diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9b351d9..4c213f7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ set vr_control_scheme "10" * Open the in-game menu with the left-controller menu button (same irrespective of right/left handed control) * A Button - Crouch * B Button - Jump -* Y Button - Bring up the cinematic screen view +* Y Button - Show inventory screen (use up and down on the right stick to select inventory item and fire to select) * X Button - Show the "Help Computer" whilst X is pressed * Dominant-Hand Controller - Weapon orientation * Dominant-Hand Thumbstick - left/right Snap turn, up/down weapon change * Dominant-Hand Thumbstick click - change the laser-sight mode on/off * Dominant-Hand Trigger - Fire -* Dominant Grip Button - Show inventory screen (use up and down on the right stick to select inventory item and fire to select) +* Dominant Grip Button - Not used * Off-Hand Controller - Direction of movement (or if configured in config.cfg HMD direction is used) * Off-Hand Thumbstick - locomotion * Off-Hand Trigger - Run