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synced 2025-03-03 07:20:56 +00:00
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112 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import yaml
def etna_to_yml(xml):
defs = xml.find('functions')
functions = defaultdict(dict)
for f in defs.findall('function'):
name = f.get('name')
ret = f.find('return')
if ret is not None:
ret = ret.get('type')
if ret is None:
ret = 'void'
params = []
for p in f.findall('param'):
params.append('{} {}'.format(p.get('type'), p.get('name')))
functions[name] = [ret] + params
return functions
def lua_to_yml(xml):
typemap = xml.find('typemap')
types = {}
for t in typemap:
name = t.get('typename')
types[name] = t.get('C-lang', name)
defs = xml.find('functions').find('function-defs')
functions = defaultdict(dict)
for f in defs.findall('function'):
cat = f.get('category')
ret = f.get('return')
ret = types.get(ret, ret)
func = f.get('name')
params = []
for param in f.findall('param'):
typ = param.get('type')
typ = types.get(typ, typ)
name = param.get('name')
kind = param.get('kind')
if kind in ('array', 'reference', 'array[size]'):
typ = typ.rstrip()
if not typ.endswith('*') or kind == 'reference':
typ += ' *'
if not 'const' in typ and param.get('input', 'false') == 'true':
typ = 'const ' + typ
p = '{} {}'.format(typ, name)
p = p.replace('* ', '*')
args = [ret]
functions[cat][func] = args
return functions
def khronos_to_yml(xml):
def extract(node):
return node.findtext('ptype') or node.text, node.findtext('name')
def clean(s):
return re.sub('\s+', ' ', s).strip()
defs = xml.find('commands')
functions = defaultdict(dict)
for f in defs.findall('command'):
proto = f.find('proto')
ret, name = extract(proto)
params = []
for param in f.findall('param'):
params.append(clean(' '.join((param.itertext()))))
functions[name] = [ret] + params
return functions
def to_yml(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
data = re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '', data, count=1)
xml = ET.fromstring(data)
if xml.tag == 'root':
functions = etna_to_yml(xml)
elif xml.tag == 'specification':
functions = lua_to_yml(xml)
elif xml.tag == 'registry':
functions = khronos_to_yml(xml)
print 'unrecognized root tag:', xml.tag
yml = yaml.dump(dict(functions))
with open(filename.replace('xml', 'yml'), 'w') as o:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Usage: {} <file.xml> [file.xml...]'.format(sys.argv[0])
for name in sys.argv[1:]: