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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef SND_MAIN_H
#define SND_MAIN_H
#include "sound.h"
typedef struct snd_format_s
unsigned int speed;
unsigned short width;
unsigned short channels;
} snd_format_t;
typedef struct snd_buffer_s
snd_format_t format;
unsigned int nbframes; // current size, in sample frames
unsigned int maxframes; // max size (buffer size), in sample frames
unsigned char samples[4]; // variable sized
} snd_buffer_t;
typedef struct snd_ringbuffer_s
snd_format_t format;
unsigned char* ring;
unsigned int maxframes; // max size (buffer size), in sample frames
unsigned int startframe; // index of the first frame in the buffer
// if startframe == endframe, the bufffer is empty
unsigned int endframe; // index of the first EMPTY frame in the "ring" buffer
// may be smaller than startframe if the "ring" buffer has wrapped
} snd_ringbuffer_t;
// sfx_t flags
#define SFXFLAG_NONE 0
#define SFXFLAG_FILEMISSING (1 << 0) // wasn't able to load the associated sound file
#define SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND (1 << 1) // the sfx is part of the server or client precache list for this level
#define SFXFLAG_STREAMED (1 << 2) // informative only. You shouldn't need to know that
#define SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND (1 << 3) // not freed during level change (menu sounds, music, etc)
typedef struct snd_fetcher_s snd_fetcher_t;
struct sfx_s
char name[MAX_QPATH];
sfx_t *next;
size_t memsize; // total memory used (including sfx_t and fetcher data)
snd_format_t format; // format describing the audio data that fetcher->getsamplesfloat will return
unsigned int flags; // cf SFXFLAG_* defines
unsigned int loopstart; // in sample frames. equals total_length if not looped
unsigned int total_length; // in sample frames
const snd_fetcher_t *fetcher;
void *fetcher_data; // Per-sfx data for the sound fetching functions
float volume_mult; // for replay gain (multiplier to apply)
float volume_peak; // for replay gain (highest peak); if set to 0, ReplayGain isn't supported
// maximum supported speakers constant
typedef struct channel_s
// provided sound information
sfx_t *sfx; // pointer to sound sample being used
float basevolume; // 0-1 master volume
unsigned int flags; // cf CHANNELFLAG_* defines
int entnum; // makes sound follow entity origin (allows replacing interrupting existing sound on same id)
int entchannel; // which channel id on the entity
vec3_t origin; // origin of sound effect
vec_t distfade; // distance multiplier (attenuation/clipK)
void *fetcher_data; // Per-channel data for the sound fetching function
int prologic_invert;// whether a sound is played on the surround channels in prologic
float basespeed; // playback rate multiplier for pitch variation
// these are often updated while mixer is running, glitching should be minimized (mismatched channel volumes from spatialization is okay)
// spatialized playback speed (speed * doppler ratio)
float mixspeed;
// spatialized volume per speaker (mastervol * distanceattenuation * channelvolume cvars)
float volume[SND_LISTENERS];
// updated ONLY by mixer
// position in sfx, starts at 0, loops or stops at sfx->total_length
double position;
} channel_t;
// Sound fetching functions
// "start" is both an input and output parameter: it returns the actual start time of the sound buffer
typedef void (*snd_fetcher_getsamplesfloat_t) (channel_t *ch, sfx_t *sfx, int firstsampleframe, int numsampleframes, float *outsamplesfloat);
typedef void (*snd_fetcher_stopchannel_t) (channel_t *ch);
typedef void (*snd_fetcher_freesfx_t) (sfx_t *sfx);
struct snd_fetcher_s
snd_fetcher_getsamplesfloat_t getsamplesfloat;
snd_fetcher_stopchannel_t stopchannel;
snd_fetcher_freesfx_t freesfx;
extern unsigned int total_channels;
extern channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
extern snd_ringbuffer_t *snd_renderbuffer;
extern qboolean snd_threaded; // enables use of snd_usethreadedmixing, provided that no sound hacks are in effect (like timedemo)
extern qboolean snd_usethreadedmixing; // if true, the main thread does not mix sound, soundtime does not advance, and neither does snd_renderbuffer->endframe, instead the audio thread will call S_MixToBuffer as needed
extern cvar_t _snd_mixahead;
extern cvar_t snd_swapstereo;
extern cvar_t snd_streaming;
extern cvar_t snd_streaming_length;
extern cvar_t snd_channellayout;
extern int snd_blocked; // counter. When > 0, we stop submitting sound to the audio device
extern mempool_t *snd_mempool;
// If simsound is true, the sound card is not initialized and no sound is submitted to it.
// More generally, all arch-dependent operations are skipped or emulated.
// Used for isolating performance in the renderer.
extern qboolean simsound;
#define STREAM_BUFFERSIZE 16384 // in sampleframes
// ====================================================================
// Architecture-independent functions
// ====================================================================
void S_MixToBuffer(void *stream, unsigned int frames);
qboolean S_LoadSound (sfx_t *sfx, qboolean complain);
snd_buffer_t *Snd_CreateSndBuffer (const unsigned char *samples, unsigned int sampleframes, const snd_format_t* in_format, unsigned int sb_speed);
qboolean Snd_AppendToSndBuffer (snd_buffer_t* sb, const unsigned char *samples, unsigned int sampleframes, const snd_format_t* format);
// If "buffer" is NULL, the function allocates one buffer of "sampleframes" sample frames itself
// (if "sampleframes" is 0, the function chooses the size).
snd_ringbuffer_t *Snd_CreateRingBuffer (const snd_format_t* format, unsigned int sampleframes, void* buffer);
// ====================================================================
// Architecture-dependent functions
// ====================================================================
// Create "snd_renderbuffer" with the proper sound format if the call is successful
// May return a suggested format if the requested format isn't available
qboolean SndSys_Init (const snd_format_t* requested, snd_format_t* suggested);
// Stop the sound card, delete "snd_renderbuffer" and free its other resources
void SndSys_Shutdown (void);
// Submit the contents of "snd_renderbuffer" to the sound card
void SndSys_Submit (void);
// Returns the number of sample frames consumed since the sound started
unsigned int SndSys_GetSoundTime (void);
// Get the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer"
qboolean SndSys_LockRenderBuffer (void);
// Release the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer"
void SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer (void);
// if the sound system can generate events, send them
void SndSys_SendKeyEvents(void);
// exported for capturevideo so ogg can see all channels
typedef struct portable_samplepair_s
float sample[SND_LISTENERS];
} portable_sampleframe_t;
typedef struct listener_s
int channel_unswapped; // for un-swapping
float yawangle;
float dotscale;
float dotbias;
float ambientvolume;
typedef struct speakerlayout_s
const char *name;
unsigned int channels;
listener_t listeners[SND_LISTENERS];