/* Default keybindings for all games */ ` toggleconsole 1 "slot 1" 2 "slot 2" 3 "slot 3" 4 "slot 4" 5 "slot 5" 6 "slot 6" 7 "slot 7" 8 "slot 8" 9 "slot 9" 0 "slot 0" [ invprev ] invnext mwheelleft invprev mwheelright invnext enter invuse - sizedown = sizeup ctrl +attack alt +strafe shift +speed space +use rightarrow +right leftarrow +left uparrow +forward downarrow +back , +moveleft . +moveright w +forward s +back a +moveleft d +moveright mouse1 +attack mouse2 +strafe mouse3 +forward mouse4 +speed capslock "toggle cl_run" f1 menu_help f2 menu_save f3 menu_load f4 menu_options f5 menu_display f6 quicksave f7 menu_endgame f8 togglemessages f9 quickload f11 bumpgamma f10 menu_quit tab togglemap pause pause sysrq screenshot t messagemode \ +showscores f12 spynext mwheeldown weapnext mwheelup weapprev // Originally just for Heretic, Hexen, and Strife. // I can't see why they shouldn't be for Doom or Chex either. pgup +moveup pgdn +movedown home land ins +lookup del +lookdown end centerview // Generic joystick buttons joy1 +attack joy2 +strafe joy3 +speed joy4 +use // Xbox 360 / PS2 controllers pad_a +use pad_b +jump rtrigger +attack ltrigger +altattack lshoulder weapprev rshoulder weapnext dpadleft invprev dpadright invnext dpaddown invuse dpadup togglemap pad_start pause pad_back menu_main lthumb crouch /* Default automap bindings */ mapbind f am_togglefollow mapbind g am_togglegrid mapbind p am_toggletexture mapbind m am_setmark mapbind c am_clearmarks mapbind 0 am_gobig mapbind rightarrow +am_panright mapbind leftarrow +am_panleft mapbind uparrow +am_panup mapbind downarrow +am_pandown mapbind - +am_zoomout mapbind = +am_zoomin mapbind kp- +am_zoomout mapbind kp+ +am_zoomin mapbind mwheelup "am_zoom 1.2" mapbind mwheeldown "am_zoom -1.2"