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Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "client.h"
#include "cl_cgameapi.h"
#include "FxScheduler.h"
extern int drawnFx;
// Base Effect Class
CEffect::CEffect(void) :
memset( &mRefEnt, 0, sizeof( mRefEnt ));
// Derived Particle Class
void CParticle::Init(void)
mRefEnt.radius = 0.0f;
if (mFlags & FX_PLAYER_VIEW)
mOrigin1[0] = irand(0, 639);
mOrigin1[1] = irand(0, 479);
void CParticle::Die(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEATH_RUNS_FX && !(mFlags & FX_KILL_ON_IMPACT) )
vec3_t norm;
// Man, this just seems so, like, uncool and stuff...
VectorSet( norm, flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f), flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f), flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f));
VectorNormalize( norm );
theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( mDeathFxID, mOrigin1, norm );
bool CParticle::Cull(void)
vec3_t dir;
if (mFlags & FX_PLAYER_VIEW)
// this will be drawn as a 2D effect so don't cull it
return false;
// Get the direction to the view
VectorSubtract( mOrigin1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
// Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0) // cg.cosHalfFOV * (len - mRadius) )
return true;
// don't cull if this is hacked to show up close to the inview wpn
if (mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK)
return false;
// Can't be too close
float len = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
if ( len < fx_nearCull->value )
return true;
return false;
void CParticle::Draw(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
// Not sure if first person needs to be set, but it can't hurt?
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
if (mFlags & FX_PLAYER_VIEW)
vec4_t color;
color[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] / 255.0;
color[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] / 255.0;
color[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] / 255.0;
color[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3] / 255.0;
// add this 2D effect to the proper list. it will get drawn after the trap->RenderScene call
theFxScheduler.Add2DEffect(mOrigin1[0], mOrigin1[1], mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.radius, color, mRefEnt.customShader);
// Add our refEntity to the scene
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
// Update
bool CParticle::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
vec3_t org;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, org, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
vec3_t realVel, realAccel;
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[0], ax[0], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[1], ax[1], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[2], ax[2], org );
const float time = (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * 0.001f;
// calc the real velocity and accel vectors
VectorScale( ax[0], mVel[0], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[1], ax[1], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[2], ax[2], realVel );
//realVel[2] += 0.5f * mGravity * time;
VectorScale( ax[0], mAccel[0], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[1], ax[1], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[2], ax[2], realAccel );
// Get our real velocity at the current time, taking into account the effects of acceleartion. NOTE: not sure if this is even 100% correct math-wise
VectorMA( realVel, time, realAccel, realVel );
// Now move us to where we should be at the given time
VectorMA( org, time, realVel, mOrigin1 );
else if (( mTimeStart < theFxHelper.mTime ) && UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
if ( !Cull() )
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
// Update Origin
bool CParticle::UpdateOrigin(void)
vec3_t new_origin;
VectorMA( mVel, theFxHelper.mRealTime, mAccel, mVel );
// Predict the new position
new_origin[0] = mOrigin1[0] + (theFxHelper.mRealTime * mVel[0]);// + (theFxHelper.mHalfRealTimeSq * mVel[0]);
new_origin[1] = mOrigin1[1] + (theFxHelper.mRealTime * mVel[1]);// + (theFxHelper.mHalfRealTimeSq * mVel[1]);
new_origin[2] = mOrigin1[2] + (theFxHelper.mRealTime * mVel[2]);// + (theFxHelper.mHalfRealTimeSq * mVel[2]);
// Only perform physics if this object is tagged to do so
if ( (mFlags & FX_APPLY_PHYSICS) && !(mFlags & FX_PLAYER_VIEW) )
trace_t trace;
float dot;
if ( mFlags & FX_USE_BBOX )
if (mFlags & FX_GHOUL2_TRACE)
theFxHelper.G2Trace( trace, mOrigin1, mMin, mMax, new_origin, -1, MASK_SOLID );
theFxHelper.Trace( trace, mOrigin1, mMin, mMax, new_origin, -1, MASK_SOLID );
if (mFlags & FX_GHOUL2_TRACE)
theFxHelper.G2Trace( trace, mOrigin1, NULL, NULL, new_origin, -1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
theFxHelper.Trace( trace, mOrigin1, NULL, NULL, new_origin, -1, MASK_SOLID );
// Hit something
if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid)
VectorClear( mVel );
VectorClear( mAccel );
if ((mFlags & FX_GHOUL2_TRACE) && (mFlags & FX_IMPACT_RUNS_FX))
static vec3_t bsNormal = {0, 1, 0};
theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( mImpactFxID, trace.endpos, bsNormal );
return true;
else if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )//&& !trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid )
if ( mFlags & FX_IMPACT_RUNS_FX && !(trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ))
theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( mImpactFxID, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal );
// may need to interact with the material type we hit
theFxScheduler.MaterialImpact(&trace, (CEffect*)this);
if ( mFlags & FX_KILL_ON_IMPACT )
// time to die
return false;
VectorMA( mVel, theFxHelper.mRealTime * trace.fraction, mAccel, mVel );
dot = DotProduct( mVel, trace.plane.normal );
VectorMA( mVel, -2.0f * dot, trace.plane.normal, mVel );
VectorScale( mVel, mElasticity, mVel );
mElasticity *= 0.5f;
// If the velocity is too low, make it stop moving, rotating, and turn off physics to avoid
// doing expensive operations when they aren't needed
//if ( trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.33f && mVel[2] < 10.0f )
if (VectorLengthSquared(mVel) < 100.0f)
VectorClear( mVel );
VectorClear( mAccel );
// Set the origin to the exact impact point
VectorMA( trace.endpos, 1.0f, trace.plane.normal, mOrigin1 );
return true;
// No physics were done to this object, move it
VectorCopy( new_origin, mOrigin1 );
if (mFlags & FX_PLAYER_VIEW)
if (mOrigin1[0] < 0 || mOrigin1[0] > 639 || mOrigin1[1] < 0 || mOrigin1[1] > 479)
return false;
return true;
// Update Size
void CParticle::UpdateSize(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
if ( (mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR) )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR, FX_WAVE, or FX_CLAMP
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mSizeParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mSizeParm) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mSizeParm);
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf( (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * mSizeParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mSizeParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mSizeParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mSizeParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if ( (mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR) )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
mRefEnt.radius = (mSizeStart * perc1) + (mSizeEnd * (1.0f - perc1));
void ClampRGB( const vec3_t in, byte *out )
int r;
for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
r = Q_ftol(in[i] * 255.0f);
if ( r < 0 )
r = 0;
else if ( r > 255 )
r = 255;
out[i] = (byte)r;
// Update RGB
void CParticle::UpdateRGB(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
vec3_t res;
if ( (mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR) )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)( theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart ) / (float)( mTimeEnd - mTimeStart );
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR, FX_WAVE, or FX_CLAMP
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mRGBParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)( theFxHelper.mTime - mRGBParm ) / (float)( mTimeEnd - mRGBParm );
if ( (mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR) )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf(( theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart ) * mRGBParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mRGBParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mRGBParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mRGBParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if (( mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR ))
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_RGB_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
// Now get the correct color
VectorScale( mRGBStart, perc1, res );
VectorMA( res, 1.0f - perc1, mRGBEnd, res );
ClampRGB( res, (byte*)(&mRefEnt.shaderRGBA) );
// Update Alpha
void CParticle::UpdateAlpha(void)
int alpha;
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
if ( (mFlags & FX_ALPHA_LINEAR) )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR, FX_WAVE, or FX_CLAMP
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mAlphaParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mAlphaParm) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mAlphaParm);
if (( mFlags & FX_ALPHA_LINEAR ))
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK ) == FX_ALPHA_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf( (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * mAlphaParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK ) == FX_ALPHA_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mAlphaParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mAlphaParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mAlphaParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if (( mFlags & FX_ALPHA_LINEAR ))
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
perc1 = (mAlphaStart * perc1) + (mAlphaEnd * (1.0f - perc1));
// We should be in the right range, but clamp to ensure
perc1 = Com_Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f, perc1);
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_ALPHA_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
alpha = Com_Clamp(0, 255, perc1 * 255.0f);
if ( mFlags & FX_USE_ALPHA )
// should use this when using art that has an alpha channel
mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3] = (byte)alpha;
// Modulate the rgb fields by the alpha value to do the fade, works fine for additive blending
mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] = ((int)mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] * alpha) >> 8;
mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] = ((int)mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] * alpha) >> 8;
mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] = ((int)mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] * alpha) >> 8;
void CParticle::UpdateRotation(void)
mRefEnt.rotation += theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.01f * mRotationDelta;
mRotationDelta *= ( 1.0f - ( theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.0007f )); // decay rotationDelta
// Derived Oriented Particle Class
mRefEnt.reType = RT_ORIENTED_QUAD;
bool COrientedParticle::Cull(void)
vec3_t dir;
// float len;
// Get the direction to the view
VectorSubtract( mOrigin1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
// Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0 )
return true;
// len = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
// don't cull stuff that's associated with inview wpns
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
return false;
// Can't be too close
// if ( len < fx_nearCull->value * fx_nearCull->value)
// {
// return true;
// }
return false;
void COrientedParticle::Draw(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
// Not sure if first person needs to be set
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
// Add our refEntity to the scene
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
if ( !(mFlags&FX_RELATIVE) )
VectorCopy( mNormal, mRefEnt.axis[0] );
MakeNormalVectors( mRefEnt.axis[0], mRefEnt.axis[1], mRefEnt.axis[2] );
theFxHelper.AddFxToScene( &mRefEnt );
// Update
bool COrientedParticle::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
vec3_t org;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, org, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
vec3_t realVel, realAccel;
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[0], ax[0], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[1], ax[1], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[2], ax[2], org );
const float time = (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * 0.001f;
// calc the real velocity and accel vectors
VectorScale( ax[0], mVel[0], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[1], ax[1], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[2], ax[2], realVel );
// realVel[2] += 0.5f * mGravity * time;
VectorScale( ax[0], mAccel[0], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[1], ax[1], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[2], ax[2], realAccel );
// Get our real velocity at the current time, taking into account the effects of acceleartion. NOTE: not sure if this is even 100% correct math-wise
VectorMA( realVel, time, realAccel, realVel );
// Now move us to where we should be at the given time
VectorMA( org, time, realVel, mOrigin1 );
//use the normalOffset and add that to the actual normal of the bolt
//NOTE: not tested!!!
VectorCopy( ax[0], mRefEnt.axis[0] );
VectorCopy( ax[1], mRefEnt.axis[1] );
VectorCopy( ax[2], mRefEnt.axis[2] );
//vec3_t offsetAngles;
//VectorSet( offsetAngles, 0, 90, 90 );
matrix3_t offsetAxis;
//NOTE: mNormal is actually PITCH YAW and ROLL offsets
AnglesToAxis( mNormal, offsetAxis );
MatrixMultiply( offsetAxis, ax, mRefEnt.axis );
else if (( mTimeStart < theFxHelper.mTime ) && UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
if ( !Cull() )
{ // Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
// Derived Line Class
mRefEnt.reType = RT_LINE;
void CLine::Draw(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
// Not sure if first person needs to be set, but it can't hurt?
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
VectorCopy( mOrigin2, mRefEnt.oldorigin );
bool CLine::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, mOrigin1, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
VectorAdd(mOrigin1, mOrgOffset, mOrigin1); //add the offset to the bolt point
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mVel[0], ax[0], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mVel[1], ax[1], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mVel[2], ax[2], mOrigin2 );
if ( !Cull())
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
// Derived Electricity Class
mRefEnt.reType = RT_ELECTRICITY;
void CElectricity::Initialize(void)
mRefEnt.frame = flrand(0.0f, 1.0f) * 1265536.0f;
mRefEnt.axis[0][2] = theFxHelper.mTime + (mTimeEnd - mTimeStart); // endtime
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
if ( mFlags & FX_BRANCH )
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_FORKED;
if ( mFlags & FX_TAPER )
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_TAPERED;
if ( mFlags & FX_GROW )
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_GROW;
void CElectricity::Draw(void)
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
VectorCopy( mOrigin2, mRefEnt.oldorigin );
mRefEnt.axis[0][0] = mChaos;
mRefEnt.axis[0][1] = mTimeEnd - mTimeStart;
theFxHelper.AddFxToScene( &mRefEnt );
bool CElectricity::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, mOrigin1, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
VectorAdd(mOrigin1, mOrgOffset, mOrigin1); //add the offset to the bolt point
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mVel[0], ax[0], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mVel[1], ax[1], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mVel[2], ax[2], mOrigin2 );
if ( !Cull())
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
// Derived Tail Class
mRefEnt.reType = RT_LINE;
void CTail::Draw(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
// Not sure if first person needs to be set
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
bool CTail::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
vec3_t org;
matrix3_t ax;
if (mModelNum>=0 && mBoltNum>=0) //bolt style
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, org, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
vec3_t realVel, realAccel;
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[0], ax[0], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[1], ax[1], org );
VectorMA( org, mOrgOffset[2], ax[2], org );
// calc the real velocity and accel vectors
// FIXME: if you want right and up movement in addition to the forward movement, you'll have to convert dir into a set of perp. axes and do some extra work
VectorScale( ax[0], mVel[0], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[1], ax[1], realVel );
VectorMA( realVel, mVel[2], ax[2], realVel );
VectorScale( ax[0], mAccel[0], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[1], ax[1], realAccel );
VectorMA( realAccel, mAccel[2], ax[2], realAccel );
const float time = (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * 0.001f;
// Get our real velocity at the current time, taking into account the effects of acceleration. NOTE: not sure if this is even 100% correct math-wise
VectorMA( realVel, time, realAccel, realVel );
// Now move us to where we should be at the given time
VectorMA( org, time, realVel, mOrigin1 );
// Just calc an old point some time in the past, doesn't really matter when
VectorMA( org, (time - 0.003f), realVel, mOldOrigin );
#ifdef _DEBUG
else if ( !fx_freeze->integer )
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mOldOrigin );
if (( mTimeStart < theFxHelper.mTime ) && UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
if ( !Cull() )
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
void CTail::UpdateLength(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
if ( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_LINEAR )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR or FX_WAVE
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mLengthParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mLengthParm) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mLengthParm);
if ( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_PARM_MASK ) == FX_LENGTH_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf( (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * mLengthParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_PARM_MASK ) == FX_LENGTH_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mLengthParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mLengthParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mLengthParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if ( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_LENGTH_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
mLength = (mLengthStart * perc1) + (mLengthEnd * (1.0f - perc1));
void CTail::CalcNewEndpoint(void)
vec3_t temp;
// FIXME: Hmmm, this looks dumb when physics are on and a bounce happens
VectorSubtract( mOldOrigin, mOrigin1, temp );
// I wish we didn't have to do a VectorNormalize every frame.....
VectorNormalize( temp );
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mLength, temp, mRefEnt.oldorigin );
// Derived Cylinder Class
mRefEnt.reType = RT_CYLINDER;
mTraceEnd = qfalse;
bool CCylinder::Cull(void)
if (mTraceEnd)
{ //eh, don't cull variable-length cylinders
return false;
return CTail::Cull();
void CCylinder::UpdateLength(void)
if (mTraceEnd)
vec3_t temp;
trace_t tr;
VectorMA( mOrigin1, FX_MAX_TRACE_DIST, mRefEnt.axis[0], temp );
theFxHelper.Trace( tr, mOrigin1, NULL, NULL, temp, -1, MASK_SOLID );
VectorSubtract( tr.endpos, mOrigin1, temp );
mLength = VectorLength(temp);
void CCylinder::Draw(void)
if ( mFlags & FX_DEPTH_HACK )
// Not sure if first person needs to be set, but it can't hurt?
mRefEnt.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mLength, mRefEnt.axis[0], mRefEnt.oldorigin );
// Update Size2
void CCylinder::UpdateSize2(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE2_LINEAR )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR or FX_WAVE
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mSize2Parm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mSize2Parm) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mSize2Parm);
if ( (mFlags & FX_SIZE2_LINEAR) )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE2_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE2_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf( (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * mSize2Parm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE2_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE2_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mSize2Parm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mSize2Parm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mSize2Parm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE2_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE2_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
mRefEnt.rotation = (mSize2Start * perc1) + (mSize2End * (1.0f - perc1));
bool CCylinder::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, mOrigin1, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
VectorAdd(mOrigin1, mOrgOffset, mOrigin1); //add the offset to the bolt point
VectorCopy( ax[0], mRefEnt.axis[0] );
//FIXME: should mNormal be a modifier on the forward axis?
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mNormal[0], ax[0], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mNormal[1], ax[1], mOrigin2 );
VectorMA( mOrigin2, mNormal[2], ax[2], mOrigin2 );
if ( !Cull() )
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
// Derived Emitter Class
// There may or may not be a model, but if there isn't one,
// we just won't bother adding the refEnt in our Draw func
mRefEnt.reType = RT_MODEL;
// Draw
void CEmitter::Draw(void)
// Emitters don't draw themselves, but they may need to add an attached model
if ( mFlags & FX_ATTACHED_MODEL )
mRefEnt.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.origin );
VectorScale( mRefEnt.axis[0], mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.axis[0] );
VectorScale( mRefEnt.axis[1], mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.axis[1] );
VectorScale( mRefEnt.axis[2], mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.axis[2] );
theFxHelper.AddFxToScene((miniRefEntity_t*)0);// I hate having to do this, but this needs to get added as a regular refEntity
// If we are emitting effects, we had better be careful because just calling it every cgame frame could
// either choke up the effects system on a fast machine, or look really nasty on a low end one.
if ( mFlags & FX_EMIT_FX )
vec3_t org, v;
float ftime, time2, step;
int t, dif;
#define TRAIL_RATE 12 // we "think" at about a 60hz rate
// Pick a target step distance and square it
step = mDensity + flrand(-mVariance, mVariance);
step *= step;
dif = 0;
for ( t = mOldTime; t <= theFxHelper.mTime; t += TRAIL_RATE )
dif += TRAIL_RATE;
// ?Not sure if it's better to update this before or after updating the origin
VectorMA( mOldVelocity, dif * 0.001f, mAccel, v );
// Calc the time differences
ftime = dif * 0.001f;
time2 = ftime * ftime * 0.5f;
// Predict the new position
org[0] = mOldOrigin[0] + (ftime * v[0]) + (time2 * v[0]);
org[1] = mOldOrigin[1] + (ftime * v[1]) + (time2 * v[1]);
org[2] = mOldOrigin[2] + (ftime * v[2]) + (time2 * v[2]);
// Is it time to draw an effect?
if ( DistanceSquared( org, mOldOrigin ) >= step )
// Pick a new target step distance and square it
step = mDensity + flrand(-mVariance, mVariance);
step *= step;
// We met the step criteria so, we should add in the effect
theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( mEmitterFxID, org, mRefEnt.axis );
VectorCopy( org, mOldOrigin );
VectorCopy( v, mOldVelocity );
dif = 0;
mOldTime = t;
bool CEmitter::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
// Use this to track if we've stopped moving
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mOldOrigin );
VectorCopy( mVel, mOldVelocity );
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
assert(0);//need this?
if (( mTimeStart < theFxHelper.mTime ) && UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
bool moving = false;
// If the thing is no longer moving, kill the angle delta, but don't do it too quickly or it will
// look very artificial. Don't do it too slowly or it will look like there is no friction.
if ( VectorCompare( mOldOrigin, mOrigin1 ))
VectorScale( mAngleDelta, 0.7f, mAngleDelta );
moving = true;
if ( mFlags & FX_PAPER_PHYSICS )
// do this in a more framerate independent manner
float sc = ( 20.0f / theFxHelper.mFrameTime);
// bah, evil clamping
if ( sc >= 1.0f )
sc = 1.0f;
if ( moving )
// scale the velocity down, basically inducing drag. Acceleration ( gravity ) should keep it pulling down, which is what we want.
VectorScale( mVel, (sc * 0.8f + 0.2f ) * 0.92f, mVel );
// add some chaotic motion based on the way we are oriented
VectorMA( mVel, (1.5f - sc) * 4.0f, mRefEnt.axis[0], mVel );
VectorMA( mVel, (1.5f - sc) * 4.0f, mRefEnt.axis[1], mVel );
// make us settle so we can lay flat
mAngles[0] *= (0.97f * (sc * 0.4f + 0.6f ));
mAngles[2] *= (0.97f * (sc * 0.4f + 0.6f ));
// decay our angle delta so we don't rotate as quickly
VectorScale( mAngleDelta, (0.96f * (sc * 0.1f + 0.9f )), mAngleDelta );
return true;
void CEmitter::UpdateAngles(void)
VectorMA( mAngles, theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.01f, mAngleDelta, mAngles ); // was 0.001f, but then you really have to jack up the delta to even notice anything
AnglesToAxis( mAngles, mRefEnt.axis );
// Derived Light Class
void CLight::Draw(void)
theFxHelper.AddLightToScene( mOrigin1, mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.origin[0], mRefEnt.origin[1], mRefEnt.origin[2] );
// Update
bool CLight::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
if ( mFlags & FX_RELATIVE )
if ( !re->G2API_IsGhoul2InfovValid (*mGhoul2))
{ // the thing we are bolted to is no longer valid, so we may as well just die.
return false;
matrix3_t ax;
// Get our current position and direction
if (!theFxHelper.GetOriginAxisFromBolt(mGhoul2, mEntNum, mModelNum, mBoltNum, mOrigin1, ax))
{ //could not get bolt
return false;
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mOrgOffset[0], ax[0], mOrigin1 );
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mOrgOffset[1], ax[1], mOrigin1 );
VectorMA( mOrigin1, mOrgOffset[2], ax[2], mOrigin1 );
return true;
// Update Size
void CLight::UpdateSize(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR or FX_WAVE
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mSizeParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)(theFxHelper.mTime - mSizeParm) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mSizeParm);
if ( (mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR) )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf( (theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart) * mSizeParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mSizeParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mSizeParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mSizeParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_SIZE_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
mRefEnt.radius = (mSizeStart * perc1) + (mSizeEnd * (1.0f - perc1));
// Update RGB
void CLight::UpdateRGB(void)
// completely biased towards start if it doesn't get overridden
float perc1 = 1.0f, perc2 = 1.0f;
vec3_t res;
if ( mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR )
// calculate element biasing
perc1 = 1.0f - (float)( theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart ) / (float)( mTimeEnd - mTimeStart );
// We can combine FX_LINEAR with _either_ FX_NONLINEAR or FX_WAVE
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mRGBParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = 1.0f - (float)( theFxHelper.mTime - mRGBParm ) / (float)( mTimeEnd - mRGBParm );
if ( mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
else if (( mFlags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_WAVE )
// wave gen, with parm being the frequency multiplier
perc1 = perc1 * cosf(( theFxHelper.mTime - mTimeStart ) * mRGBParm );
else if (( mFlags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_CLAMP )
if ( theFxHelper.mTime < mRGBParm )
// get percent done, using parm as the start of the non-linear fade
perc2 = (float)(mRGBParm - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mRGBParm - mTimeStart);
perc2 = 0.0f; // make it full size??
if ( mFlags & FX_RGB_LINEAR )
// do an even blend
perc1 = perc1 * 0.5f + perc2 * 0.5f;
// just copy it over...sigh
perc1 = perc2;
// If needed, RAND can coexist with linear and either non-linear or wave.
if ( mFlags & FX_RGB_RAND )
// Random simply modulates the existing value
perc1 = flrand(0.0f, perc1);
// Now get the correct color
VectorScale( mRGBStart, perc1, res );
VectorMA(res, ( 1.0f - perc1 ), mRGBEnd, mRefEnt.origin);
// Derived Trail Class
#define NEW_MUZZLE 0
#define NEW_TIP 1
#define OLD_TIP 2
#define OLD_MUZZLE 3
void CTrail::Draw()
polyVert_t verts[3];
// vec3_t color;
// build the first tri out of the new muzzle...new tip...old muzzle
VectorCopy( mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].origin, verts[0].xyz );
VectorCopy( mVerts[NEW_TIP].origin, verts[1].xyz );
VectorCopy( mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].origin, verts[2].xyz );
// VectorScale( mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].curRGB, mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].curAlpha, color );
verts[0].modulate[0] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].rgb[0];
verts[0].modulate[1] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].rgb[1];
verts[0].modulate[2] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].rgb[2];
verts[0].modulate[3] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].alpha;
// VectorScale( mVerts[NEW_TIP].curRGB, mVerts[NEW_TIP].curAlpha, color );
verts[1].modulate[0] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[0];
verts[1].modulate[1] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[1];
verts[1].modulate[2] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[2];
verts[1].modulate[3] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].alpha;
// VectorScale( mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curRGB, mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curAlpha, color );
verts[2].modulate[0] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[0];
verts[2].modulate[1] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[1];
verts[2].modulate[2] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[2];
verts[2].modulate[3] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].alpha;
verts[0].st[0] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].curST[0];
verts[0].st[1] = mVerts[NEW_MUZZLE].curST[1];
verts[1].st[0] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].curST[0];
verts[1].st[1] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].curST[1];
verts[2].st[0] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curST[0];
verts[2].st[1] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curST[1];
// Add this tri
theFxHelper.AddPolyToScene( mShader, 3, verts );
// build the second tri out of the old muzzle...old tip...new tip
VectorCopy( mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].origin, verts[0].xyz );
VectorCopy( mVerts[OLD_TIP].origin, verts[1].xyz );
VectorCopy( mVerts[NEW_TIP].origin, verts[2].xyz );
// VectorScale( mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curRGB, mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curAlpha, color );
verts[0].modulate[0] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[0];
verts[0].modulate[1] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[1];
verts[0].modulate[2] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].rgb[2];
verts[0].modulate[3] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].alpha;
// VectorScale( mVerts[OLD_TIP].curRGB, mVerts[OLD_TIP].curAlpha, color );
verts[1].modulate[0] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].rgb[0];
verts[1].modulate[1] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].rgb[1];
verts[1].modulate[2] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].rgb[2];
verts[0].modulate[3] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].alpha;
// VectorScale( mVerts[NEW_TIP].curRGB, mVerts[NEW_TIP].curAlpha, color );
verts[2].modulate[0] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[0];
verts[2].modulate[1] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[1];
verts[2].modulate[2] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].rgb[2];
verts[0].modulate[3] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].alpha;
verts[0].st[0] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curST[0];
verts[0].st[1] = mVerts[OLD_MUZZLE].curST[1];
verts[1].st[0] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].curST[0];
verts[1].st[1] = mVerts[OLD_TIP].curST[1];
verts[2].st[0] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].curST[0];
verts[2].st[1] = mVerts[NEW_TIP].curST[1];
// Add this tri
theFxHelper.AddPolyToScene( mShader, 3, verts );
// Update
bool CTrail::Update()
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
float perc = (float)(mTimeEnd - theFxHelper.mTime) / (float)(mTimeEnd - mTimeStart);
for ( int t = 0; t < 4; t++ )
// mVerts[t].curAlpha = mVerts[t].alpha * perc + mVerts[t].destAlpha * ( 1.0f - perc );
// if ( mVerts[t].curAlpha < 0.0f )
// {
// mVerts[t].curAlpha = 0.0f;
// }
// VectorScale( mVerts[t].rgb, perc, mVerts[t].curRGB );
// VectorMA( mVerts[t].curRGB, ( 1.0f - perc ), mVerts[t].destrgb, mVerts[t].curRGB );
mVerts[t].curST[0] = mVerts[t].ST[0] * perc + mVerts[t].destST[0] * ( 1.0f - perc );
if ( mVerts[t].curST[0] > 1.0f )
mVerts[t].curST[0] = 1.0f;
mVerts[t].curST[1] = mVerts[t].ST[1] * perc + mVerts[t].destST[1] * ( 1.0f - perc );
return true;
// Derived Poly Class
bool CPoly::Cull(void)
vec3_t dir;
// Get the direction to the view
VectorSubtract( mOrigin1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
// Check if it's behind the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) < 0 )
return true;
float len = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
// Can't be too close
if ( len < fx_nearCull->value * fx_nearCull->value)
return true;
return false;
void CPoly::Draw(void)
polyVert_t verts[MAX_CPOLY_VERTS];
for ( int i = 0; i < mCount; i++ )
// Add our midpoint and vert offset to get the actual vertex
VectorAdd( mOrigin1, mOrg[i], verts[i].xyz );
// Assign the same color to each vert
for ( int k=0; k<4; k++ )
verts[i].modulate[k] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[k];
// Copy the ST coords
VectorCopy2( mST[i], verts[i].st );
// Add this poly
theFxHelper.AddPolyToScene( mRefEnt.customShader, mCount, verts );
void CPoly::CalcRotateMatrix(void)
float cosX, cosZ;
float sinX, sinZ;
float rad;
// rotate around Z
rad = DEG2RAD( mRotDelta[YAW] * theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.01f );
cosZ = cosf( rad );
sinZ = sinf( rad );
// rotate around X
rad = DEG2RAD( mRotDelta[PITCH] * theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.01f );
cosX = cosf( rad );
sinX = sinf( rad );
/*Pitch - aroundx Yaw - around z
1 0 0 c -s 0
0 c -s s c 0
0 s c 0 0 1
mRot[0][0] = cosZ;
mRot[1][0] = -sinZ;
mRot[2][0] = 0;
mRot[0][1] = cosX * sinZ;
mRot[1][1] = cosX * cosZ;
mRot[2][1] = -sinX;
mRot[0][2] = sinX * sinZ;
mRot[1][2] = sinX * cosZ;
mRot[2][2] = cosX;
// ROLL is not supported unless anyone complains, if it needs to be added, use this format
c 0 s
0 1 0
-s 0 c
mLastFrameTime = theFxHelper.mFrameTime;
void CPoly::Rotate(void)
vec3_t temp[MAX_CPOLY_VERTS];
float dif = fabs( (float)(mLastFrameTime - theFxHelper.mFrameTime) );
if ( dif > 0.1f * mLastFrameTime )
// Multiply our rotation matrix by each of the offset verts to get their new position
for ( int i = 0; i < mCount; i++ )
VectorRotate( mOrg[i], mRot, temp[i] );
VectorCopy( temp[i], mOrg[i] );
// Update
bool CPoly::Update(void)
// Game pausing can cause dumb time things to happen, so kill the effect in this instance
if ( mTimeStart > theFxHelper.mTime )
return false;
// If our timestamp hasn't exired yet, we won't even consider doing any kind of motion
if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mTimeStamp )
vec3_t mOldOrigin;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, mOldOrigin );
if (( mTimeStart < theFxHelper.mTime ) && UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
// Only rotate whilst moving
if ( !VectorCompare( mOldOrigin, mOrigin1 ))
if ( !Cull())
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
void CPoly::PolyInit(void)
if ( mCount < 3 )
int i;
vec3_t org = {0.0f, 0.0f ,0.0f};
// Find our midpoint
for ( i = 0; i < mCount; i++ )
VectorAdd( org, mOrg[i], org );
VectorScale( org, (float)(1.0f / mCount), org );
// now store our midpoint for physics purposes
VectorCopy( org, mOrigin1 );
// Now we process the passed in points and make it so that they aren't actually the point...
// rather, they are the offset from mOrigin1.
for ( i = 0; i < mCount; i++ )
VectorSubtract( mOrg[i], mOrigin1, mOrg[i] );
Bezier curve line
bool CBezier::Cull( void )
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract( mOrigin1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false; //don't cull
VectorSubtract( mOrigin2, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
VectorSubtract( mControl1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dir );
//Check if it's in front of the viewer
if ( (DotProduct( theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], dir )) >= 0 )
return false;
return true; //all points behind viewer
bool CBezier::Update( void )
float ftime, time2;
ftime = theFxHelper.mFrameTime * 0.001f;
time2 = ftime * ftime * 0.5f;
mControl1[0] = mControl1[0] + (ftime * mControl1Vel[0]) + (time2 * mControl1Vel[0]);
mControl2[0] = mControl2[0] + (ftime * mControl2Vel[0]) + (time2 * mControl2Vel[0]);
mControl1[1] = mControl1[1] + (ftime * mControl1Vel[1]) + (time2 * mControl1Vel[1]);
mControl2[1] = mControl2[1] + (ftime * mControl2Vel[1]) + (time2 * mControl2Vel[1]);
mControl1[2] = mControl1[2] + (ftime * mControl1Vel[2]) + (time2 * mControl1Vel[2]);
mControl2[2] = mControl2[2] + (ftime * mControl2Vel[2]) + (time2 * mControl2Vel[2]);
if ( Cull() == false )
// Only update these if the thing is visible.
return true;
inline void CBezier::DrawSegment( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float texcoord1, float texcoord2, float segPercent, float lastSegPercent )
vec3_t lineDir, cross, viewDir;
static vec3_t lastEnd[2];
polyVert_t verts[4];
float scaleBottom = 0.0f, scaleTop = 0.0f;
VectorSubtract( end, start, lineDir );
VectorSubtract( end, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, viewDir );
CrossProduct( lineDir, viewDir, cross );
VectorNormalize( cross );
// scaleBottom is the width of the bottom edge of the quad, scaleTop is the width of the top edge
scaleBottom = (mSizeStart + ((mSizeEnd - mSizeStart) * lastSegPercent)) * 0.5f;
scaleTop = (mSizeStart + ((mSizeEnd - mSizeStart) * segPercent)) * 0.5f;
//Construct the oriented quad
if ( mInit )
VectorCopy( lastEnd[0], verts[0].xyz );
VectorCopy( lastEnd[1], verts[1].xyz );
VectorMA( start, -scaleBottom, cross, verts[0].xyz );
VectorMA( start, scaleBottom, cross, verts[1].xyz );
verts[0].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[0].st[1] = texcoord1;
verts[0].modulate[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[0].modulate[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[0].modulate[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[0].modulate[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3];
verts[1].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[1].st[1] = texcoord1;
verts[1].modulate[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[1].modulate[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[1].modulate[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] * ( 1.0f - texcoord1 );
verts[1].modulate[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3];
if ( texcoord1 == 0.0f )
for ( int k=0; k<4; k++ ) {
verts[0].modulate[k] = verts[1].modulate[k] = 0;
VectorMA( end, scaleTop, cross, verts[2].xyz );
verts[2].st[0] = 1.0f;
verts[2].st[1] = texcoord2;
verts[2].modulate[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[2].modulate[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[2].modulate[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[2].modulate[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3];
VectorMA( end, -scaleTop, cross, verts[3].xyz );
verts[3].st[0] = 0.0f;
verts[3].st[1] = texcoord2;
verts[3].modulate[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[3].modulate[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[3].modulate[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] * ( 1.0f - texcoord2 );
verts[3].modulate[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3];
theFxHelper.AddPolyToScene( mRefEnt.customShader, 4, verts );
VectorCopy( verts[2].xyz, lastEnd[1] );
VectorCopy( verts[3].xyz, lastEnd[0] );
mInit = true;
const float BEZIER_RESOLUTION = 16.0f;
void CBezier::Draw( void )
vec3_t pos, old_pos;
float mu, mum1;
float incr = 1.0f / BEZIER_RESOLUTION, tex = 1.0f, tc1, tc2;
int i = 0;
VectorCopy( mOrigin1, old_pos );
mInit = false; //Signify a new batch for vert gluing
float mum13, mu3, group1, group2;
tc1 = 0.0f;
for ( mu = incr; mu <= 1.0f; mu += incr)
//Four point curve
mum1 = 1 - mu;
mum13 = mum1 * mum1 * mum1;
mu3 = mu * mu * mu;
group1 = 3 * mu * mum1 * mum1;
group2 = 3 * mu * mu *mum1;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
pos[i] = mum13 * mOrigin1[i] + group1 * mControl1[i] + group2 * mControl2[i] + mu3 * mOrigin2[i];
tc2 = mu * tex;
//Draw it
DrawSegment( old_pos, pos, tc1, tc2, mu, mu - incr );
VectorCopy( pos, old_pos );
tc1 = tc2;
Full screen flash
bool CFlash::Update( void )
if ( UpdateOrigin() == false )
// we are marked for death
return false;
mRefEnt.radius *= mRadiusModifier;
return true;
bool FX_WorldToScreen(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y)
int xcenter, ycenter;
vec3_t local, transformed;
vec3_t vfwd, vright, vup;
//NOTE: did it this way because most draw functions expect virtual 640x480 coords
// and adjust them for current resolution
xcenter = 640 / 2;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn
ycenter = 480 / 2;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn
VectorSubtract (worldCoord, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, local);
AngleVectors (theFxHelper.refdef->viewangles, vfwd, vright, vup);
transformed[0] = DotProduct(local,vright);
transformed[1] = DotProduct(local,vup);
transformed[2] = DotProduct(local,vfwd);
// Make sure Z is not negative.
if(transformed[2] < 0.01)
return false;
// Simple convert to screen coords.
float xzi = xcenter / transformed[2] * (90.0/theFxHelper.refdef->fov_x);
float yzi = ycenter / transformed[2] * (90.0/theFxHelper.refdef->fov_y);
*x = (xcenter + xzi * transformed[0]);
*y = (ycenter - yzi * transformed[1]);
return true;
void CFlash::Init( void )
// 10/19/01 kef -- maybe we want to do something different here for localized flashes, but right
//now I want to be sure that whatever RGB changes occur to a non-localized flash will also occur
//to a localized flash (so I'll have the same initial RGBA values for both...I need them sync'd for an effect)
vec3_t dif;
float mod = 1.0f, dis = 0.0f, maxRange = 900;
VectorSubtract( mOrigin1, theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, dif );
dis = VectorNormalize( dif );
mod = DotProduct( dif, theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0] );
if ( dis > maxRange || ( mod < 0.5f && dis > 100 ))
mod = 0.0f;
else if ( mod < 0.5f && dis <= 100 )
mod += 1.1f;
mod *= (1.0f - ((dis * dis) / (maxRange * maxRange)));
VectorScale( mRGBStart, mod, mRGBStart );
VectorScale( mRGBEnd, mod, mRGBEnd );
if ( mFlags & FX_LOCALIZED_FLASH )
FX_WorldToScreen(mOrigin1, &mScreenX, &mScreenY);
// modify size of localized flash based on distance to effect (but not orientation)
if (dis > 100 && dis < maxRange)
mRadiusModifier = (1.0f - ((dis * dis) / (maxRange * maxRange)));
void CFlash::Draw( void )
// Interestingly, if znear is set > than this, then the flash
// doesn't appear at all.
const float FLASH_DISTANCE_FROM_VIEWER = 12.0f;
mRefEnt.reType = RT_SPRITE;
if ( mFlags & FX_LOCALIZED_FLASH )
vec4_t color;
color[0] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[0] / 255.0;
color[1] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[1] / 255.0;
color[2] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[2] / 255.0;
color[3] = mRefEnt.shaderRGBA[3] / 255.0;
// add this 2D effect to the proper list. it will get drawn after the trap->RenderScene call
theFxScheduler.Add2DEffect(mScreenX, mScreenY, mRefEnt.radius, mRefEnt.radius, color, mRefEnt.customShader);
VectorCopy( theFxHelper.refdef->vieworg, mRefEnt.origin );
VectorMA( mRefEnt.origin, FLASH_DISTANCE_FROM_VIEWER, theFxHelper.refdef->viewaxis[0], mRefEnt.origin );
// This is assuming that the screen is wider than it is tall.
mRefEnt.radius = FLASH_DISTANCE_FROM_VIEWER * tan (DEG2RAD (theFxHelper.refdef->fov_x * 0.5f));
theFxHelper.AddFxToScene( &mRefEnt );
void FX_AddPrimitive( CEffect **pEffect, int killTime );
void FX_FeedTrail(effectTrailArgStruct_t *a)
CTrail *fx = new CTrail;
int i = 0;
while (i < 4)
VectorCopy(a->mVerts[i].origin, fx->mVerts[i].origin);
VectorCopy(a->mVerts[i].rgb, fx->mVerts[i].rgb);
VectorCopy(a->mVerts[i].destrgb, fx->mVerts[i].destrgb);
VectorCopy(a->mVerts[i].curRGB, fx->mVerts[i].curRGB);
fx->mVerts[i].alpha = a->mVerts[i].alpha;
fx->mVerts[i].destAlpha = a->mVerts[i].destAlpha;
fx->mVerts[i].curAlpha = a->mVerts[i].curAlpha;
fx->mVerts[i].ST[0] = a->mVerts[i].ST[0];
fx->mVerts[i].ST[1] = a->mVerts[i].ST[1];
fx->mVerts[i].destST[0] = a->mVerts[i].destST[0];
fx->mVerts[i].destST[1] = a->mVerts[i].destST[1];
fx->mVerts[i].curST[0] = a->mVerts[i].curST[0];
fx->mVerts[i].curST[1] = a->mVerts[i].curST[1];
fx->mShader = a->mShader;
FX_AddPrimitive((CEffect **)&fx, a->mKillTime);
// end