diff --git a/source/build/src/polymost.cpp b/source/build/src/polymost.cpp index bac747095..14ded53e7 100644 --- a/source/build/src/polymost.cpp +++ b/source/build/src/polymost.cpp @@ -2496,9 +2496,6 @@ void polymost_setupdetailtexture(const int32_t texunits, const int32_t tex) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); - - glClientActiveTexture(texunits); - glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); } void polymost_setupglowtexture(const int32_t texunits, const int32_t tex) @@ -2510,9 +2507,6 @@ void polymost_setupglowtexture(const int32_t texunits, const int32_t tex) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); - - glClientActiveTexture(texunits); - glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); } #endif @@ -2536,176 +2530,13 @@ static inline pthtyp *our_texcache_fetch(int32_t dameth) return texcache_fetch(globalpicnum, globalpal, getpalookup((r_usetileshades == 1 && !(globalflags & GLOBAL_NO_GL_TILESHADES)) ? globvis>>3 : 0, globalshade), dameth); } -static void polymost2_drawVBO(GLenum mode, - int32_t vertexBufferID, - int32_t indexBufferID, - const int32_t numElements, - float projectionMatrix[4*4], - float modelViewMatrix[4*4], - int32_t dameth, - float texScale[2], - float texOffset[2], - char cullFaces) -{ - if (dameth == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL || - #ifdef YAX_ENABLE - g_nodraw || - #endif - (uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES) - { - return; - } - - glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); - glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); - - if (cullFaces) - { - glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); - } - //POGOTODO: this is temporary, the permanent fix is to not allow the transform to affect the windings in the first place in polymost2_drawSprite() - if (cullFaces == 1) - { - glCullFace(GL_BACK); - } - else - { - glCullFace(GL_FRONT); - } - - //POGOTODO: in the future, state changes like binding these buffers can be batched. For now, just switch on every VBO rendered - glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBufferID); - glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBufferID); - - glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); - glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); - - if (palookup[globalpal] == NULL) - { - globalpal = 0; - } - - //Load texture (globalpicnum) - setgotpic(globalpicnum); - if (!waloff[globalpicnum]) - { - tileLoad(globalpicnum); - } - - pthtyp *pth = our_texcache_fetch(dameth | (r_useindexedcolortextures ? PTH_INDEXED : 0)); - - if (!pth) - { - if (editstatus) - { - Bsprintf(ptempbuf, "pth==NULL! (bad pal?) pic=%d pal=%d", globalpicnum, globalpal); - polymost_printext256(8,8, editorcolors[15],editorcolors[5], ptempbuf, 0); - } - return; - } - - glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); - //POGO: temporarily swapped out blankTextureID for 0 (as the blank texture has been moved into the dynamic tilesheets) - glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (pth && pth->flags & PTH_HASFULLBRIGHT && r_fullbrights) ? pth->ofb->glpic : 0); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT); - - glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); - polymost_bindPth(pth); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); - glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT); - - //POGOTODO: handle tinting & shading completely with fragment shader - //POGOTODO: handle fullbright & glow completely with fragment shader - - //POGOTODO: glAlphaFunc is deprecated, move this into the fragment shader - float const al = waloff[globalpicnum] ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] != 0 ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] * (1.f/255.f): - (pth && pth->hicr && pth->hicr->alphacut >= 0.f ? pth->hicr->alphacut : 0.f) : 0.f; - glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, al); - //POGOTODO: batch this, only apply it to sprites that actually need blending - glEnable(GL_BLEND); - glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); - - handle_blend((dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) > DAMETH_MASK, drawpoly_blend, (dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) == DAMETH_TRANS2); - - useShaderProgram(polymost2BasicShaderProgramID); - - //POGOTODO: batch uniform binding - float tint[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; - polytint_t const & polytint = hictinting[globalpal]; - //POGOTODO: full bright pass uses its own globalshade... - tint[0] = (1.f-(polytint.sr*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sr*(1.f/255.f)); - tint[1] = (1.f-(polytint.sg*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sg*(1.f/255.f)); - tint[2] = (1.f-(polytint.sb*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sb*(1.f/255.f)); - - // spriteext full alpha control - float alpha = float_trans(dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS, drawpoly_blend) * (1.f - drawpoly_alpha); - - if (pth) - { - // tinting - polytintflags_t const tintflags = hictinting[globalpal].f; - if (!(tintflags & HICTINT_PRECOMPUTED)) - { - if (pth->flags & PTH_HIGHTILE) - { - if (pth->palnum != globalpal || (pth->effects & HICTINT_IN_MEMORY) || (tintflags & HICTINT_APPLYOVERALTPAL)) - hictinting_apply(tint, globalpal); - } - else if (tintflags & (HICTINT_USEONART|HICTINT_ALWAYSUSEART)) - hictinting_apply(tint, globalpal); - } - - // global tinting - if ((pth->flags & PTH_HIGHTILE) && have_basepal_tint()) - hictinting_apply(tint, MAXPALOOKUPS-1); - } - - glUniformMatrix4fv(projMatrixLoc, 1, false, projectionMatrix); - glUniformMatrix4fv(mvMatrixLoc, 1, false, modelViewMatrix); - glUniform1i(texSamplerLoc, 0); - glUniform1i(fullBrightSamplerLoc, 1); - glUniform2fv(texOffsetLoc, 1, texOffset); - glUniform2fv(texScaleLoc, 1, texScale); - glUniform4fv(tintLoc, 1, tint); - glUniform1f(alphaLoc, alpha); - const float fogRange[2] = {fogresult, fogresult2}; - glUniform2fv(fogRangeLoc, 1, fogRange); - glUniform4fv(fogColorLoc, 1, (GLfloat*) &fogcol); - - if (indexBufferID == 0) - { - glDrawArrays(mode, - 0, - numElements); - } - else - { - glDrawElements(mode, - numElements, - GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, - 0); - } - - glDisableVertexAttribArray(0); - glDisableVertexAttribArray(1); - - //POGOTODO: again, these state changes should be batched in the future, rather than on each VBO rendered - glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); - glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); - - glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); - - glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); - glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); - - //polymost_resetVertexPointers(); -} static void polymost_updatePalette() { if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_POLYMOST) + { return; + } polymost_setPalswap(globalpal); polymost_setShade(globalshade); @@ -3315,24 +3146,6 @@ do } #ifdef USE_GLEXT - if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_POLYMOST) - { - while (texunits > GL_TEXTURE0) - { - glActiveTexture(texunits); - glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); - glLoadIdentity(); - glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); - - glClientActiveTexture(texunits); - glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); - - glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_RGB_SCALE, 1.0f); - glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); - - --texunits; - } - } polymost_useDetailMapping(false); polymost_useGlowMapping(false); @@ -4828,39 +4641,6 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch) else polymost_domost(x0,fy0,x1,fy1); -#if 0 - //Hack to draw color rectangle above sky when looking up... - xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0; - - ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.f / -262144.f); - ytex.u = 0; - ytex.v = 0; - - otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d; - otex.u = 0; - otex.v = 0; - - o.y = -vv[0]/vv[1]; - - if ((o.y < fy0) && (o.y < fy1)) - polymost_domost(x1,o.y,x0,o.y); - else if ((o.y < fy0) != (o.y < fy1)) - { - o.x = (o.y-fy0)*(x1-x0)/(fy1-fy0) + x0; - if (o.y < fy0) - { - polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x0,o.y); - polymost_domost(x1,fy1,o.x,o.y); - } - else - { - polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x0,fy0); - polymost_domost(x1,o.y,o.x,o.y); - } - } - else - polymost_domost(x1,fy1,x0,fy0); -#endif } else skyclamphack = 0; @@ -5140,39 +4920,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch) if ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y * daptileyscale * (1.f/65536.f)) > 256) { -#if 0 - //Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down... - xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0; - ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.f / 262144.f); - ytex.u = 0; - ytex.v = (float)(tilesiz[globalpicnum].y - 1) * ytex.d; - - otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d; - otex.u = 0; - otex.v = (float)(tilesiz[globalpicnum].y - 1) * otex.d; - - o.y = ((float)tilesiz[globalpicnum].y*dd-vv[0])/vv[1]; - - if ((o.y > cy0) && (o.y > cy1)) - polymost_domost(x0,o.y,x1,o.y); - else if ((o.y > cy0) != (o.y > cy1)) - { - o.x = (o.y-cy0)*(x1-x0)/(cy1-cy0) + x0; - if (o.y > cy0) - { - polymost_domost(x0,o.y,o.x,o.y); - polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x1,cy1); - } - else - { - polymost_domost(x0,cy0,o.x,o.y); - polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x1,o.y); - } - } - else - polymost_domost(x0,cy0,x1,cy1); -#endif //Hack to draw color rectangle above sky when looking up... xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0; @@ -7834,7 +7582,7 @@ static int32_t gen_font_glyph_tex(void) { // construct a 256x128 texture for the font glyph matrix - glGenTextures(1,&polymosttext); + GetTextureHandle(&polymosttext); if (!polymosttext) return -1;