mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 17:00:52 +00:00
- normalize line endings.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 960 additions and 960 deletions
@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
[1] I give you permission to make modifications to my Build source and
distribute it, BUT:
[2] Any derivative works based on my Build source may be distributed ONLY
through the INTERNET.
[3] Distribution of any derivative works MUST be done completely FREE of
charge - no commercial exploitation whatsoever.
[4] Anything you distribute which uses a part of my Build Engine source
code MUST include:
[A] The following message somewhere in the archive:
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
[B] This text file "BUILDLIC.TXT" along with it.
[C] Any source files that you modify must include this message as well:
// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release
[5] The use of the Build Engine for commercial purposes will require an
appropriate license arrangement with me. Contact information is
on my web site.
[6] I take no responsibility for damage to your system.
[7] Technical support: Before contacting me with questions, please read
and do ALL of the following!
[A] Look through ALL of my text files. There are 7 of them (including this
one). I like to think that I wrote them for a reason. You will find
many of your answers in the history section of BUILD.TXT and
BUILD2.TXT (they're located inside SRC.ZIP).
[B] If that doesn't satisfy you, then try going to:
where I will maintain a Build Source Code FAQ (or perhaps I might
just provide a link to a good FAQ).
[C] I am willing to respond to questions, but ONLY if they come at a rate
that I can handle.
As my line of defense, I will post my current policy about
answering Build source questions (right below the E-mail address
on my web site.) You can check there to see if I'm getting
overloaded with questions or not.
If I'm too busy, it might say something like this:
I'm too busy to answer Build source questions right now.
Sorry, but don't expect a reply from me any time soon.
If I'm open for Build source questions, please state your question
clearly and don't include any unsolicited attachments unless
they're really small (like less than 50k). Assume that I have
a 28.8k modem. Also, don't leave out important details just
to make your question appear shorter - making me guess what
you're asking doesn't save me time!
-Ken S. (official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken)
[1] I give you permission to make modifications to my Build source and
distribute it, BUT:
[2] Any derivative works based on my Build source may be distributed ONLY
through the INTERNET.
[3] Distribution of any derivative works MUST be done completely FREE of
charge - no commercial exploitation whatsoever.
[4] Anything you distribute which uses a part of my Build Engine source
code MUST include:
[A] The following message somewhere in the archive:
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
[B] This text file "BUILDLIC.TXT" along with it.
[C] Any source files that you modify must include this message as well:
// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release
[5] The use of the Build Engine for commercial purposes will require an
appropriate license arrangement with me. Contact information is
on my web site.
[6] I take no responsibility for damage to your system.
[7] Technical support: Before contacting me with questions, please read
and do ALL of the following!
[A] Look through ALL of my text files. There are 7 of them (including this
one). I like to think that I wrote them for a reason. You will find
many of your answers in the history section of BUILD.TXT and
BUILD2.TXT (they're located inside SRC.ZIP).
[B] If that doesn't satisfy you, then try going to:
where I will maintain a Build Source Code FAQ (or perhaps I might
just provide a link to a good FAQ).
[C] I am willing to respond to questions, but ONLY if they come at a rate
that I can handle.
As my line of defense, I will post my current policy about
answering Build source questions (right below the E-mail address
on my web site.) You can check there to see if I'm getting
overloaded with questions or not.
If I'm too busy, it might say something like this:
I'm too busy to answer Build source questions right now.
Sorry, but don't expect a reply from me any time soon.
If I'm open for Build source questions, please state your question
clearly and don't include any unsolicited attachments unless
they're really small (like less than 50k). Assume that I have
a 28.8k modem. Also, don't leave out important details just
to make your question appear shorter - making me guess what
you're asking doesn't save me time!
-Ken S. (official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken)
@ -1,483 +1,483 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Christoph Oelckers & Mitchell Richters
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "intvec.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
#include "interpolate.h"
// Unified chasecam function for all games.
int cameradist, cameraclock;
bool calcChaseCamPos(int* px, int* py, int* pz, DCoreActor* act, sectortype** psect, binangle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const smoothratio)
HitInfoBase hitinfo;
binangle daang;
int newdist;
if (!*psect) return false;
// Calculate new pos to shoot backwards, using averaged values from the big three.
int nx = gi->chaseCamX(ang);
int ny = gi->chaseCamY(ang);
int nz = gi->chaseCamZ(horiz);
auto bakcstat = act->spr.cstat;
act->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
hitscan({ *px, *py, *pz }, *psect, { nx, ny, nz }, hitinfo, CLIPMASK1);
act->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
int hx = hitinfo.hitpos.X - *px;
int hy = hitinfo.hitpos.Y - *py;
if (*psect == nullptr)
return false;
// If something is in the way, make pp->camera_dist lower if necessary
if (abs(nx) + abs(ny) > abs(hx) + abs(hy))
if (hitinfo.hitWall != nullptr)
// Push you a little bit off the wall
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
daang = bvectangbam(hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.X - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.X,
hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.Y - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.Y);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
else if (hitinfo.hitActor == nullptr)
// Push you off the ceiling/floor
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= (nx >> 5);
hy -= (ny >> 5);
// If you hit a sprite that's not a wall sprite - try again.
auto hit = hitinfo.hitActor;
if (!(hit->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL))
bakcstat = hit->spr.cstat;
calcChaseCamPos(px, py, pz, act, psect, ang, horiz, smoothratio);
hit->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
return false;
// same as wall calculation.
daang = buildang(act->spr.ang - 512);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
newdist = DivScale(hx, nx, 16);
newdist = DivScale(hy, ny, 16);
if (newdist < cameradist)
cameradist = newdist;
// Actually move you! (Camerdist is 65536 if nothing is in the way)
*px += MulScale(nx, cameradist, 16);
*py += MulScale(ny, cameradist, 16);
*pz += MulScale(nz, cameradist, 16);
// Caculate clock using GameTicRate so it increases the same rate on all speed computers.
int myclock = PlayClock + MulScale(120 / GameTicRate, int(smoothratio), 16);
if (cameraclock == INT_MIN)
// Third person view was just started.
cameraclock = myclock;
// Slowly increase cameradist until it reaches 65536.
cameradist = min(cameradist + ((myclock - cameraclock) << 10), 65536);
cameraclock = myclock;
// Make sure psectnum is correct.
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
return true;
// consolidated slope calculation
void calcSlope(const sectortype* sec, float xpos, float ypos, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
int bits = 0;
if (pceilz)
bits |= sec->ceilingstat;
*pceilz = float(sec->ceilingz);
if (pflorz)
bits |= sec->floorstat;
*pflorz = float(sec->floorz);
auto wal = sec->firstWall();
int len = wal->Length();
if (len != 0)
float fac = (wal->deltax() * (float(ypos - wal->pos.Y)) - wal->deltay() * (float(xpos - wal->pos.X))) * (1.f / 256.f) / len;
if (pceilz && sec->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum * fac);
if (pflorz && sec->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pflorz += (sec->floorheinum * fac);
// for the renderer (Polymost variants are in polymost.cpp)
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, pceilz, pflorz);
if (pceilz) *pceilz *= -(1 / 256.f);
if (pflorz) *pflorz *= -(1 / 256.f);
// for the games (these are not inlined so that they can inline calcSlope)
int getceilzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &z, nullptr);
return int(z);
int getflorzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, nullptr, &z);
return int(z);
void getzsofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day, int* ceilz, int* florz)
float c, f;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &c, &f);
*ceilz = int(c);
*florz = int(f);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int basez)
auto wal = sect->firstWall();
auto delta = wal->delta();
int i = (y - wal->pos.Y) * delta.X - (x - wal->pos.X) * delta.Y;
return i == 0? 0 : Scale((z - basez) << 8, wal->Length(), i);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void GetWallSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, leftofs;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + spr->xoffset);
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth();
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + spr->xoffset);
int x = bsin(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int y = -bcos(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int xoff = leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) xoff = -xoff;
int origin = (width >> 1) + xoff;
out[0].X = pos.X - MulScale(x, origin, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y - MulScale(y, origin, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X + MulScale(x, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(y, width, 16);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void TGetFlatSpritePosition(const spritetypebase* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, int heinum, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, height, leftofs, topofs;
int ratio = ksqrt(heinum * heinum + 4096 * 4096);
int xo = heinum ? 0 : spr->xoffset;
int yo = heinum ? 0 : spr->yoffset;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize * spr->xrepeat;
height = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.ysize * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + xo) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.yoffs + yo) * spr->yrepeat;
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth() * spr->xrepeat;
height = (int)tex->GetDisplayHeight() * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + xo) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() + yo) * spr->yrepeat;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) leftofs = -leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) topofs = -topofs;
int sprcenterx = (width >> 1) + leftofs;
int sprcentery = (height >> 1) + topofs;
int cosang = bcos(spr->ang);
int sinang = bsin(spr->ang);
int cosangslope = DivScale(cosang, ratio, 12);
int sinangslope = DivScale(sinang, ratio, 12);
out[0].X = pos.X + DMulScale(sinang, sprcenterx, cosangslope, sprcentery, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y + DMulScale(sinangslope, sprcentery, -cosang, sprcenterx, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X - MulScale(sinang, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(cosang, width, 16);
vec2_t sub = { MulScale(cosangslope, height, 16), MulScale(sinangslope, height, 16) };
out[2] = out[1] - sub;
out[3] = out[0] - sub;
if (outz)
if (!heinum) outz[3] = outz[2] = outz[1] = outz[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int spos = DMulScale(-sinang, out[i].Y - spr->pos.Y, -cosang, out[i].X - spr->pos.X, 4);
outz[i] = MulScale(heinum, spos, 18);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(DCoreActor* actor, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(&actor->spr, pos, out, nullptr, spriteGetSlope(actor), render);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(spr, pos, out, outz, tspriteGetSlope(spr), render);
// Check if some walls are set to use rotated textures.
// Ideally this should just have been done with texture rotation,
// but the effects on the render code would be too severe due to the alignment mess.
void checkRotatedWalls()
for (auto& w : wall)
if (w.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90)
auto& tile = RotTile(w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384));
if (tile.newtile == -1 && tile.owner == -1)
auto owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
tile.newtile = TileFiles.tileCreateRotated(owner);
assert(tile.newtile != -1);
RotTile(tile.newtile).owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
// check if two sectors share a wall connection
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2)
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect1))
if (wal.nextsector == sect2) return true;
return false;
void dragpoint(walltype* startwall, int newx, int newy)
vertexscan(startwall, [&](walltype* wal)
wal->move(newx, newy);
wal->sectorp()->exflags |= SECTOREX_DRAGGED;
tspritetype* renderAddTsprite(tspritetype* tsprite, int& spritesortcnt, DCoreActor* actor)
validateTSpriteSize(tsprite, spritesortcnt);
if (spritesortcnt >= MAXSPRITESONSCREEN) return nullptr;
auto tspr = &tsprite[spritesortcnt++];
tspr->pos = actor->spr.pos;
tspr->cstat = actor->spr.cstat;
tspr->picnum = actor->spr.picnum;
tspr->shade = actor->spr.shade;
tspr->pal = actor->spr.pal;
tspr->clipdist = 0;
tspr->blend = actor->spr.blend;
tspr->xrepeat = actor->spr.xrepeat;
tspr->yrepeat = actor->spr.yrepeat;
tspr->xoffset = actor->spr.xoffset;
tspr->yoffset = actor->spr.yoffset;
tspr->sectp = actor->spr.sectp;
tspr->statnum = actor->spr.statnum;
tspr->ang = actor->spr.ang;
tspr->xvel = actor->spr.xvel;
tspr->yvel = actor->spr.yvel;
tspr->zvel = actor->spr.zvel;
tspr->lotag = actor->spr.lotag;
tspr->hitag = actor->spr.hitag;
tspr->extra = actor->spr.extra;
tspr->time = actor->time;
tspr->ownerActor = actor;
// need to copy the slope sprite flag around because for tsprites the bit combination means 'voxel'.
tspr->clipdist |= TSPR_SLOPESPRITE;
return tspr;
// vector serializers
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec2_t& c, vec2_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec3_t& c, vec3_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
("z", c.Z, def ? &def->Z : nullptr)
return arc;
Copyright (C) 2021 Christoph Oelckers & Mitchell Richters
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "intvec.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
#include "interpolate.h"
// Unified chasecam function for all games.
int cameradist, cameraclock;
bool calcChaseCamPos(int* px, int* py, int* pz, DCoreActor* act, sectortype** psect, binangle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const smoothratio)
HitInfoBase hitinfo;
binangle daang;
int newdist;
if (!*psect) return false;
// Calculate new pos to shoot backwards, using averaged values from the big three.
int nx = gi->chaseCamX(ang);
int ny = gi->chaseCamY(ang);
int nz = gi->chaseCamZ(horiz);
auto bakcstat = act->spr.cstat;
act->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
hitscan({ *px, *py, *pz }, *psect, { nx, ny, nz }, hitinfo, CLIPMASK1);
act->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
int hx = hitinfo.hitpos.X - *px;
int hy = hitinfo.hitpos.Y - *py;
if (*psect == nullptr)
return false;
// If something is in the way, make pp->camera_dist lower if necessary
if (abs(nx) + abs(ny) > abs(hx) + abs(hy))
if (hitinfo.hitWall != nullptr)
// Push you a little bit off the wall
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
daang = bvectangbam(hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.X - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.X,
hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.Y - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.Y);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
else if (hitinfo.hitActor == nullptr)
// Push you off the ceiling/floor
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= (nx >> 5);
hy -= (ny >> 5);
// If you hit a sprite that's not a wall sprite - try again.
auto hit = hitinfo.hitActor;
if (!(hit->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL))
bakcstat = hit->spr.cstat;
calcChaseCamPos(px, py, pz, act, psect, ang, horiz, smoothratio);
hit->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
return false;
// same as wall calculation.
daang = buildang(act->spr.ang - 512);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
newdist = DivScale(hx, nx, 16);
newdist = DivScale(hy, ny, 16);
if (newdist < cameradist)
cameradist = newdist;
// Actually move you! (Camerdist is 65536 if nothing is in the way)
*px += MulScale(nx, cameradist, 16);
*py += MulScale(ny, cameradist, 16);
*pz += MulScale(nz, cameradist, 16);
// Caculate clock using GameTicRate so it increases the same rate on all speed computers.
int myclock = PlayClock + MulScale(120 / GameTicRate, int(smoothratio), 16);
if (cameraclock == INT_MIN)
// Third person view was just started.
cameraclock = myclock;
// Slowly increase cameradist until it reaches 65536.
cameradist = min(cameradist + ((myclock - cameraclock) << 10), 65536);
cameraclock = myclock;
// Make sure psectnum is correct.
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
return true;
// consolidated slope calculation
void calcSlope(const sectortype* sec, float xpos, float ypos, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
int bits = 0;
if (pceilz)
bits |= sec->ceilingstat;
*pceilz = float(sec->ceilingz);
if (pflorz)
bits |= sec->floorstat;
*pflorz = float(sec->floorz);
auto wal = sec->firstWall();
int len = wal->Length();
if (len != 0)
float fac = (wal->deltax() * (float(ypos - wal->pos.Y)) - wal->deltay() * (float(xpos - wal->pos.X))) * (1.f / 256.f) / len;
if (pceilz && sec->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum * fac);
if (pflorz && sec->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pflorz += (sec->floorheinum * fac);
// for the renderer (Polymost variants are in polymost.cpp)
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, pceilz, pflorz);
if (pceilz) *pceilz *= -(1 / 256.f);
if (pflorz) *pflorz *= -(1 / 256.f);
// for the games (these are not inlined so that they can inline calcSlope)
int getceilzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &z, nullptr);
return int(z);
int getflorzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, nullptr, &z);
return int(z);
void getzsofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day, int* ceilz, int* florz)
float c, f;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &c, &f);
*ceilz = int(c);
*florz = int(f);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int basez)
auto wal = sect->firstWall();
auto delta = wal->delta();
int i = (y - wal->pos.Y) * delta.X - (x - wal->pos.X) * delta.Y;
return i == 0? 0 : Scale((z - basez) << 8, wal->Length(), i);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void GetWallSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, leftofs;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + spr->xoffset);
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth();
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + spr->xoffset);
int x = bsin(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int y = -bcos(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int xoff = leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) xoff = -xoff;
int origin = (width >> 1) + xoff;
out[0].X = pos.X - MulScale(x, origin, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y - MulScale(y, origin, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X + MulScale(x, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(y, width, 16);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void TGetFlatSpritePosition(const spritetypebase* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, int heinum, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, height, leftofs, topofs;
int ratio = ksqrt(heinum * heinum + 4096 * 4096);
int xo = heinum ? 0 : spr->xoffset;
int yo = heinum ? 0 : spr->yoffset;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize * spr->xrepeat;
height = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.ysize * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + xo) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.yoffs + yo) * spr->yrepeat;
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth() * spr->xrepeat;
height = (int)tex->GetDisplayHeight() * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + xo) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() + yo) * spr->yrepeat;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) leftofs = -leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) topofs = -topofs;
int sprcenterx = (width >> 1) + leftofs;
int sprcentery = (height >> 1) + topofs;
int cosang = bcos(spr->ang);
int sinang = bsin(spr->ang);
int cosangslope = DivScale(cosang, ratio, 12);
int sinangslope = DivScale(sinang, ratio, 12);
out[0].X = pos.X + DMulScale(sinang, sprcenterx, cosangslope, sprcentery, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y + DMulScale(sinangslope, sprcentery, -cosang, sprcenterx, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X - MulScale(sinang, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(cosang, width, 16);
vec2_t sub = { MulScale(cosangslope, height, 16), MulScale(sinangslope, height, 16) };
out[2] = out[1] - sub;
out[3] = out[0] - sub;
if (outz)
if (!heinum) outz[3] = outz[2] = outz[1] = outz[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int spos = DMulScale(-sinang, out[i].Y - spr->pos.Y, -cosang, out[i].X - spr->pos.X, 4);
outz[i] = MulScale(heinum, spos, 18);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(DCoreActor* actor, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(&actor->spr, pos, out, nullptr, spriteGetSlope(actor), render);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(spr, pos, out, outz, tspriteGetSlope(spr), render);
// Check if some walls are set to use rotated textures.
// Ideally this should just have been done with texture rotation,
// but the effects on the render code would be too severe due to the alignment mess.
void checkRotatedWalls()
for (auto& w : wall)
if (w.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90)
auto& tile = RotTile(w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384));
if (tile.newtile == -1 && tile.owner == -1)
auto owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
tile.newtile = TileFiles.tileCreateRotated(owner);
assert(tile.newtile != -1);
RotTile(tile.newtile).owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
// check if two sectors share a wall connection
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2)
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect1))
if (wal.nextsector == sect2) return true;
return false;
void dragpoint(walltype* startwall, int newx, int newy)
vertexscan(startwall, [&](walltype* wal)
wal->move(newx, newy);
wal->sectorp()->exflags |= SECTOREX_DRAGGED;
tspritetype* renderAddTsprite(tspritetype* tsprite, int& spritesortcnt, DCoreActor* actor)
validateTSpriteSize(tsprite, spritesortcnt);
if (spritesortcnt >= MAXSPRITESONSCREEN) return nullptr;
auto tspr = &tsprite[spritesortcnt++];
tspr->pos = actor->spr.pos;
tspr->cstat = actor->spr.cstat;
tspr->picnum = actor->spr.picnum;
tspr->shade = actor->spr.shade;
tspr->pal = actor->spr.pal;
tspr->clipdist = 0;
tspr->blend = actor->spr.blend;
tspr->xrepeat = actor->spr.xrepeat;
tspr->yrepeat = actor->spr.yrepeat;
tspr->xoffset = actor->spr.xoffset;
tspr->yoffset = actor->spr.yoffset;
tspr->sectp = actor->spr.sectp;
tspr->statnum = actor->spr.statnum;
tspr->ang = actor->spr.ang;
tspr->xvel = actor->spr.xvel;
tspr->yvel = actor->spr.yvel;
tspr->zvel = actor->spr.zvel;
tspr->lotag = actor->spr.lotag;
tspr->hitag = actor->spr.hitag;
tspr->extra = actor->spr.extra;
tspr->time = actor->time;
tspr->ownerActor = actor;
// need to copy the slope sprite flag around because for tsprites the bit combination means 'voxel'.
tspr->clipdist |= TSPR_SLOPESPRITE;
return tspr;
// vector serializers
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec2_t& c, vec2_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec3_t& c, vec3_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
("z", c.Z, def ? &def->Z : nullptr)
return arc;
@ -1,406 +1,406 @@
#pragma once
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "binaryangle.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
// breadth first search, this gets used multiple times throughout the engine, mainly for iterating over sectors.
// Only works on indices, this has no knowledge of the actual objects being looked at.
// All objects of this type operate on the same shared store. Interleaved use is not allowed, nested use is fine.
class BFSSearch
static inline TArray<unsigned> store;
unsigned bitpos;
unsigned startpos;
unsigned curpos;
enum { EOL = ~0u };
BFSSearch(unsigned datasize, unsigned startnode)
bitpos = store.Size();
unsigned bitsize = (datasize + 31) >> 5;
memset(&store[bitpos], 0, bitsize*4);
startpos = store.Size();
curpos = startpos;
// This allows this object to just work as a bit array
// which is useful for using its shared storage.
BFSSearch(unsigned datasize)
bitpos = store.Size();
unsigned bitsize = (datasize + 31) >> 5;
memset(&store[bitpos], 0, bitsize * 4);
bool Check(unsigned index) const
return !!(store[bitpos + (index >> 5)] & (1 << (index & 31)));
void Set(unsigned index)
store[bitpos + (index >> 5)] |= (1 << (index & 31));
unsigned GetNext()
if (curpos <= store.Size())
return store[curpos-1];
return ~0;
void Rewind()
curpos = startpos;
void Add(unsigned elem)
if (!Check(elem))
class BFSSectorSearch : public BFSSearch
BFSSectorSearch(const sectortype* startnode) : BFSSearch(sector.Size(), sector.IndexOf(startnode))
bool Check(const sectortype* index) const
return BFSSearch::Check(sector.IndexOf(index));
void Set(const sectortype* index)
sectortype* GetNext()
unsigned ret = BFSSearch::GetNext();
return ret == EOL? nullptr : §or[ret];
void Add(sectortype* elem)
// scans all vertices equivalent with a given spot and performs some work on them.
template<class func>
void vertexscan(walltype* startwall, func mark)
BFSSearch walbitmap(wall.Size());
// first pass: scan the the next-in-loop of the partner
auto wal = startwall;
if (wal->nextwall < 0) break;
wal = wal->nextWall()->point2Wall();
} while (!walbitmap.Check(wall.IndexOf(wal)));
// second pass: scan the partner of the previous-in-loop.
wal = startwall;
while (true)
auto thelastwall = wal->lastWall();
// thelastwall can be null here if the map is bogus.
if (!thelastwall || !thelastwall->twoSided()) break;
wal = thelastwall->nextWall();
if (walbitmap.Check(wall.IndexOf(wal))) break;
extern int cameradist, cameraclock;
void loaddefinitionsfile(const char* fn, bool cumulative = false, bool maingrp = false);
bool calcChaseCamPos(int* px, int* py, int* pz, DCoreActor* pspr, sectortype** psectnum, binangle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const smoothratio);
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* ceilz, float* florz);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int planez);
void setWallSectors();
void GetWallSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render = false);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(DCoreActor* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render = false);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz = nullptr, bool render = false);
void checkRotatedWalls();
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2);
void dragpoint(walltype* wal, int newx, int newy);
// y is negated so that the orientation is the same as in GZDoom, in order to use its utilities.
// The render code should NOT use Build coordinates for anything!
inline double RenderX(int x)
return x * (1 / 16.);
inline double RenderY(int y)
return y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallStartX(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallStartY(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallEndX(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].point2Wall()->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallEndY(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].point2Wall()->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallStartX(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallStartY(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline DVector2 WallStart(const walltype* wallnum)
return { WallStartX(wallnum), WallStartY(wallnum) };
inline double WallEndX(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->point2Wall()->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallEndY(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->point2Wall()->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline DVector2 WallEnd(const walltype* wallnum)
return { WallEndX(wallnum), WallEndY(wallnum) };
inline DVector2 WallDelta(const walltype* wallnum)
return WallEnd(wallnum) - WallStart(wallnum);
inline double PointOnLineSide(double x, double y, double linex, double liney, double deltax, double deltay)
return (x - linex) * deltay - (y - liney) * deltax;
inline double PointOnLineSide(const DVector2 &pos, const walltype *line)
return (pos.X - WallStartX(line)) * WallDelta(line).Y - (pos.Y - WallStartY(line)) * WallDelta(line).X;
template<class T>
inline double PointOnLineSide(const TVector2<T>& pos, const TVector2<T>& linestart, const TVector2<T>& lineend)
return (pos.X - linestart.X) * (lineend.Y - linestart.Y) - (pos.Y - linestart.Y) * (lineend.X - linestart.X);
extern int numshades;
// Return type is int because this gets passed to variadic functions where structs may produce undefined behavior.
inline int shadeToLight(int shade)
shade = clamp(shade, 0, numshades - 1);
int light = Scale(numshades - 1 - shade, 255, numshades - 1);
return PalEntry(255, light, light, light);
inline void copyfloorpal(tspritetype* spr, const sectortype* sect)
if (!lookups.noFloorPal(sect->floorpal)) spr->pal = sect->floorpal;
inline void spriteSetSlope(DCoreActor* actor, int heinum)
if (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR)
actor->spr.xoffset = heinum & 255;
actor->spr.yoffset = (heinum >> 8) & 255;
inline int spriteGetSlope(DCoreActor* actor)
return ((actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_SLOPE) ? 0 : uint8_t(actor->spr.xoffset) + (uint8_t(actor->spr.yoffset) << 8);
// same stuff, different flag...
inline int tspriteGetSlope(const tspritetype* spr)
return !(spr->clipdist & TSPR_SLOPESPRITE) ? 0 : uint8_t(spr->xoffset) + (int8_t(spr->yoffset) << 8);
inline int32_t tspriteGetZOfSlope(const tspritetype* tspr, int dax, int day)
int heinum = tspriteGetSlope(tspr);
if (heinum == 0) return tspr->pos.Z;
int const j = DMulScale(bsin(tspr->ang + 1024), day - tspr->pos.Y, -bsin(tspr->ang + 512), dax - tspr->pos.X, 4);
return tspr->pos.Z + MulScale(heinum, j, 18);
inline int I_GetBuildTime()
return I_GetTime(120);
inline int32_t getangle(walltype* wal)
return getangle(
wal->point2Wall()->pos.X - wal->pos.X,
wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y - wal->pos.Y);
inline TArrayView<walltype> wallsofsector(const sectortype* sec)
return TArrayView<walltype>(sec->firstWall(), sec->wallnum);
inline TArrayView<walltype> wallsofsector(int sec)
return wallsofsector(§or[sec]);
// these are mainly meant as refactoring aids to mark function calls to work on.
inline int wallnum(const walltype* wal)
return wall.IndexOf(wal);
inline int sectnum(const sectortype* sect)
return sector.IndexOf(sect);
inline double SquareDist(double lx1, double ly1, double lx2, double ly2)
double dx = lx2 - lx1;
double dy = ly2 - ly1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
inline DVector2 NearestPointLine(double px, double py, const walltype* wal)
double lx1 = wal->pos.X;
double ly1 = wal->pos.Y;
double lx2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.X;
double ly2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y;
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return { lx1, ly1 };
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
return { xx, yy };
inline double SquareDistToWall(double px, double py, const walltype* wal, DVector2* point = nullptr)
double lx1 = wal->pos.X;
double ly1 = wal->pos.Y;
double lx2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.X;
double ly2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y;
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return SquareDist(px, py, lx1, ly1);
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
t = clamp(t, 0., 1.);
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
if (point) *point = { xx, yy };
return SquareDist(px, py, xx, yy);
inline double SquareDistToLine(double px, double py, double lx1, double ly1, double lx2, double ly2)
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return SquareDist(px, py, lx1, ly1);
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
t = clamp(t, 0., 1.);
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
return SquareDist(px, py, xx, yy);
inline void alignceilslope(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z)
sect->setceilingslope(getslopeval(sect, x, y, z, sect->ceilingz));
inline void alignflorslope(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z)
sect->setfloorslope(getslopeval(sect, x, y, z, sect->floorz));
inline void updatesectorneighbor(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, sectortype* * const sect, int32_t maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
int sectno = *sect? sector.IndexOf(*sect) : -1;
updatesectorneighbor(x, y, §no, maxDistance);
*sect = sectno < 0? nullptr : §or[sectno];
#pragma once
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "binaryangle.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
// breadth first search, this gets used multiple times throughout the engine, mainly for iterating over sectors.
// Only works on indices, this has no knowledge of the actual objects being looked at.
// All objects of this type operate on the same shared store. Interleaved use is not allowed, nested use is fine.
class BFSSearch
static inline TArray<unsigned> store;
unsigned bitpos;
unsigned startpos;
unsigned curpos;
enum { EOL = ~0u };
BFSSearch(unsigned datasize, unsigned startnode)
bitpos = store.Size();
unsigned bitsize = (datasize + 31) >> 5;
memset(&store[bitpos], 0, bitsize*4);
startpos = store.Size();
curpos = startpos;
// This allows this object to just work as a bit array
// which is useful for using its shared storage.
BFSSearch(unsigned datasize)
bitpos = store.Size();
unsigned bitsize = (datasize + 31) >> 5;
memset(&store[bitpos], 0, bitsize * 4);
bool Check(unsigned index) const
return !!(store[bitpos + (index >> 5)] & (1 << (index & 31)));
void Set(unsigned index)
store[bitpos + (index >> 5)] |= (1 << (index & 31));
unsigned GetNext()
if (curpos <= store.Size())
return store[curpos-1];
return ~0;
void Rewind()
curpos = startpos;
void Add(unsigned elem)
if (!Check(elem))
class BFSSectorSearch : public BFSSearch
BFSSectorSearch(const sectortype* startnode) : BFSSearch(sector.Size(), sector.IndexOf(startnode))
bool Check(const sectortype* index) const
return BFSSearch::Check(sector.IndexOf(index));
void Set(const sectortype* index)
sectortype* GetNext()
unsigned ret = BFSSearch::GetNext();
return ret == EOL? nullptr : §or[ret];
void Add(sectortype* elem)
// scans all vertices equivalent with a given spot and performs some work on them.
template<class func>
void vertexscan(walltype* startwall, func mark)
BFSSearch walbitmap(wall.Size());
// first pass: scan the the next-in-loop of the partner
auto wal = startwall;
if (wal->nextwall < 0) break;
wal = wal->nextWall()->point2Wall();
} while (!walbitmap.Check(wall.IndexOf(wal)));
// second pass: scan the partner of the previous-in-loop.
wal = startwall;
while (true)
auto thelastwall = wal->lastWall();
// thelastwall can be null here if the map is bogus.
if (!thelastwall || !thelastwall->twoSided()) break;
wal = thelastwall->nextWall();
if (walbitmap.Check(wall.IndexOf(wal))) break;
extern int cameradist, cameraclock;
void loaddefinitionsfile(const char* fn, bool cumulative = false, bool maingrp = false);
bool calcChaseCamPos(int* px, int* py, int* pz, DCoreActor* pspr, sectortype** psectnum, binangle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const smoothratio);
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* ceilz, float* florz);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int planez);
void setWallSectors();
void GetWallSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render = false);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(DCoreActor* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render = false);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz = nullptr, bool render = false);
void checkRotatedWalls();
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2);
void dragpoint(walltype* wal, int newx, int newy);
// y is negated so that the orientation is the same as in GZDoom, in order to use its utilities.
// The render code should NOT use Build coordinates for anything!
inline double RenderX(int x)
return x * (1 / 16.);
inline double RenderY(int y)
return y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallStartX(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallStartY(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallEndX(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].point2Wall()->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallEndY(int wallnum)
return wall[wallnum].point2Wall()->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline double WallStartX(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallStartY(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline DVector2 WallStart(const walltype* wallnum)
return { WallStartX(wallnum), WallStartY(wallnum) };
inline double WallEndX(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->point2Wall()->pos.X * (1 / 16.);
inline double WallEndY(const walltype* wallnum)
return wallnum->point2Wall()->pos.Y * (1 / -16.);
inline DVector2 WallEnd(const walltype* wallnum)
return { WallEndX(wallnum), WallEndY(wallnum) };
inline DVector2 WallDelta(const walltype* wallnum)
return WallEnd(wallnum) - WallStart(wallnum);
inline double PointOnLineSide(double x, double y, double linex, double liney, double deltax, double deltay)
return (x - linex) * deltay - (y - liney) * deltax;
inline double PointOnLineSide(const DVector2 &pos, const walltype *line)
return (pos.X - WallStartX(line)) * WallDelta(line).Y - (pos.Y - WallStartY(line)) * WallDelta(line).X;
template<class T>
inline double PointOnLineSide(const TVector2<T>& pos, const TVector2<T>& linestart, const TVector2<T>& lineend)
return (pos.X - linestart.X) * (lineend.Y - linestart.Y) - (pos.Y - linestart.Y) * (lineend.X - linestart.X);
extern int numshades;
// Return type is int because this gets passed to variadic functions where structs may produce undefined behavior.
inline int shadeToLight(int shade)
shade = clamp(shade, 0, numshades - 1);
int light = Scale(numshades - 1 - shade, 255, numshades - 1);
return PalEntry(255, light, light, light);
inline void copyfloorpal(tspritetype* spr, const sectortype* sect)
if (!lookups.noFloorPal(sect->floorpal)) spr->pal = sect->floorpal;
inline void spriteSetSlope(DCoreActor* actor, int heinum)
if (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR)
actor->spr.xoffset = heinum & 255;
actor->spr.yoffset = (heinum >> 8) & 255;
inline int spriteGetSlope(DCoreActor* actor)
return ((actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_SLOPE) ? 0 : uint8_t(actor->spr.xoffset) + (uint8_t(actor->spr.yoffset) << 8);
// same stuff, different flag...
inline int tspriteGetSlope(const tspritetype* spr)
return !(spr->clipdist & TSPR_SLOPESPRITE) ? 0 : uint8_t(spr->xoffset) + (int8_t(spr->yoffset) << 8);
inline int32_t tspriteGetZOfSlope(const tspritetype* tspr, int dax, int day)
int heinum = tspriteGetSlope(tspr);
if (heinum == 0) return tspr->pos.Z;
int const j = DMulScale(bsin(tspr->ang + 1024), day - tspr->pos.Y, -bsin(tspr->ang + 512), dax - tspr->pos.X, 4);
return tspr->pos.Z + MulScale(heinum, j, 18);
inline int I_GetBuildTime()
return I_GetTime(120);
inline int32_t getangle(walltype* wal)
return getangle(
wal->point2Wall()->pos.X - wal->pos.X,
wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y - wal->pos.Y);
inline TArrayView<walltype> wallsofsector(const sectortype* sec)
return TArrayView<walltype>(sec->firstWall(), sec->wallnum);
inline TArrayView<walltype> wallsofsector(int sec)
return wallsofsector(§or[sec]);
// these are mainly meant as refactoring aids to mark function calls to work on.
inline int wallnum(const walltype* wal)
return wall.IndexOf(wal);
inline int sectnum(const sectortype* sect)
return sector.IndexOf(sect);
inline double SquareDist(double lx1, double ly1, double lx2, double ly2)
double dx = lx2 - lx1;
double dy = ly2 - ly1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
inline DVector2 NearestPointLine(double px, double py, const walltype* wal)
double lx1 = wal->pos.X;
double ly1 = wal->pos.Y;
double lx2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.X;
double ly2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y;
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return { lx1, ly1 };
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
return { xx, yy };
inline double SquareDistToWall(double px, double py, const walltype* wal, DVector2* point = nullptr)
double lx1 = wal->pos.X;
double ly1 = wal->pos.Y;
double lx2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.X;
double ly2 = wal->point2Wall()->pos.Y;
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return SquareDist(px, py, lx1, ly1);
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
t = clamp(t, 0., 1.);
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
if (point) *point = { xx, yy };
return SquareDist(px, py, xx, yy);
inline double SquareDistToLine(double px, double py, double lx1, double ly1, double lx2, double ly2)
double wall_length = SquareDist(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
if (wall_length == 0) return SquareDist(px, py, lx1, ly1);
double t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1)) / wall_length;
t = clamp(t, 0., 1.);
double xx = lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1);
double yy = ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1);
return SquareDist(px, py, xx, yy);
inline void alignceilslope(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z)
sect->setceilingslope(getslopeval(sect, x, y, z, sect->ceilingz));
inline void alignflorslope(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z)
sect->setfloorslope(getslopeval(sect, x, y, z, sect->floorz));
inline void updatesectorneighbor(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, sectortype* * const sect, int32_t maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
int sectno = *sect? sector.IndexOf(*sect) : -1;
updatesectorneighbor(x, y, §no, maxDistance);
*sect = sectno < 0? nullptr : §or[sectno];
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