mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 17:21:00 +00:00
struct underneath include for swactor.h
* Needed by the next commit since the forward declaration isn't working.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 249 additions and 248 deletions
@ -534,254 +534,6 @@ struct REMOTE_CONTROL
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_control;
struct PLAYER
// variable that fit in the sprite or user structure
DVector3 PlayerNowPosition, PlayerPrevPosition, PlayerOldPosition;
DSWActor* actor; // this may not be a TObjPtr!
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> lowActor, highActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> remoteActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> PlayerUnderActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> KillerActor; //who killed me
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> HitBy; // Sprite num of whatever player was last hit by
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> last_camera_act;
// holds last valid move position
DVector3 lv;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_remote;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop; // will either be sop_remote or sop_control
double hiz, loz;
double opbob_amt, pbob_amt;
int jump_count, jump_speed; // jumping
double z_speed;
int climb_ndx;
double p_ceiling_dist,p_floor_dist;
sectortype* hi_sectp, *lo_sectp;
double circle_camera_dist;
DVector3 si; // save player interp position for PlayerSprite
DAngle siang;
DVector2 vect, ovect, slide_vect; // these need floatification, but must be done together. vect is in 14.18 format!
int friction;
int16_t slide_ang; // todo: floatify
int slide_dec;
float drive_avel;
DAngle circle_camera_ang;
int16_t camera_check_time_delay;
* cursector,
* lastcursector,
* lv_sector;
void setcursector(sectortype* s) { cursector = s; }
bool insector() const { return cursector != nullptr; }
// variables that do not fit into sprite structure
PlayerHorizon horizon;
PlayerAngle angle;
double recoil_amt;
int16_t recoil_speed;
int16_t recoil_ndx;
DAngle recoil_ohorizoff, recoil_horizoff;
DVector3 Revolve;
DAngle RevolveDeltaAng;
DAngle RevolveAng;
int16_t pnum; // carry along the player number
sectortype* LadderSector;
DVector2 LadderPosition; // ladder x and y
int16_t JumpDuration;
int16_t WadeDepth;
int16_t bob_ndx;
int16_t bcnt; // bob count
double bob_z, obob_z;
//Multiplayer variables
InputPacket input;
InputPacket lastinput;
// must start out as 0
int playerreadyflag;
int Flags, Flags2;
ESyncBits KeyPressBits;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_control; // sector object pointer
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_riding; // sector object pointer
PANEL_SPRITE* Next, *Prev;
} PanelSpriteList;
// hack stuff to get a working pointer to this list element without running into type punning warnings with GCC.
// The list uses itself as sentinel element despite the type mismatch.
PANEL_SPRITE* GetPanelSpriteList()
void* p = &PanelSpriteList;
return reinterpret_cast<PANEL_SPRITE*>(p);
// Key stuff
uint8_t HasKey[8];
// Weapon stuff
int16_t SwordAng;
int WpnGotOnceFlags; // for no respawn mode where weapons are allowed grabbed only once
int WpnFlags;
int16_t WpnAmmo[MAX_WEAPONS];
int16_t WpnNum;
uint8_t WpnRocketType; // rocket type
uint8_t WpnRocketHeat; // 5 to 0 range
uint8_t WpnRocketNuke; // 1, you have it, or you don't
uint8_t WpnFlameType; // Guardian weapons fire
uint8_t WpnFirstType; // First weapon type - Sword/Shuriken
uint8_t WeaponType; // for weapons with secondary functions
int16_t FirePause; // for sector objects - limits rapid firing
// Inventory Vars
int16_t InventoryNum;
int16_t InventoryBarTics;
int16_t InventoryTics[MAX_INVENTORY];
int16_t InventoryPercent[MAX_INVENTORY];
int8_t InventoryAmount[MAX_INVENTORY];
bool InventoryActive[MAX_INVENTORY];
int16_t DiveTics;
int16_t DiveDamageTics;
// Death stuff
uint16_t DeathType;
int16_t Kills;
int16_t KilledPlayer[MAX_SW_PLAYERS_REG];
int16_t SecretsFound;
// Health
int16_t Armor;
int16_t MaxHealth;
char PlayerName[32];
uint8_t UziShellLeftAlt;
uint8_t UziShellRightAlt;
uint8_t TeamColor; // used in team play and also used in regular mulit-play for show
// palette fading up and down for player hit and get items
int16_t FadeTics; // Tics between each fade cycle
int16_t FadeAmt; // Current intensity of fade
bool NightVision; // Is player's night vision active?
uint8_t StartColor; // Darkest color in color range being used
//short electro[64];
bool IsAI; // Is this and AI character?
int16_t fta,ftq; // First time active and first time quote, for talking in multiplayer games
int16_t NumFootPrints; // Number of foot prints left to lay down
uint8_t WpnUziType; // Toggle between single or double uzi's if you own 2.
uint8_t WpnShotgunType; // Shotgun has normal or fully automatic fire
uint8_t WpnShotgunAuto; // 50-0 automatic shotgun rounds
uint8_t WpnShotgunLastShell; // Number of last shell fired
uint8_t WpnRailType; // Normal Rail Gun or EMP Burst Mode
bool Bloody; // Is player gooey from the slaughter?
bool InitingNuke;
bool TestNukeInit;
bool NukeInitialized; // Nuke already has counted down
int16_t FistAng; // KungFu attack angle
uint8_t WpnKungFuMove; // KungFu special moves
int16_t Reverb; // Player's current reverb setting
int16_t Heads; // Number of Accursed Heads orbiting player
int PlayerVersion;
char cookieQuote[256]; // Should be an FString but must be POD for now so that PLAYER remains POD.
int cookieTime;
uint8_t WpnReloadState;
DVector2& posXY()
return PlayerNowPosition.XY();
void posZset(const double val)
PlayerNowPosition.Z = val;
void posZadd(const double val)
PlayerNowPosition.Z += val;
double posZget()
return PlayerNowPosition.Z;
void posSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerNowPosition = val;
void posAdd(const DVector2& val)
PlayerNowPosition += val;
DVector3 posGet()
return PlayerNowPosition;
DVector2& posprevXY()
return PlayerPrevPosition.XY();
void posprevZset(const double val)
PlayerPrevPosition.Z = val;
void posprevSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerPrevPosition = val;
DVector3 posprevGet()
return PlayerPrevPosition;
DVector2& posoldXY()
return PlayerOldPosition.XY();
void posoldSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerOldPosition = val;
DVector3 posoldGet()
return PlayerOldPosition;
// Player Flags
@ -1954,6 +1706,255 @@ END_SW_NS
struct PLAYER
// variable that fit in the sprite or user structure
DVector3 PlayerNowPosition, PlayerPrevPosition, PlayerOldPosition;
DSWActor* actor; // this may not be a TObjPtr!
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> lowActor, highActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> remoteActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> PlayerUnderActor;
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> KillerActor; //who killed me
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> HitBy; // Sprite num of whatever player was last hit by
TObjPtr<DSWActor*> last_camera_act;
// holds last valid move position
DVector3 lv;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_remote;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop; // will either be sop_remote or sop_control
double hiz, loz;
double opbob_amt, pbob_amt;
int jump_count, jump_speed; // jumping
double z_speed;
int climb_ndx;
double p_ceiling_dist,p_floor_dist;
sectortype* hi_sectp, *lo_sectp;
double circle_camera_dist;
DVector3 si; // save player interp position for PlayerSprite
DAngle siang;
DVector2 vect, ovect, slide_vect; // these need floatification, but must be done together. vect is in 14.18 format!
int friction;
int16_t slide_ang; // todo: floatify
int slide_dec;
float drive_avel;
DAngle circle_camera_ang;
int16_t camera_check_time_delay;
* cursector,
* lastcursector,
* lv_sector;
void setcursector(sectortype* s) { cursector = s; }
bool insector() const { return cursector != nullptr; }
// variables that do not fit into sprite structure
PlayerHorizon horizon;
PlayerAngle angle;
double recoil_amt;
int16_t recoil_speed;
int16_t recoil_ndx;
DAngle recoil_ohorizoff, recoil_horizoff;
DVector3 Revolve;
DAngle RevolveDeltaAng;
DAngle RevolveAng;
int16_t pnum; // carry along the player number
sectortype* LadderSector;
DVector2 LadderPosition; // ladder x and y
int16_t JumpDuration;
int16_t WadeDepth;
int16_t bob_ndx;
int16_t bcnt; // bob count
double bob_z, obob_z;
//Multiplayer variables
InputPacket input;
InputPacket lastinput;
// must start out as 0
int playerreadyflag;
int Flags, Flags2;
ESyncBits KeyPressBits;
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_control; // sector object pointer
SECTOR_OBJECT* sop_riding; // sector object pointer
PANEL_SPRITE* Next, *Prev;
} PanelSpriteList;
// hack stuff to get a working pointer to this list element without running into type punning warnings with GCC.
// The list uses itself as sentinel element despite the type mismatch.
PANEL_SPRITE* GetPanelSpriteList()
void* p = &PanelSpriteList;
return reinterpret_cast<PANEL_SPRITE*>(p);
// Key stuff
uint8_t HasKey[8];
// Weapon stuff
int16_t SwordAng;
int WpnGotOnceFlags; // for no respawn mode where weapons are allowed grabbed only once
int WpnFlags;
int16_t WpnAmmo[MAX_WEAPONS];
int16_t WpnNum;
uint8_t WpnRocketType; // rocket type
uint8_t WpnRocketHeat; // 5 to 0 range
uint8_t WpnRocketNuke; // 1, you have it, or you don't
uint8_t WpnFlameType; // Guardian weapons fire
uint8_t WpnFirstType; // First weapon type - Sword/Shuriken
uint8_t WeaponType; // for weapons with secondary functions
int16_t FirePause; // for sector objects - limits rapid firing
// Inventory Vars
int16_t InventoryNum;
int16_t InventoryBarTics;
int16_t InventoryTics[MAX_INVENTORY];
int16_t InventoryPercent[MAX_INVENTORY];
int8_t InventoryAmount[MAX_INVENTORY];
bool InventoryActive[MAX_INVENTORY];
int16_t DiveTics;
int16_t DiveDamageTics;
// Death stuff
uint16_t DeathType;
int16_t Kills;
int16_t KilledPlayer[MAX_SW_PLAYERS_REG];
int16_t SecretsFound;
// Health
int16_t Armor;
int16_t MaxHealth;
char PlayerName[32];
uint8_t UziShellLeftAlt;
uint8_t UziShellRightAlt;
uint8_t TeamColor; // used in team play and also used in regular mulit-play for show
// palette fading up and down for player hit and get items
int16_t FadeTics; // Tics between each fade cycle
int16_t FadeAmt; // Current intensity of fade
bool NightVision; // Is player's night vision active?
uint8_t StartColor; // Darkest color in color range being used
//short electro[64];
bool IsAI; // Is this and AI character?
int16_t fta,ftq; // First time active and first time quote, for talking in multiplayer games
int16_t NumFootPrints; // Number of foot prints left to lay down
uint8_t WpnUziType; // Toggle between single or double uzi's if you own 2.
uint8_t WpnShotgunType; // Shotgun has normal or fully automatic fire
uint8_t WpnShotgunAuto; // 50-0 automatic shotgun rounds
uint8_t WpnShotgunLastShell; // Number of last shell fired
uint8_t WpnRailType; // Normal Rail Gun or EMP Burst Mode
bool Bloody; // Is player gooey from the slaughter?
bool InitingNuke;
bool TestNukeInit;
bool NukeInitialized; // Nuke already has counted down
int16_t FistAng; // KungFu attack angle
uint8_t WpnKungFuMove; // KungFu special moves
int16_t Reverb; // Player's current reverb setting
int16_t Heads; // Number of Accursed Heads orbiting player
int PlayerVersion;
char cookieQuote[256]; // Should be an FString but must be POD for now so that PLAYER remains POD.
int cookieTime;
uint8_t WpnReloadState;
DVector2& posXY()
return PlayerNowPosition.XY();
void posZset(const double val)
PlayerNowPosition.Z = val;
void posZadd(const double val)
PlayerNowPosition.Z += val;
double posZget()
return PlayerNowPosition.Z;
void posSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerNowPosition = val;
void posAdd(const DVector2& val)
PlayerNowPosition += val;
DVector3 posGet()
return PlayerNowPosition;
DVector2& posprevXY()
return PlayerPrevPosition.XY();
void posprevZset(const double val)
PlayerPrevPosition.Z = val;
void posprevSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerPrevPosition = val;
DVector3 posprevGet()
return PlayerPrevPosition;
DVector2& posoldXY()
return PlayerOldPosition.XY();
void posoldSet(const DVector3& val)
PlayerOldPosition = val;
DVector3 posoldGet()
return PlayerOldPosition;
// OVER and UNDER water macros
inline bool SectorIsDiveArea(sectortype* sect)
Reference in a new issue