mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:11:32 +00:00
- Single movement speed cvar - Weapon Haptics on weapon controller - Proper compositor layer for menu - Weapon hand thumbstick up and down to switch weapons - Removed weapon angle adjustment as default is fine
2563 lines
85 KiB
2563 lines
85 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// cl_main.c -- client main loop
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "cl_collision.h"
#include "cl_video.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "csprogs.h"
#include "r_shadow.h"
#include "libcurl.h"
#include "snd_main.h"
// we need to declare some mouse variables here, because the menu system
// references them even when on a unix system.
cvar_t csqc_progname = {0, "csqc_progname","csprogs.dat","name of csprogs.dat file to load"};
cvar_t csqc_progcrc = {CVAR_READONLY, "csqc_progcrc","-1","CRC of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1"};
cvar_t csqc_progsize = {CVAR_READONLY, "csqc_progsize","-1","file size of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1"};
cvar_t csqc_usedemoprogs = {0, "csqc_usedemoprogs","1","use csprogs stored in demos"};
cvar_t cl_shownet = {0, "cl_shownet","0","1 = print packet size, 2 = print packet message list"};
cvar_t cl_nolerp = {0, "cl_nolerp", "0","network update smoothing"};
cvar_t cl_lerpexcess = {0, "cl_lerpexcess", "0","maximum allowed lerp excess (hides, not fixes, some packet loss)"};
cvar_t cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server = {0, "cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server", "0.1","maximum frame delta for smoothing between server-controlled animation frames (when 0, one network frame)"};
cvar_t cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups = {0, "cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups", "0.1","maximum frame delta for smoothing between framegroups (when 0, one network frame)"};
cvar_t cl_itembobheight = {0, "cl_itembobheight", "0","how much items bob up and down (try 8)"};
cvar_t cl_itembobspeed = {0, "cl_itembobspeed", "0.5","how frequently items bob up and down"};
cvar_t lookspring = {CVAR_SAVE, "lookspring","0","returns pitch to level with the floor when no longer holding a pitch key"};
cvar_t lookstrafe = {CVAR_SAVE, "lookstrafe","0","move instead of turning"};
cvar_t sensitivity = {CVAR_SAVE, "sensitivity","3","mouse speed multiplier"};
cvar_t m_pitch = {CVAR_SAVE, "m_pitch","0.022","mouse pitch speed multiplier"};
cvar_t m_yaw = {CVAR_SAVE, "m_yaw","0.022","mouse yaw speed multiplier"};
cvar_t m_forward = {CVAR_SAVE, "m_forward","1","mouse forward speed multiplier"};
cvar_t m_side = {CVAR_SAVE, "m_side","0.8","mouse side speed multiplier"};
cvar_t freelook = {CVAR_SAVE, "freelook", "1","mouse controls pitch instead of forward/back"};
cvar_t cl_nosplashscreen = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_nosplashscreen", "0", "prevents the credits splashscreen from being displayed on game start" };
cvar_t cl_autodemo = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_autodemo", "0", "records every game played, using the date/time and map name to name the demo file" };
cvar_t cl_autodemo_nameformat = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_autodemo_nameformat", "autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M", "The format of the cl_autodemo filename, followed by the map name (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)" };
cvar_t cl_autodemo_delete = {0, "cl_autodemo_delete", "0", "Delete demos after recording. This is a bitmask, bit 1 gives the default, bit 0 the value for the current demo. Thus, the values are: 0 = disabled; 1 = delete current demo only; 2 = delete all demos except the current demo; 3 = delete all demos from now on" };
cvar_t r_draweffects = {0, "r_draweffects", "1","renders temporary sprite effects"};
cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_start = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_explosions_alpha_start", "1.5","starting alpha of an explosion shell"};
cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_end = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_explosions_alpha_end", "0","end alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)"};
cvar_t cl_explosions_size_start = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_explosions_size_start", "16","starting size of an explosion shell"};
cvar_t cl_explosions_size_end = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_explosions_size_end", "128","ending alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)"};
cvar_t cl_explosions_lifetime = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_explosions_lifetime", "0.5","how long an explosion shell lasts"};
cvar_t cl_stainmaps = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_stainmaps", "0","stains lightmaps, much faster than decals but blurred"};
cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_stainmaps_clearonload", "1","clear stainmaps on map restart"};
cvar_t cl_beams_polygons = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_beams_polygons", "1","use beam polygons instead of models"};
cvar_t cl_beams_quakepositionhack = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_beams_quakepositionhack", "1", "makes your lightning gun appear to fire from your waist (as in Quake and QuakeWorld)"};
cvar_t cl_beams_instantaimhack = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_beams_instantaimhack", "0", "makes your lightning gun aiming update instantly"};
cvar_t cl_beams_lightatend = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_beams_lightatend", "0", "make a light at the end of the beam"};
cvar_t cl_deathfade = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_deathfade", "0", "fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster)"};
cvar_t cl_noplayershadow = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_noplayershadow", "0","hide player shadow"};
cvar_t cl_dlights_decayradius = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_dlights_decayradius", "1", "reduces size of light flashes over time"};
cvar_t cl_dlights_decaybrightness = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_dlights_decaybrightness", "1", "reduces brightness of light flashes over time"};
cvar_t qport = {0, "qport", "0", "identification key for playing on qw servers (allows you to maintain a connection to a quakeworld server even if your port changes)"};
cvar_t cl_prydoncursor = {0, "cl_prydoncursor", "0", "enables a mouse pointer which is able to click on entities in the world, useful for point and click mods, see PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR extension in dpextensions.qc"};
cvar_t cl_prydoncursor_notrace = {0, "cl_prydoncursor_notrace", "0", "disables traceline used in prydon cursor reporting to the game, saving some cpu time"};
cvar_t cl_deathnoviewmodel = {0, "cl_deathnoviewmodel", "1", "hides gun model when dead"};
cvar_t cl_locs_enable = {CVAR_SAVE, "locs_enable", "1", "enables replacement of certain % codes in chat messages: %l (location), %d (last death location), %h (health), %a (armor), %x (rockets), %c (cells), %r (rocket launcher status), %p (powerup status), %w (weapon status), %t (current time in level)"};
cvar_t cl_locs_show = {0, "locs_show", "0", "shows defined locations for editing purposes"};
extern cvar_t r_equalize_entities_fullbright;
client_static_t cls;
client_state_t cl;
void CL_ClearState(void)
int i;
entity_t *ent;
// wipe the entire cl structure
memset (&cl, 0, sizeof(cl));
// reset the view zoom interpolation
cl.mviewzoom[0] = cl.mviewzoom[1] = 1;
cl.sensitivityscale = 1.0f;
// enable rendering of the world and such
cl.csqc_vidvars.drawworld = r_drawworld.integer != 0;
cl.csqc_vidvars.drawenginesbar = true;
cl.csqc_vidvars.drawcrosshair = true;
// set up the float version of the stats array for easier access to float stats
cl.statsf = (float *)cl.stats;
cl.num_entities = 0;
cl.num_static_entities = 0;
cl.num_brushmodel_entities = 0;
// tweak these if the game runs out
cl.max_csqcrenderentities = 0;
cl.max_entities = MAX_ENITIES_INITIAL;
cl.max_static_entities = MAX_STATICENTITIES;
cl.max_effects = MAX_EFFECTS;
cl.max_beams = MAX_BEAMS;
cl.max_dlights = MAX_DLIGHTS;
cl.max_lightstyle = MAX_LIGHTSTYLES;
cl.max_brushmodel_entities = MAX_EDICTS;
cl.max_particles = MAX_PARTICLES_INITIAL; // grows dynamically
cl.max_decals = MAX_DECALS_INITIAL; // grows dynamically
cl.max_showlmps = 0;
cl.num_dlights = 0;
cl.num_effects = 0;
cl.num_beams = 0;
cl.csqcrenderentities = NULL;
cl.entities = (entity_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_entities * sizeof(entity_t));
cl.entities_active = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_brushmodel_entities * sizeof(unsigned char));
cl.static_entities = (entity_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_static_entities * sizeof(entity_t));
cl.effects = (cl_effect_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_effects * sizeof(cl_effect_t));
cl.beams = (beam_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_beams * sizeof(beam_t));
cl.dlights = (dlight_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_dlights * sizeof(dlight_t));
cl.lightstyle = (lightstyle_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_lightstyle * sizeof(lightstyle_t));
cl.brushmodel_entities = (int *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_brushmodel_entities * sizeof(int));
cl.particles = (particle_t *) Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_particles * sizeof(particle_t));
cl.decals = (decal_t *) Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_decals * sizeof(decal_t));
cl.showlmps = NULL;
// LordHavoc: have to set up the baseline info for alpha and other stuff
for (i = 0;i < cl.max_entities;i++)
cl.entities[i].state_baseline = defaultstate;
cl.entities[i].state_previous = defaultstate;
cl.entities[i].state_current = defaultstate;
if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ || gamemode == GAME_XONOTIC)
VectorSet(cl.playerstandmins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet(cl.playerstandmaxs, 16, 16, 45);
VectorSet(cl.playercrouchmins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet(cl.playercrouchmaxs, 16, 16, 25);
VectorSet(cl.playerstandmins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet(cl.playerstandmaxs, 16, 16, 24);
VectorSet(cl.playercrouchmins, -16, -16, -24);
VectorSet(cl.playercrouchmaxs, 16, 16, 24);
// disable until we get textures for it
ent = &cl.entities[0];
// entire entity array was cleared, so just fill in a few fields
ent->state_current.active = true;
ent->render.model = cl.worldmodel = NULL; // no world model yet
ent->render.alpha = 1;
ent->render.flags = RENDER_SHADOW | RENDER_LIGHT;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&ent->render.matrix, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
ent->render.allowdecals = true;
// noclip is turned off at start
noclip_anglehack = false;
// mark all frames invalid for delta
memset(cl.qw_deltasequence, -1, sizeof(cl.qw_deltasequence));
// set bestweapon data back to Quake data
void CL_SetInfo(const char *key, const char *value, qboolean send, qboolean allowstarkey, qboolean allowmodel, qboolean quiet)
int i;
qboolean fail = false;
char vabuf[1024];
if (!allowstarkey && key[0] == '*')
fail = true;
if (!allowmodel && (!strcasecmp(key, "pmodel") || !strcasecmp(key, "emodel")))
fail = true;
for (i = 0;key[i];i++)
if (ISWHITESPACE(key[i]) || key[i] == '\"')
fail = true;
for (i = 0;value[i];i++)
if (value[i] == '\r' || value[i] == '\n' || value[i] == '\"')
fail = true;
if (fail)
if (!quiet)
Con_Printf("Can't setinfo \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", key, value);
InfoString_SetValue(cls.userinfo, sizeof(cls.userinfo), key, value);
if (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.netcon)
if (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, qw_clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "setinfo \"%s\" \"%s\"", key, value));
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "name"))
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "name \"%s\"", value));
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "playermodel"))
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "playermodel \"%s\"", value));
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "playerskin"))
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "playerskin \"%s\"", value));
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "topcolor"))
// don't send anything, the combined color code will be updated manually
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "bottomcolor"))
// don't send anything, the combined color code will be updated manually
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "rate"))
MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "rate \"%s\"", value));
void CL_ExpandEntities(int num)
int i, oldmaxentities;
entity_t *oldentities;
if (num >= cl.max_entities)
if (!cl.entities)
Sys_Error("CL_ExpandEntities: cl.entities not initialized");
if (num >= MAX_EDICTS)
Host_Error("CL_ExpandEntities: num %i >= %i", num, MAX_EDICTS);
oldmaxentities = cl.max_entities;
oldentities = cl.entities;
cl.max_entities = (num & ~255) + 256;
cl.entities = (entity_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_entities * sizeof(entity_t));
memcpy(cl.entities, oldentities, oldmaxentities * sizeof(entity_t));
for (i = oldmaxentities;i < cl.max_entities;i++)
cl.entities[i].state_baseline = defaultstate;
cl.entities[i].state_previous = defaultstate;
cl.entities[i].state_current = defaultstate;
void CL_ExpandCSQCRenderEntities(int num)
int i;
int oldmaxcsqcrenderentities;
entity_render_t *oldcsqcrenderentities;
if (num >= cl.max_csqcrenderentities)
if (num >= MAX_EDICTS)
Host_Error("CL_ExpandEntities: num %i >= %i", num, MAX_EDICTS);
oldmaxcsqcrenderentities = cl.max_csqcrenderentities;
oldcsqcrenderentities = cl.csqcrenderentities;
cl.max_csqcrenderentities = (num & ~255) + 256;
cl.csqcrenderentities = (entity_render_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, cl.max_csqcrenderentities * sizeof(entity_render_t));
if (oldcsqcrenderentities)
memcpy(cl.csqcrenderentities, oldcsqcrenderentities, oldmaxcsqcrenderentities * sizeof(entity_render_t));
for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.scene.numentities;i++)
if(r_refdef.scene.entities[i] >= oldcsqcrenderentities && r_refdef.scene.entities[i] < (oldcsqcrenderentities + oldmaxcsqcrenderentities))
r_refdef.scene.entities[i] = cl.csqcrenderentities + (r_refdef.scene.entities[i] - oldcsqcrenderentities);
Sends a disconnect message to the server
This is also called on Host_Error, so it shouldn't cause any errors
void CL_Disconnect(void)
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
if (COM_CheckParm("-profilegameonly"))
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progcrc, -1);
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progsize, -1);
// stop sounds (especially looping!)
S_StopAllSounds ();
cl.parsingtextexpectingpingforscores = 0; // just in case no reply has come yet
// clear contents blends
cl.cshifts[0].percent = 0;
cl.cshifts[1].percent = 0;
cl.cshifts[2].percent = 0;
cl.cshifts[3].percent = 0;
cl.worldmodel = NULL;
if (cls.demoplayback)
else if (cls.netcon)
sizebuf_t buf;
unsigned char bufdata[8];
if (cls.demorecording)
// send disconnect message 3 times to improve chances of server
// receiving it (but it still fails sometimes)
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
buf.data = bufdata;
buf.maxsize = sizeof(bufdata);
if (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
Con_DPrint("Sending drop command\n");
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, qw_clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString(&buf, "drop");
Con_DPrint("Sending clc_disconnect\n");
MSG_WriteByte(&buf, clc_disconnect);
NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(cls.netcon, &buf, cls.protocol, 10000, false);
NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(cls.netcon, &buf, cls.protocol, 10000, false);
NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(cls.netcon, &buf, cls.protocol, 10000, false);
cls.netcon = NULL;
cls.state = ca_disconnected;
cl.islocalgame = false;
cls.demoplayback = cls.timedemo = false;
cls.signon = 0;
void CL_Disconnect_f(void)
CL_Disconnect ();
if (sv.active)
Host_ShutdownServer ();
Host should be either "local" or a net address
void CL_EstablishConnection(const char *host, int firstarg)
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
// don't connect to a server if we're benchmarking a demo
if (COM_CheckParm("-benchmark"))
// clear menu's connect error message
cls.demonum = -1;
// stop demo loop in case this fails
if (cls.demoplayback)
// if downloads are running, cancel their finishing action
// make sure the client ports are open before attempting to connect
if (LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&cls.connect_address, host, 26000) && (cls.connect_mysocket = NetConn_ChooseClientSocketForAddress(&cls.connect_address)))
cls.connect_trying = true;
cls.connect_remainingtries = 3;
cls.connect_nextsendtime = 0;
// only NOW, set connect_userinfo
if(firstarg >= 0)
int i;
*cls.connect_userinfo = 0;
for(i = firstarg; i+2 <= Cmd_Argc(); i += 2)
InfoString_SetValue(cls.connect_userinfo, sizeof(cls.connect_userinfo), Cmd_Argv(i), Cmd_Argv(i+1));
else if(firstarg < -1)
// -1: keep as is (reconnect)
// -2: clear
*cls.connect_userinfo = 0;
M_Update_Return_Reason("Trying to connect...");
Con_Print("Unable to find a suitable network socket to connect to server.\n");
M_Update_Return_Reason("No network");
static void CL_PrintEntities_f(void)
entity_t *ent;
int i;
for (i = 0, ent = cl.entities;i < cl.num_entities;i++, ent++)
const char* modelname;
if (!ent->state_current.active)
if (ent->render.model)
modelname = ent->render.model->name;
modelname = "--no model--";
Con_Printf("%3i: %-25s:%4i (%5i %5i %5i) [%3i %3i %3i] %4.2f %5.3f\n", i, modelname, ent->render.framegroupblend[0].frame, (int) ent->state_current.origin[0], (int) ent->state_current.origin[1], (int) ent->state_current.origin[2], (int) ent->state_current.angles[0] % 360, (int) ent->state_current.angles[1] % 360, (int) ent->state_current.angles[2] % 360, ent->render.scale, ent->render.alpha);
List information on all models in the client modelindex
static void CL_ModelIndexList_f(void)
int i;
dp_model_t *model;
// Print Header
Con_Printf("%3s: %-30s %-8s %-8s\n", "ID", "Name", "Type", "Triangles");
for (i = -MAX_MODELS;i < MAX_MODELS;i++)
model = CL_GetModelByIndex(i);
if (!model)
if(model->loaded || i == 1)
Con_Printf("%3i: %-30s %-8s %-10i\n", i, model->name, model->modeldatatypestring, model->surfmesh.num_triangles);
Con_Printf("%3i: %-30s %-30s\n", i, model->name, "--no local model found--");
List all sounds in the client soundindex
static void CL_SoundIndexList_f(void)
int i = 1;
while(cl.sound_precache[i] && i != MAX_SOUNDS)
{ // Valid Sound
Con_Printf("%i : %s\n", i, cl.sound_precache[i]->name);
Updates inversematrix, animation interpolation factors, scale, and mins/maxs
void CL_UpdateRenderEntity(entity_render_t *ent)
vec3_t org;
vec_t scale;
dp_model_t *model = ent->model;
// update the inverse matrix for the renderer
Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&ent->inversematrix, &ent->matrix);
// update the animation blend state
VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(ent->frameblend, ent->framegroupblend, ent->model, cl.time);
// we need the matrix origin to center the box
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, org);
// update entity->render.scale because the renderer needs it
ent->scale = scale = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&ent->matrix);
if (model)
// NOTE: this directly extracts vector components from the matrix, which relies on the matrix orientation!
if (ent->matrix.m[0][2] != 0 || ent->matrix.m[1][2] != 0)
if (ent->matrix.m[2][0] != 0 || ent->matrix.m[2][1] != 0)
// pitch or roll
VectorMA(org, scale, model->rotatedmins, ent->mins);
VectorMA(org, scale, model->rotatedmaxs, ent->maxs);
else if (ent->matrix.m[1][0] != 0 || ent->matrix.m[0][1] != 0)
else if (ent->matrix.m[0][1] != 0 || ent->matrix.m[1][0] != 0)
// yaw
VectorMA(org, scale, model->yawmins, ent->mins);
VectorMA(org, scale, model->yawmaxs, ent->maxs);
VectorMA(org, scale, model->normalmins, ent->mins);
VectorMA(org, scale, model->normalmaxs, ent->maxs);
ent->mins[0] = org[0] - 16;
ent->mins[1] = org[1] - 16;
ent->mins[2] = org[2] - 16;
ent->maxs[0] = org[0] + 16;
ent->maxs[1] = org[1] + 16;
ent->maxs[2] = org[2] + 16;
Determines the fraction between the last two messages that the objects
should be put at.
static float CL_LerpPoint(void)
float f;
if (cl_nettimesyncboundmode.integer == 1)
cl.time = bound(cl.mtime[1], cl.time, cl.mtime[0]);
// LordHavoc: lerp in listen games as the server is being capped below the client (usually)
if (cl.mtime[0] <= cl.mtime[1])
cl.time = cl.mtime[0];
return 1;
f = (cl.time - cl.mtime[1]) / (cl.mtime[0] - cl.mtime[1]);
return bound(0, f, 1 + cl_lerpexcess.value);
void CL_ClearTempEntities (void)
r_refdef.scene.numtempentities = 0;
// grow tempentities buffer on request
if (r_refdef.scene.expandtempentities)
Con_Printf("CL_NewTempEntity: grow maxtempentities from %i to %i\n", r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities, r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities * 2);
r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities *= 2;
r_refdef.scene.tempentities = (entity_render_t *)Mem_Realloc(cls.permanentmempool, r_refdef.scene.tempentities, sizeof(entity_render_t) * r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities);
r_refdef.scene.expandtempentities = false;
entity_render_t *CL_NewTempEntity(double shadertime)
entity_render_t *render;
if (r_refdef.scene.numentities >= r_refdef.scene.maxentities)
return NULL;
if (r_refdef.scene.numtempentities >= r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities)
r_refdef.scene.expandtempentities = true; // will be reallocated next frame since current frame may have pointers set already
return NULL;
render = &r_refdef.scene.tempentities[r_refdef.scene.numtempentities++];
memset (render, 0, sizeof(*render));
r_refdef.scene.entities[r_refdef.scene.numentities++] = render;
render->shadertime = shadertime;
render->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(render->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(render->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
return render;
void CL_Effect(vec3_t org, int modelindex, int startframe, int framecount, float framerate)
int i;
cl_effect_t *e;
if (!modelindex) // sanity check
if (framerate < 1)
Con_Printf("CL_Effect: framerate %f is < 1\n", framerate);
if (framecount < 1)
Con_Printf("CL_Effect: framecount %i is < 1\n", framecount);
for (i = 0, e = cl.effects;i < cl.max_effects;i++, e++)
if (e->active)
e->active = true;
VectorCopy(org, e->origin);
e->modelindex = modelindex;
e->starttime = cl.time;
e->startframe = startframe;
e->endframe = startframe + framecount;
e->framerate = framerate;
e->frame = 0;
e->frame1time = cl.time;
e->frame2time = cl.time;
cl.num_effects = max(cl.num_effects, i + 1);
void CL_AllocLightFlash(entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
int i;
dlight_t *dl;
// then look for anything else
dl = cl.dlights;
for (i = 0;i < cl.max_dlights;i++, dl++)
if (!dl->radius)
// unable to find one
if (i == cl.max_dlights)
//Con_Printf("dlight %i : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n", i, org[0], org[1], org[2], red * radius, green * radius, blue * radius);
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
cl.num_dlights = max(cl.num_dlights, i + 1);
Matrix4x4_Normalize(&dl->matrix, matrix);
dl->ent = ent;
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&dl->matrix, dl->origin);
CL_FindNonSolidLocation(dl->origin, dl->origin, 6);
Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&dl->matrix, dl->origin[0], dl->origin[1], dl->origin[2]);
dl->radius = radius;
dl->color[0] = red;
dl->color[1] = green;
dl->color[2] = blue;
dl->initialradius = radius;
dl->initialcolor[0] = red;
dl->initialcolor[1] = green;
dl->initialcolor[2] = blue;
dl->decay = decay / radius; // changed decay to be a percentage decrease
dl->intensity = 1; // this is what gets decayed
if (lifetime)
dl->die = cl.time + lifetime;
dl->die = 0;
if (cubemapnum > 0)
dpsnprintf(dl->cubemapname, sizeof(dl->cubemapname), "cubemaps/%i", cubemapnum);
dl->cubemapname[0] = 0;
dl->style = style;
dl->shadow = shadowenable;
dl->corona = corona;
dl->flags = flags;
dl->coronasizescale = coronasizescale;
dl->ambientscale = ambientscale;
dl->diffusescale = diffusescale;
dl->specularscale = specularscale;
static void CL_DecayLightFlashes(void)
int i, oldmax;
dlight_t *dl;
float time;
time = bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1);
oldmax = cl.num_dlights;
cl.num_dlights = 0;
for (i = 0, dl = cl.dlights;i < oldmax;i++, dl++)
if (dl->radius)
dl->intensity -= time * dl->decay;
if (cl.time < dl->die && dl->intensity > 0)
if (cl_dlights_decayradius.integer)
dl->radius = dl->initialradius * dl->intensity;
dl->radius = dl->initialradius;
if (cl_dlights_decaybrightness.integer)
VectorScale(dl->initialcolor, dl->intensity, dl->color);
VectorCopy(dl->initialcolor, dl->color);
cl.num_dlights = i + 1;
dl->radius = 0;
// called before entity relinking
void CL_RelinkLightFlashes(void)
int i, j, k, l;
dlight_t *dl;
float frac, f;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
if (r_dynamic.integer)
for (i = 0, dl = cl.dlights;i < cl.num_dlights && r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++, dl++)
if (dl->radius)
tempmatrix = dl->matrix;
Matrix4x4_Scale(&tempmatrix, dl->radius, 1);
// we need the corona fading to be persistent
R_RTLight_Update(&dl->rtlight, false, &tempmatrix, dl->color, dl->style, dl->cubemapname, dl->shadow, dl->corona, dl->coronasizescale, dl->ambientscale, dl->diffusescale, dl->specularscale, dl->flags);
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights++] = &dl->rtlight;
if (!cl.lightstyle)
for (j = 0;j < cl.max_lightstyle;j++)
r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[j] = 1;
r_refdef.scene.lightstylevalue[j] = 256;
// light animations
// 'm' is normal light, 'a' is no light, 'z' is double bright
f = cl.time * 10;
i = (int)floor(f);
frac = f - i;
for (j = 0;j < cl.max_lightstyle;j++)
if (!cl.lightstyle[j].length)
r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[j] = 1;
r_refdef.scene.lightstylevalue[j] = 256;
// static lightstyle "=value"
if (cl.lightstyle[j].map[0] == '=')
r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[j] = atof(cl.lightstyle[j].map + 1);
if ( r_lerplightstyles.integer || ((int)f - f) < 0.01)
r_refdef.scene.lightstylevalue[j] = r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[j];
k = i % cl.lightstyle[j].length;
l = (i-1) % cl.lightstyle[j].length;
k = cl.lightstyle[j].map[k] - 'a';
l = cl.lightstyle[j].map[l] - 'a';
// rtlightstylevalue is always interpolated because it has no bad
// consequences for performance
// lightstylevalue is subject to a cvar for performance reasons;
// skipping lightmap updates on most rendered frames substantially
// improves framerates (but makes light fades look bad)
r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[j] = ((k*frac)+(l*(1-frac)))*(22/256.0f);
r_refdef.scene.lightstylevalue[j] = r_lerplightstyles.integer ? (unsigned short)(((k*frac)+(l*(1-frac)))*22) : k*22;
static void CL_AddQWCTFFlagModel(entity_t *player, int skin)
int frame = player->render.framegroupblend[0].frame;
float f;
entity_render_t *flagrender;
matrix4x4_t flagmatrix;
// this code taken from QuakeWorld
f = 14;
if (frame >= 29 && frame <= 40)
if (frame >= 29 && frame <= 34)
{ //axpain
if (frame == 29) f = f + 2;
else if (frame == 30) f = f + 8;
else if (frame == 31) f = f + 12;
else if (frame == 32) f = f + 11;
else if (frame == 33) f = f + 10;
else if (frame == 34) f = f + 4;
else if (frame >= 35 && frame <= 40)
{ // pain
if (frame == 35) f = f + 2;
else if (frame == 36) f = f + 10;
else if (frame == 37) f = f + 10;
else if (frame == 38) f = f + 8;
else if (frame == 39) f = f + 4;
else if (frame == 40) f = f + 2;
else if (frame >= 103 && frame <= 118)
if (frame >= 103 && frame <= 104) f = f + 6; //nailattack
else if (frame >= 105 && frame <= 106) f = f + 6; //light
else if (frame >= 107 && frame <= 112) f = f + 7; //rocketattack
else if (frame >= 112 && frame <= 118) f = f + 7; //shotattack
// end of code taken from QuakeWorld
flagrender = CL_NewTempEntity(player->render.shadertime);
if (!flagrender)
flagrender->model = CL_GetModelByIndex(cl.qw_modelindex_flag);
flagrender->skinnum = skin;
flagrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(flagrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(flagrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
// attach the flag to the player matrix
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&flagmatrix, -f, -22, 0, 0, 0, -45, 1);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&flagrender->matrix, &player->render.matrix, &flagmatrix);
matrix4x4_t viewmodelmatrix_withbob;
matrix4x4_t viewmodelmatrix_nobob;
static const vec3_t muzzleflashorigin = {18, 0, 0};
void CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entity_render_t *ent, int colormap)
const unsigned char *cbcolor;
if (colormap >= 0)
cbcolor = palette_rgb_pantscolormap[colormap & 0xF];
VectorScale(cbcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), ent->colormap_pantscolor);
cbcolor = palette_rgb_shirtcolormap[(colormap & 0xF0) >> 4];
VectorScale(cbcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), ent->colormap_shirtcolor);
// note this is a recursive function, recursionlimit should be 32 or so on the initial call
static void CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(entity_t *e, int recursionlimit, qboolean interpolate)
const matrix4x4_t *matrix;
matrix4x4_t blendmatrix, tempmatrix, matrix2;
int frame;
vec_t origin[3], angles[3], lerp;
entity_t *t;
entity_render_t *r;
//entity_persistent_t *p = &e->persistent;
//entity_render_t *r = &e->render;
// skip inactive entities and world
if (!e->state_current.active || e == cl.entities)
if (recursionlimit < 1)
e->render.alpha = e->state_current.alpha * (1.0f / 255.0f); // FIXME: interpolate?
e->render.scale = e->state_current.scale * (1.0f / 16.0f); // FIXME: interpolate?
e->render.flags = e->state_current.flags;
e->render.effects = e->state_current.effects;
VectorScale(e->state_current.colormod, (1.0f / 32.0f), e->render.colormod);
VectorScale(e->state_current.glowmod, (1.0f / 32.0f), e->render.glowmod);
if(e >= cl.entities && e < cl.entities + cl.num_entities)
e->render.entitynumber = e - cl.entities;
e->render.entitynumber = 0;
if (e->state_current.flags & RENDER_COLORMAPPED)
CL_SetEntityColormapColors(&e->render, e->state_current.colormap);
else if (e->state_current.colormap > 0 && e->state_current.colormap <= cl.maxclients && cl.scores != NULL)
CL_SetEntityColormapColors(&e->render, cl.scores[e->state_current.colormap-1].colors);
CL_SetEntityColormapColors(&e->render, -1);
e->render.skinnum = e->state_current.skin;
if (e->state_current.tagentity)
// attached entity (gun held in player model's hand, etc)
// if the tag entity is currently impossible, skip it
if (e->state_current.tagentity >= cl.num_entities)
t = cl.entities + e->state_current.tagentity;
// if the tag entity is inactive, skip it
if (t->state_current.active)
// update the parent first
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(t, recursionlimit - 1, interpolate);
r = &t->render;
// it may still be a CSQC entity... trying to use its
// info from last render frame (better than nothing)
r = cl.csqcrenderentities + cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[e->state_current.tagentity];
return; // neither CSQC nor legacy entity... can't attach
// make relative to the entity
matrix = &r->matrix;
// some properties of the tag entity carry over
e->render.flags |= r->flags & (RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL | RENDER_VIEWMODEL);
// if a valid tagindex is used, make it relative to that tag instead
if (e->state_current.tagentity && e->state_current.tagindex >= 1 && r->model)
if(!Mod_Alias_GetTagMatrix(r->model, r->frameblend, r->skeleton, e->state_current.tagindex - 1, &blendmatrix)) // i.e. no error
// concat the tag matrices onto the entity matrix
Matrix4x4_Concat(&tempmatrix, &r->matrix, &blendmatrix);
// use the constructed tag matrix
matrix = &tempmatrix;
else if (e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)
// view-relative entity (guns and such)
if (e->render.effects & EF_NOGUNBOB)
matrix = &viewmodelmatrix_nobob; // really attached to view
matrix = &viewmodelmatrix_withbob; // attached to gun bob matrix
// world-relative entity (the normal kind)
matrix = &identitymatrix;
// movement lerp
// if it's the predicted player entity, update according to client movement
// but don't lerp if going through a teleporter as it causes a bad lerp
// also don't use the predicted location if fixangle was set on both of
// the most recent server messages, as that cause means you are spectating
// someone or watching a cutscene of some sort
if (cl_nolerp.integer || cls.timedemo)
interpolate = false;
if (e == cl.entities + cl.playerentity && cl.movement_predicted && (!cl.fixangle[1] || !cl.fixangle[0]))
VectorCopy(cl.movement_origin, origin);
VectorSet(angles, 0, cl.viewangles[1], 0);
else if (interpolate && e->persistent.lerpdeltatime > 0 && (lerp = (cl.time - e->persistent.lerpstarttime) / e->persistent.lerpdeltatime) < 1 + cl_lerpexcess.value)
// interpolate the origin and angles
lerp = max(0, lerp);
VectorLerp(e->persistent.oldorigin, lerp, e->persistent.neworigin, origin);
#if 0
// this fails at the singularity of euler angles
VectorSubtract(e->persistent.newangles, e->persistent.oldangles, delta);
if (delta[0] < -180) delta[0] += 360;else if (delta[0] >= 180) delta[0] -= 360;
if (delta[1] < -180) delta[1] += 360;else if (delta[1] >= 180) delta[1] -= 360;
if (delta[2] < -180) delta[2] += 360;else if (delta[2] >= 180) delta[2] -= 360;
VectorMA(e->persistent.oldangles, lerp, delta, angles);
vec3_t f0, u0, f1, u1;
AngleVectors(e->persistent.oldangles, f0, NULL, u0);
AngleVectors(e->persistent.newangles, f1, NULL, u1);
VectorMAM(1-lerp, f0, lerp, f1, f0);
VectorMAM(1-lerp, u0, lerp, u1, u0);
AnglesFromVectors(angles, f0, u0, false);
// no interpolation
VectorCopy(e->persistent.neworigin, origin);
VectorCopy(e->persistent.newangles, angles);
// model setup and some modelflags
frame = e->state_current.frame;
e->render.model = CL_GetModelByIndex(e->state_current.modelindex);
if (e->render.model)
if (e->render.skinnum >= e->render.model->numskins)
e->render.skinnum = 0;
if (frame >= e->render.model->numframes)
frame = 0;
// models can set flags such as EF_ROCKET
// this 0xFF800000 mask is EF_NOMODELFLAGS plus all the higher EF_ flags such as EF_ROCKET
if (!(e->render.effects & 0xFF800000))
e->render.effects |= e->render.model->effects;
// if model is alias or this is a tenebrae-like dlight, reverse pitch direction
if (e->render.model->type == mod_alias)
angles[0] = -angles[0];
if ((e->render.effects & EF_SELECTABLE) && cl.cmd.cursor_entitynumber == e->state_current.number)
VectorScale(e->render.colormod, 2, e->render.colormod);
VectorScale(e->render.glowmod, 2, e->render.glowmod);
// if model is alias or this is a tenebrae-like dlight, reverse pitch direction
else if (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
angles[0] = -angles[0];
// NOTE: this must be synced to SV_GetPitchSign!
if ((e->render.effects & EF_ROTATE) && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL))
angles[1] = ANGLEMOD(100*cl.time);
if (cl_itembobheight.value)
origin[2] += (cos(cl.time * cl_itembobspeed.value * (2.0 * M_PI)) + 1.0) * 0.5 * cl_itembobheight.value;
// animation lerp
e->render.skeleton = NULL;
if (e->render.flags & RENDER_COMPLEXANIMATION)
e->render.framegroupblend[0] = e->state_current.framegroupblend[0];
e->render.framegroupblend[1] = e->state_current.framegroupblend[1];
e->render.framegroupblend[2] = e->state_current.framegroupblend[2];
e->render.framegroupblend[3] = e->state_current.framegroupblend[3];
if (e->state_current.skeletonobject.model && e->state_current.skeletonobject.relativetransforms)
e->render.skeleton = &e->state_current.skeletonobject;
else if (e->render.framegroupblend[0].frame == frame)
// update frame lerp fraction
e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp = 1;
e->render.framegroupblend[1].lerp = 0;
if (e->render.framegroupblend[0].start > e->render.framegroupblend[1].start)
// make sure frame lerp won't last longer than 100ms
// (this mainly helps with models that use framegroups and
// switch between them infrequently)
float maxdelta = cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server.value;
if(e->render.model->animscenes[e->render.framegroupblend[0].frame].framecount > 1 || e->render.model->animscenes[e->render.framegroupblend[1].frame].framecount > 1)
maxdelta = cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups.value;
maxdelta = max(maxdelta, cl.mtime[0] - cl.mtime[1]);
e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp = (cl.time - e->render.framegroupblend[0].start) / min(e->render.framegroupblend[0].start - e->render.framegroupblend[1].start, maxdelta);
e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp = bound(0, e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp, 1);
e->render.framegroupblend[1].lerp = 1 - e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp;
// begin a new frame lerp
e->render.framegroupblend[1] = e->render.framegroupblend[0];
e->render.framegroupblend[1].lerp = 1;
e->render.framegroupblend[0].frame = frame;
e->render.framegroupblend[0].start = cl.time;
e->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp = 0;
// set up the render matrix
if (matrix)
// attached entity, this requires a matrix multiply (concat)
// FIXME: e->render.scale should go away
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix2, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], e->render.scale);
// concat the matrices to make the entity relative to its tag
Matrix4x4_Concat(&e->render.matrix, matrix, &matrix2);
// get the origin from the new matrix
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&e->render.matrix, origin);
// unattached entities are faster to process
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&e->render.matrix, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], e->render.scale);
// tenebrae's sprites are all additive mode (weird)
if (gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE && e->render.model && e->render.model->type == mod_sprite)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_ADDITIVE;
// player model is only shown with chase_active on
if (e->state_current.number == cl.viewentity)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL;
// either fullbright or lit
if (!(e->render.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))
e->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT;
else if(r_equalize_entities_fullbright.integer)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT | RENDER_EQUALIZE;
// hide player shadow during intermission or nehahra movie
if (!(e->render.effects & (EF_NOSHADOW | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_NODEPTHTEST))
&& (e->render.alpha >= 1)
&& !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)
&& (!(e->render.flags & RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL) || (!cl.intermission && cls.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE && !cl_noplayershadow.integer)))
e->render.flags |= RENDER_SHADOW;
if (e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW;
if (e->render.effects & EF_NOSELFSHADOW)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW;
if (e->render.effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_NODEPTHTEST;
if (e->render.effects & EF_ADDITIVE)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_ADDITIVE;
if (e->render.effects & EF_DOUBLESIDED)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_DOUBLESIDED;
if (e->render.effects & EF_DYNAMICMODELLIGHT)
// make the other useful stuff
e->render.allowdecals = true;
// creates light and trails from an entity
static void CL_UpdateNetworkEntityTrail(entity_t *e)
effectnameindex_t trailtype;
vec3_t origin;
// bmodels are treated specially since their origin is usually '0 0 0' and
// their actual geometry is far from '0 0 0'
if (e->render.model && e->render.model->soundfromcenter)
vec3_t o;
VectorMAM(0.5f, e->render.model->normalmins, 0.5f, e->render.model->normalmaxs, o);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, o, origin);
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&e->render.matrix, origin);
// handle particle trails and such effects now that we know where this
// entity is in the world...
trailtype = EFFECT_NONE;
// LordHavoc: if the entity has no effects, don't check each
if (e->render.effects & (EF_BRIGHTFIELD | EF_FLAME | EF_STARDUST))
if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ || gamemode == GAME_XONOTIC)
if (e->render.effects & EF_FLAME)
CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, false, true, NULL, NULL);
if (e->render.effects & EF_STARDUST)
CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, false, true, NULL, NULL);
if (e->render.internaleffects & (INTEF_FLAG1QW | INTEF_FLAG2QW))
// these are only set on player entities
CL_AddQWCTFFlagModel(e, (e->render.internaleffects & INTEF_FLAG2QW) != 0);
// muzzleflash fades over time
if (e->persistent.muzzleflash > 0)
e->persistent.muzzleflash -= bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1) * 20;
// LordHavoc: if the entity has no effects, don't check each
if (e->render.effects && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL))
if (e->render.effects & EF_GIB)
trailtype = EFFECT_TR_BLOOD;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_ZOMGIB)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER2)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_ROCKET)
trailtype = EFFECT_TR_ROCKET;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_GRENADE)
// LordHavoc: e->render.alpha == -1 is for Nehahra dem compatibility (cigar smoke)
trailtype = e->render.alpha == -1 ? EFFECT_TR_NEHAHRASMOKE : EFFECT_TR_GRENADE;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER3)
// do trails
if (e->render.flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
if (e->state_current.traileffectnum)
trailtype = (effectnameindex_t)e->state_current.traileffectnum;
// check if a trail is allowed (it is not after a teleport for example)
if (trailtype && e->persistent.trail_allowed)
float len;
vec3_t vel;
VectorSubtract(e->state_current.origin, e->state_previous.origin, vel);
len = e->state_current.time - e->state_previous.time;
if (len > 0)
len = 1.0f / len;
VectorScale(vel, len, vel);
// pass time as count so that trails that are time based (such as an emitter) will emit properly as long as they don't use trailspacing
CL_ParticleTrail(trailtype, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), e->persistent.trail_origin, origin, vel, vel, e, e->state_current.glowcolor, false, true, NULL, NULL);
// now that the entity has survived one trail update it is allowed to
// leave a real trail on later frames
e->persistent.trail_allowed = true;
VectorCopy(origin, e->persistent.trail_origin);
void CL_UpdateViewEntities(void)
int i;
// update any RENDER_VIEWMODEL entities to use the new view matrix
for (i = 1;i < cl.num_entities;i++)
if (cl.entities_active[i])
entity_t *ent = cl.entities + i;
if ((ent->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL) || ent->state_current.tagentity)
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(ent, 32, true);
// and of course the engine viewmodel needs updating as well
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(&cl.viewent, 32, true);
static void CL_UpdateNetworkCollisionEntities(void)
entity_t *ent;
int i;
// start on the entity after the world
cl.num_brushmodel_entities = 0;
for (i = cl.maxclients + 1;i < cl.num_entities;i++)
if (cl.entities_active[i])
ent = cl.entities + i;
if (ent->state_current.active && ent->render.model && ent->render.model->name[0] == '*' && ent->render.model->TraceBox)
// do not interpolate the bmodels for this
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(ent, 32, false);
cl.brushmodel_entities[cl.num_brushmodel_entities++] = i;
static void CL_UpdateNetworkEntities(void)
entity_t *ent;
int i;
// start on the entity after the world
for (i = 1;i < cl.num_entities;i++)
if (cl.entities_active[i])
ent = cl.entities + i;
if (ent->state_current.active)
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(ent, 32, true);
// view models should never create light/trails
if (!(ent->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL))
cl.entities_active[i] = false;
static void CL_UpdateViewModel(void)
entity_t *ent;
ent = &cl.viewent;
ent->state_previous = ent->state_current;
ent->state_current = defaultstate;
ent->state_current.time = cl.time;
ent->state_current.number = (unsigned short)-1;
ent->state_current.active = true;
ent->state_current.modelindex = cl.stats[STAT_WEAPON];
ent->state_current.frame = cl.stats[STAT_WEAPONFRAME];
ent->state_current.flags = RENDER_VIEWMODEL;
if ((cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && cl_deathnoviewmodel.integer) || cl.intermission)
ent->state_current.modelindex = 0;
else if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY)
if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION)
ent->state_current.alpha = 128;
ent->state_current.modelindex = 0;
ent->state_current.alpha = cl.entities[cl.viewentity].state_current.alpha;
ent->state_current.effects = EF_NOSHADOW | (cl.entities[cl.viewentity].state_current.effects & (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_NOGUNBOB));
// reset animation interpolation on weaponmodel if model changed
if (ent->state_previous.modelindex != ent->state_current.modelindex)
ent->render.framegroupblend[0].frame = ent->render.framegroupblend[1].frame = ent->state_current.frame;
ent->render.framegroupblend[0].start = ent->render.framegroupblend[1].start = cl.time;
ent->render.framegroupblend[0].lerp = 1;ent->render.framegroupblend[1].lerp = 0;
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(ent, 32, true);
// note this is a recursive function, but it can never get in a runaway loop (because of the delayedlink flags)
static void CL_LinkNetworkEntity(entity_t *e)
effectnameindex_t trailtype;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t dlightcolor;
vec_t dlightradius;
char vabuf[1024];
// skip inactive entities and world
if (!e->state_current.active || e == cl.entities)
if (e->state_current.tagentity)
// if the tag entity is currently impossible, skip it
if (e->state_current.tagentity >= cl.num_entities)
// if the tag entity is inactive, skip it
if (!cl.entities[e->state_current.tagentity].state_current.active)
// if we get here, it's properly csqc networked and attached
// create entity dlights associated with this entity
if (e->render.model && e->render.model->soundfromcenter)
// bmodels are treated specially since their origin is usually '0 0 0'
vec3_t o;
VectorMAM(0.5f, e->render.model->normalmins, 0.5f, e->render.model->normalmaxs, o);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, o, origin);
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&e->render.matrix, origin);
trailtype = EFFECT_NONE;
dlightradius = 0;
dlightcolor[0] = 0;
dlightcolor[1] = 0;
dlightcolor[2] = 0;
// LordHavoc: if the entity has no effects, don't check each
if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ || gamemode == GAME_XONOTIC)
if (e->render.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
dlightcolor[1] += 1.50f;
dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 400);
dlightcolor[0] += 3.00f;
dlightcolor[1] += 3.00f;
dlightcolor[2] += 3.00f;
// LordHavoc: more effects
if (e->render.effects & EF_RED) // red
dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
dlightcolor[2] += 0.15f;
if (e->render.effects & EF_BLUE) // blue
dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
dlightcolor[0] += 0.15f;
dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
if (e->render.effects & EF_FLAME)
CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, 1, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, NULL);
if (e->render.effects & EF_STARDUST)
CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, 1, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, NULL);
// muzzleflash fades over time, and is offset a bit
if (e->persistent.muzzleflash > 0 && r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
vec3_t v2;
vec3_t color;
trace_t trace;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, muzzleflashorigin, v2);
trace = CL_TraceLine(origin, v2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false, false);
Matrix4x4_Normalize(&tempmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&tempmatrix, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2]);
Matrix4x4_Scale(&tempmatrix, 150, 1);
VectorSet(color, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f);
R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights], false, &tempmatrix, color, -1, NULL, true, 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights] = &r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights];r_refdef.scene.numlights++;
// LordHavoc: if the model has no flags, don't check each
if (e->render.model && e->render.effects && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL))
if (e->render.effects & EF_GIB)
trailtype = EFFECT_TR_BLOOD;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_ZOMGIB)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER2)
else if (e->render.effects & EF_ROCKET)
trailtype = EFFECT_TR_ROCKET;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_GRENADE)
// LordHavoc: e->render.alpha == -1 is for Nehahra dem compatibility (cigar smoke)
trailtype = e->render.alpha == -1 ? EFFECT_TR_NEHAHRASMOKE : EFFECT_TR_GRENADE;
else if (e->render.effects & EF_TRACER3)
// LordHavoc: customizable glow
if (e->state_current.glowsize)
// * 4 for the expansion from 0-255 to 0-1023 range,
// / 255 to scale down byte colors
dlightradius = max(dlightradius, e->state_current.glowsize * 4);
VectorMA(dlightcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), palette_rgb[e->state_current.glowcolor], dlightcolor);
// custom rtlight
if ((e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC) && r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
matrix4x4_t dlightmatrix;
vec4_t light;
VectorScale(e->state_current.light, (1.0f / 256.0f), light);
light[3] = e->state_current.light[3];
if (light[0] == 0 && light[1] == 0 && light[2] == 0)
VectorSet(light, 1, 1, 1);
if (light[3] == 0)
light[3] = 350;
// FIXME: add ambient/diffuse/specular scales as an extension ontop of TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS?
Matrix4x4_Normalize(&dlightmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
Matrix4x4_Scale(&dlightmatrix, light[3], 1);
R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights], false, &dlightmatrix, light, e->state_current.lightstyle, e->state_current.skin > 0 ? va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "cubemaps/%i", e->state_current.skin) : NULL, !(e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_NOSHADOW), (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_CORONA) != 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights] = &r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights];r_refdef.scene.numlights++;
// make the glow dlight
else if (dlightradius > 0 && (dlightcolor[0] || dlightcolor[1] || dlightcolor[2]) && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL) && r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
matrix4x4_t dlightmatrix;
Matrix4x4_Normalize(&dlightmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
// hack to make glowing player light shine on their gun
//if (e->state_current.number == cl.viewentity/* && !chase_active.integer*/)
// Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(&dlightmatrix, 0, 0, 30);
Matrix4x4_Scale(&dlightmatrix, dlightradius, 1);
R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights], false, &dlightmatrix, dlightcolor, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights] = &r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights];r_refdef.scene.numlights++;
// do trail light
if (e->render.flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
if (e->state_current.traileffectnum)
trailtype = (effectnameindex_t)e->state_current.traileffectnum;
if (trailtype)
CL_ParticleTrail(trailtype, 1, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, e->state_current.glowcolor, true, false, NULL, NULL);
// don't show entities with no modelindex (note: this still shows
// entities which have a modelindex that resolved to a NULL model)
if (e->render.model && !(e->render.effects & EF_NODRAW) && r_refdef.scene.numentities < r_refdef.scene.maxentities)
r_refdef.scene.entities[r_refdef.scene.numentities++] = &e->render;
//if (cl.viewentity && e->state_current.number == cl.viewentity)
// Matrix4x4_Print(&e->render.matrix);
static void CL_RelinkWorld(void)
entity_t *ent = &cl.entities[0];
// FIXME: this should be done at load
ent->render.matrix = identitymatrix;
ent->render.flags = RENDER_SHADOW;
if (!r_fullbright.integer)
ent->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT;
VectorSet(ent->render.colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(ent->render.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
ent->render.allowdecals = true;
r_refdef.scene.worldentity = &ent->render;
r_refdef.scene.worldmodel = cl.worldmodel;
static void CL_RelinkStaticEntities(void)
int i;
entity_t *e;
for (i = 0, e = cl.static_entities;i < cl.num_static_entities && r_refdef.scene.numentities < r_refdef.scene.maxentities;i++, e++)
e->render.flags = 0;
// if the model was not loaded when the static entity was created we
// need to re-fetch the model pointer
e->render.model = CL_GetModelByIndex(e->state_baseline.modelindex);
// either fullbright or lit
if (!(e->render.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))
e->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT;
else if(r_equalize_entities_fullbright.integer)
e->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT | RENDER_EQUALIZE;
// hide player shadow during intermission or nehahra movie
if (!(e->render.effects & (EF_NOSHADOW | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_NODEPTHTEST)) && (e->render.alpha >= 1))
e->render.flags |= RENDER_SHADOW;
VectorSet(e->render.colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(e->render.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(e->render.frameblend, e->render.framegroupblend, e->render.model, cl.time);
e->render.allowdecals = true;
r_refdef.scene.entities[r_refdef.scene.numentities++] = &e->render;
static void CL_RelinkNetworkEntities(void)
entity_t *ent;
int i;
// start on the entity after the world
for (i = 1;i < cl.num_entities;i++)
if (cl.entities_active[i])
ent = cl.entities + i;
if (ent->state_current.active)
cl.entities_active[i] = false;
static void CL_RelinkEffects(void)
int i, intframe;
cl_effect_t *e;
entity_render_t *entrender;
float frame;
for (i = 0, e = cl.effects;i < cl.num_effects;i++, e++)
if (e->active)
frame = (cl.time - e->starttime) * e->framerate + e->startframe;
intframe = (int)frame;
if (intframe < 0 || intframe >= e->endframe)
memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
while (cl.num_effects > 0 && !cl.effects[cl.num_effects - 1].active)
if (intframe != e->frame)
e->frame = intframe;
e->frame1time = e->frame2time;
e->frame2time = cl.time;
// if we're drawing effects, get a new temp entity
// (NewTempEntity adds it to the render entities list for us)
if (r_draweffects.integer && (entrender = CL_NewTempEntity(e->starttime)))
// interpolation stuff
entrender->framegroupblend[0].frame = intframe;
entrender->framegroupblend[0].lerp = 1 - frame - intframe;
entrender->framegroupblend[0].start = e->frame1time;
if (intframe + 1 >= e->endframe)
entrender->framegroupblend[1].frame = 0; // disappear
entrender->framegroupblend[1].lerp = 0;
entrender->framegroupblend[1].start = 0;
entrender->framegroupblend[1].frame = intframe + 1;
entrender->framegroupblend[1].lerp = frame - intframe;
entrender->framegroupblend[1].start = e->frame2time;
// normal stuff
entrender->model = CL_GetModelByIndex(e->modelindex);
entrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(entrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(entrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entrender->matrix, e->origin[0], e->origin[1], e->origin[2], 0, 0, 0, 1);
extern float gunangles[3];
extern float gunorg[3];
extern float vieworg[3];
extern cvar_t vr_worldscale;
extern cvar_t cl_trackingmode;
void CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(const beam_t *b, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
VectorCopy(b->start, start);
VectorCopy(b->end, end);
// if coming from the player, update the start position
if (b->entity == cl.viewentity)
if (cl_beams_quakepositionhack.integer && !chase_active.integer)
// LordHavoc: this is a stupid hack from Quake that makes your
// lightning appear to come from your waist and cover less of your
// view
// in Quake this hack was applied to all players (causing the
// infamous crotch-lightning), but in darkplaces and QuakeWorld it
// only applies to your own lightning, and only in first person
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&cl.entities[cl.viewentity].render.matrix, start);
//Use gun location as beam origin
VectorCopy(gunorg, start);
if (cl_trackingmode.integer == 0) //3DoF
start[2] -= 5.0f; // Hack to align lightning with gun
if (cl_beams_instantaimhack.integer)
vec3_t dir, localend;
vec_t len;
// LordHavoc: this updates the beam direction to match your
// viewangles
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
len = VectorLength(dir);
VectorSet(localend, len, 0, 0);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&r_refdef.view.matrix, localend, end);
void CL_LaserSight_CalculatePositions(vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
vec3_t temp;
trace_t trace;
matrix4x4_t gunOrientationMatrix;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&gunOrientationMatrix, gunorg[0], gunorg[1], gunorg[2], gunangles[0], gunangles[1], gunangles[2], 1.0f);
VectorSet(temp, 65536, 0, 0);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&gunOrientationMatrix, temp, end);
trace = CL_TraceLine(gunorg, end, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, true, true);
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end);
VectorCopy(gunorg, start);
extern cvar_t r_lasersight;
void CL_LaserSight_SetupTorch()
qboolean cldead = (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] != -666 && cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] != -2342);
int activeWeapon = cl.stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON];
if (!cl.intermission && !cls.demoplayback && r_lasersight.integer == 2 && !cldead && activeWeapon != IT_AXE && activeWeapon != IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)
vec3_t org, start, end, dir;
vec_t dist;
CL_LaserSight_CalculatePositions(start, end);
// calculate the nearest point on the line (beam) for depth sorting
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
dist = (DotProduct(r_refdef.view.origin, dir) - DotProduct(start, dir)) / (DotProduct(end, dir) - DotProduct(start, dir));
dist = bound(0, dist, 1);
VectorLerp(start, dist, end, org);
if (r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS) {
vec3_t dlightcolor;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
VectorSet(dlightcolor, 3.2, 3.7, 4);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&tempmatrix, end[0], end[1], end[2], 0, 0, 0, 8);
R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights], false,
&tempmatrix, dlightcolor, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.5, 1, 0, 0,
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights] = &r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights];
void CL_RelinkBeams(void)
int i;
beam_t *b;
vec3_t dist, org, start, end;
float d;
entity_render_t *entrender;
double yaw, pitch;
float forward;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
for (i = 0, b = cl.beams;i < cl.num_beams;i++, b++)
if (!b->model)
if (b->endtime < cl.time)
b->model = NULL;
CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(b, start, end);
if (b->lightning)
if (cl_beams_lightatend.integer && r_refdef.scene.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
// FIXME: create a matrix from the beam start/end orientation
vec3_t dlightcolor;
VectorSet(dlightcolor, 0.3, 0.7, 1);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&tempmatrix, end[0], end[1], end[2], 0, 0, 0, 200);
R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights], false, &tempmatrix, dlightcolor, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
r_refdef.scene.lights[r_refdef.scene.numlights] = &r_refdef.scene.templights[r_refdef.scene.numlights];r_refdef.scene.numlights++;
if (cl_beams_polygons.integer)
// calculate pitch and yaw
// (this is similar to the QuakeC builtin function vectoangles)
VectorSubtract(end, start, dist);
if (dist[1] == 0 && dist[0] == 0)
yaw = 0;
if (dist[2] > 0)
pitch = 90;
pitch = 270;
yaw = atan2(dist[1], dist[0]) * 180 / M_PI;
if (yaw < 0)
yaw += 360;
forward = sqrt (dist[0]*dist[0] + dist[1]*dist[1]);
pitch = atan2(dist[2], forward) * 180 / M_PI;
if (pitch < 0)
pitch += 360;
// add new entities for the lightning
VectorCopy (start, org);
d = VectorNormalizeLength(dist);
while (d > 0)
entrender = CL_NewTempEntity (0);
if (!entrender)
//VectorCopy (org, ent->render.origin);
entrender->model = b->model;
//ent->render.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT;
//ent->render.angles[0] = pitch;
//ent->render.angles[1] = yaw;
//ent->render.angles[2] = rand()%360;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entrender->matrix, org[0], org[1], org[2], -pitch, yaw, lhrandom(0, 360), 1);
VectorMA(org, 30, dist, org);
d -= 30;
while (cl.num_beams > 0 && !cl.beams[cl.num_beams - 1].model)
static void CL_RelinkQWNails(void)
int i;
vec_t *v;
entity_render_t *entrender;
for (i = 0;i < cl.qw_num_nails;i++)
v = cl.qw_nails[i];
// if we're drawing effects, get a new temp entity
// (NewTempEntity adds it to the render entities list for us)
if (!(entrender = CL_NewTempEntity(0)))
// normal stuff
entrender->model = CL_GetModelByIndex(cl.qw_modelindex_spike);
entrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(entrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
VectorSet(entrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entrender->matrix, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], 1);
static void CL_LerpPlayer(float frac)
int i;
cl.viewzoom = cl.mviewzoom[1] + frac * (cl.mviewzoom[0] - cl.mviewzoom[1]);
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
cl.punchangle[i] = cl.mpunchangle[1][i] + frac * (cl.mpunchangle[0][i] - cl.mpunchangle[1][i]);
cl.punchvector[i] = cl.mpunchvector[1][i] + frac * (cl.mpunchvector[0][i] - cl.mpunchvector[1][i]);
cl.velocity[i] = cl.mvelocity[1][i] + frac * (cl.mvelocity[0][i] - cl.mvelocity[1][i]);
// interpolate the angles if playing a demo or spectating someone
if (cls.demoplayback || cl.fixangle[0])
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
float d = cl.mviewangles[0][i] - cl.mviewangles[1][i];
if (d > 180)
d -= 360;
else if (d < -180)
d += 360;
cl.viewangles[i] = cl.mviewangles[1][i] + frac * d;
void CSQC_RelinkAllEntities (int drawmask)
// link stuff
// link stuff
if (drawmask & ENTMASK_ENGINE)
CL_LinkNetworkEntity(&cl.viewent); // link gun model
// update view blend
Update client game world for a new frame
void CL_UpdateWorld(void)
r_refdef.scene.extraupdate = !r_speeds.integer;
r_refdef.scene.numentities = 0;
r_refdef.scene.numlights = 0;
r_refdef.view.matrix = identitymatrix;
r_refdef.view.quality = 1;
cl.num_brushmodel_entities = 0;
if (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.signon == SIGNONS)
// prepare for a new frame
// if prediction is enabled we have to update all the collidable
// network entities before the prediction code can be run
// now update the player prediction
// update the player entity (which may be predicted)
CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(cl.entities + cl.viewentity, 32, true);
// now update the view (which depends on that player entity)
// now update all the network entities and create particle trails
// (some entities may depend on the view)
// update the engine-based viewmodel
// decals, particles, and explosions will be updated during rneder
r_refdef.scene.time = cl.time;
// LordHavoc: pausedemo command
static void CL_PauseDemo_f (void)
cls.demopaused = !cls.demopaused;
if (cls.demopaused)
Con_Print("Demo paused\n");
Con_Print("Demo unpaused\n");
static void CL_Fog_f (void)
if (Cmd_Argc () == 1)
Con_Printf("\"fog\" is \"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\"\n", r_refdef.fog_density, r_refdef.fog_red, r_refdef.fog_green, r_refdef.fog_blue, r_refdef.fog_alpha, r_refdef.fog_start, r_refdef.fog_end, r_refdef.fog_height, r_refdef.fog_fadedepth);
FOG_clear(); // so missing values get good defaults
if(Cmd_Argc() > 1)
r_refdef.fog_density = atof(Cmd_Argv(1));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 2)
r_refdef.fog_red = atof(Cmd_Argv(2));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 3)
r_refdef.fog_green = atof(Cmd_Argv(3));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 4)
r_refdef.fog_blue = atof(Cmd_Argv(4));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 5)
r_refdef.fog_alpha = atof(Cmd_Argv(5));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 6)
r_refdef.fog_start = atof(Cmd_Argv(6));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 7)
r_refdef.fog_end = atof(Cmd_Argv(7));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 8)
r_refdef.fog_height = atof(Cmd_Argv(8));
if(Cmd_Argc() > 9)
r_refdef.fog_fadedepth = atof(Cmd_Argv(9));
static void CL_Fog_HeightTexture_f (void)
if (Cmd_Argc () < 11)
Con_Printf("\"fog_heighttexture\" is \"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s\"\n", r_refdef.fog_density, r_refdef.fog_red, r_refdef.fog_green, r_refdef.fog_blue, r_refdef.fog_alpha, r_refdef.fog_start, r_refdef.fog_end, r_refdef.fog_height, r_refdef.fog_fadedepth, r_refdef.fog_height_texturename);
FOG_clear(); // so missing values get good defaults
r_refdef.fog_density = atof(Cmd_Argv(1));
r_refdef.fog_red = atof(Cmd_Argv(2));
r_refdef.fog_green = atof(Cmd_Argv(3));
r_refdef.fog_blue = atof(Cmd_Argv(4));
r_refdef.fog_alpha = atof(Cmd_Argv(5));
r_refdef.fog_start = atof(Cmd_Argv(6));
r_refdef.fog_end = atof(Cmd_Argv(7));
r_refdef.fog_height = atof(Cmd_Argv(8));
r_refdef.fog_fadedepth = atof(Cmd_Argv(9));
strlcpy(r_refdef.fog_height_texturename, Cmd_Argv(10), sizeof(r_refdef.fog_height_texturename));
For program optimization
static void CL_TimeRefresh_f (void)
int i;
double timestart, timedelta;
r_refdef.scene.extraupdate = false;
timestart = Sys_DirtyTime();
for (i = 0;i < 128;i++)
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&r_refdef.view.matrix, r_refdef.view.origin[0], r_refdef.view.origin[1], r_refdef.view.origin[2], 0, i / 128.0 * 360.0, 0, 1);
r_refdef.view.quality = 1;
SCR_DrawScreen(0, 0);
timedelta = Sys_DirtyTime() - timestart;
Con_Printf("%f seconds (%f fps)\n", timedelta, 128/timedelta);
static void CL_AreaStats_f(void)
World_PrintAreaStats(&cl.world, "client");
cl_locnode_t *CL_Locs_FindNearest(const vec3_t point)
int i;
cl_locnode_t *loc;
cl_locnode_t *best;
vec3_t nearestpoint;
vec_t dist, bestdist;
best = NULL;
bestdist = 0;
for (loc = cl.locnodes;loc;loc = loc->next)
for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
nearestpoint[i] = bound(loc->mins[i], point[i], loc->maxs[i]);
dist = VectorDistance2(nearestpoint, point);
if (bestdist > dist || !best)
bestdist = dist;
best = loc;
if (bestdist < 1)
return best;
void CL_Locs_FindLocationName(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, vec3_t point)
cl_locnode_t *loc;
loc = CL_Locs_FindNearest(point);
if (loc)
strlcpy(buffer, loc->name, buffersize);
dpsnprintf(buffer, buffersize, "LOC=%.0f:%.0f:%.0f", point[0], point[1], point[2]);
static void CL_Locs_FreeNode(cl_locnode_t *node)
cl_locnode_t **pointer, **next;
for (pointer = &cl.locnodes;*pointer;pointer = next)
next = &(*pointer)->next;
if (*pointer == node)
*pointer = node->next;
Con_Printf("CL_Locs_FreeNode: no such node! (%p)\n", (void *)node);
static void CL_Locs_AddNode(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const char *name)
cl_locnode_t *node, **pointer;
int namelen;
if (!name)
name = "";
namelen = strlen(name);
node = (cl_locnode_t *) Mem_Alloc(cls.levelmempool, sizeof(cl_locnode_t) + namelen + 1);
VectorSet(node->mins, min(mins[0], maxs[0]), min(mins[1], maxs[1]), min(mins[2], maxs[2]));
VectorSet(node->maxs, max(mins[0], maxs[0]), max(mins[1], maxs[1]), max(mins[2], maxs[2]));
node->name = (char *)(node + 1);
memcpy(node->name, name, namelen);
node->name[namelen] = 0;
// link it into the tail of the list to preserve the order
for (pointer = &cl.locnodes;*pointer;pointer = &(*pointer)->next)
*pointer = node;
static void CL_Locs_Add_f(void)
vec3_t mins, maxs;
if (Cmd_Argc() != 5 && Cmd_Argc() != 8)
Con_Printf("usage: %s x y z[ x y z] name\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
mins[0] = atof(Cmd_Argv(1));
mins[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2));
mins[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3));
if (Cmd_Argc() == 8)
maxs[0] = atof(Cmd_Argv(4));
maxs[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(5));
maxs[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(6));
CL_Locs_AddNode(mins, maxs, Cmd_Argv(7));
CL_Locs_AddNode(mins, mins, Cmd_Argv(4));
static void CL_Locs_RemoveNearest_f(void)
cl_locnode_t *loc;
loc = CL_Locs_FindNearest(r_refdef.view.origin);
if (loc)
Con_Printf("no loc point or box found for your location\n");
static void CL_Locs_Clear_f(void)
while (cl.locnodes)
static void CL_Locs_Save_f(void)
cl_locnode_t *loc;
qfile_t *outfile;
char locfilename[MAX_QPATH];
if (!cl.locnodes)
Con_Printf("No loc points/boxes exist!\n");
if (cls.state != ca_connected || !cl.worldmodel)
Con_Printf("No level loaded!\n");
dpsnprintf(locfilename, sizeof(locfilename), "%s.loc", cl.worldnamenoextension);
outfile = FS_OpenRealFile(locfilename, "w", false);
if (!outfile)
// if any boxes are used then this is a proquake-format loc file, which
// allows comments, so add some relevant information at the start
for (loc = cl.locnodes;loc;loc = loc->next)
if (!VectorCompare(loc->mins, loc->maxs))
if (loc)
FS_Printf(outfile, "// %s %s saved by %s\n// x,y,z,x,y,z,\"name\"\n\n", locfilename, Sys_TimeString("%Y-%m-%d"), engineversion);
for (loc = cl.locnodes;loc;loc = loc->next)
if (VectorCompare(loc->mins, loc->maxs))
if (loc)
Con_Printf("Warning: writing loc file containing a mixture of qizmo-style points and proquake-style boxes may not work in qizmo or proquake!\n");
for (loc = cl.locnodes;loc;loc = loc->next)
if (VectorCompare(loc->mins, loc->maxs))
int len;
const char *s;
const char *in = loc->name;
char name[MAX_INPUTLINE];
for (len = 0;len < (int)sizeof(name) - 1 && *in;)
if (*in == ' ') {s = "$loc_name_separator";in++;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "SSG", 3)) {s = "$loc_name_ssg";in += 3;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "NG", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_ng";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "SNG", 3)) {s = "$loc_name_sng";in += 3;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "GL", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_gl";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "RL", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_rl";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "LG", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_lg";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "GA", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_ga";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "YA", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_ya";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "RA", 2)) {s = "$loc_name_ra";in += 2;}
else if (!strncmp(in, "MEGA", 4)) {s = "$loc_name_mh";in += 4;}
else s = NULL;
if (s)
while (len < (int)sizeof(name) - 1 && *s)
name[len++] = *s++;
name[len++] = *in++;
name[len] = 0;
FS_Printf(outfile, "%.0f %.0f %.0f %s\n", loc->mins[0]*8, loc->mins[1]*8, loc->mins[2]*8, name);
FS_Printf(outfile, "%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,\"%s\"\n", loc->mins[0], loc->mins[1], loc->mins[2], loc->maxs[0], loc->maxs[1], loc->maxs[2], loc->name);
void CL_Locs_Reload_f(void)
int i, linenumber, limit, len;
const char *s;
char *filedata, *text, *textend, *linestart, *linetext, *lineend;
fs_offset_t filesize;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
char locfilename[MAX_QPATH];
char name[MAX_INPUTLINE];
if (cls.state != ca_connected || !cl.worldmodel)
Con_Printf("No level loaded!\n");
// try maps/something.loc first (LordHavoc: where I think they should be)
dpsnprintf(locfilename, sizeof(locfilename), "%s.loc", cl.worldnamenoextension);
filedata = (char *)FS_LoadFile(locfilename, cls.levelmempool, false, &filesize);
if (!filedata)
// try proquake name as well (LordHavoc: I hate path mangling)
dpsnprintf(locfilename, sizeof(locfilename), "locs/%s.loc", cl.worldbasename);
filedata = (char *)FS_LoadFile(locfilename, cls.levelmempool, false, &filesize);
if (!filedata)
text = filedata;
textend = filedata + filesize;
for (linenumber = 1;text < textend;linenumber++)
linestart = text;
for (;text < textend && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n';text++)
lineend = text;
if (text + 1 < textend && *text == '\r' && text[1] == '\n')
if (text < textend)
// trim trailing whitespace
while (lineend > linestart && ISWHITESPACE(lineend[-1]))
// trim leading whitespace
while (linestart < lineend && ISWHITESPACE(*linestart))
// check if this is a comment
if (linestart + 2 <= lineend && !strncmp(linestart, "//", 2))
linetext = linestart;
limit = 3;
for (i = 0;i < limit;i++)
if (linetext >= lineend)
// note: a missing number is interpreted as 0
if (i < 3)
mins[i] = atof(linetext);
maxs[i - 3] = atof(linetext);
// now advance past the number
while (linetext < lineend && !ISWHITESPACE(*linetext) && *linetext != ',')
// advance through whitespace
if (linetext < lineend)
if (*linetext == ',')
limit = 6;
// note: comma can be followed by whitespace
if (ISWHITESPACE(*linetext))
// skip whitespace
while (linetext < lineend && ISWHITESPACE(*linetext))
// if this is a quoted name, remove the quotes
if (i == 6)
if (linetext >= lineend || *linetext != '"')
continue; // proquake location names are always quoted
len = min(lineend - linetext, (int)sizeof(name) - 1);
memcpy(name, linetext, len);
name[len] = 0;
// add the box to the list
CL_Locs_AddNode(mins, maxs, name);
// if a point was parsed, it needs to be scaled down by 8 (since
// point-based loc files were invented by a proxy which dealt
// directly with quake protocol coordinates, which are *8), turn
// it into a box
else if (i == 3)
// interpret silly fuhquake macros
for (len = 0;len < (int)sizeof(name) - 1 && linetext < lineend;)
if (*linetext == '$')
if (linetext + 18 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_separator", 19)) {s = " ";linetext += 19;}
else if (linetext + 13 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_ssg", 13)) {s = "SSG";linetext += 13;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_ng", 12)) {s = "NG";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 13 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_sng", 13)) {s = "SNG";linetext += 13;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_gl", 12)) {s = "GL";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_rl", 12)) {s = "RL";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_lg", 12)) {s = "LG";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_ga", 12)) {s = "GA";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_ya", 12)) {s = "YA";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_ra", 12)) {s = "RA";linetext += 12;}
else if (linetext + 12 <= lineend && !strncmp(linetext, "$loc_name_mh", 12)) {s = "MEGA";linetext += 12;}
else s = NULL;
if (s)
while (len < (int)sizeof(name) - 1 && *s)
name[len++] = *s++;
name[len++] = *linetext++;
name[len] = 0;
// add the point to the list
VectorScale(mins, (1.0 / 8.0), mins);
CL_Locs_AddNode(mins, mins, name);
void CL_Shutdown (void)
Mem_FreePool (&cls.permanentmempool);
Mem_FreePool (&cls.levelmempool);
void CL_Init (void)
cls.levelmempool = Mem_AllocPool("client (per-level memory)", 0, NULL);
cls.permanentmempool = Mem_AllocPool("client (long term memory)", 0, NULL);
memset(&r_refdef, 0, sizeof(r_refdef));
// max entities sent to renderer per frame
r_refdef.scene.maxentities = MAX_EDICTS + 256 + 512;
r_refdef.scene.entities = (entity_render_t **)Mem_Alloc(cls.permanentmempool, sizeof(entity_render_t *) * r_refdef.scene.maxentities);
// max temp entities
r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities = MAX_TEMPENTITIES;
r_refdef.scene.tempentities = (entity_render_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.permanentmempool, sizeof(entity_render_t) * r_refdef.scene.maxtempentities);
CL_InitInput ();
// register our commands
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_upspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_movementspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_movespeedkey);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_yawspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_pitchspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_anglespeedkey);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_shownet);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_nolerp);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_lerpexcess);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_deathfade);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lookspring);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lookstrafe);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sensitivity);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&freelook);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_pitch);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_yaw);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_forward);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_side);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_itembobspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_itembobheight);
Cmd_AddCommand ("entities", CL_PrintEntities_f, "print information on network entities known to client");
Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f, "disconnect from server (or disconnect all clients if running a server)");
Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f, "record a demo");
Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", CL_Stop_f, "stop recording or playing a demo");
Cmd_AddCommand ("playdemo", CL_PlayDemo_f, "watch a demo file");
Cmd_AddCommand ("timedemo", CL_TimeDemo_f, "play back a demo as fast as possible and save statistics to benchmark.log");
// Support Client-side Model Index List
Cmd_AddCommand ("cl_modelindexlist", CL_ModelIndexList_f, "list information on all models in the client modelindex");
// Support Client-side Sound Index List
Cmd_AddCommand ("cl_soundindexlist", CL_SoundIndexList_f, "list all sounds in the client soundindex");
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_nosplashscreen);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autodemo);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autodemo_nameformat);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autodemo_delete);
Cmd_AddCommand ("fog", CL_Fog_f, "set global fog parameters (density red green blue [alpha [mindist [maxdist [top [fadedepth]]]]])");
Cmd_AddCommand ("fog_heighttexture", CL_Fog_HeightTexture_f, "set global fog parameters (density red green blue alpha mindist maxdist top depth textures/mapname/fogheight.tga)");
// LordHavoc: added pausedemo
Cmd_AddCommand ("pausedemo", CL_PauseDemo_f, "pause demo playback (can also safely pause demo recording if using QUAKE, QUAKEDP or NEHAHRAMOVIE protocol, useful for making movies)");
Cmd_AddCommand ("cl_areastats", CL_AreaStats_f, "prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces");
// for QW connections
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&qport, (rand() * RAND_MAX + rand()) & 0xffff);
Cmd_AddCommand("timerefresh", CL_TimeRefresh_f, "turn quickly and print rendering statistcs");
Cmd_AddCommand("locs_add", CL_Locs_Add_f, "add a point or box location (usage: x y z[ x y z] \"name\", if two sets of xyz are supplied it is a box, otherwise point)");
Cmd_AddCommand("locs_removenearest", CL_Locs_RemoveNearest_f, "remove the nearest point or box (note: you need to be very near a box to remove it)");
Cmd_AddCommand("locs_clear", CL_Locs_Clear_f, "remove all loc points/boxes");
Cmd_AddCommand("locs_reload", CL_Locs_Reload_f, "reload .loc file for this map");
Cmd_AddCommand("locs_save", CL_Locs_Save_f, "save .loc file for this map containing currently defined points and boxes");