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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef RENDER_H
#define RENDER_H
#include "svbsp.h"
// 1.0f / N table
extern float ixtable[4096];
// fog stuff
void FOG_clear(void);
// sky stuff
extern cvar_t r_sky;
extern cvar_t r_skyscroll1;
extern cvar_t r_skyscroll2;
extern int skyrenderlater, skyrendermasked;
int R_SetSkyBox(const char *sky);
void R_SkyStartFrame(void);
void R_Sky(void);
void R_ResetSkyBox(void);
// SHOWLMP stuff (Nehahra)
void SHOWLMP_decodehide(void);
void SHOWLMP_decodeshow(void);
void SHOWLMP_drawall(void);
// render profiling stuff
extern int r_timereport_active;
// lighting stuff
extern cvar_t r_ambient;
extern cvar_t gl_flashblend;
// vis stuff
extern cvar_t r_novis;
extern cvar_t r_trippy;
extern cvar_t r_lerpsprites;
extern cvar_t r_lerpmodels;
extern cvar_t r_lerplightstyles;
extern cvar_t r_waterscroll;
extern cvar_t developer_texturelogging;
// shadow volume bsp struct with automatically growing nodes buffer
extern svbsp_t r_svbsp;
typedef struct rmesh_s
// vertices of this mesh
int maxvertices;
int numvertices;
float *vertex3f;
float *svector3f;
float *tvector3f;
float *normal3f;
float *texcoord2f;
float *texcoordlightmap2f;
float *color4f;
// triangles of this mesh
int maxtriangles;
int numtriangles;
int *element3i;
int *neighbor3i;
// snapping epsilon
float epsilon2;
// useful functions for rendering
void R_ModulateColors(float *in, float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b);
void R_FillColors(float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b, float a);
int R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(rmesh_t *mesh, const float *v);
void R_Mesh_AddPolygon3f(rmesh_t *mesh, int numvertices, float *vertex3f);
void R_Mesh_AddBrushMeshFromPlanes(rmesh_t *mesh, int numplanes, mplane_t *planes);
#define TOP_RANGE 16 // soldier uniform colors
#define BOTTOM_RANGE 96
extern cvar_t r_nearclip;
// forces all rendering to draw triangle outlines
extern cvar_t r_showoverdraw;
extern cvar_t r_showtris;
extern cvar_t r_shownormals;
extern cvar_t r_showlighting;
extern cvar_t r_showshadowvolumes;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset;
extern cvar_t r_showdisabledepthtest;
extern cvar_t r_drawentities;
extern cvar_t r_draw2d;
extern qboolean r_draw2d_force;
extern cvar_t r_drawviewmodel;
extern cvar_t r_drawworld;
extern cvar_t r_speeds;
extern cvar_t r_fullbright;
extern cvar_t r_wateralpha;
extern cvar_t r_dynamic;
void R_Init(void);
void R_UpdateVariables(void); // must call after setting up most of r_refdef, but before calling R_RenderView
void R_RenderView(); // must set r_refdef and call R_UpdateVariables first
void R_RenderView_UpdateViewVectors(void); // just updates r_refdef.view.{forward,left,up,origin,right,inverse_matrix}
typedef enum r_refdef_scene_type_s {
} r_refdef_scene_type_t;
void R_SelectScene( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype );
r_refdef_scene_t * R_GetScenePointer( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype );
void R_SkinFrame_PrepareForPurge(void);
void R_SkinFrame_MarkUsed(skinframe_t *skinframe);
void R_SkinFrame_Purge(void);
// set last to NULL to start from the beginning
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_FindNextByName( skinframe_t *last, const char *name );
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_Find(const char *name, int textureflags, int comparewidth, int compareheight, int comparecrc, qboolean add);
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(const char *name, int textureflags, qboolean complain);
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(const char *name, int textureflags, const unsigned char *skindata, int width, int height, qboolean sRGB);
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(const char *name, int textureflags, int loadpantsandshirt, int loadglowtexture, const unsigned char *skindata, int width, int height);
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadInternal8bit(const char *name, int textureflags, const unsigned char *skindata, int width, int height, const unsigned int *palette, const unsigned int *alphapalette);
skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadMissing(void);
rtexture_t *R_GetCubemap(const char *basename);
void R_View_WorldVisibility(qboolean forcenovis);
void R_DrawDecals(void);
void R_DrawParticles(void);
void R_DrawExplosions(void);
#define gl_solid_format 3
#define gl_alpha_format 4
int R_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
int R_CullBoxCustomPlanes(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int numplanes, const mplane_t *planes);
#include "r_modules.h"
#include "meshqueue.h"
/// free all R_FrameData memory
void R_FrameData_Reset(void);
/// prepare for a new frame, recycles old buffers if a resize occurred previously
void R_FrameData_NewFrame(void);
/// allocate some temporary memory for your purposes
void *R_FrameData_Alloc(size_t size);
/// allocate some temporary memory and copy this data into it
void *R_FrameData_Store(size_t size, void *data);
/// set a marker that allows you to discard the following temporary memory allocations
void R_FrameData_SetMark(void);
/// discard recent memory allocations (rewind to marker)
void R_FrameData_ReturnToMark(void);
/// enum of the various types of hardware buffer object used in rendering
/// note that the r_buffermegs[] array must be maintained to match this
typedef enum r_bufferdata_type_e
R_BUFFERDATA_VERTEX, /// vertex buffer
R_BUFFERDATA_INDEX16, /// index buffer - 16bit (because D3D cares)
R_BUFFERDATA_INDEX32, /// index buffer - 32bit (because D3D cares)
R_BUFFERDATA_UNIFORM, /// uniform buffer
R_BUFFERDATA_COUNT /// how many kinds of buffer we have
/// free all dynamic vertex/index/uniform buffers
void R_BufferData_Reset(void);
/// begin a new frame (recycle old buffers)
void R_BufferData_NewFrame(void);
/// request space in a vertex/index/uniform buffer for the chosen data, returns the buffer pointer and offset, always successful
r_meshbuffer_t *R_BufferData_Store(size_t size, const void *data, r_bufferdata_type_t type, int *returnbufferoffset);
/// free all R_AnimCache memory
void R_AnimCache_Free(void);
/// clear the animcache pointers on all known render entities
void R_AnimCache_ClearCache(void);
/// get the skeletal data or cached animated mesh data for an entity (optionally with normals and tangents)
qboolean R_AnimCache_GetEntity(entity_render_t *ent, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents);
/// generate animcache data for all entities marked visible
void R_AnimCache_CacheVisibleEntities(void);
#include "r_lerpanim.h"
extern cvar_t r_render;
extern cvar_t r_renderview;
extern cvar_t r_waterwarp;
extern cvar_t r_textureunits;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_lod;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_lod_distance;
extern cvar_t r_glsl_deluxemapping;
extern cvar_t gl_polyblend;
extern cvar_t gl_dither;
extern cvar_t cl_deathfade;
extern cvar_t r_smoothnormals_areaweighting;
extern cvar_t r_test;
#include "gl_backend.h"
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_blanknormalmap;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_white;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_grey128;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_black;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_notexture;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_whitecube;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_normalizationcube;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_fogattenuation;
extern rtexture_t *r_texture_fogheighttexture;
extern unsigned int r_queries[MAX_OCCLUSION_QUERIES];
extern unsigned int r_numqueries;
extern unsigned int r_maxqueries;
void R_TimeReport(const char *name);
// r_stain
void R_Stain(const vec3_t origin, float radius, int cr1, int cg1, int cb1, int ca1, int cr2, int cg2, int cb2, int ca2);
void R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(float *vert, const float *org1, const float *org2, float width);
void R_CalcSprite_Vertex3f(float *vertex3f, const float *origin, const float *left, const float *up, float scalex1, float scalex2, float scaley1, float scaley2);
extern mempool_t *r_main_mempool;
typedef struct rsurfacestate_s
// current model array pointers
// these may point to processing buffers if model is animated,
// otherwise they point to static data.
// these are not directly used for rendering, they are just another level
// of processing
// these either point at array_model* buffers (if the model is animated)
// or the model->surfmesh.data_* buffers (if the model is not animated)
// these are only set when an entity render begins, they do not change on
// a per surface basis.
// this indicates the model* arrays are pointed at array_model* buffers
// (in other words, the model has been animated in software)
qboolean forcecurrenttextureupdate; // set for RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity to force R_GetCurrentTexture to recalculate the texture parameters (such as entity alpha)
qboolean modelgeneratedvertex;
// skeletal animation can be done by entity (animcache) or per batch,
// batch may be non-skeletal even if entity is skeletal, indicating that
// the dynamicvertex code path had to apply skeletal manually for a case
// where gpu-skinning is not possible, for this reason batch has its own
// variables
int entityskeletalnumtransforms; // how many transforms are used for this mesh
float *entityskeletaltransform3x4; // use gpu-skinning shader on this mesh
const r_meshbuffer_t *entityskeletaltransform3x4buffer; // uniform buffer
int entityskeletaltransform3x4offset;
int entityskeletaltransform3x4size;
float *modelvertex3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelvertex3f_vertexbuffer;
int modelvertex3f_bufferoffset;
float *modelsvector3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelsvector3f_vertexbuffer;
int modelsvector3f_bufferoffset;
float *modeltvector3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modeltvector3f_vertexbuffer;
int modeltvector3f_bufferoffset;
float *modelnormal3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelnormal3f_vertexbuffer;
int modelnormal3f_bufferoffset;
float *modellightmapcolor4f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modellightmapcolor4f_vertexbuffer;
int modellightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset;
float *modeltexcoordtexture2f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modeltexcoordtexture2f_vertexbuffer;
int modeltexcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset;
float *modeltexcoordlightmap2f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modeltexcoordlightmap2f_vertexbuffer;
int modeltexcoordlightmap2f_bufferoffset;
unsigned char *modelskeletalindex4ub;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelskeletalindex4ub_vertexbuffer;
int modelskeletalindex4ub_bufferoffset;
unsigned char *modelskeletalweight4ub;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelskeletalweight4ub_vertexbuffer;
int modelskeletalweight4ub_bufferoffset;
r_vertexmesh_t *modelvertexmesh;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelvertexmesh_vertexbuffer;
int modelvertexmesh_bufferoffset;
int *modelelement3i;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelelement3i_indexbuffer;
int modelelement3i_bufferoffset;
unsigned short *modelelement3s;
const r_meshbuffer_t *modelelement3s_indexbuffer;
int modelelement3s_bufferoffset;
int *modellightmapoffsets;
int modelnumvertices;
int modelnumtriangles;
const msurface_t *modelsurfaces;
// current rendering array pointers
// these may point to any of several different buffers depending on how
// much processing was needed to prepare this model for rendering
// these usually equal the model* pointers, they only differ if
// deformvertexes is used in a q3 shader, and consequently these can
// change on a per-surface basis (according to rsurface.texture)
qboolean batchgeneratedvertex;
qboolean batchmultidraw;
int batchmultidrawnumsurfaces;
const msurface_t **batchmultidrawsurfacelist;
int batchfirstvertex;
int batchnumvertices;
int batchfirsttriangle;
int batchnumtriangles;
r_vertexmesh_t *batchvertexmesh;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchvertexmesh_vertexbuffer;
int batchvertexmesh_bufferoffset;
float *batchvertex3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchvertex3f_vertexbuffer;
int batchvertex3f_bufferoffset;
float *batchsvector3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchsvector3f_vertexbuffer;
int batchsvector3f_bufferoffset;
float *batchtvector3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchtvector3f_vertexbuffer;
int batchtvector3f_bufferoffset;
float *batchnormal3f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchnormal3f_vertexbuffer;
int batchnormal3f_bufferoffset;
float *batchlightmapcolor4f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchlightmapcolor4f_vertexbuffer;
int batchlightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset;
float *batchtexcoordtexture2f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchtexcoordtexture2f_vertexbuffer;
int batchtexcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset;
float *batchtexcoordlightmap2f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchtexcoordlightmap2f_vertexbuffer;
int batchtexcoordlightmap2f_bufferoffset;
unsigned char *batchskeletalindex4ub;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchskeletalindex4ub_vertexbuffer;
int batchskeletalindex4ub_bufferoffset;
unsigned char *batchskeletalweight4ub;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchskeletalweight4ub_vertexbuffer;
int batchskeletalweight4ub_bufferoffset;
int *batchelement3i;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchelement3i_indexbuffer;
int batchelement3i_bufferoffset;
unsigned short *batchelement3s;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchelement3s_indexbuffer;
int batchelement3s_bufferoffset;
int batchskeletalnumtransforms;
float *batchskeletaltransform3x4;
const r_meshbuffer_t *batchskeletaltransform3x4buffer; // uniform buffer
int batchskeletaltransform3x4offset;
int batchskeletaltransform3x4size;
// rendering pass processing arrays in GL11 and GL13 paths
float *passcolor4f;
const r_meshbuffer_t *passcolor4f_vertexbuffer;
int passcolor4f_bufferoffset;
// some important fields from the entity
int ent_skinnum;
int ent_qwskin;
int ent_flags;
int ent_alttextures; // used by q1bsp animated textures (pressed buttons)
double shadertime; // r_refdef.scene.time - ent->shadertime
// transform matrices to render this entity and effects on this entity
matrix4x4_t matrix;
matrix4x4_t inversematrix;
// scale factors for transforming lengths into/out of entity space
float matrixscale;
float inversematrixscale;
// animation blending state from entity
frameblend_t frameblend[MAX_FRAMEBLENDS];
skeleton_t *skeleton;
// directional model shading state from entity
vec3_t modellight_ambient;
vec3_t modellight_diffuse;
vec3_t modellight_lightdir;
// colormapping state from entity (these are black if colormapping is off)
vec3_t colormap_pantscolor;
vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor;
// special coloring of ambient/diffuse textures (gloss not affected)
// colormod[3] is the alpha of the entity
float colormod[4];
// special coloring of glow textures
float glowmod[3];
// view location in model space
vec3_t localvieworigin;
// polygon offset data for submodels
float basepolygonfactor;
float basepolygonoffset;
// current textures in batching code
texture_t *texture;
rtexture_t *lightmaptexture;
rtexture_t *deluxemaptexture;
// whether lightmapping is active on this batch
// (otherwise vertex colored)
qboolean uselightmaptexture;
// fog plane in model space for direct application to vertices
float fograngerecip;
float fogmasktabledistmultiplier;
float fogplane[4];
float fogheightfade;
float fogplaneviewdist;
// rtlight rendering
// light currently being rendered
const rtlight_t *rtlight;
// this is the location of the light in entity space
vec3_t entitylightorigin;
// this transforms entity coordinates to light filter cubemap coordinates
// (also often used for other purposes)
matrix4x4_t entitytolight;
// based on entitytolight this transforms -1 to +1 to 0 to 1 for purposes
// of attenuation texturing in full 3D (Z result often ignored)
matrix4x4_t entitytoattenuationxyz;
// this transforms only the Z to S, and T is always 0.5
matrix4x4_t entitytoattenuationz;
// user wavefunc parameters (from csqc)
float userwavefunc_param[Q3WAVEFUNC_USER_COUNT];
// pointer to an entity_render_t used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and
// RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity as a unique id within
// each frame (see r_frame also)
entity_render_t *entity;
extern rsurfacestate_t rsurface;
void R_HDR_UpdateIrisAdaptation(const vec3_t point);
void RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity(void);
void RSurf_ActiveModelEntity(const entity_render_t *ent, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents, qboolean prepass);
void RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, int entflags, double shadertime, float r, float g, float b, float a, int numvertices, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *normal3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *color4f, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents);
void RSurf_SetupDepthAndCulling(void);
void R_Mesh_ResizeArrays(int newvertices);
texture_t *R_GetCurrentTexture(texture_t *t);
void R_DrawWorldSurfaces(qboolean skysurfaces, qboolean writedepth, qboolean depthonly, qboolean debug, qboolean prepass);
void R_DrawModelSurfaces(entity_render_t *ent, qboolean skysurfaces, qboolean writedepth, qboolean depthonly, qboolean debug, qboolean prepass);
void R_AddWaterPlanes(entity_render_t *ent);
void R_DrawCustomSurface(skinframe_t *skinframe, const matrix4x4_t *texmatrix, int materialflags, int firstvertex, int numvertices, int firsttriangle, int numtriangles, qboolean writedepth, qboolean prepass);
void R_DrawCustomSurface_Texture(texture_t *texture, const matrix4x4_t *texmatrix, int materialflags, int firstvertex, int numvertices, int firsttriangle, int numtriangles, qboolean writedepth, qboolean prepass);
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_VERTEX (1<< 1) // set up rsurface.batchvertexmesh
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_NORMAL (1<< 2) // set up normals in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchnormal3f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_VECTOR (1<< 3) // set up vectors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchsvector3f and rsurface.batchtvector3f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_VERTEXCOLOR (1<< 4) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_TEXCOORD (1<< 5) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_LIGHTMAP (1<< 6) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_VERTEXMESH_SKELETAL (1<< 7) // set up skeletal index and weight data for vertex shader
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_VERTEX (1<< 8) // set up rsurface.batchvertex3f and optionally others
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_NORMAL (1<< 9) // set up normals in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchnormal3f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_VECTOR (1<<10) // set up vectors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchsvector3f and rsurface.batchtvector3f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_VERTEXCOLOR (1<<11) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_TEXCOORD (1<<12) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_LIGHTMAP (1<<13) // set up vertex colors in rsurface.batchvertexmesh if BATCHNEED_MESH, set up rsurface.batchlightmapcolor4f if BATCHNEED_ARRAYS
#define BATCHNEED_ARRAY_SKELETAL (1<<14) // set up skeletal index and weight data for vertex shader
#define BATCHNEED_NOGAPS (1<<15) // force vertex copying if firstvertex is not zero or there are gaps
#define BATCHNEED_ALLOWMULTIDRAW (1<<16) // allow multiple draws
void RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(int batchneed, int texturenumsurfaces, const msurface_t **texturesurfacelist);
void RSurf_DrawBatch(void);
void R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(const vec3_t org, const vec3_t normal, float r, float g, float b, float a, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float size);
typedef enum rsurfacepass_e
void R_SetupShader_Generic(rtexture_t *first, rtexture_t *second, int texturemode, int rgbscale, qboolean usegamma, qboolean notrippy, qboolean suppresstexalpha);
void R_SetupShader_Generic_NoTexture(qboolean usegamma, qboolean notrippy);
void R_SetupShader_DepthOrShadow(qboolean notrippy, qboolean depthrgb, qboolean skeletal);
void R_SetupShader_Surface(const vec3_t lightcolorbase, qboolean modellighting, float ambientscale, float diffusescale, float specularscale, rsurfacepass_t rsurfacepass, int texturenumsurfaces, const msurface_t **texturesurfacelist, void *waterplane, qboolean notrippy);
void R_SetupShader_DeferredLight(const rtlight_t *rtlight);
typedef struct r_waterstate_waterplane_s
rtexture_t *texture_camera; // MATERIALFLAG_CAMERA
int fbo_refraction;
int fbo_reflection;
int fbo_camera;
mplane_t plane;
int materialflags; // combined flags of all water surfaces on this plane
unsigned char pvsbits[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS+7)>>3]; // FIXME: buffer overflow on huge maps
qboolean pvsvalid;
int camera_entity;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
typedef struct r_waterstate_s
int waterwidth, waterheight;
int texturewidth, textureheight;
int camerawidth, cameraheight;
rtexture_t *depthtexture;
int maxwaterplanes; // same as MAX_WATERPLANES
int numwaterplanes;
r_waterstate_waterplane_t waterplanes[MAX_WATERPLANES];
float screenscale[2];
float screencenter[2];
qboolean enabled;
qboolean renderingscene; // true while rendering a refraction or reflection texture, disables water surfaces
qboolean hideplayer;
typedef struct r_framebufferstate_s
textype_t textype; // type of color buffer we're using (dependent on r_viewfbo cvar)
int fbo; // non-zero if r_viewfbo is enabled and working
int screentexturewidth, screentextureheight; // dimensions of texture
rtexture_t *colortexture; // non-NULL if fbo is non-zero
rtexture_t *depthtexture; // non-NULL if fbo is non-zero
rtexture_t *ghosttexture; // for r_motionblur (not recommended on multi-GPU hardware!)
rtexture_t *bloomtexture[2]; // for r_bloom, multi-stage processing
int bloomfbo[2]; // fbos for rendering into bloomtexture[]
int bloomindex; // which bloomtexture[] contains the final image
int bloomwidth, bloomheight;
int bloomtexturewidth, bloomtextureheight;
// arrays for rendering the screen passes
float screentexcoord2f[8]; // texcoords for colortexture or ghosttexture
float bloomtexcoord2f[8]; // texcoords for bloomtexture[]
float offsettexcoord2f[8]; // temporary use while updating bloomtexture[]
r_viewport_t bloomviewport;
r_waterstate_t water;
qboolean ghosttexture_valid; // don't draw garbage on first frame with motionblur
qboolean usedepthtextures; // use depth texture instead of depth renderbuffer (faster if you need to read it later anyway)
extern r_framebufferstate_t r_fb;
extern cvar_t r_viewfbo;
void R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture, float x2, float y2); // this is called by R_ResetViewRendering2D and _DrawQ_Setup and internal
void R_ResetViewRendering2D(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture);
void R_ResetViewRendering3D(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture);
void R_SetupView(qboolean allowwaterclippingplane, int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture);
extern const float r_screenvertex3f[12];
extern cvar_t r_shadows;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_darken;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_drawafterrtlighting;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_castfrombmodels;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_throwdistance;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_throwdirection;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_focus;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_shadowmapscale;
extern cvar_t r_shadows_shadowmapbias;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_alphatocoverage;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortsurfacesbynearest;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_useplanardistance;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortarraysize;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortmindist;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortmaxdist;
void R_Model_Sprite_Draw(entity_render_t *ent);
struct prvm_prog_s;
void R_UpdateFog(void);
qboolean CL_VM_UpdateView(double frametime);
void SCR_DrawConsole(void);
void R_Shadow_EditLights_DrawSelectedLightProperties(void);
void R_DecalSystem_Reset(decalsystem_t *decalsystem);
void R_Shadow_UpdateBounceGridTexture(void);
void R_DrawLightningBeams(void);
void R_DrawLaserSights(void);
void VM_CL_AddPolygonsToMeshQueue(struct prvm_prog_s *prog);
void R_DrawPortals(void);
void R_DrawModelShadows(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture);
void R_DrawModelShadowMaps(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture);
void R_BuildLightMap(const entity_render_t *ent, msurface_t *surface);
void R_Water_AddWaterPlane(msurface_t *surface, int entno);
int R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(unsigned int lightindex, float *origin, float *radius, float *color);
dp_font_t *FindFont(const char *title, qboolean allocate_new);
void LoadFont(qboolean override, const char *name, dp_font_t *fnt, float scale, float voffset);
void Render_Init(void);
// these are called by Render_Init
void R_Textures_Init(void);
void GL_Draw_Init(void);
void GL_Main_Init(void);
void R_Shadow_Init(void);
void R_Sky_Init(void);
void GL_Surf_Init(void);
void R_Particles_Init(void);
void R_Explosion_Init(void);
void gl_backend_init(void);
void Sbar_Init(void);
void R_LightningBeams_Init(void);
void R_LaserSights_Init(void);
void Mod_RenderInit(void);
void Font_Init(void);
qboolean R_CompileShader_CheckStaticParms(void);
void R_GLSL_Restart_f(void);