diff --git a/source/core/gameinput.cpp b/source/core/gameinput.cpp
index 17a4fcaa5..e948e1fac 100644
--- a/source/core/gameinput.cpp
+++ b/source/core/gameinput.cpp
@@ -378,51 +378,54 @@ void applylook(PlayerAngle* angle, float const avel, ESyncBits* actions, double
 void calcviewpitch(vec2_t const pos, fixedhoriz* horizoff, binangle const ang, bool const aimmode, bool const canslopetilt, int const cursectnum, double const scaleAdjust, bool const climbing)
-	if (aimmode && canslopetilt) // If the floor is sloped
+	if (cl_slopetilting)
-		// Get a point, 512 units ahead of player's position
-		int x = pos.x + ang.bcos(-5);
-		int y = pos.y + ang.bsin(-5);
-		int16_t tempsect = cursectnum;
-		updatesector(x, y, &tempsect);
-		if (tempsect >= 0) // If the new point is inside a valid sector...
+		if (aimmode && canslopetilt) // If the floor is sloped
-			// Get the floorz as if the new (x,y) point was still in
-			// your sector
-			int j = getflorzofslope(cursectnum, pos.x, pos.y);
-			int k = getflorzofslope(cursectnum, x, y);
+			// Get a point, 512 units ahead of player's position
+			int x = pos.x + ang.bcos(-5);
+			int y = pos.y + ang.bsin(-5);
+			int16_t tempsect = cursectnum;
+			updatesector(x, y, &tempsect);
-			// If extended point is in same sector as you or the slopes
-			// of the sector of the extended point and your sector match
-			// closely (to avoid accidently looking straight out when
-			// you're at the edge of a sector line) then adjust horizon
-			// accordingly
-			if (cursectnum == tempsect || abs(getflorzofslope(tempsect, x, y) - k) <= (4 << 8))
+			if (tempsect >= 0) // If the new point is inside a valid sector...
-				*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * ((j - k) * 160)));
+				// Get the floorz as if the new (x,y) point was still in
+				// your sector
+				int j = getflorzofslope(cursectnum, pos.x, pos.y);
+				int k = getflorzofslope(cursectnum, x, y);
+				// If extended point is in same sector as you or the slopes
+				// of the sector of the extended point and your sector match
+				// closely (to avoid accidently looking straight out when
+				// you're at the edge of a sector line) then adjust horizon
+				// accordingly
+				if (cursectnum == tempsect || abs(getflorzofslope(tempsect, x, y) - k) <= (4 << 8))
+				{
+					*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * ((j - k) * 160)));
+				}
-	}
-	if (climbing)
-	{
-		// tilt when climbing but you can't even really tell it.
-		if (horizoff->asq16() < IntToFixed(100))
-			*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (((IntToFixed(100) - horizoff->asq16()) >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Make horizoff grow towards 0 since horizoff is not modified when you're not on a slope.
-		if (horizoff->asq16() > 0)
+		if (climbing)
-			*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(-scaleAdjust * ((horizoff->asq16() >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
-			if (horizoff->asq16() < 0) *horizoff = q16horiz(0);
+			// tilt when climbing but you can't even really tell it.
+			if (horizoff->asq16() < IntToFixed(100))
+				*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (((IntToFixed(100) - horizoff->asq16()) >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
-		if (horizoff->asq16() < 0)
+		else
-			*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(-scaleAdjust * ((horizoff->asq16() >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
-			if (horizoff->asq16() > 0) *horizoff = q16horiz(0);
+			// Make horizoff grow towards 0 since horizoff is not modified when you're not on a slope.
+			if (horizoff->asq16() > 0)
+			{
+				*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(-scaleAdjust * ((horizoff->asq16() >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
+				if (horizoff->asq16() < 0) *horizoff = q16horiz(0);
+			}
+			if (horizoff->asq16() < 0)
+			{
+				*horizoff += q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(-scaleAdjust * ((horizoff->asq16() >> 3) + FRACUNIT)));
+				if (horizoff->asq16() > 0) *horizoff = q16horiz(0);
+			}
diff --git a/source/games/duke/src/inlines.h b/source/games/duke/src/inlines.h
index f39368bf9..1cc44ebdf 100644
--- a/source/games/duke/src/inlines.h
+++ b/source/games/duke/src/inlines.h
@@ -195,11 +195,8 @@ inline double get16thOfHoriz(int const snum, bool const interpolate, double cons
 inline void doslopetilting(player_struct* p, double const scaleAdjust)
-	if (cl_slopetilting)
-	{
-		bool const canslopetilt = p->on_ground && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat & 2);
-		calcviewpitch(p->pos.vec2, &p->horizon.horizoff, p->angle.ang, p->aim_mode == 0, canslopetilt, p->cursectnum, scaleAdjust);
-	}
+	bool const canslopetilt = p->on_ground && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat & 2);
+	calcviewpitch(p->pos.vec2, &p->horizon.horizoff, p->angle.ang, p->aim_mode == 0, canslopetilt, p->cursectnum, scaleAdjust);
diff --git a/source/sw/src/player.cpp b/source/sw/src/player.cpp
index da36fec18..b119ab20f 100644
--- a/source/sw/src/player.cpp
+++ b/source/sw/src/player.cpp
@@ -1667,12 +1667,8 @@ void SlipSlope(PLAYERp pp)
 DoPlayerHorizon(PLAYERp pp, float const horz, double const scaleAdjust)
-    if (cl_slopetilting)
-    {
-        bool const canslopetilt = !TEST(pp->Flags, PF_FLYING|PF_SWIMMING|PF_DIVING|PF_CLIMBING|PF_JUMPING|PF_FALLING) && TEST(sector[pp->cursectnum].floorstat, FLOOR_STAT_SLOPE);
-        calcviewpitch(pp->pos.vec2, &pp->horizon.horizoff, pp->angle.ang, pp->input.actions & SB_AIMMODE, canslopetilt, pp->cursectnum, scaleAdjust, TEST(pp->Flags, PF_CLIMBING));
-    }
+    bool const canslopetilt = !TEST(pp->Flags, PF_FLYING|PF_SWIMMING|PF_DIVING|PF_CLIMBING|PF_JUMPING|PF_FALLING) && TEST(sector[pp->cursectnum].floorstat, FLOOR_STAT_SLOPE);
+    calcviewpitch(pp->pos.vec2, &pp->horizon.horizoff, pp->angle.ang, pp->input.actions & SB_AIMMODE, canslopetilt, pp->cursectnum, scaleAdjust, TEST(pp->Flags, PF_CLIMBING));
     sethorizon(&pp->horizon.horiz, horz, &pp->input.actions, scaleAdjust);