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#if !defined(tbxr_common_h)
#define tbxr_common_h
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
#include <GLES3/gl3ext.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <openxr/openxr.h>
#include <openxr/openxr_platform.h>
#include <openxr_helpers.h>
#include <android/native_window_jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG 1
#define LOG_TAG "TBXR"
#define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print( ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__ )
#define ALOGV(...) __android_log_print( ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__ )
#define ALOGV(...)
enum { ovrMaxLayerCount = 3 };
enum { ovrMaxNumEyes = 2 };
typedef enum xrButton_ {
xrButton_A = 0x00000001, // Set for trigger pulled on the Gear VR and Go Controllers
xrButton_B = 0x00000002,
xrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004,
xrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008,
xrButton_X = 0x00000100,
xrButton_Y = 0x00000200,
xrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400,
xrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800,
xrButton_Up = 0x00010000,
xrButton_Down = 0x00020000,
xrButton_Left = 0x00040000,
xrButton_Right = 0x00080000,
xrButton_Enter = 0x00100000,
xrButton_Back = 0x00200000,
xrButton_GripTrigger = 0x04000000,
xrButton_Trigger = 0x20000000,
xrButton_Joystick = 0x80000000,
//Define additional controller touch points (not button presses)
xrButton_ThumbRest = 0x00000010,
xrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
} xrButton;
typedef struct {
uint32_t Buttons;
uint32_t Touches;
float IndexTrigger;
float GripTrigger;
XrVector2f Joystick;
} ovrInputStateTrackedRemote;
typedef struct {
GLboolean Active;
XrPosef Pose;
XrPosef GripPose;
XrSpaceVelocity Velocity;
} ovrTrackedController;
typedef enum control_scheme {
} control_scheme_t;
typedef struct {
float M[4][4];
} ovrMatrix4f;
typedef struct {
XrSwapchain Handle;
uint32_t Width;
uint32_t Height;
} ovrSwapChain;
typedef struct {
int Width;
int Height;
int Multisamples;
uint32_t TextureSwapChainLength;
uint32_t TextureSwapChainIndex;
ovrSwapChain ColorSwapChain;
XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR* ColorSwapChainImage;
GLuint* DepthBuffers;
GLuint* FrameBuffers;
} ovrFramebuffer;
typedef struct
ovrFramebuffer FrameBuffer[ovrMaxNumEyes];
ovrFramebuffer NullFrameBuffer; // Used to draw black projection view when showing quad layer
} ovrRenderer;
typedef enum
MQ_WAIT_NONE, // don't wait
MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED, // wait until the consumer thread has received the message
MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED // wait until the consumer thread has processed the message
} ovrMQWait;
#define MAX_MESSAGES 1024
typedef struct
int Id;
ovrMQWait Wait;
long long Parms[MAX_MESSAGE_PARMS];
} srufaceMessage;
typedef struct
srufaceMessage Messages[MAX_MESSAGES];
volatile int Head; // dequeue at the head
volatile int Tail; // enqueue at the tail
ovrMQWait Wait;
volatile bool EnabledFlag;
volatile bool PostedFlag;
volatile bool ReceivedFlag;
volatile bool ProcessedFlag;
pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
pthread_cond_t PostedCondition;
pthread_cond_t ReceivedCondition;
pthread_cond_t ProcessedCondition;
} surfaceMessageQueue;
typedef struct
JavaVM * JavaVm;
jobject ActivityObject;
jclass ActivityClass;
pthread_t Thread;
surfaceMessageQueue MessageQueue;
ANativeWindow * NativeWindow;
} ovrAppThread;
typedef union {
XrCompositionLayerProjection Projection;
XrCompositionLayerQuad Quad;
} xrCompositorLayer_Union;
#define GL(func) func;
// Forward declarations
XrInstance TBXR_GetXrInstance();
#if defined(DEBUG)
static void
OXR_CheckErrors(XrInstance instance, XrResult result, const char* function, bool failOnError) {
if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
char errorBuffer[XR_MAX_RESULT_STRING_SIZE];
xrResultToString(instance, result, errorBuffer);
if (failOnError) {
ALOGE("OpenXR error: %s: %s\n", function, errorBuffer);
} else {
ALOGV("OpenXR error: %s: %s\n", function, errorBuffer);
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define OXR(func) OXR_CheckErrors(TBXR_GetXrInstance(), func, #func, true);
#define OXR(func) func;
typedef struct {
EGLint MajorVersion;
EGLint MinorVersion;
EGLDisplay Display;
EGLConfig Config;
EGLSurface TinySurface;
EGLSurface MainSurface;
EGLContext Context;
} ovrEgl;
/// Java details about an activity
typedef struct ovrJava_ {
JavaVM* Vm; //< Java Virtual Machine
JNIEnv* Env; //< Thread specific environment
jobject ActivityObject; //< Java activity object
} ovrJava;
typedef struct
ovrJava Java;
ovrEgl Egl;
ANativeWindow* NativeWindow;
bool Initialised;
bool Resumed;
bool Focused;
bool FrameSetup;
char* OpenXRHMD;
float Width;
float Height;
XrInstance Instance;
XrSession Session;
XrViewConfigurationProperties ViewportConfig;
XrViewConfigurationView ViewConfigurationView[ovrMaxNumEyes];
XrSystemId SystemId;
XrSpace LocalSpace;
XrSpace ViewSpace;
XrSpace StageSpace;
GLboolean SessionActive;
XrPosef xfStageFromHead;
XrView* Views;
float currentDisplayRefreshRate;
float* SupportedDisplayRefreshRates;
uint32_t RequestedDisplayRefreshRateIndex;
uint32_t NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates;
PFN_xrGetDisplayRefreshRateFB pfnGetDisplayRefreshRate;
PFN_xrRequestDisplayRefreshRateFB pfnRequestDisplayRefreshRate;
XrFrameState FrameState;
int SwapInterval;
int MainThreadTid;
int RenderThreadTid;
ovrRenderer Renderer;
ovrTrackedController TrackedController[2];
} ovrApp;
extern ovrAppThread * gAppThread;
extern ovrApp gAppState;
extern ovrJava java;
void ovrTrackedController_Clear(ovrTrackedController* controller);
void * AppThreadFunction(void * parm );
void ovrAppThread_Create( ovrAppThread * appThread, JNIEnv * env, jobject activityObject, jclass activityClass );
void ovrAppThread_Destroy( ovrAppThread * appThread, JNIEnv * env );
* Surface Lifecycle Message Queue
void surfaceMessage_Init(srufaceMessage * message, const int id, const int wait );
void * surfaceMessage_GetPointerParm(srufaceMessage * message, int index );
void surfaceMessage_SetPointerParm(srufaceMessage * message, int index, void * ptr );
void surfaceMessageQueue_Create(surfaceMessageQueue * messageQueue );
void surfaceMessageQueue_Destroy(surfaceMessageQueue * messageQueue );
void surfaceMessageQueue_Enable(surfaceMessageQueue * messageQueue, const bool set );
void surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(surfaceMessageQueue * messageQueue, const srufaceMessage * message );
//Functions that need to be implemented by the game specific code
void VR_FrameSetup();
bool VR_UseScreenLayer();
float VR_GetScreenLayerDistance();
bool VR_GetVRProjection(int eye, float zNear, float zFar, float zZoomX, float zZoomY, float* projection);
void VR_HandleControllerInput();
void VR_SetHMDOrientation(float pitch, float yaw, float roll );
void VR_SetHMDPosition(float x, float y, float z );
void VR_HapticEvent(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight );
void VR_HapticUpdateEvent(const char* event, int intensity, float angle );
void VR_HapticEndFrame();
void VR_HapticStopEvent(const char* event);
void VR_HapticEnable();
void VR_HapticDisable();
extern "C" void VR_Shutdown();
//Reusable Team Beef OpenXR stuff (in TBXR_Common.cpp)
double TBXR_GetTimeInMilliSeconds();
int TBXR_GetRefresh();
void TBXR_Recenter();
void TBXR_InitialiseOpenXR();
void TBXR_WaitForSessionActive();
void TBXR_InitRenderer();
void TBXR_EnterVR();
void TBXR_GetScreenRes(int *width, int *height);
void TBXR_InitActions( void );
void TBXR_Vibrate(int duration, int channel, float intensity );
void TBXR_ProcessHaptics();
void TBXR_FrameSetup();
void TBXR_updateProjections();
void TBXR_UpdateControllers( );
void TBXR_prepareEyeBuffer(int eye );
void TBXR_finishEyeBuffer(int eye );
void TBXR_submitFrame();
#endif //vrcommon_h