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synced 2025-03-11 03:21:56 +00:00
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
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862 lines
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Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// NPC_move.cpp
#include "b_local.h"
#include "g_nav.h"
#include "anims.h"
#include "g_navigator.h"
extern qboolean NPC_ClearPathToGoal( vec3_t dir, gentity_t *goal );
extern qboolean NAV_MoveDirSafe( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd, float distScale = 1.0f );
qboolean G_BoundsOverlap(const vec3_t mins1, const vec3_t maxs1, const vec3_t mins2, const vec3_t maxs2);
extern int GetTime ( int lastTime );
navInfo_t frameNavInfo;
extern qboolean FlyingCreature( gentity_t *ent );
extern qboolean PM_InKnockDown( playerState_t *ps );
extern cvar_t *g_navSafetyChecks;
extern qboolean Boba_Flying( gentity_t *self );
extern qboolean PM_InRoll( playerState_t *ps );
#define APEX_HEIGHT 200.0f
#define JUMP_SPEED 200.0f
static qboolean NPC_TryJump();
static qboolean NPC_Jump( vec3_t dest, int goalEntNum )
{//FIXME: if land on enemy, knock him down & jump off again
float targetDist, travelTime, impactDist, bestImpactDist = Q3_INFINITE;//fireSpeed,
float originalShotSpeed, shotSpeed, speedStep = 50.0f, minShotSpeed = 30.0f, maxShotSpeed = 500.0f;
qboolean belowBlocked = qfalse, aboveBlocked = qfalse;
vec3_t targetDir, shotVel, failCase;
trace_t trace;
trajectory_t tr;
qboolean blocked;
int elapsedTime, timeStep = 250, hitCount = 0, aboveTries = 0, belowTries = 0, maxHits = 10;
vec3_t lastPos, testPos, bottom;
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, targetDir );
targetDist = VectorNormalize( targetDir );
//make our shotSpeed reliant on the distance
originalShotSpeed = targetDist;//DistanceHorizontal( dest, NPC->currentOrigin )/2.0f;
if ( originalShotSpeed > maxShotSpeed )
originalShotSpeed = maxShotSpeed;
else if ( originalShotSpeed < minShotSpeed )
originalShotSpeed = minShotSpeed;
shotSpeed = originalShotSpeed;
while ( hitCount < maxHits )
VectorScale( targetDir, shotSpeed, shotVel );
travelTime = targetDist/shotSpeed;
shotVel[2] += travelTime * 0.5 * NPC->client->ps.gravity;
if ( !hitCount )
{//save the first one as the worst case scenario
VectorCopy( shotVel, failCase );
if ( 1 )//tracePath )
{//do a rough trace of the path
blocked = qfalse;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, tr.trBase );
VectorCopy( shotVel, tr.trDelta );
tr.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
tr.trTime = level.time;
travelTime *= 1000.0f;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, lastPos );
//This may be kind of wasteful, especially on long throws... use larger steps? Divide the travelTime into a certain hard number of slices? Trace just to apex and down?
for ( elapsedTime = timeStep; elapsedTime < floor(travelTime)+timeStep; elapsedTime += timeStep )
if ( (float)elapsedTime > travelTime )
{//cap it
elapsedTime = floor( travelTime );
EvaluateTrajectory( &tr, level.time + elapsedTime, testPos );
//FUCK IT, always check for do not enter...
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
if ( testPos[2] < lastPos[2]
&& elapsedTime < floor( travelTime ) )
{//going down, haven't reached end, ignore botclip
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask );
{//going up, check for botclip
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP );
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
{//started in solid
if ( NAVDEBUG_showCollision )
CG_DrawEdge( lastPos, trace.endpos, EDGE_RED_TWOSECOND );
return qfalse;//you're hosed, dude
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit something
if ( NAVDEBUG_showCollision )
CG_DrawEdge( lastPos, trace.endpos, EDGE_RED_TWOSECOND ); // TryJump
if ( trace.entityNum == goalEntNum )
{//hit the enemy, that's bad!
blocked = qtrue;
if ( g_entities[goalEntNum].client && g_entities[goalEntNum].client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//bah, would collide in mid-air, no good
blocked = qtrue;
{//he's on the ground, good enough, I guess
//Hmm, don't want to land on him, though...?
if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_BOTCLIP )
{//hit a do-not-enter brush
blocked = qtrue;
if ( trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7 && DistanceSquared( trace.endpos, dest ) < 4096 )//hit within 64 of desired location, should be okay
{//close enough!
{//FIXME: maybe find the extents of this brush and go above or below it on next try somehow?
impactDist = DistanceSquared( trace.endpos, dest );
if ( impactDist < bestImpactDist )
bestImpactDist = impactDist;
VectorCopy( shotVel, failCase );
blocked = qtrue;
if ( NAVDEBUG_showCollision )
CG_DrawEdge( lastPos, testPos, EDGE_WHITE_TWOSECOND ); // TryJump
if ( elapsedTime == floor( travelTime ) )
{//reached end, all clear
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//hmm, make sure we'll land on the ground...
//FIXME: do we care how far below ourselves or our dest we'll land?
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, bottom );
bottom[2] -= 128;
gi.trace( &trace, trace.endpos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, bottom, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//would fall too far
blocked = qtrue;
//all clear, try next slice
VectorCopy( testPos, lastPos );
if ( blocked )
{//hit something, adjust speed (which will change arc)
//alternate back and forth between trying an arc slightly above or below the ideal
if ( (hitCount%2) && !belowBlocked )
shotSpeed = originalShotSpeed - (belowTries*speedStep);
else if ( !aboveBlocked )
shotSpeed = originalShotSpeed + (aboveTries*speedStep);
{//can't go any higher or lower
hitCount = maxHits;
if ( shotSpeed > maxShotSpeed )
shotSpeed = maxShotSpeed;
aboveBlocked = qtrue;
else if ( shotSpeed < minShotSpeed )
shotSpeed = minShotSpeed;
belowBlocked = qtrue;
{//made it!
{//no need to check the path, go with first calc
if ( hitCount >= maxHits )
{//NOTE: worst case scenario, use the one that impacted closest to the target (or just use the first try...?)
return qfalse;
//NOTE: or try failcase?
//VectorCopy( failCase, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
//return qtrue;
VectorCopy( shotVel, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
return qtrue;
trace_t mJumpTrace;
qboolean NPC_CanTryJump()
if (!(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NAV_CAN_JUMP) || // Can't Jump
(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) || // If Can't Jump At All
(level.time<NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime) || // If Backing Up, Don't Try The Jump Again
(level.time<NPCInfo->jumpNextCheckTime) || // Don't Even Try To Jump Again For This Amount Of Time
(NPCInfo->jumpTime) || // Don't Jump If Already Going
(PM_InKnockDown(&NPC->client->ps)) || // Don't Jump If In Knockdown
(PM_InRoll(&NPC->client->ps)) || // ... Or Roll
(NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum==ENTITYNUM_NONE) // ... Or In The Air
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
qboolean NPC_TryJump(const vec3_t& pos, float max_xy_dist, float max_z_diff)
if (NPC_CanTryJump())
NPCInfo->jumpNextCheckTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 2000);
VectorCopy(pos, NPCInfo->jumpDest);
// Can't Try To Jump At A Point In The Air
vec3_t groundTest;
VectorCopy(pos, groundTest);
groundTest[2] += (NPC->mins[2]*3);
gi.trace(&mJumpTrace, NPCInfo->jumpDest, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, groundTest, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
if (mJumpTrace.fraction >= 1.0f)
return qfalse; //no ground = no jump
NPCInfo->jumpTarget = 0;
NPCInfo->jumpMaxXYDist = (max_xy_dist)?(max_xy_dist):((NPC->client->NPC_class==CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER)?1200:750);
NPCInfo->jumpMazZDist = (max_z_diff)?(max_z_diff):((NPC->client->NPC_class==CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER)?-1000:-450);
NPCInfo->jumpTime = 0;
NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime = 0;
return NPC_TryJump();
return qfalse;
qboolean NPC_TryJump(gentity_t *goal, float max_xy_dist, float max_z_diff)
if (NPC_CanTryJump())
NPCInfo->jumpNextCheckTime = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 3000);
// Can't Jump At Targets In The Air
if (goal->client && goal->client->ps.groundEntityNum==ENTITYNUM_NONE)
return qfalse;
VectorCopy(goal->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->jumpDest);
NPCInfo->jumpTarget = goal;
NPCInfo->jumpMaxXYDist = (max_xy_dist)?(max_xy_dist):((NPC->client->NPC_class==CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER)?1200:750);
NPCInfo->jumpMazZDist = (max_z_diff)?(max_z_diff):((NPC->client->NPC_class==CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER)?-1000:-400);
NPCInfo->jumpTime = 0;
NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime = 0;
return NPC_TryJump();
return qfalse;
void NPC_JumpAnimation()
int jumpAnim = BOTH_JUMP1;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_BOBAFETT
|| (NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN && NPC->s.weapon != WP_SABER)
|| NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER
||( NPCInfo->rank != RANK_CREWMAN && NPCInfo->rank <= RANK_LT_JG ) )
{//can't do acrobatics
else if (NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_HOWLER)
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA && Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
jumpAnim = Q_irand( BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_1, BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_3 );
jumpAnim = BOTH_FLIP_F;
extern void JET_FlyStart(gentity_t* actor);
void NPC_JumpSound()
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_HOWLER )
//FIXME: can I delay the actual jump so that it matches the anim...?
else if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_BOBAFETT
|| NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER )
// does this really need to be here?
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
qboolean NPC_TryJump()
vec3_t targetDirection;
float targetDistanceXY;
float targetDistanceZ;
// Get The Direction And Distances To The Target
VectorSubtract(NPCInfo->jumpDest, NPC->currentOrigin, targetDirection);
targetDirection[2] = 0.0f;
targetDistanceXY = VectorNormalize(targetDirection);
targetDistanceZ = NPCInfo->jumpDest[2] - NPC->currentOrigin[2];
if ((targetDistanceXY>NPCInfo->jumpMaxXYDist) ||
return qfalse;
// Test To See If There Is A Wall Directly In Front Of Actor, If So, Backup Some
if (TIMER_Done(NPC, "jumpBackupDebounce"))
vec3_t actorProjectedTowardTarget;
VectorMA(NPC->currentOrigin, NPC_JUMP_PREP_BACKUP_DIST, targetDirection, actorProjectedTowardTarget);
gi.trace(&mJumpTrace, NPC->currentOrigin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, actorProjectedTowardTarget, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
if ((mJumpTrace.fraction < 1.0f) ||
(mJumpTrace.allsolid) ||
if (NAVDEBUG_showCollision)
CG_DrawEdge(NPC->currentOrigin, actorProjectedTowardTarget, EDGE_RED_TWOSECOND); // TryJump
// TODO: We may want to test to see if it is safe to back up here?
NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime = level.time + 1000;
TIMER_Set(NPC, "jumpBackupDebounce", 5000);
return qtrue;
// bool Wounded = (NPC->health < 150);
// bool OnLowerLedge = ((targetDistanceZ<-80.0f) && (targetDistanceZ>-200.0f));
// bool WithinNormalJumpRange = ((targetDistanceZ<32.0f) && (targetDistanceXY<200.0f));
bool WithinForceJumpRange = ((fabsf(targetDistanceZ)>0) || (targetDistanceXY>128));
/* if (Wounded && OnLowerLedge)
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
TIMER_Set(NPC, "duck", -level.time);
return qtrue;
if (WithinNormalJumpRange)
ucmd.upmove = 127;
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
TIMER_Set(NPC, "duck", -level.time);
return qtrue;
if (!WithinForceJumpRange)
return qfalse;
// If There Is Any Chance That This Jump Will Land On An Enemy, Try 8 Different Traces Around The Target
if (NPCInfo->jumpTarget)
float minSafeRadius = (NPC->maxs[0]*1.5f) + (NPCInfo->jumpTarget->maxs[0]*1.5f);
float minSafeRadiusSq = (minSafeRadius * minSafeRadius);
if (DistanceSquared(NPCInfo->jumpDest, NPCInfo->jumpTarget->currentOrigin)<minSafeRadiusSq)
vec3_t startPos;
vec3_t floorPos;
VectorCopy(NPCInfo->jumpDest, startPos);
floorPos[2] = NPCInfo->jumpDest[2] + (NPC->mins[2]-32);
for (int sideTryCount=0; sideTryCount<8; sideTryCount++)
if ( NPCInfo->jumpSide > 7 )
NPCInfo->jumpSide = 0;
switch ( NPCInfo->jumpSide )
case 0:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] + minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1];
case 1:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] + minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] + minSafeRadius;
case 2:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0];
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] + minSafeRadius;
case 3:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] - minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] + minSafeRadius;
case 4:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] - minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1];
case 5:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] - minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] - minSafeRadius;
case 6:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0];
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] - minSafeRadius;
case 7:
NPCInfo->jumpDest[0] = startPos[0] + minSafeRadius;
NPCInfo->jumpDest[1] = startPos[1] -=minSafeRadius;
floorPos[0] = NPCInfo->jumpDest[0];
floorPos[1] = NPCInfo->jumpDest[1];
gi.trace(&mJumpTrace, NPCInfo->jumpDest, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, floorPos, (NPCInfo->jumpTarget)?(NPCInfo->jumpTarget->s.number):(NPC->s.number), (NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP), (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
if ((mJumpTrace.fraction<1.0f) &&
(!mJumpTrace.allsolid) &&
if ( NAVDEBUG_showCollision )
CG_DrawEdge( NPCInfo->jumpDest, floorPos, EDGE_RED_TWOSECOND );
// If All Traces Failed, Just Try Going Right Back At The Target Location
if ((mJumpTrace.fraction>=1.0f) ||
(mJumpTrace.allsolid) ||
VectorCopy(startPos, NPCInfo->jumpDest);
// Now, Actually Try The Jump To The Dest Target
if (NPC_Jump(NPCInfo->jumpDest, (NPCInfo->jumpTarget)?(NPCInfo->jumpTarget->s.number):(NPC->s.number)))
// We Made IT!
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = NPC->currentOrigin[2];
NPC->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;
NPC->client->ps.weaponTime = NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= ( 1 << FP_LEVITATION );
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
NPCInfo->jumpTime = 1;
TIMER_Set(NPC, "duck", -level.time);
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean NPC_Jumping()
if ( NPCInfo->jumpTime )
if ( !(NPC->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_JUMPING )//forceJumpZStart )
&& !(NPC->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED))
NPCInfo->jumpTime = 0;
// if (NPCInfo->jumpTarget)
// {
// NPC_FaceEntity(NPCInfo->jumpTarget, qtrue);
// }
// else
NPC_FacePosition(NPCInfo->jumpDest, qtrue);
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean NPC_JumpBackingUp()
if (NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime)
if (level.time<NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime)
STEER::Flee(NPC, NPCInfo->jumpDest);
STEER::DeActivate(NPC, &ucmd);
NPC_FacePosition(NPCInfo->jumpDest, qtrue);
NPC_UpdateAngles( qfalse, qtrue );
return qtrue;
NPCInfo->jumpBackupTime = 0;
return NPC_TryJump();
return qfalse;
inline qboolean NPC_CheckCombatMove( void )
//return NPCInfo->combatMove;
if ( ( NPCInfo->goalEntity && NPC->enemy && NPCInfo->goalEntity == NPC->enemy ) || ( NPCInfo->combatMove ) )
return qtrue;
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity && NPCInfo->watchTarget )
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity != NPCInfo->watchTarget )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static void NPC_LadderMove( vec3_t dir )
//FIXME: this doesn't guarantee we're facing ladder
//ALSO: Need to be able to get off at top
//ALSO: Need to play an anim
//ALSO: Need transitionary anims?
if ( ( dir[2] > 0 ) || ( dir[2] < 0 && NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
//Set our movement direction
ucmd.upmove = (dir[2] > 0) ? 127 : -127;
//Don't move around on XY
ucmd.forwardmove = ucmd.rightmove = 0;
inline qboolean NPC_GetMoveInformation( vec3_t dir, float *distance )
//NOTENOTE: Use path stacks!
//Make sure we have somewhere to go
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity == NULL )
return qfalse;
//Get our move info
VectorSubtract( NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, dir );
*distance = VectorNormalize( dir );
VectorCopy( NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->blockedTargetPosition );
return qtrue;
void NAV_GetLastMove( navInfo_t &info )
info = frameNavInfo;
void G_UcmdMoveForDir( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd, vec3_t dir )
vec3_t forward, right;
AngleVectors( self->currentAngles, forward, right, NULL );
dir[2] = 0;
VectorNormalize( dir );
//NPCs cheat and store this directly because converting movement into a ucmd loses precision
VectorCopy( dir, self->client->ps.moveDir );
float fDot = DotProduct( forward, dir ) * 127.0f;
float rDot = DotProduct( right, dir ) * 127.0f;
//Must clamp this because DotProduct is not guaranteed to return a number within -1 to 1, and that would be bad when we're shoving this into a signed byte
if ( fDot > 127.0f )
fDot = 127.0f;
if ( fDot < -127.0f )
fDot = -127.0f;
if ( rDot > 127.0f )
rDot = 127.0f;
if ( rDot < -127.0f )
rDot = -127.0f;
cmd->forwardmove = floor(fDot);
cmd->rightmove = floor(rDot);
vec3_t wishvel;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
wishvel[i] = forward[i]*cmd->forwardmove + right[i]*cmd->rightmove;
VectorNormalize( wishvel );
if ( !VectorCompare( wishvel, dir ) )
Com_Printf( "PRECISION LOSS: %s != %s\n", vtos(wishvel), vtos(dir) );
Now assumes goal is goalEntity, was no reason for it to be otherwise
extern int navTime;
#endif// AI_TIMERS
qboolean NPC_MoveToGoal( qboolean tryStraight ) //FIXME: tryStraight not even used! Stop passing it
int startTime = GetTime(0);
#endif// AI_TIMERS
if ( PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->client->ps ) || ( ( NPC->client->ps.legsAnim >= BOTH_PAIN1 ) && ( NPC->client->ps.legsAnim <= BOTH_PAIN18 ) && NPC->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 0 ) )
{//If taking full body pain, don't move
return qtrue;
if( NPC->s.eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON )
{//If in an emplaced gun, never try to navigate!
return qtrue;
if( NPC->s.eFlags & EF_HELD_BY_RANCOR )
{//If in a rancor's hand, never try to navigate!
return qtrue;
if( NPC->s.eFlags & EF_HELD_BY_WAMPA )
{//If in a wampa's hand, never try to navigate!
return qtrue;
{//If in a worm's mouth, never try to navigate!
return qtrue;
if ( NPC->watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
{//Do we still want to do this?
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, dir );
VectorNormalize( dir );
NPC_LadderMove( dir );
bool moveSuccess = true;
// Attempt To Steer Directly To Our Goal
moveSuccess = STEER::GoTo(NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, NPCInfo->goalRadius);
// Perhaps Not Close Enough? Try To Use The Navigation Grid
if (!moveSuccess)
moveSuccess = NAV::GoTo(NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity);
if (!moveSuccess)
STEER::DeActivate(NPC, &ucmd);
navTime += GetTime( startTime );
#endif// AI_TIMERS
return (qboolean)moveSuccess;
void NPC_SlideMoveToGoal( void )
Now assumes goal is goalEntity, if want to use tempGoal, you set that before calling the func
qboolean NPC_SlideMoveToGoal( void )
float saveYaw = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW];
NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
qboolean ret = NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );
NPCInfo->desiredYaw = saveYaw;
return ret;
void NPC_ApplyRoff(void)
PlayerStateToEntityState( &NPC->client->ps, &NPC->s );
VectorCopy ( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->lastOrigin );
// use the precise origin for linking