2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
# include "quakedef.h"
# include "cdaudio.h"
# include "image.h"
# ifdef SUPPORTD3D
# include <d3d9.h>
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib")
# endif
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 vid_d3d9dev ;
# endif
# ifdef WIN32
//#include <XInput.h>
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP 0x0001
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START 0x0010
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK 0x0020
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A 0x1000
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B 0x2000
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X 0x4000
# define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y 0x8000
# define XUSER_INDEX_ANY 0x000000FF
typedef struct xinput_gamepad_s
WORD wButtons ;
BYTE bLeftTrigger ;
BYTE bRightTrigger ;
SHORT sThumbLX ;
SHORT sThumbLY ;
SHORT sThumbRX ;
SHORT sThumbRY ;
xinput_gamepad_t ;
typedef struct xinput_state_s
DWORD dwPacketNumber ;
xinput_gamepad_t Gamepad ;
xinput_state_t ;
typedef struct xinput_keystroke_s
WORD VirtualKey ;
WCHAR Unicode ;
WORD Flags ;
BYTE UserIndex ;
BYTE HidCode ;
xinput_keystroke_t ;
DWORD ( WINAPI * qXInputGetState ) ( DWORD index , xinput_state_t * state ) ;
DWORD ( WINAPI * qXInputGetKeystroke ) ( DWORD index , DWORD reserved , xinput_keystroke_t * keystroke ) ;
qboolean vid_xinputinitialized = false ;
int vid_xinputindex = - 1 ;
# endif
// global video state
viddef_t vid ;
// AK FIXME -> input_dest
qboolean in_client_mouse = true ;
// AK where should it be placed ?
float in_mouse_x , in_mouse_y ;
float in_windowmouse_x , in_windowmouse_y ;
// LordHavoc: if window is hidden, don't update screen
qboolean vid_hidden = true ;
// LordHavoc: if window is not the active window, don't hog as much CPU time,
// let go of the mouse, turn off sound, and restore system gamma ramps...
qboolean vid_activewindow = true ;
vid_joystate_t vid_joystate ;
# ifdef WIN32
cvar_t joy_xinputavailable = { CVAR_READONLY , " joy_xinputavailable " , " 0 " , " indicates which devices are being reported by the Windows XInput API (first controller = 1, second = 2, third = 4, fourth = 8, added together) " } ;
# endif
cvar_t joy_active = { CVAR_READONLY , " joy_active " , " 0 " , " indicates that a joystick is active (detected and enabled) " } ;
cvar_t joy_detected = { CVAR_READONLY , " joy_detected " , " 0 " , " number of joysticks detected by engine " } ;
cvar_t joy_enable = { CVAR_SAVE , " joy_enable " , " 0 " , " enables joystick support " } ;
cvar_t joy_index = { 0 , " joy_index " , " 0 " , " selects which joystick to use if you have multiple (0 uses the first controller, 1 uses the second, ...) " } ;
cvar_t joy_axisforward = { 0 , " joy_axisforward " , " 1 " , " which joystick axis to query for forward/backward movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_axisside = { 0 , " joy_axisside " , " 0 " , " which joystick axis to query for right/left movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_axisup = { 0 , " joy_axisup " , " -1 " , " which joystick axis to query for up/down movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_axispitch = { 0 , " joy_axispitch " , " 3 " , " which joystick axis to query for looking up/down " } ;
cvar_t joy_axisyaw = { 0 , " joy_axisyaw " , " 2 " , " which joystick axis to query for looking right/left " } ;
cvar_t joy_axisroll = { 0 , " joy_axisroll " , " -1 " , " which joystick axis to query for tilting head right/left " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzoneforward = { 0 , " joy_deadzoneforward " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzoneside = { 0 , " joy_deadzoneside " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzoneup = { 0 , " joy_deadzoneup " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzonepitch = { 0 , " joy_deadzonepitch " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzoneyaw = { 0 , " joy_deadzoneyaw " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_deadzoneroll = { 0 , " joy_deadzoneroll " , " 0 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivityforward = { 0 , " joy_sensitivityforward " , " -1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivityside = { 0 , " joy_sensitivityside " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivityup = { 0 , " joy_sensitivityup " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivitypitch = { 0 , " joy_sensitivitypitch " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivityyaw = { 0 , " joy_sensitivityyaw " , " -1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_sensitivityroll = { 0 , " joy_sensitivityroll " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_axiskeyevents = { CVAR_SAVE , " joy_axiskeyevents " , " 0 " , " generate uparrow/leftarrow etc. keyevents for joystick axes, use if your joystick driver is not generating them " } ;
cvar_t joy_axiskeyevents_deadzone = { CVAR_SAVE , " joy_axiskeyevents_deadzone " , " 0.5 " , " deadzone value for axes " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axisforward = { 0 , " joy_x360_axisforward " , " 1 " , " which joystick axis to query for forward/backward movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axisside = { 0 , " joy_x360_axisside " , " 0 " , " which joystick axis to query for right/left movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axisup = { 0 , " joy_x360_axisup " , " -1 " , " which joystick axis to query for up/down movement " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axispitch = { 0 , " joy_x360_axispitch " , " 3 " , " which joystick axis to query for looking up/down " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axisyaw = { 0 , " joy_x360_axisyaw " , " 2 " , " which joystick axis to query for looking right/left " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_axisroll = { 0 , " joy_x360_axisroll " , " -1 " , " which joystick axis to query for tilting head right/left " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzoneforward = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzoneforward " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzoneside = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzoneside " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzoneup = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzoneup " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzonepitch = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzonepitch " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzoneyaw = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzoneyaw " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_deadzoneroll = { 0 , " joy_x360_deadzoneroll " , " 0.266 " , " deadzone tolerance, suggested values are in the range 0 to 0.01 " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivityforward = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivityforward " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivityside = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivityside " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivityup = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivityup " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivitypitch = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivitypitch " , " -1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivityyaw = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivityyaw " , " -1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
cvar_t joy_x360_sensitivityroll = { 0 , " joy_x360_sensitivityroll " , " 1 " , " movement multiplier " } ;
// cvars for DPSOFTRAST
cvar_t vid_soft = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_soft " , " 0 " , " enables use of the DarkPlaces Software Rasterizer rather than OpenGL or Direct3D " } ;
cvar_t vid_soft_threads = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_soft_threads " , " 8 " , " the number of threads the DarkPlaces Software Rasterizer should use " } ;
cvar_t vid_soft_interlace = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_soft_interlace " , " 1 " , " whether the DarkPlaces Software Rasterizer should interlace the screen bands occupied by each thread " } ;
// we don't know until we try it!
cvar_t vid_hardwaregammasupported = { CVAR_READONLY , " vid_hardwaregammasupported " , " 1 " , " indicates whether hardware gamma is supported (updated by attempts to set hardware gamma ramps) " } ;
// VorteX: more info cvars, mostly set in VID_CheckExtensions
cvar_t gl_info_vendor = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_vendor " , " " , " indicates brand of graphics chip " } ;
cvar_t gl_info_renderer = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_renderer " , " " , " indicates graphics chip model and other information " } ;
cvar_t gl_info_version = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_version " , " " , " indicates version of current renderer. begins with 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.1 etc. " } ;
cvar_t gl_info_extensions = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_extensions " , " " , " indicates extension list found by engine, space separated. " } ;
cvar_t gl_info_platform = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_platform " , " " , " indicates GL platform: WGL, GLX, or AGL. " } ;
cvar_t gl_info_driver = { CVAR_READONLY , " gl_info_driver " , " " , " name of driver library (opengl32.dll, libGL.so.1, or whatever). " } ;
// whether hardware gamma ramps are currently in effect
qboolean vid_usinghwgamma = false ;
int vid_gammarampsize = 0 ;
unsigned short * vid_gammaramps = NULL ;
unsigned short * vid_systemgammaramps = NULL ;
cvar_t vid_fullscreen = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_fullscreen " , " 1 " , " use fullscreen (1) or windowed (0) " } ;
cvar_t vid_width = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_width " , " 640 " , " resolution " } ;
cvar_t vid_height = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_height " , " 480 " , " resolution " } ;
cvar_t vid_bitsperpixel = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_bitsperpixel " , " 32 " , " how many bits per pixel to render at (32 or 16, 32 is recommended) " } ;
cvar_t vid_samples = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_samples " , " 1 " , " how many anti-aliasing samples per pixel to request from the graphics driver (4 is recommended, 1 is faster) " } ;
cvar_t vid_refreshrate = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_refreshrate " , " 60 " , " refresh rate to use, in hz (higher values flicker less, if supported by your monitor) " } ;
cvar_t vid_userefreshrate = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_userefreshrate " , " 0 " , " set this to 1 to make vid_refreshrate used, or to 0 to let the engine choose a sane default " } ;
cvar_t vid_stereobuffer = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_stereobuffer " , " 0 " , " enables 'quad-buffered' stereo rendering for stereo shutterglasses, HMD (head mounted display) devices, or polarized stereo LCDs, if supported by your drivers " } ;
cvar_t vid_vsync = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_vsync " , " 0 " , " sync to vertical blank, prevents 'tearing' (seeing part of one frame and part of another on the screen at the same time), automatically disabled when doing timedemo benchmarks " } ;
cvar_t vid_mouse = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_mouse " , " 1 " , " whether to use the mouse in windowed mode (fullscreen always does) " } ;
cvar_t vid_grabkeyboard = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_grabkeyboard " , " 0 " , " whether to grab the keyboard when mouse is active (prevents use of volume control keys, music player keys, etc on some keyboards) " } ;
cvar_t vid_minwidth = { 0 , " vid_minwidth " , " 0 " , " minimum vid_width that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods) " } ;
cvar_t vid_minheight = { 0 , " vid_minheight " , " 0 " , " minimum vid_height that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods) " } ;
cvar_t vid_gl13 = { 0 , " vid_gl13 " , " 1 " , " enables faster rendering using OpenGL 1.3 features (such as GL_ARB_texture_env_combine extension) " } ;
cvar_t vid_gl20 = { 0 , " vid_gl20 " , " 1 " , " enables faster rendering using OpenGL 2.0 features (such as GL_ARB_fragment_shader extension) " } ;
cvar_t gl_finish = { 0 , " gl_finish " , " 0 " , " make the cpu wait for the graphics processor at the end of each rendered frame (can help with strange input or video lag problems on some machines) " } ;
cvar_t vid_sRGB = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_sRGB " , " 0 " , " if hardware is capable, modify rendering to be gamma corrected for the sRGB color standard (computer monitors, TVs), recommended " } ;
cvar_t vid_sRGB_fallback = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_sRGB_fallback " , " 0 " , " do an approximate sRGB fallback if not properly supported by hardware (2: also use the fallback if framebuffer is 8bit, 3: always use the fallback even if sRGB is supported) " } ;
cvar_t vid_touchscreen = { 0 , " vid_touchscreen " , " 0 " , " Use touchscreen-style input (no mouse grab, track mouse motion only while button is down, screen areas for mimicing joystick axes and buttons " } ;
cvar_t vid_stick_mouse = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_stick_mouse " , " 0 " , " have the mouse stuck in the center of the screen " } ;
cvar_t vid_resizable = { CVAR_SAVE , " vid_resizable " , " 0 " , " 0: window not resizable, 1: resizable, 2: window can be resized but the framebuffer isn't adjusted " } ;
cvar_t v_gamma = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_gamma " , " 1 " , " inverse gamma correction value, a brightness effect that does not affect white or black, and tends to make the image grey and dull " } ;
cvar_t v_contrast = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_contrast " , " 1 " , " brightness of white (values above 1 give a brighter image with increased color saturation, unlike v_gamma) " } ;
cvar_t v_brightness = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_brightness " , " 0 " , " brightness of black, useful for monitors that are too dark " } ;
cvar_t v_contrastboost = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_contrastboost " , " 1 " , " by how much to multiply the contrast in dark areas (1 is no change) " } ;
cvar_t v_color_enable = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_enable " , " 0 " , " enables black-grey-white color correction curve controls " } ;
cvar_t v_color_black_r = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_black_r " , " 0 " , " desired color of black " } ;
cvar_t v_color_black_g = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_black_g " , " 0 " , " desired color of black " } ;
cvar_t v_color_black_b = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_black_b " , " 0 " , " desired color of black " } ;
cvar_t v_color_grey_r = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_grey_r " , " 0.5 " , " desired color of grey " } ;
cvar_t v_color_grey_g = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_grey_g " , " 0.5 " , " desired color of grey " } ;
cvar_t v_color_grey_b = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_grey_b " , " 0.5 " , " desired color of grey " } ;
cvar_t v_color_white_r = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_white_r " , " 1 " , " desired color of white " } ;
cvar_t v_color_white_g = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_white_g " , " 1 " , " desired color of white " } ;
cvar_t v_color_white_b = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_color_white_b " , " 1 " , " desired color of white " } ;
cvar_t v_hwgamma = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_hwgamma " , " 0 " , " enables use of hardware gamma correction ramps if available (note: does not work very well on Windows2000 and above), values are 0 = off, 1 = attempt to use hardware gamma, 2 = use hardware gamma whether it works or not " } ;
cvar_t v_glslgamma = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_glslgamma " , " 1 " , " enables use of GLSL to apply gamma correction ramps if available (note: overrides v_hwgamma) " } ;
cvar_t v_glslgamma_2d = { CVAR_SAVE , " v_glslgamma_2d " , " 0 " , " applies GLSL gamma to 2d pictures (HUD, fonts) " } ;
cvar_t v_psycho = { 0 , " v_psycho " , " 0 " , " easter egg " } ;
// brand of graphics chip
const char * gl_vendor ;
// graphics chip model and other information
const char * gl_renderer ;
// begins with 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, or 1.4.0
const char * gl_version ;
// extensions list, space separated
const char * gl_extensions ;
// WGL, GLX, or AGL
const char * gl_platform ;
// another extensions list, containing platform-specific extensions that are
// not in the main list
const char * gl_platformextensions ;
// name of driver library (opengl32.dll, libGL.so.1, or whatever)
char gl_driver [ 256 ] ;
# ifndef USE_GLES2
// GL_ARB_multitexture
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMultiTexCoord1f ) ( GLenum , GLfloat ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMultiTexCoord2f ) ( GLenum , GLfloat , GLfloat ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMultiTexCoord3f ) ( GLenum , GLfloat , GLfloat , GLfloat ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMultiTexCoord4f ) ( GLenum , GLfloat , GLfloat , GLfloat , GLfloat ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglActiveTexture ) ( GLenum ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglClientActiveTexture ) ( GLenum ) ;
// general GL functions
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglClearColor ) ( GLclampf red , GLclampf green , GLclampf blue , GLclampf alpha ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglClear ) ( GLbitfield mask ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglAlphaFunc ) ( GLenum func , GLclampf ref ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBlendFunc ) ( GLenum sfactor , GLenum dfactor ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCullFace ) ( GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawBuffer ) ( GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglReadBuffer ) ( GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglEnable ) ( GLenum cap ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDisable ) ( GLenum cap ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsEnabled ) ( GLenum cap ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglEnableClientState ) ( GLenum cap ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDisableClientState ) ( GLenum cap ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetBooleanv ) ( GLenum pname , GLboolean * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetDoublev ) ( GLenum pname , GLdouble * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetFloatv ) ( GLenum pname , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetIntegerv ) ( GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
GLenum ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetError ) ( void ) ;
const GLubyte * ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetString ) ( GLenum name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFinish ) ( void ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFlush ) ( void ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglClearDepth ) ( GLclampd depth ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDepthFunc ) ( GLenum func ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDepthMask ) ( GLboolean flag ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDepthRange ) ( GLclampd near_val , GLclampd far_val ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDepthRangef ) ( GLclampf near_val , GLclampf far_val ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglColorMask ) ( GLboolean red , GLboolean green , GLboolean blue , GLboolean alpha ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawRangeElements ) ( GLenum mode , GLuint start , GLuint end , GLsizei count , GLenum type , const GLvoid * indices ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawElements ) ( GLenum mode , GLsizei count , GLenum type , const GLvoid * indices ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawArrays ) ( GLenum mode , GLint first , GLsizei count ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexPointer ) ( GLint size , GLenum type , GLsizei stride , const GLvoid * ptr ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglNormalPointer ) ( GLenum type , GLsizei stride , const GLvoid * ptr ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglColorPointer ) ( GLint size , GLenum type , GLsizei stride , const GLvoid * ptr ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexCoordPointer ) ( GLint size , GLenum type , GLsizei stride , const GLvoid * ptr ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglArrayElement ) ( GLint i ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglColor4ub ) ( GLubyte red , GLubyte green , GLubyte blue , GLubyte alpha ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglColor4f ) ( GLfloat red , GLfloat green , GLfloat blue , GLfloat alpha ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexCoord1f ) ( GLfloat s ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexCoord2f ) ( GLfloat s , GLfloat t ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexCoord3f ) ( GLfloat s , GLfloat t , GLfloat r ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexCoord4f ) ( GLfloat s , GLfloat t , GLfloat r , GLfloat q ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertex2f ) ( GLfloat x , GLfloat y ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertex3f ) ( GLfloat x , GLfloat y , GLfloat z ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertex4f ) ( GLfloat x , GLfloat y , GLfloat z , GLfloat w ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBegin ) ( GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglEnd ) ( void ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMatrixMode ) ( GLenum mode ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglOrtho)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble near_val, GLdouble far_val);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglFrustum)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble near_val, GLdouble far_val);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglViewport ) ( GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglPushMatrix)(void);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglPopMatrix)(void);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglLoadIdentity ) ( void ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglLoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglLoadMatrixf ) ( const GLfloat * m ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglMultMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglMultMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglRotated)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglRotatef)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglScaled)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglScalef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglTranslated)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglTranslatef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglReadPixels ) ( GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLenum format , GLenum type , GLvoid * pixels ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglStencilFunc ) ( GLenum func , GLint ref , GLuint mask ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglStencilMask ) ( GLuint mask ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglStencilOp ) ( GLenum fail , GLenum zfail , GLenum zpass ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglClearStencil ) ( GLint s ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexEnvf ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat param ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexEnvfv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , const GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexEnvi ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint param ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexParameterf ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat param ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexParameterfv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexParameteri ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint param ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetTexParameterfv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetTexParameteriv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetTexLevelParameterfv ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum pname , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetTexLevelParameteriv ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetTexImage ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum format , GLenum type , GLvoid * pixels ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglHint ) ( GLenum target , GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenTextures ) ( GLsizei n , GLuint * textures ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteTextures ) ( GLsizei n , const GLuint * textures ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindTexture ) ( GLenum target , GLuint texture ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglPrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities);
//GLboolean (GLAPIENTRY *qglAreTexturesResident)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences);
//GLboolean (GLAPIENTRY *qglIsTexture)(GLuint texture);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglPixelStoref)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglPixelStorei ) ( GLenum pname , GLint param ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexImage2D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint internalFormat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLint border , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexSubImage2D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglCopyTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCopyTexImage2D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum internalformat , GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLint border ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglCopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCopyTexSubImage2D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawRangeElementsEXT ) ( GLenum mode , GLuint start , GLuint end , GLsizei count , GLenum type , const GLvoid * indices ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglColorTableEXT)(int, int, int, int, int, const void *);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexImage3D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum internalFormat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLsizei depth , GLint border , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglTexSubImage3D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLint zoffset , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLsizei depth , GLenum format , GLenum type , const GLvoid * pixels ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCopyTexSubImage3D ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLint zoffset , GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglScissor ) ( GLint x , GLint y , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglPolygonOffset ) ( GLfloat factor , GLfloat units ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglPolygonMode ) ( GLenum face , GLenum mode ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglPolygonStipple ) ( const GLubyte * mask ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglClipPlane)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation);
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglGetClipPlane)(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation);
//[515]: added on 29.07.2005
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglLineWidth ) ( GLfloat width ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglPointSize ) ( GLfloat size ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBlendEquationEXT ) ( GLenum ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglStencilOpSeparate ) ( GLenum , GLenum , GLenum , GLenum ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglStencilFuncSeparate ) ( GLenum , GLenum , GLint , GLuint ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglActiveStencilFaceEXT ) ( GLenum ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteShader ) ( GLuint obj ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteProgram ) ( GLuint obj ) ;
//GLuint (GLAPIENTRY *qglGetHandle)(GLenum pname);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDetachShader ) ( GLuint containerObj , GLuint attachedObj ) ;
GLuint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCreateShader ) ( GLenum shaderType ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglShaderSource ) ( GLuint shaderObj , GLsizei count , const GLchar * * string , const GLint * length ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCompileShader ) ( GLuint shaderObj ) ;
GLuint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCreateProgram ) ( void ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglAttachShader ) ( GLuint containerObj , GLuint obj ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglLinkProgram ) ( GLuint programObj ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUseProgram ) ( GLuint programObj ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglValidateProgram ) ( GLuint programObj ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform1f ) ( GLint location , GLfloat v0 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform2f ) ( GLint location , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform3f ) ( GLint location , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 , GLfloat v2 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform4f ) ( GLint location , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 , GLfloat v2 , GLfloat v3 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform1i ) ( GLint location , GLint v0 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform2i ) ( GLint location , GLint v0 , GLint v1 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform3i ) ( GLint location , GLint v0 , GLint v1 , GLint v2 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform4i ) ( GLint location , GLint v0 , GLint v1 , GLint v2 , GLint v3 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform1fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform2fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform3fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform4fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform1iv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLint * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform2iv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLint * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform3iv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLint * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniform4iv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , const GLint * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniformMatrix2fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , GLboolean transpose , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniformMatrix3fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , GLboolean transpose , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniformMatrix4fv ) ( GLint location , GLsizei count , GLboolean transpose , const GLfloat * value ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetShaderiv ) ( GLuint obj , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetProgramiv ) ( GLuint obj , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetShaderInfoLog ) ( GLuint obj , GLsizei maxLength , GLsizei * length , GLchar * infoLog ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetProgramInfoLog ) ( GLuint obj , GLsizei maxLength , GLsizei * length , GLchar * infoLog ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetAttachedShaders ) ( GLuint containerObj , GLsizei maxCount , GLsizei * count , GLuint * obj ) ;
GLint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetUniformLocation ) ( GLuint programObj , const GLchar * name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveUniform ) ( GLuint programObj , GLuint index , GLsizei maxLength , GLsizei * length , GLint * size , GLenum * type , GLchar * name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetUniformfv ) ( GLuint programObj , GLint location , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetUniformiv ) ( GLuint programObj , GLint location , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetShaderSource ) ( GLuint obj , GLsizei maxLength , GLsizei * length , GLchar * source ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1f ) ( GLuint index , GLfloat v0 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1s ) ( GLuint index , GLshort v0 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1d ) ( GLuint index , GLdouble v0 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2f ) ( GLuint index , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2s ) ( GLuint index , GLshort v0 , GLshort v1 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2d ) ( GLuint index , GLdouble v0 , GLdouble v1 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3f ) ( GLuint index , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 , GLfloat v2 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3s ) ( GLuint index , GLshort v0 , GLshort v1 , GLshort v2 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3d ) ( GLuint index , GLdouble v0 , GLdouble v1 , GLdouble v2 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4f ) ( GLuint index , GLfloat v0 , GLfloat v1 , GLfloat v2 , GLfloat v3 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4s ) ( GLuint index , GLshort v0 , GLshort v1 , GLshort v2 , GLshort v3 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4d ) ( GLuint index , GLdouble v0 , GLdouble v1 , GLdouble v2 , GLdouble v3 ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nub ) ( GLuint index , GLubyte x , GLubyte y , GLubyte z , GLubyte w ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1fv ) ( GLuint index , const GLfloat * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1sv ) ( GLuint index , const GLshort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib1dv ) ( GLuint index , const GLdouble * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2fv ) ( GLuint index , const GLfloat * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2sv ) ( GLuint index , const GLshort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib2dv ) ( GLuint index , const GLdouble * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3fv ) ( GLuint index , const GLfloat * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3sv ) ( GLuint index , const GLshort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib3dv ) ( GLuint index , const GLdouble * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4fv ) ( GLuint index , const GLfloat * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4sv ) ( GLuint index , const GLshort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4dv ) ( GLuint index , const GLdouble * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4iv ) ( GLuint index , const GLint * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4bv ) ( GLuint index , const GLbyte * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4ubv ) ( GLuint index , const GLubyte * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4usv ) ( GLuint index , const GLushort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4uiv ) ( GLuint index , const GLuint * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nbv ) ( GLuint index , const GLbyte * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nsv ) ( GLuint index , const GLshort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Niv ) ( GLuint index , const GLint * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nubv ) ( GLuint index , const GLubyte * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nusv ) ( GLuint index , const GLushort * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttrib4Nuiv ) ( GLuint index , const GLuint * v ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglVertexAttribPointer ) ( GLuint index , GLint size , GLenum type , GLboolean normalized , GLsizei stride , const GLvoid * pointer ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglEnableVertexAttribArray ) ( GLuint index ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDisableVertexAttribArray ) ( GLuint index ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindAttribLocation ) ( GLuint programObj , GLuint index , const GLchar * name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindFragDataLocation ) ( GLuint programObj , GLuint index , const GLchar * name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveAttrib ) ( GLuint programObj , GLuint index , GLsizei maxLength , GLsizei * length , GLint * size , GLenum * type , GLchar * name ) ;
GLint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetAttribLocation ) ( GLuint programObj , const GLchar * name ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetVertexAttribdv ) ( GLuint index , GLenum pname , GLdouble * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetVertexAttribfv ) ( GLuint index , GLenum pname , GLfloat * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetVertexAttribiv ) ( GLuint index , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetVertexAttribPointerv ) ( GLuint index , GLenum pname , GLvoid * * pointer ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindBufferARB ) ( GLenum target , GLuint buffer ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteBuffersARB ) ( GLsizei n , const GLuint * buffers ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenBuffersARB ) ( GLsizei n , GLuint * buffers ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsBufferARB ) ( GLuint buffer ) ;
GLvoid * ( GLAPIENTRY * qglMapBufferARB ) ( GLenum target , GLenum access ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUnmapBufferARB ) ( GLenum target ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBufferDataARB ) ( GLenum target , GLsizeiptrARB size , const GLvoid * data , GLenum usage ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBufferSubDataARB ) ( GLenum target , GLintptrARB offset , GLsizeiptrARB size , const GLvoid * data ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsRenderbuffer ) ( GLuint renderbuffer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindRenderbuffer ) ( GLenum target , GLuint renderbuffer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteRenderbuffers ) ( GLsizei n , const GLuint * renderbuffers ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenRenderbuffers ) ( GLsizei n , GLuint * renderbuffers ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglRenderbufferStorage ) ( GLenum target , GLenum internalformat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglRenderbufferStorageMultisample ) ( GLenum target , GLsizei samples , GLenum internalformat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetRenderbufferParameteriv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsFramebuffer ) ( GLuint framebuffer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindFramebuffer ) ( GLenum target , GLuint framebuffer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteFramebuffers ) ( GLsizei n , const GLuint * framebuffers ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenFramebuffers ) ( GLsizei n , GLuint * framebuffers ) ;
GLenum ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCheckFramebufferStatus ) ( GLenum target ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFramebufferTexture1D ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLenum textarget , GLuint texture , GLint level ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFramebufferTexture2D ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLenum textarget , GLuint texture , GLint level ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFramebufferTexture3D ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLenum textarget , GLuint texture , GLint level , GLint layer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFramebufferTextureLayer ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLuint texture , GLint level , GLint layer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglFramebufferRenderbuffer ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLenum renderbuffertarget , GLuint renderbuffer ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv ) ( GLenum target , GLenum attachment , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBlitFramebuffer ) ( GLint srcX0 , GLint srcY0 , GLint srcX1 , GLint srcY1 , GLint dstX0 , GLint dstY0 , GLint dstX1 , GLint dstY1 , GLbitfield mask , GLenum filter ) ;
GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenerateMipmap ) ( GLenum target ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDrawBuffersARB ) ( GLsizei n , const GLenum * bufs ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCompressedTexImage3DARB ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum internalformat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLsizei depth , GLint border , GLsizei imageSize , const void * data ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCompressedTexImage2DARB ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLenum internalformat , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLint border , GLsizei imageSize , const void * data ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglCompressedTexImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCompressedTexSubImage3DARB ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLint zoffset , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLsizei depth , GLenum format , GLsizei imageSize , const void * data ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCompressedTexSubImage2DARB ) ( GLenum target , GLint level , GLint xoffset , GLint yoffset , GLsizei width , GLsizei height , GLenum format , GLsizei imageSize , const void * data ) ;
//void (GLAPIENTRY *qglCompressedTexSubImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data);
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetCompressedTexImageARB ) ( GLenum target , GLint lod , void * img ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGenQueriesARB ) ( GLsizei n , GLuint * ids ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglDeleteQueriesARB ) ( GLsizei n , const GLuint * ids ) ;
GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsQueryARB ) ( GLuint qid ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBeginQueryARB ) ( GLenum target , GLuint qid ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglEndQueryARB ) ( GLenum target ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetQueryivARB ) ( GLenum target , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetQueryObjectivARB ) ( GLuint qid , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetQueryObjectuivARB ) ( GLuint qid , GLenum pname , GLuint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglSampleCoverageARB ) ( GLclampf value , GLboolean invert ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetUniformIndices ) ( GLuint program , GLsizei uniformCount , const GLchar * * uniformNames , GLuint * uniformIndices ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveUniformsiv ) ( GLuint program , GLsizei uniformCount , const GLuint * uniformIndices , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveUniformName ) ( GLuint program , GLuint uniformIndex , GLsizei bufSize , GLsizei * length , GLchar * uniformName ) ;
GLuint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetUniformBlockIndex ) ( GLuint program , const GLchar * uniformBlockName ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveUniformBlockiv ) ( GLuint program , GLuint uniformBlockIndex , GLenum pname , GLint * params ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetActiveUniformBlockName ) ( GLuint program , GLuint uniformBlockIndex , GLsizei bufSize , GLsizei * length , GLchar * uniformBlockName ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindBufferRange ) ( GLenum target , GLuint index , GLuint buffer , GLintptrARB offset , GLsizeiptrARB size ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindBufferBase ) ( GLenum target , GLuint index , GLuint buffer ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetIntegeri_v ) ( GLenum target , GLuint index , GLint * data ) ;
void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglUniformBlockBinding ) ( GLuint program , GLuint uniformBlockIndex , GLuint uniformBlockBinding ) ;
# endif
# if _MSC_VER >= 1400
# define sscanf sscanf_s
# endif
qboolean GL_CheckExtension ( const char * minglver_or_ext , const dllfunction_t * funcs , const char * disableparm , int silent )
int failed = false ;
const dllfunction_t * func ;
struct { int major , minor ; } min_version , curr_version ;
char extstr [ MAX_INPUTLINE ] ;
int ext ;
if ( sscanf ( minglver_or_ext , " %d.%d " , & min_version . major , & min_version . minor ) = = 2 )
ext = 0 ; // opengl version
else if ( minglver_or_ext [ 0 ] ! = toupper ( minglver_or_ext [ 0 ] ) )
ext = - 1 ; // pseudo name
ext = 1 ; // extension name
if ( ext )
Con_DPrintf ( " checking for %s... " , minglver_or_ext ) ;
Con_DPrintf ( " checking for OpenGL %s core features... " , minglver_or_ext ) ;
for ( func = funcs ; func & & func - > name ; func + + )
* func - > funcvariable = NULL ;
if ( disableparm & & ( COM_CheckParm ( disableparm ) | | COM_CheckParm ( " -safe " ) ) )
Con_DPrint ( " disabled by commandline \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ext = = 1 ) // opengl extension
if ( ! strstr ( gl_extensions ? gl_extensions : " " , minglver_or_ext ) & & ! strstr ( gl_platformextensions ? gl_platformextensions : " " , minglver_or_ext ) )
Con_DPrint ( " not detected \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ext = = 0 ) // opengl version
if ( sscanf ( gl_version , " %d.%d " , & curr_version . major , & curr_version . minor ) < 2 )
curr_version . major = curr_version . minor = 1 ;
if ( curr_version . major < min_version . major | | ( curr_version . major = = min_version . major & & curr_version . minor < min_version . minor ) )
Con_DPrintf ( " not detected (OpenGL %d.%d loaded) \n " , curr_version . major , curr_version . minor ) ;
return false ;
for ( func = funcs ; func & & func - > name ! = NULL ; func + + )
// Con_DPrintf("\n %s... ", func->name);
// functions are cleared before all the extensions are evaluated
if ( ! ( * func - > funcvariable = ( void * ) GL_GetProcAddress ( func - > name ) ) )
if ( ext & & ! silent )
Con_DPrintf ( " %s is missing function \" %s \" - broken driver! \n " , minglver_or_ext , func - > name ) ;
if ( ! ext )
Con_Printf ( " OpenGL %s core features are missing function \" %s \" - broken driver! \n " , minglver_or_ext , func - > name ) ;
failed = true ;
// delay the return so it prints all missing functions
if ( failed )
return false ;
// VorteX: add to found extension list
dpsnprintf ( extstr , sizeof ( extstr ) , " %s %s " , gl_info_extensions . string , minglver_or_ext ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_extensions , extstr ) ;
Con_DPrint ( " enabled \n " ) ;
return true ;
# ifndef USE_GLES2
static dllfunction_t opengl110funcs [ ] =
{ " glClearColor " , ( void * * ) & qglClearColor } ,
{ " glClear " , ( void * * ) & qglClear } ,
{ " glAlphaFunc " , ( void * * ) & qglAlphaFunc } ,
{ " glBlendFunc " , ( void * * ) & qglBlendFunc } ,
{ " glCullFace " , ( void * * ) & qglCullFace } ,
{ " glDrawBuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawBuffer } ,
{ " glReadBuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglReadBuffer } ,
{ " glEnable " , ( void * * ) & qglEnable } ,
{ " glDisable " , ( void * * ) & qglDisable } ,
{ " glIsEnabled " , ( void * * ) & qglIsEnabled } ,
{ " glEnableClientState " , ( void * * ) & qglEnableClientState } ,
{ " glDisableClientState " , ( void * * ) & qglDisableClientState } ,
{ " glGetBooleanv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetBooleanv } ,
{ " glGetDoublev " , ( void * * ) & qglGetDoublev } ,
{ " glGetFloatv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetFloatv } ,
{ " glGetIntegerv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetIntegerv } ,
{ " glGetError " , ( void * * ) & qglGetError } ,
{ " glGetString " , ( void * * ) & qglGetString } ,
{ " glFinish " , ( void * * ) & qglFinish } ,
{ " glFlush " , ( void * * ) & qglFlush } ,
{ " glClearDepth " , ( void * * ) & qglClearDepth } ,
{ " glDepthFunc " , ( void * * ) & qglDepthFunc } ,
{ " glDepthMask " , ( void * * ) & qglDepthMask } ,
{ " glDepthRange " , ( void * * ) & qglDepthRange } ,
{ " glDrawElements " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawElements } ,
{ " glDrawArrays " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawArrays } ,
{ " glColorMask " , ( void * * ) & qglColorMask } ,
{ " glVertexPointer " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexPointer } ,
{ " glNormalPointer " , ( void * * ) & qglNormalPointer } ,
{ " glColorPointer " , ( void * * ) & qglColorPointer } ,
{ " glTexCoordPointer " , ( void * * ) & qglTexCoordPointer } ,
{ " glArrayElement " , ( void * * ) & qglArrayElement } ,
{ " glColor4ub " , ( void * * ) & qglColor4ub } ,
{ " glColor4f " , ( void * * ) & qglColor4f } ,
{ " glTexCoord1f " , ( void * * ) & qglTexCoord1f } ,
{ " glTexCoord2f " , ( void * * ) & qglTexCoord2f } ,
{ " glTexCoord3f " , ( void * * ) & qglTexCoord3f } ,
{ " glTexCoord4f " , ( void * * ) & qglTexCoord4f } ,
{ " glVertex2f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertex2f } ,
{ " glVertex3f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertex3f } ,
{ " glVertex4f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertex4f } ,
{ " glBegin " , ( void * * ) & qglBegin } ,
{ " glEnd " , ( void * * ) & qglEnd } ,
//[515]: added on 29.07.2005
{ " glLineWidth " , ( void * * ) & qglLineWidth } ,
{ " glPointSize " , ( void * * ) & qglPointSize } ,
{ " glMatrixMode " , ( void * * ) & qglMatrixMode } ,
// {"glOrtho", (void **) &qglOrtho},
// {"glFrustum", (void **) &qglFrustum},
{ " glViewport " , ( void * * ) & qglViewport } ,
// {"glPushMatrix", (void **) &qglPushMatrix},
// {"glPopMatrix", (void **) &qglPopMatrix},
{ " glLoadIdentity " , ( void * * ) & qglLoadIdentity } ,
// {"glLoadMatrixd", (void **) &qglLoadMatrixd},
{ " glLoadMatrixf " , ( void * * ) & qglLoadMatrixf } ,
// {"glMultMatrixd", (void **) &qglMultMatrixd},
// {"glMultMatrixf", (void **) &qglMultMatrixf},
// {"glRotated", (void **) &qglRotated},
// {"glRotatef", (void **) &qglRotatef},
// {"glScaled", (void **) &qglScaled},
// {"glScalef", (void **) &qglScalef},
// {"glTranslated", (void **) &qglTranslated},
// {"glTranslatef", (void **) &qglTranslatef},
{ " glReadPixels " , ( void * * ) & qglReadPixels } ,
{ " glStencilFunc " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilFunc } ,
{ " glStencilMask " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilMask } ,
{ " glStencilOp " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilOp } ,
{ " glClearStencil " , ( void * * ) & qglClearStencil } ,
{ " glTexEnvf " , ( void * * ) & qglTexEnvf } ,
{ " glTexEnvfv " , ( void * * ) & qglTexEnvfv } ,
{ " glTexEnvi " , ( void * * ) & qglTexEnvi } ,
{ " glTexParameterf " , ( void * * ) & qglTexParameterf } ,
{ " glTexParameterfv " , ( void * * ) & qglTexParameterfv } ,
{ " glTexParameteri " , ( void * * ) & qglTexParameteri } ,
{ " glGetTexImage " , ( void * * ) & qglGetTexImage } ,
{ " glGetTexParameterfv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetTexParameterfv } ,
{ " glGetTexParameteriv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetTexParameteriv } ,
{ " glGetTexLevelParameterfv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetTexLevelParameterfv } ,
{ " glGetTexLevelParameteriv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetTexLevelParameteriv } ,
{ " glHint " , ( void * * ) & qglHint } ,
// {"glPixelStoref", (void **) &qglPixelStoref},
{ " glPixelStorei " , ( void * * ) & qglPixelStorei } ,
{ " glGenTextures " , ( void * * ) & qglGenTextures } ,
{ " glDeleteTextures " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteTextures } ,
{ " glBindTexture " , ( void * * ) & qglBindTexture } ,
// {"glPrioritizeTextures", (void **) &qglPrioritizeTextures},
// {"glAreTexturesResident", (void **) &qglAreTexturesResident},
// {"glIsTexture", (void **) &qglIsTexture},
// {"glTexImage1D", (void **) &qglTexImage1D},
{ " glTexImage2D " , ( void * * ) & qglTexImage2D } ,
// {"glTexSubImage1D", (void **) &qglTexSubImage1D},
{ " glTexSubImage2D " , ( void * * ) & qglTexSubImage2D } ,
// {"glCopyTexImage1D", (void **) &qglCopyTexImage1D},
{ " glCopyTexImage2D " , ( void * * ) & qglCopyTexImage2D } ,
// {"glCopyTexSubImage1D", (void **) &qglCopyTexSubImage1D},
{ " glCopyTexSubImage2D " , ( void * * ) & qglCopyTexSubImage2D } ,
{ " glScissor " , ( void * * ) & qglScissor } ,
{ " glPolygonOffset " , ( void * * ) & qglPolygonOffset } ,
{ " glPolygonMode " , ( void * * ) & qglPolygonMode } ,
{ " glPolygonStipple " , ( void * * ) & qglPolygonStipple } ,
// {"glClipPlane", (void **) &qglClipPlane},
// {"glGetClipPlane", (void **) &qglGetClipPlane},
} ;
static dllfunction_t drawrangeelementsfuncs [ ] =
{ " glDrawRangeElements " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawRangeElements } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t drawrangeelementsextfuncs [ ] =
{ " glDrawRangeElementsEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawRangeElementsEXT } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t multitexturefuncs [ ] =
{ " glMultiTexCoord1fARB " , ( void * * ) & qglMultiTexCoord1f } ,
{ " glMultiTexCoord2fARB " , ( void * * ) & qglMultiTexCoord2f } ,
{ " glMultiTexCoord3fARB " , ( void * * ) & qglMultiTexCoord3f } ,
{ " glMultiTexCoord4fARB " , ( void * * ) & qglMultiTexCoord4f } ,
{ " glActiveTextureARB " , ( void * * ) & qglActiveTexture } ,
{ " glClientActiveTextureARB " , ( void * * ) & qglClientActiveTexture } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t texture3dextfuncs [ ] =
{ " glTexImage3DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglTexImage3D } ,
{ " glTexSubImage3DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglTexSubImage3D } ,
{ " glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglCopyTexSubImage3D } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t atiseparatestencilfuncs [ ] =
{ " glStencilOpSeparateATI " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilOpSeparate } ,
{ " glStencilFuncSeparateATI " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilFuncSeparate } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t gl2separatestencilfuncs [ ] =
{ " glStencilOpSeparate " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilOpSeparate } ,
{ " glStencilFuncSeparate " , ( void * * ) & qglStencilFuncSeparate } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t stenciltwosidefuncs [ ] =
{ " glActiveStencilFaceEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglActiveStencilFaceEXT } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t blendequationfuncs [ ] =
{ " glBlendEquationEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglBlendEquationEXT } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t gl20shaderfuncs [ ] =
{ " glDeleteShader " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteShader } ,
{ " glDeleteProgram " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteProgram } ,
// {"glGetHandle", (void **) &qglGetHandle},
{ " glDetachShader " , ( void * * ) & qglDetachShader } ,
{ " glCreateShader " , ( void * * ) & qglCreateShader } ,
{ " glShaderSource " , ( void * * ) & qglShaderSource } ,
{ " glCompileShader " , ( void * * ) & qglCompileShader } ,
{ " glCreateProgram " , ( void * * ) & qglCreateProgram } ,
{ " glAttachShader " , ( void * * ) & qglAttachShader } ,
{ " glLinkProgram " , ( void * * ) & qglLinkProgram } ,
{ " glUseProgram " , ( void * * ) & qglUseProgram } ,
{ " glValidateProgram " , ( void * * ) & qglValidateProgram } ,
{ " glUniform1f " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform1f } ,
{ " glUniform2f " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform2f } ,
{ " glUniform3f " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform3f } ,
{ " glUniform4f " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform4f } ,
{ " glUniform1i " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform1i } ,
{ " glUniform2i " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform2i } ,
{ " glUniform3i " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform3i } ,
{ " glUniform4i " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform4i } ,
{ " glUniform1fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform1fv } ,
{ " glUniform2fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform2fv } ,
{ " glUniform3fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform3fv } ,
{ " glUniform4fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform4fv } ,
{ " glUniform1iv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform1iv } ,
{ " glUniform2iv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform2iv } ,
{ " glUniform3iv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform3iv } ,
{ " glUniform4iv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniform4iv } ,
{ " glUniformMatrix2fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniformMatrix2fv } ,
{ " glUniformMatrix3fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniformMatrix3fv } ,
{ " glUniformMatrix4fv " , ( void * * ) & qglUniformMatrix4fv } ,
{ " glGetShaderiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetShaderiv } ,
{ " glGetProgramiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetProgramiv } ,
{ " glGetShaderInfoLog " , ( void * * ) & qglGetShaderInfoLog } ,
{ " glGetProgramInfoLog " , ( void * * ) & qglGetProgramInfoLog } ,
{ " glGetAttachedShaders " , ( void * * ) & qglGetAttachedShaders } ,
{ " glGetUniformLocation " , ( void * * ) & qglGetUniformLocation } ,
{ " glGetActiveUniform " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveUniform } ,
{ " glGetUniformfv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetUniformfv } ,
{ " glGetUniformiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetUniformiv } ,
{ " glGetShaderSource " , ( void * * ) & qglGetShaderSource } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1f } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1s " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1s } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1d " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1d } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib2f } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2s " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib2s } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2d " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib2d } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib3f } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3s " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib3s } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3d " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib3d } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4f " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib4f } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4s " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib4s } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4d " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib4d } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4Nub " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib4Nub } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1fv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1fv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1sv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1sv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib1dv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1dv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2fv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1fv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2sv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1sv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib2dv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1dv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3fv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1fv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3sv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1sv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib3dv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1dv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4fv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1fv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4sv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1sv } ,
{ " glVertexAttrib4dv " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttrib1dv } ,
// {"glVertexAttrib4iv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1iv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4bv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1bv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4ubv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1ubv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4usv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1usv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4uiv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1uiv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Nbv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Nbv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Nsv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Nsv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Niv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Niv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Nubv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Nubv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Nusv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Nusv},
// {"glVertexAttrib4Nuiv", (void **) &qglVertexAttrib1Nuiv},
{ " glVertexAttribPointer " , ( void * * ) & qglVertexAttribPointer } ,
{ " glEnableVertexAttribArray " , ( void * * ) & qglEnableVertexAttribArray } ,
{ " glDisableVertexAttribArray " , ( void * * ) & qglDisableVertexAttribArray } ,
{ " glBindAttribLocation " , ( void * * ) & qglBindAttribLocation } ,
{ " glGetActiveAttrib " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveAttrib } ,
{ " glGetAttribLocation " , ( void * * ) & qglGetAttribLocation } ,
{ " glGetVertexAttribdv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetVertexAttribdv } ,
{ " glGetVertexAttribfv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetVertexAttribfv } ,
{ " glGetVertexAttribiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetVertexAttribiv } ,
{ " glGetVertexAttribPointerv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetVertexAttribPointerv } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t glsl130funcs [ ] =
{ " glBindFragDataLocation " , ( void * * ) & qglBindFragDataLocation } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t vbofuncs [ ] =
{ " glBindBufferARB " , ( void * * ) & qglBindBufferARB } ,
{ " glDeleteBuffersARB " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteBuffersARB } ,
{ " glGenBuffersARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGenBuffersARB } ,
{ " glIsBufferARB " , ( void * * ) & qglIsBufferARB } ,
{ " glMapBufferARB " , ( void * * ) & qglMapBufferARB } ,
{ " glUnmapBufferARB " , ( void * * ) & qglUnmapBufferARB } ,
{ " glBufferDataARB " , ( void * * ) & qglBufferDataARB } ,
{ " glBufferSubDataARB " , ( void * * ) & qglBufferSubDataARB } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t ubofuncs [ ] =
{ " glGetUniformIndices " , ( void * * ) & qglGetUniformIndices } ,
{ " glGetActiveUniformsiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveUniformsiv } ,
{ " glGetActiveUniformName " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveUniformName } ,
{ " glGetUniformBlockIndex " , ( void * * ) & qglGetUniformBlockIndex } ,
{ " glGetActiveUniformBlockiv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveUniformBlockiv } ,
{ " glGetActiveUniformBlockName " , ( void * * ) & qglGetActiveUniformBlockName } ,
{ " glBindBufferRange " , ( void * * ) & qglBindBufferRange } ,
{ " glBindBufferBase " , ( void * * ) & qglBindBufferBase } ,
{ " glGetIntegeri_v " , ( void * * ) & qglGetIntegeri_v } ,
{ " glUniformBlockBinding " , ( void * * ) & qglUniformBlockBinding } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t arbfbofuncs [ ] =
{ " glIsRenderbuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglIsRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glBindRenderbuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglBindRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glDeleteRenderbuffers " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteRenderbuffers } ,
{ " glGenRenderbuffers " , ( void * * ) & qglGenRenderbuffers } ,
{ " glRenderbufferStorage " , ( void * * ) & qglRenderbufferStorage } ,
{ " glRenderbufferStorageMultisample " , ( void * * ) & qglRenderbufferStorageMultisample } , // not in GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
{ " glGetRenderbufferParameteriv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetRenderbufferParameteriv } ,
{ " glIsFramebuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglIsFramebuffer } ,
{ " glBindFramebuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglBindFramebuffer } ,
{ " glDeleteFramebuffers " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteFramebuffers } ,
{ " glGenFramebuffers " , ( void * * ) & qglGenFramebuffers } ,
{ " glCheckFramebufferStatus " , ( void * * ) & qglCheckFramebufferStatus } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture1D " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture1D } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture2D " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture2D } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture3D " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture3D } ,
{ " glFramebufferTextureLayer " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTextureLayer } , // not in GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
{ " glFramebufferRenderbuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv " , ( void * * ) & qglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv } ,
{ " glBlitFramebuffer " , ( void * * ) & qglBlitFramebuffer } , // not in GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
{ " glGenerateMipmap " , ( void * * ) & qglGenerateMipmap } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t extfbofuncs [ ] =
{ " glIsRenderbufferEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglIsRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glBindRenderbufferEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglBindRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteRenderbuffers } ,
{ " glGenRenderbuffersEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglGenRenderbuffers } ,
{ " glRenderbufferStorageEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglRenderbufferStorage } ,
{ " glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglGetRenderbufferParameteriv } ,
{ " glIsFramebufferEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglIsFramebuffer } ,
{ " glBindFramebufferEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglBindFramebuffer } ,
{ " glDeleteFramebuffersEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteFramebuffers } ,
{ " glGenFramebuffersEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglGenFramebuffers } ,
{ " glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglCheckFramebufferStatus } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture1DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture1D } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture2DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture2D } ,
{ " glFramebufferTexture3DEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferTexture3D } ,
{ " glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglFramebufferRenderbuffer } ,
{ " glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv } ,
{ " glGenerateMipmapEXT " , ( void * * ) & qglGenerateMipmap } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t texturecompressionfuncs [ ] =
{ " glCompressedTexImage3DARB " , ( void * * ) & qglCompressedTexImage3DARB } ,
{ " glCompressedTexImage2DARB " , ( void * * ) & qglCompressedTexImage2DARB } ,
// {"glCompressedTexImage1DARB", (void **) &qglCompressedTexImage1DARB},
{ " glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB " , ( void * * ) & qglCompressedTexSubImage3DARB } ,
{ " glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB " , ( void * * ) & qglCompressedTexSubImage2DARB } ,
// {"glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB", (void **) &qglCompressedTexSubImage1DARB},
{ " glGetCompressedTexImageARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGetCompressedTexImageARB } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t occlusionqueryfuncs [ ] =
{ " glGenQueriesARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGenQueriesARB } ,
{ " glDeleteQueriesARB " , ( void * * ) & qglDeleteQueriesARB } ,
{ " glIsQueryARB " , ( void * * ) & qglIsQueryARB } ,
{ " glBeginQueryARB " , ( void * * ) & qglBeginQueryARB } ,
{ " glEndQueryARB " , ( void * * ) & qglEndQueryARB } ,
{ " glGetQueryivARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGetQueryivARB } ,
{ " glGetQueryObjectivARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGetQueryObjectivARB } ,
{ " glGetQueryObjectuivARB " , ( void * * ) & qglGetQueryObjectuivARB } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t drawbuffersfuncs [ ] =
{ " glDrawBuffersARB " , ( void * * ) & qglDrawBuffersARB } ,
} ;
static dllfunction_t multisamplefuncs [ ] =
{ " glSampleCoverageARB " , ( void * * ) & qglSampleCoverageARB } ,
} ;
# endif
void VID_ClearExtensions ( void )
// VorteX: reset extensions info cvar, it got filled by GL_CheckExtension
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_extensions , " " ) ;
// clear the extension flags
memset ( & vid . support , 0 , sizeof ( vid . support ) ) ;
vid . renderpath = RENDERPATH_GL11 ;
vid . sRGBcapable2D = false ;
vid . sRGBcapable3D = false ;
vid . useinterleavedarrays = false ;
vid . forcevbo = false ;
vid . maxtexturesize_2d = 0 ;
vid . maxtexturesize_3d = 0 ;
vid . maxtexturesize_cubemap = 0 ;
vid . texunits = 1 ;
vid . teximageunits = 1 ;
vid . texarrayunits = 1 ;
vid . max_anisotropy = 1 ;
vid . maxdrawbuffers = 1 ;
# ifndef USE_GLES2
// this is a complete list of all functions that are directly checked in the renderer
qglDrawRangeElements = NULL ;
qglDrawBuffer = NULL ;
qglPolygonStipple = NULL ;
qglFlush = NULL ;
qglActiveTexture = NULL ;
qglGetCompressedTexImageARB = NULL ;
qglFramebufferTexture2D = NULL ;
qglDrawBuffersARB = NULL ;
# endif
# ifndef USE_GLES2
void VID_CheckExtensions ( void )
if ( ! GL_CheckExtension ( " glbase " , opengl110funcs , NULL , false ) )
Sys_Error ( " OpenGL 1.1.0 functions not found " ) ;
vid . support . gl20shaders = GL_CheckExtension ( " 2.0 " , gl20shaderfuncs , " -noshaders " , true ) ;
Con_DPrint ( " Checking OpenGL extensions... \n " ) ;
if ( vid . support . gl20shaders )
char * s ;
// detect what GLSL version is available, to enable features like r_glsl_skeletal and higher quality reliefmapping
vid . support . glshaderversion = 100 ;
s = ( char * ) qglGetString ( GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION ) ;
if ( s )
vid . support . glshaderversion = ( int ) ( atof ( s ) * 100.0f + 0.5f ) ;
if ( vid . support . glshaderversion < 100 )
vid . support . glshaderversion = 100 ;
Con_DPrintf ( " Detected GLSL #version %i \n " , vid . support . glshaderversion ) ;
// get the glBindFragDataLocation function
if ( vid . support . glshaderversion > = 130 )
vid . support . gl20shaders130 = GL_CheckExtension ( " glshaders130 " , glsl130funcs , " -noglsl130 " , true ) ;
// GL drivers generally prefer GL_BGRA
vid . forcetextype = GL_BGRA ;
vid . support . amd_texture_texture4 = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_AMD_texture_texture4 " , NULL , " -notexture4 " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_depth_texture = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_depth_texture " , NULL , " -nodepthtexture " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_draw_buffers = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_draw_buffers " , drawbuffersfuncs , " -nodrawbuffers " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_multitexture = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_multitexture " , multitexturefuncs , " -nomtex " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_occlusion_query = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_occlusion_query " , occlusionqueryfuncs , " -noocclusionquery " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_shadow = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_shadow " , NULL , " -noshadow " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_texture_compression = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_texture_compression " , texturecompressionfuncs , " -notexturecompression " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_texture_cube_map = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_texture_cube_map " , NULL , " -nocubemap " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_texture_env_combine = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_texture_env_combine " , NULL , " -nocombine " , false ) | | GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture_env_combine " , NULL , " -nocombine " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_texture_gather = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_texture_gather " , NULL , " -notexturegather " , false ) ;
# ifndef __APPLE__
// LordHavoc: too many bugs on OSX!
vid . support . arb_texture_non_power_of_two = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two " , NULL , " -notexturenonpoweroftwo " , false ) ;
# endif
vid . support . arb_vertex_buffer_object = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object " , vbofuncs , " -novbo " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_uniform_buffer_object = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " , ubofuncs , " -noubo " , false ) ;
vid . support . ati_separate_stencil = GL_CheckExtension ( " separatestencil " , gl2separatestencilfuncs , " -noseparatestencil " , true ) | | GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ATI_separate_stencil " , atiseparatestencilfuncs , " -noseparatestencil " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_blend_minmax = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_blend_minmax " , blendequationfuncs , " -noblendminmax " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_blend_subtract = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_blend_subtract " , blendequationfuncs , " -noblendsubtract " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_draw_range_elements = GL_CheckExtension ( " drawrangeelements " , drawrangeelementsfuncs , " -nodrawrangeelements " , true ) | | GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_draw_range_elements " , drawrangeelementsextfuncs , " -nodrawrangeelements " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_framebuffer_object = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_framebuffer_object " , arbfbofuncs , " -nofbo " , false ) ;
if ( vid . support . arb_framebuffer_object )
vid . support . ext_framebuffer_object = true ;
vid . support . ext_framebuffer_object = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_framebuffer_object " , extfbofuncs , " -nofbo " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_packed_depth_stencil = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil " , NULL , " -nopackeddepthstencil " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_stencil_two_side = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_stencil_two_side " , stenciltwosidefuncs , " -nostenciltwoside " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_texture_3d = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture3D " , texture3dextfuncs , " -notexture3d " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_texture_compression_s3tc = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc " , NULL , " -nos3tc " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_texture_edge_clamp = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp " , NULL , " -noedgeclamp " , false ) | | GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp " , NULL , " -noedgeclamp " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_texture_filter_anisotropic = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic " , NULL , " -noanisotropy " , false ) ;
vid . support . ext_texture_srgb = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_EXT_texture_sRGB " , NULL , " -nosrgb " , false ) ;
vid . support . arb_multisample = GL_CheckExtension ( " GL_ARB_multisample " , multisamplefuncs , " -nomultisample " , false ) ;
vid . allowalphatocoverage = false ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noshaders disables use of OpenGL 2.0 shaders (which allow pixel shader effects, can improve per pixel lighting performance and capabilities)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noanisotropy disables GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (allows higher quality texturing)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noblendminmax disables GL_EXT_blend_minmax
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noblendsubtract disables GL_EXT_blend_subtract
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nocombine disables GL_ARB_texture_env_combine or GL_EXT_texture_env_combine (required for bumpmapping and faster map rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nocubemap disables GL_ARB_texture_cube_map (required for bumpmapping)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodepthtexture disables use of GL_ARB_depth_texture (required for shadowmapping)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodrawbuffers disables use of GL_ARB_draw_buffers (required for r_shadow_deferredprepass)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodrawrangeelements disables GL_EXT_draw_range_elements (renders faster)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noedgeclamp disables GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp or GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp (recommended, some cards do not support the other texture clamp method)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nofbo disables GL_EXT_framebuffer_object (which accelerates rendering), only used if GL_ARB_fragment_shader is also available
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nomtex disables GL_ARB_multitexture (required for faster map rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noocclusionquery disables GL_ARB_occlusion_query (which allows coronas to fade according to visibility, and potentially used for rendering optimizations)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nos3tc disables GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc (which allows use of .dds texture caching)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noseparatestencil disables use of OpenGL2.0 glStencilOpSeparate and GL_ATI_separate_stencil extensions (which accelerate shadow rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noshadow disables use of GL_ARB_shadow (required for hardware shadowmap filtering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nostenciltwoside disables GL_EXT_stencil_two_side (which accelerate shadow rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexture3d disables GL_EXT_texture3D (required for spherical lights, otherwise they render as a column)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexture4 disables GL_AMD_texture_texture4 (which provides fetch4 sampling)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexturecompression disables GL_ARB_texture_compression (which saves video memory if it is supported, but can also degrade image quality, see gl_texturecompression cvar documentation for more information)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexturegather disables GL_ARB_texture_gather (which provides fetch4 sampling)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexturenonpoweroftwo disables GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two (which saves video memory if it is supported, but crashes on some buggy drivers)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -novbo disables GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object (which accelerates rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nosrgb disables GL_EXT_texture_sRGB (which is used for higher quality non-linear texture gamma)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nomultisample disables GL_ARB_multisample
if ( vid . support . arb_draw_buffers )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB , ( GLint * ) & vid . maxdrawbuffers ) ;
// disable non-power-of-two textures on Radeon X1600 and other cards that do not accelerate it with some filtering modes / repeat modes that we use
// we detect these cards by checking if the hardware supports vertex texture fetch (Geforce6 does, Radeon X1600 does not, all GL3-class hardware does)
if ( vid . support . arb_texture_non_power_of_two & & vid . support . gl20shaders )
int val = 0 ;
if ( val < 1 )
vid . support . arb_texture_non_power_of_two = false ;
// we don't care if it's an extension or not, they are identical functions, so keep it simple in the rendering code
if ( qglDrawRangeElements = = NULL )
qglDrawRangeElements = qglDrawRangeElementsEXT ;
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE , ( GLint * ) & vid . maxtexturesize_2d ) ;
if ( vid . support . ext_texture_filter_anisotropic )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT , ( GLint * ) & vid . max_anisotropy ) ;
if ( vid . support . arb_texture_cube_map )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE , ( GLint * ) & vid . maxtexturesize_cubemap ) ;
if ( vid . support . ext_texture_3d )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE , ( GLint * ) & vid . maxtexturesize_3d ) ;
// verify that 3d textures are really supported
if ( vid . support . ext_texture_3d & & vid . maxtexturesize_3d < 32 )
vid . support . ext_texture_3d = false ;
Con_Printf ( " GL_EXT_texture3D reported bogus GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, disabled \n " ) ;
vid . texunits = vid . teximageunits = vid . texarrayunits = 1 ;
if ( vid . support . arb_multitexture )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS , ( GLint * ) & vid . texunits ) ;
if ( vid_gl20 . integer & & vid . support . gl20shaders )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS , ( GLint * ) & vid . texunits ) ;
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS , ( int * ) & vid . teximageunits ) ; CHECKGLERROR
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS , ( int * ) & vid . texarrayunits ) ; CHECKGLERROR
vid . texunits = bound ( 4 , vid . texunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . teximageunits = bound ( 16 , vid . teximageunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . texarrayunits = bound ( 8 , vid . texarrayunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
Con_DPrintf ( " Using GL2.0 rendering path - %i texture matrix, %i texture images, %i texcoords%s \n " , vid . texunits , vid . teximageunits , vid . texarrayunits , vid . support . ext_framebuffer_object ? " , shadowmapping supported " : " " ) ;
vid . renderpath = RENDERPATH_GL20 ;
vid . sRGBcapable2D = false ;
vid . sRGBcapable3D = true ;
vid . useinterleavedarrays = false ;
Con_Printf ( " vid.support.arb_multisample %i \n " , vid . support . arb_multisample ) ;
Con_Printf ( " vid.support.gl20shaders %i \n " , vid . support . gl20shaders ) ;
vid . allowalphatocoverage = true ; // but see below, it may get turned to false again if GL_SAMPLES_ARB is <= 1
else if ( vid . support . arb_texture_env_combine & & vid . texunits > = 2 & & vid_gl13 . integer )
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS , ( GLint * ) & vid . texunits ) ;
vid . texunits = bound ( 1 , vid . texunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . teximageunits = vid . texunits ;
vid . texarrayunits = vid . texunits ;
Con_DPrintf ( " Using GL1.3 rendering path - %i texture units, single pass rendering \n " , vid . texunits ) ;
vid . renderpath = RENDERPATH_GL13 ;
vid . sRGBcapable2D = false ;
vid . sRGBcapable3D = false ;
vid . useinterleavedarrays = false ;
vid . texunits = bound ( 1 , vid . texunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . teximageunits = vid . texunits ;
vid . texarrayunits = vid . texunits ;
Con_DPrintf ( " Using GL1.1 rendering path - %i texture units, two pass rendering \n " , vid . texunits ) ;
vid . renderpath = RENDERPATH_GL11 ;
vid . sRGBcapable2D = false ;
vid . sRGBcapable3D = false ;
vid . useinterleavedarrays = false ;
// enable multisample antialiasing if possible
if ( vid . support . arb_multisample )
int samples = 0 ;
qglGetIntegerv ( GL_SAMPLES_ARB , & samples ) ;
vid . samples = samples ;
if ( samples > 1 )
qglEnable ( GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB ) ;
vid . allowalphatocoverage = false ;
vid . allowalphatocoverage = false ;
vid . samples = 1 ;
// VorteX: set other info (maybe place them in VID_InitMode?)
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_vendor , gl_vendor ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_renderer , gl_renderer ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_version , gl_version ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_platform , gl_platform ? gl_platform : " " ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_driver , gl_driver ) ;
# endif
float VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( const vid_joystate_t * joystate , int axis , float sensitivity , float deadzone )
float value ;
value = ( axis > = 0 & & axis < MAXJOYAXIS ) ? joystate - > axis [ axis ] : 0.0f ;
value = value > deadzone ? ( value - deadzone ) : ( value < - deadzone ? ( value + deadzone ) : 0.0f ) ;
value * = deadzone > 0 ? ( 1.0f / ( 1.0f - deadzone ) ) : 1.0f ;
value = bound ( - 1 , value , 1 ) ;
return value * sensitivity ;
qboolean VID_JoyBlockEmulatedKeys ( int keycode )
int j ;
vid_joystate_t joystate ;
if ( ! joy_axiskeyevents . integer )
return false ;
if ( vid_joystate . is360 )
return false ;
if ( keycode ! = K_UPARROW & & keycode ! = K_DOWNARROW & & keycode ! = K_RIGHTARROW & & keycode ! = K_LEFTARROW )
return false ;
// block system-generated key events for arrow keys if we're emulating the arrow keys ourselves
VID_BuildJoyState ( & joystate ) ;
for ( j = 32 ; j < 36 ; j + + )
if ( vid_joystate . button [ j ] | | joystate . button [ j ] )
return true ;
return false ;
void VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Begin ( vid_joystate_t * joystate )
# ifdef WIN32
xinput_state_t xinputstate ;
# endif
memset ( joystate , 0 , sizeof ( * joystate ) ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
if ( vid_xinputindex > = 0 & & qXInputGetState & & qXInputGetState ( vid_xinputindex , & xinputstate ) = = S_OK )
joystate - > is360 = true ;
joystate - > button [ 0 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 1 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 2 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 3 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 4 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 5 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 6 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 7 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 8 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 9 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 10 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 11 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 12 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 13 ] = ( xinputstate . Gamepad . wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y ) ! = 0 ;
joystate - > button [ 14 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . bLeftTrigger > = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD ;
joystate - > button [ 15 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . bRightTrigger > = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD ;
joystate - > button [ 16 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLY < - 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 17 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLY > 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 18 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLX < - 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 19 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLX > 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 20 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRY < - 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 21 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRY > 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 22 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRX < - 16384 ;
joystate - > button [ 23 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRX > 16384 ;
joystate - > axis [ 4 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . bLeftTrigger * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ;
joystate - > axis [ 5 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . bRightTrigger * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ;
joystate - > axis [ 0 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLX * ( 1.0f / 32767.0f ) ;
joystate - > axis [ 1 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbLY * ( 1.0f / 32767.0f ) ;
joystate - > axis [ 2 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRX * ( 1.0f / 32767.0f ) ;
joystate - > axis [ 3 ] = xinputstate . Gamepad . sThumbRY * ( 1.0f / 32767.0f ) ;
# endif
void VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Finish ( vid_joystate_t * joystate )
float f , r ;
if ( joystate - > is360 )
return ;
// emulate key events for thumbstick
f = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisforward . integer , 1 , joy_axiskeyevents_deadzone . value ) * joy_sensitivityforward . value ;
r = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisside . integer , 1 , joy_axiskeyevents_deadzone . value ) * joy_sensitivityside . value ;
# error this code must be updated if MAXJOYBUTTON changes!
# endif
joystate - > button [ 32 ] = f > 0.0f ;
joystate - > button [ 33 ] = f < 0.0f ;
joystate - > button [ 34 ] = r > 0.0f ;
joystate - > button [ 35 ] = r < 0.0f ;
static void VID_KeyEventForButton ( qboolean oldbutton , qboolean newbutton , int key , double * timer )
if ( oldbutton )
if ( newbutton )
if ( realtime > = * timer )
Key_Event ( key , 0 , true ) ;
* timer = realtime + 0.1 ;
Key_Event ( key , 0 , false ) ;
* timer = 0 ;
if ( newbutton )
Key_Event ( key , 0 , true ) ;
* timer = realtime + 0.5 ;
# error this code must be updated if MAXJOYBUTTON changes!
# endif
static int joybuttonkey [ MAXJOYBUTTON ] [ 2 ] =
{ K_JOY1 , K_ENTER } , { K_JOY2 , K_ESCAPE } , { K_JOY3 , 0 } , { K_JOY4 , 0 } , { K_JOY5 , 0 } , { K_JOY6 , 0 } , { K_JOY7 , 0 } , { K_JOY8 , 0 } , { K_JOY9 , 0 } , { K_JOY10 , 0 } , { K_JOY11 , 0 } , { K_JOY12 , 0 } , { K_JOY13 , 0 } , { K_JOY14 , 0 } , { K_JOY15 , 0 } , { K_JOY16 , 0 } ,
{ K_AUX1 , 0 } , { K_AUX2 , 0 } , { K_AUX3 , 0 } , { K_AUX4 , 0 } , { K_AUX5 , 0 } , { K_AUX6 , 0 } , { K_AUX7 , 0 } , { K_AUX8 , 0 } , { K_AUX9 , 0 } , { K_AUX10 , 0 } , { K_AUX11 , 0 } , { K_AUX12 , 0 } , { K_AUX13 , 0 } , { K_AUX14 , 0 } , { K_AUX15 , 0 } , { K_AUX16 , 0 } ,
} ;
static int joybuttonkey360 [ ] [ 2 ] =
{ K_X360_DPAD_UP , K_UPARROW } ,
{ K_X360_START , K_ESCAPE } ,
{ K_X360_BACK , K_ESCAPE } ,
{ K_X360_LEFT_THUMB , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_THUMB , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_LEFT_SHOULDER , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_SHOULDER , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_A , K_ENTER } ,
{ K_X360_B , K_ESCAPE } ,
{ K_X360_X , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_Y , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_LEFT_TRIGGER , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_TRIGGER , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_THUMB_DOWN , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_THUMB_UP , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_THUMB_LEFT , 0 } ,
{ K_X360_RIGHT_THUMB_RIGHT , 0 } ,
} ;
double vid_joybuttontimer [ MAXJOYBUTTON ] ;
void VID_ApplyJoyState ( vid_joystate_t * joystate )
int j ;
int c = joy_axiskeyevents . integer ! = 0 ;
if ( joystate - > is360 )
#if 0
// keystrokes (chatpad)
// DOES NOT WORK - no driver support in xinput1_3.dll :(
xinput_keystroke_t keystroke ;
while ( qXInputGetKeystroke & & qXInputGetKeystroke ( XUSER_INDEX_ANY , 0 , & keystroke ) = = S_OK )
Con_Printf ( " XInput KeyStroke: VirtualKey %i, Unicode %i, Flags %x, UserIndex %i, HidCode %i \n " , keystroke . VirtualKey , keystroke . Unicode , keystroke . Flags , keystroke . UserIndex , keystroke . HidCode ) ;
# endif
// emit key events for buttons
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( int ) ( sizeof ( joybuttonkey360 ) / sizeof ( joybuttonkey360 [ 0 ] ) ) ; j + + )
VID_KeyEventForButton ( vid_joystate . button [ j ] ! = 0 , joystate - > button [ j ] ! = 0 , joybuttonkey360 [ j ] [ c ] , & vid_joybuttontimer [ j ] ) ;
// axes
2021-02-03 22:13:37 +00:00
cl . cmd . forwardmove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_x360_axisforward . integer , joy_x360_sensitivityforward . value , joy_x360_deadzoneforward . value ) * cl_movementspeed . value ;
cl . cmd . sidemove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_x360_axisside . integer , joy_x360_sensitivityside . value , joy_x360_deadzoneside . value ) * cl_movementspeed . value ;
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
cl . cmd . upmove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_x360_axisup . integer , joy_x360_sensitivityup . value , joy_x360_deadzoneup . value ) * cl_upspeed . value ;
cl . viewangles [ 0 ] + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_x360_axispitch . integer , joy_x360_sensitivitypitch . value , joy_x360_deadzonepitch . value ) * cl . realframetime * cl_pitchspeed . value ;
cl . viewangles [ 1 ] + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_x360_axisyaw . integer , joy_x360_sensitivityyaw . value , joy_x360_deadzoneyaw . value ) * cl . realframetime * cl_yawspeed . value ;
//cl.viewangles[2] += VID_JoyState_GetAxis(joystate, joy_x360_axisroll.integer, joy_x360_sensitivityroll.value, joy_x360_deadzoneroll.value) * cl.realframetime * cl_rollspeed.value;
// emit key events for buttons
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAXJOYBUTTON ; j + + )
VID_KeyEventForButton ( vid_joystate . button [ j ] ! = 0 , joystate - > button [ j ] ! = 0 , joybuttonkey [ j ] [ c ] , & vid_joybuttontimer [ j ] ) ;
// axes
2021-02-03 22:13:37 +00:00
cl . cmd . forwardmove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisforward . integer , joy_sensitivityforward . value , joy_deadzoneforward . value ) * cl_movementspeed . value ;
cl . cmd . sidemove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisside . integer , joy_sensitivityside . value , joy_deadzoneside . value ) * cl_movementspeed . value ;
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
cl . cmd . upmove + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisup . integer , joy_sensitivityup . value , joy_deadzoneup . value ) * cl_upspeed . value ;
cl . viewangles [ 0 ] + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axispitch . integer , joy_sensitivitypitch . value , joy_deadzonepitch . value ) * cl . realframetime * cl_pitchspeed . value ;
cl . viewangles [ 1 ] + = VID_JoyState_GetAxis ( joystate , joy_axisyaw . integer , joy_sensitivityyaw . value , joy_deadzoneyaw . value ) * cl . realframetime * cl_yawspeed . value ;
//cl.viewangles[2] += VID_JoyState_GetAxis(joystate, joy_axisroll.integer, joy_sensitivityroll.value, joy_deadzoneroll.value) * cl.realframetime * cl_rollspeed.value;
vid_joystate = * joystate ;
int VID_Shared_SetJoystick ( int index )
# ifdef WIN32
int i ;
int xinputcount = 0 ;
int xinputindex = - 1 ;
int xinputavailable = 0 ;
xinput_state_t state ;
// detect available XInput controllers
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( qXInputGetState & & qXInputGetState ( i , & state ) = = S_OK )
xinputavailable | = 1 < < i ;
if ( index = = xinputcount )
xinputindex = i ;
xinputcount + + ;
if ( joy_xinputavailable . integer ! = xinputavailable )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & joy_xinputavailable , xinputavailable ) ;
if ( vid_xinputindex ! = xinputindex )
vid_xinputindex = xinputindex ;
if ( xinputindex > = 0 )
Con_Printf ( " Joystick %i opened (XInput Device %i) \n " , index , xinputindex ) ;
return xinputcount ;
# else
return 0 ;
# endif
static void Force_CenterView_f ( void )
cl . viewangles [ PITCH ] = 0 ;
static int gamma_forcenextframe = false ;
static float cachegamma , cachebrightness , cachecontrast , cacheblack [ 3 ] , cachegrey [ 3 ] , cachewhite [ 3 ] , cachecontrastboost ;
static int cachecolorenable , cachehwgamma ;
unsigned int vid_gammatables_serial = 0 ; // so other subsystems can poll if gamma parameters have changed
qboolean vid_gammatables_trivial = true ;
void VID_BuildGammaTables ( unsigned short * ramps , int rampsize )
if ( cachecolorenable )
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , invpow ( 0.5 , 1 - cachegrey [ 0 ] ) , cachewhite [ 0 ] , cacheblack [ 0 ] , cachecontrastboost , ramps , rampsize ) ;
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , invpow ( 0.5 , 1 - cachegrey [ 1 ] ) , cachewhite [ 1 ] , cacheblack [ 1 ] , cachecontrastboost , ramps + rampsize , rampsize ) ;
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , invpow ( 0.5 , 1 - cachegrey [ 2 ] ) , cachewhite [ 2 ] , cacheblack [ 2 ] , cachecontrastboost , ramps + rampsize * 2 , rampsize ) ;
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , cachegamma , cachecontrast , cachebrightness , cachecontrastboost , ramps , rampsize ) ;
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , cachegamma , cachecontrast , cachebrightness , cachecontrastboost , ramps + rampsize , rampsize ) ;
BuildGammaTable16 ( 1.0f , cachegamma , cachecontrast , cachebrightness , cachecontrastboost , ramps + rampsize * 2 , rampsize ) ;
if ( vid . sRGB2D | | vid . sRGB3D )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 * rampsize ; + + i )
ramps [ i ] = ( int ) floor ( bound ( 0.0f , Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat ( ramps [ i ] / 65535.0f ) , 1.0f ) * 65535.0f + 0.5f ) ;
// LordHavoc: this code came from Ben Winslow and Zinx Verituse, I have
// immensely butchered it to work with variable framerates and fit in with
// the rest of darkplaces.
if ( v_psycho . integer )
int x , y ;
float t ;
static float n [ 3 ] , nd [ 3 ] , nt [ 3 ] ;
static int init = true ;
unsigned short * ramp ;
gamma_forcenextframe = true ;
if ( init )
init = false ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
n [ x ] = lhrandom ( 0 , 1 ) ;
nd [ x ] = ( rand ( ) & 1 ) ? - 0.25 : 0.25 ;
nt [ x ] = lhrandom ( 1 , 8.2 ) ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
nt [ x ] - = cl . realframetime ;
if ( nt [ x ] < 0 )
nd [ x ] = - nd [ x ] ;
nt [ x ] + = lhrandom ( 1 , 8.2 ) ;
n [ x ] + = nd [ x ] * cl . realframetime ;
n [ x ] - = floor ( n [ x ] ) ;
for ( x = 0 , ramp = ramps ; x < 3 ; x + + )
for ( y = 0 , t = n [ x ] - 0.75f ; y < rampsize ; y + + , t + = 0.75f * ( 2.0f / rampsize ) )
* ramp + + = ( unsigned short ) ( cos ( t * ( M_PI * 2.0 ) ) * 32767.0f + 32767.0f ) ;
void VID_UpdateGamma ( qboolean force , int rampsize )
cvar_t * c ;
float f ;
int wantgamma ;
qboolean gamma_changed = false ;
// LordHavoc: don't mess with gamma tables if running dedicated
if ( cls . state = = ca_dedicated )
return ;
wantgamma = v_hwgamma . integer ;
switch ( vid . renderpath )
if ( v_glslgamma . integer )
wantgamma = 0 ;
break ;
break ;
if ( ! vid_activewindow )
wantgamma = 0 ;
# define BOUNDCVAR(cvar, m1, m2) c = &(cvar);f = bound(m1, c->value, m2);if (c->value != f) Cvar_SetValueQuick(c, f);
BOUNDCVAR ( v_gamma , 0.1 , 5 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_contrast , 0.2 , 5 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_brightness , - v_contrast . value * 0.8 , 0.8 ) ;
//BOUNDCVAR(v_contrastboost, 0.0625, 16);
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_black_r , 0 , 0.8 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_black_g , 0 , 0.8 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_black_b , 0 , 0.8 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_grey_r , 0 , 0.95 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_grey_g , 0 , 0.95 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_grey_b , 0 , 0.95 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_white_r , 1 , 5 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_white_g , 1 , 5 ) ;
BOUNDCVAR ( v_color_white_b , 1 , 5 ) ;
// set vid_gammatables_trivial to true if the current settings would generate the identity gamma table
vid_gammatables_trivial = false ;
if ( v_psycho . integer = = 0 )
if ( v_contrastboost . value = = 1 )
if ( ! vid . sRGB2D )
if ( ! vid . sRGB3D )
if ( v_color_enable . integer )
if ( v_color_black_r . value = = 0 )
if ( v_color_black_g . value = = 0 )
if ( v_color_black_b . value = = 0 )
if ( fabs ( v_color_grey_r . value - 0.5 ) < 1e-6 )
if ( fabs ( v_color_grey_g . value - 0.5 ) < 1e-6 )
if ( fabs ( v_color_grey_b . value - 0.5 ) < 1e-6 )
if ( v_color_white_r . value = = 1 )
if ( v_color_white_g . value = = 1 )
if ( v_color_white_b . value = = 1 )
vid_gammatables_trivial = true ;
if ( v_gamma . value = = 1 )
if ( v_contrast . value = = 1 )
if ( v_brightness . value = = 0 )
vid_gammatables_trivial = true ;
# define GAMMACHECK(cache, value) if (cache != (value)) gamma_changed = true;cache = (value)
if ( v_psycho . integer )
gamma_changed = true ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachegamma , v_gamma . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachecontrast , v_contrast . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachebrightness , v_brightness . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachecontrastboost , v_contrastboost . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachecolorenable , v_color_enable . integer ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cacheblack [ 0 ] , v_color_black_r . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cacheblack [ 1 ] , v_color_black_g . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cacheblack [ 2 ] , v_color_black_b . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachegrey [ 0 ] , v_color_grey_r . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachegrey [ 1 ] , v_color_grey_g . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachegrey [ 2 ] , v_color_grey_b . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachewhite [ 0 ] , v_color_white_r . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachewhite [ 1 ] , v_color_white_g . value ) ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachewhite [ 2 ] , v_color_white_b . value ) ;
if ( gamma_changed )
+ + vid_gammatables_serial ;
GAMMACHECK ( cachehwgamma , wantgamma ) ;
if ( ! force & & ! gamma_forcenextframe & & ! gamma_changed )
return ;
gamma_forcenextframe = false ;
if ( cachehwgamma )
if ( ! vid_usinghwgamma )
vid_usinghwgamma = true ;
if ( vid_gammarampsize ! = rampsize | | ! vid_gammaramps )
vid_gammarampsize = rampsize ;
if ( vid_gammaramps )
Z_Free ( vid_gammaramps ) ;
vid_gammaramps = ( unsigned short * ) Z_Malloc ( 6 * vid_gammarampsize * sizeof ( unsigned short ) ) ;
vid_systemgammaramps = vid_gammaramps + 3 * vid_gammarampsize ;
VID_GetGamma ( vid_systemgammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) ;
VID_BuildGammaTables ( vid_gammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) ;
// set vid_hardwaregammasupported to true if VID_SetGamma succeeds, OR if vid_hwgamma is >= 2 (forced gamma - ignores driver return value)
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_hardwaregammasupported , VID_SetGamma ( vid_gammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) | | cachehwgamma > = 2 ) ;
// if custom gamma ramps failed (Windows stupidity), restore to system gamma
if ( ! vid_hardwaregammasupported . integer )
if ( vid_usinghwgamma )
vid_usinghwgamma = false ;
VID_SetGamma ( vid_systemgammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) ;
if ( vid_usinghwgamma )
vid_usinghwgamma = false ;
VID_SetGamma ( vid_systemgammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) ;
void VID_RestoreSystemGamma ( void )
if ( vid_usinghwgamma )
vid_usinghwgamma = false ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_hardwaregammasupported , VID_SetGamma ( vid_systemgammaramps , vid_gammarampsize ) ) ;
// force gamma situation to be reexamined next frame
gamma_forcenextframe = true ;
# ifdef WIN32
static dllfunction_t xinputdllfuncs [ ] =
{ " XInputGetState " , ( void * * ) & qXInputGetState } ,
{ " XInputGetKeystroke " , ( void * * ) & qXInputGetKeystroke } ,
} ;
static const char * xinputdllnames [ ] =
" xinput1_3.dll " ,
" xinput1_2.dll " ,
" xinput1_1.dll " ,
} ;
static dllhandle_t xinputdll_dll = NULL ;
# endif
void VID_Shared_Init ( void )
if ( Sys_HaveSSE2 ( ) )
Con_Printf ( " DPSOFTRAST available (SSE2 instructions detected) \n " ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_soft ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_soft_threads ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_soft_interlace ) ;
Con_Printf ( " DPSOFTRAST not available (SSE2 disabled or not detected) \n " ) ;
# else
Con_Printf ( " DPSOFTRAST not available (SSE2 not compiled in) \n " ) ;
# endif
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_hardwaregammasupported ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_vendor ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_renderer ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_version ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_extensions ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_platform ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_info_driver ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_gamma ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_brightness ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_contrastboost ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_contrast ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_enable ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_black_r ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_black_g ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_black_b ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_grey_r ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_grey_g ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_grey_b ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_white_r ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_white_g ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_color_white_b ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_hwgamma ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_glslgamma ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_glslgamma_2d ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & v_psycho ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_fullscreen ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_width ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_height ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_bitsperpixel ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_samples ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_refreshrate ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_userefreshrate ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_stereobuffer ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_vsync ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_mouse ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_grabkeyboard ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_touchscreen ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_stick_mouse ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_resizable ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_minwidth ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_minheight ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_gl13 ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_gl20 ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & gl_finish ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_sRGB ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & vid_sRGB_fallback ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_active ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_xinputavailable ) ;
# endif
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_detected ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_enable ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_index ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axisforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axisside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axisup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axispitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axisyaw ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_deadzoneforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_deadzoneside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_deadzoneup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_deadzonepitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_deadzoneyaw ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_sensitivityforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_sensitivityside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_sensitivityup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_sensitivitypitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_sensitivityyaw ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axiskeyevents ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_axiskeyevents_deadzone ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_axisforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_axisside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_axisup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_axispitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_axisyaw ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_deadzoneforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_deadzoneside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_deadzoneup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_deadzonepitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_deadzoneyaw ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_sensitivityforward ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_sensitivityside ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_sensitivityup ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_sensitivitypitch ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & joy_x360_sensitivityyaw ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
Sys_LoadLibrary ( xinputdllnames , & xinputdll_dll , xinputdllfuncs ) ;
# endif
Cmd_AddCommand ( " force_centerview " , Force_CenterView_f , " recenters view (stops looking up/down) " ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " vid_restart " , VID_Restart_f , " restarts video system (closes and reopens the window, restarts renderer) " ) ;
static int VID_Mode ( int fullscreen , int width , int height , int bpp , float refreshrate , int stereobuffer , int samples )
viddef_mode_t mode ;
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
memset ( & mode , 0 , sizeof ( mode ) ) ;
mode . fullscreen = fullscreen ! = 0 ;
mode . width = width ;
mode . height = height ;
mode . bitsperpixel = bpp ;
mode . refreshrate = vid_userefreshrate . integer ? max ( 1 , refreshrate ) : 0 ;
mode . userefreshrate = vid_userefreshrate . integer ! = 0 ;
mode . stereobuffer = stereobuffer ! = 0 ;
mode . samples = samples ;
cl_ignoremousemoves = 2 ;
VID_ClearExtensions ( ) ;
vid . samples = vid . mode . samples ;
if ( VID_InitMode ( & mode ) )
// accept the (possibly modified) mode
vid . mode = mode ;
vid . fullscreen = vid . mode . fullscreen ;
vid . width = vid . mode . width ;
vid . height = vid . mode . height ;
vid . bitsperpixel = vid . mode . bitsperpixel ;
vid . refreshrate = vid . mode . refreshrate ;
vid . userefreshrate = vid . mode . userefreshrate ;
vid . stereobuffer = vid . mode . stereobuffer ;
vid . stencil = vid . mode . bitsperpixel > = 16 ;
vid . sRGB2D = vid_sRGB . integer > = 1 & & vid . sRGBcapable2D ;
vid . sRGB3D = vid_sRGB . integer > = 1 & & vid . sRGBcapable3D ;
switch ( vid . renderpath )
GLboolean stereo ;
qglGetBooleanv ( GL_STEREO , & stereo ) ;
vid . stereobuffer = stereo ! = 0 ;
break ;
default :
vid . stereobuffer = false ;
break ;
if (
( vid_sRGB_fallback . integer > = 3 ) // force fallback
| |
( vid_sRGB_fallback . integer > = 2 & & // fallback if framebuffer is 8bit
! ( r_viewfbo . integer > = 2 & & vid . support . ext_framebuffer_object & & vid . support . arb_texture_non_power_of_two & & vid . samples < 2 ) )
vid . sRGB2D = vid . sRGB3D = false ;
if ( vid . samples ! = vid . mode . samples )
Con_Printf ( " NOTE: requested %dx AA, got %dx AA \n " , vid . mode . samples , vid . samples ) ;
Con_Printf ( " Video Mode: %s %dx%dx%dx%.2fhz%s%s \n " , mode . fullscreen ? " fullscreen " : " window " , mode . width , mode . height , mode . bitsperpixel , mode . refreshrate , mode . stereobuffer ? " stereo " : " " , mode . samples > 1 ? va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " (%ix AA) " , mode . samples ) : " " ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_fullscreen , vid . mode . fullscreen ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_width , vid . mode . width ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_height , vid . mode . height ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_bitsperpixel , vid . mode . bitsperpixel ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_samples , vid . mode . samples ) ;
if ( vid_userefreshrate . integer )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_refreshrate , vid . mode . refreshrate ) ;
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_stereobuffer , vid . stereobuffer ? 1 : 0 ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
static void VID_OpenSystems ( void )
R_Modules_Start ( ) ;
S_Startup ( ) ;
static void VID_CloseSystems ( void )
S_Shutdown ( ) ;
R_Modules_Shutdown ( ) ;
qboolean vid_commandlinecheck = true ;
extern qboolean vid_opened ;
void VID_Restart_f ( void )
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
char vabuf2 [ 1024 ] ;
// don't crash if video hasn't started yet
if ( vid_commandlinecheck )
return ;
if ( ! vid_opened )
SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ( false ) ;
return ;
Con_Printf ( " VID_Restart: changing from %s %dx%dx%dbpp%s%s, to %s %dx%dx%dbpp%s%s. \n " ,
vid . mode . fullscreen ? " fullscreen " : " window " , vid . mode . width , vid . mode . height , vid . mode . bitsperpixel , vid . mode . fullscreen & & vid . mode . userefreshrate ? va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " x%.2fhz " , vid . mode . refreshrate ) : " " , vid . mode . samples > 1 ? va ( vabuf2 , sizeof ( vabuf2 ) , " (%ix AA) " , vid . mode . samples ) : " " ,
vid_fullscreen . integer ? " fullscreen " : " window " , vid_width . integer , vid_height . integer , vid_bitsperpixel . integer , vid_fullscreen . integer & & vid_userefreshrate . integer ? va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " x%.2fhz " , vid_refreshrate . value ) : " " , vid_samples . integer > 1 ? va ( vabuf2 , sizeof ( vabuf2 ) , " (%ix AA) " , vid_samples . integer ) : " " ) ;
VID_CloseSystems ( ) ;
VID_Shutdown ( ) ;
if ( ! VID_Mode ( vid_fullscreen . integer , vid_width . integer , vid_height . integer , vid_bitsperpixel . integer , vid_refreshrate . value , vid_stereobuffer . integer , vid_samples . integer ) )
Con_Print ( " Video mode change failed \n " ) ;
if ( ! VID_Mode ( vid . mode . fullscreen , vid . mode . width , vid . mode . height , vid . mode . bitsperpixel , vid . mode . refreshrate , vid . mode . stereobuffer , vid . mode . samples ) )
Sys_Error ( " Unable to restore to last working video mode " ) ;
VID_OpenSystems ( ) ;
const char * vidfallbacks [ ] [ 2 ] =
{ " vid_stereobuffer " , " 0 " } ,
{ " vid_samples " , " 1 " } ,
{ " vid_userefreshrate " , " 0 " } ,
{ " vid_width " , " 640 " } ,
{ " vid_height " , " 480 " } ,
{ " vid_bitsperpixel " , " 16 " } ,
} ;
// this is only called once by Host_StartVideo and again on each FS_GameDir_f
void VID_Start ( void )
int i , width , height , success ;
if ( vid_commandlinecheck )
// interpret command-line parameters
vid_commandlinecheck = false ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Video: -window performs +vid_fullscreen 0
if ( COM_CheckParm ( " -window " ) | | COM_CheckParm ( " -safe " ) )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_fullscreen , false ) ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Video: -fullscreen performs +vid_fullscreen 1
if ( COM_CheckParm ( " -fullscreen " ) )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_fullscreen , true ) ;
width = 0 ;
height = 0 ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Video: -width <pixels> performs +vid_width <pixels> and also +vid_height <pixels*3/4> if only -width is specified (example: -width 1024 sets 1024x768 mode)
if ( ( i = COM_CheckParm ( " -width " ) ) ! = 0 )
width = atoi ( com_argv [ i + 1 ] ) ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Video: -height <pixels> performs +vid_height <pixels> and also +vid_width <pixels*4/3> if only -height is specified (example: -height 768 sets 1024x768 mode)
if ( ( i = COM_CheckParm ( " -height " ) ) ! = 0 )
height = atoi ( com_argv [ i + 1 ] ) ;
if ( width = = 0 )
width = height * 4 / 3 ;
if ( height = = 0 )
height = width * 3 / 4 ;
if ( width )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_width , width ) ;
if ( height )
Cvar_SetValueQuick ( & vid_height , height ) ;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Video: -bpp <bits> performs +vid_bitsperpixel <bits> (example -bpp 32 or -bpp 16)
if ( ( i = COM_CheckParm ( " -bpp " ) ) ! = 0 )
Cvar_SetQuick ( & vid_bitsperpixel , com_argv [ i + 1 ] ) ;
success = VID_Mode ( vid_fullscreen . integer , vid_width . integer , vid_height . integer , vid_bitsperpixel . integer , vid_refreshrate . value , vid_stereobuffer . integer , vid_samples . integer ) ;
if ( ! success )
Con_Print ( " Desired video mode fail, trying fallbacks... \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; ! success & & vidfallbacks [ i ] [ 0 ] ! = NULL ; i + + )
Cvar_Set ( vidfallbacks [ i ] [ 0 ] , vidfallbacks [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ;
success = VID_Mode ( vid_fullscreen . integer , vid_width . integer , vid_height . integer , vid_bitsperpixel . integer , vid_refreshrate . value , vid_stereobuffer . integer , vid_samples . integer ) ;
if ( ! success )
Sys_Error ( " Video modes failed " ) ;
VID_OpenSystems ( ) ;
void VID_Stop ( void )
VID_CloseSystems ( ) ;
VID_Shutdown ( ) ;
static int VID_SortModes_Compare ( const void * a_ , const void * b_ )
vid_mode_t * a = ( vid_mode_t * ) a_ ;
vid_mode_t * b = ( vid_mode_t * ) b_ ;
if ( a - > width > b - > width )
return + 1 ;
if ( a - > width < b - > width )
return - 1 ;
if ( a - > height > b - > height )
return + 1 ;
if ( a - > height < b - > height )
return - 1 ;
if ( a - > refreshrate > b - > refreshrate )
return + 1 ;
if ( a - > refreshrate < b - > refreshrate )
return - 1 ;
if ( a - > bpp > b - > bpp )
return + 1 ;
if ( a - > bpp < b - > bpp )
return - 1 ;
if ( a - > pixelheight_num * b - > pixelheight_denom > a - > pixelheight_denom * b - > pixelheight_num )
return + 1 ;
if ( a - > pixelheight_num * b - > pixelheight_denom < a - > pixelheight_denom * b - > pixelheight_num )
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
size_t VID_SortModes ( vid_mode_t * modes , size_t count , qboolean usebpp , qboolean userefreshrate , qboolean useaspect )
size_t i ;
if ( count = = 0 )
return 0 ;
// 1. sort them
qsort ( modes , count , sizeof ( * modes ) , VID_SortModes_Compare ) ;
// 2. remove duplicates
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
if ( modes [ i ] . width & & modes [ i ] . height )
if ( i = = 0 )
continue ;
if ( modes [ i ] . width ! = modes [ i - 1 ] . width )
continue ;
if ( modes [ i ] . height ! = modes [ i - 1 ] . height )
continue ;
if ( userefreshrate )
if ( modes [ i ] . refreshrate ! = modes [ i - 1 ] . refreshrate )
continue ;
if ( usebpp )
if ( modes [ i ] . bpp ! = modes [ i - 1 ] . bpp )
continue ;
if ( useaspect )
if ( modes [ i ] . pixelheight_num * modes [ i - 1 ] . pixelheight_denom ! = modes [ i ] . pixelheight_denom * modes [ i - 1 ] . pixelheight_num )
continue ;
// a dupe, or a bogus mode!
if ( i < count - 1 )
memmove ( & modes [ i ] , & modes [ i + 1 ] , sizeof ( * modes ) * ( count - 1 - i ) ) ;
- - i ; // check this index again, as mode i+1 is now here
- - count ;
return count ;
void VID_Soft_SharedSetup ( void )
gl_platform = " DPSOFTRAST " ;
gl_platformextensions = " " ;
gl_renderer = " DarkPlaces-Soft " ;
gl_vendor = " Forest Hale " ;
gl_version = " 0.0 " ;
gl_extensions = " " ;
// clear the extension flags
memset ( & vid . support , 0 , sizeof ( vid . support ) ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_extensions , " " ) ;
vid . forcetextype = TEXTYPE_BGRA ;
vid . forcevbo = false ;
vid . support . arb_depth_texture = true ;
vid . support . arb_draw_buffers = true ;
vid . support . arb_occlusion_query = true ;
vid . support . arb_shadow = true ;
//vid.support.arb_texture_compression = true;
vid . support . arb_texture_cube_map = true ;
vid . support . arb_texture_non_power_of_two = false ;
vid . support . arb_vertex_buffer_object = true ;
vid . support . ext_blend_subtract = true ;
vid . support . ext_draw_range_elements = true ;
vid . support . ext_framebuffer_object = true ;
vid . support . ext_texture_3d = true ;
//vid.support.ext_texture_compression_s3tc = true;
vid . support . ext_texture_filter_anisotropic = true ;
vid . support . ati_separate_stencil = true ;
vid . support . ext_texture_srgb = false ;
vid . maxtexturesize_2d = 16384 ;
vid . maxtexturesize_3d = 512 ;
vid . maxtexturesize_cubemap = 16384 ;
vid . texunits = 4 ;
vid . teximageunits = 32 ;
vid . texarrayunits = 8 ;
vid . max_anisotropy = 1 ;
vid . maxdrawbuffers = 4 ;
vid . texunits = bound ( 4 , vid . texunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . teximageunits = bound ( 16 , vid . teximageunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
vid . texarrayunits = bound ( 8 , vid . texarrayunits , MAX_TEXTUREUNITS ) ;
Con_DPrintf ( " Using DarkPlaces Software Rasterizer rendering path \n " ) ;
vid . renderpath = RENDERPATH_SOFT ;
vid . sRGBcapable2D = false ;
vid . sRGBcapable3D = false ;
vid . useinterleavedarrays = false ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_vendor , gl_vendor ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_renderer , gl_renderer ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_version , gl_version ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_platform , gl_platform ? gl_platform : " " ) ;
Cvar_SetQuick ( & gl_info_driver , gl_driver ) ;
// LordHavoc: report supported extensions
Con_DPrintf ( " \n QuakeC extensions for server and client: %s \n QuakeC extensions for menu: %s \n " , vm_sv_extensions , vm_m_extensions ) ;
// clear to black (loading plaque will be seen over this)
GL_Clear ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT , NULL , 1.0f , 128 ) ;