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Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015, ioquake3 contributors
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// tr_mesh.c: triangle model functions
#include "../server/exe_headers.h"
#include "tr_local.h"
#include "qcommon/matcomp.h"
float ProjectRadius( float r, vec3_t location )
float pr;
float dist;
float c;
vec3_t p;
float width;
float depth;
c = DotProduct( tr.viewParms.ori.axis[0], tr.viewParms.ori.origin );
dist = DotProduct( tr.viewParms.ori.axis[0], location ) - c;
if ( dist <= 0 )
return 0;
p[0] = 0;
p[1] = Q_fabs( r );
p[2] = -dist;
width = p[0] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[1] +
p[1] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[5] +
p[2] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[9] +
depth = p[0] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[3] +
p[1] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[7] +
p[2] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[11] +
pr = width / depth;
if ( pr > 1.0f )
pr = 1.0f;
return pr;
static int R_CullModel( md3Header_t *header, trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
vec3_t bounds[2];
md3Frame_t *oldFrame, *newFrame;
int i;
// compute frame pointers
newFrame = ( md3Frame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames ) + ent->e.frame;
oldFrame = ( md3Frame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames ) + ent->e.oldframe;
// cull bounding sphere ONLY if this is not an upscaled entity
if ( !ent->e.nonNormalizedAxes )
if ( ent->e.frame == ent->e.oldframe )
switch ( R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( newFrame->localOrigin, newFrame->radius ) )
case CULL_OUT:
return CULL_OUT;
case CULL_IN:
return CULL_IN;
int sphereCull, sphereCullB;
sphereCull = R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( newFrame->localOrigin, newFrame->radius );
if ( newFrame == oldFrame ) {
sphereCullB = sphereCull;
} else {
sphereCullB = R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( oldFrame->localOrigin, oldFrame->radius );
if ( sphereCull == sphereCullB )
if ( sphereCull == CULL_OUT )
return CULL_OUT;
else if ( sphereCull == CULL_IN )
return CULL_IN;
// calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) {
bounds[0][i] = oldFrame->bounds[0][i] < newFrame->bounds[0][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[0][i] : newFrame->bounds[0][i];
bounds[1][i] = oldFrame->bounds[1][i] > newFrame->bounds[1][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[1][i] : newFrame->bounds[1][i];
switch ( R_CullLocalBox( bounds ) )
case CULL_IN:
return CULL_IN;
return CULL_CLIP;
case CULL_OUT:
return CULL_OUT;
Returns the bounds of the current model
(qhandle_t)hModel and (int)frame need to be set
void RE_GetModelBounds(refEntity_t *refEnt, vec3_t bounds1, vec3_t bounds2)
md3Frame_t *frame;
md3Header_t *header;
model_t *model;
model = R_GetModelByHandle( refEnt->hModel );
header = model->md3[0];
frame = ( md3Frame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames ) + refEnt->frame;
VectorCopy(frame->bounds[0], bounds1);
VectorCopy(frame->bounds[1], bounds2);
static int R_ComputeLOD( trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
float radius;
float flod;
float projectedRadius;
int lod;
if ( tr.currentModel->numLods < 2 )
{ // model has only 1 LOD level, skip computations and bias
// multiple LODs exist, so compute projected bounding sphere
// and use that as a criteria for selecting LOD
// if ( tr.currentModel->md3[0] )
{ //normal md3
md3Frame_t *frame;
frame = ( md3Frame_t * ) ( ( ( unsigned char * ) tr.currentModel->md3[0] ) + tr.currentModel->md3[0]->ofsFrames );
frame += ent->e.frame;
radius = RadiusFromBounds( frame->bounds[0], frame->bounds[1] );
if ( ( projectedRadius = ProjectRadius( radius, ent->e.origin ) ) != 0 )
flod = 1.0f - projectedRadius * r_lodscale->value;
flod *= tr.currentModel->numLods;
{ // object intersects near view plane, e.g. view weapon
flod = 0;
lod = Q_ftol( flod );
if ( lod < 0 ) {
lod = 0;
} else if ( lod >= tr.currentModel->numLods ) {
lod = tr.currentModel->numLods - 1;
lod += r_lodbias->integer;
if ( lod >= tr.currentModel->numLods )
lod = tr.currentModel->numLods - 1;
if ( lod < 0 )
lod = 0;
return lod;
static int R_ComputeFogNum( md3Header_t *header, trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
int i;
jk_fog_t *fog;
md3Frame_t *md3Frame;
vec3_t localOrigin;
if ( tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) {
return 0;
if ( tr.refdef.doLAGoggles )
return tr.world->numfogs;
// FIXME: non-normalized axis issues
md3Frame = ( md3Frame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames ) + ent->e.frame;
VectorAdd( ent->e.origin, md3Frame->localOrigin, localOrigin );
int partialFog = 0;
for ( i = 1 ; i < tr.world->numfogs ; i++ ) {
fog = &tr.world->fogs[i];
if ( localOrigin[0] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][0]
&& localOrigin[0] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][0]
&& localOrigin[1] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][1]
&& localOrigin[1] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][1]
&& localOrigin[2] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][2]
&& localOrigin[2] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][2] )
{//totally inside it
return i;
if ( ( localOrigin[0] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][0] && localOrigin[1] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][1] && localOrigin[2] - md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][2] &&
localOrigin[0] - md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][0] && localOrigin[1] - md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][1] && localOrigin[2] - md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][2]) ||
( localOrigin[0] + md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][0] && localOrigin[1] + md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][1] && localOrigin[2] + md3Frame->radius >= fog->bounds[0][2] &&
localOrigin[0] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][0] && localOrigin[1] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][1] && localOrigin[2] + md3Frame->radius <= fog->bounds[1][2] ) )
{//partially inside it
if ( tr.refdef.fogIndex == i || R_FogParmsMatch( tr.refdef.fogIndex, i ) )
{//take new one only if it's the same one that the viewpoint is in
return i;
else if ( !partialFog )
{//first partialFog
partialFog = i;
//if all else fails, return the first partialFog
return partialFog;
void R_AddMD3Surfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
int i;
md3Header_t *header = 0;
md3Surface_t *surface = 0;
md3Shader_t *md3Shader = 0;
jk_shader_t *shader = 0;
jk_shader_t *main_shader = 0;
int cull;
int lod;
int fogNum;
qboolean personalModel;
// don't add third_person objects if not in a portal
personalModel = (qboolean)((ent->e.renderfx & RF_THIRD_PERSON) && !tr.viewParms.isPortal);
if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_CAP_FRAMES) {
if (ent->e.frame > tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames-1)
ent->e.frame = tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames-1;
if (ent->e.oldframe > tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames-1)
ent->e.oldframe = tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames-1;
else if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_WRAP_FRAMES ) {
ent->e.frame %= tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames;
ent->e.oldframe %= tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames;
// Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
// This will write directly into the entity structure, so
// when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
// range checked again.
if ( (ent->e.frame >= tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames)
|| (ent->e.frame < 0)
|| (ent->e.oldframe >= tr.currentModel->md3[0]->numFrames)
|| (ent->e.oldframe < 0) )
ri.Printf (PRINT_ALL, "R_AddMD3Surfaces: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n",
ent->e.oldframe, ent->e.frame,
tr.currentModel->name );
ent->e.frame = 0;
ent->e.oldframe = 0;
// compute LOD
lod = R_ComputeLOD( ent );
header = tr.currentModel->md3[lod];
// cull the entire model if merged bounding box of both frames
// is outside the view frustum.
cull = R_CullModel ( header, ent );
if ( cull == CULL_OUT ) {
// set up lighting now that we know we aren't culled
if ( !personalModel || r_shadows->integer > 1 ) {
R_SetupEntityLighting( &tr.refdef, ent );
// see if we are in a fog volume
fogNum = R_ComputeFogNum( header, ent );
// draw all surfaces
main_shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( ent->e.customShader );
surface = (md3Surface_t *)( (byte *)header + header->ofsSurfaces );
for ( i = 0 ; i < header->numSurfaces ; i++ ) {
if ( ent->e.customShader ) {// a little more efficient
shader = main_shader;
} else if ( ent->e.customSkin > 0 && ent->e.customSkin < tr.numSkins ) {
skin_t *skin;
int j;
skin = R_GetSkinByHandle( ent->e.customSkin );
// match the surface name to something in the skin file
shader = tr.defaultShader;
for ( j = 0 ; j < skin->numSurfaces ; j++ ) {
// the names have both been lowercased
if ( !strcmp( skin->surfaces[j]->name, surface->name ) ) {
shader = skin->surfaces[j]->shader;
} else if ( surface->numShaders <= 0 ) {
shader = tr.defaultShader;
} else {
md3Shader = (md3Shader_t *) ( (byte *)surface + surface->ofsShaders );
md3Shader += ent->e.skinNum % surface->numShaders;
shader = tr.shaders[ md3Shader->shaderIndex ];
// we will add shadows even if the main object isn't visible in the view
// stencil shadows can't do personal models unless I polyhedron clip
if ( !personalModel
&& r_shadows->integer == 2
&& fogNum == 0
&& (ent->e.renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE )
&& !(ent->e.renderfx & ( RF_NOSHADOW | RF_DEPTHHACK ) )
&& shader->sort == SS_OPAQUE ) {
R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t *)surface, tr.shadowShader, 0, qfalse );
// projection shadows work fine with personal models
if ( r_shadows->integer == 3
&& fogNum == 0
&& (ent->e.renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE )
&& shader->sort == SS_OPAQUE ) {
R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t *)surface, tr.projectionShadowShader, 0, qfalse );
// don't add third_person objects if not viewing through a portal
if ( !personalModel ) {
R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t *)surface, shader, fogNum, qfalse );
surface = (md3Surface_t *)( (byte *)surface + surface->ofsEnd );