Simon 4597b03873 Initial Commit
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
2022-09-18 16:37:21 +01:00

212 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "tr_common.h"
void R_InvertImage(byte *data, int width, int height, int depth)
byte *newData;
byte *oldData;
byte *saveData;
int y, stride;
stride = width * depth;
oldData = data + ((height - 1) * stride);
newData = (byte *)ri->Z_Malloc(height * stride, TAG_TEMP_IMAGE, qfalse, 4 );
saveData = newData;
for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
memcpy(newData, oldData, stride);
newData += stride;
oldData -= stride;
memcpy(data, saveData, height * stride);
// Lanczos3 image resampling. Better than bicubic, based on sin(x)/x algorithm
#define LANCZOS3 (3.0f)
#define M_PI_OVER_3 (M_PI / 3.0f)
typedef struct contrib_s {
int pixel;
float weight;
} contrib_t;
typedef struct contrib_list_s {
int n; // number of contributors
contrib_t *p; // pointer to list of contributions
} contrib_list_t;
// sin(x)/x * sin(x/3)/(x/3)
float Lanczos3(float t)
t = (float)fabs(t);
if(t < 3.0f)
return(sinf(t * M_PI) * sinf(t * M_PI_OVER_3) / (t * M_PI * t * M_PI_OVER_3));
void R_Resample(byte *source, int swidth, int sheight, byte *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, int components)
int i, j, k, l, count, left, right, num;
int pixel;
byte *raster;
float center, weight, scale, width, height;
contrib_list_t *contributors;
byte *work = (byte *)ri->Z_Malloc(dwidth * sheight * components, TAG_RESAMPLE, qfalse, 4);
// Pre calculate filter contributions for rows
contributors = (contrib_list_t *)ri->Z_Malloc(sizeof(contrib_list_t) * dwidth, TAG_RESAMPLE, qfalse, 4);
float xscale = (float)dwidth / (float)swidth;
if(xscale < 1.0f)
width = ceilf(LANCZOS3 / xscale);
scale = xscale;
width = LANCZOS3;
scale = 1.0f;
num = ((int)width * 2) + 1;
for(i = 0; i < dwidth; i++)
contributors[i].n = 0;
contributors[i].p = (contrib_t *)ri->Z_Malloc(num * sizeof(contrib_t), TAG_RESAMPLE, qfalse, 4);
center = (float)i / xscale;
left = (int)ceilf(center - width);
right = (int)floorf(center + width);
for(j = left; j <= right; j++)
weight = Lanczos3((center - (float)j) * scale) * scale;
if(j < 0)
pixel = -j;
else if(j >= swidth)
pixel = (swidth - j) + swidth - 1;
pixel = j;
count = contributors[i].n++;
contributors[i].p[count].pixel = pixel;
contributors[i].p[count].weight = weight;
// Apply filters to zoom horizontally from source to work
for(k = 0; k < sheight; k++)
raster = source + (k * swidth * components);
for(i = 0; i < dwidth; i++)
for(l = 0; l < components; l++)
weight = 0.0f;
for(j = 0; j < contributors[i].n; j++)
weight += raster[(contributors[i].p[j].pixel * components) + l] * contributors[i].p[j].weight;
pixel = (byte)Com_Clamp(0.0f, 255.0f, weight);
work[(k * dwidth * components) + (i * components) + l] = pixel;
// Clean up
for(i = 0; i < dwidth; i++)
// Columns
contributors = (contrib_list_t *)ri->Z_Malloc(sizeof(contrib_list_t) * dheight, TAG_RESAMPLE, qfalse, 4);
float yscale = (float)dheight / (float)sheight;
if(yscale < 1.0f)
height = ceilf(LANCZOS3 / yscale);
scale = yscale;
height = LANCZOS3;
scale = 1.0f;
num = ((int)height * 2) + 1;
for(i = 0; i < dheight; i++)
contributors[i].n = 0;
contributors[i].p = (contrib_t *)ri->Z_Malloc(num * sizeof(contrib_t), TAG_RESAMPLE, qfalse, 4);
center = (float)i / yscale;
left = (int)ceilf(center - height);
right = (int)floorf(center + height);
for(j = left; j <= right; j++)
weight = Lanczos3((center - (float)j) * scale) * scale;
if(j < 0)
pixel = -j;
else if(j >= sheight)
pixel = (sheight - j) + sheight - 1;
pixel = j;
count = contributors[i].n++;
contributors[i].p[count].pixel = pixel;
contributors[i].p[count].weight = weight;
// Apply filter to columns
for(k = 0; k < dwidth; k++)
for(l = 0; l < components; l++)
for(i = 0; i < dheight; i++)
weight = 0.0f;
for(j = 0; j < contributors[i].n; j++)
weight += work[(contributors[i].p[j].pixel * dwidth * components) + (k * components) + l] * contributors[i].p[j].weight;
pixel = (byte)Com_Clamp(0.0f, 255.0f, weight);
dest[(i * dwidth * components) + (k * components) + l] = pixel;
// Clean up
for(i = 0; i < dheight; i++)
// MD_PopTag();