mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:32:20 +00:00
but won't run obviously, long way before that happens, but it is at least compiling and linking, which is good
6365 lines
174 KiB
6365 lines
174 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* name: snd_dma.c
* desc: main control for any streaming sound output device
#include "../server/exe_headers.h"
#include "sdl/sdl_sound.h"
#include "snd_local.h"
#include "cl_mp3.h"
#include "snd_music.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
static void S_Play_f(void);
static void S_SoundList_f(void);
static void S_Music_f(void);
static void S_StopMusic_f(void);
static void S_SetDynamicMusic_f(void);
void S_Update_();
void S_StopAllSounds(void);
static void S_UpdateBackgroundTrack( void );
sfx_t *S_FindName( const char *name );
static int SND_FreeSFXMem(sfx_t *sfx);
extern qboolean Sys_LowPhysicalMemory();
// vars for bgrnd music track...
const int iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead = 10000;//4096;
const int iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize = iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead*2; //*10;
typedef struct
qboolean bIsMP3;
// MP3 specific...
sfx_t sfxMP3_Bgrnd;
MP3STREAM streamMP3_Bgrnd; // this one is pointed at by the sfx_t's ptr, and is NOT the one the decoder uses every cycle
channel_t chMP3_Bgrnd; // ... but the one in this struct IS.
// MP3 disk streamer stuff... (if music is non-dynamic)
byte byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer[iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize];
int iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos;
int iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos;
// MP3 disk-load stuff (for use during dynamic music, which is mem-resident)
byte *pLoadedData; // Z_Malloc, Z_Free // these two MUST be kept as valid/invalid together
char sLoadedDataName[MAX_QPATH]; // " " " " "
int iLoadedDataLen;
// remaining dynamic fields...
int iXFadeVolumeSeekTime;
int iXFadeVolumeSeekTo; // when changing this, set the above timer to Sys_Milliseconds().
// Note that this should be thought of more as an up/down bool rather than as a
// number now, in other words set it only to 0 or 255. I'll probably change this
// to actually be a bool later.
int iXFadeVolume; // 0 = silent, 255 = max mixer vol, though still modulated via overall music_volume
float fSmoothedOutVolume;
qboolean bActive; // whether playing or not
qboolean bExists; // whether was even loaded for this level (ie don't try and start playing it)
// new dynamic fields...
qboolean bTrackSwitchPending;
MusicState_e eTS_NewState;
float fTS_NewTime;
// Generic...
fileHandle_t s_backgroundFile; // valid handle, else -1 if an MP3 (so that NZ compares still work)
wavinfo_t s_backgroundInfo;
int s_backgroundSamples;
void Rewind()
MP3Stream_Rewind( &chMP3_Bgrnd );
s_backgroundSamples = sfxMP3_Bgrnd.iSoundLengthInSamples;
void SeekTo(float fTime)
chMP3_Bgrnd.iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos = 0;
chMP3_Bgrnd.iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0;
MP3Stream_SeekTo( &chMP3_Bgrnd, fTime );
s_backgroundSamples = sfxMP3_Bgrnd.iSoundLengthInSamples;
} MusicInfo_t;
static void S_SetDynamicMusicState( MusicState_e musicState );
static MusicInfo_t tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_NUMBEROF] = {};
static qboolean bMusic_IsDynamic = qfalse;
static MusicState_e eMusic_StateActual = eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE; // actual state, can be any enum
static MusicState_e eMusic_StateRequest = eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE; // requested state, can only be explore, action, boss, or silence
static char sMusic_BackgroundLoop[MAX_QPATH] = {0}; // only valid for non-dynamic music
static char sInfoOnly_CurrentDynamicMusicSet[64]; // any old reasonable size, only has to fit stuff like "kejim_post"
// =======================================================================
// Internal sound data & structures
// =======================================================================
// only begin attenuating sound volumes when outside the FULLVOLUME range
#define SOUND_ATTENUATE 0.0008f
#define VOICE_ATTENUATE 0.004f
const float SOUND_FMAXVOL=0.75;//1.0;
const int SOUND_MAXVOL=255;
channel_t s_channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
int s_soundStarted;
qboolean s_soundMuted;
dma_t dma;
int listener_number;
vec3_t listener_origin;
vec3_t listener_axis[3];
int s_soundtime; // sample PAIRS
int s_paintedtime; // sample PAIRS
// MAX_SFX may be larger than MAX_SOUNDS because
// of custom player sounds
#define MAX_SFX 10000 //512 * 2
sfx_t s_knownSfx[MAX_SFX];
int s_numSfx;
#define LOOP_HASH 128
static sfx_t *sfxHash[LOOP_HASH];
cvar_t *s_allowDynamicMusic;
cvar_t *s_debugdynamic;
cvar_t *s_dynamix;
cvar_t *s_initsound;
cvar_t *s_khz;
cvar_t *s_language; // note that this is distinct from "g_language"
cvar_t *s_lip_threshold_1;
cvar_t *s_lip_threshold_2;
cvar_t *s_lip_threshold_3;
cvar_t *s_lip_threshold_4;
cvar_t *s_mixahead;
cvar_t *s_mixPreStep;
cvar_t *s_musicVolume;
cvar_t *s_separation;
cvar_t *s_show;
cvar_t *s_testsound;
cvar_t *s_volume;
cvar_t *s_volumeVoice;
typedef struct
unsigned char volume;
vec3_t origin;
// vec3_t velocity;
/* const*/ sfx_t *sfx;
int mergeFrame;
int entnum;
soundChannel_t entchan;
// For Open AL
qboolean bProcessed;
qboolean bRelative;
} loopSound_t;
#define MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS 64
int numLoopSounds;
loopSound_t loopSounds[MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS];
int s_rawend;
portable_samplepair_t s_rawsamples[MAX_RAW_SAMPLES];
vec3_t s_entityPosition[MAX_GENTITIES];
int s_entityWavVol[MAX_GENTITIES];
int s_entityWavVol_back[MAX_GENTITIES];
int s_numChannels; // Number of AL Sources == Num of Channels
* Open AL Specific
#define sqr(a) ((a)*(a))
#define ENV_UPDATE_RATE 100 // Environmental audio update rate (in ms)
//#define DISPLAY_CLOSEST_ENVS // Displays the closest env. zones (including the one the listener is in)
#define DEFAULT_REF_DISTANCE 300.0f // Default reference distance
#define DEFAULT_VOICE_REF_DISTANCE 1500.0f // Default voice reference distance
int s_UseOpenAL = 0; // Determines if using Open AL or the default software mixer
ALfloat listener_pos[3]; // Listener Position
ALfloat listener_ori[6]; // Listener Orientation
short s_rawdata[MAX_RAW_SAMPLES*2]; // Used for Raw Samples (Music etc...)
channel_t *S_OpenALPickChannel(int entnum, int entchannel);
int S_MP3PreProcessLipSync(channel_t *ch, short *data);
void UpdateSingleShotSounds();
void UpdateLoopingSounds();
void AL_UpdateRawSamples();
void S_SetLipSyncs();
// EAX Related
typedef struct
ALuint ulNumApertures;
ALint lFXSlotID;
ALboolean bUsed;
ALfloat vPos1[3];
ALfloat vPos2[3];
ALfloat vCenter[3];
} Aperture[64];
typedef struct
long lEnvID;
long lApertureNum;
float flDist;
typedef struct
GUID FXSlotGuid;
ALint lEnvID;
ALboolean s_bEAX; // Is EAX 4.0 support available
bool s_bEALFileLoaded; // Has an .eal file been loaded for the current level
bool s_bInWater; // Underwater effect currently active
int s_EnvironmentID; // EAGLE ID of current environment
LPEAXMANAGER s_lpEAXManager; // Pointer to EAXManager object
HINSTANCE s_hEAXManInst; // Handle of EAXManager DLL
EAXSet s_eaxSet; // EAXSet() function
EAXGet s_eaxGet; // EAXGet() function
EAXREVERBPROPERTIES s_eaxLPCur; // Current EAX Parameters
LPENVTABLE s_lpEnvTable=NULL; // Stores information about each environment zone
long s_lLastEnvUpdate; // Time of last EAX update
long s_lNumEnvironments; // Number of environment zones
long s_NumFXSlots; // Number of EAX 4.0 FX Slots
FXSLOTINFO s_FXSlotInfo[EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS]; // Stores information about the EAX 4.0 FX Slots
static void InitEAXManager();
static void ReleaseEAXManager();
static bool LoadEALFile(char *szEALFilename);
static void UnloadEALFile();
static void UpdateEAXListener();
static void UpdateEAXBuffer(channel_t *ch);
static void EALFileInit(const char *level);
float CalcDistance(EMPOINT A, EMPOINT B);
void Normalize(EAXVECTOR *v)
float flMagnitude;
flMagnitude = (float)sqrt(sqr(v->x) + sqr(v->y) + sqr(v->z));
v->x = v->x / flMagnitude;
v->y = v->y / flMagnitude;
v->z = v->z / flMagnitude;
// EAX 4.0 GUIDS ... confidential information ...
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot0 = { 0xc4d79f1e, 0xf1ac, 0x436b, { 0xa8, 0x1d, 0xa7, 0x38, 0xe7, 0x4, 0x54, 0x69} };
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot1 = { 0x8c00e96, 0x74be, 0x4491, { 0x93, 0xaa, 0xe8, 0xad, 0x35, 0xa4, 0x91, 0x17} };
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot2 = { 0x1d433b88, 0xf0f6, 0x4637, { 0x91, 0x9f, 0x60, 0xe7, 0xe0, 0x6b, 0x5e, 0xdd} };
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_FXSlot3 = { 0xefff08ea, 0xc7d8, 0x44ab, { 0x93, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xbd, 0x5f, 0x91, 0x0, 0x64} };
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Context = { 0x1d4870ad, 0xdef, 0x43c0, { 0xa4, 0xc, 0x52, 0x36, 0x32, 0x29, 0x63, 0x42} };
const GUID EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source = { 0x1b86b823, 0x22df, 0x4eae, { 0x8b, 0x3c, 0x12, 0x78, 0xce, 0x54, 0x42, 0x27} };
const GUID EAX_NULL_GUID = { 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } };
const GUID EAX_PrimaryFXSlotID = { 0xf317866d, 0x924c, 0x450c, { 0x86, 0x1b, 0xe6, 0xda, 0xa2, 0x5e, 0x7c, 0x20} };
const GUID EAX_REVERB_EFFECT = { 0xcf95c8f, 0xa3cc, 0x4849, { 0xb0, 0xb6, 0x83, 0x2e, 0xcc, 0x18, 0x22, 0xdf} };
* End of Open AL Specific
#endif /* USE_OPENAL */
// instead of clearing a whole channel_t struct, we're going to skip the MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer[] buffer in the middle...
#ifndef offsetof
#include <stddef.h>
static inline void Channel_Clear(channel_t *ch)
// memset (ch, 0, sizeof(*ch));
byte *const p = (byte *)ch + offsetof(channel_t,MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer) + sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer);
memset(p,0,(sizeof(*ch) - offsetof(channel_t,MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer)) - sizeof(ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer));
// ====================================================================
// User-setable variables
// ====================================================================
static void DynamicMusicInfoPrint(void)
if (bMusic_IsDynamic)
// horribly lazy... ;-)
const char *psRequestMusicState = Music_BaseStateToString( eMusic_StateRequest );
const char *psActualMusicState = Music_BaseStateToString( eMusic_StateActual, qtrue );
if (psRequestMusicState == NULL)
psRequestMusicState = "<unknown>";
if (psActualMusicState == NULL)
psActualMusicState = "<unknown>";
Com_Printf("( Dynamic music ON, request state: '%s'(%d), actual: '%s' (%d) )\n", psRequestMusicState, eMusic_StateRequest, psActualMusicState, eMusic_StateActual);
Com_Printf("( Dynamic music OFF )\n");
void S_SoundInfo_f(void) {
Com_Printf("----- Sound Info -----\n" );
if (!s_soundStarted) {
Com_Printf ("sound system not started\n");
} else {
if (s_UseOpenAL)
Com_Printf("EAX 4.0 %s supported\n",s_bEAX?"is":"not");
Com_Printf("Eal file %s loaded\n",s_bEALFileLoaded?"is":"not");
Com_Printf("s_EnvironmentID = %d\n",s_EnvironmentID);
Com_Printf("s_bInWater = %s\n",s_bInWater?"true":"false");
Com_Printf("%5d stereo\n", dma.channels - 1);
Com_Printf("%5d samples\n", dma.samples);
Com_Printf("%5d samplebits\n", dma.samplebits);
Com_Printf("%5d submission_chunk\n", dma.submission_chunk);
Com_Printf("%5d speed\n", dma.speed);
Com_Printf( "0x%" PRIxPTR " dma buffer\n", dma.buffer );
if (bMusic_IsDynamic)
Com_Printf("( Dynamic music set name: \"%s\" )\n",sInfoOnly_CurrentDynamicMusicSet);
if (!s_allowDynamicMusic->integer)
Com_Printf("( Dynamic music inhibited (s_allowDynamicMusic == 0) )\n", sMusic_BackgroundLoop );
if ( tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_NONDYNAMIC].s_backgroundFile )
Com_Printf("Background file: %s\n", sMusic_BackgroundLoop );
Com_Printf("No background file.\n" );
Com_Printf("----------------------\n" );
void S_Init( void ) {
qboolean r;
Com_Printf("\n------- sound initialization -------\n");
s_allowDynamicMusic = Cvar_Get( "s_allowDynamicMusic", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE_ND );
s_debugdynamic = Cvar_Get( "s_debugdynamic", "0", 0 );
s_initsound = Cvar_Get( "s_initsound", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
s_khz = Cvar_Get( "s_khz", "44", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
s_language = Cvar_Get( "s_language", "english", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NORESTART );
s_lip_threshold_1 = Cvar_Get( "s_threshold1", "0.3", 0 );
s_lip_threshold_2 = Cvar_Get( "s_threshold2", "4", 0 );
s_lip_threshold_3 = Cvar_Get( "s_threshold3", "6", 0 );
s_lip_threshold_4 = Cvar_Get( "s_threshold4", "8", 0 );
s_mixahead = Cvar_Get( "s_mixahead", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
s_mixPreStep = Cvar_Get( "s_mixPreStep", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
s_musicVolume = Cvar_Get( "s_musicvolume", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
s_separation = Cvar_Get( "s_separation", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
s_show = Cvar_Get( "s_show", "0", CVAR_CHEAT );
s_testsound = Cvar_Get( "s_testsound", "0", CVAR_CHEAT );
s_volume = Cvar_Get( "s_volume", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
s_volumeVoice = Cvar_Get( "s_volumeVoice", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
if ( !s_initsound->integer ) {
s_soundStarted = 0; // needed in case you set s_initsound to 0 midgame then snd_restart (div0 err otherwise later)
Com_Printf ("not initializing.\n");
Cmd_AddCommand("play", S_Play_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("music", S_Music_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("stopmusic", S_StopMusic_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("soundlist", S_SoundList_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("soundinfo", S_SoundInfo_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("soundstop", S_StopAllSounds);
Cmd_AddCommand("mp3_calcvols", S_MP3_CalcVols_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("s_dynamic", S_SetDynamicMusic_f);
cvar_t *cv = Cvar_Get("s_UseOpenAL" , "0",CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH);
s_UseOpenAL = !!(cv->integer);
if (s_UseOpenAL)
int i, j;
ALCdevice *ALCDevice = alcOpenDevice((ALubyte*)"DirectSound3D");
if (!ALCDevice)
//Create context(s)
ALCcontext *ALCContext = alcCreateContext(ALCDevice, NULL);
if (!ALCContext)
//Set active context
if (alcGetError(ALCDevice) != ALC_NO_ERROR)
s_soundStarted = 1;
s_soundMuted = qtrue;
s_soundtime = 0;
s_paintedtime = 0;
s_rawend = 0;
// Set Listener attributes
ALfloat listenerPos[]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
ALfloat listenerVel[]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
ALfloat listenerOri[]={0.0,0.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0};
memset(s_channels, 0, sizeof(s_channels));
s_numChannels = 0;
// Create as many AL Sources (up to Max) as possible
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++)
alGenSources(1, &s_channels[i].alSource); // &g_Sources[i]);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR)
// Reached limit of sources
alSourcef(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_REF_DISTANCE);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR)
// Sources / Channels are not sending to any Slots (other than the Listener / Primary FX Slot)
s_channels[i].lSlotID = -1;
if (s_bEAX)
// Remove the RoomAuto flag from each Source (to remove Reverb Engine Statistical
// model that is assuming units are in metres)
// Without this call reverb sends from the sources will attenuate too quickly
// with distance, especially for the non-primary reverb zones.
unsigned long ulFlags = 0;
s_channels[i].alSource, &ulFlags, sizeof(ulFlags))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
#ifdef _WIN32
OutputDebugString("Failed to to remove Source flags\n");
// Generate AL Buffers for streaming audio playback (used for MP3s)
channel_t *ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; j++)
alGenBuffers(1, &(ch->buffers[j].BufferID));
ch->buffers[j].Status = UNQUEUED;
ch->buffers[j].Data = (char *)Z_Malloc(STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, TAG_SND_RAWDATA, qfalse);
// clear out the lip synching override array
memset(s_entityWavVol, 0, sizeof(s_entityWavVol));
// These aren't really relevant for Open AL, but for completeness ...
dma.speed = 22050;
dma.channels = 2;
dma.samplebits = 16;
dma.samples = 0;
dma.submission_chunk = 0;
dma.buffer = NULL;
// Clamp sound volumes between 0.0f and 1.0f (just in case they aren't already)
if (s_volume->value < 0.f)
s_volume->value = 0.f;
if (s_volume->value > 1.f)
s_volume->value = 1.f;
if (s_volumeVoice->value < 0.f)
s_volumeVoice->value = 0.f;
if (s_volumeVoice->value > 1.f)
s_volumeVoice->value = 1.f;
if (s_musicVolume->value < 0.f)
s_musicVolume->value = 0.f;
if (s_musicVolume->value > 1.f)
s_musicVolume->value = 1.f;
// s_init could be called in game, if so there may be an .eal file
// for this level
const char *mapname = Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" );
r = static_cast<qboolean>(SNDDMA_Init(s_khz->integer));
if ( r ) {
s_soundStarted = 1;
s_soundMuted = qtrue;
// s_numSfx = 0; // do NOT do this here now!!!
s_soundtime = 0;
s_paintedtime = 0;
S_StopAllSounds ();
// Com_Printf("------------------------------------\n");
// Com_Printf("\n--- ambient sound initialization ---\n");
// only called from snd_restart. QA request...
void S_ReloadAllUsedSounds(void)
if (s_soundStarted && !s_soundMuted )
// new bit, reload all soundsthat are used on the current level...
for (int i=1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++) // start @ 1 to skip freeing default sound
sfx_t *sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
if (!sfx->bInMemory && !sfx->bDefaultSound && sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn == re.RegisterMedia_GetLevel()){
// =======================================================================
// Shutdown sound engine
// =======================================================================
void S_Shutdown( void )
if ( !s_soundStarted ) {
if (s_UseOpenAL)
int i, j;
// Release all the AL Sources (including Music channel (Source 0))
for (i = 0; i < s_numChannels; i++)
alDeleteSources(1, &(s_channels[i].alSource));
// Release Streaming AL Buffers
channel_t *ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; j++)
alDeleteBuffers(1, &(ch->buffers[j].BufferID));
ch->buffers[j].BufferID = 0;
ch->buffers[j].Status = UNQUEUED;
if (ch->buffers[j].Data)
ch->buffers[j].Data = NULL;
// Get active context
ALCcontext *ALCContext = alcGetCurrentContext();
// Get device for active context
ALCdevice *ALCDevice = alcGetContextsDevice(ALCContext);
// Release context(s)
// Close device
s_numChannels = 0;
s_soundStarted = 0;
Mutes / Unmutes all OpenAL sound
void S_AL_MuteAllSounds(qboolean bMute)
if (!s_soundStarted)
if (!s_UseOpenAL)
if (bMute)
alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 0.0f);
alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1.0f);
// =======================================================================
// Load a sound
// =======================================================================
return a hash value for the sfx name
static long S_HashSFXName(const char *name) {
int i;
long hash;
char letter;
hash = 0;
i = 0;
while (name[i] != '\0') {
letter = tolower(name[i]);
if (letter =='.') break; // don't include extension
if (letter =='\\') letter = '/'; // damn path names
hash &= (LOOP_HASH-1);
return hash;
Will allocate a new sfx if it isn't found
sfx_t *S_FindName( const char *name ) {
int i;
int hash;
sfx_t *sfx;
if (!name) {
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: NULL");
if (!name[0]) {
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: empty name");
if (strlen(name) >= MAX_QPATH) {
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Sound name too long: %s", name);
char sSoundNameNoExt[MAX_QPATH];
COM_StripExtension(name,sSoundNameNoExt, sizeof(sSoundNameNoExt));
hash = S_HashSFXName(sSoundNameNoExt);
sfx = sfxHash[hash];
// see if already loaded
while (sfx) {
if (!Q_stricmp(sfx->sSoundName, sSoundNameNoExt) ) {
return sfx;
sfx = sfx->next;
// find a free sfx
for (i=0 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++) {
if (!s_knownSfx[i].soundName[0]) {
i = s_numSfx; //we don't clear the soundName after failed loads any more, so it'll always be the last entry
if (s_numSfx == MAX_SFX)
// ok, no sfx's free, but are there any with defaultSound set? (which the registering ent will never
// see because he gets zero returned if it's default...)
for (i=0 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++) {
if (s_knownSfx[i].bDefaultSound) {
if (i==s_numSfx)
// genuinely out of handles...
// if we ever reach this, let me know and I'll either boost the array or put in a map-used-on
// reference to enable sfx_t recycling. TA codebase relies on being able to have structs for every sound
// used anywhere, ever, all at once (though audio bit-buffer gets recycled). SOF1 used about 1900 distinct
// events, so current MAX_SFX limit should do, or only need a small boost... -ste
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "S_FindName: out of sfx_t");
sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
memset (sfx, 0, sizeof(*sfx));
Q_strncpyz(sfx->sSoundName, sSoundNameNoExt, sizeof(sfx->sSoundName));
Q_strlwr(sfx->sSoundName);//force it down low
sfx->next = sfxHash[hash];
sfxHash[hash] = sfx;
return sfx;
#ifdef _DEBUG
static void S_DefaultSound( sfx_t *sfx ) {
int i;
sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples = 512; // #samples, ie shorts
sfx->pSoundData = (short *) SND_malloc(512*2, sfx); // ... so *2 for alloc bytes
sfx->bInMemory = true;
for ( i=0 ; i < sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples ; i++ )
sfx->pSoundData[i] = i;
Disables sounds until the next S_BeginRegistration.
This is called when the hunk is cleared and the sounds
are no longer valid.
void S_DisableSounds( void ) {
s_soundMuted = qtrue;
void S_BeginRegistration( void )
s_soundMuted = qfalse; // we can play again
// Find name of level so we can load in the appropriate EAL file
if (s_UseOpenAL)
const char *mapname = Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" );
// clear carry crap from previous map
for (int i = 0; i < EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS; i++)
s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID = -1;
if (s_numSfx == 0) {
s_numSfx = 0;
memset( s_knownSfx, 0, sizeof( s_knownSfx ) );
memset(sfxHash, 0, sizeof(sfx_t *)*LOOP_HASH);
#ifdef _DEBUG
sfx_t *sfx = S_FindName( "***DEFAULT***" );
S_DefaultSound( sfx );
static void EALFileInit(const char *level)
// If an EAL File is already unloaded, remove it
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
// Reset variables
s_bInWater = false;
// Try and load an EAL file for the new level
char name[MAX_QPATH];
COM_StripExtension(level, name, sizeof(name));
char szEALFilename[MAX_QPATH];
Com_sprintf(szEALFilename, MAX_QPATH, "eagle/%s.eal", name);
s_bEALFileLoaded = LoadEALFile(szEALFilename);
if (!s_bEALFileLoaded)
Com_sprintf(szEALFilename, MAX_QPATH, "base/eagle/%s.eal", name);
s_bEALFileLoaded = LoadEALFile(szEALFilename);
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
s_lLastEnvUpdate = timeGetTime();
// Mute reverbs if no EAL file is found
if ((s_bEAX)&&(s_eaxSet))
long lRoom = -10000;
for (int i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXREVERB_ROOM, NULL,
&lRoom, sizeof(long));
Creates a default buzz sound if the file can't be loaded
sfxHandle_t S_RegisterSound( const char *name)
sfx_t *sfx;
if (!s_soundStarted) {
return 0;
if ( strlen( name ) >= MAX_QPATH ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Sound name exceeds MAX_QPATH - %s\n", name );
return 0;
sfx = S_FindName( name );
if ( sfx->bDefaultSound )
return 0;
if (s_UseOpenAL)
if ((sfx->pSoundData) || (sfx->Buffer))
return sfx - s_knownSfx;
if ( sfx->pSoundData )
return sfx - s_knownSfx;
sfx->bInMemory = false;
if ( sfx->bDefaultSound ) {
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: could not find %s - using default\n", sfx->sSoundName );
return 0;
return sfx - s_knownSfx;
void S_memoryLoad(sfx_t *sfx)
// load the sound file...
if ( !S_LoadSound( sfx ) )
// Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: couldn't load sound: %s\n", sfx->sSoundName );
sfx->bDefaultSound = true;
sfx->bInMemory = true;
static qboolean S_CheckChannelStomp( int chan1, int chan2 )
if (!s_UseOpenAL)
if ( chan1 == chan2 )
return qtrue;
if ( ( chan1 == CHAN_VOICE || chan1 == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || chan1 == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL ) && ( chan2 == CHAN_VOICE || chan2 == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || chan2 == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL ) )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
channel_t *S_PickChannel(int entnum, int entchannel)
int ch_idx;
channel_t *ch, *firstToDie;
qboolean foundChan = qfalse;
if (s_UseOpenAL)
return S_OpenALPickChannel(entnum, entchannel);
if ( entchannel<0 ) {
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "S_PickChannel: entchannel<0");
// Check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
firstToDie = &s_channels[0];
for ( int pass = 0; (pass < ((entchannel == CHAN_AUTO || entchannel == CHAN_LESS_ATTEN)?1:2)) && !foundChan; pass++ )
for (ch_idx = 0, ch = &s_channels[0]; ch_idx < MAX_CHANNELS ; ch_idx++, ch++ )
if ( entchannel == CHAN_AUTO || entchannel == CHAN_LESS_ATTEN || pass > 0 )
{//if we're on the second pass, just find the first open chan
if ( !ch->thesfx )
{//grab the first open channel
firstToDie = ch;
else if ( ch->entnum == entnum && S_CheckChannelStomp( ch->entchannel, entchannel ) )
// always override sound from same entity
if ( s_show->integer == 1 && ch->thesfx ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"...overrides %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName );
ch->thesfx = 0; //just to clear the next error msg
firstToDie = ch;
foundChan = qtrue;
// don't let anything else override local player sounds
if ( ch->entnum == listener_number && entnum != listener_number && ch->thesfx) {
// don't override loop sounds
if ( ch->loopSound ) {
if ( ch->startSample < firstToDie->startSample ) {
firstToDie = ch;
if ( s_show->integer == 1 && firstToDie->thesfx ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"***kicking %s\n", firstToDie->thesfx->sSoundName );
Channel_Clear(firstToDie); // memset(firstToDie, 0, sizeof(*firstToDie));
return firstToDie;
For use with Open AL
Allows more than one sound of the same type to emanate from the same entity - sounds much better
on hardware this way esp. rapid fire modes of weapons!
channel_t *S_OpenALPickChannel(int entnum, int entchannel)
int ch_idx;
channel_t *ch, *ch_firstToDie;
bool foundChan = false;
float source_pos[3];
if ( entchannel < 0 )
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "S_PickChannel: entchannel<0");
// Check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
ch_firstToDie = s_channels + 1; // channel 0 is reserved for Music
for (ch_idx = 1, ch = s_channels + ch_idx; ch_idx < s_numChannels; ch_idx++, ch++)
if ( ch->entnum == entnum && S_CheckChannelStomp( ch->entchannel, entchannel ) )
// always override sound from same entity
if ( s_show->integer == 1 && ch->thesfx ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"...overrides %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName );
ch->thesfx = 0; //just to clear the next error msg
ch_firstToDie = ch;
foundChan = true;
if (!foundChan)
for (ch_idx = 1, ch = s_channels + ch_idx; ch_idx < s_numChannels; ch_idx++, ch++)
// See if the channel is free
if (!ch->thesfx)
ch_firstToDie = ch;
foundChan = true;
if (!foundChan)
for (ch_idx = 1, ch = s_channels + ch_idx; ch_idx < s_numChannels; ch_idx++, ch++)
if ( (ch->entnum == entnum) && (ch->entchannel == entchannel) && (ch->entchannel != CHAN_AMBIENT)
&& (ch->entnum != listener_number) )
// Same entity and same type of sound effect (entchannel)
ch_firstToDie = ch;
foundChan = true;
int longestDist;
int dist;
if (!foundChan)
// Find sound effect furthest from listener
ch = s_channels + 1;
if (ch->fixed_origin)
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = ch->origin[0];
source_pos[1] = ch->origin[2];
source_pos[2] = -ch->origin[1];
longestDist = ((listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0]) * (listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0])) +
((listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1]) * (listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1])) +
((listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]) * (listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]));
if (ch->entnum == listener_number)
longestDist = 0;
if (ch->bLooping)
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[0];
source_pos[1] = loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[2];
source_pos[2] = -loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[1];
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][0];
source_pos[1] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][2];
source_pos[2] = -s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][1];
longestDist = ((listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0]) * (listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0])) +
((listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1]) * (listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1])) +
((listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]) * (listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]));
for (ch_idx = 2, ch = s_channels + ch_idx; ch_idx < s_numChannels; ch_idx++, ch++)
if (ch->fixed_origin)
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = ch->origin[0];
source_pos[1] = ch->origin[2];
source_pos[2] = -ch->origin[1];
dist = ((listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0]) * (listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0])) +
((listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1]) * (listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1])) +
((listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]) * (listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]));
if (ch->entnum == listener_number)
dist = 0;
if (ch->bLooping)
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[0];
source_pos[1] = loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[2];
source_pos[2] = -loopSounds[ch->entnum].origin[1];
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos[0] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][0];
source_pos[1] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][2];
source_pos[2] = -s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][1];
dist = ((listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0]) * (listener_pos[0] - source_pos[0])) +
((listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1]) * (listener_pos[1] - source_pos[1])) +
((listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]) * (listener_pos[2] - source_pos[2]));
if (dist > longestDist)
longestDist = dist;
ch_firstToDie = ch;
if (ch_firstToDie->bPlaying)
if (s_show->integer == 1 && ch_firstToDie->thesfx )
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"***kicking %s\n", ch_firstToDie->thesfx->sSoundName );
// Stop sound
ch_firstToDie->bPlaying = false;
// Reset channel variables
memset(&ch_firstToDie->MP3StreamHeader, 0, sizeof(MP3STREAM));
ch_firstToDie->bLooping = false;
ch_firstToDie->bProcessed = false;
ch_firstToDie->bStreaming = false;
return ch_firstToDie;
Used for spatializing s_channels
static void S_SpatializeOrigin (const vec3_t origin, float master_vol, int *left_vol, int *right_vol, soundChannel_t channel)
vec_t dot;
vec_t dist;
vec_t lscale, rscale, scale;
vec3_t source_vec;
float dist_mult = SOUND_ATTENUATE;
// calculate stereo seperation and distance attenuation
VectorSubtract(origin, listener_origin, source_vec);
dist = VectorNormalize(source_vec);
if ( channel == CHAN_VOICE )
dist -= SOUND_FULLVOLUME * 3.0f;
// dist_mult = VOICE_ATTENUATE; // tweak added (this fixes an NPC dialogue "in your ears" bug, but we're not sure if it'll make a bunch of others fade too early. Too close to shipping...)
else if ( channel == CHAN_LESS_ATTEN )
dist -= SOUND_FULLVOLUME * 5.0f; // maybe is too large
else if ( channel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN )
dist -= SOUND_FULLVOLUME * 1.35f; // used to be 0.15f, dropped off too sharply - dmv
dist_mult = VOICE_ATTENUATE;
else if ( channel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
dist = -1;
else // use normal attenuation.
if (dist < 0)
dist = 0; // close enough to be at full volume
dist *= dist_mult; // different attenuation levels
dot = -DotProduct(listener_axis[1], source_vec);
if (dma.channels == 1) // || !dist_mult)
{ // no attenuation = no spatialization
//rscale = 0.5 * (1.0 + dot);
//lscale = 0.5 * (1.0 - dot);
rscale = s_separation->value + ( 1.0f - s_separation->value ) * dot;
lscale = s_separation->value - ( 1.0f - s_separation->value ) * dot;
if ( rscale < 0 )
rscale = 0;
if ( lscale < 0 )
lscale = 0;
// add in distance effect
scale = (1.0f - dist) * rscale;
*right_vol = (int) (master_vol * scale);
if (*right_vol < 0)
*right_vol = 0;
scale = (1.0f - dist) * lscale;
*left_vol = (int) (master_vol * scale);
if (*left_vol < 0)
*left_vol = 0;
// =======================================================================
// Start a sound effect
// =======================================================================
Starts an ambient, 'one-shot" sound.
void S_StartAmbientSound( const vec3_t origin, int entityNum, unsigned char volume, sfxHandle_t sfxHandle )
channel_t *ch;
/*const*/ sfx_t *sfx;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( !origin && ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) )
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartAmbientSound: bad entitynum %i", entityNum );
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx )
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartAmbientSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
if (sfx->bInMemory == qfalse){
if (s_UseOpenAL)
if (volume==0)
if ( s_show->integer == 1 ) {
Com_Printf( "%i : %s on (%d) Ambient\n", s_paintedtime, sfx->sSoundName, entityNum );
// pick a channel to play on
ch = S_PickChannel( entityNum, CHAN_AMBIENT );
if (!ch) {
if (origin)
VectorCopy (origin, ch->origin);
ch->fixed_origin = qtrue;
ch->fixed_origin = qfalse;
ch->master_vol = volume;
ch->entnum = entityNum;
ch->entchannel = CHAN_AMBIENT;
ch->thesfx = sfx;
ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol; // these will get calced at next spatialize
ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol; // unless the game isn't running
if (sfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
memcpy(&ch->MP3StreamHeader,sfx->pMP3StreamHeader, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
//ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0; // These will be zero from the memset in S_PickChannel(), but keep them here for reference...
//ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos= 0; //
memset(&ch->MP3StreamHeader,0, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
Validates the parms and ques the sound up
if pos is NULL, the sound will be dynamically sourced from the entity
Entchannel 0 will never override a playing sound
void S_StartSound(const vec3_t origin, int entityNum, soundChannel_t entchannel, sfxHandle_t sfxHandle )
channel_t *ch;
/*const*/ sfx_t *sfx;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( !origin && ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartSound: bad entitynum %i", entityNum );
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
if (sfx->bInMemory == qfalse){
if ( s_show->integer == 1 ) {
Com_Printf( "%i : %s for ent %d, chan=%d\n", s_paintedtime, sfx->sSoundName, entityNum, entchannel );
if (s_UseOpenAL)
int i;
if (entchannel == CHAN_VOICE)
// Make howlers and sand_creature VOICE effects use the normal fall-off (they will still be affected
// by the Voice Volume)
if ((strstr(sfx->sSoundName, "sand_creature")!=NULL) || (strstr(sfx->sSoundName, "howler")!=NULL))
entchannel = CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN;
if (entchannel == CHAN_WEAPON)
// Check if we are playing a 'charging' sound, if so, stop it now ..
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if ((ch->entnum == entityNum) && (ch->entchannel == CHAN_WEAPON) && (ch->thesfx) && (strstr(ch->thesfx->sSoundName, "altcharge") != NULL))
// Stop this sound
alSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_BUFFER, NULL);
ch->bPlaying = false;
ch->thesfx = NULL;
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if ((ch->entnum == entityNum) && (ch->thesfx) && (strstr(ch->thesfx->sSoundName, "falling") != NULL))
// Stop this sound
alSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_BUFFER, NULL);
ch->bPlaying = false;
ch->thesfx = NULL;
// pick a channel to play on
ch = S_PickChannel( entityNum, entchannel );
if (!ch) {
if (origin) {
VectorCopy (origin, ch->origin);
ch->fixed_origin = qtrue;
} else {
ch->fixed_origin = qfalse;
ch->master_vol = SOUND_MAXVOL; //FIXME: Um.. control?
ch->entnum = entityNum;
ch->entchannel = entchannel;
ch->thesfx = sfx;
ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol; // these will get calced at next spatialize
ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol; // unless the game isn't running
if (entchannel < CHAN_AMBIENT && entityNum == listener_number) { //only do it for body sounds not local sounds
ch->master_vol = SOUND_MAXVOL * SOUND_FMAXVOL; //this won't be attenuated so let it scale down
if ( entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = -1; //we've started the sound but it's silent for now
if (sfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
memcpy(&ch->MP3StreamHeader,sfx->pMP3StreamHeader, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
//ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0; // These will be zero from the memset in S_PickChannel(), but keep them here for reference...
//ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos= 0; //
memset(&ch->MP3StreamHeader,0, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
void S_StartLocalSound( sfxHandle_t sfxHandle, int channelNum ) {
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartLocalSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
S_StartSound (NULL, listener_number, (soundChannel_t)channelNum, sfxHandle );
void S_StartLocalLoopingSound( sfxHandle_t sfxHandle) {
vec3_t nullVec = {0,0,0};
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartLocalLoopingSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
S_AddLoopingSound( listener_number, nullVec, nullVec, sfxHandle );
// returns length in milliseconds of supplied sound effect... (else 0 for bad handle now)
float S_GetSampleLengthInMilliSeconds( sfxHandle_t sfxHandle)
sfx_t *sfx;
if (!s_soundStarted)
{ //we have no sound, so let's just make a reasonable guess
return 512 * 1000;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx )
return 0.0f;
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
float f = (float)sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples / (float)dma.speed;
return (f * 1000);
If we are about to perform file access, clear the buffer
so sound doesn't stutter.
void S_ClearSoundBuffer( void ) {
int clear;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
#if 0 //this causes scripts to freak when the sounds get cut...
// clear all the sounds so they don't
// start back up after the load finishes
memset( s_channels, 0, sizeof( s_channels ) );
// clear out the lip synching override array
memset(s_entityWavVol, 0,sizeof(s_entityWavVol));
s_rawend = 0;
if (!s_UseOpenAL)
if (dma.samplebits == 8)
clear = 0x80;
clear = 0;
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
if (dma.buffer)
memset(dma.buffer, clear, dma.samples * dma.samplebits/8);
SNDDMA_Submit ();
s_paintedtime = 0;
s_soundtime = 0;
// kinda kludgy way to stop a special-use sfx_t playing...
void S_CIN_StopSound(sfxHandle_t sfxHandle)
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_CIN_StopSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
sfx_t *sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
channel_t *ch = s_channels;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ )
if ( !ch->thesfx || (ch->leftvol<0.25 && ch->rightvol<0.25 )) {
if (ch->thesfx == sfx)
if (s_UseOpenAL)
SND_FreeSFXMem(ch->thesfx); // heh, may as well...
ch->thesfx = NULL;
memset(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, 0, sizeof(MP3STREAM));
ch->bLooping = false;
ch->bProcessed = false;
ch->bPlaying = false;
ch->bStreaming = false;
void S_StopSounds(void)
if ( !s_soundStarted ) {
// stop looping sounds
// clear all the s_channels
if (s_UseOpenAL)
channel_t *ch = s_channels;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
alSourcei(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_BUFFER, NULL);
ch->thesfx = NULL;
memset(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, 0, sizeof(MP3STREAM));
ch->bLooping = false;
ch->bProcessed = false;
ch->bPlaying = false;
ch->bStreaming = false;
memset(s_channels, 0, sizeof(s_channels));
// clear out the lip synching override array
memset(s_entityWavVol, 0,sizeof(s_entityWavVol));
S_ClearSoundBuffer ();
and music
void S_StopAllSounds(void) {
if ( !s_soundStarted ) {
// stop the background music
continuous looping sounds are added each frame
void S_ClearLoopingSounds( void )
if (s_UseOpenAL)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS; i++)
loopSounds[i].bProcessed = qfalse;
numLoopSounds = 0;
Called during entity generation for a frame
Include velocity in case I get around to doing doppler...
void S_AddLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfxHandle, soundChannel_t chan ) {
/*const*/ sfx_t *sfx;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( numLoopSounds >= MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS ) {
Com_Printf( "S_AddLoopingSound: MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS\n");
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_AddLoopingSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
if (!sfx->bInMemory){
if ( !sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s has length 0", sfx->sSoundName );
VectorCopy( origin, loopSounds[numLoopSounds].origin );
// VectorCopy( velocity, loopSounds[numLoopSounds].velocity );
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].sfx = sfx;
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].volume = SOUND_MAXVOL;
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].entnum = entityNum;
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].entchan = chan;
void S_AddAmbientLoopingSound( const vec3_t origin, unsigned char volume, sfxHandle_t sfxHandle )
/*const*/ sfx_t *sfx;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if ( numLoopSounds >= MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS ) {
if (s_UseOpenAL)
if (volume == 0)
if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartSound: handle %i out of range", sfxHandle );
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];
if (sfx->bInMemory == qfalse){
if ( !sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s has length 0", sfx->sSoundName );
VectorCopy( origin, loopSounds[numLoopSounds].origin );
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].sfx = sfx;
//TODO: Calculate the distance falloff
loopSounds[numLoopSounds].volume = volume;
Spatialize all of the looping sounds.
All sounds are on the same cycle, so any duplicates can just
sum up the channel multipliers.
void S_AddLoopSounds (void)
int i, j;
int left, right, left_total, right_total;
channel_t *ch;
loopSound_t *loop, *loop2;
static int loopFrame;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLoopSounds ; i++) {
loop = &loopSounds[i];
if ( loop->mergeFrame == loopFrame ) {
continue; // already merged into an earlier sound
// find the total contribution of all sounds of this type
left_total = right_total = 0;
for ( j = i ; j < numLoopSounds ; j++) {
loop2 = &loopSounds[j];
if ( loop2->sfx != loop->sfx ) {
loop2->mergeFrame = loopFrame; // don't check this again later
S_SpatializeOrigin( loop2->origin, loop2->volume, &left, &right, loop2->entchan);
left_total += left;
right_total += right;
if (left_total == 0 && right_total == 0)
continue; // not audible
// allocate a channel
ch = S_PickChannel(0, 0);
if (!ch)
if (left_total > SOUND_MAXVOL)
left_total = SOUND_MAXVOL;
if (right_total > SOUND_MAXVOL)
right_total = SOUND_MAXVOL;
ch->leftvol = left_total;
ch->rightvol = right_total;
ch->loopSound = qtrue; // remove next frame
ch->thesfx = loop->sfx;
// you cannot use MP3 files here because they offer only streaming access, not random
if (loop->sfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_AddLoopSounds(): Cannot use streamed MP3 files here for random access (%s)\n",loop->sfx->sSoundName );
memset(&ch->MP3StreamHeader,0, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
If raw data has been loaded in little endien binary form, this must be done.
If raw data was calculated, as with ADPCM, this should not be called.
static void S_ByteSwapRawSamples( int samples, int width, int s_channels, const byte *data ) {
int i;
if ( width != 2 ) {
if ( LittleShort( 256 ) == 256 ) {
if ( s_channels == 2 ) {
samples <<= 1;
for ( i = 0 ; i < samples ; i++ ) {
((short *)data)[i] = LittleShort( ((short *)data)[i] );
portable_samplepair_t *S_GetRawSamplePointer() {
return s_rawsamples;
Music streaming
void S_RawSamples( int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data, float volume, qboolean bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame )
int i;
int src, dst;
float scale;
int intVolume;
int rawEndStart;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
intVolume = 256 * volume;
if ( s_rawend < s_soundtime ) {
Com_DPrintf( "S_RawSamples: resetting minimum: %i < %i\n", s_rawend, s_soundtime );
s_rawend = s_soundtime;
rawEndStart = s_rawend;
scale = (float)rate / dma.speed;
//Com_Printf ("%i < %i < %i\n", s_soundtime, s_paintedtime, s_rawend);
if (channels == 2 && width == 2)
if (scale == 1.0)
{ // optimized case
if (bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame)
for (i=0 ; i<samples ; i++)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
s_rawsamples[dst].left = ((short *)data)[i*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right = ((short *)data)[i*2+1] * intVolume;
for (i=0 ; i<samples ; i++)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
s_rawsamples[dst].left += ((short *)data)[i*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right += ((short *)data)[i*2+1] * intVolume;
if (bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame)
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left = ((short *)data)[src*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right = ((short *)data)[src*2+1] * intVolume;
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left += ((short *)data)[src*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right += ((short *)data)[src*2+1] * intVolume;
else if (channels == 1 && width == 2)
if (bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame)
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left = ((short *)data)[src] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right = ((short *)data)[src] * intVolume;
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left += ((short *)data)[src] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right += ((short *)data)[src] * intVolume;
else if (channels == 2 && width == 1)
intVolume *= 256;
if (bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame)
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left = ((char *)data)[src*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right = ((char *)data)[src*2+1] * intVolume;
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left += ((char *)data)[src*2] * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right += ((char *)data)[src*2+1] * intVolume;
else if (channels == 1 && width == 1)
intVolume *= 256;
if (bFirstOrOnlyUpdateThisFrame)
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left = (((byte *)data)[src]-128) * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right = (((byte *)data)[src]-128) * intVolume;
for (i=0 ; ; i++)
src = i*scale;
if (src >= samples)
dst = s_rawend&(MAX_RAW_SAMPLES-1);
//Don't overflow if resampling.
if (s_rawend > rawEndStart + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES)
s_rawsamples[dst].left += (((byte *)data)[src]-128) * intVolume;
s_rawsamples[dst].right += (((byte *)data)[src]-128) * intVolume;
if ( s_rawend > s_soundtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ) {
Com_DPrintf( "S_RawSamples: overflowed %i > %i\n", s_rawend, s_soundtime );
let the sound system know where an entity currently is
void S_UpdateEntityPosition( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin )
if ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_UpdateEntityPosition: bad entitynum %i", entityNum );
if (s_UseOpenAL)
if (entityNum == 0)
channel_t *ch = s_channels + 1;
for (int i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if ((s_channels[i].bPlaying) && (s_channels[i].entnum == entityNum) && (!s_channels[i].bLooping))
// Ignore position updates for CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL
if (ch->entchannel != CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL && ch->entchannel != CHAN_ANNOUNCER)
ALfloat pos[3];
pos[0] = origin[0];
pos[1] = origin[2];
pos[2] = -origin[1];
alSourcefv(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
/* pos[0] = origin[0];
pos[1] = origin[2];
pos[2] = -origin[1];
alSourcefv(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
if ((s_bEALFileLoaded) && !( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL ) )
VectorCopy( origin, s_entityPosition[entityNum] );
// Given a current wav we are playing, and our position within it, lets figure out its volume...
// (this is mostly Jake's code from EF1, which explains a lot...:-)
static int next_amplitude = 0;
static int S_CheckAmplitude(channel_t *ch, const int s_oldpaintedtime )
// now, is this a cycle - or have we just started a new sample - where we should update the backup table, and write this value
// into the new table? or should we just take the value FROM the back up table and feed it out.
assert( ch->startSample != START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE );
if ( ch->startSample == s_oldpaintedtime || (next_amplitude < s_soundtime) )//(ch->startSample == START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE)//!s_entityWavVol_back[ch->entnum]
int sample;
int sample_total = 0;
int count = 0;
short *current_pos_s;
// char *current_pos_c;
int offset = 0;
// if we haven't started the sample yet, we must be at the beginning
current_pos_s = ((short*)ch->thesfx->pSoundData);
// current_pos_c = ((char*)ch->thesfx->data);
//if (ch->startSample != START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE)
// figure out where we are in the sample right now.
offset = s_oldpaintedtime - ch->startSample;//s_paintedtime
current_pos_s += offset;
// current_pos_c += offset;
// scan through 10 samples 100( at 11hz or 200 at 22hz) samples apart.
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
// have we run off the end?
if ((offset + (i*100)) > ch->thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples)
// if (ch->thesfx->width == 1)
// {
// sample = current_pos_c[i*100];
// }
// else
switch (ch->thesfx->eSoundCompressionMethod)
case ct_16:
sample = current_pos_s[i*100];
case ct_MP3:
const int iIndex = (i*100) + ((offset * /*ch->thesfx->width*/2) - ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos);
const short* pwSamples = (short*) (ch->MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer + iIndex);
sample = *pwSamples;
sample = 0;
// if (sample < 0)
// sample = -sample;
sample = sample>>8;
// square it for better accuracy
sample_total += (sample * sample);
// if we are already done with this sample, then its silence
if (!count)
sample_total /= count;
// I hate doing this, but its the simplest way
if (sample_total < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_1->value)
// tell the scripts that are relying on this that we are still going, but actually silent right now.
sample = -1;
if (sample_total < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_2->value)
sample = 1;
if (sample_total < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_3->value)
sample = 2;
if (sample_total < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_4->value)
sample = 3;
sample = 4;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// OutputDebugString(va("Returning sample %d\n",sample));
// store away the value we got into the back up table
s_entityWavVol_back[ ch->entnum ] = sample;
return (sample);
// no, just get last value calculated from backup table
assert( s_entityWavVol_back[ch->entnum] );
return (s_entityWavVol_back[ ch->entnum]);
Change the volumes of all the playing sounds for changes in their positions
void S_Respatialize( int entityNum, const vec3_t head, vec3_t axis[3], qboolean inwater )
int i;
channel_t *ch;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if (s_UseOpenAL)
listener_pos[0] = head[0];
listener_pos[1] = head[2];
listener_pos[2] = -head[1];
alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, listener_pos);
listener_ori[0] = axis[0][0];
listener_ori[1] = axis[0][2];
listener_ori[2] = -axis[0][1];
listener_ori[3] = axis[2][0];
listener_ori[4] = axis[2][2];
listener_ori[5] = -axis[2][1];
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, listener_ori);
// Update EAX effects here
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
// Check if the Listener is underwater
if (inwater)
// Check if we have already applied Underwater effect
if (!s_bInWater)
// New underwater fix
for (i = 0; i < EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS; i++)
s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID = -1;
// Load underwater reverb effect into FX Slot 0, and set this as the Primary FX Slot
unsigned int ulEnvironment = EAX_ENVIRONMENT_UNDERWATER;
NULL, &ulEnvironment, sizeof(unsigned int));
s_EnvironmentID = 999;
// Occlude all sounds into this environment, and mute all their sends to other reverbs
eaxOCProp.lOcclusion = -3000;
eaxOCProp.flOcclusionLFRatio = 0.0f;
eaxOCProp.flOcclusionRoomRatio = 1.37f;
eaxOCProp.flOcclusionDirectRatio = 1.0f;
eaxActiveSlots.guidActiveFXSlots[0] = EAX_NULL_GUID;
eaxActiveSlots.guidActiveFXSlots[1] = EAX_PrimaryFXSlotID;
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
// New underwater fix
s_channels[i].lSlotID = -1;
ch->alSource, &eaxOCProp, sizeof(EAXOCCLUSIONPROPERTIES));
&eaxActiveSlots, 2*sizeof(GUID));
s_bInWater = true;
// Not underwater ... check if the underwater effect is still present
if (s_bInWater)
s_bInWater = false;
// Remove underwater Reverb effect, and reset Occlusion / Obstruction amount on all Sources
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
listener_number = entityNum;
VectorCopy(head, listener_origin);
VectorCopy(axis[0], listener_axis[0]);
VectorCopy(axis[1], listener_axis[1]);
VectorCopy(axis[2], listener_axis[2]);
// update spatialization for dynamic sounds
ch = s_channels;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
if ( !ch->thesfx ) {
if ( ch->loopSound ) { // loopSounds are regenerated fresh each frame
Channel_Clear(ch); // memset (ch, 0, sizeof(*ch));
// anything coming from the view entity will always be full volume
if (ch->entnum == listener_number || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL || ch->entchannel == CHAN_ANNOUNCER) {
ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol;
ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;
} else {
const vec3_t *origin;
if (ch->fixed_origin) {
origin = &ch->origin;
} else {
origin = &s_entityPosition[ ch->entnum ];
S_SpatializeOrigin (*origin, (float)ch->master_vol, &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol, ch->entchannel);
//NOTE: Made it so that voice sounds keep playing, even out of range
// so that tasks waiting for sound completion keep proper timing
if ( !( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL ) && !ch->leftvol && !ch->rightvol ) {
Channel_Clear(ch); // memset (ch, 0, sizeof(*ch));
// add loopsounds
S_AddLoopSounds ();
Returns qtrue if any new sounds were started since the last mix
qboolean S_ScanChannelStarts( void ) {
channel_t *ch;
int i;
qboolean newSamples;
newSamples = qfalse;
ch = s_channels;
for (i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++) {
if ( !ch->thesfx ) {
if ( ch->loopSound ) {
// if this channel was just started this frame,
// set the sample count to it begins mixing
// into the very first sample
if ( ch->startSample == START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE ) {
ch->startSample = s_paintedtime;
newSamples = qtrue;
// if it is completely finished by now, clear it
if ( ch->startSample + ch->thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples <= s_paintedtime ) {
ch->thesfx = NULL;
return newSamples;
// this is now called AFTER the DMA painting, since it's only the painter calls that cause the MP3s to be unpacked,
// and therefore to have data readable by the lip-sync volume calc code.
void S_DoLipSynchs( const int s_oldpaintedtime )
channel_t *ch;
int i;
// clear out the lip synching override array for this frame
memset(s_entityWavVol, 0,(MAX_GENTITIES * 4));
ch = s_channels;
for (i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++) {
if ( !ch->thesfx ) {
if ( ch->loopSound ) {
// if we are playing a sample that should override the lip texture on its owning model, lets figure out
// what the amplitude is, stick it in a table, then return it
if ( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
// go away and work out amplitude for this sound we are playing right now.
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = S_CheckAmplitude( ch, s_oldpaintedtime );
if ( s_show->integer == 3 ) {
Com_Printf( "(%i)%i %s vol = %i\n", ch->entnum, i, ch->thesfx->sSoundName, s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] );
if (next_amplitude < s_soundtime) {
next_amplitude = s_soundtime + 800;
Called once each time through the main loop
void S_Update( void ) {
int i;
channel_t *ch;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
// debugging output
if ( s_show->integer == 2 ) {
//int total = 0;
//int totalMeg =0;
ch = s_channels;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++) {
if ( ch->thesfx && (ch->leftvol || ch->rightvol) ) {
Com_Printf ("(%i) %3i %3i %s\n", ch->entnum, ch->leftvol, ch->rightvol, ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
//totalMeg += Z_Size(ch->thesfx->pSoundData);
//if (ch->thesfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
// totalMeg += sizeof(*ch->thesfx->pMP3StreamHeader);
//if (total)
// Com_Printf ("----(%i)---- painted: %i, SND %.2fMB\n", total, s_paintedtime, totalMeg/1024.0f/1024.0f);
// The Open AL code, handles background music in the S_UpdateRawSamples function
if (!s_UseOpenAL)
// add raw data from streamed samples
// mix some sound
void S_GetSoundtime(void)
int samplepos;
static int buffers;
static int oldsamplepos;
int fullsamples;
fullsamples = dma.samples / dma.channels;
// it is possible to miscount buffers if it has wrapped twice between
// calls to S_Update. Oh well.
samplepos = SNDDMA_GetDMAPos();
if (samplepos < oldsamplepos)
buffers++; // buffer wrapped
if (s_paintedtime > 0x40000000)
{ // time to chop things off to avoid 32 bit limits
buffers = 0;
s_paintedtime = fullsamples;
S_StopAllSounds ();
oldsamplepos = samplepos;
s_soundtime = buffers*fullsamples + samplepos/dma.channels;
#if 0
// check to make sure that we haven't overshot
if (s_paintedtime < s_soundtime)
Com_DPrintf ("S_Update_ : overflow\n");
s_paintedtime = s_soundtime;
if ( dma.submission_chunk < 256 ) {
s_paintedtime = (int)(s_soundtime + s_mixPreStep->value * dma.speed);
} else {
s_paintedtime = s_soundtime + dma.submission_chunk;
void S_Update_(void) {
unsigned endtime;
int samps;
if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {
if (s_UseOpenAL)
int i,j;
int source;
channel_t *ch = s_channels + 1;
for ( i = 1; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ )
float pos[3];
if ( !ch->thesfx || (ch->bPlaying))
source = ch - s_channels;
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL || ch->entchannel == CHAN_ANNOUNCER)
// Always play these sounds at 0,0,-1 (in front of listener)
pos[0] = 0.0f;
pos[1] = 0.0f;
pos[2] = -1.0f;
alSourcefv(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_ANNOUNCER)
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.0f);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volumeVoice->value) / 255.0f);
// Get position of source
if (ch->fixed_origin)
pos[0] = ch->origin[0];
pos[1] = ch->origin[2];
pos[2] = -ch->origin[1];
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE);
if (ch->entnum == listener_number)
pos[0] = 0.0f;
pos[1] = 0.0f;
pos[2] = 0.0f;
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);
// Get position of Entity
if (ch->bLooping)
pos[0] = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[0];
pos[1] = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[2];
pos[2] = -loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[1];
pos[0] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][0];
pos[1] = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][2];
pos[2] = -s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][1];
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE);
alSourcefv(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE)
// Reduced fall-off (Large Reference Distance), affected by Voice Volume
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_VOICE_REF_DISTANCE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volumeVoice->value) / 255.0f);
else if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN)
// Normal fall-off, affected by Voice Volume
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_REF_DISTANCE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volumeVoice->value) / 255.0f);
else if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_LESS_ATTEN)
// Reduced fall-off, affected by Sound Effect Volume
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_VOICE_REF_DISTANCE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.f);
// Normal fall-off, affect by Sound Effect Volume
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_REF_DISTANCE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.f);
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
int nBytesDecoded = 0;
int nTotalBytesDecoded = 0;
int nBuffersToAdd = 0;
if (ch->thesfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
memcpy(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, ch->thesfx->pMP3StreamHeader, sizeof(ch->MP3StreamHeader));
ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0;
ch->iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos= 0;
// Reset streaming buffers status's
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; i++)
ch->buffers[i].Status = UNQUEUED;
// Decode (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152) MP3 frames for each of the NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS AL Buffers
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; i++)
nTotalBytesDecoded = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152); j++)
nBytesDecoded = C_MP3Stream_Decode(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, 0); // added ,0 ?
memcpy(ch->buffers[i].Data + nTotalBytesDecoded, ch->MP3StreamHeader.bDecodeBuffer, nBytesDecoded);
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData)
ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[(i*NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS)+j] = S_MP3PreProcessLipSync(ch, (short *)(ch->MP3StreamHeader.bDecodeBuffer));
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char szString[256];
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
nTotalBytesDecoded += nBytesDecoded;
if (nTotalBytesDecoded != STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE)
memset(ch->buffers[i].Data + nTotalBytesDecoded, 0, (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE - nTotalBytesDecoded));
nBuffersToAdd = i + 1;
// Make sure queue is empty first
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_BUFFER, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < nBuffersToAdd; i++)
// Copy decoded data to AL Buffer
alBufferData(ch->buffers[i].BufferID, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, ch->buffers[i].Data, STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, 22050);
// Queue AL Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers(s_channels[source].alSource, 1, &(ch->buffers[i].BufferID));
if (alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR)
ch->buffers[i].Status = QUEUED;
// Clear error state, and check for successful Play call
if (alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR)
s_channels[source].bPlaying = true;
ch->bStreaming = true;
if ( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData)
// Record start time for Lip-syncing
s_channels[source].iStartTime = timeGetTime();
// Prepare lipsync value(s)
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[0];
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char szString[256];
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
// Attach buffer to source
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_BUFFER, ch->thesfx->Buffer);
ch->bStreaming = false;
// Clear error state, and check for successful Play call
if (alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR)
s_channels[source].bPlaying = true;
if ( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData)
// Record start time for Lip-syncing
s_channels[source].iStartTime = timeGetTime();
// Prepare lipsync value(s)
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[0];
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szString[256];
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
// Updates s_soundtime
const int s_oldpaintedtime = s_paintedtime;
// clear any sound effects that end before the current time,
// and start any new sounds
// mix ahead of current position
endtime = (int)(s_soundtime + s_mixahead->value * dma.speed);
// mix to an even submission block size
endtime = (endtime + dma.submission_chunk-1)
& ~(dma.submission_chunk-1);
// never mix more than the complete buffer
samps = dma.samples >> (dma.channels-1);
if (endtime - s_soundtime > (unsigned)samps)
endtime = s_soundtime + samps;
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
S_PaintChannels (endtime);
SNDDMA_Submit ();
S_DoLipSynchs( s_oldpaintedtime );
void UpdateSingleShotSounds()
int i, j, k;
ALint state;
ALint processed;
channel_t *ch;
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szString[256];
// Firstly, check if any single-shot sounds have completed, or if they need more data (for streaming Sources),
// and/or if any of the currently playing (non-Ambient) looping sounds need to be stopped
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
ch->bProcessed = false;
if ((s_channels[i].bPlaying) && (!ch->bLooping))
// Single-shot
if (s_channels[i].bStreaming == false)
alGetSourcei(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state == AL_STOPPED)
s_channels[i].thesfx = NULL;
s_channels[i].bPlaying = false;
// Process streaming sample
// Procedure :-
// if more data to play
// if any UNQUEUED Buffers
// fill them with data
// (else ?)
// get number of buffers processed
// fill them with data
// restart playback if it has stopped (buffer underrun)
// else
// free channel
int nBytesDecoded;
if (ch->thesfx->pMP3StreamHeader)
if (ch->MP3StreamHeader.iSourceBytesRemaining == 0)
// Finished decoding data - if the source has finished playing then we're done
alGetSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state == AL_STOPPED)
// Attach NULL buffer to Source to remove any buffers left in the queue
alSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_BUFFER, NULL);
ch->thesfx = NULL;
ch->bPlaying = false;
// Move on to next channel ...
// Check to see if any Buffers have been processed
alGetSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
ALuint buffer;
while (processed)
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(ch->alSource, 1, &buffer);
for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; j++)
if (ch->buffers[j].BufferID == buffer)
ch->buffers[j].Status = UNQUEUED;
int nTotalBytesDecoded = 0;
for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS; j++)
if ((ch->buffers[j].Status == UNQUEUED) && (ch->MP3StreamHeader.iSourceBytesRemaining > 0))
nTotalBytesDecoded = 0;
for (k = 0; k < (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152); k++)
nBytesDecoded = C_MP3Stream_Decode(&ch->MP3StreamHeader, 0); // added ,0
if (nBytesDecoded > 0)
memcpy(ch->buffers[j].Data + nTotalBytesDecoded, ch->MP3StreamHeader.bDecodeBuffer, nBytesDecoded);
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData)
ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[(j*4)+k] = S_MP3PreProcessLipSync(ch, (short *)(ch->buffers[j].Data));
#ifdef _DEBUG
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
nTotalBytesDecoded += nBytesDecoded;
// Make sure that iSourceBytesRemaining is 0
if (ch->MP3StreamHeader.iSourceBytesRemaining != 0)
ch->MP3StreamHeader.iSourceBytesRemaining = 0;
if (nTotalBytesDecoded != STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE)
memset(ch->buffers[j].Data + nTotalBytesDecoded, 0, (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE - nTotalBytesDecoded));
// Move data to buffer
alBufferData(ch->buffers[j].BufferID, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, ch->buffers[j].Data, STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, 22050);
// Queue Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers(ch->alSource, 1, &(ch->buffers[j].BufferID));
// Update status of Buffer
ch->buffers[j].Status = QUEUED;
// Move data to buffer
alBufferData(ch->buffers[j].BufferID, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, ch->buffers[j].Data, STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, 22050);
// Queue Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers(ch->alSource, 1, &(ch->buffers[j].BufferID));
// Update status of Buffer
ch->buffers[j].Status = QUEUED;
// Get state of Buffer
alGetSourcei(ch->alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state != AL_PLAYING)
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szString[256];
sprintf(szString,"[%d] Restarting playback of single-shot streaming MP3 sample - still have %d bytes to decode\n", i, ch->MP3StreamHeader.iSourceBytesRemaining);
void UpdateLoopingSounds()
int i,j;
ALuint source;
channel_t *ch;
loopSound_t *loop;
float pos[3];
// First check to see if any of the looping sounds are already playing at the correct positions
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if (ch->bLooping && s_channels[i].bPlaying)
for (j = 0; j < numLoopSounds; j++)
loop = &loopSounds[j];
// If this channel is playing the right sound effect at the right position then mark this channel and looping sound
// as processed
if ((loop->bProcessed == false) && (ch->thesfx == loop->sfx) )
if ( (loop->origin[0] == listener_pos[0]) && (loop->origin[1] == -listener_pos[2])
&& (loop->origin[2] == listener_pos[1]) )
// Assume that this sound is head relative
if (!loop->bRelative)
// Set position to 0,0,0 and turn on Head Relative Mode
float pos[3];
pos[0] = 0.f;
pos[1] = 0.f;
pos[2] = 0.f;
alSourcefv(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
alSourcei(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);
loop->bRelative = qtrue;
// Make sure Gain is set correctly
if (ch->master_vol != loop->volume)
ch->master_vol = loop->volume;
alSourcef(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.f);
ch->bProcessed = true;
loop->bProcessed = qtrue;
else if ((loop->bProcessed == false) && (ch->thesfx == loop->sfx) && (!memcmp(ch->origin, loop->origin, sizeof(ch->origin))))
// Match !
ch->bProcessed = true;
loop->bProcessed = qtrue;
// Make sure Gain is set correctly
if (ch->master_vol != loop->volume)
ch->master_vol = loop->volume;
alSourcef(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.f);
// Next check if the correct looping sound is playing, but at the wrong position
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if ((ch->bLooping) && (ch->bProcessed == false) && s_channels[i].bPlaying)
for (j = 0; j < numLoopSounds; j++)
loop = &loopSounds[j];
if ((loop->bProcessed == false) && (ch->thesfx == loop->sfx))
// Same sound - wrong position
ch->origin[0] = loop->origin[0];
ch->origin[1] = loop->origin[1];
ch->origin[2] = loop->origin[2];
pos[0] = loop->origin[0];
pos[1] = loop->origin[2];
pos[2] = -loop->origin[1];
alSourcefv(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
ch->master_vol = loop->volume;
alSourcef(s_channels[i].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.f);
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
ch->bProcessed = true;
loop->bProcessed = qtrue;
// If any non-procesed looping sounds are still playing on a channel, they can be removed as they are no longer
// required
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if (s_channels[i].bPlaying && ch->bLooping && !ch->bProcessed)
// Sound no longer needed
ch->thesfx = NULL;
ch->bPlaying = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Finally if there are any non-processed sounds left, we need to try and play them
for (j = 0; j < numLoopSounds; j++)
loop = &loopSounds[j];
if (!loop->bProcessed)
ch = S_PickChannel(0,0);
ch->master_vol = loop->volume;
ch->entnum = loop->entnum;
ch->entchannel = loop->entchan;
ch->thesfx = loop->sfx;
ch->bLooping = true;
// Check if the Source is positioned at exactly the same location as the listener
if ( (loop->origin[0] == listener_pos[0]) && (loop->origin[1] == -listener_pos[2])
&& (loop->origin[2] == listener_pos[1]) )
// Assume that this sound is head relative
loop->bRelative = qtrue;
ch->origin[0] = 0.f;
ch->origin[1] = 0.f;
ch->origin[2] = 0.f;
ch->origin[0] = loop->origin[0];
ch->origin[1] = loop->origin[1];
ch->origin[2] = loop->origin[2];
loop->bRelative = qfalse;
ch->fixed_origin = loop->bRelative;
pos[0] = ch->origin[0];
pos[1] = ch->origin[2];
pos[2] = -ch->origin[1];
source = ch - s_channels;
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_BUFFER, ch->thesfx->Buffer);
alSourcefv(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_POSITION, pos);
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_GAIN, ((float)(ch->master_vol) * s_volume->value) / 255.0f);
alSourcei(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, ch->fixed_origin ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE);
if (ch->entchannel == CHAN_LESS_ATTEN)
{ // Reduced fall-off
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_VOICE_REF_DISTANCE);
alSourcef(s_channels[source].alSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_REF_DISTANCE);
if (s_bEALFileLoaded)
if (alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR)
s_channels[source].bPlaying = true;
void AL_UpdateRawSamples()
ALuint buffer;
ALint size;
ALint processed;
ALint state;
int i,j,src;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Clear Open AL Error
// Find out how many buffers have been processed (played) by the Source
alGetSourcei(s_channels[0].alSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
while (processed)
// Unqueue each buffer, determine the length of the buffer, and then delete it
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(s_channels[0].alSource, 1, &buffer);
alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_SIZE, &size);
alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);
// Update sg.soundtime (+= number of samples played (number of bytes / 4))
s_soundtime += (size >> 2);
// Add new data to a new Buffer and queue it on the Source
if (s_rawend > s_paintedtime)
size = (s_rawend - s_paintedtime)<<2;
if (size > (MAX_RAW_SAMPLES<<2))
OutputDebugString("UpdateRawSamples :- Raw Sample buffer has overflowed !!!\n");
size = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES<<2;
s_paintedtime = s_rawend - MAX_RAW_SAMPLES;
// Copy samples from RawSamples to audio buffer (sg.rawdata)
for (i = s_paintedtime, j = 0; i < s_rawend; i++, j+=2)
src = i & (MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1);
s_rawdata[j] = (short)(s_rawsamples[src].left>>8);
s_rawdata[j+1] = (short)(s_rawsamples[src].right>>8);
// Need to generate more than 1 buffer for music playback
// iterations = 0;
// largestBufferSize = (MAX_RAW_SAMPLES / 4) * 4
// while (size)
// generate a buffer
// if size > largestBufferSize
// copy sg.rawdata + ((iterations * largestBufferSize)>>1) to buffer
// size -= largestBufferSize
// else
// copy remainder
// size = 0
// queue the buffer
// iterations++;
int iterations = 0;
int largestBufferSize = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES; // in bytes (== quarter of Raw Samples data)
while (size)
alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
if (size > largestBufferSize)
alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, (char*)(s_rawdata + ((iterations * largestBufferSize)>>1)), largestBufferSize, 22050);
size -= largestBufferSize;
alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, (char*)(s_rawdata + ((iterations * largestBufferSize)>>1)), size, 22050);
size = 0;
alSourceQueueBuffers(s_channels[0].alSource, 1, &buffer);
// Update paintedtime
s_paintedtime = s_rawend;
// Check that the Source is actually playing
alGetSourcei(s_channels[0].alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state != AL_PLAYING)
// Stopped playing ... due to buffer underrun
// Unqueue any buffers still on the Source (they will be PROCESSED), and restart playback
alGetSourcei(s_channels[0].alSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed);
while (processed)
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(s_channels[0].alSource, 1, &buffer);
alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_SIZE, &size);
alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);
// Update sg.soundtime (+= number of samples played (number of bytes / 4))
s_soundtime += (size >> 2);
#ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString("Restarting / Starting playback of Raw Samples\n");
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("OAL Error : UpdateRawSamples\n");
int S_MP3PreProcessLipSync(channel_t *ch, short *data)
int i;
int sample;
int sampleTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 576; i += 100)
sample = LittleShort(data[i]);
sample = sample >> 8;
sampleTotal += sample * sample;
sampleTotal /= 6;
if (sampleTotal < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_1->value)
sample = -1;
else if (sampleTotal < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_2->value)
sample = 1;
else if (sampleTotal < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_3->value)
sample = 2;
else if (sampleTotal < ch->thesfx->fVolRange * s_lip_threshold_4->value)
sample = 3;
sample = 4;
return sample;
void S_SetLipSyncs()
int i;
unsigned int samples;
int currentTime, timePlayed;
channel_t *ch;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char szString[256];
#ifdef _WIN32
currentTime = timeGetTime();
// FIXME: alternative to timeGetTime ?
currentTime = 0;
memset(s_entityWavVol, 0, sizeof(s_entityWavVol));
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (i = 1; i < s_numChannels; i++, ch++)
if ((!ch->thesfx)||(!ch->bPlaying))
if ( ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN || ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL )
// Calculate how much time has passed since the sample was started
timePlayed = currentTime - ch->iStartTime;
if (ch->thesfx->eSoundCompressionMethod==ct_16)
// There is a new computed lip-sync value every 1000 samples - so find out how many samples
// have been played and lookup the value in the lip-sync table
samples = (timePlayed * 22050) / 1000;
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData == NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
if ((ch->thesfx->lipSyncData) && (samples < (unsigned)ch->thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples))
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[samples / 1000];
// Com_Printf("%s, total samples = %d, current sample = %d, lip type = %d \n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName, ch->thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples, samples, s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] );
if ( s_show->integer == 3 )
Com_Printf( "(%i)%i %s vol = %i\n", ch->entnum, i, ch->thesfx->sSoundName, s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] );
// MP3
// There is a new computed lip-sync value every 576 samples - so find out how many samples
// have been played and lookup the value in the lip-sync table
samples = (timePlayed * 22050) / 1000;
if (ch->thesfx->lipSyncData == NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sprintf(szString, "Missing lip-sync info. for %s\n", ch->thesfx->sSoundName);
if ((ch->thesfx->lipSyncData) && (samples < (unsigned)ch->thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples))
s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = ch->thesfx->lipSyncData[(samples / 576) % 16];
if ( s_show->integer == 3 )
Com_Printf( "(%i)%i %s vol = %i\n", ch->entnum, i, ch->thesfx->sSoundName, s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] );
console functions
static void S_Play_f( void ) {
int i;
sfxHandle_t h;
char name[256];
i = 1;
while ( i<Cmd_Argc() ) {
if ( !strrchr(Cmd_Argv(i), '.') ) {
Com_sprintf( name, sizeof(name), "%s.wav", Cmd_Argv(1) );
} else {
Q_strncpyz( name, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(name) );
h = S_RegisterSound( name );
if( h ) {
S_StartLocalSound( h, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
static void S_Music_f( void ) {
int c;
c = Cmd_Argc();
if ( c == 2 ) {
S_StartBackgroundTrack( Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(1), qfalse );
} else if ( c == 3 ) {
S_StartBackgroundTrack( Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2), qfalse );
} else {
Com_Printf ("music <musicfile> [loopfile]\n");
static void S_StopMusic_f( void ) {
// a debug function, but no harm to leave in...
static void S_SetDynamicMusic_f(void)
int c = Cmd_Argc();
if ( c == 2 )
if (bMusic_IsDynamic)
// don't need to check existance of 'explore' or 'action' music, since music wouldn't
// be counted as dynamic if either were missing, but other types are optional...
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1),"explore"))
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE );
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1),"action"))
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION );
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1),"silence"))
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE );
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1),"boss"))
if (tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_BOSS ].bExists)
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eBGRNDTRACK_BOSS );
Com_Printf("No 'boss' music defined in current dynamic set\n");
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1),"death"))
if (tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_DEATH ].bExists)
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eBGRNDTRACK_DEATH );
Com_Printf("No 'death' music defined in current dynamic set\n");
DynamicMusicInfoPrint(); // print "inactive" string
// show usage...
Com_Printf("Usage: s_dynamic <explore/action/silence/boss/death>\n");
// this table needs to be in-sync with the typedef'd enum "SoundCompressionMethod_t"... -ste
static const char *sSoundCompressionMethodStrings[ct_NUMBEROF] =
"16b", // ct_16
"mp3" // ct_MP3
void S_SoundList_f( void ) {
int i;
sfx_t *sfx;
int size, total;
int iVariantCap = -1; // for %d-inquiry stuff
int iTotalBytes = 0;
qboolean bWavOnly = qfalse;
qboolean bShouldBeMP3 = qfalse;
if ( Cmd_Argc() == 2 )
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "shouldbeMP3"))
bShouldBeMP3 = qtrue;
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "wavonly"))
bWavOnly = qtrue;
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "1"))
iVariantCap = 1;
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "2"))
iVariantCap = 2;
if (!Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "3"))
iVariantCap = 3;
Com_Printf("( additional (mutually exclusive) options available:\n'wavonly', 'ShouldBeMP3', '1'/'2'/'3' for %%d-variant capping )\n" );
total = 0;
Com_Printf(" InMemory?\n");
Com_Printf(" |\n");
Com_Printf(" | LevelLastUsedOn\n");
Com_Printf(" | |\n");
Com_Printf(" | |\n");
Com_Printf(" Slot Smpls Type | | Name\n");
// Com_Printf(" Slot Smpls Type InMem? Name\n");
for (sfx=s_knownSfx, i=0 ; i<s_numSfx ; i++, sfx++)
extern cvar_t *cv_MP3overhead;
qboolean bMP3DumpOverride = (qboolean)(
bShouldBeMP3 &&
cv_MP3overhead &&
!sfx->bDefaultSound &&
!sfx->pMP3StreamHeader &&
sfx->pSoundData &&
(Z_Size(sfx->pSoundData) > cv_MP3overhead->integer));
if (bMP3DumpOverride || (!bShouldBeMP3 && (!bWavOnly || sfx->eSoundCompressionMethod == ct_16)))
qboolean bDumpThisOne = qtrue;
if (iVariantCap >= 1 && iVariantCap <= 3)
int iStrLen = strlen(sfx->sSoundName);
if (iStrLen > 2) // crash-safety, jic.
char c = sfx->sSoundName[iStrLen-1];
char c2 = sfx->sSoundName[iStrLen-2];
if (!isdigit(c2) // quick-avoid of stuff like "pain75"
&& isdigit(c) && atoi(va("%c",c)) > iVariantCap)
// need to see if this %d-variant should be omitted, in other words if there's a %1 version then skip this...
char sFindName[MAX_QPATH];
sFindName[iStrLen-1] = '1';
int i2;
sfx_t *sfx2;
for (sfx2 = s_knownSfx, i2=0 ; i2<s_numSfx ; i2++, sfx2++)
if (!Q_stricmp(sFindName,sfx2->sSoundName))
bDumpThisOne = qfalse; // found a %1-variant of this, so use variant capping and ignore this sfx_t
size = sfx->iSoundLengthInSamples;
if (sfx->bDefaultSound)
Com_Printf("%5d Missing file: \"%s\"\n", i, sfx->sSoundName );
if (bDumpThisOne)
iTotalBytes += (sfx->bInMemory && sfx->pSoundData) ? Z_Size(sfx->pSoundData) : 0;
iTotalBytes += (sfx->bInMemory && sfx->pMP3StreamHeader) ? sizeof(*sfx->pMP3StreamHeader) : 0;
total += sfx->bInMemory ? size : 0;
Com_Printf("%5d %7i [%s] %s %2d %s", i, size, sSoundCompressionMethodStrings[sfx->eSoundCompressionMethod], sfx->bInMemory?"y":"n", sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn, sfx->sSoundName );
if (!bDumpThisOne)
Com_Printf(" ( Skipping, variant capped )");
//OutputDebugString(va("Variant capped: %s\n",sfx->sSoundName));
Com_Printf(" Slot Smpls Type In? Lev Name\n");
Com_Printf ("Total resident samples: %i %s ( not mem usage, see 'meminfo' ).\n", total, bWavOnly?"(WAV only)":"");
Com_Printf ("%d out of %d sfx_t slots used\n", s_numSfx, MAX_SFX);
Com_Printf ("%.2fMB bytes used when counting sfx_t->pSoundData + MP3 headers (if any)\n", (float)iTotalBytes / 1024.0f / 1024.0f);
background music functions
int FGetLittleLong( fileHandle_t f ) {
int v;
FS_Read( &v, sizeof(v), f );
return LittleLong( v);
int FGetLittleShort( fileHandle_t f ) {
short v;
FS_Read( &v, sizeof(v), f );
return LittleShort( v);
// returns the length of the data in the chunk, or 0 if not found
int S_FindWavChunk( fileHandle_t f, const char *chunk ) {
char name[5];
int len;
int r;
name[4] = 0;
len = 0;
r = FS_Read( name, 4, f );
if ( r != 4 ) {
return 0;
len = FGetLittleLong( f );
if ( len < 0 || len > 0xfffffff ) {
len = 0;
return 0;
len = (len + 1 ) & ~1; // pad to word boundary
// s_nextWavChunk += len + 8;
if ( strcmp( name, chunk ) ) {
return 0;
return len;
// fixme: need to move this into qcommon sometime?, but too much stuff altered by other people and I won't be able
// to compile again for ages if I check that out...
// DO NOT replace this with a call to FS_FileExists, that's for checking about writing out, and doesn't work for this.
qboolean S_FileExists( const char *psFilename )
fileHandle_t fhTemp;
FS_FOpenFileRead (psFilename, &fhTemp, qtrue); // qtrue so I can fclose the handle without closing a PAK
if (!fhTemp)
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
// some stuff for streaming MP3 files from disk (not pleasant, but nothing about MP3 is, other than compression ratios...)
static void MP3MusicStream_Reset(MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo)
pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos = 0;
pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos = 0;
// return is where the decoder should read from...
static byte *MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk(MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo, int iReadOffset, int iReadBytesNeeded)
if (iReadOffset < pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos)
assert(0); // should never happen
return pMusicInfo->byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer; // ...but return something safe anyway
while (iReadOffset + iReadBytesNeeded > pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos)
int iBytesRead = FS_Read( pMusicInfo->byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer + (pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos), iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos += iBytesRead;
if (iBytesRead != iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead) // quietly ignore any requests to read past file end
break; // we need to do this because the disk read code can't know how much source data we need to
// read for a given number of requested output bytes, so we'll always be asking for too many
// if reached halfway point in buffer (approx 20k), backscroll it...
if (pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos > iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize/2)
int iMoveSrcOffset = iReadOffset - pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos;
int iMoveCount = (pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ) - iMoveSrcOffset;
memmove( &pMusicInfo->byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer, &pMusicInfo->byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer[iMoveSrcOffset], iMoveCount);
pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos += iMoveSrcOffset;
return pMusicInfo->byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer + (iReadOffset - pMusicInfo->iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos);
// does NOT set s_rawend!...
static void S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual( MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo )
if ( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile )
if ( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile != -1)
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
static void FreeMusic( MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo )
if (pMusicInfo->pLoadedData)
pMusicInfo->pLoadedData = NULL; // these two MUST be kept as valid/invalid together
pMusicInfo->sLoadedDataName[0]= '\0'; //
pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen = 0;
// called only by snd_shutdown (from snd_restart or app exit)
void S_UnCacheDynamicMusic( void )
FreeMusic( &tMusic_Info[i]);
static qboolean S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual( MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo, qboolean qbDynamic, const char *intro, const char *loop )
int len;
char dump[16];
char name[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz( sMusic_BackgroundLoop, loop, sizeof( sMusic_BackgroundLoop ));
Q_strncpyz( name, intro, sizeof( name ) - 4 ); // this seems to be so that if the filename hasn't got an extension
// but doesn't have the room to append on either then you'll just
// get the "soft" fopen() error, rather than the ERR_DROP you'd get
// if COM_DefaultExtension didn't have room to add it on.
COM_DefaultExtension( name, sizeof( name ), ".mp3" );
// close the background track, but DON'T reset s_rawend (or remaining music bits that haven't been output yet will be cut off)
S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual( pMusicInfo );
pMusicInfo->bIsMP3 = qfalse;
if ( !intro[0] ) {
return qfalse;
// new bit, if file requested is not same any loaded one (if prev was in-mem), ditch it...
if (Q_stricmp(name, pMusicInfo->sLoadedDataName))
FreeMusic( pMusicInfo );
if (!Q_stricmpn(name+(strlen(name)-4),".mp3",4))
if (pMusicInfo->pLoadedData)
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = -1;
pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen = FS_FOpenFileRead( name, &pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile, qtrue );
if (!pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile)
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Couldn't open music file %s\n", name );
return qfalse;
MP3MusicStream_Reset( pMusicInfo );
byte *pbMP3DataSegment = NULL;
int iInitialMP3ReadSize = 8192; // fairly arbitrary, whatever size this is then the decoder is allowed to
// scan up to halfway of it to find floating headers, so don't make it
// too small. 8k works fine.
qboolean bMusicSucceeded = qfalse;
if (qbDynamic)
if (!pMusicInfo->pLoadedData)
pMusicInfo->pLoadedData = (byte *) Z_Malloc(pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen, TAG_SND_DYNAMICMUSIC, qfalse);
FS_Read(pMusicInfo->pLoadedData, pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile);
Q_strncpyz(pMusicInfo->sLoadedDataName, name, sizeof(pMusicInfo->sLoadedDataName));
// enable the rest of the code to work as before...
pbMP3DataSegment = pMusicInfo->pLoadedData;
iInitialMP3ReadSize = pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen;
pbMP3DataSegment = MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk(pMusicInfo, 0, iInitialMP3ReadSize);
if (MP3_IsValid(name, pbMP3DataSegment, iInitialMP3ReadSize, qtrue /*bStereoDesired*/))
// init stream struct...
char *psError = C_MP3Stream_DecodeInit( &pMusicInfo->streamMP3_Bgrnd, pbMP3DataSegment, pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen,
16, // sfx->width * 8,
qtrue // bStereoDesired
if (psError == NULL)
// init sfx struct & setup the few fields I actually need...
memset( &pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd,0,sizeof(pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd));
// pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.width = 2; // read by MP3_GetSamples()
pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.iSoundLengthInSamples = 0x7FFFFFFF; // max possible +ve int, since music finishes when decoder stops
pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.pMP3StreamHeader = &pMusicInfo->streamMP3_Bgrnd;
Q_strncpyz( pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.sSoundName, name, sizeof(pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.sSoundName) );
if (qbDynamic)
MP3Stream_InitPlayingTimeFields ( &pMusicInfo->streamMP3_Bgrnd, name, pbMP3DataSegment, pMusicInfo->iLoadedDataLen, qtrue);
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.format = WAV_FORMAT_MP3; // not actually used this way, but just ensures we don't match one of the legit formats
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels = 2; // always, for our MP3s when used for music (else 1 for FX)
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.rate = dma.speed;
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width = 2; // always, for our MP3s
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.samples = pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.iSoundLengthInSamples;
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples = pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.iSoundLengthInSamples;
pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.thesfx = &pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd;
memcpy(&pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader, pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.pMP3StreamHeader, sizeof(*pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.pMP3StreamHeader));
if (qbDynamic)
if (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile != -1)
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = -1; // special mp3 value for "valid, but not a real file"
pMusicInfo->bIsMP3 = qtrue;
bMusicSucceeded = qtrue;
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Error streaming file %s: %s\n", name, psError);
if (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile != -1)
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
// MP3_IsValid() will already have printed any errors via Com_Printf at this point...
if (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile != -1)
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
return bMusicSucceeded;
else // not an mp3 file
// open up a wav file and get all the info
FS_FOpenFileRead( name, &pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile, qtrue );
if ( !pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: couldn't open music file %s\n", name );
return qfalse;
// skip the riff wav header
FS_Read(dump, 12, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile);
if ( !S_FindWavChunk( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile, "fmt " ) ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: No fmt chunk in %s\n", name );
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
return qfalse;
// save name for soundinfo
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.format = FGetLittleShort( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels = FGetLittleShort( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.rate = FGetLittleLong( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
FGetLittleLong( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
FGetLittleShort( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width = FGetLittleShort( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile ) / 8;
if ( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.format != WAV_FORMAT_PCM ) {
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Not a microsoft PCM format wav: %s\n", name);
return qfalse;
if ( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels != 2 || pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.rate != 22050 ) {
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: music file %s is not 22k stereo\n", name );
if ( ( len = S_FindWavChunk( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile, "data" ) ) == 0 ) {
FS_FCloseFile( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile = 0;
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: No data chunk in %s\n", name);
return qfalse;
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.samples = len / (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width * pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels);
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples = pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.samples;
return qtrue;
static void S_SwitchDynamicTracks( MusicState_e eOldState, MusicState_e eNewState, qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume )
// copy old track into fader...
tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ] = tMusic_Info[ eOldState ];
// tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ].bActive = qtrue; // inherent
// tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ].bExists = qtrue; // inherent
tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ].iXFadeVolumeSeekTime= Sys_Milliseconds();
tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ].iXFadeVolumeSeekTo = 0;
// ... and deactivate...
tMusic_Info[ eOldState ].bActive = qfalse;
// set new track to either full volume or fade up...
tMusic_Info[eNewState].bActive = qtrue;
tMusic_Info[eNewState].iXFadeVolumeSeekTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
tMusic_Info[eNewState].iXFadeVolumeSeekTo = 255;
tMusic_Info[eNewState].iXFadeVolume = bNewTrackStartsFullVolume ? 255 : 0;
eMusic_StateActual = eNewState;
if (s_debugdynamic->integer)
const char *psNewStateString = Music_BaseStateToString( eNewState, qtrue );
psNewStateString = psNewStateString?psNewStateString:"<unknown>";
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA "S_SwitchDynamicTracks( \"%s\" )\n", psNewStateString );
// called by both the config-string parser and the console-command state-changer...
// This either changes the music right now (copying track structures etc), or leaves the new state as pending
// so it gets picked up by the general music player if in a transition that can't be overridden...
static void S_SetDynamicMusicState( MusicState_e eNewState )
if (eMusic_StateRequest != eNewState)
eMusic_StateRequest = eNewState;
if (s_debugdynamic->integer)
const char *psNewStateString = Music_BaseStateToString( eNewState, qtrue );
psNewStateString = psNewStateString?psNewStateString:"<unknown>";
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA "S_SetDynamicMusicState( Request: \"%s\" )\n", psNewStateString );
static void S_HandleDynamicMusicStateChange( void )
if (eMusic_StateRequest != eMusic_StateActual)
// check whether or not the new request can be honoured, given what's currently playing...
if (Music_StateCanBeInterrupted( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest ))
LP_MP3STREAM pMP3StreamActual = &tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateActual ].chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader;
switch (eMusic_StateRequest)
case eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE: // ... from action or silence
switch (eMusic_StateActual)
case eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION: // action->explore
// find the transition track to play, and the entry point for explore when we get there,
// and also see if we're at a permitted exit point to switch at all...
float fPlayingTimeElapsed = MP3Stream_GetPlayingTimeInSeconds( pMP3StreamActual ) - MP3Stream_GetRemainingTimeInSeconds( pMP3StreamActual );
// supply:
// playing point in float seconds
// enum of track being queried
// get:
// enum of transition track to switch to
// float time of entry point of new track *after* transition
MusicState_e eTransition;
float fNewTrackEntryTime = 0.0f;
if (Music_AllowedToTransition( fPlayingTimeElapsed, eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION, &eTransition, &fNewTrackEntryTime))
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eTransition, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
tMusic_Info[eTransition].bTrackSwitchPending = qtrue;
tMusic_Info[eTransition].eTS_NewState = eMusic_StateRequest;
tMusic_Info[eTransition].fTS_NewTime = fNewTrackEntryTime;
case eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE: // silence->explore
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
// float fEntryTime = Music_GetRandomEntryTime( eMusic_StateRequest );
// tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateRequest ].SeekTo(fEntryTime);
tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateRequest ].Rewind();
default: // trying to transition from some state I wasn't aware you could transition from (shouldn't happen), so ignore
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
case eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE: // from explore or action
switch (eMusic_StateActual)
case eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION: // action->silence
case eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE: // explore->silence
// find the transition track to play, and the entry point for explore when we get there,
// and also see if we're at a permitted exit point to switch at all...
float fPlayingTimeElapsed = MP3Stream_GetPlayingTimeInSeconds( pMP3StreamActual ) - MP3Stream_GetRemainingTimeInSeconds( pMP3StreamActual );
MusicState_e eTransition;
float fNewTrackEntryTime = 0.0f;
if (Music_AllowedToTransition( fPlayingTimeElapsed, eMusic_StateActual, &eTransition, &fNewTrackEntryTime))
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eTransition, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
tMusic_Info[eTransition].bTrackSwitchPending = qtrue;
tMusic_Info[eTransition].eTS_NewState = eMusic_StateRequest;
tMusic_Info[eTransition].fTS_NewTime = 0.0f; //fNewTrackEntryTime; irrelevant when switching to silence
default: // some unhandled type switching to silence
assert(0); // fall through since boss case just does silence->switch anyway
case eBGRNDTRACK_BOSS: // boss->silence
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
case eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION: // anything->action
switch (eMusic_StateActual)
case eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE: // silence->action
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateRequest ].Rewind();
default: // !silence->action
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest, qtrue ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
float fEntryTime = Music_GetRandomEntryTime( eMusic_StateRequest );
tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateRequest ].SeekTo(fEntryTime);
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest, qfalse ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
// ( no need to fast forward or rewind, boss track is only entered into once, at start, and can't exit )
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, eMusic_StateRequest, qtrue ); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
// ( no need to fast forward or rewind, death track is only entered into once, at start, and can't exit or loop)
default: assert(0); break; // unknown new mode request, so just ignore it
static char gsIntroMusic[MAX_QPATH]={0};
static char gsLoopMusic [MAX_QPATH]={0};
void S_RestartMusic( void )
if (s_soundStarted && !s_soundMuted )
//if (gsIntroMusic[0] || gsLoopMusic[0]) // dont test this anymore (but still *use* them), they're blank for JK2 dynamic-music levels anyway
MusicState_e ePrevState = eMusic_StateRequest;
S_StartBackgroundTrack( gsIntroMusic, gsLoopMusic, qfalse ); // ( default music start will set the state to EXPLORE )
S_SetDynamicMusicState( ePrevState ); // restore to prev state
// Basic logic here is to see if the intro file specified actually exists, and if so, then it's not dynamic music,
// When called by the cgame start it loads up, then stops the playback (because of stutter issues), so that when the
// actual snapshot is received and the real play request is processed the data has already been loaded so will be quicker.
// to be honest, although the code still plays WAVs some of the file-check logic only works for MP3s, so if you ever want
// to use WAV music you'll have to do some tweaking below (but I've got other things to do so it'll have to wait - Ste)
void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop, qboolean bCalledByCGameStart )
bMusic_IsDynamic = qfalse;
if (!s_soundStarted)
{ //we have no sound, so don't even bother trying
if ( !intro ) {
intro = "";
if ( !loop || !loop[0] ) {
loop = intro;
if ( intro != gsIntroMusic ) {
Q_strncpyz( gsIntroMusic, intro, sizeof(gsIntroMusic) );
if ( loop != gsLoopMusic ) {
Q_strncpyz( gsLoopMusic, loop, sizeof(gsLoopMusic) );
char sNameIntro[MAX_QPATH];
char sNameLoop [MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz(sNameIntro, intro, sizeof(sNameIntro));
Q_strncpyz(sNameLoop, loop, sizeof(sNameLoop));
COM_DefaultExtension( sNameIntro, sizeof( sNameIntro ), ".mp3" );
COM_DefaultExtension( sNameLoop, sizeof( sNameLoop), ".mp3" );
// if dynamic music not allowed, then just stream the explore music instead of playing dynamic...
if (!s_allowDynamicMusic->integer && Music_DynamicDataAvailable(intro)) // "intro", NOT "sName" (i.e. don't use version with ".mp3" extension)
const char *psMusicName = Music_GetFileNameForState( eBGRNDTRACK_DATABEGIN );
if (psMusicName && S_FileExists( psMusicName ))
Q_strncpyz(sNameLoop, psMusicName,sizeof(sNameLoop ));
// conceptually we always play the 'intro'[/sName] track, intro-to-loop transition is handled in UpdateBackGroundTrack().
if ( (strstr(sNameIntro,"/") && S_FileExists( sNameIntro )) ) // strstr() check avoids extra file-exists check at runtime if reverting from streamed music to dynamic since literal files all need at least one slash in their name (eg "music/blah")
const char *psLoopName = S_FileExists( sNameLoop ) ? sNameLoop : sNameIntro;
Com_DPrintf("S_StartBackgroundTrack: Found/using non-dynamic music track '%s' (loop: '%s')\n", sNameIntro, psLoopName);
S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual( &tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_NONDYNAMIC], bMusic_IsDynamic, sNameIntro, psLoopName );
if (Music_DynamicDataAvailable(intro)) // "intro", NOT "sName" (i.e. don't use version with ".mp3" extension)
extern const char *Music_GetLevelSetName(void);
Q_strncpyz(sInfoOnly_CurrentDynamicMusicSet, Music_GetLevelSetName(), sizeof(sInfoOnly_CurrentDynamicMusicSet));
qboolean bOk = qfalse;
const char *psMusicName = Music_GetFileNameForState( (MusicState_e) i);
if (psMusicName && (!Q_stricmp(tMusic_Info[i].sLoadedDataName, psMusicName) || S_FileExists( psMusicName )) )
bOk = S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual( &tMusic_Info[i], qtrue, psMusicName, loop );
tMusic_Info[i].bExists = bOk;
if (!tMusic_Info[i].bExists)
FreeMusic( &tMusic_Info[i] );
// default all tracks to OFF first (and set any other vars)
for (int i = 0; i<eBGRNDTRACK_NUMBEROF; i++)
tMusic_Info[i].bActive = qfalse;
tMusic_Info[i].bTrackSwitchPending = qfalse;
tMusic_Info[i].fSmoothedOutVolume = 0.25f;
if (tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE].bExists &&
tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_ACTION ].bExists
Com_DPrintf("S_StartBackgroundTrack: Found dynamic music tracks\n");
bMusic_IsDynamic = qtrue;
// ... then start the default music state...
eMusic_StateActual = eMusic_StateRequest = eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE;
MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo = &tMusic_Info[ eMusic_StateActual ];
pMusicInfo->bActive = qtrue;
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTime= Sys_Milliseconds();
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo = 255;
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume = 0;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
// float fRemaining = MP3Stream_GetPlayingTimeInSeconds( &pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader);
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Dynamic music did not have both 'action' and 'explore' versions, inhibiting...\n");
if (sNameIntro[0]!='.') // blank name with ".mp3" or whatever attached - no error print out
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Unable to find music \"%s\" as explicit track or dynamic music entry!\n",sNameIntro);
if (bCalledByCGameStart)
void S_StopBackgroundTrack( void )
for (int i=0; i<eBGRNDTRACK_NUMBEROF; i++)
S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual( &tMusic_Info[i] );
s_rawend = 0;
// qboolean return is true only if we're changing from a streamed intro to a dynamic loop...
static qboolean S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual( MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfo, qboolean bFirstOrOnlyMusicTrack, float fDefaultVolume)
int bufferSamples;
int fileSamples;
byte raw[30000]; // just enough to fit in a mac stack frame (note that MP3 doesn't use full size of it)
int fileBytes;
int r;
float fMasterVol = fDefaultVolume; // s_musicVolume->value;
if (bMusic_IsDynamic)
// step xfade volume...
if ( pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume != pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo )
int iFadeMillisecondsElapsed = Sys_Milliseconds() - pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTime;
if (iFadeMillisecondsElapsed > (fDYNAMIC_XFADE_SECONDS * 1000))
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume = pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo;
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume = (int) (255.0f * ((float)iFadeMillisecondsElapsed/(fDYNAMIC_XFADE_SECONDS * 1000.0f)));
if (pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo == 0) // bleurgh
pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume = 255 - pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume;
fMasterVol *= (float)((float)pMusicInfo->iXFadeVolume / 255.0f);
// this is to work around an obscure issue to do with sliding decoder windows and amounts being requested, since the
// original MP3 stream-decoder wrapper was designed to work with audio-paintbuffer sized pieces... Basically 30000
// is far too big for the window decoder to handle in one request because of the time-travel issue associated with
// normal sfx buffer painting, and allowing sufficient sliding room, even though the music file never goes back in time.
#define RAWSIZE (pMusicInfo->bIsMP3?SIZEOF_RAW_BUFFER_FOR_MP3:sizeof(raw))
if ( !pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile ) {
return qfalse;
pMusicInfo->fSmoothedOutVolume = (pMusicInfo->fSmoothedOutVolume + fMasterVol)/2.0f;
// OutputDebugString(va("%f\n",pMusicInfo->fSmoothedOutVolume));
// don't bother playing anything if musicvolume is 0
if ( pMusicInfo->fSmoothedOutVolume <= 0 ) {
return qfalse;
// see how many samples should be copied into the raw buffer
if ( s_rawend < s_soundtime ) {
s_rawend = s_soundtime;
while ( s_rawend < s_soundtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES )
bufferSamples = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - (s_rawend - s_soundtime);
// decide how much data needs to be read from the file
fileSamples = bufferSamples * pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.rate / dma.speed;
// don't try to play if there are no more samples in the file
if (!fileSamples) {
return qfalse;
// don't try and read past the end of the file
if ( fileSamples > pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples ) {
fileSamples = pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples;
// our max buffer size
fileBytes = fileSamples * (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width * pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels);
if ((unsigned)fileBytes > RAWSIZE ) {
fileBytes = RAWSIZE;
fileSamples = fileBytes / (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width * pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels);
qboolean qbForceFinish = qfalse;
if (pMusicInfo->bIsMP3)
int iStartingSampleNum = pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.thesfx->iSoundLengthInSamples - pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples; // but this IS relevant
// Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Requesting MP3 samples: sample %d\n",iStartingSampleNum);
if (pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile == -1)
// in-mem...
qbForceFinish = (MP3Stream_GetSamples( &pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd, iStartingSampleNum, fileBytes/2, (short*) raw, qtrue ))?qfalse:qtrue;
//Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Music time remaining: %f seconds\n", MP3Stream_GetRemainingTimeInSeconds( &pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader ));
// streaming an MP3 file instead... (note that the 'fileBytes' request size isn't that relevant for MP3s,
// since code here can't know how much the MP3 needs to decompress)
byte *pbScrolledStreamData = MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk(pMusicInfo, pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader.iSourceReadIndex, fileBytes);
pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader.pbSourceData = pbScrolledStreamData - pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader.iSourceReadIndex;
qbForceFinish = (MP3Stream_GetSamples( &pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd, iStartingSampleNum, fileBytes/2, (short*) raw, qtrue ))?qfalse:qtrue;
// streaming a WAV off disk...
r = FS_Read( raw, fileBytes, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile );
if ( r != fileBytes ) {
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"StreamedRead failure on music track\n");
return qfalse;
// byte swap if needed (do NOT do for MP3 decoder, that has an internal big/little endian handler)
S_ByteSwapRawSamples( fileSamples, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels, raw );
// add to raw buffer
S_RawSamples( fileSamples, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.rate,
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.width, pMusicInfo->s_backgroundInfo.channels, raw, pMusicInfo->fSmoothedOutVolume,
pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples -= fileSamples;
if ( !pMusicInfo->s_backgroundSamples || qbForceFinish )
// loop the music, or play the next piece if we were on the intro...
// (but not for dynamic, that can only be used for loop music)
if (bMusic_IsDynamic) // needs special logic for this, different call
// for non-dynamic music we need to check if "sMusic_BackgroundLoop" is an actual filename,
// or if it's a dynamic music specifier (which can't literally exist), in which case it should set
// a return flag then exit...
char sTestName[MAX_QPATH*2];// *2 so COM_DefaultExtension doesn't do an ERR_DROP if there was no space
// for an extension, since this is a "soft" test
Q_strncpyz( sTestName, sMusic_BackgroundLoop, sizeof(sTestName));
COM_DefaultExtension(sTestName, sizeof(sTestName), ".mp3");
if (S_FileExists( sTestName ))
S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual( pMusicInfo, qfalse, sMusic_BackgroundLoop, sMusic_BackgroundLoop );
// proposed file doesn't exist, but this may be a dynamic track we're wanting to loop,
// so exit with a special flag...
return qtrue;
if ( !pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile )
return qfalse; // loop failed to restart
#undef RAWSIZE
return qfalse;
// used to be just for dynamic, but now even non-dynamic music has to know whether it should be silent or not...
static const char *S_Music_GetRequestedState(void)
int iStringOffset = cl.gameState.stringOffsets[CS_DYNAMIC_MUSIC_STATE];
if (iStringOffset)
const char *psCommand = cl.gameState.stringData+iStringOffset;
return psCommand;
return NULL;
// scan the configstring to see if there's been a state-change requested...
// (note that even if the state doesn't change it still gets here, so do a same-state check for applying)
// then go on to do transition handling etc...
static void S_CheckDynamicMusicState(void)
const char *psCommand = S_Music_GetRequestedState();
if (psCommand)
MusicState_e eNewState;
if ( !Q_stricmpn( psCommand, "silence", 7) )
else if ( !Q_stricmpn( psCommand, "action", 6) )
else if ( !Q_stricmpn( psCommand, "boss", 4) )
// special case, boss music is optional and may not be defined...
if (tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_BOSS ].bExists)
// ( leave it playing current track )
eNewState = eMusic_StateActual;
else if ( !Q_stricmpn( psCommand, "death", 5) )
// special case, death music is optional and may not be defined...
if (tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_DEATH ].bExists)
// ( leave it playing current track, typically either boss or action )
eNewState = eMusic_StateActual;
// seems a reasonable default...
S_SetDynamicMusicState( eNewState );
static void S_UpdateBackgroundTrack( void )
if (bMusic_IsDynamic)
if (s_debugdynamic->integer == 2)
if (eMusic_StateActual != eBGRNDTRACK_SILENCE)
MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfoCurrent = &tMusic_Info[ (eMusic_StateActual == eBGRNDTRACK_FADE)?eBGRNDTRACK_EXPLORE:eMusic_StateActual ];
MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfoFadeOut = &tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ];
if ( pMusicInfoCurrent->s_backgroundFile == -1)
int iRawEnd = s_rawend;
S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual( pMusicInfoCurrent, qtrue, s_musicVolume->value );
/* static int iPrevFrontVol = 0;
if (iPrevFrontVol != pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolume)
iPrevFrontVol = pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolume;
Com_Printf("front vol = %d\n",pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolume);
if (pMusicInfoFadeOut->bActive)
s_rawend = iRawEnd;
S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual( pMusicInfoFadeOut, qfalse, s_musicVolume->value ); // inactive-checked internally
static int iPrevFadeVol = 0;
if (iPrevFadeVol != pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolume)
iPrevFadeVol = pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolume;
Com_Printf("fade vol = %d\n",pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolume);
// only do this for the fader!...
if (pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolume == 0)
pMusicInfoFadeOut->bActive = qfalse;
float fRemainingTimeInSeconds = MP3Stream_GetRemainingTimeInSeconds( &pMusicInfoCurrent->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader );
// Com_Printf("Remaining: %3.3f\n",fRemainingTimeInSeconds);
if ( fRemainingTimeInSeconds < fDYNAMIC_XFADE_SECONDS*2 )
// now either loop current track, switch if finishing a transition, or stop if finished a death...
if (pMusicInfoCurrent->bTrackSwitchPending)
pMusicInfoCurrent->bTrackSwitchPending = qfalse; // ack
S_SwitchDynamicTracks( eMusic_StateActual, pMusicInfoCurrent->eTS_NewState, qfalse); // qboolean bNewTrackStartsFullVolume
if (tMusic_Info[ pMusicInfoCurrent->eTS_NewState ].bExists) // don't do this if switching to silence
tMusic_Info[ pMusicInfoCurrent->eTS_NewState ].SeekTo(pMusicInfoCurrent->fTS_NewTime);
// normal looping, so set rewind current track, set volume to 0 and fade up to full (unless death track playing, then stays quiet)
// (while fader copy of end-section fades down)
// copy current track to fader...
*pMusicInfoFadeOut = *pMusicInfoCurrent; // struct copy
pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolumeSeekTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo = 0;
pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolumeSeekTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolumeSeekTo = (eMusic_StateActual == eBGRNDTRACK_DEATH) ? 0: 255;
pMusicInfoCurrent->iXFadeVolume = 0;
// special case, when foreground music is shut off but fader still running to fade off previous track...
MusicInfo_t *pMusicInfoFadeOut = &tMusic_Info[ eBGRNDTRACK_FADE ];
if (pMusicInfoFadeOut->bActive)
S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual( pMusicInfoFadeOut, qtrue, s_musicVolume->value );
if (pMusicInfoFadeOut->iXFadeVolume == 0)
pMusicInfoFadeOut->bActive = qfalse;
// standard / non-dynamic one-track music...
const char *psCommand = S_Music_GetRequestedState(); // special check just for "silence" case...
qboolean bShouldBeSilent = (qboolean)(psCommand && !Q_stricmp(psCommand,"silence"));
float fDesiredVolume = bShouldBeSilent ? 0.0f : s_musicVolume->value;
// internal to this code is a volume-smoother...
qboolean bNewTrackDesired = S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual(&tMusic_Info[eBGRNDTRACK_NONDYNAMIC], qtrue, fDesiredVolume);
if (bNewTrackDesired)
S_StartBackgroundTrack( sMusic_BackgroundLoop, sMusic_BackgroundLoop, qfalse );
cvar_t *s_soundpoolmegs = NULL;
// currently passing in sfx as a param in case I want to do something with it later.
byte *SND_malloc(int iSize, sfx_t *sfx)
byte *pData = (byte *) Z_Malloc(iSize, TAG_SND_RAWDATA, qfalse); // don't bother asking for zeroed mem
// if "s_soundpoolmegs" is < 0, then the -ve of the value is the maximum amount of sounds we're allowed to have loaded...
if (s_soundpoolmegs && s_soundpoolmegs->integer < 0)
while ( (Z_MemSize(TAG_SND_RAWDATA) + Z_MemSize(TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR)) > ((-s_soundpoolmegs->integer) * 1024 * 1024))
int iBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound(sfx);
if (iBytesFreed == 0)
break; // sanity
return pData;
// called once-only in EXE lifetime...
void SND_setup()
s_soundpoolmegs = Cvar_Get("s_soundpoolmegs", "25", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
if (Sys_LowPhysicalMemory() )
Cvar_Set("s_soundpoolmegs", "0");
// Com_Printf("Sound memory manager started\n");
// ask how much mem an sfx has allocated...
static int SND_MemUsed(sfx_t *sfx)
int iSize = 0;
if (sfx->pSoundData){
iSize += Z_Size(sfx->pSoundData);
if (sfx->pMP3StreamHeader) {
iSize += Z_Size(sfx->pMP3StreamHeader);
return iSize;
// free any allocated sfx mem...
// now returns # bytes freed to help with z_malloc()-fail recovery
static int SND_FreeSFXMem(sfx_t *sfx)
int iBytesFreed = 0;
if (s_UseOpenAL)
if (sfx->Buffer)
alDeleteBuffers(1, &(sfx->Buffer));
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char szString[256];
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR)
sprintf(szString, "Failed to delete AL Buffer (%s) ... !\n", sfx->sSoundName);
sfx->Buffer = 0;
if (sfx->lipSyncData)
iBytesFreed += Z_Free( sfx->lipSyncData);
sfx->lipSyncData = NULL;
if ( sfx->pSoundData) {
iBytesFreed += Z_Free( sfx->pSoundData );
sfx->pSoundData = NULL;
sfx->bInMemory = false;
if ( sfx->pMP3StreamHeader) {
iBytesFreed += Z_Free( sfx->pMP3StreamHeader );
sfx->pMP3StreamHeader = NULL;
return iBytesFreed;
void S_DisplayFreeMemory()
int iSoundDataSize = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR );
int iMusicDataSize = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_DYNAMICMUSIC );
if (iSoundDataSize || iMusicDataSize)
Com_Printf("\n%.2fMB audio data: ( %.2fMB WAV/MP3 ) + ( %.2fMB Music )\n",
// now count up amount used on this level...
iSoundDataSize = 0;
for (int i=1; i<s_numSfx; i++)
sfx_t *sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
if (sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn == re.RegisterMedia_GetLevel()){
iSoundDataSize += SND_MemUsed(sfx);
Com_Printf("%.2fMB in sfx_t alloc data (WAV/MP3) loaded this level\n",(float)iSoundDataSize/1024.0f/1024.0f);
void SND_TouchSFX(sfx_t *sfx)
sfx->iLastTimeUsed = Com_Milliseconds()+1;
sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn = re.RegisterMedia_GetLevel();
// currently this is only called during snd_shutdown or snd_restart
void S_FreeAllSFXMem(void)
for (int i=1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++) // start @ 1 to skip freeing default sound
// returns number of bytes freed up...
// new param is so we can be usre of not freeing ourselves (without having to rely on possible uninitialised timers etc)
int SND_FreeOldestSound(sfx_t *pButNotThisOne /* = NULL */)
int iBytesFreed = 0;
sfx_t *sfx;
int iOldest = Com_Milliseconds();
int iUsed = 0;
// start on 1 so we never dump the default sound...
for (int i=1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++)
sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
if (sfx != pButNotThisOne)
if (!sfx->bDefaultSound && sfx->bInMemory && sfx->iLastTimeUsed < iOldest)
// new bit, we can't throw away any sfx_t struct in use by a channel, else the paint code will crash...
int iChannel = 0;
for (iChannel=0; iChannel<MAX_CHANNELS; iChannel++)
channel_t *ch = & s_channels[iChannel];
if (ch->thesfx == sfx)
break; // damn, being used
if (iChannel == MAX_CHANNELS)
// this sfx_t struct wasn't used by any channels, so we can lose it...
iUsed = i;
iOldest = sfx->iLastTimeUsed;
if (iUsed)
sfx = &s_knownSfx[ iUsed ];
Com_DPrintf("SND_FreeOldestSound: freeing sound %s\n", sfx->sSoundName);
iBytesFreed = SND_FreeSFXMem(sfx);
return iBytesFreed;
int SND_FreeOldestSound(void)
return SND_FreeOldestSound(NULL); // I had to add a void-arg version of this because of link issues, sigh
// just before we drop into a level, ensure the audio pool is under whatever the maximum
// pool size is (but not by dropping out sounds used by the current level)...
// returns qtrue if at least one sound was dropped out, so z_malloc-fail recovery code knows if anything changed
extern qboolean gbInsideLoadSound;
qboolean SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel /* 99% qfalse */)
qboolean bAtLeastOneSoundDropped = qfalse;
Com_DPrintf( "SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd():\n");
if (gbInsideLoadSound)
Com_DPrintf( "(Inside S_LoadSound (z_malloc recovery?), exiting...\n");
int iLoadedAudioBytes = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR );
const int iMaxAudioBytes = s_soundpoolmegs->integer * 1024 * 1024;
for (int i=1; i<s_numSfx && ( iLoadedAudioBytes > iMaxAudioBytes || bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel) ; i++) // i=1 so we never page out default sound
sfx_t *sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
if (sfx->bInMemory)
qboolean bDeleteThis = qfalse;
if (bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel)
bDeleteThis = (qboolean)(sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn != re.RegisterMedia_GetLevel());
bDeleteThis = (qboolean)(sfx->iLastLevelUsedOn < re.RegisterMedia_GetLevel());
if (bDeleteThis)
Com_DPrintf( "Dumping sfx_t \"%s\"\n",sfx->sSoundName);
if (SND_FreeSFXMem(sfx))
bAtLeastOneSoundDropped = qtrue;
iLoadedAudioBytes = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR );
Com_DPrintf( "SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(): Ok\n");
return bAtLeastOneSoundDropped;
* EAX Related
Initialize the EAX Manager
void InitEAXManager()
GUID Effect;
GUID FXSlotGuids[4];
int i;
s_bEALFileLoaded = false;
// Check for EAX 4.0 support
s_bEAX = alIsExtensionPresent((ALubyte*)"EAX4.0");
if (s_bEAX)
Com_Printf("Found EAX 4.0 native support\n");
// Support for EAXUnified (automatic translation of EAX 4.0 calls into EAX 3.0)
if ((alIsExtensionPresent((ALubyte*)"EAX3.0")) && (alIsExtensionPresent((ALubyte*)"EAX4.0Emulated")))
Com_Printf("Found EAX 4.0 EMULATION support\n");
if (s_bEAX)
s_eaxSet = (EAXSet)alGetProcAddress((ALubyte*)"EAXSet");
if (s_eaxSet == NULL)
s_bEAX = false;
s_eaxGet = (EAXGet)alGetProcAddress((ALubyte*)"EAXGet");
if (s_eaxGet == NULL)
s_bEAX = false;
// If we have detected EAX support, then try and load the EAX Manager DLL
if (s_bEAX)
s_hEAXManInst = LoadLibrary("EAXMan.dll");
if (s_hEAXManInst)
lpEAXManagerCreateFn = (LPEAXMANAGERCREATE)GetProcAddress(s_hEAXManInst, "EaxManagerCreate");
if (lpEAXManagerCreateFn)
if (lpEAXManagerCreateFn(&s_lpEAXManager)==EM_OK)
// Configure our EAX 4.0 Effect Slots
s_NumFXSlots = 0;
for (i = 0; i < EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS; i++)
s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid = EAX_NULL_GUID;
s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID = -1;
// For each effect slot, try and load a reverb and lock the slot
FXSlotProp.guidLoadEffect = EAX_REVERB_EFFECT;
FXSlotProp.lVolume = 0;
for (i = 0; i < EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS; i++)
// We can use this slot
s_FXSlotInfo[s_NumFXSlots].FXSlotGuid = FXSlotGuids[i];
// If this slot already contains a reverb, then we will use it anyway (Slot 0 will
// be in this category). (It probably means that Slot 0 is locked)
if (s_eaxGet(&FXSlotGuids[i], EAXFXSLOT_LOADEFFECT, NULL, &Effect, sizeof(GUID))==AL_NO_ERROR)
if (Effect == EAX_REVERB_EFFECT)
// We can use this slot
// Make sure the environment flag is on
s_eaxSet(&FXSlotGuids[i], EAXFXSLOT_FLAGS, NULL, &FXSlotProp.ulFlags, sizeof(unsigned long));
s_FXSlotInfo[s_NumFXSlots].FXSlotGuid = FXSlotGuids[i];
// If the EAXManager library was loaded (and there was a problem), then unload it
if (s_hEAXManInst)
s_hEAXManInst = NULL;
s_lpEAXManager = NULL;
s_bEAX = false;
Release the EAX Manager
void ReleaseEAXManager()
s_bEAX = false;
if (s_lpEAXManager)
s_lpEAXManager = NULL;
if (s_hEAXManInst)
s_hEAXManInst = NULL;
Try to load the given .eal file
static bool LoadEALFile(char *szEALFilename)
char *ealData = NULL;
long i, j, lID, lEnvID;
char szAperture[128];
char szFullEALFilename[MAX_QPATH];
long lNumInst, lNumInstA, lNumInstB;
bool bLoaded = false;
bool bValid = true;
int result;
char szString[256];
if ((!s_lpEAXManager) || (!s_bEAX))
return false;
if (strstr(szEALFilename, "nomap"))
return false;
s_EnvironmentID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Assume there is no aperture information in the .eal file
s_lpEnvTable = NULL;
// Load EAL file from PAK file
result = FS_ReadFile(szEALFilename, (void **)&ealData);
if ((ealData) && (result != -1))
hr = s_lpEAXManager->LoadDataSet(ealData, EMFLAG_LOADFROMMEMORY);
// Unload EAL file
FS_FreeFile (ealData);
if (hr == EM_OK)
Com_DPrintf("Loaded %s by Quake loader\n", szEALFilename);
bLoaded = true;
// Failed to load via Quake loader, try manually
Com_sprintf(szFullEALFilename, MAX_QPATH, "base/%s", szEALFilename);
if (SUCCEEDED(s_lpEAXManager->LoadDataSet(szFullEALFilename, 0)))
Com_DPrintf("Loaded %s by EAXManager\n", szEALFilename);
bLoaded = true;
if (bLoaded)
// For a valid eal file ... need to find 'Center' tag, record num of instances, and then find
// the right number of instances of 'Aperture0a' and 'Aperture0b'.
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID("Center", &lID)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &s_lNumEnvironments)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID("Aperture0a", &lID)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInst)==EM_OK)
if (lNumInst == s_lNumEnvironments)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID("Aperture0b", &lID)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInst)==EM_OK)
if (lNumInst == s_lNumEnvironments)
// Check equal numbers of ApertureXa and ApertureXb
i = 1;
while (true)
lNumInstA = lNumInstB = 0;
if ((s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID(szAperture, &lID)==EM_OK) && (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInstA)==EM_OK))
s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID(szAperture, &lID);
s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInstB);
if (lNumInstA!=lNumInstB)
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL file - %d Aperture%da tags, and %d Aperture%db tags\n", lNumInstA, i, lNumInstB, i);
bValid = false;
if (bValid)
s_lpEnvTable = (LPENVTABLE)Z_Malloc(s_lNumEnvironments * sizeof(ENVTABLE), TAG_NEWDEL, qtrue);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL File - expected %d instances of Aperture0b, found %d\n", s_lNumEnvironments, lNumInst);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "EAXManager- failed GetSourceNumInstances()\n");
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL File - no instances of 'Aperture0b' source-tag\n");
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL File - found %d instances of the 'Center' tag, but only %d instances of 'Aperture0a'\n", s_lNumEnvironments, lNumInst);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "EAXManager- failed GetSourceNumInstances()\n");
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL File - no instances of 'Aperture0a' source-tag\n");
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "EAXManager- failed GetSourceNumInstances()\n");
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Invalid EAL File - no instances of 'Center' source-tag\n");
if (s_lpEnvTable)
i = 0;
while (true)
sprintf(szAperture, "Aperture%da", i);
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID(szAperture, &lID)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInst)==EM_OK)
for (j = 0; j < s_lNumEnvironments; j++)
s_lpEnvTable[j].bUsed = false;
for (j = 0; j < lNumInst; j++)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceInstancePos(lID, j, &EMPoint)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &EMPoint, &lEnvID, 0)==EM_OK)
if ((lEnvID >= 0) && (lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments))
assert(s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures < 64);
if (!s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].bUsed)
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].bUsed = true;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[0] = EMPoint.fX;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[1] = EMPoint.fY;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[2] = EMPoint.fZ;
s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(lEnvID, szString, 256);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Found more than one occurance of Aperture%da in %s sub-space\n", i, szString);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "One tag at %.3f,%.3f,%.3f, other at %.3f,%.3f,%.3f\n", EMPoint.fX, EMPoint.fY, EMPoint.fZ,
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[0], s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[1],
bValid = false;
if (lEnvID==-1)
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f) in Default Environment - please remove\n", szAperture, EMPoint.fX, EMPoint.fY, EMPoint.fZ);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Detected more reverb presets than zones - please delete unused presets\n");
bValid = false;
if (bValid)
sprintf(szAperture, "Aperture%db", i);
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceID(szAperture, &lID)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceNumInstances(lID, &lNumInst)==EM_OK)
for (j = 0; j < s_lNumEnvironments; j++)
s_lpEnvTable[j].bUsed = false;
for (j = 0; j < lNumInst; j++)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceInstancePos(lID, j, &EMPoint)==EM_OK)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &EMPoint, &lEnvID, 0)==EM_OK)
if ((lEnvID >= 0) && (lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments))
if (!s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].bUsed)
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].bUsed = true;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[0] = EMPoint.fX;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[1] = EMPoint.fY;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[2] = EMPoint.fZ;
s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(lEnvID, szString, 256);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Found more than one occurance of Aperture%db in %s sub-space\n", i, szString);
bValid = false;
// Calculate center position of aperture (average of 2 points)
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vCenter[0] =
(s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[0] +
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[0]) / 2;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vCenter[1] =
(s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[1] +
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[1]) / 2;
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vCenter[2] =
(s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos1[2] +
s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].Aperture[s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures].vPos2[2]) / 2;
assert(s_lpEnvTable[lEnvID].ulNumApertures < 64);
if (lEnvID==-1)
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f) in Default Environment - please remove\n", szAperture, EMPoint.fX, EMPoint.fY, EMPoint.fZ);
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Detected more reverb presets than zones - please delete unused presets\n");
bValid = false;
if (!bValid)
// Found a problem
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "EAX legacy behaviour invoked (one reverb)\n");
s_lpEnvTable = NULL;
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "EAX legacy behaviour invoked (one reverb)\n");
return true;
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Failed to load %s\n", szEALFilename);
return false;
Unload current .eal file
static void UnloadEALFile()
if ((!s_lpEAXManager) || (!s_bEAX))
hr = s_lpEAXManager->FreeDataSet(0);
s_bEALFileLoaded = false;
if (s_lpEnvTable)
s_lpEnvTable = NULL;
Updates the current EAX Reverb setting, based on the location of the listener
static void UpdateEAXListener()
EMPOINT ListPos, ListOri;
EMPOINT EMSourcePoint;
long lID, lSourceID, lApertureNum;
int i, j, k;
float flDistance, flNearest;
bool bFound;
long lVolume;
long lCurTime;
channel_t *ch;
REVERBDATA ReverbData[3]; // Hardcoded to three (maximum no of reverbs)
char szEnvName[256];
if ((!s_lpEAXManager) || (!s_bEAX))
lCurTime = timeGetTime();
if ((s_lLastEnvUpdate + ENV_UPDATE_RATE) < lCurTime)
// Update closest reverbs
s_lLastEnvUpdate = lCurTime;
// No panning information in .eal file, or we only have 1 FX Slot to use, revert to legacy
// behaviour (i.e only one reverb)
if ((!s_lpEnvTable) || (s_NumFXSlots==1))
// Convert Listener co-ordinate to left-handed system
ListPos.fX = listener_pos[0];
ListPos.fY = listener_pos[1];
ListPos.fZ = -listener_pos[2];
if (SUCCEEDED(s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &ListPos, &lID, EMFLAG_LOCKPOSITION)))
if (lID != s_EnvironmentID)
if (SUCCEEDED(s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(lID, szEnvName, 256)))
Com_Printf("Changing to '%s' zone !\n", szEnvName);
// Get EAX Preset info.
if (SUCCEEDED(s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentAttributes(lID, &s_eaxLPCur)))
// Override
s_eaxLPCur.flAirAbsorptionHF = 0.0f;
// Set Environment
s_EnvironmentID = lID;
// Convert Listener position and orientation to left-handed system
ListPos.fX = listener_pos[0];
ListPos.fY = listener_pos[1];
ListPos.fZ = -listener_pos[2];
ListOri.fX = listener_ori[0];
ListOri.fY = listener_ori[1];
ListOri.fZ = -listener_ori[2];
// Need to find closest s_NumFXSlots (including the Listener's slot)
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &ListPos, &lID, EMFLAG_LOCKPOSITION)==EM_OK)
if (lID == -1)
// Found default environment
// Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Listener in default environment - ignoring zone !\n");
ReverbData[0].lEnvID = -1;
ReverbData[0].lApertureNum = -1;
ReverbData[0].flDist = FLT_MAX;
ReverbData[1].lEnvID = -1;
ReverbData[1].lApertureNum = -1;
ReverbData[1].flDist = FLT_MAX;
ReverbData[2].lEnvID = lID;
ReverbData[2].lApertureNum = -1;
ReverbData[2].flDist = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < s_lNumEnvironments; i++)
// Ignore Environment id lID as this one will always be used
if (i != lID)
flNearest = FLT_MAX;
lApertureNum = 0; //shut up compile warning
for (j = 0; j < s_lpEnvTable[i].ulNumApertures; j++)
EMAperture.fX = s_lpEnvTable[i].Aperture[j].vCenter[0];
EMAperture.fY = s_lpEnvTable[i].Aperture[j].vCenter[1];
EMAperture.fZ = s_lpEnvTable[i].Aperture[j].vCenter[2];
flDistance = CalcDistance(EMAperture, ListPos);
if (flDistance < flNearest)
flNearest = flDistance;
lApertureNum = j;
// Now have closest point for this Environment - see if this is closer than any others
if (flNearest < ReverbData[1].flDist)
if (flNearest < ReverbData[0].flDist)
ReverbData[1] = ReverbData[0];
ReverbData[0].flDist = flNearest;
ReverbData[0].lApertureNum = lApertureNum;
ReverbData[0].lEnvID = i;
ReverbData[1].flDist = flNearest;
ReverbData[1].lApertureNum = lApertureNum;
ReverbData[1].lEnvID = i;
char szEnvName1[256] = {0};
char szEnvName2[256] = {0};
char szEnvName3[256] = {0};
s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(ReverbData[0].lEnvID, szEnvName1, 256);
s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(ReverbData[1].lEnvID, szEnvName2, 256);
s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentName(ReverbData[2].lEnvID, szEnvName3, 256);
Com_Printf("Closest zones are %s, %s (Listener in %s)\n", szEnvName1,
szEnvName2, szEnvName3);
// Mute any reverbs no longer required ...
for (i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
if ((s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID != -1) && (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID != ReverbData[0].lEnvID) && (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID != ReverbData[1].lEnvID)
&& (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID != ReverbData[2].lEnvID))
// This environment is no longer needed
// Mute it
lVolume = -10000;
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXFXSLOT_VOLUME, NULL, &lVolume, sizeof(long))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to Mute FX Slot\n");
// If any source is sending to this Slot ID then we need to stop them sending to the slot
for (j = 1; j < s_numChannels; j++)
if (s_channels[j].lSlotID == i)
if (s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source, EAXSOURCE_ACTIVEFXSLOTID, s_channels[j].alSource, (void*)&EAX_NULL_GUID, sizeof(GUID))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Source ActiveFXSlotID to NULL\n");
s_channels[j].lSlotID = -1;
assert(s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments && s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID >= 0);
if (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments && s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID >= 0)
s_lpEnvTable[s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID].lFXSlotID = -1;
s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID = -1;
// Make sure all the reverbs we want are being rendered, if not, find an empty slot
// and apply appropriate reverb settings
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
bFound = false;
for (i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
if (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID == ReverbData[j].lEnvID)
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
// Find the first available slot and use that one
for (i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
if (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID == -1)
// Found slot
// load reverb here
// Retrieve reverb properties from EAX Manager
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetEnvironmentAttributes(ReverbData[j].lEnvID, &Reverb)==EM_OK)
// Override Air Absorption HF
Reverb.flAirAbsorptionHF = 0.0f;
// See if any Sources are in this environment, if they are, enable their sends
ch = s_channels + 1;
for (k = 1; k < s_numChannels; k++, ch++)
if (ch->fixed_origin)
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
EMSourcePoint.fX = ch->origin[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = ch->origin[2];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = ch->origin[1];
if (ch->entnum == listener_number)
// Source at same position as listener
// Probably won't be any Occlusion / Obstruction effect -- unless the listener is underwater
// Converting from Open AL -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... invert Z
EMSourcePoint.fX = listener_pos[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = listener_pos[1];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = -listener_pos[2];
// Get position of Entity
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
EMSourcePoint.fX = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[2];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[1];
// Get Source Environment point
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &EMSourcePoint, &lSourceID, 0)!=EM_OK)
OutputDebugString("Failed to get environment zone for Source\n");
if (lSourceID == i)
if (s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source, EAXSOURCE_ACTIVEFXSLOTID, ch->alSource, (void*)&(s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid), sizeof(GUID))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Source ActiveFXSlotID to new environment\n");
ch->lSlotID = i;
assert(ReverbData[j].lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments && ReverbData[j].lEnvID >= 0);
if (ReverbData[j].lEnvID < s_lNumEnvironments && ReverbData[j].lEnvID >= 0)
s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID = ReverbData[j].lEnvID;
s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[j].lEnvID].lFXSlotID = i;
// Make sure Primary FX Slot ID is set correctly
if (s_EnvironmentID != ReverbData[2].lEnvID)
s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Context, EAXCONTEXT_PRIMARYFXSLOTID, NULL, &(s_FXSlotInfo[s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[2].lEnvID].lFXSlotID].FXSlotGuid), sizeof(GUID));
s_EnvironmentID = ReverbData[2].lEnvID;
// Have right reverbs loaded ... now to pan them and adjust volume
// We need to rotate the vector from the Listener to the reverb Aperture by minus the listener
// orientation
// Need dot product of Listener Orientation and the straight ahead vector (0, 0, 1)
// Since both vectors are already normalized, and two terms cancel out (0's), the angle
// is the arc cosine of the z component of the Listener Orientation
float flTheta = (float)acos(ListOri.fZ);
// If the Listener Orientation is to the left of straight ahead, then invert the angle
if (ListOri.fX < 0)
flTheta = -flTheta;
float flSin = (float)sin(-flTheta);
float flCos = (float)cos(-flTheta);
for (i = 0; i < Q_min(s_NumFXSlots,s_lNumEnvironments); i++)
if (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID == s_EnvironmentID)
// Listener's environment
// Find the closest Aperture in *this* environment
flNearest = FLT_MAX;
lApertureNum = 0; //shut up compile warning
for (j = 0; j < s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].ulNumApertures; j++)
EMAperture.fX = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[j].vCenter[0];
EMAperture.fY = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[j].vCenter[1];
EMAperture.fZ = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[j].vCenter[2];
flDistance = CalcDistance(EMAperture, ListPos);
if (flDistance < flNearest)
flNearest = flDistance;
lApertureNum = j;
// Have closest environment, work out pan vector direction
LR.x = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vCenter[0] - ListPos.fX;
LR.y = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vCenter[1] - ListPos.fY;
LR.z = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vCenter[2] - ListPos.fZ;
Pan.x = (LR.x * flCos) + (LR.z * flSin);
Pan.y = 0.0f;
Pan.z = (LR.x * -flSin) + (LR.z * flCos);
// Adjust magnitude ...
// Magnitude is based on the angle subtended by the aperture, so compute the angle between
// the vector from the Listener to Pos1 of the aperture, and the vector from the
// Listener to Pos2 of the aperture.
LP1.x = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos1[0] - ListPos.fX;
LP1.y = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos1[1] - ListPos.fY;
LP1.z = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos1[2] - ListPos.fZ;
LP2.x = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos2[0] - ListPos.fX;
LP2.y = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos2[1] - ListPos.fY;
LP2.z = s_lpEnvTable[s_EnvironmentID].Aperture[lApertureNum].vPos2[2] - ListPos.fZ;
float flGamma = acos((LP1.x * LP2.x) + (LP1.y * LP2.y) + (LP1.z * LP2.z));
// We want opposite magnitude (because we are 'in' this environment)
float flMagnitude = 1.0f - ((2.0f * (float)sin(flGamma/2.0f)) / flGamma);
// Negative (because pan should be 180 degrees)
Pan.x *= -flMagnitude;
Pan.y *= -flMagnitude;
Pan.z *= -flMagnitude;
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXREVERB_REVERBPAN, NULL, &Pan, sizeof(EAXVECTOR))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Listener Reverb Pan\n");
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONSPAN, NULL, &Pan, sizeof(EAXVECTOR))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Listener Reflections Pan\n");
// Find out which Reverb this is
if (ReverbData[0].lEnvID == s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID)
k = 0;
k = 1;
LR.x = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vCenter[0] - ListPos.fX;
LR.y = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vCenter[1] - ListPos.fY;
LR.z = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vCenter[2] - ListPos.fZ;
// Rotate the vector
Pan.x = (LR.x * flCos) + (LR.z * flSin);
Pan.y = 0.0f;
Pan.z = (LR.x * -flSin) + (LR.z * flCos);
// Adjust magnitude ...
// Magnitude is based on the angle subtended by the aperture, so compute the angle between
// the vector from the Listener to Pos1 of the aperture, and the vector from the
// Listener to Pos2 of the aperture.
LP1.x = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos1[0] - ListPos.fX;
LP1.y = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos1[1] - ListPos.fY;
LP1.z = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos1[2] - ListPos.fZ;
LP2.x = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos2[0] - ListPos.fX;
LP2.y = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos2[1] - ListPos.fY;
LP2.z = s_lpEnvTable[ReverbData[k].lEnvID].Aperture[ReverbData[k].lApertureNum].vPos2[2] - ListPos.fZ;
float flGamma = acos((LP1.x * LP2.x) + (LP1.y * LP2.y) + (LP1.z * LP2.z));
float flMagnitude = (2.0f * (float)sin(flGamma/2.0f)) / flGamma;
Pan.x *= flMagnitude;
Pan.y *= flMagnitude;
Pan.z *= flMagnitude;
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXREVERB_REVERBPAN, NULL, &Pan, sizeof(EAXVECTOR))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Reverb Pan\n");
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONSPAN, NULL, &Pan, sizeof(EAXVECTOR))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set Reflections Pan\n");
lVolume = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
if (s_eaxSet(&s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, EAXFXSLOT_VOLUME, NULL, &lVolume, sizeof(long))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("Failed to set FX Slot Volume to 0\n");
Updates the EAX Buffer related effects on the given Source
static void UpdateEAXBuffer(channel_t *ch)
EMPOINT EMSourcePoint;
EMPOINT EMVirtualSourcePoint;
int i;
long lSourceID;
// If EAX Manager is not initialized, or there is no EAX support, or the listener
// is underwater, return
if ((!s_lpEAXManager) || (!s_bEAX) || (s_bInWater))
// Set Occlusion Direct Ratio to the default value (it won't get set by the current version of
// EAX Manager)
// Convert Source co-ordinate to left-handed system
if (ch->fixed_origin)
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
EMSourcePoint.fX = ch->origin[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = ch->origin[2];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = ch->origin[1];
if (ch->entnum == listener_number)
// Source at same position as listener
// Probably won't be any Occlusion / Obstruction effect -- unless the listener is underwater
// Converting from Open AL -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... invert Z
EMSourcePoint.fX = listener_pos[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = listener_pos[1];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = -listener_pos[2];
// Get position of Entity
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
if (ch->bLooping)
EMSourcePoint.fX = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[2];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = loopSounds[ ch->entnum ].origin[1];
EMSourcePoint.fX = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][0];
EMSourcePoint.fY = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][2];
EMSourcePoint.fZ = s_entityPosition[ch->entnum][1];
long lExclusion;
// Just determine what environment the source is in
if (s_lpEAXManager->GetListenerDynamicAttributes(0, &EMSourcePoint, &lSourceID, 0)==EM_OK)
// See if a Slot is rendering this environment
for (i = 0; i < s_NumFXSlots; i++)
if (s_FXSlotInfo[i].lEnvID == lSourceID)
// If the Source is not sending to this slot, then enable the send now
if (ch->lSlotID != i)
// Set this
if (s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source, EAXSOURCE_ACTIVEFXSLOTID, ch->alSource, &s_FXSlotInfo[i].FXSlotGuid, sizeof(GUID))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("UpdateEAXBuffer = failed to set ActiveFXSlotID\n");
ch->lSlotID = i;
OutputDebugString("UpdateEAXBuffer::Failed to get Source environment zone\n");
// Add some Exclusion to sounds that are not located in the Listener's environment
if (s_FXSlotInfo[ch->lSlotID].lEnvID == s_EnvironmentID)
lExclusion = 0;
if (s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source, EAXSOURCE_EXCLUSION, ch->alSource, &lExclusion, sizeof(long))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("UpdateEAXBuffer : Failed to set exclusion to 0\n");
lExclusion = -1000;
if (s_eaxSet(&EAXPROPERTYID_EAX40_Source, EAXSOURCE_EXCLUSION, ch->alSource, &lExclusion, sizeof(long))!=AL_NO_ERROR)
OutputDebugString("UpdateEAXBuffer : Failed to set exclusion to -1000\n");
if ((ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE) || (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN) || (ch->entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL))
// Remove any Occlusion + Obstruction
ch->alSource, &eaxOBProp, sizeof(EAXOBSTRUCTIONPROPERTIES));
ch->alSource, &eaxOCProp, sizeof(EAXOCCLUSIONPROPERTIES));
// Check for Occlusion + Obstruction
hr = s_lpEAXManager->GetSourceDynamicAttributes(0, &EMSourcePoint, &eaxOBProp.lObstruction, &eaxOBProp.flObstructionLFRatio,
&eaxOCProp.lOcclusion, &eaxOCProp.flOcclusionLFRatio, &eaxOCProp.flOcclusionRoomRatio, &EMVirtualSourcePoint, 0);
if (hr == EM_OK)
// Set EAX effect !
ch->alSource, &eaxOBProp, sizeof(EAXOBSTRUCTIONPROPERTIES));
ch->alSource, &eaxOCProp, sizeof(EAXOCCLUSIONPROPERTIES));
float CalcDistance(EMPOINT A, EMPOINT B)
return (float)sqrt(sqr(A.fX - B.fX)+sqr(A.fY - B.fY) + sqr(A.fZ - B.fZ));