mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 17:11:31 +00:00
743 lines
21 KiB
743 lines
21 KiB
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "cl_dyntexture.h"
#include "cl_video.h"
// cvars
cvar_t cl_video_subtitles = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_subtitles", "0", "show subtitles for videos (if they are present)"};
cvar_t cl_video_subtitles_lines = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_subtitles_lines", "4", "how many lines to occupy for subtitles"};
cvar_t cl_video_subtitles_textsize = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_subtitles_textsize", "16", "textsize for subtitles"};
cvar_t cl_video_scale = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_scale", "1", "scale of video, 1 = fullscreen, 0.75 - 3/4 of screen etc."};
cvar_t cl_video_scale_vpos = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_scale_vpos", "0", "vertical align of scaled video, -1 is top, 1 is bottom"};
cvar_t cl_video_stipple = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_stipple", "0", "draw interlacing-like effect on videos, similar to scr_stipple but static and used only with video playing."};
cvar_t cl_video_brightness = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_brightness", "1", "brightness of video, 1 = fullbright, 0.75 - 3/4 etc."};
cvar_t cl_video_keepaspectratio = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_keepaspectratio", "0", "keeps aspect ratio of fullscreen videos, leaving black color on unfilled areas, a value of 2 let video to be stretched horizontally with top & bottom being sliced out"};
cvar_t cl_video_fadein = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_fadein", "0", "fading-from-black effect once video is started, in seconds"};
cvar_t cl_video_fadeout = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_video_fadeout", "0", "fading-to-black effect once video is ended, in seconds"};
cvar_t v_glslgamma_video = {CVAR_SAVE, "v_glslgamma_video", "1", "applies GLSL gamma to played video, could be a fraction, requires r_glslgamma_2d 1."};
// DPV stream decoder
#include "dpvsimpledecode.h"
// VorteX: libavcodec implementation
#include "cl_video_libavw.c"
// JAM video decoder used by Blood Omnicide
#include "cl_video_jamdecode.c"
// constants (and semi-constants)
static int cl_videormask;
static int cl_videobmask;
static int cl_videogmask;
static int cl_videobytesperpixel;
static int cl_num_videos;
static clvideo_t cl_videos[ MAXCLVIDEOS ];
static rtexturepool_t *cl_videotexturepool;
static clvideo_t *FindUnusedVid( void )
int i;
for( i = 1 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ )
if( cl_videos[ i ].state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED )
return &cl_videos[ i ];
return NULL;
static qboolean OpenStream( clvideo_t * video )
const char *errorstring;
video->stream = dpvsimpledecode_open( video, video->filename, &errorstring);
if (video->stream)
return true;
video->stream = jam_open( video, video->filename, &errorstring);
if (video->stream)
return true;
video->stream = LibAvW_OpenVideo( video, video->filename, &errorstring);
if (video->stream)
return true;
Con_Printf("unable to open \"%s\", error: %s\n", video->filename, errorstring);
return false;
static void VideoUpdateCallback(rtexture_t *rt, void *data)
clvideo_t *video = (clvideo_t *) data;
R_UpdateTexture( video->cpif.tex, (unsigned char *)video->imagedata, 0, 0, 0, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, 1 );
static void LinkVideoTexture( clvideo_t *video )
video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TEXF_PERSISTENT | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL );
R_MakeTextureDynamic( video->cpif.tex, VideoUpdateCallback, video );
CL_LinkDynTexture( video->cpif.name, video->cpif.tex );
static void UnlinkVideoTexture( clvideo_t *video )
CL_UnlinkDynTexture( video->cpif.name );
// free the texture
R_FreeTexture( video->cpif.tex );
video->cpif.tex = NULL;
// free the image data
Mem_Free( video->imagedata );
static void SuspendVideo( clvideo_t * video )
if (video->suspended)
video->suspended = true;
// if we are in firstframe mode, also close the stream
if (video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME)
if (video->stream)
video->stream = NULL;
static qboolean WakeVideo( clvideo_t * video )
if( !video->suspended )
return true;
video->suspended = false;
if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
if( !OpenStream( video ) ) {
video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED;
return false;
video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cls.permanentmempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel );
LinkVideoTexture( video );
// update starttime
video->starttime += realtime - video->lasttime;
return true;
static void LoadSubtitles( clvideo_t *video, const char *subtitlesfile )
char *subtitle_text;
const char *data;
float subtime, sublen;
int numsubs = 0;
if (gamemode == GAME_BLOODOMNICIDE)
char overridename[MAX_QPATH];
cvar_t *langcvar;
langcvar = Cvar_FindVar("language");
subtitle_text = NULL;
if (langcvar)
dpsnprintf(overridename, sizeof(overridename), "locale/%s/%s", langcvar->string, subtitlesfile);
subtitle_text = (char *)FS_LoadFile(overridename, cls.permanentmempool, false, NULL);
if (!subtitle_text)
subtitle_text = (char *)FS_LoadFile(subtitlesfile, cls.permanentmempool, false, NULL);
subtitle_text = (char *)FS_LoadFile(subtitlesfile, cls.permanentmempool, false, NULL);
if (!subtitle_text)
Con_DPrintf( "LoadSubtitles: can't open subtitle file '%s'!\n", subtitlesfile );
// parse subtitle_text
// line is: x y "text" where
// x - start time
// y - seconds last (if 0 - last thru next sub, if negative - last to next sub - this amount of seconds)
data = subtitle_text;
for (;;)
if (!COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&data, false))
subtime = atof( com_token );
if (!COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&data, false))
sublen = atof( com_token );
if (!COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&data, false))
if (!com_token[0])
// check limits
if (video->subtitles == CLVIDEO_MAX_SUBTITLES)
Con_Printf("WARNING: CLVIDEO_MAX_SUBTITLES = %i reached when reading subtitles from '%s'\n", CLVIDEO_MAX_SUBTITLES, subtitlesfile);
// add a sub
video->subtitle_text[numsubs] = (char *) Mem_Alloc(cls.permanentmempool, strlen(com_token) + 1);
memcpy(video->subtitle_text[numsubs], com_token, strlen(com_token) + 1);
video->subtitle_start[numsubs] = subtime;
video->subtitle_end[numsubs] = sublen;
if (numsubs > 0) // make true len for prev sub, autofix overlapping subtitles
if (video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] <= 0)
video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] = max(video->subtitle_start[numsubs-1], video->subtitle_start[numsubs] + video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1]);
video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] = min(video->subtitle_start[numsubs-1] + video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1], video->subtitle_start[numsubs]);
// todo: check timing for consistency?
if (numsubs > 0) // make true len for prev sub, autofix overlapping subtitles
if (video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] <= 0)
video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] = 99999999; // fixme: make it end when video ends?
video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1] = video->subtitle_start[numsubs-1] + video->subtitle_end[numsubs-1];
Z_Free( subtitle_text );
video->subtitles = numsubs;
Con_Printf( "video->subtitles: %i\n", video->subtitles );
for (numsubs = 0; numsubs < video->subtitles; numsubs++)
Con_Printf( " %03.2f %03.2f : %s\n", video->subtitle_start[numsubs], video->subtitle_end[numsubs], video->subtitle_text[numsubs] );
static clvideo_t* OpenVideo( clvideo_t *video, const char *filename, const char *name, int owner, const char *subtitlesfile )
strlcpy( video->filename, filename, sizeof(video->filename) );
video->ownertag = owner;
if( strncmp( name, CLVIDEOPREFIX, sizeof( CLVIDEOPREFIX ) - 1 ) )
return NULL;
strlcpy( video->cpif.name, name, sizeof(video->cpif.name) );
if( !OpenStream( video ) )
return NULL;
video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME;
video->framenum = -1;
video->framerate = video->getframerate( video->stream );
video->lasttime = realtime;
video->subtitles = 0;
video->cpif.width = video->getwidth( video->stream );
video->cpif.height = video->getheight( video->stream );
video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cls.permanentmempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel );
LinkVideoTexture( video );
// VorteX: load simple subtitle_text file
if (subtitlesfile[0])
LoadSubtitles( video, subtitlesfile );
return video;
clvideo_t* CL_OpenVideo( const char *filename, const char *name, int owner, const char *subtitlesfile )
clvideo_t *video;
// sanity check
if( !name || !*name || strncmp( name, CLVIDEOPREFIX, sizeof( CLVIDEOPREFIX ) - 1 ) != 0 ) {
Con_DPrintf( "CL_OpenVideo: Bad video texture name '%s'!\n", name );
return NULL;
video = FindUnusedVid();
if( !video ) {
Con_Printf( "CL_OpenVideo: unable to open video \"%s\" - video limit reached\n", filename );
return NULL;
video = OpenVideo( video, filename, name, owner, subtitlesfile );
// expand the active range to include the new entry
if (video) {
cl_num_videos = max(cl_num_videos, (int)(video - cl_videos) + 1);
return video;
static clvideo_t* CL_GetVideoBySlot( int slot )
clvideo_t *video = &cl_videos[ slot ];
if( video->suspended )
if( !WakeVideo( video ) )
return NULL;
else if( video->state == CLVIDEO_RESETONWAKEUP )
video->framenum = -1;
video->lasttime = realtime;
return video;
clvideo_t *CL_GetVideoByName( const char *name )
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++ )
if( cl_videos[ i ].state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED
&& !strcmp( cl_videos[ i ].cpif.name , name ) )
if( i != cl_num_videos )
return CL_GetVideoBySlot( i );
return NULL;
void CL_SetVideoState(clvideo_t *video, clvideostate_t state)
if (!video)
video->lasttime = realtime;
video->state = state;
void CL_RestartVideo(clvideo_t *video)
if (!video)
// reset time
video->starttime = video->lasttime = realtime;
video->framenum = -1;
// reopen stream
if (video->stream)
video->stream = NULL;
if (!OpenStream(video))
video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED;
// close video
void CL_CloseVideo(clvideo_t * video)
int i;
if (!video || video->state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED)
// close stream
if (!video->suspended || video->state != CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME)
if (video->stream)
video->stream = NULL;
// unlink texture
if (!video->suspended)
// purge subtitles
if (video->subtitles)
for (i = 0; i < video->subtitles; i++)
Z_Free( video->subtitle_text[i] );
video->subtitles = 0;
video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED;
// update all videos
void CL_Video_Frame(void)
clvideo_t *video;
int destframe;
int i;
if (!cl_num_videos)
for (video = cl_videos, i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; video++, i++)
if (video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended)
if (realtime - video->lasttime > CLTHRESHOLD)
if (video->state == CLVIDEO_PAUSE)
video->starttime = realtime - video->framenum * video->framerate;
// read video frame from stream if time has come
if (video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
destframe = 0;
destframe = (int)((realtime - video->starttime) * video->framerate);
if (destframe < 0)
destframe = 0;
if (video->framenum < destframe)
do {
if (video->decodeframe(video->stream, video->imagedata, cl_videormask, cl_videogmask, cl_videobmask, cl_videobytesperpixel, cl_videobytesperpixel * video->cpif.width))
// finished?
if (video->state == CLVIDEO_PLAY)
video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME;
} while(video->framenum < destframe);
// stop main video
if (cl_videos->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME)
// reduce range to exclude unnecessary entries
while(cl_num_videos > 0 && cl_videos[cl_num_videos-1].state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED)
void CL_PurgeOwner( int owner )
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++)
if (cl_videos[i].ownertag == owner)
typedef struct
dp_font_t *font;
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
float alignment; // 0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right
float fontsize;
float textalpha;
static float CL_DrawVideo_WordWidthFunc(void *passthrough, const char *w, size_t *length, float maxWidth)
cl_video_subtitle_info_t *si = (cl_video_subtitle_info_t *) passthrough;
if(w == NULL)
return si->fontsize * si->font->maxwidth;
if(maxWidth >= 0)
return DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth(w, length, si->fontsize, si->fontsize, false, si->font, -maxWidth); // -maxWidth: we want at least one char
else if(maxWidth == -1)
return DrawQ_TextWidth(w, *length, si->fontsize, si->fontsize, false, si->font);
return 0;
static int CL_DrawVideo_DisplaySubtitleLine(void *passthrough, const char *line, size_t length, float width, qboolean isContinuation)
cl_video_subtitle_info_t *si = (cl_video_subtitle_info_t *) passthrough;
int x = (int) (si->x + (si->width - width) * si->alignment);
if (length > 0)
DrawQ_String(x, si->y, line, length, si->fontsize, si->fontsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, si->textalpha, 0, NULL, false, si->font);
si->y += si->fontsize;
return 1;
int cl_videoplaying = false; // old, but still supported
void CL_DrawVideo(void)
clvideo_t *video;
float videotime, px, py, sx, sy, st[8], b;
cl_video_subtitle_info_t si;
int i;
if (!cl_videoplaying)
video = CL_GetVideoBySlot( 0 );
// fix cvars
if (cl_video_scale.value <= 0 || cl_video_scale.value > 1)
Cvar_SetValueQuick( &cl_video_scale, 1);
if (cl_video_brightness.value <= 0 || cl_video_brightness.value > 10)
Cvar_SetValueQuick( &cl_video_brightness, 1);
// calc video proportions
px = 0;
py = 0;
sx = vid_conwidth.integer;
sy = vid_conheight.integer;
st[0] = 0.0; st[1] = 0.0;
st[2] = 1.0; st[3] = 0.0;
st[4] = 0.0; st[5] = 1.0;
st[6] = 1.0; st[7] = 1.0;
if (cl_video_keepaspectratio.integer)
float a = video->getaspectratio(video->stream) / ((float)vid.width / (float)vid.height);
if (cl_video_keepaspectratio.integer >= 2)
// clip instead of scale
if (a < 1.0) // clip horizontally
st[1] = st[3] = (1 - a)*0.5;
st[5] = st[7] = 1 - (1 - a)*0.5;
else if (a > 1.0) // clip vertically
st[0] = st[4] = (1 - 1/a)*0.5;
st[2] = st[6] = (1/a)*0.5;
else if (a < 1.0) // scale horizontally
px += sx * (1 - a) * 0.5;
sx *= a;
else if (a > 1.0) // scale vertically
a = 1 / a;
py += sy * (1 - a);
sy *= a;
if (cl_video_scale.value != 1)
px += sx * (1 - cl_video_scale.value) * 0.5;
py += sy * (1 - cl_video_scale.value) * ((bound(-1, cl_video_scale_vpos.value, 1) + 1) / 2);
sx *= cl_video_scale.value;
sy *= cl_video_scale.value;
// calc brightness for fadein and fadeout effects
b = cl_video_brightness.value;
if (cl_video_fadein.value && (realtime - video->starttime) < cl_video_fadein.value)
b = pow((realtime - video->starttime)/cl_video_fadein.value, 2);
else if (cl_video_fadeout.value && ((video->starttime + video->framenum * video->framerate) - realtime) < cl_video_fadeout.value)
b = pow(((video->starttime + video->framenum * video->framerate) - realtime)/cl_video_fadeout.value, 2);
// draw black bg in case stipple is active or video is scaled
if (cl_video_stipple.integer || px != 0 || py != 0 || sx != vid_conwidth.integer || sy != vid_conheight.integer)
DrawQ_Fill(0, 0, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
#ifndef USE_GLES2
// enable video-only polygon stipple (of global stipple is not active)
if (qglPolygonStipple && !scr_stipple.integer && cl_video_stipple.integer)
GLubyte stipple[128];
int i, s, width, parts;
s = cl_video_stipple.integer;
parts = (s & 007);
width = (s & 070) >> 3;
for(i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
int line = i/4;
stipple[i] = ((line >> width) & ((1 << parts) - 1)) ? 0x00 : 0xFF;
// draw video
if (v_glslgamma_video.value >= 1)
DrawQ_SuperPic(px, py, &video->cpif, sx, sy, st[0], st[1], b, b, b, 1, st[2], st[3], b, b, b, 1, st[4], st[5], b, b, b, 1, st[6], st[7], b, b, b, 1, 0);
DrawQ_SuperPic(px, py, &video->cpif, sx, sy, st[0], st[1], b, b, b, 1, st[2], st[3], b, b, b, 1, st[4], st[5], b, b, b, 1, st[6], st[7], b, b, b, 1, DRAWFLAG_NOGAMMA);
if (v_glslgamma_video.value > 0.0)
DrawQ_SuperPic(px, py, &video->cpif, sx, sy, st[0], st[1], b, b, b, v_glslgamma_video.value, st[2], st[3], b, b, b, v_glslgamma_video.value, st[4], st[5], b, b, b, v_glslgamma_video.value, st[6], st[7], b, b, b, v_glslgamma_video.value, 0);
#ifndef USE_GLES2
// disable video-only stipple
if (qglPolygonStipple && !scr_stipple.integer && cl_video_stipple.integer)
// VorteX: draw subtitle_text
if (!video->subtitles || !cl_video_subtitles.integer)
// find current subtitle
videotime = realtime - video->starttime;
for (i = 0; i < video->subtitles; i++)
if (videotime >= video->subtitle_start[i] && videotime <= video->subtitle_end[i])
// found, draw it
si.font = FONT_NOTIFY;
si.x = vid_conwidth.integer * 0.1;
si.y = vid_conheight.integer - (max(1, cl_video_subtitles_lines.value) * cl_video_subtitles_textsize.value);
si.width = vid_conwidth.integer * 0.8;
si.height = max(1, cl_video_subtitles_lines.integer) * cl_video_subtitles_textsize.value;
si.alignment = 0.5;
si.fontsize = cl_video_subtitles_textsize.value;
si.textalpha = min(1, (videotime - video->subtitle_start[i])/0.5) * min(1, ((video->subtitle_end[i] - videotime)/0.3)); // fade in and fade out
COM_Wordwrap(video->subtitle_text[i], strlen(video->subtitle_text[i]), 0, si.width, CL_DrawVideo_WordWidthFunc, &si, CL_DrawVideo_DisplaySubtitleLine, &si);
void CL_VideoStart(char *filename, const char *subtitlesfile)
char vabuf[1024];
if( cl_videos->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED )
CL_CloseVideo( cl_videos );
// already contains video/
if( !OpenVideo( cl_videos, filename, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), CLDYNTEXTUREPREFIX "%s", filename ), 0, subtitlesfile ) )
// expand the active range to include the new entry
cl_num_videos = max(cl_num_videos, 1);
cl_videoplaying = true;
CL_SetVideoState( cl_videos, CLVIDEO_PLAY );
CL_RestartVideo( cl_videos );
void CL_Video_KeyEvent( int key, int ascii, qboolean down )
// only react to up events, to allow the user to delay the abortion point if it suddenly becomes interesting..
if( !down ) {
if( key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_ENTER || key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_SPACE ) {
void CL_VideoStop(void)
cl_videoplaying = false;
CL_CloseVideo( cl_videos );
static void CL_PlayVideo_f(void)
char name[MAX_QPATH], subtitlesfile[MAX_QPATH];
const char *extension;
if (COM_CheckParm("-benchmark"))
if (Cmd_Argc() < 2)
Con_Print("usage: playvideo <videoname> [custom_subtitles_file]\nplays video named video/<videoname>.dpv\nif custom subtitles file is not presented\nit tries video/<videoname>.sub");
extension = FS_FileExtension(Cmd_Argv(1));
if (extension[0])
dpsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "video/%s", Cmd_Argv(1));
dpsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "video/%s.dpv", Cmd_Argv(1));
if ( Cmd_Argc() > 2)
CL_VideoStart(name, Cmd_Argv(2));
dpsnprintf(subtitlesfile, sizeof(subtitlesfile), "video/%s.dpsubs", Cmd_Argv(1));
CL_VideoStart(name, subtitlesfile);
static void CL_StopVideo_f(void)
static void cl_video_start( void )
int i;
clvideo_t *video;
cl_videotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool();
for( video = cl_videos, i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++, video++ )
if( video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended )
LinkVideoTexture( video );
static void cl_video_shutdown( void )
int i;
clvideo_t *video;
for( video = cl_videos, i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++, video++ )
if( video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended )
SuspendVideo( video );
R_FreeTexturePool( &cl_videotexturepool );
static void cl_video_newmap( void )
void CL_Video_Init( void )
unsigned char b[4];
unsigned int i;
cl_num_videos = 0;
cl_videobytesperpixel = 4;
// set masks in an endian-independent way (as they really represent bytes)
bgra.i = 0;bgra.b[0] = 0xFF;cl_videobmask = bgra.i;
bgra.i = 0;bgra.b[1] = 0xFF;cl_videogmask = bgra.i;
bgra.i = 0;bgra.b[2] = 0xFF;cl_videormask = bgra.i;
Cmd_AddCommand( "playvideo", CL_PlayVideo_f, "play a .dpv video file" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f, "stop playing a .dpv video file" );
R_RegisterModule( "CL_Video", cl_video_start, cl_video_shutdown, cl_video_newmap, NULL, NULL );
void CL_Video_Shutdown( void )
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++)
CL_CloseVideo(&cl_videos[ i ]);