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synced 2025-03-11 03:11:32 +00:00
General Improvements to the Controls
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 46 additions and 167 deletions
@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ static void M_Options_Draw (void)
M_Options_PrintSlider( " Game Brightness", true, r_hdr_scenebrightness.value, 1, 4);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " Brightness", true, v_contrast.value, 1, 2);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " Gamma", true, v_gamma.value, 0.5, 3);
M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Toy Soldier Mode", true, r_worldscale.value > 200.0f);
M_Options_PrintCommand( "", true);
M_Options_PrintCommand( " Customize Effects", true);
M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects: Quake", true);
M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects: Normal", true);
@ -1962,17 +1962,7 @@ static void M_Options_Key (int k, int ascii)
case 10:
M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f ();
case 14: // Toy Soldier Mode
if (r_worldscale.value < 200.0f)
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_worldscale, 400.0f);
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&chase_active, 1);
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_worldscale, 30.0f);
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&chase_active, 0);
case 14:
case 15: // Customize Effects
M_Menu_Options_Effects_f ();
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ void V_CalcRefdefUsing (const matrix4x4_t *entrendermatrix, const vec3_t clviewa
VectorSubtract(cl.gunangles_highpass, cl.gunangles_prev, cl.gunangles_highpass);
// 3. calculate the RAW adjustment vectors
gunorg[0] *= (cl_followmodel.value ? -cl_followmodel_side_speed.value : 0);
/* gunorg[0] *= (cl_followmodel.value ? -cl_followmodel_side_speed.value : 0);
gunorg[1] *= (cl_followmodel.value ? -cl_followmodel_side_speed.value : 0);
gunorg[2] *= (cl_followmodel.value ? -cl_followmodel_up_speed.value : 0);
@ -732,13 +732,13 @@ void V_CalcRefdefUsing (const matrix4x4_t *entrendermatrix, const vec3_t clviewa
// 5. use the adjusted vectors
VectorAdd(vieworg, gunorg, gunorg);
VectorAdd(vieworg, gunorg, gunorg);*/
// bounded XY speed, used by several effects below
xyspeed = bound (0, sqrt(clvelocity[0] * clvelocity[0] +
clvelocity[1] * clvelocity[1]), 400);
// vertical view bobbing code
/* // vertical view bobbing code
if (cl_bob.value && cl_bobcycle.value) {
// LordHavoc: this code is *weird*, but not replacable (I think it
// should be done in QC on the server, but oh well, quake is quake)
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ void V_CalcRefdefUsing (const matrix4x4_t *entrendermatrix, const vec3_t clviewa
VectorMA (gunorg, bob, right, gunorg);
bob = bspeed * cl_bobmodel_up.value * cl_viewmodel_scale.value * cos(s * 2) * t;
VectorMA (gunorg, bob, up, gunorg);
// calculate a view matrix for rendering the scene
@ -285,7 +285,6 @@ void QC_exit(int exitCode)
vec3_t hmdorientation;
extern float gunangles[3];
float weaponOffset[3];
float hmdRemoteYawDiff = 0.0f;
float horizFOV;
float vertFOV;
@ -959,10 +958,10 @@ static float uvs[8] = {
static float SCREEN_COORDS[12] = {
-3.0f, 2.5f, 0.0f,
-3.0f, -2.5f, 0.0f,
3.0f, -2.5f, 0.0f,
3.0f, 2.5f, 0.0f
-1.5f, 1.25f, 0.0f,
-1.5f, -1.25f, 0.0f,
1.5f, -1.25f, 0.0f,
1.5f, 1.25f, 0.0f
int vignetteTexture = 0;
@ -997,7 +996,7 @@ static void ovrRenderer_Create( ovrRenderer * renderer, const ovrJava * java )
modelScreen = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity();
rotation = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity();
ovrMatrix4f translation = ovrMatrix4f_CreateTranslation( 0, 0, -4.0f );
ovrMatrix4f translation = ovrMatrix4f_CreateTranslation( 0, 0, -3.0f );
modelScreen = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply( &modelScreen, &translation );
horizFOV = vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt( java, VRAPI_SYS_PROP_SUGGESTED_EYE_FOV_DEGREES_X);
@ -1413,21 +1412,6 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleVrModeChanges( ovrApp * app )
static int ovrApp_HandleKeyEvent( ovrApp * app, const int keyCode, const int action, const int character )
if ( keyCode == AKEYCODE_BACK || keyCode == AKEYCODE_B )
return 1;
//Dispatch to quake
QC_KeyEvent(action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN ? 1 : 0, keyCode, character);
return 0;
static void handleTrackedControllerButton(ovrInputStateTrackedRemote * trackedRemoteState, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote * prevTrackedRemoteState, uint32_t button, int key)
if ((trackedRemoteState->Buttons & button) != (prevTrackedRemoteState->Buttons & button))
@ -1436,15 +1420,19 @@ static void handleTrackedControllerButton(ovrInputStateTrackedRemote * trackedRe
static void rotate(float v1, float v2, float yaw, vec3_t out)
static void rotateAboutOrigin(float v1, float v2, float rotation, vec2_t out)
vec3_t temp;
temp[0] = v1;
temp[1] = v2;
vec3_t v;
matrix4x4_t matrix;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, yaw, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&matrix, temp, out);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, rotation, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&matrix, temp, v);
out[0] = v[0];
out[1] = v[1];
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote leftTrackedRemoteState_old;
@ -1497,7 +1485,8 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote dominantTrackedRemoteState = rightHanded ? rightTrackedRemoteState_new : leftTrackedRemoteState_new;
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote dominantTrackedRemoteState = rightHanded ? rightTrackedRemoteState_new : leftTrackedRemoteState_new;
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote dominantTrackedRemoteStateOld = rightHanded ? rightTrackedRemoteState_old : leftTrackedRemoteState_old;
ovrTracking dominantRemoteTracking = rightHanded ? rightRemoteTracking : leftRemoteTracking;
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote offHandTrackedRemoteState = !rightHanded ? rightTrackedRemoteState_new : leftTrackedRemoteState_new;
ovrTracking offHandRemoteTracking = !rightHanded ? rightRemoteTracking : leftRemoteTracking;
@ -1511,10 +1500,10 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
setWorldPosition(dominantRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.x, dominantRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.y, dominantRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.z);
///Weapon location relative to view
vec3_t v;
rotate(weaponOffset[0], weaponOffset[2], -yawOffset, v);
weaponOffset[0] = v[0];
weaponOffset[2] = v[1];
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(weaponOffset[0], weaponOffset[2], -yawOffset, v);
weaponOffset[0] = v[0];
weaponOffset[2] = v[1];
//Set gun angles
@ -1524,30 +1513,35 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
//Adjust gun pitch down slightly
gunangles[PITCH] += 8.0f;
gunangles[YAW] += yawOffset;
//Change laser sight on joystick click
if ((dominantTrackedRemoteState.Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick) &&
(dominantTrackedRemoteState.Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick) != (dominantTrackedRemoteStateOld.Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick))
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lasersight, (r_lasersight.integer+1) % 3);
//off-hand stuff
float controllerYawHeading;
hmdRemoteYawDiff = hmdorientation[YAW] - controllerAngles[YAW];
controllerYawHeading = controllerAngles[YAW] - gunangles[YAW] + yawOffset;
//Right-hand specific stuff
ALOGE(" Right-Controller-Position: %f, %f, %f", rightRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.x, rightRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.y, rightRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.z);
if (rightHanded) {
//This section corrects for the fact that the controller actually controls direction of movement, but we want to move relative to the direction the
//player is facing for positional tracking
float multiplier = /*arbitrary value that works ->*/
(2000.0f * cl_postrackmultiplier.value) / cl_forwardspeed.value;
vec3_t v;
rotate(-positionDeltaThisFrame[0] * multiplier, positionDeltaThisFrame[2] * multiplier, -hmdorientation[YAW], v);
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(-positionDeltaThisFrame[0] * multiplier, positionDeltaThisFrame[2] * multiplier, -hmdorientation[YAW], v);
positional_movementSideways = v[0];
positional_movementForward = v[1];
@ -1603,21 +1597,12 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
//Next Weapon
handleTrackedControllerButton(&rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, ovrButton_GripTrigger, '/');
//Change laser sight on B button down
if ((rightTrackedRemoteState_new.Buttons & ovrButton_B) &&
(rightTrackedRemoteState_new.Buttons & ovrButton_B) != (rightTrackedRemoteState_old.Buttons & ovrButton_B))
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_lasersight, (r_lasersight.integer+1) % 3);
rightTrackedRemoteState_old = rightTrackedRemoteState_new;
//Left-hand specific stuff
//Left hand
ALOGE(" Left-Controller-Position: %f, %f, %f", leftRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.x, leftRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.y, leftRemoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.z);
//Menu button
@ -1644,15 +1629,8 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
//Adjust to be HMD oriented
vec3_t temp;
vec3_t v;
temp[0] = leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Joystick.x;
temp[1] = leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Joystick.y;
matrix4x4_t matrix;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, hmdRemoteYawDiff, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&matrix, temp, v);
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Joystick.x, leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Joystick.y, controllerYawHeading, v);
remote_movementSideways = v[0];
remote_movementForward = v[1];
@ -1671,6 +1649,13 @@ static void ovrApp_HandleInput( ovrApp * app )
//Prev Weapon
handleTrackedControllerButton(&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, ovrButton_GripTrigger, '#');
//Change handedness - temporary for testing
if ((leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Buttons & ovrButton_Y) &&
(leftTrackedRemoteState_new.Buttons & ovrButton_Y) != (leftTrackedRemoteState_old.Buttons & ovrButton_Y))
rightHanded = !rightHanded;
leftTrackedRemoteState_old = leftTrackedRemoteState_new;
@ -1872,8 +1857,7 @@ enum
typedef struct
@ -2002,10 +1986,6 @@ void * AppThreadFunction( void * parm )
case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED: { appState.NativeWindow = (ANativeWindow *)ovrMessage_GetPointerParm( &message, 0 ); break; }
case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED: { appState.NativeWindow = NULL; break; }
case MESSAGE_ON_KEY_EVENT: { ovrApp_HandleKeyEvent( &appState,
ovrMessage_GetIntegerParm( &message, 0 ),
ovrMessage_GetIntegerParm( &message, 1 ),
ovrMessage_GetIntegerParm( &message, 2 )); break; }
ovrApp_HandleVrModeChanges( &appState );
@ -2365,29 +2345,6 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_quakequest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceDestroyed
appThread->NativeWindow = NULL;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_quakequest_GLES3JNILib_onKeyEvent( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, int keyCode, int action, int character )
if ( action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onKeyEvent( %d, %d )", keyCode, action );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
ovrMessage message;
ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_KEY_EVENT, MQ_WAIT_NONE );
ovrMessage_SetIntegerParm( &message, 0, keyCode );
ovrMessage_SetIntegerParm( &message, 1, action );
ovrMessage_SetIntegerParm( &message, 2, character );
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message );
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_quakequest_GLES3JNILib_requestAudioData(JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong handle)
ALOGV("Calling: QC_GetAudio");
@ -217,70 +217,4 @@ import android.view.KeyEvent;
mSurfaceHolder = null;
public int getCharacter(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
if (keyCode==KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL) return '\b';
return event.getUnicodeChar();
public static final int K_ESCAPE = 27;
@Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent( KeyEvent event )
if ( mNativeHandle != 0 )
int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
int action = event.getAction();
int character = 0;
if ( action != KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && action != KeyEvent.ACTION_UP )
return super.dispatchKeyEvent( event );
if ( action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP )
Log.v( TAG, "GLES3JNIActivity::dispatchKeyEvent( " + keyCode + ", " + action + " )" );
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK ||
keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_B)
return true;
//Following buttons must not be handled here
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP ||
return false;
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_START)
//Pass through
GLES3JNILib.onKeyEvent( mNativeHandle, K_ESCAPE, action, character );
//Convert to Quake keys
character = getCharacter(keyCode, event);
int qKeyCode = convertKeyCode(keyCode, event);
//Don't hijack all keys (volume etc)
if (qKeyCode != -1)
keyCode = qKeyCode;
GLES3JNILib.onKeyEvent( mNativeHandle, keyCode, action, character );
return true;
public static int convertKeyCode(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
int uchar = event.getUnicodeChar(0);
if((uchar < 127)&&(uchar!=0))
return uchar;
return keyCode%95+32;//Magic
@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ public class GLES3JNILib
public static native void onSurfaceChanged( long handle, Surface s );
public static native void onSurfaceDestroyed( long handle );
// Input
public static native void onKeyEvent( long handle, int keyCode, int action, int character );
public static native void requestAudioData();
public static native void setCallbackObjects(Object obj1, Object obj2);
Reference in a new issue