mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 17:00:52 +00:00
- SW: Remove PLAYER::posZget()
- SW: Remove `PLAYER::posZget()`.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 30 additions and 39 deletions
@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ void drawscreen(PLAYER* pp, double interpfrac, bool sceneonly)
updatesectorz(tpos, &tsect);
pp->si = tpos.plusZ(-pp->posZget());
pp->si = tpos.plusZ(-pp->actor->getOffsetZ());
pp->siang = tang;
QuakeViewChange(camerapp, tpos, tang);
@ -1900,10 +1900,6 @@ struct PLAYER
actor->spr.pos.Z += val;
double posZget()
return actor->spr.pos.Z + actor->viewzoffset;
void posSet(const DVector3& val)
@ -1923,11 +1919,6 @@ struct PLAYER
return actor->opos.XY();
void posprevZset(const double val)
actor->opos.Z = val - actor->viewzoffset;
void posprevSet(const DVector3& val)
actor->opos = val.plusZ(-actor->viewzoffset);
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void GameInterface::GetInput(ControlInfo* const hidInput, double const scaleAdju
if ((pp->Flags2 & PF2_INPUT_CAN_TURN_VEHICLE))
DoPlayerTurnVehicle(pp, input.avel, pp->posZget() + 10, abs(pp->posZget() + 10 - pp->sop->floor_loz));
DoPlayerTurnVehicle(pp, input.avel, pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + 10, abs(pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + 10 - pp->sop->floor_loz));
if ((pp->Flags2 & PF2_INPUT_CAN_TURN_TURRET))
@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ DSWActor* DoPickTarget(DSWActor* actor, DAngle max_delta_ang, int skip_targets)
double ezhl = ActorZOfBottom(itActor) - (ActorSizeZ(itActor) * 0.25);
if (actor->hasU() && actor->user.PlayerP)
apos.Z = actor->user.PlayerP->posZget();
apos.Z = actor->user.PlayerP->actor->getOffsetZ();
apos.Z = ActorZOfTop(actor) + (ActorSizeZ(actor) * 0.25);
@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ void DoPlayerSetWadeDepth(PLAYER* pp)
if ((sectp->extra & SECTFX_SINK))
// make sure your even in the water
if (pp->posZget() + PLAYER_HEIGHTF > pp->lo_sectp->floorz - FixedToInt(pp->lo_sectp->depth_fixed))
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + PLAYER_HEIGHTF > pp->lo_sectp->floorz - FixedToInt(pp->lo_sectp->depth_fixed))
pp->WadeDepth = FixedToInt(pp->lo_sectp->depth_fixed);
@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ void DoPlayerSlide(PLAYER* pp)
if (abs(pp->slide_vect.X) < 0.05 && abs(pp->slide_vect.Y) < 0.05)
push_ret = pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
if (!(pp->Flags & PF_DEAD))
@ -2001,10 +2001,10 @@ void DoPlayerSlide(PLAYER* pp)
Collision coll;
clipmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, pp->slide_vect, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
clipmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, pp->slide_vect, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
if (!(pp->Flags & PF_DEAD))
@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ void DoPlayerMove(PLAYER* pp)
push_ret = pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist - Z(16), CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist - Z(16), CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
@ -2169,12 +2169,12 @@ void DoPlayerMove(PLAYER* pp)
actor->spr.cstat &= ~(CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK);
Collision coll;
updatesector(pp->posGet(), &pp->cursector);
clipmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, pp->vect, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
clipmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, pp->vect, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
actor->spr.cstat = save_cstat;
push_ret = pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist - Z(16), CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist - Z(16), CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ void DoPlayerMove(PLAYER* pp)
if (interpolate_ride)
@ -2656,7 +2656,7 @@ void DoPlayerMoveVehicle(PLAYER* pp)
pp->vect.X = pp->vect.Y = 0;
pp->lastcursector = pp->cursector;
double zz = pp->posZget() + 10;
double zz = pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + 10;
DVector2 pos[4], opos[4];
@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ void DoPlayerMoveVehicle(PLAYER* pp)
if (pp->sop->clipdist)
Collision coll;
clipmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, pp->vect, pp->sop->clipdist, 4., floordist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, actor->user.coll);
clipmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, pp->vect, pp->sop->clipdist, 4., floordist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, actor->user.coll);
@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ void DoPlayerClimb(PLAYER* pp)
// if floor is ABOVE you && your head goes above it, do a jump up to
// terrace
if (pp->posZget() < pp->LadderSector->floorz - 6)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() < pp->LadderSector->floorz - 6)
pp->jump_speed = PLAYER_CLIMB_JUMP_AMT;
@ -3466,7 +3466,7 @@ int DoPlayerWadeSuperJump(PLAYER* pp)
hit.hitSector = hit.hitWall->nextSector();
if (hit.hitSector != nullptr && abs(hit.hitSector->floorz - pp->posZget()) < 50)
if (hit.hitSector != nullptr && abs(hit.hitSector->floorz - pp->actor->getOffsetZ()) < 50)
double dist = (pp->posXY() - hit.hitpos.XY()).Length();
double comp = (pp->actor->clipdist + 16);
@ -3530,7 +3530,7 @@ void DoPlayerBeginCrawl(PLAYER* pp)
bool PlayerFallTest(PLAYER* pp, double player_height)
// If the floor is far below you, fall hard instead of adjusting height
if (abs(pp->posZget() - pp->loz) > player_height + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
if (abs(pp->actor->getOffsetZ() - pp->loz) > player_height + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
// if on a STEEP slope sector and you have not moved off of the sector
if (pp->lo_sectp &&
@ -3896,7 +3896,7 @@ int PlayerCanDive(PLAYER* pp)
pp->z_speed = 20;
pp->jump_speed = 0;
if (pp->posZget() > pp->loz - pp->WadeDepth - 2)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() > pp->loz - pp->WadeDepth - 2)
@ -4589,7 +4589,7 @@ void DoPlayerDive(PLAYER* pp)
if (pp->z_speed < 0 && FAF_ConnectArea(pp->cursector))
if (pp->posZget() < pp->cursector->ceilingz + 10)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() < pp->cursector->ceilingz + 10)
auto sect = pp->cursector;
@ -4623,7 +4623,7 @@ void DoPlayerDive(PLAYER* pp)
// !JIM! FRANK - I added !pp->hiActor so that you don't warp to surface when
// there is a sprite above you since getzrange returns a hiz < ceiling height
// if you are clipping into a sprite and not the ceiling.
if (pp->posZget() < pp->hiz + 4 && !pp->highActor)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() < pp->hiz + 4 && !pp->highActor)
@ -4655,13 +4655,13 @@ void DoPlayerDive(PLAYER* pp)
// Reverse bobbing when getting close to the floor
if (pp->posZget() + pp->pbob_amt >= pp->loz - PLAYER_DIVE_HEIGHTF)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + pp->pbob_amt >= pp->loz - PLAYER_DIVE_HEIGHTF)
pp->bob_ndx = NORM_ANGLE(pp->bob_ndx + ((1024 + 512) - pp->bob_ndx) * 2);
// Reverse bobbing when getting close to the ceiling
if (pp->posZget() + pp->pbob_amt < pp->hiz + pp->p_ceiling_dist)
if (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + pp->pbob_amt < pp->hiz + pp->p_ceiling_dist)
pp->bob_ndx = NORM_ANGLE(pp->bob_ndx + ((512) - pp->bob_ndx) * 2);
@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ void DoPlayerCurrent(PLAYER* pp)
auto vect = sectu->angle.ToVector() / 256. * sectu->speed * synctics; // 16384 >> 4 - Beware of clipmove's odd format for vect!
push_ret = pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
push_ret = pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
if (!(pp->Flags & PF_DEAD))
@ -4742,10 +4742,10 @@ void DoPlayerCurrent(PLAYER* pp)
Collision coll;
clipmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, vect, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
clipmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, vect, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER, coll);
pushmove(pp->posXY(), pp->posZget(), &pp->cursector, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
pushmove(pp->actor->spr.pos.XY(), pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), &pp->cursector, pp->actor->clipdist, pp->p_ceiling_dist, pp->p_floor_dist, CLIPMASK_PLAYER);
if (push_ret < 0)
if (!(pp->Flags & PF_DEAD))
@ -4945,7 +4945,7 @@ void DoPlayerWade(PLAYER* pp)
// If the floor is far below you, fall hard instead of adjusting height
if (abs(pp->posZget() - pp->loz) > PLAYER_HEIGHTF + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
if (abs(pp->actor->getOffsetZ() - pp->loz) > PLAYER_HEIGHTF + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
pp->jump_speed = 256;
@ -4962,7 +4962,7 @@ void DoPlayerWade(PLAYER* pp)
// If the floor is far below you, fall hard instead of adjusting height
if (abs(pp->posZget() - pp->loz) > PLAYER_HEIGHTF + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
if (abs(pp->actor->getOffsetZ() - pp->loz) > PLAYER_HEIGHTF + PLAYER_FALL_HEIGHTF)
pp->jump_speed = Z(1);
@ -2404,7 +2404,7 @@ void PlayerOperateEnv(PLAYER* pp)
NearThings(pp); // Check for player sound specified in a level sprite
BuildNearTagList(nti, sizeof(nti), pp, pp->posZget(), 128, NT_Lotag | NT_Hitag, 8);
BuildNearTagList(nti, sizeof(nti), pp, pp->actor->getOffsetZ(), 128, NT_Lotag | NT_Hitag, 8);
found = false;
@ -11500,7 +11500,7 @@ int DoRing(DSWActor* actor)
double z;
// move the center with the player
if (pp)
z = pp->posZget() + 20;
z = pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + 20;
z = ActorZOfMiddle(own) + 30;
@ -11612,7 +11612,7 @@ void InitSpellRing(PLAYER* pp)
// put it out there
actorNew->spr.pos += actorNew->spr.angle.ToVector() * actorNew->user.Dist;
actorNew->spr.pos.Z += pp->posZget() + 20 - (actorNew->user.Dist * pp->horizon.horiz.Tan() * 2.); // horizon math sucks...
actorNew->spr.pos.Z += pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + 20 - (actorNew->user.Dist * pp->horizon.horiz.Tan() * 2.); // horizon math sucks...
actorNew->spr.angle += DAngle90;
@ -15513,7 +15513,7 @@ int InitUzi(PLAYER* pp)
if (RANDOM_P2(1024) < 400)
double nz = (pp->posZget() + pp->bob_z);
double nz = (pp->actor->getOffsetZ() + pp->bob_z);
double dax = 1024.;
double daz = nz;
DAngle daang = DAngle22_5 / 4;
Reference in a new issue