* actor)
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 2474, -1, 0);
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 2475, -1, 0);
pMissile = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, -8000, dz/128-14500, kThingPodGreenBall, (nDist2<<23)/120);
pMissile = actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, -8000, dz/128-14500, kThingPodGreenBall, (nDist2<<23)/120);
if (pMissile)
seqSpawn(68, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ void podAttack(int, DBloodActor* actor)
if (pDudeInfo->seeDist*0.1 < nDist)
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 2454, -1, 0);
pMissile = actFireThing(pSprite, 0, -8000, dz/128-14500, kThingPodFireBall, (nDist2<<23)/120);
pMissile = actFireThing_(pSprite, 0, -8000, dz/128-14500, kThingPodFireBall, (nDist2<<23)/120);
if (pMissile)
seqSpawn(22, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ spritetype *playerFireMissile(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, i
spritetype * playerFireThing(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int thingType, int a5)
assert(thingType >= kThingBase && thingType < kThingMax);
return actFireThing(pPlayer->pSprite, a2, pPlayer->zWeapon-pPlayer->pSprite->z, pPlayer->slope+a3, thingType, a5);
return actFireThing_(pPlayer->pSprite, a2, pPlayer->zWeapon-pPlayer->pSprite->z, pPlayer->slope+a3, thingType, a5);
void playerFrag(PLAYER *pKiller, PLAYER *pVictim)
@ -586,6 +586,11 @@ void seqSpawn(int nSeqID, int type, int nXIndex, int callback)
void seqSpawn(int a1, DBloodActor* actor, int a4)
seqSpawn(a1, 3, actor->s().extra, a4);
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ void seqPrecacheId(int id, int palette);
SEQINST* GetInstance(int a1, int a2);
void UnlockInstance(SEQINST* pInst);
void seqSpawn(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4 = -1);
void seqSpawn(int a1, DBloodActor* actor, int a4 = -1);
void seqKill(int a1, int a2);
void seqKillAll(void);
int seqGetStatus(int a1, int a2);
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