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synced 2025-03-10 11:01:51 +00:00
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
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215 lines
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Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __GHOUL2_GORE_H
#define __GHOUL2_GORE_H
#ifdef _G2_GORE
#define MAX_LODS (8)
struct GoreTextureCoordinates
float *tex[MAX_LODS];
int i;
for (i=0;i<MAX_LODS;i++)
int i;
for (i=0;i<MAX_LODS;i++)
if ( tex[i] )
extern void R_Free(void *pvAddress);
tex[i] = 0;
int AllocGoreRecord();
GoreTextureCoordinates *FindGoreRecord(int tag);
void DeleteGoreRecord(int tag);
struct SGoreSurface
int shader;
int mGoreTag;
int mDeleteTime;
int mFadeTime;
bool mFadeRGB;
int mGoreGrowStartTime;
int mGoreGrowEndTime; // set this to -1 to disable growing
//curscale = (curtime-mGoreGrowStartTime)*mGoreGrowFactor + mGoreGrowOffset;
float mGoreGrowFactor;
float mGoreGrowOffset;
class CGoreSet
int mMyGoreSetTag;
unsigned char mRefCount;
std::multimap<int,SGoreSurface> mGoreRecords; // a map from surface index
CGoreSet(int tag) : mMyGoreSetTag(tag), mRefCount(0) {}
CGoreSet *FindGoreSet(int goreSetTag);
CGoreSet *NewGoreSet();
void DeleteGoreSet(int goreSetTag);
#endif // _G2_GORE
struct SRagDollEffectorCollision
vec3_t effectorPosition;
const trace_t &tr;
bool useTracePlane;
SRagDollEffectorCollision(const vec3_t effectorPos,const trace_t &t) :
class CRagDollUpdateParams
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t position;
vec3_t scale;
vec3_t velocity;
//CServerEntity *me;
int me; //index!
int settleFrame;
int groundEnt;
virtual void EffectorCollision(const SRagDollEffectorCollision &data)
assert(0); // you probably meant to override this
virtual void RagDollBegin()
assert(0); // you probably meant to override this
virtual void RagDollSettled()
assert(0); // you probably meant to override this
virtual void Collision()
assert(0); // you probably meant to override this
// we had a collision, uhh I guess call SetRagDoll RP_DEATH_COLLISION
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void DebugLine(vec3_t p1,vec3_t p2,int color,bool bbox) {assert(0);}
class CRagDollParams
enum ERagPhase
RP_GET_PELVIS_OFFSET, // this actually does nothing but set the pelvisAnglesOffset, and pelvisPositionOffset
RP_SET_PELVIS_OFFSET, // this actually does nothing but set the pelvisAnglesOffset, and pelvisPositionOffset
RP_DISABLE_EFFECTORS // this removes effectors given by the effectorsToTurnOff member
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t position;
vec3_t scale;
vec3_t pelvisAnglesOffset; // always set on return, an argument for RP_SET_PELVIS_OFFSET
vec3_t pelvisPositionOffset; // always set on return, an argument for RP_SET_PELVIS_OFFSET
float fImpactStrength; //should be applicable when RagPhase is RP_DEATH_COLLISION
float fShotStrength; //should be applicable for setting velocity of corpse on shot (probably only on RP_CORPSE_SHOT)
//CServerEntity *me;
int me;
int groundEnt;
//rww - we have convenient animation/frame access in the game, so just send this info over from there.
int startFrame;
int endFrame;
int collisionType; // 1 = from a fall, 0 from effectors, this will be going away soon, hence no enum
bool CallRagDollBegin; // a return value, means that we are now begininng ragdoll and the NPC stuff needs to happen
ERagPhase RagPhase;
// effector control, used for RP_DISABLE_EFFECTORS call
enum ERagEffector
RE_MODEL_ROOT= 0x00000001, //"model_root"
RE_PELVIS= 0x00000002, //"pelvis"
RE_LOWER_LUMBAR= 0x00000004, //"lower_lumbar"
RE_UPPER_LUMBAR= 0x00000008, //"upper_lumbar"
RE_THORACIC= 0x00000010, //"thoracic"
RE_CRANIUM= 0x00000020, //"cranium"
RE_RHUMEROUS= 0x00000040, //"rhumerus"
RE_LHUMEROUS= 0x00000080, //"lhumerus"
RE_RRADIUS= 0x00000100, //"rradius"
RE_LRADIUS= 0x00000200, //"lradius"
RE_RFEMURYZ= 0x00000400, //"rfemurYZ"
RE_LFEMURYZ= 0x00000800, //"lfemurYZ"
RE_RTIBIA= 0x00001000, //"rtibia"
RE_LTIBIA= 0x00002000, //"ltibia"
RE_RHAND= 0x00004000, //"rhand"
RE_LHAND= 0x00008000, //"lhand"
RE_RTARSAL= 0x00010000, //"rtarsal"
RE_LTARSAL= 0x00020000, //"ltarsal"
RE_RTALUS= 0x00040000, //"rtalus"
RE_LTALUS= 0x00080000, //"ltalus"
RE_RRADIUSX= 0x00100000, //"rradiusX"
RE_LRADIUSX= 0x00200000, //"lradiusX"
RE_RFEMURX= 0x00400000, //"rfemurX"
RE_LFEMURX= 0x00800000, //"lfemurX"
RE_CEYEBROW= 0x01000000 //"ceyebrow"
ERagEffector effectorsToTurnOff; // set this to an | of the above flags for a RP_DISABLE_EFFECTORS