- Audio lag is now fixed - using the OpenSLES library (courtesy of Emile Belanger's Dark Places build for Android)
- 120hz mode can be used on the Quest 2 by adding the following to the command line:
``` -r 120 ```
* weapon placement is now perfect
* 6DoF reimplemented so there is no "swim" as it uses a completely different approach
* 3DoF should work much better
* Hopefully warping is reduced further
* when "Bullet time" mode is selected, gl_lightmaps is automatically set to 2
- Command line parameters now working again
- Using symmetrical render target to hopefully reduce "warping"
- Use ever so slightly reduced FOV as I think previous value was a little too high (also to reduce "warping")
- Updated to version 1.3.0
- Method for typing in using the controllers - means console can be used
and multiplayer games can be started
- Increased the FOV
- Updated command line text so that super sampling is applied correctly
- Yaw turn speed can now be changed in the menu
- Menu appearance is easier to read