2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
Copyright ( C ) 1996 - 1997 Id Software , Inc .
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
// sbar.c -- status bar code
# include "quakedef.h"
# include <time.h>
# include "cl_collision.h"
# include "csprogs.h"
cachepic_t * sb_disc ;
# define STAT_MINUS 10 // num frame for '-' stats digit
cachepic_t * sb_nums [ 2 ] [ 11 ] ;
cachepic_t * sb_colon , * sb_slash ;
cachepic_t * sb_ibar ;
cachepic_t * sb_sbar ;
cachepic_t * sb_scorebar ;
// AK only used by NEX
cachepic_t * sb_sbar_minimal ;
cachepic_t * sb_sbar_overlay ;
// AK changed the bound to 9
cachepic_t * sb_weapons [ 7 ] [ 9 ] ; // 0 is active, 1 is owned, 2-5 are flashes
cachepic_t * sb_ammo [ 4 ] ;
cachepic_t * sb_sigil [ 4 ] ;
cachepic_t * sb_armor [ 3 ] ;
cachepic_t * sb_items [ 32 ] ;
// 0-4 are based on health (in 20 increments)
// 0 is static, 1 is temporary animation
cachepic_t * sb_faces [ 5 ] [ 2 ] ;
cachepic_t * sb_health ; // GAME_NEXUIZ
cachepic_t * sb_face_invis ;
cachepic_t * sb_face_quad ;
cachepic_t * sb_face_invuln ;
cachepic_t * sb_face_invis_invuln ;
qboolean sb_showscores ;
int sb_lines ; // scan lines to draw
cachepic_t * rsb_invbar [ 2 ] ;
cachepic_t * rsb_weapons [ 5 ] ;
cachepic_t * rsb_items [ 2 ] ;
cachepic_t * rsb_ammo [ 3 ] ;
cachepic_t * rsb_teambord ; // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
//MED 01/04/97 added two more weapons + 3 alternates for grenade launcher
cachepic_t * hsb_weapons [ 7 ] [ 5 ] ; // 0 is active, 1 is owned, 2-5 are flashes
//MED 01/04/97 added array to simplify weapon parsing
//MED 01/04/97 added hipnotic items array
cachepic_t * hsb_items [ 2 ] ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_center ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_line ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_health ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_ammo ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_clip ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_background ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_left1 ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_left2 ;
cachepic_t * zymsb_crosshair_right ;
cachepic_t * sb_ranking ;
cachepic_t * sb_complete ;
cachepic_t * sb_inter ;
cachepic_t * sb_finale ;
cvar_t showfps = { CVAR_SAVE , " showfps " , " 0 " , " shows your rendered fps (frames per second) " } ;
cvar_t showsound = { CVAR_SAVE , " showsound " , " 0 " , " shows number of active sound sources, sound latency, and other statistics " } ;
cvar_t showblur = { CVAR_SAVE , " showblur " , " 0 " , " shows the current alpha level of motionblur " } ;
cvar_t showspeed = { CVAR_SAVE , " showspeed " , " 0 " , " shows your current speed (qu per second); number selects unit: 1 = qu/s, 2 = m/s, 3 = km/h, 4 = mph, 5 = knots " } ;
cvar_t showtopspeed = { CVAR_SAVE , " showtopspeed " , " 0 " , " shows your top speed (kept on screen for max 3 seconds); value -1 takes over the unit from showspeed, otherwise it's an unit number just like in showspeed " } ;
cvar_t showtime = { CVAR_SAVE , " showtime " , " 0 " , " shows current time of day (useful on screenshots) " } ;
cvar_t showtime_format = { CVAR_SAVE , " showtime_format " , " %H:%M:%S " , " format string for time of day " } ;
cvar_t showdate = { CVAR_SAVE , " showdate " , " 0 " , " shows current date (useful on screenshots) " } ;
cvar_t showdate_format = { CVAR_SAVE , " showdate_format " , " %Y-%m-%d " , " format string for date " } ;
cvar_t showtex = { 0 , " showtex " , " 0 " , " shows the name of the texture on the crosshair (for map debugging) " } ;
cvar_t sbar_alpha_bg = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_alpha_bg " , " 0.4 " , " opacity value of the statusbar background image " } ;
cvar_t sbar_alpha_fg = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_alpha_fg " , " 1 " , " opacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers " } ;
cvar_t sbar_hudselector = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_hudselector " , " 0 " , " selects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example) " } ;
cvar_t sbar_scorerank = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_scorerank " , " 1 " , " shows an overlay for your score (or team score) and rank in the scoreboard " } ;
cvar_t sbar_gametime = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_gametime " , " 1 " , " shows an overlay for the time left in the current match/level (or current game time if there is no timelimit set) " } ;
cvar_t sbar_miniscoreboard_size = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_miniscoreboard_size " , " -1 " , " sets the size of the mini deathmatch overlay in items, or disables it when set to 0, or sets it to a sane default when set to -1 " } ;
cvar_t sbar_flagstatus_right = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_flagstatus_right " , " 0 " , " moves Nexuiz flag status icons to the right " } ;
cvar_t sbar_flagstatus_pos = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_flagstatus_pos " , " 115 " , " pixel position of the Nexuiz flag status icons, from the bottom " } ;
cvar_t sbar_info_pos = { CVAR_SAVE , " sbar_info_pos " , " 180 " , " pixel position of the info strings (such as showfps), from the bottom " } ;
cvar_t cl_deathscoreboard = { 0 , " cl_deathscoreboard " , " 1 " , " shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead " } ;
cvar_t crosshair_color_red = { CVAR_SAVE , " crosshair_color_red " , " 1 " , " customizable crosshair color " } ;
cvar_t crosshair_color_green = { CVAR_SAVE , " crosshair_color_green " , " 0 " , " customizable crosshair color " } ;
cvar_t crosshair_color_blue = { CVAR_SAVE , " crosshair_color_blue " , " 0 " , " customizable crosshair color " } ;
cvar_t crosshair_color_alpha = { CVAR_SAVE , " crosshair_color_alpha " , " 1 " , " how opaque the crosshair should be " } ;
cvar_t crosshair_size = { CVAR_SAVE , " crosshair_size " , " 1 " , " adjusts size of the crosshair on the screen " } ;
static void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( int x , int y ) ;
static void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ( void ) ;
static void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ( void ) ;
static void Sbar_FinaleOverlay ( void ) ;
extern qboolean vrMode ;
extern vec3_t hmdorientation ;
2019-08-17 22:51:07 +00:00
extern cvar_t vr_worldscale ;
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
//Calculate the y-offset of the status bar dependent on where the user is looking
int Sbar_GetYOffset ( )
if ( hmdorientation [ PITCH ] < = 15.0f | | ! vrMode )
return 0 ;
int offset = ( vid_conheight . value * ( ( hmdorientation [ PITCH ] - 15.0f ) / 90.0f ) ) ;
if ( offset < 0 ) offset = 0 ;
return offset ;
2022-12-22 22:22:52 +00:00
qboolean VR_UseScreenLayer ( ) ;
2021-02-03 22:13:37 +00:00
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
int Sbar_GetXOffset ( )
2022-12-22 22:22:52 +00:00
if ( VR_UseScreenLayer ( ) )
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
return 0 ;
//This will give the status bar depth in the 3D space
return ( r_stereo_side ? - 20 : 20 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Tab key down
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_ShowScores ( void )
if ( sb_showscores )
return ;
sb_showscores = true ;
CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState ( sb_showscores ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Tab key up
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DontShowScores ( void )
sb_showscores = false ;
CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState ( sb_showscores ) ;
static void sbar_start ( void )
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
int i ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_DELUXEQUAKE | | gamemode = = GAME_BLOODOMNICIDE )
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + )
sb_nums [ 0 ] [ i ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/num_%i " , i ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_nums [ 0 ] [ 10 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/num_minus " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_colon = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/num_colon " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_shells " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_bullets " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_rocket " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_cells " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_armor [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_armor " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_armor [ 1 ] = NULL ;
sb_armor [ 2 ] = NULL ;
sb_health = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_health " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_slowmo " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_invinc " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_energy " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 5 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_str " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 11 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_red_taken " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 12 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_red_lost " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 13 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_red_carrying " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 14 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_key_carrying " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 15 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_blue_taken " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 16 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_blue_lost " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 17 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_flag_blue_carrying " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sbar = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sbar " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sbar_minimal = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sbar_minimal " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sbar_overlay = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sbar_overlay " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i + + )
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ i ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inv_weapon%i " , i ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_ZYMOTIC )
zymsb_crosshair_center = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_center " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_line = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_line " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_health = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_health " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_clip = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_clip " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_ammo = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_ammo " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_background = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_background " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_left1 = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_left1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_left2 = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_left2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
zymsb_crosshair_right = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/hud/crosshair_right " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_disc = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/disc " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + )
sb_nums [ 0 ] [ i ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/num_%i " , i ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_nums [ 1 ] [ i ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/anum_%i " , i ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_nums [ 0 ] [ 10 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/num_minus " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_nums [ 1 ] [ 10 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/anum_minus " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_colon = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/num_colon " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_slash = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/num_slash " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_shotgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_sshotgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_nailgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_snailgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_rlaunch " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 5 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_srlaunch " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 6 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_lightng " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_shotgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_sshotgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_nailgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_snailgun " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_rlaunch " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 5 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_srlaunch " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 6 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_lightng " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_shotgun " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_sshotgun " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_nailgun " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_snailgun " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_rlaunch " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 5 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_srlaunch " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 6 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_lightng " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_shells " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_nails " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_rocket " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ammo [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_cells " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_armor [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_armor1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_armor [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_armor2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_armor [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_armor3 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_key1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_key2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_invis " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_invuln " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_suit " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_items [ 5 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_quad " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sigil [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_sigil1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sigil [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_sigil2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sigil [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_sigil3 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sigil [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_sigil4 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 4 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 4 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_p1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 3 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_p2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face3 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_p3 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face4 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_p4 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face5 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_faces [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_p5 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_face_invis = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_invis " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_face_invuln = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_invul2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_face_invis_invuln = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_inv2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_face_quad = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/face_quad " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_sbar = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sbar " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ibar = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/ibar " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_scorebar = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/scorebar " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
//MED 01/04/97 added new hipnotic weapons
if ( gamemode = = GAME_HIPNOTIC | | gamemode = = GAME_QUOTH )
hsb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_laser " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_mjolnir " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_gren_prox " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_prox_gren " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 0 ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv_prox " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_laser " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_mjolnir " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_gren_prox " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_prox_gren " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 1 ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inv2_prox " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
hsb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_laser " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_mjolnir " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_gren_prox " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_prox_gren " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_weapons [ 2 + i ] [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/inva%i_prox " , i + 1 ) , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_items [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_wsuit " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
hsb_items [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/sb_eshld " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
rsb_invbar [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_invbar1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_invbar [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_invbar2 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_weapons [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_lava " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_weapons [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_superlava " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_weapons [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_gren " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_weapons [ 3 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_multirock " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_weapons [ 4 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_plasma " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_items [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_shield1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_items [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_agrav1 " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
// PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
rsb_teambord = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_teambord " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
// PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
rsb_ammo [ 0 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_ammolava " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_ammo [ 1 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_ammomulti " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
rsb_ammo [ 2 ] = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/r_ammoplasma " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_ranking = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/ranking " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_complete = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/complete " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_inter = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/inter " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
sb_finale = Draw_CachePic_Flags ( " gfx/finale " , CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET ) ;
static void sbar_shutdown ( void )
static void sbar_newmap ( void )
void Sbar_Init ( void )
Cmd_AddCommand ( " +showscores " , Sbar_ShowScores , " show scoreboard " ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " -showscores " , Sbar_DontShowScores , " hide scoreboard " ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showfps ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showsound ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showblur ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showspeed ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showtopspeed ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showtime ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showtime_format ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showdate ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showdate_format ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & showtex ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_alpha_bg ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_alpha_fg ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_hudselector ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_scorerank ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_gametime ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_miniscoreboard_size ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_info_pos ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & cl_deathscoreboard ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & crosshair_color_red ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & crosshair_color_green ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & crosshair_color_blue ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & crosshair_color_alpha ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & crosshair_size ) ;
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_flagstatus_right ) ; // (GAME_NEXUZI ONLY)
Cvar_RegisterVariable ( & sbar_flagstatus_pos ) ; // (GAME_NEXUIZ ONLY)
R_RegisterModule ( " sbar " , sbar_start , sbar_shutdown , sbar_newmap , NULL , NULL ) ;
// drawing routines are relative to the status bar location
int sbar_x , sbar_y ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( int x , int y , cachepic_t * pic , float alpha , float overridewidth , float overrideheight )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + x , sbar_y + y , pic , overridewidth , overrideheight , 1 , 1 , 1 , alpha , 0 ) ;
static void Sbar_DrawPic ( int x , int y , cachepic_t * pic )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + x , sbar_y + y , pic , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
static void Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( int x , int y , cachepic_t * pic , float alpha )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + x , sbar_y + y , pic , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , alpha , 0 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Draws one solid graphics character
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawCharacter ( int x , int y , int num )
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
DrawQ_String ( sbar_x + x + 4 , sbar_y + y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %c " , num ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_SBAR ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawString ( int x , int y , char * str )
DrawQ_String ( sbar_x + x , sbar_y + y , str , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawNum ( int x , int y , int num , int digits , int color )
char str [ 32 ] , * ptr ;
int l , frame ;
l = dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " %i " , num ) ;
ptr = str ;
if ( l > digits )
ptr + = ( l - digits ) ;
if ( l < digits )
x + = ( digits - l ) * 24 ;
while ( * ptr )
if ( * ptr = = ' - ' )
frame = STAT_MINUS ;
frame = * ptr - ' 0 ' ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( x , y , sb_nums [ color ] [ frame ] ) ;
x + = 24 ;
ptr + + ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawXNum ( int x , int y , int num , int digits , int lettersize , float r , float g , float b , float a , int flags )
char str [ 32 ] , * ptr ;
int l , frame ;
if ( digits < 0 )
digits = - digits ;
l = dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " %0*i " , digits , num ) ;
l = dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " %i " , num ) ;
ptr = str ;
if ( l > digits )
ptr + = ( l - digits ) ;
if ( l < digits )
x + = ( digits - l ) * lettersize ;
while ( * ptr )
if ( * ptr = = ' - ' )
frame = STAT_MINUS ;
frame = * ptr - ' 0 ' ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + x , sbar_y + y , sb_nums [ 0 ] [ frame ] , lettersize , lettersize , r , g , b , a * sbar_alpha_fg . value , flags ) ;
x + = lettersize ;
ptr + + ;
static int Sbar_IsTeammatch ( void )
// currently only nexuiz uses the team score board
return ( ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ )
& & ( teamplay . integer > 0 ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int fragsort [ MAX_SCOREBOARD ] ;
static int scoreboardlines ;
int Sbar_GetSortedPlayerIndex ( int index )
return index > = 0 & & index < scoreboardlines ? fragsort [ index ] : - 1 ;
static scoreboard_t teams [ MAX_SCOREBOARD ] ;
static int teamsort [ MAX_SCOREBOARD ] ;
static int teamlines ;
void Sbar_SortFrags ( void )
int i , j , k , color ;
// sort by frags
scoreboardlines = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cl . maxclients ; i + + )
if ( cl . scores [ i ] . name [ 0 ] )
fragsort [ scoreboardlines ] = i ;
scoreboardlines + + ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < scoreboardlines ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < scoreboardlines - 1 - i ; j + + )
if ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ j ] ] . frags < cl . scores [ fragsort [ j + 1 ] ] . frags )
k = fragsort [ j ] ;
fragsort [ j ] = fragsort [ j + 1 ] ;
fragsort [ j + 1 ] = k ;
teamlines = 0 ;
if ( Sbar_IsTeammatch ( ) )
// now sort players by teams.
for ( i = 0 ; i < scoreboardlines ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < scoreboardlines - 1 - i ; j + + )
if ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ j ] ] . colors < cl . scores [ fragsort [ j + 1 ] ] . colors )
k = fragsort [ j ] ;
fragsort [ j ] = fragsort [ j + 1 ] ;
fragsort [ j + 1 ] = k ;
// calculate team scores
color = - 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < scoreboardlines ; i + + )
if ( color ! = ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ i ] ] . colors & 15 ) )
const char * teamname ;
color = cl . scores [ fragsort [ i ] ] . colors & 15 ;
teamlines + + ;
switch ( color )
case 4 :
teamname = " ^1Red Team " ;
break ;
case 13 :
teamname = " ^4Blue Team " ;
break ;
case 9 :
teamname = " ^6Pink Team " ;
break ;
case 12 :
teamname = " ^3Yellow Team " ;
break ;
default :
teamname = " Total Team Score " ;
break ;
strlcpy ( teams [ teamlines - 1 ] . name , teamname , sizeof ( teams [ teamlines - 1 ] . name ) ) ;
teams [ teamlines - 1 ] . frags = 0 ;
teams [ teamlines - 1 ] . colors = color + 16 * color ;
if ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ i ] ] . frags ! = - 666 )
// do not add spedcators
// (ugly hack for nexuiz)
teams [ teamlines - 1 ] . frags + = cl . scores [ fragsort [ i ] ] . frags ;
// now sort teams by scores.
for ( i = 0 ; i < teamlines ; i + + )
teamsort [ i ] = i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < teamlines ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < teamlines - 1 - i ; j + + )
if ( teams [ teamsort [ j ] ] . frags < teams [ teamsort [ j + 1 ] ] . frags )
k = teamsort [ j ] ;
teamsort [ j ] = teamsort [ j + 1 ] ;
teamsort [ j + 1 ] = k ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_SoloScoreboard ( void )
# if 1
char str [ 80 ] , timestr [ 40 ] ;
int max , timelen ;
int minutes , seconds ;
double t ;
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
t = ( cl . intermission ? cl . completed_time : cl . time ) ;
minutes = ( int ) ( t / 60 ) ;
seconds = ( int ) ( t - 60 * floor ( t / 60 ) ) ;
// monsters and secrets are now both on the top row
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALMONSTERS ] )
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 , 4 , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " Monsters:%3i /%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALMONSTERS ] ) ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] ) // LA: Display something if monsters_killed is non-zero, but total_monsters is zero
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 , 4 , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " Monsters:%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] ) ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALSECRETS ] )
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 + 22 * 8 , 4 , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " Secrets:%3i /%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALSECRETS ] ) ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] ) // LA: And similarly for secrets
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 + 22 * 8 , 4 , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " Secrets:%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] ) ) ;
// format is like this: e1m1:The Sligpate Complex
dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " %s:%s " , cl . worldbasename , cl . worldmessage ) ;
// if there's a newline character, terminate the string there
if ( strchr ( str , ' \n ' ) )
* ( strchr ( str , ' \n ' ) ) = 0 ;
// make the time string
timelen = dpsnprintf ( timestr , sizeof ( timestr ) , " %i:%02i " , minutes , seconds ) ;
// truncate the level name if necessary to make room for time
max = 38 - timelen ;
if ( ( int ) strlen ( str ) > max )
str [ max ] = 0 ;
// print the filename and message
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 , 12 , str ) ;
// print the time
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 + max * 8 , 12 , timestr ) ;
# else
char str [ 80 ] ;
int minutes , seconds , tens , units ;
int l ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ ) {
dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " Monsters:%3i /%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALMONSTERS ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 , 4 , str ) ;
dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " Secrets :%3i /%3i " , cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALSECRETS ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawString ( 8 , 12 , str ) ;
// time
minutes = ( int ) ( cl . time / 60 ) ;
seconds = ( int ) ( cl . time - 60 * minutes ) ;
tens = seconds / 10 ;
units = seconds - 10 * tens ;
dpsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) , " Time :%3i:%i%i " , minutes , tens , units ) ;
Sbar_DrawString ( 184 , 4 , str ) ;
// draw level name
if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ ) {
l = ( int ) strlen ( cl . worldname ) ;
Sbar_DrawString ( 232 - l * 4 , 12 , cl . worldname ) ;
} else {
l = ( int ) strlen ( cl . worldmessage ) ;
Sbar_DrawString ( 232 - l * 4 , 12 , cl . worldmessage ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( void )
Sbar_SoloScoreboard ( ) ;
// LordHavoc: changed to draw the deathmatch overlays in any multiplayer mode
//if (cl.gametype == GAME_DEATHMATCH)
if ( ! cl . islocalgame )
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ( ) ;
// AK to make DrawInventory smaller
static void Sbar_DrawWeapon ( int nr , float fade , int active )
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
if ( sbar_hudselector . integer = = 1 )
// width = 300, height = 100
const int w_width = 32 , w_height = 12 , w_space = 2 , font_size = 8 ;
DrawQ_Pic ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - w_width * 9 ) * 0.5 + w_width * nr , vid_conheight . integer - w_height , sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ nr ] , w_width , w_height , ( active ) ? 1 : 0.6 , active ? 1 : 0.6 , active ? 1 : 0.6 , ( active ? 1 : 0.6 ) * fade * sbar_alpha_fg . value , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
// FIXME ??
DrawQ_String ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - w_width * 9 ) * 0.5 + w_width * nr + w_space , vid_conheight . integer - w_height + w_space , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %i " , nr + 1 ) , 0 , font_size , font_size , 1 , 1 , 0 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_DEFAULT ) ;
// width = 300, height = 100
const int w_width = 300 , w_height = 100 , w_space = 10 ;
const float w_scale = 0.4 ;
DrawQ_Pic ( vid_conwidth . integer - ( w_width + w_space ) * w_scale , ( w_height + w_space ) * w_scale * nr + w_space , sb_weapons [ 0 ] [ nr ] , w_width * w_scale , w_height * w_scale , ( active ) ? 1 : 0.6 , active ? 1 : 0.6 , active ? 1 : 1 , fade * sbar_alpha_fg . value , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
//DrawQ_String(vid_conwidth.integer - (w_space + font_size ), (w_height + w_space) * w_scale * nr + w_space, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i",nr+1), 0, font_size, font_size, 1, 0, 0, fade, 0, NULL, true, FONT_DEFAULT);
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawInventory ( void )
int i ;
char num [ 6 ] ;
float time ;
int flashon ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] > = RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN )
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , - 24 , rsb_invbar [ 0 ] , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , - 24 , rsb_invbar [ 1 ] , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , - 24 , sb_ibar , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
// weapons
for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( IT_SHOTGUN < < i ) )
time = cl . item_gettime [ i ] ;
flashon = ( int ) ( max ( 0 , cl . time - time ) * 10 ) ;
if ( flashon > = 10 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] = = ( IT_SHOTGUN < < i ) )
flashon = 1 ;
flashon = 0 ;
flashon = ( flashon % 5 ) + 2 ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( i * 24 , - 16 , sb_weapons [ flashon ] [ i ] ) ;
// MED 01/04/97
// hipnotic weapons
if ( gamemode = = GAME_HIPNOTIC | | gamemode = = GAME_QUOTH )
int grenadeflashing = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < hipweapons [ i ] ) )
time = max ( 0 , cl . item_gettime [ hipweapons [ i ] ] ) ;
flashon = ( int ) ( ( cl . time - time ) * 10 ) ;
if ( flashon > = 10 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] = = ( 1 < < hipweapons [ i ] ) )
flashon = 1 ;
flashon = 0 ;
flashon = ( flashon % 5 ) + 2 ;
// check grenade launcher
if ( i = = 2 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & HIT_PROXIMITY_GUN )
if ( flashon )
grenadeflashing = 1 ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 96 , - 16 , hsb_weapons [ flashon ] [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( i = = 3 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( IT_SHOTGUN < < 4 ) )
if ( ! grenadeflashing )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 96 , - 16 , hsb_weapons [ flashon ] [ 3 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 96 , - 16 , hsb_weapons [ flashon ] [ 4 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 176 + ( i * 24 ) , - 16 , hsb_weapons [ flashon ] [ i ] ) ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
// check for powered up weapon.
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] > = RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] = = ( RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN < < i ) )
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( i + 2 ) * 24 , - 16 , rsb_weapons [ i ] ) ;
// ammo counts
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
dpsnprintf ( num , sizeof ( num ) , " %4i " , cl . stats [ STAT_SHELLS + i ] ) ;
if ( num [ 0 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( ( 6 * i + 0 ) * 8 - 2 , - 24 , 18 + num [ 0 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( num [ 1 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( ( 6 * i + 1 ) * 8 - 2 , - 24 , 18 + num [ 1 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( num [ 2 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( ( 6 * i + 2 ) * 8 - 2 , - 24 , 18 + num [ 2 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( num [ 3 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( ( 6 * i + 3 ) * 8 - 2 , - 24 , 18 + num [ 3 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
// items
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < ( 17 + i ) ) )
//MED 01/04/97 changed keys
if ( ! ( gamemode = = GAME_HIPNOTIC | | gamemode = = GAME_QUOTH ) | | ( i > 1 ) )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 192 + i * 16 , - 16 , sb_items [ i ] ) ;
//MED 01/04/97 added hipnotic items
// hipnotic items
if ( gamemode = = GAME_HIPNOTIC | | gamemode = = GAME_QUOTH )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < ( 24 + i ) ) )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 288 + i * 16 , - 16 , hsb_items [ i ] ) ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
// new rogue items
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < ( 29 + i ) ) )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 288 + i * 16 , - 16 , rsb_items [ i ] ) ;
// sigils
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < ( 28 + i ) ) )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 320 - 32 + i * 8 , - 16 , sb_sigil [ i ] ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawFrags ( void )
int i , k , l , x , f ;
char num [ 12 ] ;
scoreboard_t * s ;
unsigned char * c ;
Sbar_SortFrags ( ) ;
// draw the text
l = min ( scoreboardlines , 4 ) ;
x = 23 * 8 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i + + )
k = fragsort [ i ] ;
s = & cl . scores [ k ] ;
// draw background
c = palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard [ ( s - > colors & 0xf0 ) > > 4 ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( sbar_x + x + 10 , sbar_y - 23 , 28 , 4 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
c = palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard [ s - > colors & 0xf ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( sbar_x + x + 10 , sbar_y + 4 - 23 , 28 , 3 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// draw number
f = s - > frags ;
dpsnprintf ( num , sizeof ( num ) , " %3i " , f ) ;
if ( k = = cl . viewentity - 1 )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( x + 2 , - 24 , 16 ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( x + 32 - 4 , - 24 , 17 ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( x + 8 , - 24 , num [ 0 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( x + 16 , - 24 , num [ 1 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( x + 24 , - 24 , num [ 2 ] ) ;
x + = 32 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Sbar_DrawFace ( void )
int f ;
// PGM 01/19/97 - team color drawing
// PGM 03/02/97 - fixed so color swatch only appears in CTF modes
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE & & ! cl . islocalgame & & ( teamplay . integer > 3 ) & & ( teamplay . integer < 7 ) )
char num [ 12 ] ;
scoreboard_t * s ;
unsigned char * c ;
s = & cl . scores [ cl . viewentity - 1 ] ;
// draw background
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , rsb_teambord ) ;
c = palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard [ ( s - > colors & 0xf0 ) > > 4 ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( sbar_x + 113 , vid_conheight . integer - SBAR_HEIGHT + 3 , 22 , 9 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
c = palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard [ s - > colors & 0xf ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( sbar_x + 113 , vid_conheight . integer - SBAR_HEIGHT + 12 , 22 , 9 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// draw number
f = s - > frags ;
dpsnprintf ( num , sizeof ( num ) , " %3i " , f ) ;
if ( ( s - > colors & 0xf0 ) = = 0 )
if ( num [ 0 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 109 , 3 , 18 + num [ 0 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( num [ 1 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 116 , 3 , 18 + num [ 1 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( num [ 2 ] ! = ' ' )
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 123 , 3 , 18 + num [ 2 ] - ' 0 ' ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 109 , 3 , num [ 0 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 116 , 3 , num [ 1 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawCharacter ( 123 , 3 , num [ 2 ] ) ;
return ;
// PGM 01/19/97 - team color drawing
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , sb_face_invis_invuln ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_QUAD )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , sb_face_quad ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_INVISIBILITY )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , sb_face_invis ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_INVULNERABILITY )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , sb_face_invuln ) ;
f = cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] / 20 ;
f = bound ( 0 , f , 4 ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 112 , 0 , sb_faces [ f ] [ cl . time < = cl . faceanimtime ] ) ;
double topspeed = 0 ;
double topspeedxy = 0 ;
time_t current_time = 3 ;
time_t top_time = 0 ;
time_t topxy_time = 0 ;
static void get_showspeed_unit ( int unitnumber , double * conversion_factor , const char * * unit )
if ( unitnumber < 0 )
unitnumber = showspeed . integer ;
switch ( unitnumber )
default :
case 1 :
if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ | | gamemode = = GAME_XONOTIC )
* unit = " in/s " ;
* unit = " qu/s " ;
* conversion_factor = 1.0 ;
break ;
case 2 :
* unit = " m/s " ;
* conversion_factor = 0.0254 ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ & & gamemode ! = GAME_XONOTIC ) * conversion_factor * = 1.5 ;
// 1qu=1.5in is for non-Nexuiz/Xonotic only - Nexuiz/Xonotic players are overly large, but 1qu=1in fixes that
break ;
case 3 :
* unit = " km/h " ;
* conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 3.6 ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ & & gamemode ! = GAME_XONOTIC ) * conversion_factor * = 1.5 ;
break ;
case 4 :
* unit = " mph " ;
* conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 3.6 * 0.6213711922 ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ & & gamemode ! = GAME_XONOTIC ) * conversion_factor * = 1.5 ;
break ;
case 5 :
* unit = " knots " ;
* conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 1.943844492 ; // 1 m/s = 1.943844492 knots, because 1 knot = 1.852 km/h
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ & & gamemode ! = GAME_XONOTIC ) * conversion_factor * = 1.5 ;
break ;
static double showfps_nexttime = 0 , showfps_lasttime = - 1 ;
static double showfps_framerate = 0 ;
static int showfps_framecount = 0 ;
void Sbar_ShowFPS_Update ( void )
double interval = 1 ;
double newtime ;
newtime = realtime ;
if ( newtime > = showfps_nexttime )
showfps_framerate = showfps_framecount / ( newtime - showfps_lasttime ) ;
if ( showfps_nexttime < newtime - interval * 1.5 )
showfps_nexttime = newtime ;
showfps_lasttime = newtime ;
showfps_nexttime + = interval ;
showfps_framecount = 0 ;
showfps_framecount + + ;
void Sbar_ShowFPS ( void )
float fps_x , fps_y , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , fps_strings = 0 ;
char soundstring [ 32 ] ;
char fpsstring [ 32 ] ;
char timestring [ 32 ] ;
char datestring [ 32 ] ;
char timedemostring1 [ 32 ] ;
char timedemostring2 [ 32 ] ;
char speedstring [ 32 ] ;
char blurstring [ 32 ] ;
char topspeedstring [ 48 ] ;
char texstring [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
qboolean red = false ;
soundstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
fpsstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
timedemostring1 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
timedemostring2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
timestring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
datestring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
speedstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
blurstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
texstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
topspeedstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( showfps . integer )
red = ( showfps_framerate < 1.0f ) ;
if ( showfps . integer = = 2 )
dpsnprintf ( fpsstring , sizeof ( fpsstring ) , " %7.3f mspf " , ( 1000.0 / showfps_framerate ) ) ;
else if ( red )
dpsnprintf ( fpsstring , sizeof ( fpsstring ) , " %4i spf " , ( int ) ( 1.0 / showfps_framerate + 0.5 ) ) ;
dpsnprintf ( fpsstring , sizeof ( fpsstring ) , " %4i fps " , ( int ) ( showfps_framerate + 0.5 ) ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( cls . timedemo )
dpsnprintf ( timedemostring1 , sizeof ( timedemostring1 ) , " frame%4i %f " , cls . td_frames , realtime - cls . td_starttime ) ;
dpsnprintf ( timedemostring2 , sizeof ( timedemostring2 ) , " %i seconds %3.0f/%3.0f/%3.0f fps " , cls . td_onesecondavgcount , cls . td_onesecondminfps , cls . td_onesecondavgfps / max ( 1 , cls . td_onesecondavgcount ) , cls . td_onesecondmaxfps ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showtime . integer )
strlcpy ( timestring , Sys_TimeString ( showtime_format . string ) , sizeof ( timestring ) ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showdate . integer )
strlcpy ( datestring , Sys_TimeString ( showdate_format . string ) , sizeof ( datestring ) ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showblur . integer )
dpsnprintf ( blurstring , sizeof ( blurstring ) , " %3i%% blur " , ( int ) ( cl . motionbluralpha * 100 ) ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showsound . integer )
dpsnprintf ( soundstring , sizeof ( soundstring ) , " %4i/4%i at %3ims " , cls . soundstats . mixedsounds , cls . soundstats . totalsounds , cls . soundstats . latency_milliseconds ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showspeed . integer | | showtopspeed . integer )
double speed , speedxy , f ;
const char * unit ;
speed = VectorLength ( cl . movement_velocity ) ;
speedxy = sqrt ( cl . movement_velocity [ 0 ] * cl . movement_velocity [ 0 ] + cl . movement_velocity [ 1 ] * cl . movement_velocity [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( showspeed . integer )
get_showspeed_unit ( showspeed . integer , & f , & unit ) ;
dpsnprintf ( speedstring , sizeof ( speedstring ) , " %.0f (%.0f) %s " , f * speed , f * speedxy , unit ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showtopspeed . integer )
qboolean topspeed_latched = false , topspeedxy_latched = false ;
get_showspeed_unit ( showtopspeed . integer , & f , & unit ) ;
if ( speed > = topspeed | | current_time - top_time > 3 )
topspeed = speed ;
time ( & top_time ) ;
topspeed_latched = true ;
if ( speedxy > = topspeedxy | | current_time - topxy_time > 3 )
topspeedxy = speedxy ;
time ( & topxy_time ) ;
topspeedxy_latched = true ;
dpsnprintf ( topspeedstring , sizeof ( topspeedstring ) , " %s%.0f%s (%s%.0f%s) %s " ,
topspeed_latched ? " ^1 " : " ^xf88 " , f * topspeed , " ^xf88 " ,
topspeedxy_latched ? " ^1 " : " ^xf88 " , f * topspeedxy , " ^xf88 " ,
unit ) ;
time ( & current_time ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( showtex . integer )
vec3_t org ;
vec3_t dest ;
vec3_t temp ;
trace_t trace ;
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix ( & r_refdef . view . matrix , org ) ;
VectorSet ( temp , 65536 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Matrix4x4_Transform ( & r_refdef . view . matrix , temp , dest ) ;
trace . hittexture = NULL ; // to make sure
// TODO change this trace to be stopped by anything "visible" (i.e. with a drawsurface), but not stuff like weapclip
// probably needs adding a new SUPERCONTENTS type
trace = CL_TraceLine ( org , dest , MOVE_NORMAL , NULL , SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID , true , false , NULL , true , true ) ;
if ( trace . hittexture )
strlcpy ( texstring , trace . hittexture - > name , sizeof ( texstring ) ) ;
strlcpy ( texstring , " (no texture hit) " , sizeof ( texstring ) ) ;
fps_strings + + ;
if ( fps_strings )
fps_scalex = 12 ;
fps_scaley = 12 ;
//fps_y = vid_conheight.integer - sb_lines; // yes this may draw over the sbar
//fps_y = bound(0, fps_y, vid_conheight.integer - fps_strings*fps_scaley);
fps_y = vid_conheight . integer - sbar_info_pos . integer - fps_strings * fps_scaley ;
if ( soundstring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( soundstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , soundstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( fpsstring [ 0 ] )
r_draw2d_force = true ;
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( fpsstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
if ( red )
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , fpsstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , fpsstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
r_draw2d_force = false ;
if ( timedemostring1 [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( timedemostring1 , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , timedemostring1 , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( timedemostring2 [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( timedemostring2 , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , timedemostring2 , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( timestring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( timestring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , timestring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( datestring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( datestring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , datestring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( speedstring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( speedstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , speedstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( topspeedstring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( topspeedstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , false , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , topspeedstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( blurstring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( blurstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , blurstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
if ( texstring [ 0 ] )
fps_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer / 2 ) - ( DrawQ_TextWidth ( texstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) / 2 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
DrawQ_String ( fps_x , fps_y , texstring , 0 , fps_scalex , fps_scaley , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , NULL , true , FONT_INFOBAR ) ;
fps_y + = fps_scaley ;
static void Sbar_DrawGauge ( float x , float y , cachepic_t * pic , float width , float height , float rangey , float rangeheight , float c1 , float c2 , float c1r , float c1g , float c1b , float c1a , float c2r , float c2g , float c2b , float c2a , float c3r , float c3g , float c3b , float c3a , int drawflags )
float r [ 5 ] ;
c2 = bound ( 0 , c2 , 1 ) ;
c1 = bound ( 0 , c1 , 1 - c2 ) ;
r [ 0 ] = 0 ;
r [ 1 ] = rangey + rangeheight * ( c2 + c1 ) ;
r [ 2 ] = rangey + rangeheight * ( c2 ) ;
r [ 3 ] = rangey ;
r [ 4 ] = height ;
if ( r [ 1 ] > r [ 0 ] )
DrawQ_SuperPic ( x , y + r [ 0 ] , pic , width , ( r [ 1 ] - r [ 0 ] ) , 0 , ( r [ 0 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 1 , ( r [ 0 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 0 , ( r [ 1 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 1 , ( r [ 1 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , drawflags ) ;
if ( r [ 2 ] > r [ 1 ] )
DrawQ_SuperPic ( x , y + r [ 1 ] , pic , width , ( r [ 2 ] - r [ 1 ] ) , 0 , ( r [ 1 ] / height ) , c1r , c1g , c1b , c1a , 1 , ( r [ 1 ] / height ) , c1r , c1g , c1b , c1a , 0 , ( r [ 2 ] / height ) , c1r , c1g , c1b , c1a , 1 , ( r [ 2 ] / height ) , c1r , c1g , c1b , c1a , drawflags ) ;
if ( r [ 3 ] > r [ 2 ] )
DrawQ_SuperPic ( x , y + r [ 2 ] , pic , width , ( r [ 3 ] - r [ 2 ] ) , 0 , ( r [ 2 ] / height ) , c2r , c2g , c2b , c2a , 1 , ( r [ 2 ] / height ) , c2r , c2g , c2b , c2a , 0 , ( r [ 3 ] / height ) , c2r , c2g , c2b , c2a , 1 , ( r [ 3 ] / height ) , c2r , c2g , c2b , c2a , drawflags ) ;
if ( r [ 4 ] > r [ 3 ] )
DrawQ_SuperPic ( x , y + r [ 3 ] , pic , width , ( r [ 4 ] - r [ 3 ] ) , 0 , ( r [ 3 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 1 , ( r [ 3 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 0 , ( r [ 4 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , 1 , ( r [ 4 ] / height ) , c3r , c3g , c3b , c3a , drawflags ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
extern float v_dmg_time , v_dmg_roll , v_dmg_pitch ;
extern cvar_t v_kicktime ;
void Sbar_Score ( int margin ) ;
void Sbar_Draw ( void )
cachepic_t * pic ;
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
if ( cl . csqc_vidvars . drawenginesbar ) //[515]: csqc drawsbar
if ( sb_showscores )
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( ) ;
else if ( cl . intermission = = 1 )
if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ ) // display full scoreboard (that is, show scores + map name)
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( ) ;
return ;
Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ( ) ;
else if ( cl . intermission = = 2 )
Sbar_FinaleOverlay ( ) ;
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_DELUXEQUAKE )
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ )
if ( sb_showscores | | ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 & & cl_deathscoreboard . integer ) )
sbar_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer - 640 ) / 2 + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
sbar_y = vid_conheight . integer - ( Sbar_GetYOffset ( ) + 40 ) ;
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_scorebar , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( ) ;
else if ( sb_lines & & sbar_hudselector . integer = = 1 )
int i ;
float fade ;
int redflag , blueflag ;
float x ;
sbar_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer - 320 ) / 2 + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
sbar_y = vid_conheight . integer - ( Sbar_GetYOffset ( ) + 40 ) ;
// calculate intensity to draw weapons bar at
fade = 3.2 - 2 * ( cl . time - cl . weapontime ) ;
fade = bound ( 0.7 , fade , 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < i ) )
Sbar_DrawWeapon ( i + 1 , fade , ( i + 2 = = cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] ) ) ;
if ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < 12 ) ) )
Sbar_DrawWeapon ( 0 , fade , ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] = = 1 ) ) ;
// flag icons
redflag = ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] > > 15 ) & 3 ) ;
blueflag = ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] > > 17 ) & 3 ) ;
x = sbar_flagstatus_right . integer ? vid_conwidth . integer - 10 - sbar_x - 64 : 10 - sbar_x ;
if ( redflag = = 3 & & blueflag = = 3 )
// The Impossible Combination[tm]
// Can only happen in Key Hunt mode...
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , ( int ) ( ( vid_conheight . integer - sbar_y ) - ( sbar_flagstatus_pos . value + 128 ) ) , sb_items [ 14 ] ) ;
if ( redflag )
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , ( int ) ( ( vid_conheight . integer - sbar_y ) - ( sbar_flagstatus_pos . value + 64 ) ) , sb_items [ redflag + 10 ] ) ;
if ( blueflag )
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , ( int ) ( ( vid_conheight . integer - sbar_y ) - ( sbar_flagstatus_pos . value + 128 ) ) , sb_items [ blueflag + 14 ] ) ;
// armor
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] > 0 )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 72 , 0 , sb_armor [ 0 ] , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] > 200 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 0 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] > 100 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 0 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 0.2 , 1 , 0.2 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] > 50 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 0 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] > 25 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 0 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 0 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// health
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] ! = 0 )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 184 , 0 , sb_health , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 200 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 112 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 100 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 112 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0.2 , 1 , 0.2 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 50 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 112 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 25 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 112 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 112 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// ammo
if ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( NEX_IT_SHELLS | NEX_IT_BULLETS | NEX_IT_ROCKETS | NEX_IT_CELLS ) ) | | cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] ! = 0 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_SHELLS )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 296 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 0 ] , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_BULLETS )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 296 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 1 ] , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_ROCKETS )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 296 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 2 ] , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_CELLS )
Sbar_DrawStretchPic ( 296 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 3 ] , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 24 , 24 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] > 10 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 224 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( 224 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] , 3 , 24 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sbar_x + 320 + 160 < = vid_conwidth . integer )
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( sbar_x + 320 , sbar_y ) ;
if ( sbar_x > 0 )
Sbar_Score ( 16 ) ;
// The margin can be at most 8 to support 640x480 console size:
// 320 + 2 * (144 + 16) = 640
else if ( sb_lines )
int i ;
float fade ;
int redflag , blueflag ;
float x ;
sbar_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer - 640 ) / 2 + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
sbar_y = vid_conheight . integer - ( Sbar_GetYOffset ( ) + 40 ) ;
// calculate intensity to draw weapons bar at
fade = 3 - 2 * ( cl . time - cl . weapontime ) ;
if ( fade > 0 )
fade = min ( fade , 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < i ) )
Sbar_DrawWeapon ( i + 1 , fade , ( i + 2 = = cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] ) ) ;
if ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 < < 12 ) ) )
Sbar_DrawWeapon ( 0 , fade , ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] = = 1 ) ) ;
//if (!cl.islocalgame)
// Sbar_DrawFrags ();
if ( sb_lines > 24 )
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_sbar , sbar_alpha_fg . value ) ;
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_sbar_minimal , sbar_alpha_fg . value ) ;
// flag icons
redflag = ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] > > 15 ) & 3 ) ;
blueflag = ( ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] > > 17 ) & 3 ) ;
x = sbar_flagstatus_right . integer ? vid_conwidth . integer - 10 - sbar_x - 64 : 10 - sbar_x ;
if ( redflag = = 3 & & blueflag = = 3 )
// The Impossible Combination[tm]
// Can only happen in Key Hunt mode...
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , - 179 , sb_items [ 14 ] ) ;
if ( redflag )
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , - 117 , sb_items [ redflag + 10 ] ) ;
if ( blueflag )
Sbar_DrawPic ( ( int ) x , - 177 , sb_items [ blueflag + 14 ] ) ;
// armor
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 340 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// health
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 100 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 154 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 25 & & cl . time - ( int ) cl . time > 0.5 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 154 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 154 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// AK dont draw ammo for the laser
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ] ! = 12 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_SHELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 519 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_BULLETS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 519 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_ROCKETS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 519 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & NEX_IT_CELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 519 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] < = 10 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 519 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] , 3 , 24 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( ( 519 - 3 * 24 ) , 12 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] , 3 , 24 , 0.6 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sb_lines > 24 )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x , sbar_y , sb_sbar_overlay , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , DRAWFLAG_MODULATE ) ;
if ( sbar_x + 600 + 160 < = vid_conwidth . integer )
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( sbar_x + 600 , sbar_y ) ;
if ( sbar_x > 0 )
Sbar_Score ( - 16 ) ;
// Because:
// Mini scoreboard uses 12*4 per other team, that is, 144
// pixels when there are four teams...
// Nexuiz by default sets vid_conwidth to 800... makes
// sbar_x == 80...
// so we need to shift it by 64 pixels to the right to fit
// BUT: then it overlaps with the image that gets drawn
// for viewsize 100! Therefore, just account for 3 teams,
// that is, 96 pixels mini scoreboard size, needing 16 pixels
// to the right!
else if ( gamemode = = GAME_ZYMOTIC )
# if 1
float scale = 64.0f / 256.0f ;
float kickoffset [ 3 ] ;
VectorClear ( kickoffset ) ;
if ( v_dmg_time > 0 )
kickoffset [ 0 ] = ( v_dmg_time / v_kicktime . value * v_dmg_roll ) * 10 * scale ;
kickoffset [ 1 ] = ( v_dmg_time / v_kicktime . value * v_dmg_pitch ) * 10 * scale ;
sbar_x = ( int ) ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - 256 * scale ) / 2 + kickoffset [ 0 ] ) ;
sbar_y = ( int ) ( ( vid_conheight . integer - 256 * scale ) / 2 + kickoffset [ 1 ] ) ;
// left1 16, 48 : 126 -66
// left2 16, 128 : 196 -66
// right 176, 48 : 196 -136
Sbar_DrawGauge ( sbar_x + 16 * scale , sbar_y + 48 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_left1 , 64 * scale , 80 * scale , 78 * scale , - 66 * scale , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] * ( 1.0 / 200.0 ) , cl . stats [ STAT_SHELLS ] * ( 1.0 / 200.0 ) , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.8f , 0.5f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
Sbar_DrawGauge ( sbar_x + 16 * scale , sbar_y + 128 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_left2 , 64 * scale , 80 * scale , 68 * scale , - 66 * scale , cl . stats [ STAT_NAILS ] * ( 1.0 / 200.0 ) , cl . stats [ STAT_ROCKETS ] * ( 1.0 / 200.0 ) , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.8f , 0.5f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
Sbar_DrawGauge ( sbar_x + 176 * scale , sbar_y + 48 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_right , 64 * scale , 160 * scale , 148 * scale , - 136 * scale , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] * ( 1.0 / 300.0 ) , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] * ( 1.0 / 300.0 ) , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 0.3f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + 120 * scale , sbar_y + 120 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_center , 16 * scale , 16 * scale , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
# else
float scale = 128.0f / 256.0f ;
float healthstart , healthheight , healthstarttc , healthendtc ;
float shieldstart , shieldheight , shieldstarttc , shieldendtc ;
float ammostart , ammoheight , ammostarttc , ammoendtc ;
float clipstart , clipheight , clipstarttc , clipendtc ;
float kickoffset [ 3 ] , offset ;
VectorClear ( kickoffset ) ;
if ( v_dmg_time > 0 )
kickoffset [ 0 ] = ( v_dmg_time / v_kicktime . value * v_dmg_roll ) * 10 * scale ;
kickoffset [ 1 ] = ( v_dmg_time / v_kicktime . value * v_dmg_pitch ) * 10 * scale ;
sbar_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer - 256 * scale ) / 2 + kickoffset [ 0 ] ;
sbar_y = ( vid_conheight . integer - 256 * scale ) / 2 + kickoffset [ 1 ] ;
offset = 0 ; // TODO: offset should be controlled by recoil (question: how to detect firing?)
DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 120 * scale , sbar_y + ( 88 - offset ) * scale , zymsb_crosshair_line , 16 * scale , 36 * scale , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + ( 132 + offset ) * scale , sbar_y + 120 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_line , 36 * scale , 16 * scale , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 120 * scale , sbar_y + ( 132 + offset ) * scale , zymsb_crosshair_line , 16 * scale , 36 * scale , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + ( 88 - offset ) * scale , sbar_y + 120 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_line , 36 * scale , 16 * scale , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
healthheight = cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] * ( 152.0f / 300.0f ) ;
shieldheight = cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] * ( 152.0f / 300.0f ) ;
healthstart = 204 - healthheight ;
shieldstart = healthstart - shieldheight ;
healthstarttc = healthstart * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
healthendtc = ( healthstart + healthheight ) * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
shieldstarttc = shieldstart * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
shieldendtc = ( shieldstart + shieldheight ) * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
ammoheight = cl . stats [ STAT_SHELLS ] * ( 62.0f / 200.0f ) ;
ammostart = 114 - ammoheight ;
ammostarttc = ammostart * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
ammoendtc = ( ammostart + ammoheight ) * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
clipheight = cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] * ( 122.0f / 200.0f ) ;
clipstart = 190 - clipheight ;
clipstarttc = clipstart * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
clipendtc = ( clipstart + clipheight ) * ( 1.0f / 256.0f ) ;
if ( healthheight > 0 ) DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 0 * scale , sbar_y + healthstart * scale , zymsb_crosshair_health , 256 * scale , healthheight * scale , 0 , healthstarttc , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , healthstarttc , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0 , healthendtc , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , healthendtc , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
if ( shieldheight > 0 ) DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 0 * scale , sbar_y + shieldstart * scale , zymsb_crosshair_health , 256 * scale , shieldheight * scale , 0 , shieldstarttc , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 1 , shieldstarttc , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0 , shieldendtc , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 1 , shieldendtc , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
if ( ammoheight > 0 ) DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 0 * scale , sbar_y + ammostart * scale , zymsb_crosshair_ammo , 256 * scale , ammoheight * scale , 0 , ammostarttc , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , ammostarttc , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0 , ammoendtc , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , ammoendtc , 0.8f , 0.8f , 0.0f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
if ( clipheight > 0 ) DrawQ_SuperPic ( sbar_x + 0 * scale , sbar_y + clipstart * scale , zymsb_crosshair_clip , 256 * scale , clipheight * scale , 0 , clipstarttc , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , clipstarttc , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0 , clipendtc , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 1 , clipendtc , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + 0 * scale , sbar_y + 0 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_background , 256 * scale , 256 * scale , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + 120 * scale , sbar_y + 120 * scale , zymsb_crosshair_center , 16 * scale , 16 * scale , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ) ;
# endif
else // Quake and others
//Include stereo offset in x
sbar_x = ( vid_conwidth . integer - 320 ) / 2 + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
sbar_y = vid_conheight . integer - ( Sbar_GetYOffset ( ) + 40 ) - SBAR_HEIGHT ;
// LordHavoc: changed to draw the deathmatch overlays in any multiplayer mode
//if (cl.gametype == GAME_DEATHMATCH && gamemode != GAME_TRANSFUSION)
if ( sb_lines > 24 )
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_GOODVSBAD2 )
Sbar_DrawInventory ( ) ;
if ( ! cl . islocalgame & & gamemode ! = GAME_TRANSFUSION )
Sbar_DrawFrags ( ) ;
if ( sb_showscores | | ( cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 & & cl_deathscoreboard . integer ) )
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_GOODVSBAD2 )
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_scorebar , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ( ) ;
else if ( sb_lines )
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_sbar , sbar_alpha_bg . value ) ;
// keys (hipnotic only)
//MED 01/04/97 moved keys here so they would not be overwritten
if ( gamemode = = GAME_HIPNOTIC | | gamemode = = GAME_QUOTH )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_KEY1 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 209 , 3 , sb_items [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_KEY2 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 209 , 12 , sb_items [ 1 ] ) ;
// armor
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_GOODVSBAD2 )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_INVULNERABILITY )
Sbar_DrawNum ( 24 , 0 , 666 , 3 , 1 ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_disc ) ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
Sbar_DrawNum ( 24 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] < = 25 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_ARMOR3 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_ARMOR2 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_ARMOR1 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 0 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 24 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] , 3 , cl . stats [ STAT_ARMOR ] < = 25 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_ARMOR3 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_ARMOR2 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_ARMOR1 )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 0 , 0 , sb_armor [ 0 ] ) ;
// face
Sbar_DrawFace ( ) ;
// health
Sbar_DrawNum ( 136 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] , 3 , cl . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 25 ) ;
// ammo icon
if ( gamemode = = GAME_ROGUE )
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_SHELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_NAILS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_ROCKETS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_CELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 3 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_LAVA_NAILS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , rsb_ammo [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_PLASMA_AMMO )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , rsb_ammo [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , rsb_ammo [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_SHELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_NAILS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_ROCKETS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 2 ] ) ;
else if ( cl . stats [ STAT_ITEMS ] & IT_CELLS )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 224 , 0 , sb_ammo [ 3 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 248 , 0 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] , 3 , cl . stats [ STAT_AMMO ] < = 10 ) ;
// LordHavoc: changed to draw the deathmatch overlays in any multiplayer mode
if ( ( ! cl . islocalgame | | cl . gametype ! = GAME_COOP ) )
if ( gamemode = = GAME_TRANSFUSION )
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( 0 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( sbar_x + 324 , vid_conheight . integer - 8 * 8 ) ;
Sbar_Score ( 24 ) ;
if ( cl . csqc_vidvars . drawcrosshair & & crosshair . integer > = 1 & & ! cl . intermission & & ! r_letterbox . value )
pic = Draw_CachePic ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/crosshair%i " , crosshair . integer ) ) ;
2019-08-17 22:51:07 +00:00
int stereoOffset = vr_worldscale . value > 200.0f ? 12 : 5 ;
int yOffset = ( vr_worldscale . value > 200.0f ? 20 : 5 ) ;
2019-05-30 05:57:57 +00:00
DrawQ_Pic ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - pic - > width * crosshair_size . value ) * 0.5f + ( r_stereo_side ? - stereoOffset : stereoOffset ) ,
( vid_conheight . integer - pic - > height * crosshair_size . value ) * 0.5f + yOffset ,
pic , pic - > width * crosshair_size . value , pic - > height * crosshair_size . value ,
crosshair_color_red . value , crosshair_color_green . value , crosshair_color_blue . value , crosshair_color_alpha . value , 0 ) ;
if ( cl_prydoncursor . integer > 0 )
DrawQ_Pic ( ( cl . cmd . cursor_screen [ 0 ] + 1 ) * 0.5 * vid_conwidth . integer , ( cl . cmd . cursor_screen [ 1 ] + 1 ) * 0.5 * vid_conheight . integer , Draw_CachePic ( va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " gfx/prydoncursor%03i " , cl_prydoncursor . integer ) ) , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static float Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( scoreboard_t * s , float x , float y )
int minutes ;
qboolean myself = false ;
unsigned char * c ;
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
minutes = ( int ) ( ( cl . intermission ? cl . completed_time - s - > qw_entertime : cl . time - s - > qw_entertime ) / 60.0 ) ;
if ( ( s - cl . scores ) = = cl . playerentity - 1 )
myself = true ;
if ( ( s - teams ) > = 0 & & ( s - teams ) < MAX_SCOREBOARD )
if ( ( s - > colors & 15 ) = = ( cl . scores [ cl . playerentity - 1 ] . colors & 15 ) )
myself = true ;
if ( cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD )
if ( s - > qw_spectator )
if ( s - > qw_ping | | s - > qw_packetloss )
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i %3i %4i spectator %c%s " , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_ping , 9999 ) , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_packetloss , 99 ) , minutes , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i spectator %c%s " , minutes , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
// draw colors behind score
c = palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard [ ( s - > colors & 0xf0 ) > > 4 ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( x + 14 * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , y + 1 , 40 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , 3 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
c = palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard [ s - > colors & 0xf ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( x + 14 * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , y + 4 , 40 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , 3 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// print the text
//DrawQ_String(x, y, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%c%4i %s", myself ? 13 : ' ', (int) s->frags, s->name), 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1 * sbar_alpha_fg.value, 0, NULL, true, FONT_DEFAULT);
if ( s - > qw_ping | | s - > qw_packetloss )
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i %3i %4i %5i %-4s %c%s " , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_ping , 9999 ) , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_packetloss , 99 ) , minutes , ( int ) s - > frags , cl . qw_teamplay ? s - > qw_team : " " , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i %5i %-4s %c%s " , minutes , ( int ) s - > frags , cl . qw_teamplay ? s - > qw_team : " " , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
if ( s - > qw_spectator )
if ( s - > qw_ping | | s - > qw_packetloss )
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i %3i spect %c%s " , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_ping , 9999 ) , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_packetloss , 99 ) , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " spect %c%s " , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
// draw colors behind score
c = palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard [ ( s - > colors & 0xf0 ) > > 4 ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( x + 9 * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , y + 1 , 40 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , 3 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
c = palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard [ s - > colors & 0xf ] ;
DrawQ_Fill ( x + 9 * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , y + 4 , 40 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth , 3 , c [ 0 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 1 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , c [ 2 ] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// print the text
//DrawQ_String(x, y, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%c%4i %s", myself ? 13 : ' ', (int) s->frags, s->name), 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1 * sbar_alpha_fg.value, 0, NULL, true, FONT_DEFAULT);
if ( s - > qw_ping | | s - > qw_packetloss )
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %4i %3i %5i %c%s " , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_ping , 9999 ) , bound ( 0 , s - > qw_packetloss , 99 ) , ( int ) s - > frags , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( x , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " %5i %c%s " , ( int ) s - > frags , myself ? 13 : ' ' , s - > name ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
return 8 ;
void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ( void )
int i , y , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ;
char vabuf [ 1024 ] ;
// request new ping times every two second
if ( cl . last_ping_request < realtime - 2 & & cls . netcon )
cl . last_ping_request = realtime ;
if ( cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD )
MSG_WriteByte ( & cls . netcon - > message , qw_clc_stringcmd ) ;
MSG_WriteString ( & cls . netcon - > message , " pings " ) ;
else if ( cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKE | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 | | cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES6 /* || cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES7*/ )
// these servers usually lack the pings command and so a less efficient "ping" command must be sent, which on modern DP servers will also reply with a pingplreport command after the ping listing
static int ping_anyway_counter = 0 ;
if ( cl . parsingtextexpectingpingforscores = = 1 )
Con_DPrintf ( " want to send ping, but still waiting for other reply \n " ) ;
if ( + + ping_anyway_counter > = 5 )
cl . parsingtextexpectingpingforscores = 0 ;
if ( cl . parsingtextexpectingpingforscores ! = 1 )
ping_anyway_counter = 0 ;
cl . parsingtextexpectingpingforscores = 1 ; // hide the output of the next ping report
MSG_WriteByte ( & cls . netcon - > message , clc_stringcmd ) ;
MSG_WriteString ( & cls . netcon - > message , " ping " ) ;
// newer server definitely has pings command, so use it for more efficiency, avoids ping reports spamming the console if they are misparsed, and saves a little bandwidth
MSG_WriteByte ( & cls . netcon - > message , clc_stringcmd ) ;
MSG_WriteString ( & cls . netcon - > message , " pings " ) ;
// scores
Sbar_SortFrags ( ) ;
ymin = 8 ;
ymax = 40 + 8 + ( Sbar_IsTeammatch ( ) ? ( teamlines * 8 + 5 ) : 0 ) + scoreboardlines * 8 - 1 ;
if ( cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD )
xmin = ( int ) ( vid_conwidth . integer - ( 26 + 15 ) * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth ) / 2 ; // 26 characters until name, then we assume 15 character names (they can be longer but usually aren't)
xmin = ( int ) ( vid_conwidth . integer - ( 16 + 25 ) * 8 * FONT_SBAR - > maxwidth ) / 2 ; // 16 characters until name, then we assume 25 character names (they can be longer but usually aren't)
xmax = vid_conwidth . integer - xmin ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_NEXUIZ )
DrawQ_Pic ( xmin - 8 , ymin - 8 , 0 , xmax - xmin + 1 + 2 * 8 , ymax - ymin + 1 + 2 * 8 , 0 , 0 , 0 , sbar_alpha_bg . value , 0 ) ;
DrawQ_Pic ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - sb_ranking - > width ) / 2 , 8 , sb_ranking , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// draw the text
y = 40 ;
if ( cls . protocol = = PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD )
DrawQ_String ( xmin , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " ping pl%% time frags team name " ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
DrawQ_String ( xmin , y , va ( vabuf , sizeof ( vabuf ) , " ping pl%% frags name " ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 , NULL , false , FONT_SBAR ) ;
y + = 8 ;
if ( Sbar_IsTeammatch ( ) )
// show team scores first
for ( i = 0 ; i < teamlines & & y < vid_conheight . integer ; i + + )
y + = ( int ) Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( ( teams + teamsort [ i ] ) , xmin , y ) ;
y + = 5 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < scoreboardlines & & y < vid_conheight . integer ; i + + )
y + = ( int ) Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( cl . scores + fragsort [ i ] , xmin , y ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay ( int x , int y )
int i , j , numlines , range_begin , range_end , myteam , teamsep ;
// do not draw this if sbar_miniscoreboard_size is zero
if ( sbar_miniscoreboard_size . value = = 0 )
return ;
// adjust the given y if sbar_miniscoreboard_size doesn't indicate default (< 0)
if ( sbar_miniscoreboard_size . value > 0 )
y = ( int ) ( vid_conheight . integer - sbar_miniscoreboard_size . value * 8 ) ;
// scores
Sbar_SortFrags ( ) ;
// decide where to print
if ( gamemode = = GAME_TRANSFUSION )
numlines = ( vid_conwidth . integer - x + 127 ) / 128 ;
numlines = ( vid_conheight . integer - y + 7 ) / 8 ;
// give up if there isn't room
if ( x > = vid_conwidth . integer | | y > = vid_conheight . integer | | numlines < 1 )
return ;
//find us
for ( i = 0 ; i < scoreboardlines ; i + + )
if ( fragsort [ i ] = = cl . playerentity - 1 )
break ;
range_begin = 0 ;
range_end = scoreboardlines ;
teamsep = 0 ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_TRANSFUSION )
if ( Sbar_IsTeammatch ( ) )
// reserve space for the team scores
numlines - = teamlines ;
// find first and last player of my team (only draw the team totals and my own team)
range_begin = range_end = i ;
myteam = cl . scores [ fragsort [ i ] ] . colors & 15 ;
while ( range_begin > 0 & & ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ range_begin - 1 ] ] . colors & 15 ) = = myteam )
- - range_begin ;
while ( range_end < scoreboardlines & & ( cl . scores [ fragsort [ range_end ] ] . colors & 15 ) = = myteam )
+ + range_end ;
// looks better than two players
if ( numlines = = 2 )
teamsep = 8 ;
numlines = 1 ;
// figure out start
i - = numlines / 2 ;
i = min ( i , range_end - numlines ) ;
i = max ( i , range_begin ) ;
if ( gamemode = = GAME_TRANSFUSION )
for ( ; i < range_end & & x < vid_conwidth . integer ; i + + )
x + = 128 + ( int ) Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( cl . scores + fragsort [ i ] , x , y ) ;
if ( range_end - i < numlines ) // won't draw to bottom?
y + = 8 * ( numlines - ( range_end - i ) ) ; // bottom align
// show team scores first
for ( j = 0 ; j < teamlines & & y < vid_conheight . integer ; j + + )
y + = ( int ) Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( ( teams + teamsort [ j ] ) , x , y ) ;
y + = teamsep ;
for ( ; i < range_end & & y < vid_conheight . integer ; i + + )
y + = ( int ) Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem ( cl . scores + fragsort [ i ] , x , y ) ;
static int Sbar_TeamColorCompare ( const void * t1_ , const void * t2_ )
static int const sortorder [ 16 ] =
1001 ,
1002 ,
1003 ,
1004 ,
1 , // red
1005 ,
1006 ,
1007 ,
1008 ,
4 , // pink
1009 ,
1010 ,
3 , // yellow
2 , // blue
1011 ,
} ;
const scoreboard_t * t1 = * ( scoreboard_t * * ) t1_ ;
const scoreboard_t * t2 = * ( scoreboard_t * * ) t2_ ;
int tc1 = sortorder [ t1 - > colors & 15 ] ;
int tc2 = sortorder [ t2 - > colors & 15 ] ;
return tc1 - tc2 ;
void Sbar_Score ( int margin )
int i , me , score , otherleader , place , distribution , minutes , seconds ;
double timeleft ;
int sbar_x_save = sbar_x ;
int sbar_y_save = sbar_y ;
sbar_y = ( int ) ( vid_conheight . value - ( Sbar_GetYOffset ( ) + 44 ) ) ;
sbar_x - = margin ;
me = cl . playerentity - 1 ;
if ( sbar_scorerank . integer & & me > = 0 & & me < cl . maxclients )
if ( Sbar_IsTeammatch ( ) )
// Layout:
// team1 team3 team4
// TEAM2
scoreboard_t * teamcolorsort [ 16 ] ;
Sbar_SortFrags ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < teamlines ; + + i )
teamcolorsort [ i ] = & ( teams [ i ] ) ;
// Now sort them by color
qsort ( teamcolorsort , teamlines , sizeof ( * teamcolorsort ) , Sbar_TeamColorCompare ) ;
// : margin
// -12*4: four digits space
place = ( teamlines - 1 ) * ( - 12 * 4 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < teamlines ; + + i )
int cindex = teamcolorsort [ i ] - > colors & 15 ;
unsigned char * c = palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard [ cindex ] ;
float cm = max ( max ( c [ 0 ] , c [ 1 ] ) , c [ 2 ] ) ;
float cr = c [ 0 ] / cm ;
float cg = c [ 1 ] / cm ;
float cb = c [ 2 ] / cm ;
if ( cindex = = ( cl . scores [ cl . playerentity - 1 ] . colors & 15 ) ) // my team
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 32 * 4 , 0 , teamcolorsort [ i ] - > frags , 4 , 32 , cr , cg , cb , 1 , 0 ) ;
else // other team
Sbar_DrawXNum ( place , - 12 , teamcolorsort [ i ] - > frags , 4 , 12 , cr , cg , cb , 1 , 0 ) ;
place + = 4 * 12 ;
// Layout:
// leading place
// find leading score other than ourselves, to calculate distribution
// find our place in the scoreboard
score = cl . scores [ me ] . frags ;
for ( i = 0 , otherleader = - 1 , place = 1 ; i < cl . maxclients ; i + + )
if ( cl . scores [ i ] . name [ 0 ] & & i ! = me )
if ( otherleader = = - 1 | | cl . scores [ i ] . frags > cl . scores [ otherleader ] . frags )
otherleader = i ;
if ( score < cl . scores [ i ] . frags | | ( score = = cl . scores [ i ] . frags & & i < me ) )
place + + ;
distribution = otherleader > = 0 ? score - cl . scores [ otherleader ] . frags : 0 ;
if ( place = = 1 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 3 * 12 , - 12 , place , 3 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( place = = 2 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 3 * 12 , - 12 , place , 3 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 3 * 12 , - 12 , place , 3 , 12 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( otherleader < 0 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 32 * 4 , 0 , score , 4 , 32 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( distribution > = 0 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 7 * 12 , - 12 , distribution , 4 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 32 * 4 , 0 , score , 4 , 32 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( distribution > = - 5 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 7 * 12 , - 12 , distribution , 4 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 32 * 4 , 0 , score , 4 , 32 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 7 * 12 , - 12 , distribution , 4 , 12 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 32 * 4 , 0 , score , 4 , 32 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sbar_gametime . integer & & cl . statsf [ STAT_TIMELIMIT ] )
timeleft = max ( 0 , cl . statsf [ STAT_TIMELIMIT ] * 60 - cl . time ) ;
minutes = ( int ) floor ( timeleft / 60 ) ;
seconds = ( int ) ( floor ( timeleft ) - minutes * 60 ) ;
if ( minutes > = 5 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 6 , 32 , minutes , 3 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sb_colon & & sb_colon - > tex ! = r_texture_notexture )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + - 12 * 3 , sbar_y + 32 , sb_colon , 12 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 2 , 32 , seconds , - 2 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( minutes > = 1 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 6 , 32 , minutes , 3 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sb_colon & & sb_colon - > tex ! = r_texture_notexture )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + - 12 * 3 , sbar_y + 32 , sb_colon , 12 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 0 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 2 , 32 , seconds , - 2 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( ( int ) ( timeleft * 4 ) & 1 )
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 2 , 32 , seconds , - 2 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 2 , 32 , seconds , - 2 , 12 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( sbar_gametime . integer )
minutes = ( int ) floor ( cl . time / 60 ) ;
seconds = ( int ) ( floor ( cl . time ) - minutes * 60 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 6 , 32 , minutes , 3 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( sb_colon & & sb_colon - > tex ! = r_texture_notexture )
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + - 12 * 3 , sbar_y + 32 , sb_colon , 12 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawXNum ( - 12 * 2 , 32 , seconds , - 2 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ;
sbar_x = sbar_x_save ;
sbar_y = sbar_y_save ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ( void )
int dig ;
int num ;
if ( cl . gametype = = GAME_DEATHMATCH )
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay ( ) ;
return ;
sbar_x = ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - 320 ) > > 1 ) + Sbar_GetXOffset ( ) ;
sbar_y = ( vid_conheight . integer - 200 ) > > 1 ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + 64 , sbar_y + 24 , sb_complete , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
DrawQ_Pic ( sbar_x + 0 , sbar_y + 56 , sb_inter , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;
// time
dig = ( int ) cl . completed_time / 60 ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 160 , 64 , dig , 3 , 0 ) ;
num = ( int ) cl . completed_time - dig * 60 ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 234 , 64 , sb_colon ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 246 , 64 , sb_nums [ 0 ] [ num / 10 ] ) ;
Sbar_DrawPic ( 266 , 64 , sb_nums [ 0 ] [ num % 10 ] ) ;
// LA: Display as "a" instead of "a/b" if b is 0
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALSECRETS ] )
Sbar_DrawNum ( 160 , 104 , cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 232 , 104 , sb_slash ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 240 , 104 , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALSECRETS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 240 , 104 , cl . stats [ STAT_SECRETS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
if ( cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALMONSTERS ] )
Sbar_DrawNum ( 160 , 144 , cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
if ( gamemode ! = GAME_NEXUIZ )
Sbar_DrawPic ( 232 , 144 , sb_slash ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 240 , 144 , cl . stats [ STAT_TOTALMONSTERS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
Sbar_DrawNum ( 240 , 144 , cl . stats [ STAT_MONSTERS ] , 3 , 0 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Sbar_FinaleOverlay ( void )
DrawQ_Pic ( ( vid_conwidth . integer - sb_finale - > width ) / 2 , 16 , sb_finale , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 * sbar_alpha_fg . value , 0 ) ;