Quake 2 on the Oculus Quest
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Simon f7d5c33bbc Oops...
forgot to commit this before I released!, oh well, no bother
2019-11-26 20:51:38 +00:00
assets Render cinematic screen in mono 2019-11-25 22:51:29 +00:00
java/com/drbeef/quake2quest Couple of changes.. 2019-11-24 23:02:08 +00:00
Projects Oops... 2019-11-26 20:51:38 +00:00
res Create strings.xml 2019-10-16 19:11:04 +01:00
.gitattributes Initial Commit 2019-09-25 22:46:42 +01:00
.gitignore Update .gitignore 2019-10-07 20:20:14 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2019-09-25 22:41:13 +01:00
LICENSE.md Initial Commit 2019-09-25 22:46:42 +01:00
README.md Update README.md 2019-11-20 18:52:39 +00:00
VrSamples-Quake2Quest.iml Initial Commit 2019-09-25 22:46:42 +01:00


Welcome to the first (and only I believe) full 6DoF implementation of the Quake 2 Engine in VR.

This is built solely for the Oculus Quest VR HMD and will not run on any other device.

The easiest way to install this on your Quest is using SideQuest, a Desktop app designed to simplify sideloading apps and games ( even beat saber songs on quest ) on Standalone Android Headsets like Oculus Quest and Oculus Go. It supports drag and drop for installing APK files!

Download SideQuest here: https://github.com/the-expanse/SideQuest/releases


This is just an engine port; though the apk does contain the shareware version of Quake2, not the full game. If you wish to play the full game you must purchase it yourself, steam is most straightforward: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2320/QUAKE_II/

Copying the Full Game PAK files to your Oculus Quest

Copy the PAK files from the installed Quake2 game folder on your PC to the /baseq2 folder on your Oculus Quest when it is connected to the PC. You have to have run Quake2Quest at least once for the folder to be created and if you don't see it when you connect your Quest to the PC you might have to restart the Quest.


The current version of Quake2Quest is based on the vanilla Quake 2 Engine with some modifications to build and run on Android. The original project this port is very loosely based on the Quake 2 port created by Stefan Welker for the Open Dive VR headset (https://www.durovis.com/en/opendive.html).

This port doesn't support mods at the current time, since the original Quake 2 code doesn't. It means there are no HD texture packs that work, and the additional game DLC won't be playable. I may in the future look at using an alternative engine, but that will require a reasonable rebuild and isn't a drop-in solution.

That said, it is still a riot in VR and despite the somewhat aged/cartoony looking weapons and effects, it is a pretty enjoyable FPS experience.

WARNING: There is a good chance that unless you have your VR-legs this will probably make you feel a bit sick. The moment you start to feel under the weather YOU MUST STOP PLAYING for a good period of time before you try again. I will not be held responsible for anyone making themselves ill.


All these controls are for right-handed mode (vr_control_scheme 0), if you wish to use a left-handed control scheme then add the following to the config.cfg file and all buttons/sticks/controls will be switched:

set vr_control_scheme "10" 
  • Open the in-game menu with the left-controller menu button (same irrespective of right/left handed control)
  • A Button - Crouch
  • B Button - Jump
  • Y Button - Bring up the cinematic screen view
  • X Button - Show the "Help Computer" whilst X is pressed
  • Dominant-Hand Controller - Weapon orientation
  • Dominant-Hand Thumbstick - left/right Snap turn, up/down weapon change
  • Dominant-Hand Thumbstick click - change the laser-sight mode on/off
  • Dominant-Hand Trigger - Fire
  • Dominant Grip Button - Show inventory screen (use up and down on the right stick to select inventory item and fire to select)
  • Off-Hand Controller - Direction of movement (or if configured in config.cfg HMD direction is used)
  • Off-Hand Thumbstick - locomotion
  • Off-Hand Trigger - Run
  • Off-Hand Grip Button - Weapon Stabilisation - with the machine gun this will reduce the scatter of the projectiles
  • Off-Hand Thumbstick click - If cheats are enabled then this will give you ALL pickups/weapons

Useful CVARs

You can set a cvar in the config.cfg in the following manner:

set vr_snapturn_angle  "5"
cvar description
cheats If set to 1 then you can click the off-hand thumbstick button to activate "give all", giving you all weapons, pickups etc
vr_snapturn_angle Sets the angle of the snap turn, set to a value < 10 for smooth turning
vr_walkdirection Set to 1 for HMD oriented movement direction
vr_control_scheme Sets the control scheme (default: 0 - off-hand controller oriented, 1 - HMD oriented)

Things to note / FAQs:

Known Issues:

  • There may be a engine update coming in the future which will invalidate saves
  • Note that unless there is a game breaking bug, it is unlikely further updates will be released for this version. If I release a hot-fix, it will probably break savegames, that is just how the Quake 2 engine save game implementation works
  • As mentioned, multiplayer probably doesn't work very well at all

Future To-Dos:

  • Upgrade to a better engine such as Yamagi Quake 2


You need the following:

  • Android Developer Studio
  • Android SDK API level 24
  • Latest Android Native Development Kit
  • Oculus Mobile SDK 1.24.0
  • The Quake2Quest folder cloned from GitHub should be below VrSamples in the extracted SDK
  • Create a local.properties file in the root of the extracted Oculus Mobile SDK that contains the ndk.dir and sdk.dir properties for where your SDK/NDK are located (see Gradle documentation regarding this)
  • To build debug you will need a android.debug.keystore file placed in the following folder: oculus_sdk_dir/VrSamples/Quake2Quest/Projects/Android