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synced 2025-03-11 03:31:43 +00:00
- Eliminate most uses of DAngle::Buildfang()
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 12 additions and 14 deletions
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ struct PlayerAngle
bool movementlocked() { return targetset() || inputdisabled; }
// Draw code helpers. The logic where these are used rely heavily on Build's angle period.
double look_anghalf(double const interpfrac) { return renderlookang(interpfrac).Normalized180().Buildfang() * 0.5; }
double looking_arc(double const interpfrac) { return fabs(renderlookang(interpfrac).Normalized180().Buildfang() * (1. / 9.)); }
double look_anghalf(double const interpfrac) { return renderlookang(interpfrac).Normalized180().Degrees() * (128. / 45.); }
double looking_arc(double const interpfrac) { return fabs(renderlookang(interpfrac).Normalized180().Degrees() * (1024. / 1620.)); }
// Ticrate playsim adjustment setters and processor.
void addadjustment(const DAngle value)
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ void DrawFrame(double x, double y, double z, double a, double alpha, int picnum,
auto tex = tileGetTexture(picnum);
double scale = z * (1. / 65536.);
double angle = a * BAngToDegree;
int renderstyle = (stat & RS_NOMASK) ? STYLE_Normal : STYLE_Translucent;
int pin = (stat & kQavOrientationLeft) ? -1 : (stat & RS_ALIGN_R) ? 1 : 0;
auto translation = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, palnum);
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ void DrawFrame(double x, double y, double z, double a, double alpha, int picnum,
bool yflip = !!(stat & RS_YFLIP);
auto color = shadeToLight(shade);
DrawTexture(twod, tex, x, y, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, DTA_Rotate, angle, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, renderstyle, DTA_Alpha, alpha, DTA_Pin, pin, DTA_TranslationIndex, translation,
DrawTexture(twod, tex, x, y, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, DTA_Rotate, a, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, renderstyle, DTA_Alpha, alpha, DTA_Pin, pin, DTA_TranslationIndex, translation,
DTA_TopLeft, topleft, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, topleft ? 0 : 2, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_FlipOffsets, true, DTA_Color, color,
DTA_FlipX, xflip, DTA_FlipY, yflip, TAG_DONE);
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, b
double tileX;
double tileY;
double tileZ;
double tileA;
DAngle tileA;
double tileAlpha;
int tileShade;
auto const tileStat = stat | thisTile->stat;
@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, b
tileX = interpolatedvalue<double>(prevTile->x, thisTile->x, interpfrac);
tileY = interpolatedvalue<double>(prevTile->y, thisTile->y, interpfrac);
tileZ = interpolatedvalue<double>(prevTile->z, thisTile->z, interpfrac);
tileA = interpolatedvalue(DAngle::fromBuild(prevTile->angle), DAngle::fromBuild(thisTile->angle), interpfrac).Buildfang();
tileA = interpolatedvalue(prevTile->angle, thisTile->angle, interpfrac);
tileShade = interpolatedvalue(prevTile->shade, thisTile->shade, interpfrac) + shade;
auto prevAlpha = ((stat | prevTile->stat) & RS_TRANS1) ? glblend[0].def[!!((stat | prevTile->stat) & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.f;
auto thisAlpha = (tileStat & RS_TRANS1) ? glblend[0].def[!!(tileStat & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.f;
@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, b
tileAlpha = (tileStat & RS_TRANS1) ? glblend[0].def[!!(tileStat & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.f;
DrawFrame(tileX + x, tileY + y, tileZ, tileA, tileAlpha, thisTile->picnum, tileStat, tileShade, (palnum <= 0 ? thisTile->palnum : palnum), to3dview);
DrawFrame(tileX + x, tileY + y, tileZ, tileA.Degrees(), tileAlpha, thisTile->picnum, tileStat, tileShade, (palnum <= 0 ? thisTile->palnum : palnum), to3dview);
@ -418,7 +417,7 @@ QAV* getQAV(int res_id)
qavdata->frames[i].tiles[j].stat = fr.ReadInt32();
qavdata->frames[i].tiles[j].shade = fr.ReadInt8();
qavdata->frames[i].tiles[j].palnum = fr.ReadUInt8();
qavdata->frames[i].tiles[j].angle = fr.ReadUInt16();
qavdata->frames[i].tiles[j].angle = DAngle::fromBuild(fr.ReadUInt16());
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ struct TILE_FRAME
int stat;
int8_t shade;
int8_t palnum;
uint16_t angle;
DAngle angle;
@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ void GameMove(void)
bobangle += 56;
bobangle &= kAngleMask;
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
if (cl_hudinterpolation)
nBobAngle = interpolatedvalue(DAngle::fromBuild(obobangle), DAngle::fromBuild(bobangle), interpfrac).Buildfang();
nVal = interpolatedvalue(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].ototalvel, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].totalvel, interpfrac) * 0.5;
nBobAngle = interpolatedvalue<double>(obobangle, bobangle, interpfrac) * BAngToDegree;
nVal = interpolatedvalue<double>(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].ototalvel, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].totalvel, interpfrac);
@ -919,11 +919,11 @@ void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
nVal = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].totalvel;
yOffset = MulScaleF(nVal, bsinf(fmod(nBobAngle, 1024.), -8), 9);
yOffset = nVal * fabs(g_sindeg(nBobAngle)) * (1. / 16.);
if (var_34 == 1)
xOffset = MulScaleF(bcosf(nBobAngle, -8), nVal, 8);
xOffset = nVal * g_cosdeg(nBobAngle) * (1. / 8.);
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