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Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
2022-09-18 16:37:21 +01:00

2083 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "../server/exe_headers.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <string>
#include "../qcommon/sstring.h" // stl string class won't compile in here (MS shite), so use Gil's.
#include "tr_local.h"
#include "tr_font.h"
#include "../qcommon/stringed_ingame.h"
// This file is shared in the single and multiplayer codebases, so be CAREFUL WHAT YOU ADD/CHANGE!!!!!
typedef enum
eWestern, // ( I only care about asian languages in here at the moment )
eRussian, // .. but now I need to care about this, since it uses a different TP
ePolish, // ditto
eTaiwanese, // 15x15 glyphs tucked against BR of 16x16 space
eJapanese, // 15x15 glyphs tucked against TL of 16x16 space
eChinese, // 15x15 glyphs tucked against TL of 16x16 space
eThai, // 16x16 cells with glyphs against left edge, special file (tha_widths.dat) for variable widths
} Language_e;
// this is to cut down on all the stupid string compares I've been doing, and convert asian stuff to switch-case
Language_e GetLanguageEnum()
#ifndef JK2_MODE
static int iSE_Language_ModificationCount = -1234; // any old silly value that won't match the cvar mod count
static Language_e eLanguage = eWestern;
// only re-strcmp() when language string has changed from what we knew it as...
#ifndef JK2_MODE
if (iSE_Language_ModificationCount != se_language->modificationCount )
iSE_Language_ModificationCount = se_language->modificationCount;
if ( Language_IsRussian() ) eLanguage = eRussian;
else if ( Language_IsPolish() ) eLanguage = ePolish;
else if ( Language_IsKorean() ) eLanguage = eKorean;
else if ( Language_IsTaiwanese() ) eLanguage = eTaiwanese;
else if ( Language_IsJapanese() ) eLanguage = eJapanese;
else if ( Language_IsChinese() ) eLanguage = eChinese;
else if ( Language_IsThai() ) eLanguage = eThai;
else eLanguage = eWestern;
return eLanguage;
struct SBCSOverrideLanguages_t
const char *m_psName;
Language_e m_eLanguage;
// so I can do some stuff with for-next loops when I add polish etc...
SBCSOverrideLanguages_t g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[]=
{"russian", eRussian},
{"polish", ePolish},
{NULL, eWestern}
#define sFILENAME_THAI_WIDTHS "fonts/tha_widths.dat"
#define sFILENAME_THAI_CODES "fonts/tha_codes.dat"
struct ThaiCodes_t
std::map <int, int> m_mapValidCodes;
std::vector<int> m_viGlyphWidths;
std::string m_strInitFailureReason; // so we don't have to keep retrying to work this out
void Clear( void )
m_strInitFailureReason = ""; // if blank, never failed, else says don't bother re-trying
// convert a supplied 1,2 or 3-byte multiplied-up integer into a valid 0..n index, else -1...
int GetValidIndex( int iCode )
std::map <int,int>::iterator it = m_mapValidCodes.find( iCode );
if (it != m_mapValidCodes.end())
return (*it).second;
return -1;
int GetWidth( int iGlyphIndex )
if (iGlyphIndex < (int)m_viGlyphWidths.size())
return m_viGlyphWidths[ iGlyphIndex ];
return 0;
// return is error message to display, or NULL for success
const char *Init(void)
if (m_mapValidCodes.empty() && m_viGlyphWidths.empty())
if (m_strInitFailureReason.empty()) // never tried and failed already?
int *piData = NULL; // note <int>, not <byte>, for []-access
// read the valid-codes table in...
int iBytesRead = ri.FS_ReadFile( sFILENAME_THAI_CODES, (void **) &piData );
if (iBytesRead > 0 && !(iBytesRead&3)) // valid length and multiple of 4 bytes long
int iTableEntries = iBytesRead / sizeof(int);
for (int i=0; i < iTableEntries; i++)
m_mapValidCodes[ piData[i] ] = i; // convert MBCS code to sequential index...
ri.FS_FreeFile( piData ); // dispose of original
// now read in the widths... (I'll keep these in a simple STL vector, so they'all disappear when the <map> entries do...
iBytesRead = ri.FS_ReadFile( sFILENAME_THAI_WIDTHS, (void **) &piData );
if (iBytesRead > 0 && !(iBytesRead&3) && iBytesRead>>2/*sizeof(int)*/ == iTableEntries)
for (int i=0; i<iTableEntries; i++)
m_viGlyphWidths.push_back( piData[i] );
ri.FS_FreeFile( piData ); // dispose of original
m_strInitFailureReason = va("Error with file \"%s\", size = %d!\n", sFILENAME_THAI_WIDTHS, iBytesRead);
m_strInitFailureReason = va("Error with file \"%s\", size = %d!\n", sFILENAME_THAI_CODES, iBytesRead);
return m_strInitFailureReason.c_str();
#define GLYPH_MAX_ASIAN_SHADERS 4 // this MUST equal the larger of the above defines
class CFontInfo
// From the fontdat file
glyphInfo_t mGlyphs[GLYPH_COUNT];
// int mAsianHack; // unused junk from John's fontdat file format.
// end of fontdat data
int mShader; // handle to the shader with the glyph
int m_hAsianShaders[GLYPH_MAX_ASIAN_SHADERS]; // shaders for Korean glyphs where applicable
glyphInfo_t m_AsianGlyph; // special glyph containing asian->western scaling info for all glyphs
int m_iAsianGlyphsAcross; // needed to dynamically calculate S,T coords
int m_iAsianPagesLoaded;
bool m_bAsianLastPageHalfHeight;
int m_iLanguageModificationCount; // doesn't matter what this is, so long as it's comparable as being changed
ThaiCodes_t *m_pThaiData;
char m_sFontName[MAX_QPATH]; // eg "fonts/lcd" // needed for korean font-hint if we need >1 hangul set
int mPointSize;
int mHeight;
int mAscender;
int mDescender;
bool mbRoundCalcs; // trying to make this !@#$%^ thing work with scaling
int m_iThisFont; // handle to itself
int m_iAltSBCSFont; // -1 == NULL // alternative single-byte font for languages like russian/polish etc that need to override high characters ?
int m_iOriginalFontWhenSBCSOverriden;
float m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor; // -1, else amount to adjust returned values by to make them fit the master western font they're substituting for
bool m_bIsFakeAlienLanguage; // ... if true, don't process as MBCS or override as SBCS etc
CFontInfo(const char *fontName);
// CFontInfo(int fill) { memset(this, fill, sizeof(*this)); } // wtf?
~CFontInfo(void) {}
const int GetPointSize(void) const { return(mPointSize); }
const int GetHeight(void) const { return(mHeight); }
const int GetAscender(void) const { return(mAscender); }
const int GetDescender(void) const { return(mDescender); }
const glyphInfo_t *GetLetter(const unsigned int uiLetter, int *piShader = NULL);
const int GetCollapsedAsianCode(ulong uiLetter) const;
const int GetLetterWidth(const unsigned int uiLetter);
const int GetLetterHorizAdvance(const unsigned int uiLetter);
const int GetShader(void) const { return(mShader); }
void FlagNoAsianGlyphs(void) { m_hAsianShaders[0] = 0; m_iLanguageModificationCount = -1; } // used during constructor
bool AsianGlyphsAvailable(void) const { return !!(m_hAsianShaders[0]); }
void UpdateAsianIfNeeded( bool bForceReEval = false);
// round float to one decimal place...
float RoundTenth( float fValue )
return ( floorf( (fValue*10.0f) + 0.5f) ) / 10.0f;
int g_iCurrentFontIndex; // entry 0 is reserved index for missing/invalid, else ++ with each new font registered
std::vector<CFontInfo *> g_vFontArray;
typedef std::map<sstring_t, int> FontIndexMap_t;
FontIndexMap_t g_mapFontIndexes;
int g_iNonScaledCharRange; // this is used with auto-scaling of asian fonts, anything below this number is preserved in scale, anything above is scaled down by 0.75f
//paletteRGBA_c lastcolour;
// =============================== some korean stuff =======================================
#define KSC5601_HANGUL_HIBYTE_START 0xB0 // range is...
#define KSC5601_HANGUL_HIBYTE_STOP 0xC8 // ... inclusive
#define KSC5601_HANGUL_LOBYTE_LOBOUND 0xA0 // range is...
#define KSC5601_HANGUL_LOBYTE_HIBOUND 0xFF // ...bounding (ie only valid in between these points, but NULLs in charsets for these codes)
#define KSC5601_HANGUL_CODES_PER_ROW 96 // 2 more than the number of glyphs
extern qboolean Language_IsKorean( void );
static inline qboolean Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( byte _iHi, byte _iLo )
return (qboolean)(
static inline qboolean Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( unsigned int uiCode )
return Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( uiCode >> 8, uiCode & 0xFF );
// takes a KSC5601 double-byte hangul code and collapses down to a 0..n glyph index...
// Assumes rows are 96 wide (glyph slots), not 94 wide (actual glyphs), so I can ignore boundary markers
// (invalid hangul codes will return 0)
static int Korean_CollapseKSC5601HangulCode(unsigned int uiCode)
if (Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( uiCode ))
uiCode -= (KSC5601_HANGUL_HIBYTE_START * 256) + KSC5601_HANGUL_LOBYTE_LOBOUND; // sneaky maths on both bytes, reduce to 0x0000 onwards
uiCode = ((uiCode >> 8) * KSC5601_HANGUL_CODES_PER_ROW) + (uiCode & 0xFF);
return uiCode;
return 0;
static int Korean_InitFields(int &iGlyphTPs, const char *&psLang)
psLang = "kor";
g_iNonScaledCharRange = 255;
return 32; // m_iAsianGlyphsAcross
// ======================== some taiwanese stuff ==============================
// (all ranges inclusive for Big5)...
#define BIG5_HIBYTE_START0 0xA1 // (misc chars + level 1 hanzi)
#define BIG5_HIBYTE_STOP0 0xC6 //
#define BIG5_HIBYTE_START1 0xC9 // (level 2 hanzi)
#define BIG5_HIBYTE_STOP1 0xF9 //
#define BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND0 0x40 //
#define BIG5_LOBYTE_HIBOUND0 0x7E //
#define BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND1 0xA1 //
#define BIG5_LOBYTE_HIBOUND1 0xFE //
#define BIG5_CODES_PER_ROW 160 // 3 more than the number of glyphs
extern qboolean Language_IsTaiwanese( void );
static qboolean Taiwanese_ValidBig5Code( unsigned int uiCode )
const byte _iHi = (uiCode >> 8)&0xFF;
if ( (_iHi >= BIG5_HIBYTE_START0 && _iHi <= BIG5_HIBYTE_STOP0)
|| (_iHi >= BIG5_HIBYTE_START1 && _iHi <= BIG5_HIBYTE_STOP1)
const byte _iLo = uiCode & 0xFF;
if ( (_iLo >= BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND0 && _iLo <= BIG5_LOBYTE_HIBOUND0) ||
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// only call this when Taiwanese_ValidBig5Code() has already returned true...
static qboolean Taiwanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( unsigned int uiCode )
// so far I'm just counting the first 21 chars, those seem to be all the basic punctuation...
if ( uiCode >= ((BIG5_HIBYTE_START0<<8)|BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND0) &&
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// takes a BIG5 double-byte code (including level 2 hanzi) and collapses down to a 0..n glyph index...
// Assumes rows are 160 wide (glyph slots), not 157 wide (actual glyphs), so I can ignore boundary markers
// (invalid big5 codes will return 0)
static int Taiwanese_CollapseBig5Code( unsigned int uiCode )
if (Taiwanese_ValidBig5Code( uiCode ))
uiCode -= (BIG5_HIBYTE_START0 * 256) + BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND0; // sneaky maths on both bytes, reduce to 0x0000 onwards
if ( (uiCode & 0xFF) >= (BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND1-1)-BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND0)
uiCode -= ((BIG5_LOBYTE_LOBOUND1-1) - (BIG5_LOBYTE_HIBOUND0+1)) -1;
uiCode = ((uiCode >> 8) * BIG5_CODES_PER_ROW) + (uiCode & 0xFF);
return uiCode;
return 0;
static int Taiwanese_InitFields(int &iGlyphTPs, const char *&psLang)
psLang = "tai";
g_iNonScaledCharRange = 255;
return 64; // m_iAsianGlyphsAcross
// ======================== some Japanese stuff ==============================
// ( all ranges inclusive for Shift-JIS )
extern qboolean Language_IsJapanese( void );
static qboolean Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( byte _iHi, byte _iLo )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static inline qboolean Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( unsigned int uiCode )
return Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( uiCode >> 8, uiCode & 0xFF );
// only call this when Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode() has already returned true...
static qboolean Japanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( unsigned int uiCode )
// so far I'm just counting the first 18 chars, those seem to be all the basic punctuation...
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// takes a ShiftJIS double-byte code and collapse down to a 0..n glyph index...
// (invalid codes will return 0)
static int Japanese_CollapseShiftJISCode( unsigned int uiCode )
if (Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( uiCode ))
uiCode -= ((SHIFTJIS_HIBYTE_START0<<8)|SHIFTJIS_LOBYTE_START0); // sneaky maths on both bytes, reduce to 0x0000 onwards
uiCode = ((uiCode >> 8) * SHIFTJIS_CODES_PER_ROW) + (uiCode & 0xFF);
return uiCode;
return 0;
static int Japanese_InitFields(int &iGlyphTPs, const char *&psLang)
psLang = "jap";
g_iNonScaledCharRange = 255;
return 64; // m_iAsianGlyphsAcross
// ======================== some Chinese stuff ==============================
#define GB_HIBYTE_START 0xA1 // range is...
#define GB_HIBYTE_STOP 0xF7 // ... inclusive
#define GB_LOBYTE_LOBOUND 0xA0 // range is...
#define GB_LOBYTE_HIBOUND 0xFF // ...bounding (ie only valid in between these points, but NULLs in charsets for these codes)
#define GB_CODES_PER_ROW 95 // 1 more than the number of glyphs
extern qboolean Language_IsChinese( void );
static inline qboolean Chinese_ValidGBCode( byte _iHi, byte _iLo )
return (qboolean)(
static inline qboolean Chinese_ValidGBCode( unsigned int uiCode)
return Chinese_ValidGBCode( uiCode >> 8, uiCode & 0xFF );
#ifndef JK2_MODE
// only call this when Chinese_ValidGBCode() has already returned true...
static qboolean Chinese_IsTrailingPunctuation( unsigned int uiCode )
// so far I'm just counting the first 13 chars, those seem to be all the basic punctuation...
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// takes a GB double-byte code and collapses down to a 0..n glyph index...
// Assumes rows are 96 wide (glyph slots), not 94 wide (actual glyphs), so I can ignore boundary markers
// (invalid GB codes will return 0)
static int Chinese_CollapseGBCode( unsigned int uiCode )
if (Chinese_ValidGBCode( uiCode ))
uiCode -= (GB_HIBYTE_START * 256) + GB_LOBYTE_LOBOUND; // sneaky maths on both bytes, reduce to 0x0000 onwards
uiCode = ((uiCode >> 8) * GB_CODES_PER_ROW) + (uiCode & 0xFF);
return uiCode;
return 0;
static int Chinese_InitFields(int &iGlyphTPs, const char *&psLang)
psLang = "chi";
g_iNonScaledCharRange = 255;
return 64; // m_iAsianGlyphsAcross
// ======================== some Thai stuff ==============================
//TIS 620-2533
#define TIS_GLYPHS_START 160
#define TIS_SARA_AM 0xD3 // special case letter, both a new letter and a trailing accent for the prev one
ThaiCodes_t g_ThaiCodes; // the one and only instance of this object
extern qboolean Language_IsThai( void );
static int Thai_IsAccentChar( unsigned int uiCode )
switch (uiCode)
case 209:
case 212: case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: case 217: case 218:
case 231: case 232: case 233: case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: case 238:
return true;
return false;
#ifndef JK2_MODE
// returns a valid Thai code (or 0), based on taking 1,2 or 3 bytes from the supplied byte stream
// Fills in <iThaiBytes> with 1,2 or 3
static int Thai_ValidTISCode( const byte *psString, int &iThaiBytes )
// try a 1-byte code first...
if (psString[0] >= 160) // so western letters drop through and use normal font
// this code is heavily little-endian, so someone else will need to port for Mac etc... (not my problem ;-)
union CodeToTry_t
char sChars[4];
unsigned int uiCode;
CodeToTry_t CodeToTry;
CodeToTry.uiCode = 0; // important that we clear all 4 bytes in sChars here
// thai codes can be up to 3 bytes long, so see how high we can get...
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
CodeToTry.sChars[i] = psString[i];
int iIndex = g_ThaiCodes.GetValidIndex( CodeToTry.uiCode );
if (iIndex == -1)
// failed, so return previous-longest code...
CodeToTry.sChars[i] = 0;
iThaiBytes = i;
assert(i); // if 'i' was 0, then this may be an error, trying to get a thai accent as standalone char?
return CodeToTry.uiCode;
return 0;
// special case, thai can only break on certain letters, and since the rules are complicated then
// we tell the translators to put an underscore ('_') between each word even though in Thai they're
// all jammed together at final output onscreen...
static inline qboolean Thai_IsTrailingPunctuation( unsigned int uiCode )
return (qboolean)(uiCode == '_');
// takes a TIS 1,2 or 3 byte code and collapse down to a 0..n glyph index...
// (invalid codes will return 0)
static int Thai_CollapseTISCode( unsigned int uiCode )
if (uiCode >= TIS_GLYPHS_START) // so western letters drop through as invalid
int iCollapsedIndex = g_ThaiCodes.GetValidIndex( uiCode );
if (iCollapsedIndex != -1)
return iCollapsedIndex;
return 0;
static int Thai_InitFields(int &iGlyphTPs, const char *&psLang)
psLang = "tha";
g_iNonScaledCharRange = INT_MAX; // in other words, don't scale any thai chars down
return 32; // m_iAsianGlyphsAcross
// ============================================================================
// takes char *, returns integer char at that point, and advances char * on by enough bytes to move
// past the letter (either western 1 byte or Asian multi-byte)...
// looks messy, but the actual execution route is quite short, so it's fast...
// Note that I have to have this 3-param form instead of advancing a passed-in "const char **psText" because of VM-crap where you can only change ptr-contents, not ptrs themselves. Bleurgh. Ditto the qtrue:qfalse crap instead of just returning stuff straight through.
unsigned int AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( char *psText, int *piAdvanceCount, qboolean *pbIsTrailingPunctuation /* = NULL */)
#ifdef JK2_MODE
// JK2 does this func a little differently --eez
const byte *psString = (const byte *) psText; // avoid sign-promote bug
unsigned int uiLetter;
if ( Language_IsKorean() )
if ( Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( psString[0], psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
psText += 2;
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// not going to bother testing for korean punctuation here, since korean already
// uses spaces, and I don't have the punctuation glyphs defined, only the basic 2350 hanguls
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = qfalse;
return uiLetter;
if ( Language_IsTaiwanese() )
if ( Taiwanese_ValidBig5Code( (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
psText += 2;
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// need to ask if this is a trailing (ie like a comma or full-stop) punctuation?...
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Taiwanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter );
return uiLetter;
if ( Language_IsJapanese() )
if ( Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( psString[0], psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
psText += 2;
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// need to ask if this is a trailing (ie like a comma or full-stop) punctuation?...
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Japanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter );
return uiLetter;
// ... must not have been an MBCS code...
uiLetter = psString[0];
psText += 1; // NOT ++
*piAdvanceCount = 1;
if (pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = (qboolean)(
uiLetter == '!' ||
uiLetter == '?' ||
uiLetter == ',' ||
uiLetter == '.' ||
uiLetter == ';' ||
uiLetter == ':');
return uiLetter;
const byte *psString = (const byte *) psText; // avoid sign-promote bug
unsigned int uiLetter;
switch ( GetLanguageEnum() )
case eKorean:
if ( Korean_ValidKSC5601Hangul( psString[0], psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// not going to bother testing for korean punctuation here, since korean already
// uses spaces, and I don't have the punctuation glyphs defined, only the basic 2350 hanguls
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = qfalse;
return uiLetter;
case eTaiwanese:
if ( Taiwanese_ValidBig5Code( (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// need to ask if this is a trailing (ie like a comma or full-stop) punctuation?...
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Taiwanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter ) ? qtrue : qfalse;
return uiLetter;
case eJapanese:
if ( Japanese_ValidShiftJISCode( psString[0], psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// need to ask if this is a trailing (ie like a comma or full-stop) punctuation?...
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Japanese_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter ) ? qtrue : qfalse;
return uiLetter;
case eChinese:
if ( Chinese_ValidGBCode( (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1] ))
uiLetter = (psString[0] * 256) + psString[1];
*piAdvanceCount = 2;
// need to ask if this is a trailing (ie like a comma or full-stop) punctuation?...
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Chinese_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter ) ? qtrue : qfalse;
return uiLetter;
case eThai:
int iThaiBytes;
uiLetter = Thai_ValidTISCode( psString, iThaiBytes );
if ( uiLetter )
*piAdvanceCount = iThaiBytes;
if ( pbIsTrailingPunctuation )
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = Thai_IsTrailingPunctuation( uiLetter ) ? qtrue : qfalse;
return uiLetter;
// ... must not have been an MBCS code...
uiLetter = psString[0];
*piAdvanceCount = 1;
if (pbIsTrailingPunctuation)
*pbIsTrailingPunctuation = (uiLetter == '!' ||
uiLetter == '?' ||
uiLetter == ',' ||
uiLetter == '.' ||
uiLetter == ';' ||
uiLetter == ':'
) ? qtrue : qfalse;
return uiLetter;
#ifdef JK2_MODE
unsigned int AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( char **psText, qboolean *pbIsTrailingPunctuation /* = NULL */)
int advance = 0;
unsigned int advance2 = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString (*psText, &advance, pbIsTrailingPunctuation);
*psText += advance;
return advance2;
// needed for subtitle printing since original code no longer worked once camera bar height was changed to 480/10
// rather than refdef height / 10. I now need to bodge the coords to come out right.
qboolean Language_IsAsian(void)
switch ( GetLanguageEnum() )
case eKorean:
case eTaiwanese:
case eJapanese:
case eChinese:
case eThai: // this is asian, but the query is normally used for scaling
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean Language_UsesSpaces(void)
// ( korean uses spaces )
switch ( GetLanguageEnum() )
case eTaiwanese:
case eJapanese:
case eChinese:
case eThai:
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
// ======================================================================
// name is (eg) "ergo" or "lcd", no extension.
// If path present, it's a special language hack for SBCS override languages, eg: "lcd/russian", which means
// just treat the file as "russian", but with the "lcd" part ensuring we don't find a different registered russian font
CFontInfo::CFontInfo(const char *_fontName)
int len, i;
void *buff;
dfontdat_t *fontdat;
// remove any special hack name insertions...
char fontName[MAX_QPATH];
sprintf(fontName,"fonts/%s.fontdat",COM_SkipPath(const_cast<char*>(_fontName))); // COM_SkipPath should take a const char *, but it's just possible people use it as a char * I guess, so I have to hack around like this <groan>
// clear some general things...
m_pThaiData = NULL;
m_iAltSBCSFont = -1;
m_iThisFont = -1;
m_iOriginalFontWhenSBCSOverriden = -1;
m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor = -1;
m_bIsFakeAlienLanguage = !strcmp(_fontName,"aurabesh"); // dont try and make SBCS or asian overrides for this
len = ri.FS_ReadFile(fontName, NULL);
if (len == sizeof(dfontdat_t))
ri.FS_ReadFile(fontName, &buff);
fontdat = (dfontdat_t *)buff;
for(i = 0; i < GLYPH_COUNT; i++)
#ifdef Q3_BIG_ENDIAN
mGlyphs[i].width = LittleShort(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].width);
mGlyphs[i].height = LittleShort(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].height);
mGlyphs[i].horizAdvance = LittleShort(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].horizAdvance);
mGlyphs[i].horizOffset = LittleShort(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].horizOffset);
mGlyphs[i].baseline = LittleLong(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].baseline);
mGlyphs[i].s = LittleFloat(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].s);
mGlyphs[i].t = LittleFloat(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].t);
mGlyphs[i].s2 = LittleFloat(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].s2);
mGlyphs[i].t2 = LittleFloat(fontdat->mGlyphs[i].t2);
mGlyphs[i] = fontdat->mGlyphs[i];
mPointSize = LittleShort(fontdat->mPointSize);
mHeight = LittleShort(fontdat->mHeight);
mAscender = LittleShort(fontdat->mAscender);
mDescender = LittleShort(fontdat->mDescender);
// mAsianHack = LittleShort(fontdat->mKoreanHack); // ignore this crap, it's some junk in the fontdat file that no-one uses
mbRoundCalcs = false /*!!strstr(fontName,"ergo")*/;
// cope with bad fontdat headers...
if (mHeight == 0)
mHeight = mPointSize;
mAscender = mPointSize - Round( ((float)mPointSize/10.0f)+2 ); // have to completely guess at the baseline... sigh.
mDescender = mHeight - mAscender;
mHeight = 0;
mShader = 0;
Q_strncpyz(m_sFontName, fontName, sizeof(m_sFontName));
COM_StripExtension( m_sFontName, m_sFontName, sizeof(m_sFontName) ); // so we get better error printing if failed to load shader (ie lose ".fontdat")
mShader = RE_RegisterShaderNoMip(m_sFontName);
// finished...
g_vFontArray.resize(g_iCurrentFontIndex + 1);
g_vFontArray[g_iCurrentFontIndex++] = this;
extern cvar_t *com_buildScript;
if (com_buildScript->integer == 2)
Com_Printf( "com_buildScript(2): Registering foreign fonts...\n" );
static qboolean bDone = qfalse; // Do this once only (for speed)...
if (!bDone)
bDone = qtrue;
char sTemp[MAX_QPATH];
int iGlyphTPs = 0;
const char *psLang = NULL;
// SBCS override languages...
fileHandle_t f;
for (int i=0; g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_psName ;i++)
char sTemp[MAX_QPATH];
sprintf(sTemp,"fonts/%s.tga", g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_psName );
ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( sTemp, &f, qfalse );
if (f) ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );
sprintf(sTemp,"fonts/%s.fontdat", g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_psName );
ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( sTemp, &f, qfalse );
if (f) ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );
// asian MBCS override languages...
for (int iLang=0; iLang<5; iLang++)
switch (iLang)
case 0: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Korean_InitFields (iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case 1: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Taiwanese_InitFields (iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case 2: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Japanese_InitFields (iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case 3: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Chinese_InitFields (iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case 4: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Thai_InitFields (iGlyphTPs, psLang);
// additional files needed for Thai language...
ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( sFILENAME_THAI_WIDTHS , &f, qfalse );
if (f) {
ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );
ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( sFILENAME_THAI_CODES, &f, qfalse );
if (f) {
ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );
for (int i=0; i<iGlyphTPs; i++)
Com_sprintf(sTemp,sizeof(sTemp), "fonts/%s_%d_1024_%d.tga", psLang, 1024/m_iAsianGlyphsAcross, i);
// RE_RegisterShaderNoMip( sTemp ); // don't actually need to load it, so...
ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( sTemp, &f, qfalse );
if (f) {
ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );
void CFontInfo::UpdateAsianIfNeeded( bool bForceReEval /* = false */ )
// if asian language, then provide an alternative glyph set and fill in relevant fields...
if (mHeight && !m_bIsFakeAlienLanguage) // western charset exists in first place, and isn't alien rubbish?
Language_e eLanguage = GetLanguageEnum();
if (eLanguage == eKorean || eLanguage == eTaiwanese || eLanguage == eJapanese || eLanguage == eChinese || eLanguage == eThai)
int iCappedHeight = mHeight < 16 ? 16: mHeight; // arbitrary limit on small char sizes because Asian chars don't squash well
if (m_iLanguageModificationCount != se_language->modificationCount || !AsianGlyphsAvailable() || bForceReEval)
m_iLanguageModificationCount = se_language->modificationCount;
int iGlyphTPs = 0;
const char *psLang = NULL;
switch ( eLanguage )
case eKorean: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Korean_InitFields(iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case eTaiwanese: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Taiwanese_InitFields(iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case eJapanese: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Japanese_InitFields(iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case eChinese: m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Chinese_InitFields(iGlyphTPs, psLang); break;
case eThai:
m_iAsianGlyphsAcross = Thai_InitFields(iGlyphTPs, psLang);
if (!m_pThaiData)
const char *psFailureReason = g_ThaiCodes.Init();
if (!psFailureReason[0])
m_pThaiData = &g_ThaiCodes;
// failed to load a needed file, reset to English...
ri.Cvar_Set("se_language", "english");
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, psFailureReason );
// textures need loading...
if (m_sFontName[0])
// Use this sometime if we need to do logic to load alternate-height glyphs to better fit other fonts.
// (but for now, we just use the one glyph set)
for (int i = 0; i < iGlyphTPs; i++)
// (Note!! assumption for S,T calculations: all Asian glyph textures pages are square except for last one)
char sTemp[MAX_QPATH];
Com_sprintf(sTemp,sizeof(sTemp), "fonts/%s_%d_1024_%d", psLang, 1024/m_iAsianGlyphsAcross, i);
// returning 0 here will automatically inhibit Asian glyph calculations at runtime...
m_hAsianShaders[i] = RE_RegisterShaderNoMip( sTemp );
// for now I'm hardwiring these, but if we ever have more than one glyph set per language then they'll be changed...
m_iAsianPagesLoaded = iGlyphTPs; // not necessarily true, but will be safe, and show up obvious if something missing
m_bAsianLastPageHalfHeight = true;
bForceReEval = true;
if (bForceReEval)
// now init the Asian member glyph fields to make them come out the same size as the western ones
// that they serve as an alternative for...
m_AsianGlyph.width = iCappedHeight; // square Asian chars same size as height of western set
m_AsianGlyph.height = iCappedHeight; // ""
switch (eLanguage)
default: m_AsianGlyph.horizAdvance = iCappedHeight; break;
case eKorean: m_AsianGlyph.horizAdvance = iCappedHeight - 1;break; // korean has a small amount of space at the edge of the glyph
case eTaiwanese:
case eJapanese:
case eChinese: m_AsianGlyph.horizAdvance = iCappedHeight + 3; // need to force some spacing for these
// case eThai: // this is done dynamically elsewhere, since Thai glyphs are variable width
m_AsianGlyph.horizOffset = 0; // ""
m_AsianGlyph.baseline = mAscender + ((iCappedHeight - mHeight) >> 1);
// not using Asian...
// no western glyphs available, so don't attempt to match asian...
static CFontInfo *GetFont_Actual(int index)
index &= SET_MASK;
if((index >= 1) && (index < g_iCurrentFontIndex))
CFontInfo *pFont = g_vFontArray[index];
if (pFont)
return pFont;
// needed to add *piShader param because of multiple TPs,
// if not passed in, then I also skip S,T calculations for re-usable static asian glyphinfo struct...
const glyphInfo_t *CFontInfo::GetLetter(const unsigned int uiLetter, int *piShader /* = NULL */)
if ( AsianGlyphsAvailable() )
int iCollapsedAsianCode = GetCollapsedAsianCode( uiLetter );
if (iCollapsedAsianCode)
if (piShader)
// (Note!! assumption for S,T calculations: all asian glyph textures pages are square except for last one
// which may or may not be half height) - but not for Thai
int iTexturePageIndex = iCollapsedAsianCode / (m_iAsianGlyphsAcross * m_iAsianGlyphsAcross);
if (iTexturePageIndex > m_iAsianPagesLoaded)
assert(0); // should never happen
iTexturePageIndex = 0;
int iOriginalCollapsedAsianCode = iCollapsedAsianCode; // need to back this up (if Thai) for later
iCollapsedAsianCode -= iTexturePageIndex * (m_iAsianGlyphsAcross * m_iAsianGlyphsAcross);
const int iColumn = iCollapsedAsianCode % m_iAsianGlyphsAcross;
const int iRow = iCollapsedAsianCode / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross;
const bool bHalfT = (iTexturePageIndex == (m_iAsianPagesLoaded - 1) && m_bAsianLastPageHalfHeight);
const int iAsianGlyphsDown = (bHalfT) ? m_iAsianGlyphsAcross / 2 : m_iAsianGlyphsAcross;
switch ( GetLanguageEnum() )
case eKorean:
m_AsianGlyph.s = (float)( iColumn ) / (float)m_iAsianGlyphsAcross;
m_AsianGlyph.t = (float)( iRow ) / (float) iAsianGlyphsDown;
m_AsianGlyph.s2 = (float)( iColumn + 1) / (float)m_iAsianGlyphsAcross;
m_AsianGlyph.t2 = (float)( iRow + 1 ) / (float) iAsianGlyphsDown;
case eTaiwanese:
m_AsianGlyph.s = (float)(((1024 / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross) * ( iColumn ))+1) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow ))+1) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.s2 = (float)(((1024 / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross) * ( iColumn+1 )) ) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t2 = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow+1 )) ) / 1024.0f;
case eJapanese:
case eChinese:
m_AsianGlyph.s = (float)(((1024 / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross) * ( iColumn )) ) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow )) ) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.s2 = (float)(((1024 / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross) * ( iColumn+1 ))-1) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t2 = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow+1 ))-1) / 1024.0f;
case eThai:
int iGlyphXpos = (1024 / m_iAsianGlyphsAcross) * ( iColumn );
int iGlyphWidth = g_ThaiCodes.GetWidth( iOriginalCollapsedAsianCode );
// very thai-specific language-code...
if (uiLetter == TIS_SARA_AM)
iGlyphXpos += 9; // these are pixel coords on the source TP, so don't affect scaled output
iGlyphWidth= 20; //
m_AsianGlyph.s = (float)(iGlyphXpos) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow )) ) / 1024.0f;
// technically this .s2 line should be modified to blit only the correct width, but since
// all Thai glyphs are up against the left edge of their cells and have blank to the cell
// boundary then it's better to keep these calculations simpler...
m_AsianGlyph.s2 = (float)(iGlyphXpos+iGlyphWidth) / 1024.0f;
m_AsianGlyph.t2 = (float)(((1024 / iAsianGlyphsDown ) * ( iRow+1 ))-1) / 1024.0f;
// special addition for Thai, need to bodge up the width and advance fields...
m_AsianGlyph.width = iGlyphWidth;
m_AsianGlyph.horizAdvance = iGlyphWidth + 1;
*piShader = m_hAsianShaders[ iTexturePageIndex ];
return &m_AsianGlyph;
if (piShader)
*piShader = GetShader();
const glyphInfo_t *pGlyph = &mGlyphs[ uiLetter & 0xff ];
// SBCS language substitution?...
if ( m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor != -1 )
// sod it, use the asian glyph, that's fine...
memcpy(&m_AsianGlyph,pGlyph,sizeof(m_AsianGlyph)); // *before* changin pGlyph!
// CFontInfo *pOriginalFont = GetFont_Actual( this->m_iOriginalFontWhenSBCSOverriden );
// pGlyph = &pOriginalFont->mGlyphs[ uiLetter & 0xff ];
#define ASSIGN_WITH_ROUNDING(_dst,_src) _dst = mbRoundCalcs ? Round( m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor * _src ) : m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor * (float)_src;
ASSIGN_WITH_ROUNDING( m_AsianGlyph.baseline, pGlyph->baseline );
ASSIGN_WITH_ROUNDING( m_AsianGlyph.height, pGlyph->height );
ASSIGN_WITH_ROUNDING( m_AsianGlyph.horizAdvance,pGlyph->horizAdvance );
// m_AsianGlyph.horizOffset = /*Round*/( m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor * pGlyph->horizOffset );
ASSIGN_WITH_ROUNDING( m_AsianGlyph.width, pGlyph->width );
pGlyph = &m_AsianGlyph;
return pGlyph;
const int CFontInfo::GetCollapsedAsianCode(ulong uiLetter) const
int iCollapsedAsianCode = 0;
if (AsianGlyphsAvailable())
switch ( GetLanguageEnum() )
case eKorean: iCollapsedAsianCode = Korean_CollapseKSC5601HangulCode( uiLetter ); break;
case eTaiwanese: iCollapsedAsianCode = Taiwanese_CollapseBig5Code( uiLetter ); break;
case eJapanese: iCollapsedAsianCode = Japanese_CollapseShiftJISCode( uiLetter ); break;
case eChinese: iCollapsedAsianCode = Chinese_CollapseGBCode( uiLetter ); break;
case eThai: iCollapsedAsianCode = Thai_CollapseTISCode( uiLetter ); break;
default: assert(0); /* unhandled asian language */ break;
return iCollapsedAsianCode;
const int CFontInfo::GetLetterWidth(unsigned int uiLetter)
const glyphInfo_t *pGlyph = GetLetter( uiLetter );
return pGlyph->width ? pGlyph->width : mGlyphs[(unsigned)'.'].width;
const int CFontInfo::GetLetterHorizAdvance(unsigned int uiLetter)
const glyphInfo_t *pGlyph = GetLetter( uiLetter );
return pGlyph->horizAdvance ? pGlyph->horizAdvance : mGlyphs[(unsigned)'.'].horizAdvance;
// ensure any GetFont calls that need SBCS overriding (such as when playing in Russian) have the appropriate stuff done...
static CFontInfo *GetFont_SBCSOverride(CFontInfo *pFont, Language_e eLanguageSBCS, const char *psLanguageNameSBCS )
if ( !pFont->m_bIsFakeAlienLanguage )
if ( GetLanguageEnum() == eLanguageSBCS )
if ( pFont->m_iAltSBCSFont == -1 ) // no reg attempted yet?
// need to register this alternative SBCS font...
int iAltFontIndex = RE_RegisterFont( va("%s/%s",COM_SkipPath(pFont->m_sFontName),psLanguageNameSBCS) ); // ensure unique name (eg: "lcd/russian")
CFontInfo *pAltFont = GetFont_Actual( iAltFontIndex );
if ( pAltFont )
// work out the scaling factor for this font's glyphs...( round it to 1 decimal place to cut down on silly scale factors like 0.53125 )
pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor = RoundTenth((float)pFont->GetPointSize() / (float)pAltFont->GetPointSize());
// then override with the main properties of the original font...
pAltFont->mPointSize = pFont->GetPointSize();//(float) pAltFont->GetPointSize() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
pAltFont->mHeight = pFont->GetHeight();//(float) pAltFont->GetHeight() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
pAltFont->mAscender = pFont->GetAscender();//(float) pAltFont->GetAscender() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
pAltFont->mDescender = pFont->GetDescender();//(float) pAltFont->GetDescender() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
// pAltFont->mPointSize = (float) pAltFont->GetPointSize() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
// pAltFont->mHeight = (float) pAltFont->GetHeight() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
// pAltFont->mAscender = (float) pAltFont->GetAscender() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
// pAltFont->mDescender = (float) pAltFont->GetDescender() * pAltFont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor;
pAltFont->mbRoundCalcs = true;
pAltFont->m_iOriginalFontWhenSBCSOverriden = pFont->m_iThisFont;
pFont->m_iAltSBCSFont = iAltFontIndex;
if ( pFont->m_iAltSBCSFont > 0)
return GetFont_Actual( pFont->m_iAltSBCSFont );
return NULL;
CFontInfo *GetFont(int index)
CFontInfo *pFont = GetFont_Actual( index );
if (pFont)
// any SBCS overrides? (this has to be pretty quick, and is (sort of))...
for (int i=0; g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_psName; i++)
CFontInfo *pAltFont = GetFont_SBCSOverride( pFont, g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_eLanguage, g_SBCSOverrideLanguages[i].m_psName );
if (pAltFont)
return pAltFont;
return pFont;
int RE_Font_StrLenPixels(const char *psText, const int iFontHandle, const float fScale)
#ifdef JK2_MODE
// Yes..even this func is a little different, to the point where it doesn't work. --eez
float fMaxWidth = 0.0f;
float fThisWidth = 0.0f;
CFontInfo *curfont;
curfont = GetFont(iFontHandle);
float fScaleAsian = fScale;
if (Language_IsAsian() && fScale > 0.7f )
fScaleAsian = fScale * 0.75f;
unsigned int uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (char **)&psText );
if (uiLetter == 0x0A)
fThisWidth = 0.0f;
int iPixelAdvance = curfont->GetLetterHorizAdvance( uiLetter );
float fValue = iPixelAdvance * ((uiLetter > 255) ? fScaleAsian : fScale);
fThisWidth += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round( fValue ) : fValue;
if (fThisWidth > fMaxWidth)
fMaxWidth = fThisWidth;
// using ceil because we need to make sure that all the text is contained within the integer pixel width we're returning
return (int)ceilf(fMaxWidth);
float fMaxWidth = 0.0f;
float fThisWidth = 0.0f;
CFontInfo *curfont;
curfont = GetFont(iFontHandle);
float fScaleAsian = fScale;
if (Language_IsAsian() && fScale > 0.7f )
fScaleAsian = fScale * 0.75f;
int iAdvanceCount;
unsigned int uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (char *)psText, &iAdvanceCount, NULL );
psText += iAdvanceCount;
if (uiLetter == '^' )
if (*psText >= '0' &&
*psText <= '9')
uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (char *)psText, &iAdvanceCount, NULL );
psText += iAdvanceCount;
if (uiLetter == 0x0A)
fThisWidth = 0.0f;
int iPixelAdvance = curfont->GetLetterHorizAdvance( uiLetter );
float fValue = iPixelAdvance * ((uiLetter > (unsigned)g_iNonScaledCharRange) ? fScaleAsian : fScale);
fThisWidth += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round( fValue ) : fValue;
if (fThisWidth > fMaxWidth)
fMaxWidth = fThisWidth;
// using ceil because we need to make sure that all the text is contained within the integer pixel width we're returning
return (int)ceilf(fMaxWidth);
// not really a font function, but keeps naming consistant...
int RE_Font_StrLenChars(const char *psText)
// logic for this function's letter counting must be kept same in this function and RE_Font_DrawString()
int iCharCount = 0;
while ( *psText )
// in other words, colour codes and CR/LF don't count as chars, all else does...
int iAdvanceCount;
unsigned int uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (char *)psText, &iAdvanceCount, NULL );
psText += iAdvanceCount;
switch (uiLetter)
case '^':
if (*psText >= '0' &&
*psText <= '9')
break; // colour code (note next-char skip)
case 10: break; // linefeed
case 13: break; // return
case '_': iCharCount += (GetLanguageEnum() == eThai && (((unsigned char *)psText)[0] >= TIS_GLYPHS_START))?0:1; break; // special word-break hack
default: iCharCount++; break;
return iCharCount;
int RE_Font_HeightPixels(const int iFontHandle, const float fScale)
CFontInfo *curfont;
curfont = GetFont(iFontHandle);
float fValue = curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale;
return curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(fValue) : fValue;
// iMaxPixelWidth is -1 for "all of string", else pixel display count...
void RE_Font_DrawString(int ox, int oy, const char *psText, const float *rgba, const int iFontHandle, int iMaxPixelWidth, const float fScale)
// HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX..fix me please --eez
#ifdef JK2_MODE
static qboolean gbInShadow = qfalse; // MUST default to this
float fox, foy, fx, fy;
int colour, offset;
const glyphInfo_t *pLetter;
qhandle_t hShader;
assert (psText);
if(iFontHandle & STYLE_BLINK)
if((ri.Milliseconds() >> 7) & 1)
/* if (Language_IsTaiwanese())
psText = "Wp:\B6}\B7F\A7a \BFp\B7G\B4\B5\A1A\A7Ʊ\E6\A7A\B9\B3\A5L\AD̻\A1\AA\BA\A4@\BC˦\E6\A1C";
if (Language_IsKorean())
psText = "Wp:\BC\EEŸ\C0\D3\C0̴\D9 \B8ָ\B0. \B1׵\E9\C0\CC \B8\BB\C7Ѵ\EB\B7\CE \B3װ\A1 \C0\DF\C7\D2\C1\F6 \B1\E2\B4\EB\C7ϰڴ\D9.";
if (Language_IsJapanese())
char sBlah[200];
sprintf(sBlah,va("%c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c",0x82,0xA9,0x82,0xC8,0x8A,0xBF,0x8E,0x9A));
psText = &sBlah[0];
//psText = \A1@\A1A\A1B\A1C\A1D\A1E\A1F\A1G\A1H\A1I\A1J\A1K\A1L\A1M\A1N\A1O\A1P\A1Q\A1R\A1S\A1T\A1U\A1V\A1W\A1X\A1Y\A1Z\A1[\A1\\A1]\A1^\A1_\A1`\A1a\A1b\A1c\A1d\A1e\A1f\A1g\A1h\A1i\A1j\A1k\A1l\A1m\A1n\A1o\A1p\A1q\A1r\A1s\A1t\A1u\A1v\A1w\A1x\A1y\A1z\A1{\A1|\A1}\A1~ \A1\A1\A1\A2\A1\A3\A1\A4\A1\A5\A1\A6\A1\A7\A1\A8\A1\A9\A1\AA\A1\AB\A1\AC\A1\AD\A1\AE\A1\AF\A1\B0\A1\B1\A1\B2\A1\B3\A1\B4\A1\B5\A1\B6\A1\B7\A1\B8\A1\B9\A1\BA\A1\BB\A1\BC\A1\BD\A1\BE\A1\BF\A1\C0\A1\C1\A1¡áġšơǡȡɡʡˡ̡͡ΡϡСѡҡӡԡա֡סء١ڡۡܡݡޡߡ\E0\A1\E1\A1\E2\A1\E3\A1\E4\A1\E5\A1\E6\A1\E7\A1\E8\A1\E9\A1\EA\A1\EB\A1\EC\A1\ED\A1\EE\A1\EF\A1\F0\A1\F1\A1\F2\A1\F3\A1\F4\A1\F5\A1\F6\A1\F7\A1\F8\A1\F9\A1\FA\A1\FB\A1\FC\A1\FD\A1\FE 1\A2@\A2A\A2B\A2C\A2D\A2E\A2F\A2G\A2H\A2I\A2J\A2K\A2L\A2M\A2N\A2O\A2P\A2Q\A2R\A2S\A2T\A2U\A2V\A2W\A2X\A2Y\A2Z\A2[\A2\\A2]\A2^\A2_\A2`\A2a\A2b\A2c\A2d\A2e\A2f\A2g\A2h\A2i\A2j\A2k\A2l\A2m\A2n\A2o\A2p\A2q\A2r\A2s\A2t\A2u\A2v\A2w\A2x\A2y\A2z\A2{\A2|\A2}\A2~ \A2\A1\A2\A2\A2\A3\A2\A4\A2\A5\A2\A6\A2\A7\A2\A8\A2\A9\A2\AA\A2\AB\A2\AC\A2\AD\A2\AE\A2\AF\A2\B0\A2\B1\A2\B2\A2\B3\A2\B4\A2\B5\A2\B6\A2\B7\A2\B8\A2\B9\A2\BA\A2\BB\A2\BC\A2\BD\A2\BE\A2\BF\A2\C0\A2\C1\A2¢âĢŢƢǢȢɢʢˢ̢͢΢ϢТѢҢӢԢբ֢עآ٢ڢۢܢݢޢߢ\E0\A2\E1\A2\E2\A2\E3\A2\E4\A2\E5\A2\E6\A2\E7\A2\E8\A2\E9\A2\EA\A2\EB\A2\EC\A2\ED\A2\EE\A2\EF\A2\F0\A2\F1\A2\F2\A2\F3\A2\F4\A2\F5\A2\F6\A2\F7\A2\F8\A2\F9\A2\FA\A2\FB\A2\FC\A2\FD\A2\FE 2\A3@\A3A\A3B\A3C\A3D\A3E\A3F\A3G\A3H\A3I\A3J\A3K\A3L\A3M\A3N\A3O\A3P\A3Q\A3R\A3S\A3T\A3U\A3V\A3W\A3X\A3Y\A3Z\A3[\A3\\A3]\A3^\A3_\A3`\A3a\A3b\A3c\A3d\A3e\A3f\A3g\A3h\A3i\A3j\A3k\A3l\A3m\A3n\A3o\A3p\A3q\A3r\A3s\A3t\A3u\A3v\A3w\A3x\A3y\A3z\A3{\A3|\A3}\A3~ \A3\A1\A3\A2\A3\A3\A3\A4\A3\A5\A3\A6\A3\A7\A3\A8\A3\A9\A3\AA\A3\AB\A3\AC\A3\AD\A3\AE\A3\AF\A3\B0\A3\B1\A3\B2\A3\B3\A3\B4\A3\B5\A3\B6\A3\B7\A3\B8\A3\B9\A3\BA\A3\BB\A3\BC\A3\BD\A3\BE\A3\BF\A3\C0\A3\C1\A3£ãģţƣǣȣɣʣˣ̣ͣΣϣУѣңӣԣգ֣ףأ٣ڣۣܣݣޣߣ\E0\A3\E1\A3\E2\A3\E3\A3\E4\A3\E5\A3\E6\A3\E7\A3\E8\A3\E9\A3\EA\A3\EB\A3\EC\A3\ED\A3\EE\A3\EF\A3\F0\A3\F1\A3\F2\A3\F3\A3\F4\A3\F5\A3\F6\A3\F7\A3\F8\A3\F9\A3\FA\A3\FB\A3\FC\A3\FD\A3\FE 3\A4@\A4A\A4B\A4C\A4D\A4E\A4F\A4G\A4H\A4I\A4J\A4K\A4L\A4M\A4N\A4O\A4P\A4Q\A4R\A4S\A4T\A4U\A4V\A4W\A4X\A4Y\A4Z\A4[\A4\\A4]\A4^\A4
CFontInfo *curfont = GetFont(iFontHandle);
float fScaleAsian = fScale;
float fAsianYAdjust = 0.0f;
if (Language_IsAsian() && fScale > 0.7f)
fScaleAsian = fScale * 0.75f;
fAsianYAdjust = ((curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale) - (curfont->GetPointSize() * fScaleAsian)) / 2.0f;
// Draw a dropshadow if required
if(iFontHandle & STYLE_DROPSHADOW)
offset = Round(curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale * 0.075f);
const vec4_t v4DKGREY2 = {0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, rgba?rgba[3]:1.0f};
gbInShadow = qtrue;
RE_Font_DrawString(ox + offset, oy + offset, psText, v4DKGREY2, iFontHandle & SET_MASK, iMaxPixelWidth, fScale);
gbInShadow = qfalse;
RE_SetColor( rgba );
// Now we take off the training wheels and become a big font renderer
// It's all floats from here on out
fox = ox;
foy = oy;
fx = fox;
foy += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round((curfont->GetHeight() - (curfont->GetDescender() >> 1)) * fScale) : (curfont->GetHeight() - (curfont->GetDescender() >> 1)) * fScale;
qboolean bNextTextWouldOverflow = qfalse;
while (*psText && !bNextTextWouldOverflow)
unsigned int uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString((char **)&psText); // 'psText' ptr has been advanced now
switch( uiLetter )
case '^':
if (*psText >= '0' &&
*psText <= '9')
colour = ColorIndex(*psText++);
if (!gbInShadow)
vec4_t color;
Com_Memcpy( color, g_color_table[colour], sizeof( color ) );
color[3] = rgba ? rgba[3] : 1.0f;
RE_SetColor( color );
case 10: //linefeed
fx = fox;
foy += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale) : curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale;
if (Language_IsAsian())
foy += 4.0f; // this only comes into effect when playing in asian for "A long time ago in a galaxy" etc, all other text is line-broken in feeder functions
case 13: // Return
case 32: // Space
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter(' ');
fx += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->horizAdvance * fScale) : pLetter->horizAdvance * fScale;
bNextTextWouldOverflow = (qboolean)(
iMaxPixelWidth != -1 &&
((fx - fox) > (float)iMaxPixelWidth));
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter( uiLetter, &hShader ); // Description of pLetter
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter('.');
float fThisScale = uiLetter > 255 ? fScaleAsian : fScale;
float fAdvancePixels = curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->horizAdvance * fThisScale) : pLetter->horizAdvance * fThisScale;
bNextTextWouldOverflow = (qboolean)(
iMaxPixelWidth != -1 &&
(((fx + fAdvancePixels) - fox) > (float)iMaxPixelWidth));
if (!bNextTextWouldOverflow)
// this 'mbRoundCalcs' stuff is crap, but the only way to make the font code work. Sigh...
fy = foy - (curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->baseline * fThisScale) : pLetter->baseline * fThisScale);
RE_StretchPic(curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? fx + Round(pLetter->horizOffset * fThisScale) : fx + pLetter->horizOffset * fThisScale, // float x
(uiLetter > 255) ? fy - fAsianYAdjust : fy, // float y
curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->width * fThisScale) : pLetter->width * fThisScale, // float w
curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->height * fThisScale) : pLetter->height * fThisScale, // float h
pLetter->s, // float s1
pLetter->t, // float t1
pLetter->s2, // float s2
pLetter->t2, // float t2
hShader // qhandle_t hShader
fx += fAdvancePixels;
//let it remember the old color //RE_SetColor(NULL);
static qboolean gbInShadow = qfalse; // MUST default to this
float fox, foy, fx, fy;
int colour, offset;
const glyphInfo_t *pLetter;
qhandle_t hShader;
assert (psText);
if(iFontHandle & STYLE_BLINK)
if((ri.Milliseconds() >> 7) & 1)
// // test code only
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eTaiwanese)
// {
// psText = "Wp:\B6}\B7F\A7a \BFp\B7G\B4\B5\A1A\A7Ʊ\E6\A7A\B9\B3\A5L\AD̻\A1\AA\BA\A4@\BC˦\E6\A1C";
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eChinese)
// {
// //psText = "Ӷ\B1\F8ս\B3\A1II Լ\BA\B2?Ī\C1\D6˹ \C8\CE\CE\F1ʧ\B0\DC \C4\E3Ҫ\CC\D7\D3û\AD\C3\E6\C9趨\B5ı\E4\B8\FC\C2\F0\A3\BF Ԥ\C9\E8,S3 ѹ\CB\F5,DXT1 ѹ\CB\F5,DXT5 ѹ\CB\F5,16 Bit,32 Bit";
// psText = "Ó¶\B1\F8Õ½\B3\A1II";
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eThai)
// {
// //psText = "\C1ҵðҹ\BC\C5Ե\C0ѳ\B1\EC\CDص\CA\D2ˡ\C3\C3\C1\C3\CB\D1\CA\CA\D3\CB\C3Ѻ\CDѡ\A2\C3\D0\E4\B7·\D5\E8\E3\AA\E9\A1Ѻ\A4\CD\C1\BE\D4\C7\E0\B5\CD\C3\EC";
// psText = "\C1ҵðҹ\BC\C5Ե";
// psText = "\C3\CB\D1\CA\CA\D3\CB\C3Ѻ";
// psText = "\C3\CB\D1\CA\CA\D3\CB\C3Ѻ \CD\D2_\A1Թ_\A4\CD\C3\EC\B7_1415";
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eKorean)
// {
// psText = "Wp:\BC\EEŸ\C0\D3\C0̴\D9 \B8ָ\B0. \B1׵\E9\C0\CC \B8\BB\C7Ѵ\EB\B7\CE \B3װ\A1 \C0\DF\C7\D2\C1\F6 \B1\E2\B4\EB\C7ϰڴ\D9.";
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eJapanese)
// {
// static char sBlah[200];
// sprintf(sBlah,va("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",0x82,0xA9,0x82,0xC8,0x8A,0xBF,0x8E,0x9A));
// psText = &sBlah[0];
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == eRussian)
// {
//// //psText = "\CD\E0 \E2\E5\F0\F8\E8\ED\E5 \F5\EE\EB\EC\E0 \F1\F2\EE\E8\F2 \F1\F2\E0\F0\FB\E9 \E4\EE\EC \F1 \EF\F0\E8\E2\E8\E4\E5\ED\E8\FF\EC\E8 \E8 \E1\E0\F8\ED\FF \F1 \E2\EE\EB\F8\E5\E1\ED\FB\EC\E8 \F7\E0\F1\E0\EC\E8."
// psText = "\CD\E0 \E2\E5\F0\F8\E8\ED\E5 \F5\EE\EB\EC\E0 \F1\F2\EE\E8\F2";
// }
// else
// if (GetLanguageEnum() == ePolish)
// {
// psText = "za\B3o\BFony w 1364 roku, jest najstarsz\B9 polsk\B9 uczelni\B9 i nale\BFy...";
// psText = "za\B3o\BFony nale\BFy";
// }
CFontInfo *curfont = GetFont(iFontHandle);
if(!curfont || !psText)
float fScaleAsian = fScale;
float fAsianYAdjust = 0.0f;
if (Language_IsAsian() && fScale > 0.7f)
fScaleAsian = fScale * 0.75f;
fAsianYAdjust = ((curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale) - (curfont->GetPointSize() * fScaleAsian)) / 2.0f;
// Draw a dropshadow if required
if(iFontHandle & STYLE_DROPSHADOW)
offset = Round(curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale * 0.075f);
const vec4_t v4DKGREY2 = {0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, rgba?rgba[3]:1.0f};
gbInShadow = qtrue;
RE_Font_DrawString(ox + offset, oy + offset, psText, v4DKGREY2, iFontHandle & SET_MASK, iMaxPixelWidth, fScale);
gbInShadow = qfalse;
RE_SetColor( rgba );
// Now we take off the training wheels and become a big font renderer
// It's all floats from here on out
fox = ox;
foy = oy;
fx = fox;
foy += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round((curfont->GetHeight() - (curfont->GetDescender() >> 1)) * fScale) : (curfont->GetHeight() - (curfont->GetDescender() >> 1)) * fScale;
qboolean bNextTextWouldOverflow = qfalse;
while (*psText && !bNextTextWouldOverflow)
int iAdvanceCount;
unsigned int uiLetter = AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (char *)psText, &iAdvanceCount, NULL );
psText += iAdvanceCount;
switch( uiLetter )
case 10: //linefeed
fx = fox;
foy += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale) : curfont->GetPointSize() * fScale;
if (Language_IsAsian())
foy += 4.0f; // this only comes into effect when playing in asian for "A long time ago in a galaxy" etc, all other text is line-broken in feeder functions
case 13: // Return
case 32: // Space
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter(' ');
fx += curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->horizAdvance * fScale) : pLetter->horizAdvance * fScale;
bNextTextWouldOverflow = ( iMaxPixelWidth != -1 && ((fx-fox) > (float)iMaxPixelWidth) ) ? qtrue : qfalse; // yeuch
case '_': // has a special word-break usage if in Thai (and followed by a thai char), and should not be displayed, else treat as normal
if (GetLanguageEnum()== eThai && ((unsigned char *)psText)[0] >= TIS_GLYPHS_START)
// else drop through and display as normal...
case '^':
if (uiLetter != '_') // necessary because of fallthrough above
if (*psText >= '0' &&
*psText <= '9')
colour = ColorIndex(*psText++);
if (!gbInShadow)
vec4_t color;
Com_Memcpy( color, g_color_table[colour], sizeof( color ) );
color[3] = rgba ? rgba[3] : 1.0f;
RE_SetColor( color );
//purposely falls thrugh
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter( uiLetter, &hShader ); // Description of pLetter
pLetter = curfont->GetLetter('.');
float fThisScale = uiLetter > (unsigned)g_iNonScaledCharRange ? fScaleAsian : fScale;
// sigh, super-language-specific hack...
if (uiLetter == TIS_SARA_AM && GetLanguageEnum() == eThai)
fx -= curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(7.0f * fThisScale) : 7.0f * fThisScale;
float fAdvancePixels = curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->horizAdvance * fThisScale) : pLetter->horizAdvance * fThisScale;
bNextTextWouldOverflow = ( iMaxPixelWidth != -1 && (((fx+fAdvancePixels)-fox) > (float)iMaxPixelWidth) ) ? qtrue : qfalse; // yeuch
if (!bNextTextWouldOverflow)
// this 'mbRoundCalcs' stuff is crap, but the only way to make the font code work. Sigh...
fy = foy - (curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->baseline * fThisScale) : pLetter->baseline * fThisScale);
if (curfont->m_fAltSBCSFontScaleFactor != -1)
fy += 3.0f; // I'm sick and tired of going round in circles trying to do this legally, so bollocks to it
RE_StretchPic(curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? fx + Round(pLetter->horizOffset * fThisScale) : fx + pLetter->horizOffset * fThisScale, // float x
(uiLetter > (unsigned)g_iNonScaledCharRange) ? fy - fAsianYAdjust : fy, // float y
curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->width * fThisScale) : pLetter->width * fThisScale, // float w
curfont->mbRoundCalcs ? Round(pLetter->height * fThisScale) : pLetter->height * fThisScale, // float h
pLetter->s, // float s1
pLetter->t, // float t1
pLetter->s2, // float s2
pLetter->t2, // float t2
hShader // qhandle_t hShader
fx += fAdvancePixels;
//let it remember the old color //RE_SetColor(NULL);
int RE_RegisterFont(const char *psName)
FontIndexMap_t::iterator it = g_mapFontIndexes.find(psName);
if (it != g_mapFontIndexes.end() )
int iFontIndex = (*it).second;
return iFontIndex;
// not registered, so...
CFontInfo *pFont = new CFontInfo(psName);
if (pFont->GetPointSize() > 0)
int iFontIndex = g_iCurrentFontIndex - 1;
g_mapFontIndexes[psName] = iFontIndex;
pFont->m_iThisFont = iFontIndex;
return iFontIndex;
g_mapFontIndexes[psName] = 0; // missing/invalid
return 0;
void R_InitFonts(void)
g_iCurrentFontIndex = 1; // entry 0 is reserved for "missing/invalid"
g_iNonScaledCharRange = INT_MAX; // default all chars to have no special scaling (other than user supplied)
void R_FontList_f( void )
Com_Printf ("------------------------------------\n");
FontIndexMap_t::iterator it;
for (it = g_mapFontIndexes.begin(); it != g_mapFontIndexes.end(); ++it)
CFontInfo *font = GetFont((*it).second);
if( font )
Com_Printf("%3i:%s ps:%hi h:%hi a:%hi d:%hi\n", (*it).second, font->m_sFontName,
font->mPointSize, font->mHeight, font->mAscender, font->mDescender);
Com_Printf ("------------------------------------\n");
void R_ShutdownFonts(void)
for(int i = 1; i < g_iCurrentFontIndex; i++) // entry 0 is reserved for "missing/invalid"
delete g_vFontArray[i];
g_iCurrentFontIndex = 1; // entry 0 is reserved for "missing/invalid"
// this is only really for debugging while tinkering with fonts, but harmless to leave in...
void R_ReloadFonts_f(void)
// first, grab all the currently-registered fonts IN THE ORDER THEY WERE REGISTERED...
std::vector <sstring_t> vstrFonts;
int iFontToFind = 1;
for (; iFontToFind < g_iCurrentFontIndex; iFontToFind++)
FontIndexMap_t::iterator it = g_mapFontIndexes.begin();
for (; it != g_mapFontIndexes.end(); ++it)
if (iFontToFind == (*it).second)
vstrFonts.push_back( (*it).first );
if ( it == g_mapFontIndexes.end() )
break; // couldn't find this font
if ( iFontToFind == g_iCurrentFontIndex ) // found all of them?
// now restart the font system...
// and re-register our fonts in the same order as before (note that some menu items etc cache the string lengths so really a vid_restart is better, but this is just for my testing)
for (size_t font = 0; font < vstrFonts.size(); font++)
#ifdef _DEBUG
int iNewFontHandle = RE_RegisterFont( vstrFonts[font].c_str() );
assert( (unsigned)iNewFontHandle == font+1 );
RE_RegisterFont( vstrFonts[font].c_str() );
Com_Printf( "Done.\n" );
Com_Printf( "Problem encountered finding current fonts, ignoring.\n" ); // poo. Oh well, forget it.
// end