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mirror of https://github.com/DrBeef/JKXR.git synced 2025-03-07 18:00:47 +00:00
Simon 4597b03873 Initial Commit
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
2022-09-18 16:37:21 +01:00

1023 lines
25 KiB

Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Created 2/3/03 by Brian Osman - split Zone code from common.cpp
#include "q_shared.h"
#include "qcommon.h"
#include "sstring.h"
int giZoneSnaphotNum=0;
typedef sstring<DEBUG_ZONE_ALLOC_OPTIONAL_LABEL_SIZE> sDebugString_t;
static void Z_Details_f(void);
// define a string table of all mem tags...
#ifdef TAGDEF // itu?
#undef TAGDEF
#define TAGDEF(blah) #blah
static const char *psTagStrings[TAG_COUNT+1]= // +1 because TAG_COUNT will itself become a string here. Oh well.
#include "tags.h"
// This handles zone memory allocation.
// It is a wrapper around malloc with a tag id and a magic number at the start
#define ZONE_MAGIC 0x21436587
// if you change ANYTHING in this structure, be sure to update the tables below using DEF_STATIC...
typedef struct zoneHeader_s
int iMagic;
memtag_t eTag;
int iSize;
struct zoneHeader_s *pNext;
struct zoneHeader_s *pPrev;
char sSrcFileBaseName[MAX_QPATH];
int iSrcFileLineNum;
int iSnapshotNumber;
} zoneHeader_t;
typedef struct
int iMagic;
} zoneTail_t;
static inline zoneTail_t *ZoneTailFromHeader(zoneHeader_t *pHeader)
return (zoneTail_t*) ( (char*)pHeader + sizeof(*pHeader) + pHeader->iSize );
std::map <void*,int> mapAllocatedZones;
typedef struct zoneStats_s
int iCount;
int iCurrent;
int iPeak;
// I'm keeping these updated on the fly, since it's quicker for cache-pool
// purposes rather than recalculating each time...
int iSizesPerTag [TAG_COUNT];
int iCountsPerTag[TAG_COUNT];
} zoneStats_t;
typedef struct zone_s
zoneStats_t Stats;
zoneHeader_t Header;
} zone_t;
cvar_t *com_validateZone;
zone_t TheZone = {};
// Scans through the linked list of mallocs and makes sure no data has been overwritten
int Z_Validate(void)
int ret=0;
if(!com_validateZone || !com_validateZone->integer)
return ret;
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
// this won't happen here, but wtf?
int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
if (iAllocCount <= 0)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Bad block allocation count!");
return ret;
if(pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone header!");
return ret;
// this block of code is intended to make sure all of the data is paged in
if (pMemory->eTag != TAG_IMAGE_T
&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_MD3
&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_GLM
&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_GLA ) //don't bother with disk caches as they've already been hit or will be thrown out next
unsigned char *memstart = (unsigned char *)pMemory;
int totalSize = pMemory->iSize;
while (totalSize > 4096)
memstart += 4096;
ret += (int)(*memstart); // this fools the optimizer
totalSize -= 4096;
if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone tail!");
return ret;
pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
return ret;
// static mem blocks to reduce a lot of small zone overhead
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
zoneHeader_t Header;
// byte mem[0];
zoneTail_t Tail;
} StaticZeroMem_t;
typedef struct
zoneHeader_t Header;
byte mem[2];
zoneTail_t Tail;
} StaticMem_t;
#pragma pack(pop)
const static StaticZeroMem_t gZeroMalloc =
#define DEF_STATIC(_char) {ZONE_MAGIC, TAG_STATIC,2,NULL,NULL, "<static>",0,"",0},{_char,'\0'},{ZONE_MAGIC}
#define DEF_STATIC(_char) {ZONE_MAGIC, TAG_STATIC,2,NULL,NULL },{_char,'\0'},{ZONE_MAGIC}
const static StaticMem_t gEmptyString =
{ DEF_STATIC('\0') };
const static StaticMem_t gNumberString[] = {
{ DEF_STATIC('0') },
{ DEF_STATIC('1') },
{ DEF_STATIC('2') },
{ DEF_STATIC('3') },
{ DEF_STATIC('4') },
{ DEF_STATIC('5') },
{ DEF_STATIC('6') },
{ DEF_STATIC('7') },
{ DEF_STATIC('8') },
{ DEF_STATIC('9') },
qboolean gbMemFreeupOccured = qfalse;
// returns actual filename only, no path
// (copes with either slash-scheme for names)
// (normally I'd call another function for this, but this is supposed to be engine-independent,
// so a certain amount of re-invention of the wheel is to be expected...)
char *_D_Z_Filename_WithoutPath(const char *psFilename)
static char sString[ MAX_QPATH ];
const char *psCopyPos = psFilename;
while (*psFilename)
if (*psFilename == PATH_SEP)
psCopyPos = psFilename+1;
return sString;
#include "../rd-common/tr_public.h" // sorta hack sorta not
extern refexport_t re;
void *_D_Z_Malloc ( int iSize, memtag_t eTag, qboolean bZeroit, const char *psFile, int iLine)
void *Z_Malloc(int iSize, memtag_t eTag, qboolean bZeroit, int /*unusedAlign*/)
gbMemFreeupOccured = qfalse;
if (iSize == 0)
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) &gZeroMalloc;
return &pMemory[1];
// Add in tracking info and round to a longword... (ignore longword aligning now we're not using contiguous blocks)
// int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t) + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t));
// Allocate a chunk...
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = NULL;
while (pMemory == NULL)
if (gbMemFreeupOccured)
Sys_Sleep(1000); // sleep for a second, so Windows has a chance to shuffle mem to de-swiss-cheese it
if (bZeroit) {
pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) calloc ( iRealSize, 1 );
} else {
pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) malloc ( iRealSize );
if (!pMemory)
// new bit, if we fail to malloc memory, try dumping some of the cached stuff that's non-vital and try again...
// ditch the BSP cache...
if (CM_DeleteCachedMap(qfalse))
gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
continue; // we've just ditched a whole load of memory, so try again with the malloc
// ditch any sounds not used on this level...
extern qboolean SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel);
if (SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
continue; // we've dropped at least one sound, so try again with the malloc
// ditch any image_t's (and associated GL texture mem) not used on this level...
if (re.RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd())
gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
continue; // we've dropped at least one image, so try again with the malloc
// ditch the model-binaries cache... (must be getting desperate here!)
if (re.RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
// as a last panic measure, dump all the audio memory, but not if we're in the audio loader
// (which is annoying, but I'm not sure how to ensure we're not dumping any memory needed by the sound
// currently being loaded if that was the case)...
// note that this keeps querying until it's freed up as many bytes as the requested size, but freeing
// several small blocks might not mean that one larger one is satisfiable after freeup, however that'll
// just make it go round again and try for freeing up another bunch of blocks until the total is satisfied
// again (though this will have freed twice the requested amount in that case), so it'll either work
// eventually or not free up enough and drop through to the final ERR_DROP. No worries...
extern qboolean gbInsideLoadSound;
extern int SND_FreeOldestSound(void); // I had to add a void-arg version of this because of link issues, sigh
if (!gbInsideLoadSound)
int iBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound();
if (iBytesFreed)
int iTheseBytesFreed = 0;
while ( (iTheseBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound()) != 0)
iBytesFreed += iTheseBytesFreed;
if (iBytesFreed >= iRealSize)
break; // early opt-out since we've managed to recover enough (mem-contiguity issues aside)
gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
// sigh, dunno what else to try, I guess we'll have to give up and report this as an out-of-mem error...
// findlabel: "recovermem"
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL,"(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
return NULL;
Q_strncpyz(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName, _D_Z_Filename_WithoutPath(psFile), sizeof(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName));
pMemory->iSrcFileLineNum = iLine;
pMemory->sOptionalLabel[0] = '\0';
pMemory->iSnapshotNumber = giZoneSnaphotNum;
// Link in
pMemory->iMagic = ZONE_MAGIC;
pMemory->eTag = eTag;
pMemory->iSize = iSize;
pMemory->pNext = TheZone.Header.pNext;
TheZone.Header.pNext = pMemory;
if (pMemory->pNext)
pMemory->pNext->pPrev = pMemory;
pMemory->pPrev = &TheZone.Header;
// add tail...
ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic = ZONE_MAGIC;
// Update stats...
TheZone.Stats.iCurrent += iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag [eTag] += iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag [eTag]++;
if (TheZone.Stats.iCurrent > TheZone.Stats.iPeak)
TheZone.Stats.iPeak = TheZone.Stats.iCurrent;
Z_Validate(); // check for corruption
void *pvReturnMem = &pMemory[1];
return pvReturnMem;
// Special wrapper around Z_Malloc for better separation between the main engine
// code and the bundled minizip library.
extern "C" Q_EXPORT void* openjk_minizip_malloc(int size);
extern "C" Q_EXPORT int openjk_minizip_free(void* to_free);
void* openjk_minizip_malloc(int size)
return Z_Malloc(size, TAG_MINIZIP, qfalse);
int openjk_minizip_free(void *to_free)
return Z_Free(to_free);
// used during model cacheing to save an extra malloc, lets us morph the disk-load buffer then
// just not fs_freefile() it afterwards.
void Z_MorphMallocTag( void *pvAddress, memtag_t eDesiredTag )
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;
if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_MorphMallocTag(): Not a valid zone header!");
return; // won't get here
// DEC existing tag stats...
// TheZone.Stats.iCurrent - unchanged
// TheZone.Stats.iCount - unchanged
TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag [pMemory->eTag] -= pMemory->iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag [pMemory->eTag]--;
// morph...
pMemory->eTag = eDesiredTag;
// INC new tag stats...
// TheZone.Stats.iCurrent - unchanged
// TheZone.Stats.iCount - unchanged
TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag [pMemory->eTag] += pMemory->iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag [pMemory->eTag]++;
static int Zone_FreeBlock(zoneHeader_t *pMemory)
const int iSize = pMemory->iSize;
if (pMemory->eTag != TAG_STATIC) // belt and braces, should never hit this though
// Update stats...
TheZone.Stats.iCurrent -= pMemory->iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag [pMemory->eTag] -= pMemory->iSize;
TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag [pMemory->eTag]--;
// Sanity checks...
assert(pMemory->pPrev->pNext == pMemory);
assert(!pMemory->pNext || (pMemory->pNext->pPrev == pMemory));
// Unlink and free...
pMemory->pPrev->pNext = pMemory->pNext;
pMemory->pNext->pPrev = pMemory->pPrev;
//debugging double frees
pMemory->iMagic = INT_ID('F','R','E','E');
free (pMemory);
// this has already been checked for in execution order, but wtf?
int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
if (iAllocCount == 0)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Zone_FreeBlock(): Double-freeing block!");
return -1;
return iSize;
// stats-query function to to see if it's our malloc
// returns block size if so
qboolean Z_IsFromZone(const void *pvAddress, memtag_t eTag)
const zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((const zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;
#if 1 //debugging double free
if (pMemory->iMagic == INT_ID('F','R','E','E'))
Com_Printf("Z_IsFromZone(%x): Ptr has been freed already!(%9s)\n",pvAddress,pvAddress);
return qfalse;
if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
return qfalse;
//looks like it is from our zone, let's double check the tag
if (pMemory->eTag != eTag)
return qfalse;
return (qboolean)(pMemory->iSize != 0);
// stats-query function to ask how big a malloc is...
int Z_Size(void *pvAddress)
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;
if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)
return 0; // kind of
if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Size(): Not a valid zone header!");
return 0; // won't get here
return pMemory->iSize;
void Z_Label(const void *pvAddress, const char *psLabel)
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;
if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)
if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "_D_Z_Label(): Not a valid zone header!");
Q_strncpyz( pMemory->sOptionalLabel, psLabel, sizeof(pMemory->sOptionalLabel));
// Frees a block of memory...
int Z_Free(void *pvAddress)
if (!TheZone.Stats.iCount)
//Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Zone has been cleard already!");
Com_Printf("Z_Free(%x): Zone has been cleard already!\n",pvAddress);
return -1;
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;
#if 1 //debugging double free
if (pMemory->iMagic == INT_ID('F','R','E','E'))
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(%s): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!",pvAddress);
return -1;
if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)
return 0;
// check this error *before* barfing on bad magics...
int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
if (iAllocCount <= 0)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!");
return -1;
if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone header!");
return -1;
if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone tail!");
return -1;
return Zone_FreeBlock(pMemory);
int Z_MemSize(memtag_t eTag)
return TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag[eTag];
// Frees all blocks with the specified tag...
void Z_TagFree(memtag_t eTag)
//#ifdef _DEBUG
// int iZoneBlocks = TheZone.Stats.iCount;
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
zoneHeader_t *pNext = pMemory->pNext;
if ( (eTag == TAG_ALL) || (pMemory->eTag == eTag))
pMemory = pNext;
// these stupid pragmas don't work here???!?!?!
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//#pragma warning( disable : 4189)
// int iBlocksFreed = iZoneBlocks - TheZone.Stats.iCount;
//#pragma warning( default : 4189)
void *_D_S_Malloc ( int iSize, const char *psFile, int iLine)
return _D_Z_Malloc( iSize, TAG_SMALL, qfalse, psFile, iLine );
void *S_Malloc( int iSize )
return Z_Malloc( iSize, TAG_SMALL, qfalse);
#ifdef _DEBUG
static void Z_MemRecoverTest_f(void)
// needs to be in _DEBUG only, not good for final game!
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) {
Com_Printf( "Usage: zone_memrecovertest max2alloc\n" );
int iMaxAlloc = 1024*1024*atoi( Cmd_Argv(1) );
int iTotalMalloc = 0;
while (1)
const int iThisMalloc = 5* (1024 * 1024);
Z_Malloc(iThisMalloc, TAG_SPECIAL_MEM_TEST, qfalse); // and lose, just to consume memory
iTotalMalloc += iThisMalloc;
if (gbMemFreeupOccured || (iTotalMalloc >= iMaxAlloc) )
// Gives a summary of the zone memory usage
static void Z_Stats_f(void)
Com_Printf("\nThe zone is using %d bytes (%.2fMB) in %d memory blocks\n",
(float)TheZone.Stats.iCurrent / 1024.0f / 1024.0f,
Com_Printf("The zone peaked at %d bytes (%.2fMB)\n",
(float)TheZone.Stats.iPeak / 1024.0f / 1024.0f
// Gives a detailed breakdown of the memory blocks in the zone
static void Z_Details_f(void)
Com_Printf("%20s %9s\n","Zone Tag","Bytes");
Com_Printf("%20s %9s\n","--------","-----");
for (int i=0; i<TAG_COUNT; i++)
int iThisCount = TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag[i];
int iThisSize = TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag [i];
if (iThisCount)
// can you believe that using %2.2f as a format specifier doesn't bloody work?
// It ignores the left-hand specifier. Sigh, now I've got to do shit like this...
float fSize = (float)(iThisSize) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f;
int iSize = fSize;
int iRemainder = 100.0f * (fSize - floor(fSize));
Com_Printf("%20s %9d (%2d.%02dMB) in %6d blocks (%9d Bytes/block)\n",
iSize, iRemainder,
iThisCount, iThisSize / iThisCount);
typedef std::map <sDebugString_t, int> LabelRefCount_t; // yet another place where Gil's string class works and MS's doesn't
typedef std::map <sDebugString_t, LabelRefCount_t> TagBlockLabels_t;
static TagBlockLabels_t AllTagBlockLabels;
static void Z_Snapshot_f(void)
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
Com_Printf("Ok. ( Current snapshot num is now %d )\n",giZoneSnaphotNum);
static void Z_TagDebug_f(void)
TagBlockLabels_t AllTagBlockLabels_Local;
qboolean bSnapShotTestActive = qfalse;
memtag_t eTag = TAG_ALL;
const char *psTAGName = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (psTAGName[0])
// check optional arg...
if (!Q_stricmp(psTAGName,"#snap"))
bSnapShotTestActive = qtrue;
AllTagBlockLabels_Local = AllTagBlockLabels; // horrible great STL copy
psTAGName = Cmd_Argv(2);
if (psTAGName[0])
// skip over "tag_" if user supplied it...
if (!Q_stricmpn(psTAGName,"TAG_",4))
psTAGName += 4;
// see if the user specified a valid tag...
for (int i=0; i<TAG_COUNT; i++)
if (!Q_stricmp(psTAGName,psTagStrings[i]))
eTag = (memtag_t) i;
Com_Printf("Usage: 'zone_tagdebug [#snap] <tag>', e.g. TAG_GHOUL2, TAG_ALL (careful!)\n");
Com_Printf("Dumping debug data for tag \"%s\"...%s\n\n",psTagStrings[eTag], bSnapShotTestActive?"( since snapshot only )":"");
Com_Printf("%8s"," "); // to compensate for code further down: Com_Printf("(%5d) ",iBlocksListed);
if (eTag == TAG_ALL)
Com_Printf("%20s ","Zone Tag");
Com_Printf("%8s"," ");
if (eTag == TAG_ALL)
Com_Printf("%20s ","--------");
if (bSnapShotTestActive)
// dec ref counts in last snapshot for all current blocks (which will make new stuff go negative)
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
if (pMemory->eTag == eTag || eTag == TAG_ALL)
pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
// now dump them out...
int iBlocksListed = 0;
int iTotalSize = 0;
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
if ( (pMemory->eTag == eTag || eTag == TAG_ALL)
&& (!bSnapShotTestActive || (pMemory->iSnapshotNumber == giZoneSnaphotNum && AllTagBlockLabels_Local[psTagStrings[pMemory->eTag]][pMemory->sOptionalLabel] <0) )
float fSize = (float)(pMemory->iSize) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f;
int iSize = fSize;
int iRemainder = 100.0f * (fSize - floor(fSize));
Com_Printf("(%5d) ",iBlocksListed);
if (eTag == TAG_ALL)
Com_Printf(" %9d (%2d.%02dMB) File: \"%s\", Line: %d\n",
if (pMemory->sOptionalLabel[0])
Com_Printf("( Label: \"%s\" )\n",pMemory->sOptionalLabel);
iTotalSize += pMemory->iSize;
if (bSnapShotTestActive)
// bump ref count so we only 1 warning per new string, not for every one sharing that label...
pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
Com_Printf("( %d blocks listed, %d bytes (%.2fMB) total )\n",iBlocksListed, iTotalSize, (float)iTotalSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f);
// Shuts down the zone memory system and frees up all memory
void Com_ShutdownZoneMemory(void)
#ifdef _DEBUG
Com_Printf("Automatically freeing %d blocks making up %d bytes\n", TheZone.Stats.iCount, TheZone.Stats.iCurrent);
//assert(!TheZone.Stats.iCount); // These aren't really problematic per se, it's just warning us that we're freeing extra
//assert(!TheZone.Stats.iCurrent); // memory that is in the zone manager (but not actively tracked..) so if anything, zone_*
// commands will just simply be wrong in displaying bytes, but in my tests, it's only off
// by like 10 bytes / 1 block, which isn't a real problem --eez
if(TheZone.Stats.iCount < 0) {
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: Freeing %d extra blocks (%d bytes) not tracked by the zone manager\n",
abs(TheZone.Stats.iCount), abs(TheZone.Stats.iCurrent));
// Initialises the zone memory system
void Com_InitZoneMemory( void )
Com_Printf("Initialising zone memory .....\n");
memset(&TheZone, 0, sizeof(TheZone));
TheZone.Header.iMagic = ZONE_MAGIC;
void Com_InitZoneMemoryVars( void)
com_validateZone = Cvar_Get("com_validateZone", "0", 0);
Cmd_AddCommand("zone_stats", Z_Stats_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("zone_details", Z_Details_f);
#ifdef _DEBUG
Cmd_AddCommand("zone_memrecovertest", Z_MemRecoverTest_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("zone_tagdebug", Z_TagDebug_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("zone_snapshot", Z_Snapshot_f);
NOTE: never write over the memory CopyString returns because
memory from a memstatic_t might be returned
char *CopyString( const char *in ) {
char *out;
if (!in[0]) {
return ((char *)&gEmptyString) + sizeof(zoneHeader_t);
else if (!in[1]) {
if (in[0] >= '0' && in[0] <= '9') {
return ((char *)&gNumberString[in[0]-'0']) + sizeof(zoneHeader_t);
out = (char *) S_Malloc (strlen(in)+1);
strcpy (out, in);
return out;
Touch all known used data to make sure it is paged in
void Com_TouchMemory( void ) {
//int start, end;
int i, j;
int sum;
int totalTouched;
//start = Sys_Milliseconds();
sum = 0;
zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
while (pMemory)
byte *pMem = (byte *) &pMemory[1];
j = pMemory->iSize >> 2;
for (i=0; i<j; i+=64){
sum += ((int*)pMem)[i];
pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
//end = Sys_Milliseconds();
//Com_Printf( "Com_TouchMemory: %i bytes, %i msec\n", totalTouched, end - start );