mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 18:12:00 +00:00
- first stage of new savegame code.
This also refactors the animateptr array into something serializable. This kind of pointer lookup is virtually unrestorable without creating platform locked savegames.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 421 additions and 247 deletions
@ -3464,7 +3464,7 @@ void handle_se08(int i, bool checkhitag1)
j = 1;
else j = getanimationgoal(&sc->ceilingz);
else j = getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, s->sectnum);
if (j >= 0)
@ -3556,7 +3556,7 @@ void handle_se10(int i, const int* specialtags)
if (specialtags) for (int i = 0; specialtags[i]; i++)
if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag == specialtags[i] && getanimationgoal(§or[s->sectnum].ceilingz) >= 0)
if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag == specialtags[i] && getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, s->sectnum) >= 0)
@ -4357,7 +4357,7 @@ void handle_se22(int i)
auto sc = §or[s->sectnum];
if (t[1])
if (getanimationgoal(§or[t[0]].ceilingz) >= 0)
if (getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, t[0]) >= 0)
sc->ceilingz += sc->extra * 9;
else t[1] = 0;
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ short pinsectorresetdown(short sect)
int vel, j;
j = getanimationgoal(§or[sect].ceilingz);
j = getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, sect);
if (j == -1)
j = sector[sect].floorz;
vel = 64;
setanimation(sect, anim_ceilingz, sect, j, vel);
return 1;
return 0;
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ short pinsectorresetdown(short sect)
short pinsectorresetup(short sect)
int vel, j;
j = getanimationgoal(§or[sect].ceilingz);
j = getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, sect);
if (j == -1)
j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sect,sector[sect].ceilingz,-1,-1)].ceilingz;
j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sect, sector[sect].ceilingz, -1, -1)].ceilingz;
vel = 64;
setanimation(sect, anim_ceilingz, sect, j, vel);
return 1;
return 0;
@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ void operateforcefields_common(int s, int low, const std::initializer_list<int>&
void operatemasterswitches(int lotag);
void operatesectors(int s, int i);
void hud_input(int playerNum);
int getanimationgoal(const int* animPtr);
int getanimationgoal(int animtype, int animindex);
bool isanearoperator(int lotag);
bool isanunderoperator(int lotag);
int setanimation(short animsect, int* animptr, int thegoal, int thevel);
int setanimation(short animsect, int animtype, int animindex, int thegoal, int thevel);
void dofurniture(int wallNum, int sectnum, int playerNum);
void dotorch();
int hitawall(struct player_struct* pl, int* hitWall);
@ -109,8 +109,16 @@ extern int mirrorcnt;
extern int numplayersprites;
extern int spriteqloc;
enum animtype_t
extern int16_t animatesect[MAXANIMATES];
extern int* animateptr[MAXANIMATES];
extern int16_t animatetarget[MAXANIMATES];
extern int8_t animatetype[MAXANIMATES];
extern int animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
extern int animatevel[MAXANIMATES];
@ -3666,7 +3666,7 @@ void processinput_r(int snum)
if (psectlotag == ST_17_PLATFORM_UP || (isRRRA() && psectlotag == ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN))
int tmp;
tmp = getanimationgoal(§or[p->cursectnum].floorz);
tmp = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, p->cursectnum);
if (tmp >= 0)
if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i, 432))
@ -33,7 +33,227 @@ Modifications for JonoF's port by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, animwalltype& w, animwalltype* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("wallnum", w.wallnum)
("tag", w.tag)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, player_orig& w, player_orig* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("ox", w.ox)
("oy", w.oy)
("oz", w.oz)
("oa", w.oa)
("os", w.os)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, player_struct& w, player_struct* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("posx", w.posx)
("posy", w.posy)
("posz", w.posz)
("q16ang", w.q16ang)
("q16horiz", w.q16horiz)
("q16horizoff", w.q16horizoff)
("q16rotscrnang", w.q16rotscrnang)
("q16look_ang", w.q16look_ang)
("one_eighty_count", w.one_eighty_count)
("gotweapon", w.gotweapon)
("palette", w.palette)
("pals", w.pals)
("fricx", w.fric.x)
("fricy", w.fric.y)
("zoom", w.zoom)
("exitx", w.exitx)
("exity", w.exity)
("numloogs", w.numloogs)
("loogcnt", w.loogcnt)
.Array("loogiex", w.loogiex, w.numloogs)
.Array("loogiey", w.loogiey, w.numloogs)
("bobposx", w.bobposx)
("bobposy", w.bobposy)
("pyoff", w.pyoff)
("posxv", w.posxv)
("posyv", w.posyv)
("poszv", w.poszv)
("last_pissed_time", w.last_pissed_time)
("truefz", w.truefz)
("truecz", w.truecz)
("player_par", w.player_par)
("visibility", w.visibility)
("bobcounter", w.bobcounter)
("weapon_sway", w.weapon_sway)
("pals_time", w.pals_time)
("randomflamex", w.randomflamex)
("crack_time", w.crack_time)
("aim.mode", w.aim_mode)
("auto_aim", w.auto_aim)
("weaponswitch", w.weaponswitch)
("angvel", w.angvel)
("cursectnum", w.cursectnum)
("last_extra", w.last_extra)
("subweapon", w.subweapon)
.Array("ammo_count", w.ammo_amount, MAX_WEAPONS)
("wackedbyactor", w.wackedbyactor)
("frag", w.frag)
("fraggedself", w.fraggedself)
("curr_weapon", w.curr_weapon)
("last_weapon", w.last_weapon)
("tipincs", w.tipincs)
("wantweaponfire", w.wantweaponfire)
("holoduke_amount", w.holoduke_amount)
("newowner", w.newowner)
("hurt_delay", w.hurt_delay)
("hbomb_hold_delay", w.hbomb_hold_delay)
("jumping_counter", w.jumping_counter)
("airleft", w.airleft)
("knee_incs", w.knee_incs)
("access_incs", w.access_incs)
("ftq", w.ftq)
("access_wallnum", w.access_wallnum)
("access_spritenum", w.access_spritenum)
("kickback_pic", w.kickback_pic)
("got_access", w.got_access)
("weapon_ang", w.weapon_ang)
("firstaid_amount", w.firstaid_amount)
("somethingonplayer", w.somethingonplayer)
("on_crane", w.on_crane)
("i", w.i)
("one_parallax_sectnum", w.one_parallax_sectnum)
("over_shoulder_on", w.over_shoulder_on)
("random_club_frame", w.random_club_frame)
("fist_incs", w.fist_incs)
("dummyplayersprite", w.dummyplayersprite)
("extra_extra8", w.extra_extra8)
("quick_kick", w.quick_kick)
("heat_amount", w.heat_amount)
("actorsqu", w.actorsqu)
("timebeforeexit", w.timebeforeexit)
("customexitsound", w.customexitsound)
("weapreccnt", w.weapreccnt)
.Array("weaprecs", w.weaprecs, w.weapreccnt)
("interface_toggle_flag", w.interface_toggle_flag)
("dead_flag", w.dead_flag)
("show_empty_weapon", w.show_empty_weapon)
("scuba_amount", w.scuba_amount)
("jetpack_amount", w.jetpack_amount)
("steroids_amount", w.steroids_amount)
("shield_amount", w.shield_amount)
("holoduke_on", w.holoduke_on)
("pycount", w.pycount)
("weapon_pos", w.weapon_pos)
("frag_ps", w.frag_ps)
("transporter_hold", w.transporter_hold)
("last_full_weapon", w.last_full_weapon)
("footprintshade", w.footprintshade)
("boot_amount", w.boot_amount)
("scream_voice", w.scream_voice)
("gm", w.gm)
("on_warping_sector", w.on_warping_sector)
("footprintcount", w.footprintcount)
("hbomb_on", w.hbomb_on)
("jumping_toggle", w.jumping_toggle)
("rapid_fire_hold", w.rapid_fire_hold)
("on_ground", w.on_ground)
.Array("name", w.name, 32)
("inven_icon", w.inven_icon)
("buttonpalette", w.buttonpalette)
("jetpack_on", w.jetpack_on)
("spritebridge", w.spritebridge)
("lastrandomspot", w.lastrandomspot)
("scuba_on", w.scuba_on)
("footprintpal", w.footprintpal)
("heat_on", w.heat_on)
("holster_weapon", w.holster_weapon)
("falling_counter", w.falling_counter)
("refresh_inventory", w.refresh_inventory)
("toggle_key_flag", w.toggle_key_flag)
("knuckle_incs", w.knuckle_incs)
("walking_snd_toggle", w.walking_snd_toggle)
("palookup", w.palookup)
("hard_landing", w.hard_landing)
("return_to_center", w.return_to_center)
("max_secret_rooms", w.max_secret_rooms)
("secret_rooms", w.secret_rooms)
("max_actors_killed", w.max_actors_killed)
("actors_killed", w.actors_killed)
// RR from here on
("stairs", w.stairs)
("detonate_count", w.detonate_count)
("noise_x", w.noise_x)
("noise_y", w.noise_y)
("noise_radius", w.noise_radius)
("drink_timer", w.drink_timer)
("eat_timer", w.eat_timer)
("slotwin", w.SlotWin)
("recoil", w.recoil)
("detonate_time", w.detonate_time)
("yehaa_timer", w.yehaa_timer)
("drink_amt", w.drink_amt)
("eat", w.eat)
("drunkang", w.drunkang)
("eatang", w.eatang)
.Array("shotgun_state", w.shotgun_state, 2)
("donoise", w.donoise)
.Array("keys", w.keys, 5)
// RRRA from here on
("drug_aspect", w.drug_aspect)
("drug_timer", w.drug_timer)
("seasick", w.SeaSick)
("mamaend", w.MamaEnd)
("motospeed", w.MotoSpeed)
("moto_drink", w.moto_drink)
("tiltstatus", w.TiltStatus)
("vbumpnow", w.VBumpNow)
("vbumptarget", w.VBumpTarget)
("turbcount", w.TurbCount)
.Array("drug_stat", w.drug_stat, 3)
("drugmode", w.DrugMode)
("lotag800kill", w.lotag800kill)
("sea_sick_stat", w.sea_sick_stat)
("hurt_delay2", w.hurt_delay2)
("nocheat", w.nocheat)
("onmotorcycle", w.OnMotorcycle)
("onboat", w.OnBoat)
("moto_underwater", w.moto_underwater)
("notonwater", w.NotOnWater)
("motoonground", w.MotoOnGround)
("moto_do_bump", w.moto_do_bump)
("moto_bump_fast", w.moto_bump_fast)
("moto_on_oil", w.moto_on_oil)
("moto_on_mud", w.moto_on_mud)
("crouch_toggle", w.crouch_toggle)
w.invdisptime = 0;
w.oq16ang = w.q16ang;
w.oq16horiz = w.q16horiz;
w.oq16horizoff = w.q16horizoff;
w.oq16rotscrnang = w.q16rotscrnang;
w.oposx = w.posx;
w.oposy = w.posy;
w.oposz = w.posz;
w.opyoff = w.pyoff;
w.horizAngleAdjust = 0;
w.horizSkew = 0;
w.lookLeft = false;
w.lookRight = false;
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, weaponhit& w, weaponhit* def)
@ -64,199 +284,132 @@ FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, weaponhit& w, weap
int SerializeGlobals(FSerializer &arc)
void SerializeGlobals(FSerializer& arc)
if (arc.isReading())
memset(sectorextra, 0, sizeof(sectorextra));
memset(spriteextra, 0, sizeof(spriteextra));
memset(shadedsector, 0, sizeof(shadedsector));
memset(geosectorwarp, -1, sizeof(geosectorwarp));
memset(geosectorwarp2, -1, sizeof(geosectorwarp2));
memset(ambienthitag, -1, sizeof(ambienthitag));
memset(ambientlotag, -1, sizeof(ambientlotag));
if (arc.BeginObject("globals"))
arc("skill", ud.player_skill);
ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill;
arc.Array("spriteextra", spriteextra, MAXSPRITES)
arc("multimode", ud.multimode);
if (ud.multimode > 1) arc.Array("frags", &frags[0][0], MAXPLAYERS * MAXPLAYERS);
arc("skill", ud.player_skill)
("from_bonus", ud.from_bonus)
("secretlevel", ud.secretlevel)
("respawn_monsters", ud.respawn_monsters)
("respawn_items", ud.respawn_items)
("respawn_inventory", ud.respawn_inventory)
("god", ud.god)
//("auto_run", ud.auto_run)
("monsters_off", ud.monsters_off)
("last_level", ud.last_level)
("eog", ud.eog)
("coop", ud.coop)
("marker", ud.marker)
("ffire", ud.ffire)
.Array("spriteextra", spriteextra, MAXSPRITES)
.Array("weaponhit", hittype, MAXSPRITES)
.Array("sectorextra", sectorextra, numsectors)
("rtsplaying", rtsplaying)
("tempwallptr", tempwallptr)
("sound445done", sound445done)
("leveltexttime", levelTextTime)
.Array("players", ps, ud.multimode)
("spriteqamount", spriteqamount)
.Array("shadedsector", shadedsector, numsectors)
("lastvisinc", lastvisinc)
("numanimwalls", numanimwalls)
.Array("animwall", animwall, numanimwalls)
("camsprite", camsprite)
("earthquaketime", earthquaketime)
("freezerhurtowner", freezerhurtowner)
("global_random", global_random)
("impact_damage", impact_damage)
("numplayersprites", numplayersprites)
("spriteqloc", spriteqloc)
("animatecnt", animatecnt)
extern player_struct ps[MAXPLAYERS];
extern int spriteqamount;
extern uint8_t shadedsector[MAXSECTORS];
extern int lastvisinc;
extern animwalltype animwall[MAXANIMWALLS];
extern int numanimwalls;
extern int animatecnt;
extern int numclouds;
extern int camsprite;
extern int numcyclers;
extern int earthquaketime;
extern int freezerhurtowner;
extern int global_random;
extern int impact_damage;
extern int mirrorcnt;
extern int numplayersprites;
extern int spriteqloc;
.Array("animatesect", animatesect, animatecnt)
.Array("animatetype", animatetype, animatecnt)
.Array("animatetarget", animatetarget, animatecnt)
.Array("animategoal", animategoal, animatecnt)
.Array("animatevel", animatevel, animatecnt)
extern int16_t animatesect[MAXANIMATES];
extern int* animateptr[MAXANIMATES];
extern int animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
extern int animatevel[MAXANIMATES];
("numclouds", numclouds)
("cloudx", cloudx)
("cloudy", cloudy)
("cloudtotalclock", cloudtotalclock)
.Array("clouds", clouds, numclouds)
extern int16_t clouds[256];
extern int16_t cloudx;
extern int16_t cloudy;
extern ClockTicks cloudtotalclock;
.Array("spriteq", spriteq, 1024)
("numcyclers", numcyclers)
.Array("cyclers", &cyclers[0][0], 6 * numcyclers)
("mirrorcnt", mirrorcnt)
.Array("mirrorsector", mirrorsector, mirrorcnt)
.Array("mirrorwall", mirrorwall, mirrorcnt)
("lockclock", lockclock)
("wupass", wupass)
("chickenplant", chickenplant)
("thunderon", thunderon)
("ufospawn", ufospawn)
("ufocnt", ufocnt)
("hulkspawn", hulkspawn)
("lastlevel", lastlevel)
("geocnt", geocnt)
.Array("geosectorwarp", geosectorwarp, geocnt)
.Array("geosectorwarp2", geosectorwarp2, geocnt)
.Array("geosector", geosector, geocnt)
.Array("geox", geox, geocnt)
.Array("geoy", geoy, geocnt)
.Array("geox2", geox2, geocnt)
.Array("geoy2", geoy2, geocnt)
("ambientfx", ambientfx)
.Array("ambientlotag", ambientlotag, ambientfx)
.Array("ambienthitag", ambienthitag, ambientfx)
.Array("msx", msx, MAXANIMPOINTS)
.Array("msy", msy, MAXANIMPOINTS)
("windtime", WindTime)
("winddir", WindDir)
("fakebubba_spawn", fakebubba_spawn)
("mamaspawn_count", mamaspawn_count)
("banjosound", banjosound)
("belltime", BellTime)
("bellsprite", BellSprite)
("enemysizecheat", enemysizecheat)
("ufospawnsminion", ufospawnsminion)
("pistonsound", pistonsound)
("chickenphase", chickenphase)
("RRRA_ExitedLevel", RRRA_ExitedLevel)
("fogactive", fogactive)
("everyothertime", everyothertime)
.Array("po", po, ud.multimode)
extern int16_t spriteq[1024];
extern int16_t cyclers[MAXCYCLERS][6];
extern int16_t mirrorsector[64];
extern int16_t mirrorwall[64];
extern ClockTicks lockclock;
extern int wupass;
extern int chickenplant;
extern int thunderon;
extern int ufospawn;
extern int ufocnt;
extern int hulkspawn;
extern int lastlevel;
extern int geosectorwarp[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geosectorwarp2[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geosector[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geox[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geoy[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geox2[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geoy2[MAXGEOSECTORS];
extern int geocnt;
extern short ambientlotag[64];
extern short ambienthitag[64];
extern unsigned ambientfx;
extern int WindTime, WindDir;
extern short fakebubba_spawn, mamaspawn_count, banjosound;
extern short BellTime, BellSprite;
extern uint8_t enemysizecheat, ufospawnsminion, pistonsound, chickenphase, RRRA_ExitedLevel, fogactive;
extern uint32_t everyothertime;
extern player_orig po[MAXPLAYERS];
extern uint16_t frags[MAXPLAYERS][MAXPLAYERS];
if (kdfread(&numcyclers, sizeof(numcyclers), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&cyclers[0][0], 12, MAXCYCLERS, fil) != MAXCYCLERS) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(ps, sizeof(ps), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(po, sizeof(po), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&numanimwalls, sizeof(numanimwalls), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&animwall, sizeof(animwall), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&msx[0], sizeof(int), sizeof(msx) / sizeof(int), fil) != sizeof(msx) / sizeof(int)) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&msy[0], sizeof(int), sizeof(msy) / sizeof(int), fil) != sizeof(msy) / sizeof(int)) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread((short*)&spriteqloc, sizeof(short), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread((short*)&spriteqamount, sizeof(short), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread((short*)&spriteq[0], sizeof(short), spriteqamount, fil) != spriteqamount) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&mirrorcnt, sizeof(short), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&mirrorwall[0], sizeof(short), 64, fil) != 64) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&mirrorsector[0], sizeof(short), 64, fil) != 64) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&show2dsector[0], sizeof(char), MAXSECTORS >> 3, fil) != (MAXSECTORS >> 3)) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&actortype[0], sizeof(char), MAXTILES, fil) != MAXTILES) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&numclouds, sizeof(numclouds), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&clouds[0], sizeof(short) << 7, 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&cloudx[0], sizeof(short) << 7, 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&cloudy[0], sizeof(short) << 7, 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&script[0], 4, MAXSCRIPTSIZE, fil) != MAXSCRIPTSIZE) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ptrbuf[0], 4, MAXTILES, fil) != MAXTILES) goto corrupt;
for (i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++)
if (ptrbuf[i])
actorscrptr[i] = (int*)((intptr_t)&script[0] + ptrbuf[i]);
if (kdfread(&lockclock, sizeof(lockclock), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&pskybits, sizeof(pskybits), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&pskyoff[0], sizeof(pskyoff[0]), MAXPSKYTILES, fil) != MAXPSKYTILES) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&animatecnt, sizeof(animatecnt), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&animatesect[0], 2, MAXANIMATES, fil) != MAXANIMATES) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ptrbuf[0], 4, MAXANIMATES, fil) != MAXANIMATES) goto corrupt;
for (i = animatecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) animateptr[i] = (int*)((intptr_t)§or[0] + ptrbuf[i]);
if (kdfread(&animategoal[0], 4, MAXANIMATES, fil) != MAXANIMATES) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&animatevel[0], 4, MAXANIMATES, fil) != MAXANIMATES) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&earthquaketime, sizeof(earthquaketime), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.from_bonus, sizeof(ud.from_bonus), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.secretlevel, sizeof(ud.secretlevel), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.respawn_monsters, sizeof(ud.respawn_monsters), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill;
ud.m_respawn_monsters = ud.respawn_monsters;
if (kdfread(&ud.respawn_items, sizeof(ud.respawn_items), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_respawn_items = ud.respawn_items;
if (kdfread(&ud.respawn_inventory, sizeof(ud.respawn_inventory), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_respawn_inventory = ud.respawn_inventory;
if (kdfread(&ud.god, sizeof(ud.god), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.auto_run, sizeof(ud.auto_run), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.crosshair, sizeof(ud.crosshair), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.monsters_off, sizeof(ud.monsters_off), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off;
if (kdfread(&ud.last_level, sizeof(ud.last_level), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.eog, sizeof(ud.eog), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&ud.coop, sizeof(ud.coop), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_coop = ud.coop;
if (kdfread(&ud.marker, sizeof(ud.marker), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_marker = ud.marker;
if (kdfread(&ud.ffire, sizeof(ud.ffire), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
ud.m_ffire = ud.ffire;
if (kdfread(&camsprite, sizeof(camsprite), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&connecthead, sizeof(connecthead), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(connectpoint2, sizeof(connectpoint2), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&numplayersprites, sizeof(numplayersprites), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread((short*)&frags[0][0], sizeof(frags), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&randomseed, sizeof(randomseed), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(&global_random, sizeof(global_random), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
if (kdfread(¶llaxyscale, sizeof(parallaxyscale), 1, fil) != 1) goto corrupt;
kdfread(&shadedsector[0], sizeof(shadedsector[0]), MAXSECTORS, fil);
kdfread(&ambientfx, sizeof(ambientfx), 1, fil);
kdfread(&ambienthitag[0], sizeof(ambienthitag[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&ambientlotag[0], sizeof(ambientlotag[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&ambientsprite[0], sizeof(ambientsprite[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&ufospawn, sizeof(ufospawn), 1, fil);
kdfread(&ufocnt, sizeof(ufocnt), 1, fil);
kdfread(&hulkspawn, sizeof(hulkspawn), 1, fil);
kdfread(&geosector[0], sizeof(geosector[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geosectorwarp[0], sizeof(geosectorwarp[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geox[0], sizeof(geox[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geoy[0], sizeof(geoy[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geoz[0], sizeof(geoz[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geosectorwarp2[0], sizeof(geosectorwarp2[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geox2[0], sizeof(geox2[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geoy2[0], sizeof(geoy2[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geoz2[0], sizeof(geoz2[0]), 64, fil);
kdfread(&geocnt, sizeof(geocnt), 1, fil);
#ifdef RRRA
kdfread(&WindTime, 4, 1, fil);
kdfread(&WindDir, 4, 1, fil);
kdfread(&word_119BD8, 2, 1, fil);
kdfread(&word_119BDA, 2, 1, fil);
if (ps[myconnectindex].fogtype > 1)
else if (ps[myconnectindex].fogtype == 0)
tilesizx[0] = tilesizy[0] = 0;
#if 0
if (arc.isReading())
if(ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on != 0)
cameradist = 0;
@ -285,26 +438,6 @@ int SerializeGlobals(FSerializer &arc)
if(ud.lockout == 0)
if( wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra >= 0 )
wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra;
case FEMPIC1:
wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = BLANKSCREEN;
case FEMPIC2:
case FEMPIC3:
wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = SCREENBREAK6;
numinterpolations = 0;
startofdynamicinterpolations = 0;
@ -346,7 +479,7 @@ int SerializeGlobals(FSerializer &arc)
for(i=numinterpolations-1;i>=0;i--) bakipos[i] = *curipos[i];
for(i = animatecnt-1;i>=0;i--)
show_shareware = 0;
everyothertime = 0;
@ -381,7 +514,7 @@ int saveplayer(signed char spot)
int ptrbuf[MAXTILES];
strcpy(fn, "game0.sav");
strcpy(mpfn, "gameA_00.sav");
@ -483,7 +616,6 @@ int saveplayer(signed char spot)
for(i = animatecnt-1;i>=0;i--) ptrbuf[i] = (int)((intptr_t)animateptr[i] - (intptr_t)§or[0]);
@ -529,5 +661,5 @@ int saveplayer(signed char spot)
@ -272,27 +272,58 @@ int findotherplayer(int p, int* d)
int* animateptr(int type, int index)
static int scratch;
switch (type)
case anim_floorz:
return §or[index].floorz;
case anim_ceilingz:
return §or[index].ceilingz;
case anim_vertexx:
return &wall[index].x;
case anim_vertexy:
return &wall[index].y;
return &scratch;
int* animateptr(int i)
return animateptr(animatetype[i], animatetarget[i]);
void doanimations(void)
int i, j, a, p, v, dasect;
for (i = animatecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--)
a = *animateptr[i];
a = *animateptr(i);
v = animatevel[i] * TICSPERFRAME;
dasect = animatesect[i];
if (a == animategoal[i])
animateptr[i] = animateptr[animatecnt];
animatetype[i] = animatetype[animatecnt];
animatetarget[i] = animatetarget[animatecnt];
animategoal[i] = animategoal[animatecnt];
animatevel[i] = animatevel[animatecnt];
animatesect[i] = animatesect[animatecnt];
if (sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN || sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP)
if (animateptr[i] == §or[animatesect[i]].ceilingz)
if (animatetype[i] == anim_ceilingz)
if ((sector[dasect].lotag & 0xff) != ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR)
@ -304,7 +335,7 @@ void doanimations(void)
if (v > 0) { a = min(a + v, animategoal[i]); }
else { a = max(a + v, animategoal[i]); }
if (animateptr[i] == §or[animatesect[i]].floorz)
if (animatetype[i] == anim_floorz)
for (p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p])
if (ps[p].cursectnum == dasect)
@ -324,7 +355,7 @@ void doanimations(void)
*animateptr[i] = a;
*animateptr(i) = a;
@ -334,13 +365,13 @@ void doanimations(void)
int getanimationgoal(const int* animptr)
int getanimationgoal(int animtype, int animtarget)
int i, j;
j = -1;
for (i = animatecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (animptr == animateptr[i])
if (animtype == animatetype[i] && animtarget == animatetarget[i])
j = i;
@ -354,7 +385,7 @@ int getanimationgoal(const int* animptr)
int setanimation(short animsect, int* animptr, int thegoal, int thevel)
int setanimation(short animsect, int animtype, int animtarget, int thegoal, int thevel)
int i, j;
@ -363,14 +394,16 @@ int setanimation(short animsect, int* animptr, int thegoal, int thevel)
j = animatecnt;
for (i = 0; i < animatecnt; i++)
if (animptr == animateptr[i])
if (animtype == animatetype[i] && animtarget == animatetarget[i])
j = i;
auto animptr = animateptr(animtype, animtarget);
animatesect[j] = animsect;
animateptr[j] = animptr;
animatetype[j] = animtype;
animatetarget[j] = animtarget;
animategoal[j] = thegoal;
if (thegoal >= *animptr)
animatevel[j] = thevel;
@ -466,8 +499,8 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
endwall = startwall + sptr->wallnum;
for (j = startwall; j < endwall; j++)
setanimation(sn, &wall[j].x, wall[j].x + 1024, 4);
setanimation(sn, &wall[wall[j].nextwall].x, wall[wall[j].nextwall].x + 1024, 4);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, j, wall[j].x + 1024, 4);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[j].nextwall, wall[wall[j].nextwall].x + 1024, 4);
@ -491,7 +524,7 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: //The split doors
i = getanimationgoal(&sptr->ceilingz);
i = getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, sn);
if (i == -1) //if the door has stopped
haltsoundhack = 1;
@ -551,18 +584,18 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
dax2 = wall[wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].point2].x;
dax2 -= wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x;
setanimation(sn, &wall[wallfind[j]].x, wall[wallfind[j]].x + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[i].x, wall[i].x + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wallfind[j], wall[wallfind[j]].x + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, i, wall[i].x + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x + dax2, sp);
callsound(sn, ii);
else if (day2 != 0)
day2 = wall[wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].point2].y;
day2 -= wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y;
setanimation(sn, &wall[wallfind[j]].y, wall[wallfind[j]].y + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[i].y, wall[i].y + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wallfind[j], wall[wallfind[j]].y + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, i, wall[i].y + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y + day2, sp);
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -573,16 +606,16 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
day2 = ((wall[i].y + wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y) >> 1) - wall[wallfind[j]].y;
if (dax2 != 0)
setanimation(sn, &wall[wallfind[j]].x, dax, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[i].x, dax + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x, dax + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wallfind[j], dax, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, i, dax + dax2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, dax + dax2, sp);
callsound(sn, ii);
else if (day2 != 0)
setanimation(sn, &wall[wallfind[j]].y, day, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[i].y, day + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, &wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y, day + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wallfind[j], day, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, i, day + day2, sp);
setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, day + day2, sp);
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -624,7 +657,7 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
i = getanimationgoal(&sptr->floorz);
i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn);
if (i == -1)
@ -634,12 +667,12 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
i = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, -1);
if (i == -1) return;
j = sector[i].floorz;
setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, j, sptr->extra);
setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra);
j = sector[i].floorz;
setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, j, sptr->extra);
setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra);
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -649,7 +682,7 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
i = getanimationgoal(&sptr->floorz);
i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn);
if (i == -1)
@ -659,8 +692,8 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
j = sector[i].floorz;
q = sptr->extra;
l = sptr->ceilingz - sptr->floorz;
setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, j, q);
setanimation(sn, &sptr->ceilingz, j + l, q);
setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, q);
setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j + l, q);
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -688,7 +721,7 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000;
setanimation(sn, &sptr->ceilingz, j, sptr->extra);
setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j, sptr->extra);
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -726,13 +759,13 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000;
setanimation(sn, &sptr->ceilingz, j, sptr->extra);
setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j, sptr->extra);
callsound(sn, ii);
case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR:
i = getanimationgoal(&sptr->floorz);
i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn);
if (i >= 0)
if (animategoal[sn] == sptr->ceilingz)
@ -748,7 +781,7 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000;
if (setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, j, sptr->extra) >= 0)
if (setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra) >= 0)
callsound(sn, ii);
@ -758,15 +791,15 @@ void operatesectors(int sn, int ii)
if ((sptr->lotag & 0x8000))
q = (sptr->ceilingz + sptr->floorz) >> 1;
j = setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, q, sptr->extra);
j = setanimation(sn, &sptr->ceilingz, q, sptr->extra);
j = setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, q, sptr->extra);
j = setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, q, sptr->extra);
q = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, 1)].floorz;
j = setanimation(sn, &sptr->floorz, q, sptr->extra);
j = setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, q, sptr->extra);
q = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, -1, -1)].ceilingz;
j = setanimation(sn, &sptr->ceilingz, q, sptr->extra);
j = setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, q, sptr->extra);
sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000;
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ int numplayersprites;
int spriteqloc;
int16_t animatesect[MAXANIMATES];
int* animateptr[MAXANIMATES];
int8_t animatetype[MAXANIMATES];
int16_t animatetarget[MAXANIMATES];
int animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
int animatevel[MAXANIMATES];
Reference in a new issue